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A Guide To Using


Grundfos International Version



Who should use this program?


What's new
New products and features


Getting started with CAPS

CAPS, a quick tour

How CAPS is built up

Layout of the main screens





Viewing the pump curve in the catalogue area, extensive possibilities


Operating point tab


Hydraulic layout tab


Fluid tab


Curve types tab


Other Curves tab




Getting started with Sizing


The Sizing Wizard, a quick tour








Domestic Water Supply


Sewage and Wastewater


Pressure Boosting


Industrial Applications


Renewable Energy Systems


Life Cycle Cost Calculations


Calculation in five steps


How does the calculation work ?


Where can I see the result of the Life Cycle Costs calculation?




Accessing Service Information


Layout of the Service Window


Printing Service Information


Selecting Accessories




Working with Non Newtonian Liquids


CAD Drawings




Selecting and downloading CAD Drawings






Selecting literature


WebCAPS Project Module


Getting started


Project structure


The project main page


Sharing project


The project notes


Product selection list


Adding products to your projects


Product details from the project module


Project snapshots


Project print






Accessing Liquids


Pump family selection


Pump specification


Summary and Print


Dear User
Thank you for using the CAPS program from Grundfos. The purpose of this program is to offer a complete tool
that contains an extensive catalogue of Grundfos products and a sizing program to select the most suitable
pump for your application.
On top of that there is a comprehensive pump replacement function for heating circulators and the possibility
to produce professional quotations including curves, drawings, quotation texts, wiring diagrams etc. You can
also export all this in the most popular file formats including gif, bmp, txt, dxf, etc.
Last but not least the program contains the instruction and operating manuals for nearly all pumps of
Grundfos in multiple languages. Service drawings, exploded views and parts lists are available for all sewage
products as well as several other pump types.
The program is designed, developed and maintained especially by Grundfos in order to make use of the wide
experience of more than half a century designing pumps and knowledge of applications. For the last 20 years
Grundfos has developed the CAPS software, so customers and professionals all over the world can share and
benefit from this experience.
CAPS is available in two version; WinCAPS is available on a DVD and the online version called WebCAPS is
available at the Grundfos website - www.grundfos.com . Additional features in WebCAPS include CAD
Drawings and Literature.

Who should use this program?

WebCAPS has specific
advantages for all
professional users

Generally, everybody who is involved with pumps in a professional manner will

find this program useful, however there are certain specific groups of users
that will benefit especially from this program as mentioned below.

Installers, Well drillers, Industrial end users or Owners of a Grundfos product

If you belong to one of these groups then you can use CAPS typically to make selections from the catalogue, by
product number or by using the books on the screen. If you do occasionally need to calculate a pump (in sizing),
you will probably only use the short standard question catalogue. Also the replacement catalogue can be
helpful when you need to replace an existing pump with a Grundfos pump.

Planners, Consultants, Engineers, Large installation companies, Pump dealers and Students
If you are in one of the above groups you will probably appreciate, apart from the catalogue function, the
advanced question catalogues in the sizing program and the ability to make accurate energy consumption
calculations based on your own load profile (consumption pattern) You can also make comparisons against
existing systems and calculate savings and payback periods. Dimensional drawings can be used as reference in
new or replacement projects.

Grundfos Staff and Service partners

This group uses CAPS as reference for all Grundfos products. Many pumps have exploded views and parts lists
connected to them, which are useful when ordering spare parts. Via E-Mail or fax, a salesman, service engineer
or wholesaler can send drawings, technical information, manuals and pumping solutions to their customers.
Regular updates of the database and the program will always supply the latest information.
For news and updates please check.
www.grundfos.com or www.grundfos.com/webcapssupport

Grundfos provides CAPS as a service and for information purposes only. The transmission of this information
does not create any form of relationship with Grundfos. While we have attempted to maintain the
information, the software and any other services in CAPS as accurately as possible, CAPS may contain errors or
omissions for which we disclaim any and all liability. The material and contents posted in CAPS is provided
without warranty of any kind.
Grundfos is not responsible for any loss of hardware, software or files, caused by the use of CAPS or elements
downloaded or used from CAPS. Hence Grundfos makes no warranty that CAPS or products or services
provided through CAPS, either by Grundfos or on Grundfos' behalf (including free software downloads), will
meet your requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, or that CAPS or the servers used
by Grundfos are free of viruses or bugs or are fully functional or accurate

What's new

New products and features

Each version of CAPS holds a complete new set of product data. New products are added, current products are
updated and products that are not marketed anymore are removed.
For details on new features and on which products are added and removed from which versions please go to
the CAPS support pages at: www.Grundfos.com/webcapssupport

Getting started with CAPS

CAPS consists of 6 main program areas:
* Catalogue
* Sizing
* Service
* Replacement
* Literature
* CAD Drawings
* Liquids
The Catalogue contains pump curves, product pictures, dimensional drawings, wiring diagrams, technical data
and quotation texts as well as information on service and part lists for Grundfos products.
When clicking on the preferred duty point in the curve viewer, the pump best suited to your hydraulic needs is
selected. It is also possible to select a pump from a list of search criteria.
The Sizing tools are where Grundfos utilizes its long experience in pump design and application knowledge.
This results in a very comprehensive, yet easy to use program that is almost always able to produce a suitable
pump for your application.
The sizing tools are wizard-based; The wizard contains a number of steps with each step consisting of
questions relating to the application you wish to size a pump for. Adjust the values and settings to suit your
preferences or simply enter your required Flow and Head values and start the sizing.
In Service you can view interactive exploded views and sectional drawings of Grundfos products.
In Replacement you can easily find a Grundfos pump to replace your existing pump. Simply select the
characteristics of your existing pump from a list of search criteria to see which Grundfos pump to replace it
Literature contains technical documentation for Grundfos products. You can find a product by either
application area or by searching for a specific product number. The technical documentation is available for
viewing and download in pdf format.
In CAD Drawings you can download technical drawings of Grundfos products in for example dxf- and dwg
In Liquids WebCAPS is helping the user to select the right pump for the exact liquid which needs pumping.

CAPS, a quick tour

How CAPS is built up
The catalogue and sizing part of the program are divided in application areas. Allocated to these areas are the
Grundfos pump series. If you want to know which series are allocated to which application, go to catalogue
and click on an application book.

Layout of the main screens

After starting up WebCAPS you will see the main page. The main page basically contains links to the main
program areas. (See illustration)
The program areas can be reached via the menu in the top of the screen and through the pictures in the
middle of the screen. The top bar will be available for easy navigation at all times.

The product detail window is as the name states the screen with all the product information

The curve viewer. This part of the screen displays curves, drawings, photo's etc. What is shown can be
changed by pressing the icons just above the curve viewer.

Product picture
Dimensional drawing
Wiring diagram


The text viewer. This is where texts are displayed which is connected to the selected article. The texts
which is available here are technical data, quotation text and order data. The last information
available in this section of the screen is links to fx. service / literature.

Technical data
Quotation text
Order data

The result grid/hit list, is the place where the results of the sizing process or a catalogue selection are shown.



A very powerful feature of CAPS is the catalogue function. Choosing catalogue with the button, an Applications
window will open default with the names of applications in which you will find your pump.

By selecting All products the view will switch to a tree structure with a list of all products available.

Selecting a product in the catalogue

Selection by product number
If you already know a specific product number and want to obtain data, just type the number in the search
field on the main page, and press the Search button.

Search for EAN Numbers

Apart from a product number search, its also possible to search for a particular EAN number. The search for an
EAN number is done in the same way as searching for a product number, simply enter the EAN number in the
search field and press the Search button.


Browsing through the catalogue

Clicking once on an Application, this will open a screen with the available product families.

By clicking on the name an overview screen for the product family will open. With further information like
brochures, data booklets, service etc.

The magnifier icon opens the guided search panel.

The globe icon opens an information screen for the product family


The information screen contains brief information regarding what application the pump is suitable for,
Features and benefits for the pump, overview of available options and a summary of technical data.

Click and choose from capacity range

A great new feature is the "click and choose" functionality using the graph of the complete range of a certain
pump range.


If you select a certain pump series in the catalog, a new window will open, showing the complete capacity
range for these models. Clicking anywhere in the graph will result in a pre-selection of certain models of this
range, depending on the Q and H.

Viewing the pump curve in the catalogue area, extensive

Once you selected a pump in the catalogue, the pump curve will appear in a product detail window together
with other information. In this curve screen, very sophisticated features are at your disposal.
To begin with, you can click anywhere in the curve area and the duty point and the efficiency of the pump will
be calculated immediately, and displayed in right side of the curve screen. If you are looking at the curve of a
non-speed controlled pump, the calculated duty point is where the pipe resistance curve crosses the pump
If you are looking at the curve of a speed controlled pump (which can be identified by a large blue area),
clicking anywhere in this area will give you the requested duty point and the of the pump in this duty point - as
percentage of nominal speed


The button "Curve Settings" activates the next important feature. Clicking this button will show you the Curve
Settings Menu with the following possibilities.

All curve settings are automatically saved until pressing the "Default Settings" button restores the default
The Curve Setting dialogue is divided into to 5 main areas, which can be accessed by clicking the different tab
in the dialogue.

Operating point tab

You can choose to have no duty point displayed, the nominal (optimal) duty point or a duty point that you can
define yourself. To define a duty point yourself, select Input. If there is already a static pressure in the system,
you can input that here as well. The pipe resistance curve will then start from that point on the Y-axis.
CAPS will allow you to fill in here a different motor speed in the Nominal Motor Speed field to emulate the
effect on the pump curve of an electrical motor that has a different speed than the fitted standard motor.

CAPS allows an input of 5% under the original nominal motor speed or up to the synchronous speed (2999
RPM for 2 pole motors, 1499 RPM for 4 pole motors, 999 RPM for 6 pole motors).
For some pumps series (e.g. the NK series long coupled end suction pumps) there is a possibility to show a
curve based on an impeller diameter of your choice. (The desired diameter has to be within the limitation for
the particular pump, otherwise there will be no curve shown; clearing this field will restore the default values).
This is due to the fact that Grundfos can supply these pumps with an impeller machined down to match the
exact desired duty point if this is requested

Hydraulic layout tab

In this part of the menu you can choose to emulate the curves of maximal six pump working parallel or two
pumps working in series.

Variable speed
This powerful feature allows you to turn the curve of a non-speed controlled pump into a speed-controlled
pump, thereby emulating the effect of an external frequency converter. If this feature is activated, the curve
area will turn blue. Clicking in this blue area will show you the duty point together with the corresponding
RPM in % of nominal speed in the top right hand corner of the curve. This can serve as a reference point for the
frequency setting (Hz) of the external frequency converter. (The slip of the motor has to be taken into account
so in reality this setting might vary slightly).
If you have selected pumps in parallel, you can select if you want to enable variable speed for one pump only or
for all of the pumps in parallel.
The Variable speed feature is not available for wet runners or pumps with multiple curves

Fluid tab


In the Pumped liquid field, you can choose from a list predefined medias primary used as
Antifreeze/Secondary fluids in heat transfer.
If you want to input viscosity and density for the media yourself, select "Any viscous fluid" in
the list.
IMPORTANT: These calculations
are only applicable for
"Newtonian Liquids", check
chapter Working with Glycol

Basically changing the viscosity will influence the steepness of the curve
and adjusting the density will influence the power consumption. However
also factors like the design of the pump, duty point, RPM and impeller size
play a role in the calculation. When the required power (P2) exceeds the
fitted standard motor, the pump curve becomes a dotted line.


Curve types tab

Curve types
Depending on the product range and position in the program, some curves may or may not be available.
The calculation and display of the duty point tolerances has changed. For some pump types no tolerances are
displayed and the checkbox in the curve viewer is grayed out. The tolerances that are being displayed are
according to ISO 9906:2012 Grade 3B

Important. Not all curves are available for all pump types and not all Grundfos curves are
according to ISO 9906:2012 Grade 3B, for details check your Grundfos dealer or the
Grundfos.com website. Depending on the version of CAPS the possibility to display the
tolerances may or may not be available
Show control curves
Whenever you have a speed controlled pump, this option is available.
If it is clicked, further options appear. You can choose between two different control curves - a rectilinear or a
square curve form. As default, the control curve is rectilinear. Mark the "Square curve form" to enable this

The "Decrease at low flow" input tell CAPS how steep the control curve should be. The value decreases the
head value for the control curve at zero flow according the actual head.
The "Minimum flow" input tells where to stop the control curve.


Other Curves tab

Both 50 Hz and 60 Hz
By flagging this checkbox curves for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz will be shown in the curve viewer.
Insert your own QH point
Here you can insert manually a QH point and a P1 at this particular point. CAPS will then automatically
calculate the efficiency of that pump in this point. This functionality comes in handy when you have to
compare an existing pump, of which you know the power consumption at a given QH, with a selection made
by CAPS.
Default Settings Button
This button will restore the default curve settings.

Important: The above features in the curve viewer are only available when you select a
pump in the catalogue mode. When you select a pump using the sizing process, some
features are not available.



Getting started with Sizing

The sizing tool is where Grundfos utilizes its long experience in pump design and application knowledge. This
results in a very comprehensive, yet easy to use program that is almost always able to produce a suitable pump
for your application.
The sizing tool is divided in 8 main application area's that are again subdivided in sub application areas.
Depending on which market or country CAPS is used, applications and sub applications can vary.
Each application comes with its own specific question catalogue.

An important feature of these question catalogues is the possibility to quickly select a pump using only basic
input concerning Head and Flow, make advanced calculations with regard to energy consumption, payback
periods, load profiles, cost of ownership etc.

The Sizing Wizard, a quick tour

The Sizing Wizard basics
A sizing wizard is a guide intended to help the user narrow down and find the right product for his needs.
The wizard contains a number of steps with each step consisting of questions relating to the application you
wish to size a pump for. Adjust the values and settings to suit your preferences or simply enter your
required Flow and Head values and start the sizing. However, some input fields are interdependent, so
we recommend you to follow the order suggested in the program.
Use the `Next' and `Back' buttons to navigate between the steps in the wizard.
Click the `Start sizing' button. Calculations will be carried out on the basis of your input.
After a few seconds, a list of relevant pump solutions is displayed at the bottom of the screen, ranked in
order of relevance. You can then access further details by double clicking your preferred pump solution.


Click the button

Some of the input fields have a button next to them.

When you click the button, a sub-window will appear, allowing you to enter additional input or perform a
calculation. Entering extra input here will ensure even more accurate and detailed sizing calculations and
printout data.

Saving and loading Settings in Sizing

All the input that you make in a wizard, such as head, flow, a load profile, etc. can be saved using the "Save as"
button. These settings can be reloaded again using the "Open" button. Note to use this functionality the user
has to be logged into WebCAPS.

A WebCAPS user can be created by pressing the login button and then selecting the If you havent already
registered click here link.


Default settings
CAPS allows you to set and save your own default settings within each sizing wizard. When you mark the `Use
as default sizing input' in the `Save sizing input' dialogue, all your input in the sizing wizard, except for Flow
and Head, will be reloaded the next time, you enter the sizing wizard.

Overview mode
The sizing module offers the opportunity to use overview mode. This will allow the user see
/ add all sizing parameters in one window.

So by using the overview mode the user doesnt have to click through the steps like in the
normal sizing process.



The heating sizing area is mainly used to select pumps for domestic, commercial or district heating as well as
industrial plant service systems.
Selecting the application area is the first step of the wizard

Select type of Installation

Within each application area the user can select the type of installation he wants to size a pump for. The types
of installations are divided into groups to make it easier for the user to find the correct installation type.

Your Requirements
At this step, the user can enter the Flow and Head values, which are essential in the sizing process.


If the user does not know the exact Flow and Head values, two calculators are available to help define the
values (available in Commercial Buildings, but not District Heating).
The Flow calculator

Enter the values that apply to your system and click OK to get a calculated flow value.

The Head calculator


Enter the values that apply to your system and click OK to get a calculated head value.
Besides Head and Flow, there are other settings in Your Requirements:
Max. liquid temperature: This input not only includes or excludes certain pump ranges; it also determines the
choice of seal.
Max. operation pressure: This input sets the maximum operation pressure for the system.
Min. and max. inlet pressure: Here CAPS checks if the minimum inlet pressure, combined with the vapor
pressure of the liquid at the maximum liquid temperature and the flow that was specified, is still within the
NPSH limits. In other words, depending on the pump type, if the inlet pressure is too low, combined with a
certain liquid temperature and flow, there is danger of cavitation. Therefore CAPS will exclude pump types
with NPSH values that are not within this range anymore. This can cause wet runners to be excluded from
certain selections.
Note! Once the Flow and Head values have been entered, the `Start sizing' button is activated and it is possible
to get a recommendation.
Allowed flow undersize: If a few percent of undersize is acceptable then this can be added and taken into
account in the sizing process.

Control mode
Select the control mode, which is most suitable for your selected type of installation. By default, CAPS has
selected the control mode most often used for the selected type of installation, but the user can always select
another control mode. The available control modes are defined by the input, the user has made earlier in the
wizard, so it is not possible to select a control mode that cannot be used for the selected type of installation.
The user can also decide if a frequency converter should be included and if it should be integrated or external.


Load Profile
An important feature in CAPS Sizing is the ability to provide an accurate calculation of energy consumption
based on a given load profile.

CAPS lets you select between different load profiles; the `Standard profile' is a heating pump profile, while the
`Full load' profile sees the pump always operating at a fixed duty point. You can also define your own load
profile by selecting `User profile' and edit the values in the input fields.


You can also alter the length of the Heating season, which is used in the calculation of the energy

At this step you define you define the configuration of your system.

Select `Single' if you prefer one pump.

Select `Twin pump' if you prefer two pumps in alternating operation or with a second pump in standby.
If the user selects `Parallel', a set of additional questions appears allowing the user to set the total number of
pumps and number of pumps in standby.

Pump design
If the user has a preference concerning pump material, this can be set in the drop down menu.
Choose between Inline Canned Rotor type (wet runners), Inline and End Suction, close coupled (dry runners)
and End Suction, long coupled (base plate pumps). If you select the long coupled pumps and additional
questions will appear concerning the desired coupling type.


Operational conditions
At this step, the user can set the operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase, power supply
and voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when a reaching a sizing result.

Hit list settings

At this step, the user can set hit list settings for the outcome of the sizing process. This is also the last step
before the sizing result reached.


Limit search to..: This gives the user the option of pre-setting the outcome of the sizing process based on the
inputs made previously in the sizing process.
Include particular pump in hitlist: This gives the user the option of pre-selecting a specific pump to be included
in the hitlist. This can be useful for comparing a known pump with the sizing result.
Max. hits per product group: Set the number of hits allowed per product group
Max. hits total: Set the total number of hits wanted in the hit list.
Evaluation criterion: The order of the results after pressing the `Start sizing' button depends on the "Evaluation
Criterion" settings. By default this setting will be set to `Price + energy costs', but it is also possible to order the
results in the hit list by `energy consumption' alone.
Energy price: Set the energy price used to order the sizing results in the hit list.
Increase of energy price: Set the percentage the energy is expected to increase in price.
Interest rate: Interest rate used by LCC
Calculation period: Set the number of years used in the Life Cycle Cost calculation

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.
The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


The Air Conditioning sizing area is mainly used to select pumps for commercial buildings or industrial plant
service systems.
Selecting the application area is the first step of the wizard

Select type of Installation

Within each application area the user can select the type of installation he wants to size a pump for. The types
of installations are divided into groups to make it easier for the user to find the correct installation type.


Your Requirements
At this step, the user can enter the Flow and Head values, which are essential in the sizing process.

Besides Head and Flow, there are other settings in Your Requirements:
Max. liquid temperature: This input not only includes or excludes certain pump ranges; it also determines the
choice of seal.
Max. operation pressure: This input sets the maximum operation pressure for the system.
Min. and max. inlet pressure: Here CAPS checks if the minimum inlet pressure, combined with the vapor
pressure of the liquid at the maximum liquid temperature and the flow that was specified, is still within the
NPSH limits. In other words, depending on the pump type, if the inlet pressure is too low, combined with a
certain liquid temperature and flow, there is danger of cavitation. Therefore CAPS will exclude pump types
with NPSH values that are not within this range anymore. This can cause wet runners to be excluded from
certain selections.
Note! Once the Flow and Head values have been entered, the `Start sizing' button is activated and it is possible
to get a recommendation.

Control mode
Select the control mode, which is most suitable for your selected type of installation. By default, CAPS has
selected the control mode most often used for the selected type of installation, but the user can always select
another control mode. The available control modes are defined by the input, the user has made earlier in the
wizard, so it is not possible to select a control mode that cannot be used for the selected type of installation.
The user can also decide if a frequency converter should be included and if it should be integrated or external.


Load Profile
An important feature in CAPS Sizing is the ability to provide an accurate calculation of energy consumption
based on a given load profile.

CAPS lets you select between different load profiles; the `Standard profile' is a heating pump profile, while the
`Full load' profile sees the pump always operating at a fixed duty point. You can also define your own load
profile by selecting `User profile' and edit the values in the input fields.

You can also alter the length of the Heating season, which is used in the calculation of the energy

At this step you define you define the configuration of your system.

Select `Single' if you prefer one pump.

Select `Twin pump' if you prefer two pumps in alternating operation or with a second pump in standby.
Select `2 pumps' if you prefer two pumps in parallel operation, which means that the total requested capacity
is divided over the two pump heads.
If the user selects `Parallel', a set of additional questions appears allowing the user to set the total number of
pumps and number of pumps in standby.

Pump design
If the user has a preference concerning pump material, this can be set in the drop down menu.
Choose between Inline Canned Rotor type (wet runners), Inline and End Suction, close coupled (dry runners)
and End Suction, long coupled (base plate pumps). If you select the long coupled pumps and additional
questions will appear concerning the desired coupling type.


Operational conditions
At this step, the user can set the operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase, power supply
and voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when a reaching a sizing result.

Hit list settings


At this step, the user can set hit list settings for the outcome of the sizing process. This is also the last step
before the sizing result reached.

Limit search to..: This gives the user the option of pre-setting the outcome of the sizing process based on the
inputs made previously in the sizing process.
Include particular pump in hitlist: This gives the user the option of pre-selecting a specific pump to be included
in the hitlist. This can be useful for comparing a known pump with the sizing result.
Allow uncontrolled: If this option is marked, then an uncontrolled pump can also be included in the hitlist
provided it meets the requirements set by the user during the sizing process.
Max. hits per product group: Set the number of hits allowed per product group
Max. hits total: Set the total number of hits wanted in the hit list.
Evaluation criterion: The order of the results after pressing the `Start sizing' button depends on the "Evaluation
Criterion" settings. By default this setting will be set to `Price + energy costs', but it is also possible to order the
results in the hit list by `energy consumption' alone.
Energy price: Set the energy price used to order the sizing results in the hit list
Increase of energy price: Set the percentage the energy is expected to increase in price.
Interest rate: Interest rate used by LCC
Calculation period: Set the number of years used in the Life Cycle Cost calculation

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.


The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


Select type of Installation
At this step the user selects the type of installation he wants to size a pump for. The types of installations are
divided into three groups to make it easier for the user to find the correct installation type. The three groups
are Borehole, Reservoir and Submersible in Sleeve.

Your Requirements
At this step, the user can enter the Flow and Head values, which are essential in the sizing process. If the user
does not know the exact values beforehand, two calculators are available to help set the values.


The Flow calculator

The Flow calculator allows you to adjust the unit used to describe the capacity requirement (days or years). You
can also enter data on operating hours and days. Input for flow oversize and flow undersize makes it possible
for you to define how close you want the pump solution should be to the required duty point. But note that a
too narrow band could limit the output and thus exclude the most energy optimal solution.
The Head calculator

The required pumping Head calculator lets you enter more detailed information about head. It will also
support calculations of total head. Entering data for Test flow enables the software to take into account that
the dynamic water level varies depending on the actual flow.

Note that calculations concerning the electrical cable diameter are also carried out here.

Besides Flow and Head other settings are also included at this step:
Variable speed: By entering "yes" in the Variable speed input field; you can include the efficiency of a frequency
converter in your calculations. The required speed (Hz) of the pump will then be calculated and the
performance curve at this speed will be shown.
Allowed flow over- and undersize: Here you can define in percentage, how much you allow for under or over

The Configuration step enables you to configure your pump in regard to connection type, pump material and
motor type.

Operational conditions
At this step of the wizard, the user can set operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase and
voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when a reaching a sizing result.

Besides the electrical data, the user can also set the preferred Life Cycle Cost settings:
Evaluation criterion: The order of the results after pressing the `Start sizing' button depends on the "Evaluation
Criterion" settings. By default this setting will be set to `Price + energy costs', but it is also possible to order the
results in the hit list by `energy consumption' alone.
Energy price: Set the energy price used to order the sizing results in the hit list

Calculation period: Set the number of years used in the Life Cycle Cost calculation

Hit list settings

At this step, the user can set hit list settings for the outcome of the sizing process. This is also the last step
before the sizing result reached.
Limit search to..: This gives the user the option of pre-setting the outcome of the sizing process based on the
inputs made previously in the sizing process.

Include particular pump in hitlist: This gives the user the option of pre-selecting a specific pump to be included
in the hitlist. This can be useful for comparing a known pump with the sizing result.

Max. hits per product group: Set the number of hits allowed per product group
Max. hits total: Set the total number of hits wanted in the hit list.


Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.

The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.

How to calculate the drawdown of a well in Groundwater section

If the Static water level (at test flow) is 80m and the Dynamic water level (at test flow) is 100m, drawdown is
20m (80 to 100M) and when the test is done at 120 m3/h Test flow (from drilling report) the specific capacity
is 6m3/h/m. If dimensioning flow Q=60m3/h is chosen this means that the drawdown is 60/6 = 10m and the
dynamic level is 90m. This head will be used by CAPS to calculate the correct pump.
CAPS will display the calculated drawdown of the well at the dimensioning flow in the Sizing Result screen, as
well as the specific capacity of the well.
The rules are as follows:
If the "Test Flow from drilling report" field is empty, it is assumed that the dimensioning flow is also the test
flow. The drawdown and specific capacity are calculated from the dimensioning flow.

If the "Dynamic Water Level at test Flow" field is empty, it is assumed that the static water
level is also the dynamic water level and there is no drawdown and no specific capacity


Domestic Water Supply

This wizard is designed for those who are looking for a solution for potable water supply to a private home.
This could be from a well, tank or other source, with or without suction lift.

Select type of Installation

The wizard contains seven sub applications covering boost up from break tank, boost down from roof tank,
boost direct from mains, transport to roof tank, rainwater and water supply from well < or > 8 m.

Your Requirements
At this step, the user can enter the Flow and Head values, which are essential in the sizing process. If the user
does not know the exact Head value, a calculator is available to help define the value.


The Head calculator

Simply enter the values that apply to your system and click `OK' to get the calculated Head value.

Select system design

At this step, the user can specify requirements for the system design such as dry running protection, adjustable
pressure, self priming, automatic restart etc. depending on the selected type of installation at an earlier step in
the wizard.

Operational conditions
At this step of the wizard, the user can set operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase and
voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when reaching a sizing result.


Besides the electrical data, the user can also set the preferred Life Cycle Cost settings:
Evaluation criterion: The order of the results after pressing the `Start sizing' button depends on the "Evaluation
Criterion" settings. By default this setting will be set to `Price + energy costs', but it is also possible to order the
results in the hit list by `energy consumption' alone.
Pump operating time: Set the number of hours per year when the pump is in operation.
Energy price: Set the energy price used to order the sizing results in the hit list.

Hit list settings

At this step, the user can set hit list settings for the outcome of the sizing process. This is also the last step
before the sizing result reached.


Limit search to..: This gives the user the option of pre-setting the outcome of the sizing process based on the
inputs made previously in the sizing process.

Include particular pump in hitlist: This gives the user the option of pre-selecting a specific pump to be included
in the hitlist. This can be useful for comparing a known pump with the sizing result.

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.

The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


Sewage and Wastewater

Grundfos offers a complete range of sewage and wastewater pumps, from cellar draining pumps up to
wastewater pumps, from 600 kW and 10.000 m3 per hour (The presence of these bigger pumps in CAPS
depends on local circumstances), complete with accessories.

Select application area

This is the first step of the Wastewater sizing wizard and at this step, the user selects the application area:
Commercial buildings, Domestic buildings or Municipal wastewater. The further questions in the sizing wizard
will be based on this selection and adapted to the selected application area and also narrowed down to the
suitable pump ranges and pump types.

Select subapplication
Each application area includes a number of sub-applications indicated by the dotted boxes on the screen. Point
the mouse to one of the dotted boxes for a second to see a small description of the sub-application. Select a
sub-application and you can further narrow down the field of possible pump types based on default values of
minimum free passage and usability within the selected sub-application.


Select type of Installation

Select type of installation by either clicking once on one of the illustrations and then clicking the Next button
or simply by double-clicking on the illustration of the preferred type of installation. For all wastewater subapplications the main selection is between submerged or dry-installed pumps.

Specify how many pumps and standby pumps you need to get the required flow. Please note that if more than
one pump is required, the result of the sizing calculation will contain pumps of the same type. However, in

some sub-applications in the municipal wastewater application area you can choose to add a larger standby

Total number of pumps: Select how many pumps of the same size you want. In some sub-applications in the
municipal wastewater application area you can even size a standby pump (bigger pump for heavy rains,
flooding, etc.)
Of these: number of standby pumps: Select how many standby pumps you want. Number of pumps minus
number of standby pumps = number of pumps required to reach the specified flow. In later steps you can see
the flow velocity and the performance curves for 1 pump, 2 pumps.... or all pumps in operation.

Select type of Hydraulic, Material and Motor

Depending on the application area and sub-application selected, the wizard contains steps for the selection of
hydraulic design, materials and motor.
At each step, select your preferences.
This further narrows the range of available pumps.


Your Requirements
Enter your required flow and head values (discharge flow and geodetic head). CAPS now has all the
information needed to present you with a list of pumps matching your requirements.

Discharge Flow: Discharge flow is defined as the flow to be delivered by the system. If the calculator for
assumed inlet flow is used, CAPS automatically adds a safety factor of 15% when converting this into discharge
Geodetic Head: Geodetic head is the actual physical difference in height between the average liquid level in
the pit and the highest point of the discharge pipe (or average water level in the receiving vessel).
Pipe friction losses: Friction losses are defined as loss of pressure in the pipeline as well as from the various
fittings in the pipeline. Different calculators for both friction losses and flow velocity in all possible situations
are available.
Allowed undersize: A flow rate x% below the required is accepted

The wastewater sizing wizard offers a number of calculators to provide you with a guideline for the possible
discharge flow and pipe friction losses.

Calculating the discharge flow

To calculate the discharge flow, click on the calculator next to the discharge flow input field. When opening
the calculator for estimated inlet flow you get the option of calculating different kinds of inlet flow.
In commercial buildings, sewage sub-application you will see two calculators, one for surface water discharge
flow and one for wastewater discharge flow.


The surface water discharge flow calculator requires a number of inputs:

Selected area: Based on the risk of damage by heavy rain you can select either a flat or a mountainous type of
Rated rainwater intensity is
Flat = 0.014 l/s/m2
Mountainous = 0.023 l/s/m2.
Roof area: The horizontal projection of the roof area.
Vertical area: Vertical surfaces are exposed to heavy showers. Vertical surfaces are typically walls pointing
towards the prevailing wind direction.
Catchment area: The horizontal projection of the catchment area.
Type of catchment area: The quantity of rainwater that will reach the pit or collecting tank depends on the
type of catchment area:
Concrete: Discharge coefficient: 1.0
Gravel and grass: Discharge coefficient: 0.8
Gravel: Discharge coefficient: 0.6
Garden: Discharge coefficient: 0.1
Click OK and the calculator returns both an inlet flow and a discharge flow value incorporating a calculated
safety margin of 15%.


The wastewater discharge flow calculator enables you to estimate the wastewater flow according to the EN
12056-2 standard. All you have to do is enter the number of draw-off points, define your installation type and
enter building type:

The Discharge Flow is then calculated accordingly from the 12056-2 standard and the draw off points.


Typical frequency factors associated with different applications:

Office or guesthouse: Frequency factor K=0.5 for intermittent usage
Hospital, school or hotel: Frequency factor K=0.7 for frequent usage
Toilet and/or showers open to public: Frequency factor K=1.0 for heavy usage
Laboratory: Frequency factor K=1.2 for special usage

Calculating the collecting tank size

In case you picked an installation type with a collecting tank within commercial building Waste Water - you
can size the necessary tank using the calculator for this. This reuses the draw off points you defined while you
specify the frequency of use. This gives a resulting peak flow which determines the necessary size for the tank.
The collecting tank will ensure less start/stops for your pump

Calculating the pipe friction losses

Click on the calculator to the right of the pipe friction losses input field.


The calculation of friction losses consists of three calculations: Pipe friction losses in the pit, in the manifold
and outside the pit.
The first step is to select the pipe material used in the pit and for the manifold. Click the drop-down button and
select your pipe material.

Pipe friction losses in the pit

To calculate the pipe friction losses in the pit, enter the data for the pipe system inside the pit.
At the bottom of the window you will get a recommended (pipe) diameter based on the recommended flow
If there is a pipe with a different diameter inside the pit you can add this in line B.
The roughness of the pipe is based on your selection of pipe material.

To calculate losses incurred from single resistances, please use the calculator in the Zeta column.
Enter the number of single-resistance losses in your pipe system inside the pit in this window:


Pipe friction losses outside the pit calculator

To calculate the pipe friction losses outside the pit, enter the data for the pipe system outside the pit.

Enter the pipe length, select pipe material and pipe size. At the bottom of the window you even get a
suggestion for a recommended pipe diameter based on the calculation of the flow velocity. Similarly to the
pipe-friction-losses-in-the-pit calculator, you can calculate the losses from single resistances in your system
outside the pit by using the calculator in the Zeta column.
If you want to change the pipe diameter, just add a pipe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 and enter the characteristics of that
particular pipe.
You can check the flow velocity in the pipe for 1 to 6 pumps in operation by selecting the number of pumps in


When all the calculations are made, go back to the Your requirements-window. The Start sizing-button will
now be active, and you can go straight to the sizing result by clicking this button.

Select type of material

Its possible to make decision regarding what materials the pump should be made of.

Select type of motor

Its possible to select if the pump should be equipped with a standard motor or an explosion proof motor.


Edit Load profile

An important feature in CAPS Sizing is the ability to provide an accurate calculation of energy consumption
based on a given load profile.

Operational Conditions
Enter the data for your power supply in order to narrow down the number of recommendations.


If you wish to make a calculation of life cycle costs, enter the basic data concerning energy price, calculation
period and the pumps operating hours.

Hit list Settings

Here you can choose a specific pump to be included in the hit list. If you do so you can compare an evaluation
of the system using this pump against the best hit.
Here you also select evaluation criterion for your hit list and limit the search to a specific pump type.

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.


The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.

Assignment of accessories and controls

When you have finished sizing, click the Next-button once to select accessories / Life cycle calculation. The lists
for selecting accessories and controls are rule based. This ensures that can only select accessories or controls
suitable for your selected pump.


Pressure Boosting
The Pressure Boosting sizing area is used to select pumps for commercial buildings, industrial plant service
systems, municipal water supply and irrigation.
Selecting the application area is the first step of the wizard

Select Subapplication
The next step of the Pressure Boosting sizing concerns the selection of the sub-application.
Each application area contains a number of sub-applications to make it easier for you to identify the
application you want to size a pump for.


Your Requirements
At this step, the user can enter the Flow and Discharge pressure values, which are essential in the sizing

Besides Flow and Discharge Pressure, there are other settings in Your Requirements:
Min and Max. liquid temperature: This input not only includes or excludes certain pump ranges; it also
determines the choice of seal.
Min. and max. inlet pressure: Here CAPS checks if the minimum inlet pressure, combined with the vapor
pressure of the liquid at the maximum liquid temperature and the flow that was specified, is still within the
NPSH limits. In other words, depending on the pump type, if the inlet pressure is too low, combined with a
certain liquid temperature and flow, there is danger of cavitation. Therefore CAPS will exclude pump types

with NPSH values that are not within this range anymore. This can cause wet runners to be excluded from
certain selections.
Allowed undersize: Include pump systems in the sizing result hitlist capable of a flow a few percent lower than
the entered duty point. It is recommended to allow an undersize of 10 percent to avoid unilateral
Note! Once the Flow and Discharge Pressure values have been entered, the `Start sizing' button is activated
and it is possible to get a recommendation.

The pressure boosting sizing wizard offers a number of calculators to provide you with a guideline for the
possible flow and pipe friction losses.

Calculating the flow

The calculator offers help to calculate the flow for certain types of buildings.

By pressing the Flow per unit calculator its even possible to go further down and specify how many taps of
different types there are within the building.


The pipe friction losses calculator

To calculate the pipe friction losses, enter the data for the pipe system.

Enter the pipe length, select pipe material and pipe size. At the bottom of the window you even get a
suggestion for a recommended pipe diameter based on the calculation of the flow velocity. Similarly to the
pipe-friction-losses-in-the-pit calculator, you can calculate the losses from single resistances in your system
outside the pit by using the calculator in the Zeta column.


If you want to change the pipe diameter, just add a pipe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 and enter the characteristics of that
particular pipe.
You can check the flow velocity in the pipe for 1 to 6 pumps in operation by selecting the number of pumps in
When all the calculations are made, go back to the Your requirements-window. The Start sizing-button will
now be active, and you can go straight to the sizing result by clicking this button.

Control mode
The option All control modes is default selected. If uncontrolled pumps should be included flag the Allow
fixed speed checkbox.

Load Profile
An important feature in CAPS Sizing is the ability to provide an accurate calculation of energy consumption
based on a given load profile.

CAPS lets you select between different load profiles; the `Standard profile' is a heating pump profile, while the
`Full load' profile sees the pump always operating at a fixed duty point. You can also define your own load
profile by selecting `User profile' and edit the values in the input fields.

At this step you define you define the configuration of your system.


In `Dimensions according to Standard', you can define if you want the sizing process to take a specific
dimensioning standard into account. If you choose DIN 1988 rules such as reserve flow, maximum number of
starts per hour, flow velocity etc. are taken into account.
At `Total number of pumps' you can set a specific number of pumps or allow CAPS to select the best solution
within a set range of pumps e.g. 1-4 in accordance with the selected evaluation criteria such as price or energy
consumption or both.
After selecting the number of pumps you want to size for, you can also enter a number of standby pumps if
If a tank is required on the discharge side, then mark the checkbox.
CAPS can either calculate the membrane tank size or you can enter the tank size manually.
If applicable you can enter the size of an existing tank in the discharge pipe.
You can the percentage value of the difference between the start and stop pressure by the ON/OFF band
question. This is the bandwidth in which the installation will switch on and off to avoid constant starting and
stopping of the installation.
At the `Velocity limitation' question, you can decide if flow velocity changes should be taken into account.
At the `Preferred products' question, you can decide if you want to size for booster sets or for pumps.

Operational conditions
At this step, the user can set the operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase, power supply
and voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when a reaching a sizing result.


Hit list settings

At this step, the user can set hit list settings for the outcome of the sizing process. This is also the last step
before the sizing result reached.

Limit search to..: This gives the user the option of pre-setting the outcome of the sizing process based on the
inputs made previously in the sizing process.

Include particular pump in hitlist: This gives the user the option of pre-selecting a specific pump to be included
in the hitlist. This can be useful for comparing a known pump with the sizing result.
Max. hits per product group: Set the number of hits allowed per product group
Max. hits total: Set the total number of hits wanted in the hit list.
Evaluation criterion: The order of the results after pressing the `Start sizing' button depends on the "Evaluation
Criterion" settings. By default this setting will be set to `Price + energy costs', but it is also possible to order the
results in the hit list by `energy consumption' alone.
Energy price: Set the energy price used to order the sizing results in the hit list
Calculation period: Set the number of years used in the Life Cycle Cost calculation

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.

The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


Industrial Applications
For many years Grundfos has been one of the major pump suppliers to industrial OEM's or industrial end users.
The wide range, reliability and versatility make Grundfos the ideal pump for industrial purposes.

Select type of Installation

The first step of the Industrial Applications sizing wizard concerns the type of installation.
Select the type of installation by either clicking once on one of the illustrations and then
clicking the Next button or simply by double-clicking on the illustration of the preferred type
of installation.

Select subapplication
At this step of the Industrial applications wizard, you select the type of sub-application.
These vary depending on the type of installation, you selected at the previous step.


Your Requirements
At this step, the very basic values used in the sizing process must be entered, flow and head.
With these values, CAPS now has all the information needed to present you with a list of
pumps matching your requirements.

The industrial applications sizing wizard contains a calculator to provide you with a easy-touse tool for determining the pipe friction losses.

Click on the calculator to the right of the pipe friction losses input field.

To calculate the pipe friction losses in the pipes, enter the data for the pipes.
Enter the pipe length, select pipe material and pipe size.
If you want to change the pipe diameter, just add a pipe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 and enter the
characteristics of that particular pipe
At the bottom of the window you also get a suggestion for a recommended pipe diameter
based on the calculation of the flow velocity. The roughness of the pipe is based on your
selection of pipe material.
You can calculate the losses from single resistances in your system outside the pit by using
the calculator in the Zeta column. Enter the number of single-resistance losses in your pipe
system inside the pit in this window:

When all the calculations are made, go back to the Your requirements-window. The Start
sizing-button will now be active, and you can go straight to the sizing result by clicking this
Pump Design

At the pump design step, you select the types of pump design applicable to your application
as well as pump material and connection type.

Control Mode
Select the control mode that is most suitable for your selected type of installation. By default, CAPS has
selected the control mode most often used for the selected type of installation, but the user can always select
another control mode. The available control modes are defined by the input, the user has made earlier in the
wizard, so it is not possible to select a control mode that cannot be used for the selected type of installation.
The user can also decide if a frequency converter should be included and if it should be integrated or external.


At the configuration step, you can specify how many pumps and standby pumps you need
to get the required flow. Please note that if more than one pump is required, the result of
the sizing calculation will contain pumps of the same type.

Electrical Data
At this step, the user can set the operational conditions for the pump including frequency, phase, power supply
and voltage. CAPS will take these conditions into account when a reaching a sizing result.


Hitlist Settings
Here you can choose a specific pump to be included in the hit list. If you do so, you can
compare an evaluation of the system using this pump against the best hit.
Here you also select evaluation criterion for your hit list and limit the search to a specific
pump type.


If you wish to make a calculation of life cycle costs, enter the basic data concerning energy
price, calculation period and the pumps operating hours.
Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.

The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


Renewable Energy Systems

The sizing tool for renewable-energy based water supply systems is a guide on how to size
SQFlex Solar, SQFlex Wind and SQFlex Combi systems. Select the desired application type by
clicking the Solar system, Wind system or Combi system button, depending on whether
you want your SQFlex system to be powered by solar energy, wind energy or a combination
of both.
In short, the sizing calculation in the SQFlex sizing tool works in such a way that, based on
the location on earth, solar and/or wind data are found. Based on information about the
installation conditions, of the wind turbine and/or solar modules and product data, - and
cable losses we calculate how much power is delivered to the pump. Based on pump
characteristics, head and pipe losses, we calculate how much water is supplied by the pump.
All pump types are investigated.This is held against the requirements (water to system) and
more panels are added (for solar and combi) if not enough water is supplied.

Select subapplication
At the first step, the user can select between Solar system, Wind system or a Combi System:

Your Requirements
At the Your Requirements step, the user enters the basic requirements for the system such
as water volume, peak month and Head but also location and sun tracking.


Water volume
The SQFlex system will be sized to meet the water volume requirement per day for a
particular month (often the peak month during which the largest volume of water is
required). Enter the water volume per day of the peak month.
Peak Month
Select the month related to your water volume requirement.
Enter the head. By head is meant the total dynamic water level: The difference in height
between the (lowered) water level in the borehole and the water level in the tank/reservoir.
If you want more accurate calculations of cable and friction losses, click the calculator

A number of calculators have also been added to assist the users.

The Location and Sun Tracking calculators are based on data on solar radiation and wind
speed, which are used in the sizing calculations to estimate the power available to the pump
and thus the volume of water supplied. As solar radiation and wind speed depend on the
installation location, input about the location are required in order to size an SQFlex system.

Solar data (radiation and temperature) for more than 2000 locations are included in the
sizing tool solar database. The wind database includes global wind data measurements
(wind speeds and Weibull k factors at 10 m height and standard terrain conditions). Based
on interpolations, an estimate of wind data can be found for any location in the world. The
average temperature and altitude used for wind calculations are taken from the solar
database. For a wind location, different from any of the solar data locations, average
temperature is set to 25 C (77 F) as default and altitude from the last selected solar data
location is maintained.
Below the Location calculator is shown:

The Sun Tracking calculator is shown below:


Here you can select mounting of modules: Fixed or with either single (polar) axis or double
axis (full) sun tracking. The sizing tool will automatically select a basic orientation of the
solar modules facing directly south/north, a tilt angle equal to the latitude as well as a
reflection (surface) of 0.2 (grass dry).
Via the calculator button, you can adjust the default settings and investigate how the
adjustment affects the solar radiation available at the surface of a solar module. Irrelevant
inputs will be removed or dimmed when you select tracking. If you have selected fixed
mounting, you can adjust the tilt angles for individual months via the table, if required. You
can also see the solar radiation variation through the day of a specific month
System Configuration
In order for the accessories to appear on the printouts and in the price calculation, you can
select them in the System Configuration step. The inputs will not affect the sizing of the


Solar array support structure (Solar and Combi systems)

Grundfos offers support structures for the GF solar module. If you do not require any
support structures, deselect them here.
Row closures and wire kits
To mount the solar array support structures you need row closures and wire kits. The sizing
program will automatically calculate how many you need and show it in the results and
printouts. If you do not want any row
closures or wire kits shown in the results deselect them here.
Select control unit/switch box.

User-defined Day
The results calculated on the basis of average values for solar radiation and wind speed may
show that no water will be supplied during a specific (winter) month. The User-defined Day
function enables you to show your customer how much water the sized system will provide
on a particular day of the specified month with a certain solar radiation and/or wind speed

(higher than the average values). The inputs required for the calculation are solar radiation,
month, temperatures and/or wind speed.

Solar radiation (Solar and Combi systems)

Enter the daily solar radiation value (on a horizontal surface) for the user defined day. The
solar radiation on the solar module surface is calculated on basis of input about sun
tracking, tilt angle, basic orientation and reflection (surface) in the General section.
Month (Solar and Combi systems)
Select the month concerned. (When you do so, the number of sun hours and the suns
movement pattern will automatically be found in the calculations).
Temperature (Solar and Combi systems)
Enter the average daily temperature for the user-defined day at the location. The default
value is taken from the database for the selected location and month of the user-defined
Temperature variation (Solar and Combi systems)
Enter the temperature variation (the average number of degrees between the average
temperature and high or low temperature.). If you have a maximum value for the

temperature you can take the max. temperature and subtract it by the average

Wind speed (Wind and Combi systems)

Enter the average (actual) wind speed value at the height of the rotor, you want for the
user-defined day. (The entered value wil not be adjusted for roughness, hill and shelter

Hitlist Settings
Here you can choose a specific pump to be included in the hit list. If you do so, you can
compare an evaluation of the system using this pump against the best hit. Here you also
select evaluation criterion for your hit list and limit the search to a specific pump type.

Grundfos recommends
This is the result of the sizing wizard's calculations.


The left column in the window shows an input overview detailing the inputs entered at the different steps in
the wizard.
The right column of the window (below Grundfos recommends) shows the recommended pump followed by
the quotation text describing the pump


By pressing the Alternatives button WebCAPS present the users for alternative products. The one which is
recommended by the sizing is presented in the top of this screen.


Life Cycle Cost Calculations

Life cycle cost analyses are useful in many situations and they can be of great help when you want to:
- analyze the life cycle cost of the selected pump
- choose a new pump solution
- estimate whether or not it would be profitable to replace and old pump system
- have documentation to support your decision.
A life cycle cost analysis provides an estimate of the total cost of owning and operating a pump system. It
covers the initial investment and operating costs, giving a much more accurate picture of the actual cost
All calculations and input is based according to the standards of Europump and the United States Hydraulic
Institute. More information on these calculations can be found on these websites:
Recommended literature on this subject is the publication Pump Life Cycle Costs, published by and available
from these two organizations.

Calculation in five steps

Preparing a Life Cycle Cost analysis involves five steps. Note that you must follow the order of the five steps:
1. What to compare
First, you indicate what you want to compare.
You have up to five options:
- no comparison
- comparison with a pump in the hit list
- comparison with a non-regulated pump (Heating & Air-Conditioning sizing only)
- comparison with an existing pump
- comparison with a pump in the hit list and an existing pump.
2. Level of detail
You can select the level of detail you want in your Life Cycle Cost analysis. You may want simple or complete
calculations, or perhaps you just want to compare energy consumption rates. In a simple analysis, Grundfos
has pre-selected the most relevant parameters for you. In a complete calculation, all the parameters of the
standardized LCC analysis are included.
3. General input
At this stage, input is given for parameters, which are common for all pumps to be compared. This concerns
inflation rate and interest rate.


4. Specific input
You can now begin to enter specific LCC input for the pump systems to be compared. You can leave input fields
blank if they are not relevant in your particular case. However the red dot by the `Pump System' input field
indicates that this is a required input. The user must enter a value here to complete the Life Cycle Costs

5. Calculation
Click the `Next' button. After a few seconds, you will receive the results.


That's it. Five simple steps and you have a complete Life Cycle Cost analysis.

How does the calculation work ?

First the Initial investment costs are evaluated, which are the pump price plus additional investment costs;
added to this are the Installation and commissioning costs. These costs all occur only at the start of the pump
life cycle
Then the program evaluates the energy consumption (which is P1) and multiplies this with the operating
hours per year, the energy prices and the Life in Years to come to the "Energy Cost". These energy costs are
corrected for inflation rate and interest rate
Added are the other yearly costs like:
Maintenance cost
Downtime and loss of production cost
Environmental cost
At the end of the Life in Years (Pump Life Cycle) period the Net Present Value of the Decommissioning and
Disposal Costs are calculated, corrected for inflation and interest rate.
The point of this exercise is to prove that the initial investments are actually peanuts if the whole picture is
evaluated and especially energy consumption is a major part.
Also the program makes an evaluation of saving that can be achieved against an existing or an alternative

The Inflation Rate

The inflation rate will actually increase the Net Present Life Cycle Cost value because it assumes that all costs
will increase with this percentage per year.

The Interest Rate

This rate will decrease the Life Cycle Cost value because you can park your money that you have to pay in the
years of the lifecycle on the bank against this rate.


Note 1: The Inflation and Interest Rate are working opposite e.g. an inflation rate of 3% and
an interest rate of 3% will eliminate each other and the outcome of the calculation of the
Life Cycle Cost will be the same as if in both fields nothing was filled in.
Note 2: Operating hours per year
It would be expected that if the pump operates for instance 10 hours per day and 360 days
per year, the yearly operating hours would be 3600. However CAPS makes an intelligent
evaluation of the requested dimensioning flow and the actual calculated flow and will
adjust the number of operating hours accordingly. So with a higher actual flow, the number
of operating hours will be decreased to come to the requested yearly cubic meters.

Where can I see the result of the Life Cycle Costs calculation?
After completing a Life Cycle Costs calculation, you can make a print-out containing a table and a graphical
representation of the result.
Click the print icon and select the `Life Cycle Cost report - graphics' and `Life Cycle Cost report - table' options in
the Print/Preview dialogue.

Click the `Preview/Export' button to see the print-out:

The `Life Cycle Cost report - graphics' print-out

The `Life Cycle Cost report - table' print-out:


After a Life Cycle Cost calculation is completion, the result of the Life Cycle Cost analysis can also be seen in the
`Life Cycle Cost'-tab. Simply click on the product in the hit list and then click on the tab to get both a graphical
representation of the result as well the table containing the calculated results.



The CAPS service module is offering interactive exploded views and sectional drawings for most Grundfos
products. The level of information can differ, depending on whether you are a Grundfos service engineer,
dealer or end-user.

Accessing Service Information

You can access service information for a particular product by clicking on the button "Service" in the top menu
bar. This will open a tree structure menu with all product lines of which there is service information available.

When entering a product line its possible to select a product name and enter other parameters. From this
information CAPS will output the pumps in the hit list which matches the parameters.


Simply click on one of these product numbers to open the service window.

After selecting a product in the catalogue or sizing part, you can enter service for that particular product
through the product detail window. If no service is available for the product the service link is not active and a
note is displayed.


Layout of the Service Window

The service window has the following layout and functions

You select the product number using the hit list

Select here whether you want to access the list for Service Parts or the Parts list. The display of product
numbers depends on your version and country settings
You can either click in the list on the left hand side, or click on a position number in the drawing to highlight a
particular part number. A left mouse-click anywhere else in the drawing will zoom the drawing in, a right hand
mouse-click will zoom out.
Additional information concerning your selection is displayed in the yellow box in the drawing.
You can select the Exploded View or the Sectional Drawing to be displayed
Additional PDF files concerning service, assembly and dismantling can be accessed using the button "Service


If the video camera icon is active its possible to view videos of different service topics for the selected pump.
Where available the video will be streamed from YouTube. If there are issues with access to YouTube the
Classic video setup is still available.

If the video isnt available on YouTube the Classic video starts automatically.


Printing Service Information

When you are in the service window, you can print the available information using the little print icon in the
bottom right hand corner.
The following dialog box will appear


Here you can specify which information you want to print and which format and detail level you want to use.

Notice that you can only print this information when you are in the Service Window!


Selecting Accessories

CAPS comes with a range of standard accessories that can be selected either with a pump or separate. A
distinction is made between electrical and mechanical accessories. All Grundfos pump controls and accessories
to those controls are in the electrical section while flanges, couplings, pipes, tanks etc are in the mechanical
If you want to select accessories with a pump, first choose your pump in Catalogue or Sizing. Click on the
"Accessory" button in the bottom left hand corner and the accessories for your selected pump series become
available, including (when available) drawings, instruction manuals, photo's etc.
After selecting an accessory, the details will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen, while the pump
details will still be visible on the left.
If you want to select an accessory without selecting a pump first, you can only do this from the Catalogue area.
When going into the Catalogue area, there will be a book in the bookshelf that contains the accessories. From
this book you can make your selections.

Working with Glycol solutions and solutions other than water

CAPS offers the possibility to adapt the pump curve and the power consumption according to the kinematical
viscosity and density of the pumped fluid in relation to the temperature of the fluid.
In the Catalogue you can simulate the fluid by pressing on the calculator button in the "Curve settings" menu.
The steepness of the curve will change and where the power of the installed motor is insufficient, the curve
will be dotted.


Extensive possibilities for Glycol type selection.

In sizing, there is the possibility in the "Advanced" sections of Heating and Air-conditioning to select glycol in
the "Pumped Liquid" field, allowing input for type, concentration, temperature etc.
After entering the new data in the fields Viscosity and Density, CAPS will calculate the new pump curve and
power consumption.
Important. This new data might lead to a selection of a bigger pump than if you would select a pump using
Heating water as a medium. The reason is that CAPS detects that the installed motor of the original selection
(using Heating water) will not cover the entire curve anymore if you use glycol and will select a standard pump
with a bigger motor, e.g. 15 kW instead of 11 kW).

Important: While the above is technically correct, in practice often the smaller pump is
preferred but with an oversized motor. In this way the better duty point is combined with
the ability to cover the entire curve and often a smaller pipe connection will suffice.
The reason that CAPS chooses the bigger pump solution is because the program does not (yet) contain any
data of standard pumps with oversized motors.
If glycol is selected with a minimum liquid temperature under 0 C, CAPS automatically searches for a pump
with the correct seal. (this function depends on local availability of pump types with the correct shaft seal).


When changing the density and viscosity, CAPS also still display the original pumpcurve in the
background and indicate when the motor is overloaded

Working with Non Newtonian Liquids

The calculations for different viscosities in CAPS are based on Newtonian liquids and cannot be used for nonNewtonian liquids. Grundfos should be contacted in case you want to pump solutions that fall under that
Non-Newtonian liquids are liquids with a nonlinear relationship between shear rate and shear stress. This
means that the viscosity is not constant but will change with head and flow rate. The behaviour of nonNewtonian liquids will not only change with head and flow, but will also be different for different types of
liquid. Examples of non-Newtonian liquids are: Paper pulp, grease/oil, soap and paint.

Antifreeze/Secondary fluids for heat transfer included

The list of fluids is constantly expanded, check your CAPS version for the current list.
In connection with the implementation of the new fluids, new functionality has been added to both the
Catalogue and the Sizing part of CAPS.

Medium selection in the Catalogue

When a pump is selected and the "Curve Settings" button is clicked, a calculator button appears beside the
input fields for Viscosity and Density.
If the button is used, a dialogue box appears, where you can select a liquid from the dropdown list and,
depending of which media you have selected, input your concentration and Liquid Temperature during
operation. When this is selected, CAPS automatically calculates the Viscosity and Density for you.
The calculation of density and viscosity based on concentration is supported by Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Energy Section, Technical University of Denmark.


If an Antifreeze media is chosen in Catalogue, it is not checked whether or not the pump is
suitable for the media. This feature is only applied in the Sizing part of CAPS.

If you select a "Liquid temperature during operation" that is below the minimum temperature that your
concentration of the media would allow, CAPS input "zeros" in both Viscosity and Density thus making it
impossible to calculate a new curve with the not allowed values.
The limitation for Viscosity is 1-300 mm/s while for Density they are 700-1500 kg/m. Inputting numbers that
result in values outside these limitations will provoke an error message and stop a corrected curve from being
calculated and shown.

Some pumps are allowed to appear in the hit list even though they do not fulfill all the rules
above. These are pumps where you can easily change the shaft seal to a suitable type for the
fluid. Whenever such a pump appears, the sizing result will contain a yellow frame with a
warning that request the user to change the shaft seal - and contact Grundfos.


CAD Drawings
The CAD Drawings section is accessible by the menu in the top of the screen. In this section is it possible to
download CAD drawings of Grundfos products.

Selecting and downloading CAD Drawings

When activating the CAD Drawings menu point in the header its possible to find the CAD drawing in 2
different ways, either by application selection or in the all product tree.
If the product name isnt know then CAPS will from the inputted information suggest the most likely product.

In the selection screen a 3D drawing of the selected pump is shown. Its possible to change
the angle of the picture by clicking within the picture and then dragging the mouse around.


By pressing the download button in the left side of the screen its possible to select which
types of CAD drawings should be downloaded. Its possible to see the size of each selection
and the total size of the Zip file.
After the selection is done press the download button. The CAD drawings is supplied in a Zip


The Literature section is accessible in the menu at the top of the screen. In this section is it possible to
download literature for Grundfos products.

Selecting literature
When activating the Literature menu point in the header its possible to find the literature in 3 different ways,
either by application selection, all product tree or literature search.

If the product number is known then please input that into the Product no. field. This will
help indentifiying the relevant literature.

When using the literature search its possible to define what category of literature should be found.

By selecting the product type a dialog window is opened. In this window a product type can
be selected. If only parts of the product name is know its possible to use the search
functionality to reduce the number of outputs in the product type field.


If the literature is needed on a certain language this can also be selected.

When the search criteria is selected press the submit button. CAPS will then output a hitlist
of literature which matches the criterieas.

To download the literature just select a document in the hitlist and click the link. When
clicking on the document a popup opens with further information. Here can the forinstance
the size of the document be seen. To download the document pres the Click here to
download link.


WebCAPS Project Module

Getting started
In order to make use of the WebCAPS project module, you need to be logged in as a user. Once being logged in
you can open the project module.

Opening the project module will open the main page with the list of My projects.


Available tools are:

Create a project:
will add a new project to the list of projects with an empty name field, an empty ref. no. field, status
stated as draft, an empty deadline field and xx editors/viewers.
When a project is created the Your company data is taken from your profile settings in WebCAPS.

Copy project:
will copy and paste a project. The pasted project will take an identical name with (2) added to that
name. Project snapshots and project notes are not copied.

Delete project:
will delete any project of your selection upon confirmation. Deletion cannot be undone.

Print project:
will open the print dialogue for the selected project.

To the left you will find a menu consisting of a list of projects you have access to. Either as the creator, My
projects, as an editor Editable projects, or as a viewer, Viewable projects. The projects are visible with the
standard project structure

Project structure
Each project consists of:
Project name (Project main page)
o Project information
o Client information
o Your company information
o Currency settings

o Assigned editors and viewers

Project notes
o Text notes
Product selection list
o The list of products in the project.
o Optional text comments to each product
o Optional manual input of prices and quantity
o Optional maintenance of position numbers
Project snapshots
o Intended for snapshotting a project at the time of snapshot creation.
A snapshot includes: the overall project information, the product selection list, the project
notes and a datasheet for each product


The project main page

Any of these information can be edited selecting the pencil

Sharing project
Go to the projects main page > editors or viewers.
Simply add the e-mail address for the user you want to be editor or viewer. The prerequisite is that the user has
a WebCAPS profile registered on that email.


The project notes

Add notes or delete a selected note

Product selection list

Will display the list of products added to the project.

Available tools:
Copy and paste can be applied for one product at a time to either the same or another of your projects
where you have editor right
Delete any selected product after user confirmation cannot be undone
Comments to any selected product
Position number can be changed by pressing the field in question. The position number is used for
sorting and print sequence
Prices can be added by pressing the field in question
Quantity can be added by pressing the field in question

Adding products to your projects

Products are added to the product selection list from other parts of WebCAPS, such as catalogue, sizing or

When you add a product, WebCAPS will store the product number, the applied frequency and the applied curve
settings incl. the duty point. These settings are not changeable afterwards.
The unit system (default, US, SI or user defined) is however taken from your profile settings for use in the
project module. Thus changing unit settings will change how you view, print and snapshot your project


Product details from the project module

Product details can be opened by selecting the product number link.
The product will be displayed with the applied conditions as when added.

Project snapshots
Create or delete snapshots
Once selecting save, the snapshot will be created by the server.
Depending on the project size it will take some time to generate the snapshot. Afterwards the snapshot can be
opened as pdf by selecting the link.


Project print
The print is performed from the project module main page. Select a project and select print. The dialogue will
appear with a documentation to include.
Although selection documentation type to include, it might be that some of your products will not have that
kind of documentation for the reason that available documentation depends on the type of product.


The Liquid module allows the user to enter a specific liquid with its parameters and then be able to choose
between the pumps or pump families that can handle the specified liquid.

Accessing Liquids
You can access the Liquid by clicking the Liquids tab in the top menu bar or the Liquids button in the button

The left part of the Liquid window is used for Liquid selection and specification of Liquid parameters e.g.
Temperature, Concentration, pH value and more
The right part of the Liquid window is used for information to the user. The information can contain
Comments, Warnings and Liquid Information. The information is marked by icons.


Warnings, and

Liquid information


When all Liquid specifications are made the user has to press Submit. If you want to reset the input and start
from the beginning, then press Clear

Pump family selection

After pressing Submit you are taken to the Pump Family Selection window. Here you can select among the
valid pump families. Non valid families are marked with red.


If you select a non-valid pump family you will see this message:

If you select OK you are taken back to the Liquid selection. If you select Cancel you will stay in the Pump
Family window.

Pump specification
When you select one of the valid pump families you are taken to the Pump specification window. Here you can
add specifications the selected pump. Be aware that further comments and warnings can be shown in the right
side of the window.


When you press Submit you are presented for a summary of your selections for both Liquid and Pump.

Summary and Print


Now press Close if you want to close the summary and make a new selection or close the program.
Press Print/PDF if you want to print a PDF file with the complete report.

After pressing Print/PDF a print dialogue is shown. Here you can configure your report. You can add company
and project details and select which of the PLG specifications you want to include in your report.

Press Print to print the actual report or press Cancel to close.



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