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How To Turn Challenging Situations



Gary and Lynne Bartlett

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How To Turn Challenging Situations Around.................................................................... 1

By........................................................................................................................................ 1
Gary and Lynne Bartlett .................................................................................................. 1
A note from the authors ...................................................................................................... 4
Navigation........................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 6
The purpose of this FreeBook......................................................................................... 6
How to make the most of this FreeBook ........................................................................ 6
Conceptual overview ...................................................................................................... 6
Mind control.................................................................................................................... 7
Concept Menu..................................................................................................................... 8
Concept Intro .................................................................................................................. 8
Improving situations systemically .................................................................................. 8
Systemic problems: The keys ......................................................................................... 8
Systemic solutions .......................................................................................................... 8
Changing paradigms ....................................................................................................... 9
The concept in a nutshell ................................................................................................ 9
Where to from here? ....................................................................................................... 9
Process Menu .................................................................................................................... 11
Intro to the Probsolv Light process............................................................................... 11
Outline of Probsolv Light ............................................................................................. 11
Part 1: Identify the PLP (Steps 1-4).............................................................................. 12
Part 2 - Develop the PMS (Steps 5-7)........................................................................... 14
Part 3: Design the MCP (Steps 8 & 9).......................................................................... 15

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Step 10: Return to Step 1 .............................................................................................. 16
Perspective .................................................................................................................... 16
Next Step Menu ................................................................................................................ 17
Not taking a step IS taking a step! ................................................................................ 17
You are entering a mindfield! ....................................................................................... 17
You have 5 basic options .............................................................................................. 17
Probsolv UltraLight ...................................................................................................... 18
Probsolv UltraLight .......................................................................................................... 19
A final word from Gary and Lynne .................................................................................. 20

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A note from the authors

We're thrilled that you've found this and are bursting to share some astonishing
discoveries we've made about challenging situations - and how to turn them around.
A few years ago, we noticed a common theme beginning to emerge in diverse areas of
philosophy, productivity and problem solving. Our focus, ever since then, has been on
weaving the various strands of this theme together.
The result is as much a way of thinking as a process, so expect to have your mindset
transformed as you apply what we're about to share with you to your situation.
All the best - we hope that the journey you're about to commence will transform your
life the way it has ours.

Gary & Lynne Bartlett

PS. Please reserve judgement on anything that
intuitive or difficult to grasp at first. You won't regret it!



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The purpose of this FreeBook
This FreeBook is a first step to thinking about things - and approaching them - in
different way.
It may be for you - it may not be.
The best way to find out is to read it and have a go at applying it to your situation.
If the concept doesn't grab you - and you don't see, hear or think something
unexpectedly profound within the next week or so - then it's probably not for you.
If, however, a light goes on in your head - or something you see, hear or stumble
across in the next few days zaps you - then it probably is for you!
If it is for you, we'll help you take the next step of improving your effectiveness
dramatically - and gaining a whole new perspective on things as you do so.

How to make the most of this FreeBook

You will get the most from this FreeBook by:
1. Reading over the Concept a few times in the next few days. It's not very long
- or hard to follow.
You'll find that your mind will automatically begin to tie the various strands together in a
way that makes sense to you.
2. Learning the Process by applying it to the challenging situation you face. It
won't be easy at the beginning - it's like learning to ride a bicycle. Incredibly hard at first
and incredibly easy before long.
3. Making a conscious decision to take a next step.
Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap everyone else falls into, of thinking that you can
get most of the benefit from a single reading, unapplied.

Conceptual overview
Nearly any challenging situation can be turned around!
The secret is to treat it systemically.
By "systemically", we mean as a dynamic system in which the elements interact
with one another rather than as a static object that has independent components.
Our society is good at dealing with objects, but not that crash-hot at dealing with
systems. But we've found a way!
We've found a way of thinking about and approaching things systemically. It's simple,
quick and effective, but (obviously!) quite different from the conventional approach, so
you'll need a bit of practice before it becomes second nature to you.
The effort is worth it, however, because it will work - without fail, every single time - in
any challenging situation!

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Mind control
If you want to learn to think in a new way, you're going to have to fight your
natural instinct to stick to the old way.
Your brain cannot do anything but choose the "best way" on the day - the way it knows
best - the old way.
In time - and with practice - the new way will become the "best way." Until then,
you'll have to fight the temptation to quit, postpone or take a rest.
With something like this, there is no such thing as resting. If you're not practising
one thing, you're practising another - and practice makes perfect!
What sort of thinking do you want to perfect?
Well then - you've got to take charge and make your mind knuckle down to it! You won't
feel like it - you'll come up with all sorts of excuses. Remember: mind control!

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Concept Menu
Concept Intro
Your world is about to change.
Things are going to look very different - very soon!
Just reading about the concept will affect the way you think - for a while, anyway!
Accelerate the process - read it a few times quite quickly rather than once slowly.
Turbocharge the process - try to guess/remember, what the next page is about before you
get to it.
Lock it into long-term memory - read it at least once a day this week and then a couple of
times next week.
Make it part of you - explain it to someone else.
Make it second nature - go to sleep thinking about the implications in your areas of
interest. Go for it!

Improving situations systemically

When a situation becomes challenging it's an indication that our current solution
(approach) is getting to the end of its lifetime.
It has either solved all the problems it's able to solve, or the situation has changed and
produced new problems, which the current solution can't solve either.
It's obvious what's needed: a more powerful solution - one that will solve the problems
that the old solution couldn't solve.
It should be straightforward, but it isn't, is it? Why not?
Well, there are a few reasons - all related to the fact that our society underplays a very
important reality:

Systemic problems: The keys

Did you hear about the guy who was helping a drunk friend search for his car keys at
2:00 in the morning?
"Do you realise we've spent half an hour looking in the street and only
NOW you decide to tell me you dropped them in the field?"
"Well, the lights better in the street. It's so dark where I dropped them,
wed be looking for them all night!"
In order to find the pattern, we have to know where to look for it!
It mightn't be a bad idea to know what it looks like too!
Fortunately, the two are so closely related that when we know what we're looking for,
we'll also know where to look for it! And vice versa.
Can you hazard a guess as to what the pattern would look like - and where to look for it?

Systemic solutions
How can that be true?

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Surely, if there was a solution to the PLP, we would have solved it long ago?
It all depends on what you call a solution. There are heaps of solutions: the problem is
that none of them works!
Stay with us on this one, OK?
Let's be more explicit. There are heaps of solutions: the problem is that none of them
works . on its own.

Changing paradigms
We've all come across situations in which a solution has been developed and everyone
agrees that it's a good solution, but it doesn't ever get implemented.
Can't think of one? Here's a hint: 1 January!
Have you ever stopped to wonder why it's so difficult to get even the best stuff
We'll tell you why:
It's because we disregard people's mental paradigms (especially our own) - and how
difficult it is to change them - when we get to implementation!
We forget that everything is systemic! We make a single massive effort and then look for
something - or someone - to blame when it doesn't work.
All that effort - what a waste! But what option do we have?

The concept in a nutshell

The key to turning challenging situations around is to treat them systemically not
statically. This involves analysis and synthesis - not just deeper and deeper analysis.
The systemic approach is a lot easier than it appears - once you understand the Fractal
Principle - "Challenging situations are made up of repeating patterns."
Probsolv's problem-solving system uses repeating patterns concept to:
3. Design a systemic way of implementing that solution.
Each of the cycles involves nothing more than:
1. Listing items (issues, solutions and scripts) which is analysing.
2. Finding the common theme across them all (PLP, PMA and PCP),
which is synthesising.
Once we can see the theme, we begin to see it everywhere. Our brains delight in making
the connections and before long, we're understanding and approaching the challenging
situation in an ever-increasingly systemic way.

Where to from here?

Well, that's the systemic thinking concept.
Whether you need to turn a specific situation around or develop an organisational
strategy, the systemic approach - and way of thinking - will give you a whole new
perspective on things.

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If what you've just seen is totally new to you, your head will probably be spinning a bit!
If so, we recommend that you read the concept part again immediately - or at least,
within the next 24 hours - before progressing to the process part.
If the concept made sense to you and you're raring to learn how to apply it, continue
on to the process part - it is a step-by-step introduction to Probsolv Light.
It's only an intro to Probsolv Light - to give you a feel for it. There's a lot more to
Probsolv Light than we've included here!
Thanks for reading this far.....

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Process Menu
Intro to the Probsolv Light process
Probsolv Light is a simplified version of the Probsolv Method.
It uses the Fractal Principle to:
1. IDENTIFY the underlying systemic PROBLEM
in nearly ANY challenging situation.
2. DEVELOP a powerful systemic SOLUTION to
the problem you've identified.
3. DESIGN a systemic way of IMPLEMENTing
the solution you've developed.
Probsolv Light is a simple 10-Step process. Getting dressed in the morning has more
steps that that!
You know most of the steps, already - they follow a pattern that's begun to become
familiar to you:

Outline of Probsolv Light

Part 1 - Find the performance-limiting problem (PLP)
1. Make a list of all the OUTCOMES you would like from your situation, but are not
2. For each outcome, find the primary ISSUE preventing you from securing that outcome.
3. For each issue, find the ACTION that you feel forced to take.
4. Find the common theme (in the form Outcome - Issue - Action) across all of the issues
you've listed.
Part 2 - Develop the performance-maximising solution (PMS)
5. List alternative approaches to the approach you feel forced to take.
6. Look for a common theme and connections between the alternatives you've listed.
7. Test the PMA against the O-I-A lists you developed in steps 1-3, above.
Part 3 -Design the mindset change program (MCP)
8. Design specific scripts for each of the most common situations you expect to face in
your challenging situation.
9. Look for a common theme across the various scripts you've designed. This will be the
paradigm that you will program into your mind.
10 Return to Step 1: raise issues.

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Part 1: Identify the PLP (Steps 1-4)
Can you remember how to do that? Give it a try - practice makes perfect!
Yep - you've got it:



then look for the REPEATING PATTERN

The trick is to frame the problem within the context of the entire situation.
To avoid being restricted to inside-the-box solutions. We want to expand the solution
area as much as we can to encourage as much creative freedom as possible.
The way to do this is by framing the problem within the context of ultimate goal and
the actions that are driven by it.
This first step in Probsolv Light is to
List all the OUTCOMES you would like from
your situation, but are not getting
Although this is only the first step in the process, you could well notice an immediate
improvement in your perspective after taking it.
The reason is that challenging situations often force us to adopt a tactical focus. A
tactical focus is about overcoming hurdles, which is really about solving problems in
It's easy to lose focus on the big picture when we are forced into a tactical mindset!
So, an attractive side-effect of this step is that it gives you a broader perspective
on the challenging situation you're trying to turn around.
Step 2: ISSUES
The next step is to
Find the primary ISSUE preventing EACH outcome
You are looking for problems that prevent you from getting what you want from the
Be careful not to list actions that you're taking (that's in the next step - do it first if it's
easier for you).
You might have an aversion to doing this for each outcome. Focusing on problems is
so depressing!
It is if you're trying to resolve issues in isolation.
It's not in the slightest if you're merely using the issues to point you to the real
Remind yourself that you're in diagnosis mode, not solution mode. Play Sherlock
Holmes, collecting clues!
The third step is to
Find the ACTION that each issue
you've just surfaced forces you to take
Does this make sense to you?

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It might not, until you realise that everything is systemic. Your approach is driving the
situation - and the situation is driving your approach.
The simple way of reversing this vicious cycle is to find the approach you feel forced to
take and replace it with something better.
At this point, two things should dawn on you:
1. I'm causing this myself!
2. I have no choice
If so, you're on the money! If not - hang in there!
Step 4: PLP
The 4th step is to
Find the common theme underlying the
Outcome-Issue-Action chains you've just developed
This will comprise
1. Your ultimate goal in the situation.
2. The performance-limiting problem you face
in achieving that goal.
3. The general approach that characterises
the various actions you feel forced to take.
Give your mind the task of joining the dots - connecting everything up. It will come up
with something in due course.
You can accelerate the process by asking yourself simple questions like, "In what
way are A and B related?" and "How are A and B really the same thing?"

Part 2 - Develop the PMS (Steps 5-7)

Now that we know what the problem is, we need to develop a solution to it.
The whole idea is to break out of the box. We don't want to merely remove the
consequences of previous solutions.
We want to develop a new and better solution - or way of getting what we need from the
We want to maximise the benefits and capitalise on as many opportunities as possible.
We want something lateral, creative and systemic!
The approach is very similar to the one we used in Part 1 - just a bit shorter - and a lot
more fun!
The 5th step is to
Generate ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES that would achieve the goal and overcome
the PLP
Remember that your mind is trained to discard imperfect solutions and ideas. Don't let
Retain them. They might not work in isolation, but could well work if combined with
other inadequate solutions.
You'll be amazed at the wealth of alternatives there are out there - once you discard the
discard button!
That was more fun than you expected, wasn't it?
Now we get to the most challenging and satisfying step of the entire process.
Step 6: PMS performance-maximising solution

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The 6th step is to
Find the common theme and connections
between the alternatives you've listed
This is the Performance-Maximising Solution.
The idea is to find ways in which the various alternatives you've just generated could be
combined together into an integrated approach or strategy.
Don't expect it to happen all at once - it could take a few days. The trick is to resist the
urge to select and instead set your mind the task of integrating.
You'll be surprised at what it comes up with!
Step 7: TEST the PMS
Probsolv Light's 7th step is to:
Test the PMS against the O-I-A
(Outcome-Issue-Action) lists
you developed before - in Steps 1-3
This is to ensure that the solution concept applies and works. It also helps you develop an
understanding of the finer points and application of the solution concept.
If you get stuck, go back a step and generate ideas for overcoming the particular issue the
PMS (Performance-Maximising Solution) doesn't work for.
Don't stop here!
We're not done yet!

Part 2 - Develop the PMS (Steps 5-7)

Now that we know what the problem is, we need to develop a solution to it.
The whole idea is to break out of the box. We don't want to merely remove the
consequences of previous solutions.
We want to develop a new and better solution - or way of getting what we need from the
We want to maximise the benefits and capitalise on as many opportunities as possible.
We want something lateral, creative and systemic!
The approach is very similar to the one we used in Part 1 - just a bit shorter - and a lot
more fun!
The 5th step is to
Generate ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES that would achieve the goal and
overcome the PLP
Remember that your mind is trained to discard imperfect solutions and ideas. Don't let it!
Retain them. They might not work in isolation, but could well work if combined with
other inadequate solutions.
You'll be amazed at the wealth of alternatives there are out there - once you discard the
discard button!
That was more fun than you expected, wasn't it?
Now we get to the most challenging and satisfying step of the entire process.
Step 6: PMS performance-maximising solution
The 6th step is to
Find the common theme and connections
between the alternatives you've listed
This is the Performance-Maximising Solution.

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The idea is to find ways in which the various alternatives you've just generated could be
combined together into an integrated approach or strategy.
Don't expect it to happen all at once - it could take a few days. The trick is to resist the
urge to select and instead set your mind the task of integrating.
You'll be surprised at what it comes up with!
Step 7: TEST the PMS
Probsolv Light's 7th step is to:
Test the PMS against the O-I-A
(Outcome-Issue-Action) lists
you developed before - in Steps 1-3
This is to ensure that the solution concept applies and works. It also helps you develop an
understanding of the finer points and application of the solution concept.
If you get stuck, go back a step and generate ideas for overcoming the particular issue the
PMS (Performance-Maximising Solution) doesn't work for.
Don't stop here!
We're not done yet!

Part 3: Design the MCP (Steps 8 & 9)

Parts 1 and 2 have brought us to the point of developing a performance-maximising
solution to the performance-limiting problem. We are guaranteed immediate bottom-line
improvement to the entire situation: if - and only if - we implement the solution
The place to do this is in the mind with a Mindset Change Program (MCP).
The approach is the same as in Part 1 and 2 - and we've already started the ball rolling by
testing the PMS against the original symptoms.
The eighth step is to
DESIGN specific SCRIPTS for common situations
What we mean by a script is a step-by-step mental process for addressing a particular
situation in the new way.
Scripting enables us to work out an appropriate response to a situation in advance, to
reduce the pressure of having to do so on the fly.
In the process of developing these scripts, you're developing neural pathways for
responding to those situations in a new way, which prepares you for the next step in
Probsolv Light: designing the mindset change program.
Step 9: MCP (Mindset Change Program)
The ninth step is to
Find the common theme across
the various scripts you've designed
The mindset change programme is a set sequence of steps that all of the scripts go
It's a neural program for handling things better than you did before.
The idea is to use it to develop a neural network that will enable you to respond naturally,
instinctively and intuitively to the challenging situation.
It's a lot easier to find than it appears. Just line the scripts up and let your brain do the
OK - we're done, aren't we? Not quite - remember how we said that everything is

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Step 10: Return to Step 1
Everything is systemic - which means that your improved approach is going to change
the situation - and, in due course, solve all the problems it can solve.
At that point, the situation will have become challenging again. You'll need to develop a
new approach to it.
Probsolv Light's tenth step is
RETURN TO STEP 1: List the issues
Whenever issues arise, regard them as indicative of an inadequate solution and go though
the Probsolv Light steps to improve your approach sooner rather than later.
In other words, always take symptoms seriously!
It's about learning to think systemically - not just being able to develop a systemic
solution to a systemic problem!

Well, how did you find that?
Did you follow it?
It's quite straightforward when you understand the repeating patterns concept, isn't it?
If you find it difficult to apply on your own, please don't give up - or write the systemic
approach off!
Don't forget, this is just an introduction. It's not meant to deal with the subject
exhaustively. In fact, what you've seen is just the tip of the iceberg!
It's quite a bit like riding a bicycle, anyway - you can only go so far in theory - then you
have to give it a bash!
We cover a few ways of giving it that bash in the next section.

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Next Step Menu

This section focuses on the next step to take on the systemic thinking journey towards
turning your situation around.

Not taking a step IS taking a step!

Congratulations! By reading this far, you've taken a giant step towards thinking
It is only the first step, however. Your next step is crucial.
Even if your next step isn't deliberate, you are about to take a next step.
If you choose to pursue this way of thinking you'll get better and better at it. If you don't,
you'll get better and better at your current way of thinking.
Practice makes perfect!
Your brain is a dynamic system, you see. It isn't static.
Not doing one thing is doing something else. There are no non-events in the systemic
world! Everything affects everything else.

You are entering a mindfield!

A mindfield laid by your own brain. It will do anything to stop you from taking the
systemic approach.
You can't blame it. That's it's job - to stop you from doing stupid things. And the
systemic approach seems stupid to your brain - until it becomes expert at it.
It doesn't matter how much sense it makes. It doesn't matter what good results other
people - or even you - get.
The old way is much better - because your brain's expert at the old way.
It will come up with any excuse in the book - and a few invented on the fly - to prevent
you from getting the practise you need to become expert at the systemic approach.

You have 5 basic options

1. Discard the concept as of little use to you.
The best option if the concept hasn't grabbed you and you aren't zapped by an unexpected
insight in the next few days.

2. Postpone doing something with it for the moment.

The best option if the mindfield responses don't help you, but you
would like to do something about it in the future. Click here

3. Take things forward alone from here.

The best option if our style doesn't appeal to you.

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5. Go through one of our programs.
The best option if the concept has turned you on or you've been zapped by an unexpected
insight since being exposed to our
material. Click here

4. Strike up a conversation with us on how you could apply the concept to your situation.
The best option if none of the others appeals to you.
Just send us an email to start the ball rolling!

Probsolv UltraLight
Here's how you can use an even simpler version of the Probsolv Method right away,
without having to learn anything at all.
If you ever find yourself
in a quandary,
trapped or
- realise that you're dealing with something systemic - something that ordinary intuition is
insufficient for - something systemic - and act accordingly.
By the way, can you see why it's so difficult to make a decision when you're in spot like

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Probsolv UltraLight
Here's how you can use an even simpler version of the Probsolv Method right away,
without having to learn anything at all.
If you ever find yourself
in a quandary,
trapped or
- realise that you're dealing with something systemic - something that ordinary intuition is
insufficient for - something systemic - and act accordingly.
By the way, can you see why it's so difficult to make a decision when you're in spot like

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A final word from Gary and Lynne

We hope that you have enjoyed this FreeBook.
We will publish a similar one on SystemSense (an advanced form of systemic thinking)
and the Probsolv Method (an advanced form of Probsolv Light) - as soon as we can fit it
If you did enjoy this FreeBook and would like to learn about the more advanced stuff,
there are a couple of ways of speeding things up.
Please click here for to find out what they are.
If you found this one interesting, just wait for the next one - the concepts are even neater!

Thank you very much - and all the best!

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