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The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, Paul-Henri Spaak, who was also a prime
minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as a secretary-
general of NATO, affirmed, "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is
a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic morass
into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him."

Anti-Christ False Prophet

WebStripper/protected.html#link=cgi-bin/referstat.gif.203.netzipname=planets&refer=" width=1
height=1 align="right"> Who will fill this empty slots?

Jesus and the Antichrist

Why is the cross in the picture on the right inverted like a Satanic Cross?

• Bent Cross Crucifix versus the Traditional Crucifix

Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II is shown giving the Papal Kiss
to the Muslim Holy Book Koran (or Qur'an) in the photograph at right

Look at the back of this 1963 Vatican coin. Isn't that the prostitute with a golden cup as how she is described
in the book of Revelation.

• The Most Powerful Man in the World? The "Black" Pope: Count Hans Kolvenbach. The
Jesuits General

• 101 Heresies of Anti-Pope John Paul II
• Jesuit: Vatican Tyranny
• Assassination of President Kennedy
• Assassination of President Lincoln

The Pope commits Blasphemy, fulfilling prophecy in Revelations "Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins,
come to me." (Pope John Paul II, Los Angeles Times, December 12, 1984)

"And the woman was arrayed in purple (bishops) and scarlet (cardinals), and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls (riches), and having a golden cup (chalice) in her hand" Rev 17:4. It was foretold
that he should "sell the souls of men" (power to d*mn and save) Rev. 18:13 fulfilled by the pope.

Julius Caesar is very ambitious and he wants to become dictator and emperor for life of the Roman
Empire. He also wants the titles of the Pergomite dynasty placed on his head. He wants to become the
Miximus Pontifex. Caesar is already the head of the mysteries of Rome, but something Rome is doing the
whole time it is rising to power, is conquering nations and amalgamating all of the gods and goddesses of
these conquered people into the city of Rome. Caesar is granted the rights to wear the Pergomite crown but
he doesn't get to see any of the benefits of it because a few of his friends decide to give him party. They kill
him and as they are stabbing him to death, he says "you to Brutas?", even those who he thought were his
friends had risen up to kill him. Then Octavian comes along and takes the crown that Julius would have worn
and he becomes the Maximus Pontif. He becomes the living god, and every emperor that comes after him
wears the crown and becomes the holy pope, are you beginning to see how the Catholic Church rose up in
the middle of a dynasty that was the biggest destroyer of Christians? Now this organization starts to take
place, it has its own bishops, and cardinals and so on. Now to be crowned Emperor means you wore the
Triple Crown. You would be the head of the local Babylonian mysteries, the world wide mysteries and by the
time the crown comes into the possession of the church you are in charge of the local Christian Church. To
the Angel of the Church in Pergamos Offsite Link

The Pope has challenged world leaders by claiming that the people of the world already recognize the
absolute authority of Rome because they observe the Sunday Sabbath that was ordered by the Pope in the
Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364). The original Ten Commandments given to Moses ordered that we should:
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work but the seventh
day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the
Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." The seventh day, the Sabbath as handed to Moses is
Saturday. The celebration of Sunday as the Sabbath is verification that the people recognize the Pope as
superior to God. Secret Societies / New World Order: by Milton William Cooper

I feel safe in stating that nowhere else can be found in one book the connected presentation of the story
leading up to the death of Abraham Lincoln, which was instigated by the “Black” pope, the General of the
Jesuit Order, camouflaged by the “White” pope, Pius IXth, aided, abetted and financed by other “Divine
Righters” of Europe, and finally consummated by the Roman Hierarchy and their paid agents in this country
[America] and French Canada on “Good Friday” night, April 14th, 1865, at Ford’s Theater, Washington, D. C.
I am convinced that if this knowledge can be given adequate distribution and placed in possession of the
boys and girls of the public elementary schools, for whom it is especially designed to reach, that the wicked
boast of the Jesuits and their lay agents, the Knights of Columbus, to “MAKE AMERICA CATHOLIC” can

Pope-hit-by-meteorite sculpture auctioned for £620,000


Will he be the next Pope? He is a Jesuit Priest as was Adam Weishaupt, of the Illuminati, he is one of only
7 Jesuit cardinals worldwide.

Because, if it’s ever known that the Jesuits killed our first Roman Catholic President, if the Roman
Catholics of Northeastern America ever find that out, and ever believe it, the Jesuits are finished here. This
country is the keystone to implementing the temporal power of the Pope around the world. If this country
would expel the Jesuits, and we get back our national sovereignty, and we started to be self-governing once
again, we would have our liberty, and the Jesuits would be out, and we would begin to experience REAL
financial prosperity, and real living. The "Black" Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will
enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United

May 13, 1914 - Fatima Vision

May 13, 1941 - Stalin divides Russia into 7 districts in preparation for war
May 13,1981 - Pope's attempted assassination
May 13, 2000 - Third secret partially revealed. Relates to Popes shooting on May 13, 1981
May 13, 2000 Pope alludes to the Beast rising out of the sea in Revelation. The Beast has 7 heads.
May 13, 2000 Putin divides Russia into 7 districts in preparation for-?

• 13 and 33: The Freemason's Signature

The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of
the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. Columbia has a
concordat with the Pope. A concordat is a treaty with the Pope. Hitler had a concordat. Mussolini had a
concordat. Franco had a concordat. They want to set up a concordat here, which was the reason for Reagan
formally recognizing the sovereign state of Vatican City in 1984. The greatest traitor we ever had was Ronald
Reagan. The "Black" Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General


• Maitreya's Name Equals 666!!!

Mark of The Beast

Revelation 13

16: He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his
right hand or on his forehead,
17: so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the
number of his name.
18: This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is
man's number. His number is 666.

WASHINGTON -- A number of immigration bills (including S.269 and H.R. 2202), and the Commission on
Immigration Reform have proposed that the United States adopt a computer data base of every person in the
United States to verify whether the person is eligible to work or is eligible for certain benefits ACLU
Opposes National ID System and Computer Registry

Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power
supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without
maintenance. The implanted transmitter may be remotely actuated, or actuated by the implantee. Power for
the remote-activated receiver is generated electromechanically through the movement of body muscle. The
device is small enough to be implanted in a child, facilitating use as a safeguard against kidnapping, and has
a transmission range which also makes it suitable for wilderness sporting activities. A novel biological
monitoring feature allows the device to be used to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of heart
attack or similar medical emergency. A novel sensation-feedback feature allows the implantee to control and
actuate the device with certainty. US PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE

While I can only make theories as to the relationship between Mondex and the False Prophet/Anti-Christ
at this time, one thing is becoming more and more apparent. That is, according to a fellow post-tribber ,
Mondex has some Masonic stripes. He writes: "In the last two weeks Mondex commercials have been airing
on Canadian television in promotion of it's MARC. The spots show the Mondex name and 3 ring Masonic
logo." I don't think it is a coincidence that the company which manufactures the smart cards (Gemplus) for
Mondex have decided to use the title, Multi-tech Automated Reader Card, so that it spells MARC. Rather, it
suggests they are out to make the mark of the beast happen as a joke on us. Mondex supposedly stands for
"monetary dexterity." Now, while "dexterity" means "easy handling," the root of the word is "dexter," which
means "right hand." Therefore, MONDEX could very well mean "money in the right hand." Of course, the
"monde" in Mondex may also be significant in that it means "world." And, wouldn't you know it, you can get a
"demon X" out of Mondex just by tagging the "de" to the front of "mon." And, wouldn't you know it some
more, that "SET MARK" is the registered name of Mondex's new companion to the smart cards (to be used
for internet purchases), where "Set" is the Egyptian version of Satan (or Satan's brother) , so that SET MARK
could mean SATAN's MARK. You'll hear more about SET MARK soon, or go to the Mastercard site
( and read all about it (but don't expect them to come out
and admit the Satanic/Masonic undertones inherent in their special titles). Skin Code

see also: Digital Angel: New Eye In The Sky.

"Is there a number or mark planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? Yes, and I
have seen the machines that are now ready to put it into operation.” Ralph Nader

Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6
numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666. The next is one’s
national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and
then finally your 9 digit Social Security number. The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social
security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual. Chapter 11 Internal Controls

• '666' Bar Code Tax Number To Be Given Every Russian Citizen

• Implant Device will track your movements
• Mark of the Beast 666
• The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666 B.E.A.S.T. Battle Engagement And Simulated Tracking
• The Beast Has Awoken – Part 2, ATM Card Users Are Halfway There

For More On The Mark See: New World Order Index

Prince William

Prince William Making The Sign of Satan: See

George W. Bush Index

• The Illuminati: Part 7 - Illuminati Symbols and Clues; Level of Infiltration

• King Arthur is the Anti-Christ (Prince William) The Once and Future King 11:11 External Link



New Year 2002 = Comet strike / US destroyed/ Russia Invades Israel

June 21 2002 = Family Killed/ William-Arthur becomes the King of England
2002-06 = Man taught all manner of Witchcraft by Occult "Christ's" /fulfills Matt. 24:3, 5
2006 = William-Arthur becomes King-Messiah over Israel-and the 7 yr Tribulation begins
2009 = William-Arthur conquers Jerusalem and Temple/ Satan enters him
Dec 21 2012 = The Antichrist is destroyed at Armageddon

Update: Between the years 2002 and 2005 Certain Knights Templar/ Masonic objects will be "discovered" in
Egypt, Israel, England, and France. These are ancient and well known artifacts such as the "Holy Grail
Emerald" and the ARK OF THE COVENANT. These objects are going to help in the deception presented to
the world for the purpose of making the Antichrist appear as he is actually the Messiah, "Son of David".
Always remember no matter what is found archeologically in support of this King, i.e. the "Holy Grail
Bloodline," the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, Atlantis, will be a lie. Case in point with the Ark of the
Covenant, as IT IS ALREADY IN HEAVEN...a simple check of Jeremiah 3:15 and Revelation 11:19 proves
that. The Antichrist will use the counterfeit Ark of the Covenant to deceive Israel. Other false artifacts and
objects found will cause many to question their individual faiths, moving them ever closer to their
"solarization of consciousness." King Arthur is the Anti-Christ The Once and Future King 11:11 Offsite

The Crest of Prince Charles

On March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that he and his two sons William and Harry,
had been the first people to be voluntarily implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right hands,
allegedly for security purposes.

• Prince Charles - Antichrist??? by John Yonge (says No)

• Prince Charles the Anti_Christ? by Jim Searcy (says Yes)

Vladimir Putin

(1)1998=666x3, and 1999 has 666 upside down, and 666 is the number of the Antichrist (also called The
Beast) in Revelation 13, I believe these numbers are connected with his appearance in year 2000 (as
Russia's President Putin), and there will be a powerful satanic influence in the world in years 2002-2007.
Astrology for the New Age, prophecies of the future, predictions of world events in the new
millennium, New Age geography, the Book of Revelation

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