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(Telugu Minority Institution)

AICTE Approved and Affiliated to Anna University

NBA Accredited courses and ISO Certified Institution

Department of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
EE 6602 Embedded systems
Lecture Notes
Year / semester: III / VI
Regulation: 2013
Prepared by






To introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System
To Educate in Various Embedded Development Strategies
To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, Input/output interfacing.
To impart knowledge in various processor scheduling algorithms.
To introduce Basics of Real time operating system and example tutorials to discuss on one realtime operating system tool
Introduction to Embedded Systems The build process for embedded systems- Structural units in
Embedded processor , selection of processor & memory devices- DMA Memory management methodsTimer and Counting devices, Watchdog Timer, Real Time Clock, In circuit emulator, Target Hardware
Embedded Networking: Introduction, I/O Device Ports & Buses Serial Bus communication protocols RS232 standard RS422 RS485 - CAN Bus -Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Inter Integrated Circuits
(I2C) need for device drivers.
Embedded Product Development Life Cycle- objectives, different phases of EDLC, Modeling of EDLC;
issues in Hardware-software Co-design, Data Flow Graph, state machine model, Sequential Program
Model, concurrent Model, object oriented Model.
Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS- Task, process & threads, interrupt routines in RTOS,
Multiprocessing and Multitasking, Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling, Task communication
shared memory, message passing-, Inter process Communication synchronization between processessemaphores, Mailbox, pipes, priority inversion, priority inheritance, comparison of Real time Operating
systems: Vx Works, C/OS-II, RT Linux.
Case Study of Washing Machine- Automotive Application- Smart card System Application,.
Ability to understand and analyze linear and digital electronic circuits.
Rajkamal, Embedded System-Architecture, Programming, Design, Mc Graw Hill, 2013.
Peckol, Embedded system Design, John Wiley & Sons,2010
Lyla B Das, Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach, Pearson, 2013
Shibu. K.V, Introduction to Embedded Systems, Tata Mcgraw Hill,2009.
Elicia White, Making Embedded Systems, O Reilly Series, SPD,2011.
Tammy Noergaard, Embedded Systems Architecture, Elsevier, 2006.
Han-Way Huang, Embedded system Design Using C8051, Cengage Learning,2009.
Rajib Mall Real-Time systems Theory and Practice Pearson Education, 2007.

Introduction to Embedded Systems
The build process for embedded systems
Structural units in embedded processor,
Selection of processor & memory devices
Memory management methods
Timer and Counting devices,
Watchdog Timer,
Real Time Clock,
In circuit emulator,
Target Hardware Debugging.


Staff In-charge

Introduction to Embedded Systems

An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger
mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as
part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.
An embedded system is a microprocessor-based system that is built to control a function
or range of functions and is not designed to be programmed by the end user in the same way that
a PC
Embedded systems are designed to do some specific task, rather than be a general purpose
computer for multiple tasks. Some also have real-time performance constraints that must be met,
for reasons such as safety and usability; others may have low or no performance requirements,
allowing the system hardware to be simplified to reduce costs.
Must be dependable:
Reliability: R(t) = probability of system working correctly provided that it was working at
Maintainability: M(d) = probability of system working correctly d time units after error
Availability: probability of system working at time t
Safety: no harm to be caused
Security: confidential and authentic communication
Must be efficient:
Energy efficient, Code-size efficient (especially for systems on a chip), Run-time efficient,
Weight efficient &Cost efficient.
Dedicated towards a certain application:
Knowledge about behavior at design time can be used to minimize resources and to maximize
Dedicated user interface.
Comparison between computer and embedded system:
S.No Embedded systems
Few applications that are known at design1
Not programmable by end user.
Fixed run-time requirements
low cost
low power consumption
Predictability .

General purpose computing

Broad class of applications.
Programmable by end user.
Faster is better
high cost
high power consumption
average speed

Input interfacing devices, Sensors &

Drive circuits



Timers &


Output interfacing devices

Drive circuits


Components of embedded system

General Computing
Applications similar to desktop computing, but in an embedded package
Video games, set- top boxes, wearable computers, automatic tellers
Control Systems
Closed- loop feedback control of real- time system
Vehicle engines, chemical processes, nuclear power, flight control
Signal Processing
Computations involving large data streams

System application specific circuit

Power supply, Reset and Oscillators

Processors in embedded systems:

Embedded processors can be broken into two broad categories. Ordinary microprocessors
(P) use separate integrated circuits for memory and peripherals. Microcontrollers (C) have onchip peripherals, thus reducing power consumption, size and cost. In contrast to the personal
computer market, many different basic CPU architectures are used, since software is customdeveloped for an application and is not a commodity product installed by the end user. Both Von
Neumann as well as various degrees of Harvard architectures are used. RISC as well as non-RISC
processors are found. Word lengths vary from 4-bit to 64-bits and beyond, although the most
typical remain 8/16-bit. Most architecture comes in a large number of different variants and
shapes, many of which are also manufactured by several different companies.

Radar, Sonar, video compression

Communication & Networking
Switching and information transmission
Telephone system, Internet

Memory is an important part of embedded systems. The cost and performance of an
embedded system heavily depends on the kind of memory devices it utilizes. In this section we
will discuss about Memory Classification, Memory Technologies and Memory
(1) Memory Classification
Memory Devices can be classified based on following characteristics
(a) Accessibility
(b) Persistence of Storage
(c) Storage Density & Cost
(d) Storage Media
(e) Power Consumption
a) Accessibility
Memory devices can provide Random Access, Serial Access or Block Access. In a
Random Access memory, each word in memory can be directly accessed by specifying the
address of this memory word. RAM, SDRAMs, and NOR Flash are examples of Random
Access Memories. In a Serial Access Memory, all the previous words (previous to the word
being accessed) need to be accessed, before accessing a desired word. I2C PROM and SPI
PROM are examples of Serial Access Memories. In Block Access Memories, entire memory
is sub-divided in to small blocks (generally of the order of a K Byte) of memory. Each block
can be randomly accessed, and each word in a given block can be serially accessed. Hard Disks
and NAND flash employ a similar mechanism. Word access time for a RAM (Random
Access Memory) is independent of the word location. This is desirable of high speed
application making frequent access to the memory.
b) Persistence of Storage
Memory devices can provide Volatile storage or a non-Volatile storage. In a nonVolatile storage, the memory contents are preserved even after power shut down. Whereas a
Volatile memory loses its contents, after power shut down. Non-Volatile storage is needed for
storing application code, and re-usable data. However volatile memory can be used for all
temporary storages. RAM, SDRAM are examples of volatile memory. Hard Disks, Flash
(NOR & NAND) Memories, SD-MMC, and ROM are example of non-Volatile storages.
c) Storage Cells
Memory Device may employ electronic (in terms of transistors or electron states)
storage, magnetic storage or optical storage. RAM, SDRAM are examples of electronic
storage. Hard Disks are example of magnetic storage. CDs (Compact Discs) are example of

optical storage. Old Computers also employed magnetic storage (magnetic storages are still
common in some consumer electronics products).
d) Storage Density & Cost
Storage Density (number of bits which can be stored per unit area) is generally a good
measure of cost. Dense memories (like SDRAM) are much cheaper than their counterparts (like

e) Power Consumption:
Low Power Consumption is highly desirable in Battery Powered Embedded Systems.
Such systems generally employ memory devices which can operate at low (and ultra low)
Voltage levels. Mobile SDRAMs are example of low power memories.
Memory Technologies
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAMs are simplest and most common form of
data storage. RAMs are volatile. The figure below shows typical Data, Address and Control
Signals on a RAM. The number of words which can be stored in a RAM are proportional
(exponential of two) to the number of address buses available. This severely restricts the storage
capacity of RAMs (A 32 GB RAM will require 36 Address lines) because designing circuit boards
with more signal lines directly adds to the complexity and cost.
DPRAM (Dual Port RAM):
DPRAM are static RAMs with two I/O ports. These two ports access the same memory
locations - hence DPRAMs are generally used to implement Shared Memories in Dual Processor
Systems. The operations performed on a single port are identical to any RAM. There are some
common problems associated with usage of DPRAM:
(a) Possible of data corruption when both ports are trying to access the same memory location Most DPRAM devices provide interlocked memory accesses to avoid this problem.
(b) Data Coherency when Cache scheme is being used by the processor accessing DPRAM - This
happens because any data modifications (in the DPRAM) by one processor are unknown to the
Cache controller of other processor. In order to avoid such issues, Shared memories are not
mapped to the Cacheable space. In case processor's cache configuration is not flexible enough (to
define the shared memory space as non-cacheable), the cache needs to be flushed before
performing any reads from this memory space.
Dynamic RAM:
Dynamic RAMs use a different storage technique for data storage. A Static RAM has four
transistors per memory cell, whereas Dynamic RAMs have only one transistor per memory cell.
The DRAMs use capacitive storage. Since the capacitor can lose charge, these memories need to
be refreshed periodically. This makes DRAMs more complex (because we need to have extra
control) and power consuming. However, DRAMs have a very high storage density (as compared
to static RAMs) and are much cheaper in cost. DRAMs are generally accessed in terms of rows,
columns and pages which significantly reduces the number of address buses (another advantage

over RAM). Generally you need a SDRAM controller (which manages different SDRAM
commands and Address translation) to access a SDRAM. Most of the modern processors come
with an on-chip SDRAM controller.
EPROMs (Electrically Programmable writable Read Only Memory) are non-volatile
memories. Contents of ROM can be randomly accessed - but generally the word RAM is used to
refer to only the volatile random access memories. The operating voltage for writing in to the
EPROMs is much higher than the operating voltage. Hence you can write in to a PROM in-circuit
(which signifies ROM). You need special programming stations (which have write mechanism)
to write in to the EPROMs.
OTP-EPROMs are One Time Programmable. Contents of these memories cannot be
changed, once written. UV-EPROM are UV erasable EPROMs. Exposure of memory cells, to UV
light erases the existing contents of these memories and these can be re-programmed after that.
EEPROM are Electrically Erasable EPROMs. These can be erased electrically (generally on the
same programming station where you write in to them). The write cycles (number of times you
can erase and re-write) for UV-EPROM and EEPROM is fairly limited. Erasable PROMs use
either FLOTOX (Floating gate Tunnel Oxide) or FAMOS (Floating gate Avalanche MOS)
Flash (NOR):
Flash (or NOR-Flash to be more accurate) are quite similar to EEPROM in usage and can
be considered in the class of EEPROM (since it is electrically erasable). However there are a few
differences. Firstly, the flash devices are in-circuit programmable. Secondly, these are much
cheaper as compared to the conventional EEPROMs. These days (NOR) Flash are widely used for
storing the boot code.
These memories are denser and cheaper than NOR Flash. However these memories are
block accessible, and cannot be used for code execution. These devices are mostly used for Data
Storage (since it is cheaper than NOR flash). However some systems use them for storing the boot
codes (these can be used with external hardware or with built-in NAND boot logic in the
SD-MMC cards provide a cheaper mean of mass storage. These memory cards can provide
storage capacity of the order of Giga Bytes. These cards are very compact and can be used with
portable systems. Most modern hand-held devices requiring mass storage (e.g. still and video
cameras) use Memory cards for storage.
Hard Disc:
Hard Discs are Optical Memory devices. These devices are bulky and they require another
bulky hardware (disk reader) for reading these memories. These memories are generally used for
Mass storage. Hence they memories do not exist in smaller and portable systems. However these
memories are being used in embedded systems which require bulk storage without any size

Memory Management
Cache Memory:
Size and the Speed (access time) of the computer memories are inversely proportional.
Increasing the size means reduction in speed. In fact most of the memories are made up of smaller
memory blocks (generally 4 KB) in order to improve the speed. Cost of the memory is also highly
dependent on the memory speed. In order to achieve a good performance it is desirable that code
and data must reside in a high speed memory. However using a high speed memory for all the
code and data in a reasonably large system may be practically impossible. Even in a smaller
system, using high speed memory as the only storage device can raise the system cost
Most Systems employ a hierarchal memory system. They employ a small and fast (and
expensive) memory device to store the frequently used code and data, whereas less frequently
used data is stored in a big low speed (cheaper) memory device. In a complex system there can be
multiple level (with speed and cost of memory hierarchy).
Cache controller is a hardware (Generally built in to the processor) which can dynamically
move the currently being used code and data from a higher level (slower) memory to the lower
level (zero level or cache) memory. The incoming data or code replaces the old code or data (which
is currently not being used) in the cache memory. The data (or code) movement is hidden to the
user. Cache memories are based on the principle of locality in space and time. There are different
types of cache mechanism and replacement mechanism.
Virtual Memory:
Virtual Memory Mechanism allows users to store their data in a Hard Disk, whereas still use it as
if it was available in RAM. The application makes accesses to the data in virtual address space
(which is mapped to RAM), whereas the actual data physically resides in Hard Disk (and is moved
to RAM for access).
Paging Mechanism:
In virtual mode, memory is divided into pages usually 4096 bytes long (see page size). These
pages may reside in any available RAM location that can be addressed in virtual mode. The high
order bits in the memory address register are an index into page-mapping tables at specific starting
locations in memory and the table entries contain the starting real addresses of the corresponding
pages. The low order bits in the address register are an offset of 0 up to 4,095 (0 to the page size 1) into the page ultimately referenced by resolving all the table references of page locations.
The distinct advantages of Virtual Memory Mechanism are:
(a) User can access (in virtual space) more RAM space than what actually exists in the system.
(b) In a multi-tasking application, each task can have its own independent virtual address space
(called discrete address space).
(c) Applications can treat data as if it is stored in contiguous memory (in virtual address space),
whereas it may be in dis contiguous locations (in actual memory).
Cache Vs Virtual Memory
Cache Memory and Virtual Memory are quite similar in concept and they provide similar
benefits. However these schemes different significantly in terms of implementation:

Cache control is fully implemented in hardware. Virtual Memory Management is done by software
(Operating System) with some minimum support from Hardware. With cache memory in use, user
still makes accesses to the actual physical memory (and cache is hidden to the user). However it
is reverse with Virtual Memory. User makes accesses to the virtual memory and the actual physical
memory is hidden to the user.
Introduction to Counter/Timers:
Counter/timer hardware is a crucial
component of most embedded systems. In some
cases a timer is needed to measure elapsed time;
in others we want to count or time some
external events. Here's a primer on the
Counter/timer hardware is a crucial
component of most embedded systems. In some
cases, a timer measures elapsed time (counting processor clock ticks). In others, we want to count
or time external events. The names counter and timer can be used interchangeably when talking
about the hardware. The difference in terminology has more to do with how the hardware is used
in a given application.
A simple timer similar to those often included on-chip within a microcontroller. You could
build something similar from a couple of 74HC161 counters or a programmable logic device. The
timer shown consists of a loadable 8-bit count register, an input clock signal, and an output signal.
Software loads the count register with an initial value between 0x00 and 0xFF. Each subsequent
transition of the input clock signal increments that value.
When the 8-bit count overflows, the output signal is asserted. The output signal may
thereby trigger an interrupt at the processor or set a bit that the processor can read. To restart the
timer, software reloads the count register with the same or a different initial value.
If a counter is an up counter, it counts up from the initial value toward 0xFF. A down counter
counts down, toward 0x00.
A typical counter will have some means to start the counter running once it is loaded,
usually by setting a bit in a control register. This is not shown in the figure. A real counter would
generally also provide a way for the processor to read the current value of the count register at any
time, over the data bus.
A timer with automatic reload capability will have a latch register to hold the count written
by the processor. When the processor writes to the latch, the count register is written as well. When
the timer later overflows, it first generates an output signal. Then, it automatically reloads the
contents of the latch into the count register. Since the latch still holds the value written by the
processor, the counter will begin counting again from the same initial value.
Such a timer will produce a regular output with the same accuracy as the input clock. This
output could be used to generate a periodic interrupt like a real-time operating system (RTOS)
timer tick, provide a baud rate clock to a UART, or drive any device that requires a regular pulse.
A variation of this feature found in some timers uses the value written by the processor as
the endpoint rather than the initial count. In this case, the processor writes into a terminal count
register that is constantly compared with the value in the count register. The count register is
always reset to zero and counts up. When it equals the value in the terminal count register, the

output signal is asserted. Then the count register is reset to zero and the process repeats. The
terminal count remains the same. The overall effect is the same as an overflow counter. A periodic
signal of a pre-determined length will then be produced.
If a timer supports automatic reloading, it will often make this a software-selectable
feature. To distinguish between a count that will not repeat automatically and one that will, the
hardware is said to be in one of two modes: one-shot or periodic. The mode is generally controlled
by a field in the timer's control register. Input capture

Figure 2: An input capture timer

An input capture timer, like the one shown in Figure 2, has a latch connected to the timer's
count register. The timer is run at a constant clock rate (usually a derivative of the processor clock),
so that the count register is constantly incrementing (or decrementing, for a down counter). An
external signal latches the value of the free-running timer into the processor-visible register and
generates an output signal (typically an interrupt).
One use for an input capture timer is to measure the time between the leading edge of two pulses.
By reading the value in the latch and comparing it with a previous reading, the software can
determine how many clock cycles elapsed. In some cases, the timer's count register might be
automatically reset just after its value is latched. If so, the software can directly interpret the value
it reads as the number of clock ticks elapsed. An input capture pin can usually be programmed to
capture on either the rising or falling edge of the input signal.
Options abound
Many timers provide a means to pre-scale the input clock signal. For example, the 8-bit
timer in Atmel's AT90S8515 microcontroller can be incremented with every processor clock
cycle, every 8th, every 64th, every 256th, or every 1,024th. Selecting a less frequent update cycle
is called pre-scaling the input clock. Similarly, each increment could occur on either the rising or
falling edge of some other signal entirely. In the Atmel part, these features are software-selectable.
Some timers can directly control a general-purpose I/O pin. When an overflow occurs, the
pin can be automatically set to 1, reset to 0, or toggled. This can be useful in, for example,
generating a PWM signal.1 Using two different initial or terminal count values and a one-shot
timer that toggles the I/O pin on overflow, the pin could be set to 1 for a desired amount of time,
then 0 for a different amount of time, then 1 again, and so on. The period of the PWM signal would
be a function of the sum of the two timer lengths. The duty cycle would then be the length of time
that the pin is set to 1 as a percentage of the period. Although the examples here have focused on
8-bit timers, the concepts apply to larger timers as well.

Introduction to Watchdog Timers

Embedded systems that can't be constantly watched by a human, watchdog timers may
be the solution. Most embedded systems need to be self-reliant. It's not usually possible to wait
for someone to reboot them if the software hangs. Some embedded designs, such as space probes,

are simply not accessible to human operators. If their software ever hangs, such systems are
permanently disabled. In other cases, the speed with which a human operator might reset the
system would be too slow to meet the uptime requirements of the product.
A watchdog timer is a piece of hardware that can be used to automatically detect software
anomalies and reset the processor if any occur. Generally speaking, a watchdog timer is based on
a counter that counts down from some initial value to zero. The embedded software selects the
counter's initial value and periodically restarts it. If the counter ever reaches zero before the
software restarts it, the software is presumed to be malfunctioning and the processor's reset signal
is asserted. The processor (and the embedded software it's running) will be restarted as if a human
operator had cycled the power.
Below figure shows a typical arrangement. As shown, the watchdog timer is a chip external
to the processor. However, it could also be included within the same chip as the CPU. This is done
in many microcontrollers. In either case, the output from the watchdog timer is tied directly to the
processor's reset signal.

Kicking the dog

The process of restarting the watchdog timer's counter is sometimes called "kicking the
dog." The appropriate visual metaphor is that of a man being attacked by a vicious dog. If he keeps
kicking the dog, it can't ever bite him. But he must keep kicking the dog at regular intervals to
avoid a bite. Similarly, the software must restart the watchdog timer at a regular rate, or risk being
A simple example is shown in Listing 1. Here we have a single infinite loop that controls
the entire behavior of the system. This software architecture is common in many embedded
systems with low-end processors and behaviors based on a single operational frequency. The
hardware implementation of this watchdog allows the counter value to be set via a memorymapped register.
Listing 1: Kicking the dog
uint16 volatile * pWatchdog = (uint16 volatile *) 0xFF0000;
for (;;)
*pWatchdog = 10000;
Introduction to direct memory access:
Implementing direct memory access is straightforward, once you know how it works and
how to configure your DMA controller. Here's a primer on this most efficient means of moving
data around in a system.

Direct memory access (DMA) is a means of having a peripheral device control a

processor's memory bus directly. DMA permits the peripheral, such as a UART, to transfer data
directly to or from memory without having each byte (or word) handled by the processor. Thus
DMA enables more efficient use of interrupts, increases data throughput, and potentially reduces
hardware costs by eliminating the need for peripheral-specific FIFO buffers.
Dealing direct:
In a typical DMA transfer, some event (such as an incoming data-available signal from a
UART) notifies a separate device called the DMA controller that data needs to be transferred to
memory. The DMA controller then asserts a DMA request signal to the CPU, asking its permission
to use the bus. The CPU completes its current bus activity, stops driving the bus, and returns
a DMA acknowledge signal to the DMA controller. The DMA controller then reads and writes one
or more memory bytes, driving the address, data, and control signals as if it were itself the CPU.
(The CPU's address, data, and control outputs are tri-stated while the DMA controller has control
of the bus.) When the transfer is complete, the DMA controller stops driving the bus and de-asserts
the DMA request signal. The CPU can then remove its DMA acknowledge signal and resume
control of the bus.
Each DMA cycle will typically result in at least two bus cycles: either a peripheral read
followed by a memory write or a memory read followed by a peripheral write, depending on the
transfer base addresses. The DMA controller itself does no processing on this data. It just transfers
the bytes as instructed in its configuration registers.
It's possible to do a flyby transfer that performs the read and write in a single bus cycle. However,
though supported on the ISA bus and its embedded cousin PC/104, flyby transfers are not typical.
Processors that support DMA provide one or more input signals that the bus requester can
assert to gain control of the bus and one or more output signals that the processor asserts to indicate
it has relinquished the bus. A typical output signal might be named HLDA (short for HOLD
When designing with DMA, address buffers must be disabled during DMA so the bus
requester can drive them without bus contention. To avoid bus contention, the bus buffer used by
the DMA device must not drive the address bus until after HLDA goes active to indicate that the
CPU has stopped driving the bus signals, and it must stop driving the bus before the CPU drives
HLDA inactive. The system design may also need pull up resistors or terminators on control
signals (such as read and write strobes) so the control signals don't float to the active state during
the brief period when neither the processor nor the DMA controller is driving them.
DMA controllers require initialization by software. Typical setup parameters include the
base address of the source area, the base address of the destination area, the length of the block,
and whether the DMA controller should generate a processor interrupt once the block transfer is
It's typically possible to have the DMA controller automatically increment one or both
addresses after each byte (word) transfer, so that the next transfer will be from the next memory
location. Transfers between peripherals and memory often require that the peripheral address not
be incremented after each transfer. When the address is not incremented, each data byte will be
transferred to or from the same memory location.
DMA or burst:
DMA operations can be performed in either burst or single-cycle mode. Some DMA
controllers support both. In burst mode, the DMA controller keeps control of the bus until all the


data buffered by the requesting device has been transferred to memory (or when the output device
buffer is full, if writing to a peripheral).
In single-cycle mode, the DMA controller gives up the bus after each transfer. This
minimizes the amount of time that the DMA controller keeps the processor off of the memory bus,
but it requires that the bus request/acknowledge sequence be performed for every transfer. This
overhead can result in a drop in overall system throughput if a lot of data needs to be transferred.
In most designs, you would use single cycle mode if your system cannot tolerate more than
a few cycles of added interrupt latency. Likewise, if the peripheral devices can buffer very large
amounts of data, causing the DMA controller to tie up the bus for an excessive amount of time,
single-cycle mode is preferable.
Note that some DMA controllers have larger address registers than length registers. For
instance, a DMA controller with a 32-bit address register and a 16-bit length register can access a
4GB memory space, but can only transfer 64KB per block. If your application requires DMA
transfers of larger amounts of data, software intervention is required after each block.
Get on the bus
The simplest way to use DMA is to select a processor with an internal DMA controller.
This eliminates the need for external bus buffers and ensures that the timing is handled correctly.
Also, an internal DMA controller can transfer data to on-chip memory and peripherals, which is
something that an external DMA controller cannot do. Because the handshake is handled on-chip,
the overhead of entering and exiting DMA mode is often much faster than when an external
controller is used.
If an external DMA controller or processor is used, be sure that the hardware handles the transition
between transfers correctly. To avoid the problem of bus contention, ensure that bus requests are
inhibited if the bus is not free. This prevents the DMA controller from requesting the bus before
the processor has reacquired it after a transfer.
So you see, DMA is not as mysterious as it sometimes seems. DMA transfers can provide real
advantages when the system is properly designed.

Introduction to In-Circuit Emulators

An ICE is just one of the many debugging tools at your disposal. It's also among the most
powerful. Embedded systems pose unique debugging challenges. With neither terminal nor
display (in most cases), there's no natural way to probe these devices, to extract the behavioral
information needed to find what's wrong. This magazine is filled with ads from vendors selling a
wide variety of debuggers. They let us connect an external computer to the system being debugged
to enable single stepping, breakpoints, and all of the debug resources enjoyed by programmers of
desktop computers.

An in-circuit emulator (ICE) is one of the oldest embedded debugging tools, and is still
unmatched in power and capability. It is the only tool that substitutes its own internal processor
for the one in your target system. Using one of a number of hardware tricks, the emulator can
monitor everything that goes on in this on-board CPU, giving you complete visibility into the
target code's operation. In a sense, the emulator is a bridge between your target and your
workstation, giving you an interactive terminal peering deeply into the target and a rich set of
debugging resources.
Until just a few years ago, most emulators physically replaced the target processor. Users
extracted the CPU from its socket, plugging the emulator's cable in instead. Today, we're usually
faced with a soldered-in surface-mounted CPU, making connection strategies more difficult. Some
emulators come with an adapter that clips over the surface-mount processor, tri-stating the device's
core, and replacing it with the emulator's own CPU. In other cases, the emulator vendor provides
adapters that can be soldered in place of the target CPU. As chip sizes and lead pitches shrink, the
range of connection approaches expands.
Beware: connecting the emulator will probably be difficult and frustrating. Physical
features of the target system and CPU placement can get in the way of some adapters, so plan for
ICE insertion at hardware design time, if at all possible. Add at least a few days to your schedule.
Work closely with the vendors to surmount these difficulties.
Target access:
An emulator's most fundamental resource is target access: the ability to examine and
change the contents of registers, memory, and I/O. However, since the ICE replaces the CPU, it
generally does not need working hardware to provide this capability. This makes the ICE, by far,
the best tool for troubleshooting new or defective systems. For example, you can repeatedly access
a single byte of RAM or ROM, creating a known and consistent stimulus to the system that is easy
to track using an oscilloscope.
Breakpoints are another important debugging resource. They give you the ability to stop
your program at precise locations or conditions (like "stop just before executing line 51").
Emulators also use breakpoints to implement single stepping, since the processor's single-step
mode, if any, isn't particularly useful for stepping through C code.
There's an important distinction between the two types of breakpoints used by different
sorts of debuggers. Software breakpoints work by replacing the destination instruction by a
software interrupt, or trap, instruction. Clearly, it's impossible to debug code in ROM with
software breakpoints. Emulators generally also offer some number of hardware breakpoints, which
use the unit's internal magic to compare the break condition against the execution stream.
Hardware breakpoints work in RAM or ROM/flash, or even unused regions of the processor's
address spaces.
Complex breakpoints let us ask deeper questions of the tool. A typical condition might be:
"Break if the program writes 0x1234 to variable buffer, but only if function get_data() was called
first." Some software-only debuggers (like the one included with Visual C++) offer similar power,
but interpret the program at a snail's pace while watching for the trigger condition. Emulators
implement complex breakpoints in hardware and, therefore, impose (in general) no performance
ROM and, to some extent, flash add to debugging difficulties. During a typical debug
session we might want to recompile and download code many times an hour. You can't do that
with ROM. An ICE's emulation memory is high-speed RAM, located inside of the emulator itself
that maps logically in place of your system's ROM. With that in place, you can download firmware
changes at will.

Many ICEs have programmable guard conditions for accesses to both the emulation and
target memory. Thus, it's easy to break when, say, the code wanders off and tries to write to
program space, or attempts any sort of access to unused addresses. Nothing prevents you from
mapping emulation memory in place of your entire address space, so you can actually debug much
of the code with no working hardware. Why wait for the designers to finish? They'll likely be late
anyway. Operate the emulator in stand-alone mode (without the target) and start debugging code
long before engineering delivers prototypes.
Real-time trace is one of the most important emulator features, and practically unique to
this class of debugging tool. Trace captures a snapshot of your executing code to a very large
memory array, called the trace buffer, at full speed. It saves thousands to hundreds of thousands
of machine cycles, displaying the addresses, the instructions, and transferred data. The emulator
and its supporting software translates raw machine cycles to assembly code or even C/C++
statements, drawing on your source files and the link map for assistance.
Trace is always accompanied by sophisticated triggering mechanisms. It's easy to start and
stop trace collection based on what the program does. An example might be to capture every
instance of the execution of an infrequent interrupt service routine. You'll see everything the ISR
does, with no impact on the real time performance of the code.
Generally, emulators use no target resources. They don't eat your stack space, memory, or
affect the code's execution speed. This "non-intrusive" aspect is critical for dealing with real-time
Practical realities
Be aware, though, that emulators face challenges that could change the nature of their
market and the tools themselves. As processors shrink, it gets awfully hard to connect anything to
those whisker-thin package leads. ICE vendors offer all sorts of adapter options, some of which
work better than others.
Skyrocketing CPU speeds also create profound difficulties. At 100MHz, each machine
cycle lasts a mere 10ns; even an 18-inch cable between your target and the ICE starts to act as a
complex electrical circuit rather than a simple wire. One solution is to shrink the emulator, putting
all or most of the unit nearer the target socket. As speeds increase, though, even this option faces
tough electrical problems.
Skim through the ads in Embedded Systems Programming and you'll find a wide range of
emulators for 8- and 16-bit processors, the arena where speeds are more tractable. Few emulators
exist, though, for higher-end processors, due to the immense cost of providing fast emulation
memory and a reliable yet speedy connection.
Oddly, one of the biggest user complaints about emulators is their complexity of use. Too
many developers never use any but the most basic ICE features. Sophisticated triggering and
breakpoint capabilities invariably require rather complex setup steps. Figure on reading the manual
and experimenting a bit. Such up-front time will pay off later in the project. Time spent in learning
tools always gets the job done faster.
Debugging tools
Application Debugging: Simulators and emulators are two powerful debugging tools which
allow developers to debug (and verify) their application code. These tools enable programmer
to perform the functional tests and performance tests on the application code. Simulator is a
software which tries to imitate a given processor or hardware. Simulator is based on the
mathematical model of the processor. Generally all the functional errors in an application can

be detected by running it on the simulator. Since simulator is not actual device itself, it may
not be an exact replica of the target hardware. Hence, some errors can pass undetected through
the simulator. Also, the performance of an application cannot be accurately measured using
Simulator (it only provides a rough estimate). Generally most development tools come under
an integrated environment, where Editor, Compiler, Archiver, Linker and Simulator are
integrated together. Emulator (or Hardware Emulator) provides a way to run the application
on actual target (but under the control of a emulation software) hardware. Results are more
accurate with emulation, as the application is actually running on the real hardware target.
Hardware Debugging: Developer of an Embedded System often encounters problems which
are related to the Hardware. Hence it is desirable to gain familiarity with some Hardware
Debugging (probing tools). DVM, Oscilloscope (DSO or CRO) and Logical Analyzer (LA)
are some of the common debugging tools, which are used in day to day debugging process.
Memory Testing Tools: There are a number of commercially available tools which help
programmers to test the memory related problems in their code. Apart from Memory leaks,
these tools can catch other memory related errors - e.g. freeing a previously allocated memory
more than once, writing to uninitialized memory etc. Here is a list of some freely (no cost)
available Memory Testing tools:
Debugging an Embedded System
(a) Memory Faults:
One of the major issue in embedded systems could be memory faults. Following types of
Memory Fault are possible in a system
(i) Memory Device Failure: Sometimes the memory device may get damaged (some
common causes are current transients and static discharge). If damaged, the memory
device needs replacement. Such errors can occur in run time. However such failures are
very rare.
(ii) Address Line Failure: Improper functioning of address lines can lead to memory
faults. This could happen if one or more address lines are shorted (either with ground or
with each other or with some other signal on the circuit board). Generally these error occur
during the production of circuit board, and post-production testing can catch such errors.
Sometimes the address line drivers might get damaged during run time (again due to
current transients or static discharge). This can lead to address line faults during run time.
(iii) Data Line Failure: Can occur if the data lines (one or more) are shorted (to ground or
with each other or with some other signal). Such errors can be detected and rectified during
post-production testing. Again, the electric discharge and current transients can damage
can damage the data line drivers, which might cause to memory failures during run time.


(iv)Corruption of few memory blocks: Some time a few address locations in the memory
can be permanently damaged (either stuck to Low or stuck to High). Such errors are more
common with Hard-disks (less common with RAMs). The test software (power on selftest) can detect these errors, and avoid using these memory sectors (rather than replacing
the whole memory).
(v) Other Faults: Sometimes the memory device may be loosely inserted (or may be
completely missing) in to the memory slot. Also there is a possibility of Fault in Control
Signals (similar to Address and Data Lines).
There are two types of sections in System Memory - Program (or code) sections, and Data
sections. Faults in program sections are more critical because even the corruption of one single
location can cause the program to crash. Corruption of data memory also could lead to program
crashes, but mostly it only cause erratic system behavior (from which the application could
gracefully recover - provided that software design takes care of error handling).
Memory Tests:
Following simple tests can detect memory faults:
(a) Write a known patter "0xAAAA" (All odd data bits being "1" and even bits being
"0") in to the memory (across all address ranges) and read it back. Verify that the same
value (0xAAAA) is read back. If any Odd Data line is shorted (with even data line or with
Ground), this test will detect it. Now repeat the same test with data pattern "0x5555". This
test will detect any shorting of the even Data line (short with ground or with odd data line).
Also, these two test in combination can detect any bad memory sectors.
(b) Write a unique value in to each memory word (across entire memory range).
Easiest way to choose this unique value is to use the address of given word as the value.
Now read back these values and verify them. If the verification of read back values fails
(whereas the test-a passes), then there could be a fault in address lines.
The tests "a" and "b" can be easily performed as part of power on checks on the
system. However it will be tricky to perform these tests during run time, because
performing these test will mean losing the existing contents in the memory. However
certain systems run such memory tests during run time (once in every few days). In such
scenarios, the tests should be performed on smaller memory sections at a time. Data of
these memory sections can be backed up before performing the test, and this data can be
restored after test completion. Tests can be run one by one on each section (rather than
running the test on entire memory at a time).
(b) Hardware Vs Software Faults:
In Embedded System, Software is closely knit with the Hardware. Hence, the line
dividing the Hardware and Software issues is very thin. At times, you may keep debugging
you software, whereas the fault may lie somewhere in the Hardware (and vice versa). The
problem becomes more challenging when such faults occur at random and cannot be
reproduced consistently. In order to dissect and debug such tricky issues, a step-wise
approach needs to be followed.


Part - A

Define embedded system?

An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a
larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It
is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.
An embedded system is a microprocessor-based system that is built to control a function
or range of functions and is not designed to be programmed by the end user in the same way that
a PC



List the characteristics of an embedded systems?

Reliability: R(t) = probability of system working correctly provided that it was working at
Maintainability: M(d) = probability of system working correctly d time units after error
Availability: probability of system working at time t
Safety: no harm to be caused
Security: confidential and authentic communication
Must be efficient: Energy efficient, Code-size efficient (especially for systems on a chip),
Run-time efficient, Weight efficient &Cost efficient.
Dedicated towards a certain application: Knowledge about behavior at design time can
be used to minimize resources and to maximize robustness.
Dedicated user interface.
Compare general purpose computer and embedded system?
S.No Embedded systems
General purpose computing
Few applications that are known at Broad class of applications.
Not programmable by end user.
Programmable by end user.
Fixed run-time requirements
Faster is better
low cost
high cost
low power consumption
high power consumption
Predictability .
average speed

List the components in embedded system?

a. Power supply
b. Input / output ports
c. Processor
d. Memory
e. Oscillator



List the types of Memory?

a. Internal RAM of 256 or 512bytes in a microcontroller for registers, temporary
data and stack.
b. Internal ROM/PROM/E2PROM for about 4kB of program.
c. External RAM for the temporary data and stack or Internal caches.
d. Internal Flash
e. Memory Stick or Card: Video, Images, Songs or Speeches and large storage in
digital camera and mobile systems.
f. External ROM or PROM for embedding software.
g. RAM memory buffers at ports.
h. Caches.


How do we minimize power consumption?

In battery-powered applications, power consumption is extremely important. Even
in non-battery applications, excessive power consumption can increase heat dissipation.
One way to make a digital system consume less power is to make it run more slowly, but
naively slowing down the system can obviously lead to missed deadlines. Careful design is
required to slow down the noncritical parts of the machine for power consumption while
still meeting necessary performance goals.


What are all the application areas of the embedded systems?

a. Consumer Appliances
b. Office Automation
c. Industrial Automation
d. Medical Electronics
e. Computer Networking
f. Telecommunications
g. Wireless Technologies
h. Instrumentation
i. Security
j. Finance


What are the categories of embedded system?

Based on functionality and performance requirements, embedded systems can be
categorized as:
a. Stand-alone embedded system
b. Real-time systems
c. Networked Information Appliances
d. Mobile Devices.

What are the special features of embedded systems?

i) They do a very specific task
ii) They have very limited resource
iii) They work against some deadlines
iv) They are constrained for power
v) They need to be highly reliable

10. What is stand-alone embedded system?

Stand-alone systems work in stand-alone mode. They take inputs, process them and
produce the desired output. The input can be electrical signals from transducers or
commands. The output can be electrical signals to drive another system.
11. What is a virtual Memory?
Virtual Memory Mechanism allows users to store their data in a Hard Disk, whereas still
use it as if it was available in RAM. The application makes accesses to the data in virtual address
space (which is mapped to RAM), whereas the actual data physically resides in Hard Disk.
12. Give some examples of small scale embedded system applications?
a. Point of scales terminals: automatic Choclate vending machine.
b. Stepper motor controllers for robotics.
c. Washing or cooking system
d. Multitasking toys.
e. Keyboard controller
f. SD, MMI and network access cards.
g. CD and Hard drive controllers.
13. What is ASIC( Application Specific IC )?
ASIC are designed using the VLSI Design tools with the processor GPP or ASIP and
analog circuits embedded in to the design. The designing is done using the Electronic Design
Automation (EDA) tool.
14. Define timer in embedded system?
A unit to provide the time for the system clock and real time operations and scheduling. It
generates interrupts on timeouts as per the preset time or on overflow or on successful comparison
of present time with a preset time or on capturing the time on an event.
15. What is the significance of watchdog Timer?
It is a timing device which is set to predefined time interval and some task is to be performed
at that time. It is used to reset original state when an inappropriate event take place. It is usually
operated by a counter device.


Explain the build process of an embedded system?
Explain the process of selecting embedded processors?
Write a notes on direct memory access?
Write about the watchdog timers?
Explain a brief note on timers and counters?
Give a brief note on debugging tools?


Introduction on embedded networking
I/O Device Ports & Buses
Serial Bus communication protocols
RS232 standard
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C)
Need for device drivers


Staff In-charge

Introduction on Embedded Networking:

As the name implies, networking is a central component of sensor networks. Networking
is important because it provides the glue that allows individual nodes to collaborate. In addition,
the radio is a major consumer of energy in small sensor nodes, often 2040% of the power draw
when all components are on. Thus optimizing networking protocols can greatly extend the lifetime
of the sensor network as a whole.
This section considers networking in sensor nets at the link layer, with media-access
control (MAC) protocols, and at the network layer, with routing protocols. We also consider
topology control, a service that can be part of either layer, or could be considered in between these
two layers.
MAC protocols:
Energy conservation is a key concern at the MAC protocols, and so before reviewing
protocols we briefly describe MAC-related sources of energy consumption. Packet collisions
waste energy by forcing packets to be retransmitted, idle listening is the cost of actively listening
for potential packets, overhearing is the cost of receiving packets intended for other destinations,
and control traffic represents MAC-level maintenance overhead. Since many sensor networks are
quiescent between sensor readings, idle listening can easily become the largest energy cost in a
sensor net.
The IEEE 802.11 protocol (popularly known as wi-fi) is contention based MAC (carriersense, multiple-access or CSMA) now seeing wide commercial deployment. Intended for laptop
computers, it provides good high speed communication (up to 54Mb/s in some versions) for larger
sensor network nodes. Unfortunately, the ad hoc mode of 802.11 that is required for peer-to-peer
communications in a sensor network has very little support for energy conservation, and many
sensor networks require bit rates less than 100kb/s, so the protocol is unsuitable for smaller and
more power-constrained nodes.
Time-division multiple-access (TDMA) protocols were used in early sensor networks. By
scheduling media access they can largely avoid collisions, idle listening, and overhearing, thus
greatly reducing energy consumption. Their disadvantage is that they often assume clustering,
taxing the cluster head and making mobile operation more difficult. Small sensor networks
generally require relatively low-speed (2040kb/s), simple protocols, precluding high-speed
802.11 and more complex TDMA protocols. Recent research has proposed 802.11-like MAC
protocols designed to conserve energy by avoiding overhearing and idle listening. As an example
protocol, S-MAC synchronizes most nodes into a sleep-schedule.
Nodes regularly wake up, contend for the media if they have data to send, then either
transmit data or go to sleep. By adjusting the sleep duration, duty cycles of 150% are possible to
reduce the cost of idle listening. Adaptive listen and future-Request-to-Send of T-MAC extended
these ideas to provide better throughput when there are multiple packets to send or when data
travels over multiple hops. IEEE 802.15.4 (also known as Zig-bee) is a recently standardized
protocol targeted at sensor network and home automation applications. It includes an optional
fixed duty cycle to avoid idle listening similar to research protocols.


I/O Device Ports & Buses:

Device Port
A port is a device
To receive the bytes from external peripheral(s) [or device(s) or processor(s) or
controllers] for reading them later using instructions executed on the processor.
To send the bytes to external peripheral or device or processor using instructions
executed on processor.
A Port connects to the processor using address decoder and system buses.
The processor uses the addresses of the port-registers for programming the port
functions or modes, reading port status and for writing or reading bytes.
Types of IO ports:
Serial ports and Parallel ports
Types of serial ports:
Synchronous Serial Input
Synchronous Serial Output
Asynchronous Serial UART input
Asynchronous Serial UART output
Both as input and as output, for example, modem.
Types of parallel ports:
Parallel port one bit Input
Parallel one bit output
Parallel Port multi-bit Input
Parallel Port multi-bit Output
RS232 standard:
Electronic data communications between elements will generally fall into two broad
categories: single-ended and differential. RS232 (single-ended) was introduced in 1962, and
despite rumours for its early demise, has remained widely used through the industry.
Independent channels are established for two-way (full-duplex) communications. The
RS232 signals are represented by voltage levels with respect to a system common (power / logic
ground). The "idle" state (MARK) has the signal level negative with respect to common, and the
"active" state (SPACE) has the signal level positive with respect to common. RS232 has numerous
handshaking lines (primarily used with modems), and also specifies a communications protocol.
The RS-232 interface presupposes a common ground between the DTE and DCE. This is
a reasonable assumption when a short cable connects the DTE to the DCE, but with longer lines
and connections between devices that may be on different electrical busses with different grounds,
this may not be true.
RS232 data is bi-polar.... +3 TO +12 volts indicates an "ON or 0-state (SPACE) condition"
while A -3 to -12 volts indicates an "OFF" 1-state (MARK) condition.... Modern computer
equipment ignores the negative level and accepts a zero voltage level as the "OFF" state. In fact,
the "ON" state may be achieved with lesser positive potential. This means circuits powered by 5
VDC are capable of driving RS232 circuits directly, however, the overall range that the RS232
signal may be transmitted/received may be dramatically reduced.


The output signal level usually swings between +12V and -12V. The "dead area" between
+3v and -3v is designed to absorb line noise. In the various RS-232-like definitions this dead area
may vary. For instance, the definition for V.10 has a dead area from +0.3v to -0.3v. Many receivers
designed for RS-232 are sensitive to differentials of 1v or less.
This can cause problems when using pin powered widgets - line drivers, converters,
modems etc. These type of units need enough voltage & current to power them self's up. Typical
URART (the RS-232 I/O chip) allows up to 50ma per output pin - so if the device needs 70ma to
run we would need to use at least 2 pins for power. Some devices are very efficient and only
require one pin (sometimes the Transmit or DTR pin) to be high - in the "SPACE" state while idle.
An RS-232 port can supply only limited power to another device. The number of output
lines, the type of interface driver IC, and the state of the output lines are important considerations.
The types of driver ICs used in serial ports can be divided into three general categories:

Drivers which require plus (+) and minus (-) voltage power supplies such as the 1488 series
of interface integrated circuits. (Most desktop and tower PCs use this type of driver.)
Low power drivers which require one +5 volt power supply. This type of driver has an
internal charge pump for voltage conversion. (Many industrial microprocessor controls use
this type of driver.)
Low voltage (3.3 v) and low power drivers which meet the EIA-562 Standard. (Used on
notebooks and laptops.)

Data is transmitted and received on pins 2 and 3 respectively. Data Set Ready (DSR) is an
indication from the Data Set (i.e., the modem or DSU/CSU) that it is on. Similarly, DTR indicates
to the Data Set that the DTE is on. Data Carrier Detect (DCD) indicates that a good carrier is being
received from the remote modem.
Pins 4 RTS (Request to Send - from the transmitting computer) and 5 CTS (Clear to Send from the Data set) are used to control. In most Asynchronous situations, RTS and CTS are
constantly on throughout the communication session. However where the DTE is connected to a
multipoint line, RTS is used to turn carrier on the modem on and off. On a multipoint line, it's
imperative that only one station is transmitting at a time (because they share the return phone pair).
When a station wants to transmit, it raises RTS. The modem turns on carrier, typically waits a few
milliseconds for carrier to stabilize, and then raises CTS. The DTE transmits when it sees CTS up.
When the station has finished its transmission, it drops RTS and the modem drops CTS and carrier
Clock signals (pins 15, 17, & 24) are only used for synchronous communications. The modem
or DSU extracts the clock from the data stream and provides a steady clock signal to the DTE.
Note that the transmit and receive clock signals do not have to be the same, or even at the same
baud rate.


25 Pin Connector on a DTE device (PC connection)

Male RS232 DB25

Pin Number

Direction of signal:

Protective Ground

Transmitted Data (TD) Outgoing Data (from a DTE to a DCE)

Received Data (RD) Incoming Data (from a DCE to a DTE)

Request To Send (RTS) Outgoing flow control signal controlled by DTE

Clear To Send (CTS) Incoming flow control signal controlled by DCE

Data Set Ready (DSR) Incoming handshaking signal controlled by DCE

Signal Ground Common reference voltage

Carrier Detect (CD) Incoming signal from a modem


Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Outgoing handshaking signal controlled by DTE


Ring Indicator (RI) Incoming signal from a modem

9 Pin Connector on a DTE device (PC connection)

Male RS232 DB9

Pin Number

Direction of signal:

Carrier Detect (CD) (from DCE) Incoming signal from a modem

Received Data (RD) Incoming Data from a DCE

Transmitted Data (TD) Outgoing Data to a DCE

Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Outgoing handshaking signal


Signal Ground Common reference voltage

Data Set Ready (DSR) Incoming handshaking signal

Request To Send (RTS) Outgoing flow control signal

Clear To Send (CTS) Incoming flow control signal

Ring Indicator (RI) (from DCE) Incoming signal from a modem

RS-422, also known as TIA/EIA-422, is a technical standard originated by the Electronic
Industries Alliance that specifies electrical characteristics of a digital signaling circuit. Differential
signaling can transmit data at rates as high as 10 Mbit/s, or may be sent on cables as long as 1500
meters. Some systems directly interconnect using RS-422 signals, or RS-422 converters may be
used to extend the range of RS-232 connections. The standard only defines signal levels; other
properties of a serial interface, such as electrical connectors and pin wiring, are set by other
RS-422 is the common short form title of American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standard ANSI/TIA/EIA-422-B Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Differential
Interface Circuits and its international equivalent ITU-T Recommendation T-REC-V.11, also
known as X.27. These technical standards specify the electrical characteristics of the balanced
voltage digital interface circuit. RS-422 provides for data transmission, using balanced, or
differential, signaling, with unidirectional/non-reversible, terminated or non-terminated
transmission lines, point to point, or multi-drop. In contrast to EIA-485 (which is multi-point
instead of multi-drop), RS-422/V.11 does not allow multiple drivers but only multiple receivers.
RS-422 specifies the electrical characteristics of a single balanced signal. The standard was
written to be referenced by other standards that specify the complete DTE/DCE interface for
applications which require a balanced voltage circuit to transmit data. These other standards would
define protocols, connectors, pin assignments and functions. Standards such as EIA-530 (DB25 connector) and EIA-449 (DC-37 connector) use RS-422 electrical signals. Some RS-422
devices have 4 screw terminals for pairs of wire, with one pair used for data in one direction.
RS-422 cannot implement a true multi-point communications network such as with EIA485 since there can be only one driver on each pair of wires, however one driver can be connected
to up to ten receivers.
RS-422 can interoperate with interfaces designed to MIL-STD-188-114B, but they are not
identical. RS-422 uses a nominal 0 to 5 volt signal while MIL-STD-188-114B uses a signal
symmetric about 0 V. However the tolerance for common mode voltage in both specifications
allows them to interoperate. Care must be taken with the termination network.

RS-485 allows multiple devices (up to 32) to communicate at half-duplex on a single pair
of wires, plus a ground wire (more on that later), at distances up to 1200 meters (4000 feet). Both
the length of the network and the number of nodes can easily be extended using a variety of
repeater products on the market.
Data is transmitted differentially on two wires twisted together, referred to as a "twisted
pair." The properties of differential signals provide high noise immunity and long distance
capabilities. A 485 network can be configured two ways, "two-wire" or "four-wire." In a "twowire" network the transmitter and receiver of each device are connected to a twisted pair. "Fourwire" networks have one master port with the transmitter connected to each of the "slave" receivers
on one twisted pair. The "slave" transmitters are all connected to the "master" receiver on a second
twisted pair. In either configuration, devices are addressable, allowing each node to be
communicated to independently. Only one device can drive the line at a time, so drivers must be
put into a high-impedance mode (tri-state) when they are not in use. Some RS-485 hardware
handles this automatically. In other cases, the 485 device software must use a control line to handle
the driver. (If your 485 device is controlled through an RS-232 serial port, this is typically done
with the RTS handshake line.) A consequence of tri-stating the drivers is a delay between the end
of a transmission and when the driver is tri-stated. This turn-around delay is an important part of
a two-wire network because during that time no other transmissions can occur (not the case in a
four-wire configuration). An ideal delay is the length of one character at the current baud rate (i.e.
1 ms at 9600 baud).
Two-wire or four-wire? Two-wire 485 networks have the advantage of lower wiring costs
and the ability for nodes to talk amongst themselves. On the downside, two-wire mode is limited
to half-duplex and requires attention to turn-around delay. Four-wire networks allow full-duplex
operation, but are limited to master-slave situations (i.e. a "master" node requests information from
individual "slave" nodes). "Slave" nodes cannot communicate with each other. Remember when
ordering your cable, "two-wire" is really two wires + ground, and "four-wire" is really four wires
+ ground.
RS485 software handles addressing, turn-around delay, and possibly the driver tri-state
features of 485. Determine before any purchase whether your software handles these features.
Remember, too much or too little turn-around delay can cause troubleshooting fits, and delay
should be a function of baud rate. If you're writing your own software or using software written
for an RS-232 application, be certain that provisions are made for driver tri-state control. Luckily,
there are usually hardware alternatives for controlling driver tri-stating.
Connecting a multi-drop 485 network. The EIA RS-485 Specification labels the data wires
"A" and "B", but many manufacturers label their wires "+" and "-". In our experience, the "-" wire
should be connected to the "A" line, and the "+" wire to the "B" line. Reversing the polarity will
not damage a 485 device, but it will not communicate. This said, the rest is easy: always connect
A to A and B to B.
Signal ground, don't forget it. While a differential signal does not require a signal ground
to communicate, the ground wire serves an important purpose. Over a distance of hundreds or
thousands of feet there can be very significant differences in the voltage level of "ground." RS28

485 networks can typically maintain correct data with a difference of -7 to +12 Volts. If the
grounds differ more than that amount, data will be lost and often the port itself will be damaged.
The function of the signal ground wire is to tie the signal ground of each of the nodes to one
common ground. However, if the differences in signal grounds is too great, further attention is
necessary. Optical isolation is the cure for this problem.
CAN Serial Bus Communication for networking
CAN-bus line usually interconnects to a CAN controller between line and host at the
node. It gives the input and gets output between the physical and data link layers at
the host node.
The CAN controller has a BIU (bus interface unit consisting of buffer and driver),
protocol controller, status-cum control registers, receiver-buffer and message objects.
These units connect the host node through the host interface circuit


CAN protocol:
There is a CAN controller between the CAN line and the host node.
CAN controller BIU (Bus Interface Unit) consisting of a buffer and driver
Method for arbitration CSMA/AMP(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Arbitration on
Message Priority basis)
Each Distributed Node Uses:
Twisted Pair Connection up to 40 m for bi-directional data
Line, which pulls to Logic 1 through a resistor between the line and + 4.5V to +12V.
Line Idle state Logic 1 (Recessive state)
Uses a buffer gate between an input pin and the CAN line
Detects Input Presence at the CAN line pulled down to dominant (active) state logic 0
ground ~ 0V) by a sender to the CAN line.
Uses a current driver between the output pin and CAN line and pulls line down to dominant
(active) state logic 0 (ground ~ 0V) when sending to the CAN line
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Full-duplex Synchronous communication.
SCLK, MOSI and MISO signals for serial clock from master, output from master and
input to master, respectively.
Device selection as master or slave can be done by a signal to hardware input SS. (Slave
select when 0) pin.

SPI Control Bits Programming

Programmable for defining the instance of the occurrence of -ve negative edges and +ve
positive edges within an interval of bits at serial data out or in
Programmable for open-drain or totem pole output from a master to a slave.
Programmable by the device selection as master or slave.

Programmable for the clock bits, and therefore of the period T of serial out data bits down to
the interval of 0.5s for an 8 MHz crystal at 68HC11

Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C)

An Inter-IC bus is often used to communicate across circuit-board distances. Here's
a primer on the protocol.
At the low end of the spectrum of communication options for "inside the box"
communication is I2C ("eye-squared-see"). The name I2C is shorthand for a standard Inter-IC
(integrated circuit) bus.
I2C provides good support for communication with various slow, on-board peripheral
devices that are accessed intermittently, while being extremely modest in its hardware resource
needs. It is a simple, low-bandwidth, short-distance protocol. Most available I2C devices operate
at speeds up to 400Kbps, with some venturing up into the low megahertz range. I2C is easy to use
to link multiple devices together since it has a built-in addressing scheme.
Philips originally developed I2C for communication between devices inside of a TV set.
Examples of simple I2C-compatible devices found in embedded systems include EEPROMs,
thermal sensors, and real-time clocks. I2C is also used as a control interface to signal processing
devices that have separate, application-specific data interfaces. For instance, it's commonly used
in multimedia applications, where typical devices include RF tuners, video decoders and encoders,
and audio processors. In all, Philips, National Semiconductor, Xicor, Siemens, and other
manufacturers offer hundreds of I2C-compatible devices.
Inside the box
I2C is appropriate for interfacing to devices on a single board, and can be stretched across
multiple boards inside a closed system, but not much further. An example is a host CPU on a main
embedded board using I2C to communicate with user interface devices located on a separate front


panel board. A second example is SDRAM DIMMs, which can feature an I2C EEPROM
containing parameters needed to correctly configure a memory controller for that module.
I2C is a two-wire serial bus, as shown in Figure 1. There's no need for chip select or
arbitration logic, making it cheap and simple to implement in hardware.

The two I2C signals are serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). Together, these signals
make it possible to support serial transmission of 8-bit bytes of data-7-bit device addresses plus
control bits-over the two-wire serial bus. The device that initiates a transaction on the I2C bus is
termed the master. The master normally controls the clock signal. A device being addressed by
the master is called a slave.
In a bind, an I2C slave can hold off the master in the middle of a transaction using what's
called clock stretching (the slave keeps SCL pulled low until it's ready to continue). Most I2C slave
devices don't use this feature, but every master should support it.
The I2C protocol supports multiple masters, but most system designs include only one.
There may be one or more slaves on the bus. Both masters and slaves can receive and transmit
data bytes.
Each I2C-compatible hardware slave device comes with a predefined device address, the
lower bits of which may be configurable at the board level. The master transmits the device address
of the intended slave at the beginning of every transaction. Each slave is responsible for monitoring
the bus and responding only to its own address. This addressing scheme limits the number of
identical slave devices that can exist on an I2C bus without contention, with the limit set by the
number of user-configurable address bits (typically two bits, allowing up to four identical devices).
As you can see in Figure 2, the master begins the communication by issuing the start
condition (S). The master continues by sending a unique 7-bit slave device address, with the most
significant bit (MSB) first. The eighth bit after the start, read/not-write (), specifies whether the
slave is now to receive (0) or to transmit (1). This is followed by an ACK bit issued by the receiver,
acknowledging receipt of the previous byte. Then the transmitter (slave or master, as indicated by
the bit) transmits a byte of data starting with the MSB. At the end of the byte, the receiver (whether
master or slave) issues a new ACK bit. This 9-bit pattern is repeated if more bytes need to be
In a write transaction
(slave receiving), when the
master is done transmitting
all of the data bytes it wants
to send, it monitors the last ACK and then issues the stop condition (P). In a read transaction (slave
transmitting), the master does not acknowledge the final byte it receives. This tells the slave that
its transmission is done. The master then issues the stop condition.

A simple bus
As we've seen, the I2C signaling protocol provides device addressing, a read/write flag,
and a simple acknowledgement mechanism. There are a few more elements to the I2C protocol,
such as general call (broadcast) and 10-bit extended addressing. Beyond that, each device defines
its own command interface or address-indexing scheme.
Standard I2C devices operate up to 100Kbps, while fast-mode devices operate at up to
400Kbps. A 1998 revision of the I2C specification (v. 2.0) added a high-speed mode running at up
to 3.4Mbps. Most of the I2C devices available today support 400Kbps operation. Higher-speed
operation may allow I2C to keep up with the rising demand for bandwidth in multimedia and other
Most often, the I2C master is the CPU or microcontroller in the system. Some
microcontrollers even feature hardware to implement the I2C protocol. You can also build an allsoftware implementation using a pair of general-purpose I/O pins (single master implementations
Since the I2C master controls transaction timing, the bus protocol doesn't impose any realtime constraints on the CPU beyond those of the application. (This is in contrast with other serial
buses that are timeslot-based and, therefore, take their service overhead even when no real
communication is taking place.)

The elegance of I2C

I2C offers good support for communication with on-board devices that are accessed on an
occasional basis. I2C's competitive advantage over other low-speed short-distance communication
schemes is that its cost and complexity don't scale up with the number of devices on the bus. On
the other hand, the complexity of the supporting I2C software components can be significantly
higher than that of several competing schemes (SPI and MicroWire, to name two) in a very simple
configuration. With its built-in addressing scheme and straightforward means to transfer strings
of bytes, I2C is an elegant, minimalist solution for modest, "inside the box" communication needs.





Mode of Operation





Total Number of Drivers and Receivers





on One Line (One driver active at a time





Maximum Cable Length

50 FT.

4000 FT.

4000 FT.

4000 FT.

Maximum Data Rate (40ft. - 4000ft. for





Maximum Driver Output Voltage



-0.25V to +6V

-7V to +12V


+/-5V to +/-15V




for RS485 networks)





Level (Loaded Min.)






Driver Load Impedance (Ohms)

3k to 7k




Max. Driver Current in

Power On





Power Off

+/-6mA @ +/-2v




Slew Rate (Max.)





Receiver Input Voltage Range



-10V to +10V

-7V to +12V

Receiver Input Sensitivity





Receiver Input Resistance (Ohms), (1

3k to 7k

4k min.

4k min.






Level (Unloaded Max)

High Z State
Max. Driver Current in
High Z State

Standard Load for RS485)

Need for device drivers:

Device driver definition
A device driver has a set of routines (functions) used by a high-level language programmer,
which does the interaction with the device hardware, sends control commands to the device,
communicates data to the device and runs the codes for reading device data.
Device driver routine:

Each device in a system needs device driver routine with number of device functions.
An ISR relates to a device driver command (device-function). The device driver uses SWI
to call the related ISR (device-function routine)
The device driver also responds to device hardware interrupts.
Device driver generic commands:
A programmer uses generic commands for device driver for using a device. The operating
system provides these generic commands.
Each command relates to an ISR. The device driver command uses an SWI to call the
related ISR (device-function routine)
Generic functions:
Generic functions used for the commands to the device are device create ( ), open ( ),
connect ( ), bind ( ), read ( ), write ( ), ioctl ( ) [for IO control], delete ( ) and close ( ).
Device driver code:
Different in different operating system.
Same device may have different code for the driver when system is using different operating


Part - A
1. List the Types of IO ports in embedded networking?
Serial ports and Parallel ports
Types of serial ports:
Synchronous Serial Input
Synchronous Serial Output
Asynchronous Serial UART input
Asynchronous Serial UART output
Both as input and as output, for example, modem.
Types of parallel ports:
Parallel port one bit Input
Parallel one bit output
Parallel Port multi-bit Input
Parallel Port multi-bit Output
2. What is the meaning of MAC address?
A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned
network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment. MAC addresses are
used as a network address for most IEEE 802 network technologies, including Ethernet and
3. Define PORT?
A port is a device to receive the bytes from external peripheral(s) device or processor
or to send the bytes to external peripheral or device or processor using instructions executed
on processor.
4. List Serial Bus Communication Protocols?
a. RS-232,
b. RS-422,
c. RS 423,
d. RS-485,
e. CAN Bus,
f. SPI Bus,
g. I2C Bus.
5. What is full duplex and half duplex?
In Full-duplex communication means between two components that both can
transmit and receive information between each other simultaneously. Telephones are fullduplex systems so both parties on the phone can talk and listen at the same time.
In half-duplex systems, the transmission and reception of information must happen
alternately. While one point is transmitting, the other must only receive. Walkie-talkie

radio communication is a half-duplex system, this is characterized by saying over at the

end of a transmission to signify that the party is ready to receive information.
6. List the pin configuration of RS232?

7. What is CAN?
CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic
control unit (ECUs).
b. Controllerarea network (CAN or CAN-bus) is a vehicle bus standard designed to
allow microcontrollers a devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle
without a host computer.
c. CAN is a message-based protocol, designed specifically for automotive
applications but now also used in other areas such as industrial automation and
medical equipment.
d. The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a serial asynchronous bus used in
instrumentation applications for industries such as automobiles.

8. What bus speeds are available with I2C?

The bus speed for I2C was increased over the years. The following modes are
Standard mode: with a bit rate up to 100kbit/s
Fast-mode: with a bit rate up to 400 kbit/s
High-speed mode (Hs-mode): with a bit rate up to 3.4 Mbit/s
9. What is the difference between rs232 and rs485 port?
Full duplex
Point to Point
Short distance(1 meter) at 115kbaud
At least 3 wires (more with handshake

Half duplex
Point to multi-point (master to multiple slaves)
1200 m distance at 115kbaud
2 wire (RS422 uses 4 wires)


10. Define Byte oriented framing?

Computer data is normally stored as alphanumeric characters that are encoded with
a combination of 8 bits (1 byte). This type of framing differentiates one byte from another.
It is an older style of framing that was used in the terminal/mainframe environment.
Examples of byte-oriented framing include IBMs BISYNC protocol.
11. What is baud rate?
Baud rate is a speed measurement for communication. It indicates the number of bit
transfers per second. For example, 300 baud is 300 bits per second. When we refer to a
clock cycle, in the context of serial, we mean the baud rate. For example, if the protocol
calls for a 4800 baud rate, then the clock is running at 4800Hz. This means that the serial
port is sampling the data line at 4800Hz. Common baud rates for telephone lines are 14400,
28800, and 33600. Baud rates greater than these are possible, but these rates reduce the
distance by which devices can be separated. These high baud rates are used for device
communication where the devices are located near one another.
12. What is RS-422?
RS-422 (EIA RS-422-A Standard) is the serial connection historically used on Apple
Macintosh computers. RS-422 uses a differential electrical signal, as opposed to unbalanced
signals referenced to ground with the RS-232. Differential transmission uses two lines each
for transmit and receive signals which results in greater noise immunity and longer distances
as compared to the RS-232. These advantages make RS-422 a better fit for industrial
13. What is Handshaking?
The method used by RS-232 for communication allows for a simple connection of
three lines: TX, RX, and ground. For the data to be transmitted, both sides have to be clocking
the data at the same baud rate. Although, this method is sufficient for most applications, it is
limited in being able to respond to problems such as the receiver getting overloaded. This is
where serial handshaking can help. In this section we will discuss three of the most popular
forms of handshaking with RS-232: Software Handshaking, Hardware Handshaking, and
14. What is I2C Arbitration?
When two masters are trying to control the bus simultaneously, or if a second master
joins the bus in the middle of a transfer and wants to control the bus, the I2C bus has an
arbitration scheme to guarantee no data corruption.
With I2C, a line (both SDA and SCL) is either driven low or allowed to be pulled
high. When a master changes a line state to high, it must sample the line afterwards to make
sure it really has been pulled high. If the master samples the SDA bus after setting it high,
and the sample shows that the line is low, it knows another master is driving it low. The
master assumes it has lost arbitration and waits until it detects a stop condition before
making another attempt to start transmitting.


15. Define device driver

A device driver has a set of routines (functions) used by a high-level language
programmer, which does the interaction with the device hardware, sends control commands to
the device, communicates data to the device and runs the codes for reading device data.


Write a short note on embedded networking?
Explain the RS232 communication protocol?
Compare the serial communication protocols?
Explain about the CAN bus and its working?
Give a brief note on I2C protocol?


Objectives of EDLC,
Different phases of EDLC,
Modeling of EDLC;
issues in Hardware-software Co-design,
Data Flow Graph,
State machine model,
Sequential Program Model,
Concurrent Model,
Object oriented Model.


Staff In-charge

Embedded Product Development Life Cycle (Let us call it as EDLC, though it is not a standard
and universal term) is an 'Analysis -Design -Implementation' based standard problem solving
approach for Embedded Product Development. In any product development application, the first
and foremost step is to figure out what product needs to be developed (analysis), next you need to
figure out a good approach for building it (design) and last but not least you need to develop it
Use of EDLC:
EDLC is essential for understanding the scope and complexity of the work involved in any
embedded product development. EDLC defines the interaction and activities among various
groups of a product development sector including project management, system design and
development (hardware, firmware and enclosure design and development), system testing, release
management and quality assurance. The standards imposed by EDLC on a product development
makes the product, developer independent in terms of standard documents and it also provides
uniformity in development approaches.
Objectives of EDLC:
The ultimate aim of any embedded product in a commercial production setup is to produce
marginal benefit. Marginal benefit is usually expressed in terms of Return on Investment (R01).
The investment for a product development includes initial investment, manpower investment, and
infrastructure investment. etc. A product is said to be profitable only if the turnover from the
selling of the product is more than that of the overall investment expenditure. For this, the product
should be acceptable by the end user and it should meet the requirements of end user in terms of
quality, reliability and functionality. So it is very essential to ensure that the product is meeting all
these criteria, throughout the design, development implementation and support phases. Embedded
Product Development Life Cycle (EDLC) helps out in ensuring all these requirements. EDLC has
three primary objectives, namely
Ensure that high quality products are delivered to end user.
Risk minimization and defect prevention in product development through project management.
Maximize the productivity.

Ensuring High Quality for Products:

The primary definition of quality in any embedded product development is the Return on
Investment (ROI) achieved by the product. The expenses incurred for developing the product may
fall in any of the categories; initial investment, developer recruiting, training, or any other
infrastructure requirement related. There will be some budgetary and cost allocation given to the
development of the product and it will be allocated by some higher officials based on the
assumption that the product will produce a good return or a return justifying the investment. The

budget allocation might have done after studying the market trends and requirements of the
product, competition, etc. EDLC must ensure that the development of the product has taken
account of all the qualitative attributes of the embedded system.
Risk Minimization and Defect Prevention through Management:
You may be thinking what the significance of project management is, or why project
management is essential in product development. Nevertheless it is an additional expenditure to
the project! If we look back to the chicken dish example, we can find out that the management
activity from dad is essential in the beginning phase but in the preparation phase it can be handled
by mom itself. There are projects in embedded product development which requires 'loose' or
'tight' project management.
If the product development project is a simple one, a senior developer itself can take charge
of the management activity and no need for a skilled project manager to look after this with
dedicated effort throughout the development process, but there should be an overall supervision
from a skilled project management team for ensuring that the development process is going in the
right direction. Projects which arc complex and requires timeliness should have a dedicated and
skilled project management part and hence they are said to be "tightly" bounded to project
management. Project management is essential for predictability, co-ordination and risk
minimization'. Whenever a product development request comes, an estimate on the duration of'
the development and deployment activity should be given to the end user/client. The timeframe
may be expressed in number of person days PDS (The effort in terms of single person working for
this much days) or 'X person for X week (e.g. 2 person 2 week) etc.
This is one aspect of predictability. The management team might have reached on this
estimate based on past experience in handling similar project or on the analysis of work summary
or data available for a similar project, which was logged in using an activity tool. Resource
(Developer) allocation is another aspect of predictability in management. Resource allocations
like how many resources should work for this project for how many days, how many resources
are critical with respect to the work handling by them and how many backups required for the
resources to overcome a critical situation where a resource is not available (Risk minimization).
Resource allocation is critical and it is having a direct impact on investment. The communication
aspect of the project management deals with co-ordination and interaction among resources and
client from which the request for the product development aroused. Project management adds an
extra cost on the budget but it is essential for ensuring the development process is going in the
right direction and the schedules of the development activity are meeting. Without management,
the development work may go beyond the stipulated time frame (schedule slipping) and may end
up in a product which is not meeting the requirements from the client side, as a result re -works
should be done to rectify the possible deviations occurred and it will again put extra cost on the


Project management makes the proverb "A stitch in time saves nine" meaningful in an
embedded product development. Apart from resource allocation, project management also covers
activities like task allocation, scheduling, monitoring and project tracking. Computer Assisted
Software Engineering (CASE) Tools and Gantt charts help the manager in achieving this.
Microsoft0 Project Tool is a typical example of CASE tool for project management.
Increased Productivity:
Productivity is a measure of efficiency as well as Return on Investment (ROI). One aspect
of productivity covers how many resources are utilized to build the product, how much investment
required, how much time is taken for developing the product, etc. For example, the productivity
of a system is said to be doubled if a product developed by a team of 'X' members in a period of
'X' days is developed by another team of `X/2' members in a period of 'X' days or by a team of 'X'
members in a period of 'X/2' days. This productivity measurement is based on total manpower
efficiency. Productivity in terms of Returns is said to be increased, if the product is capable of
yielding maximum returns with reduced investment. Saving manpower effort will definitely result
in increased productivity. Usage of automated tools, wherever possible, is recommended for this.
The initial investment on tools may be an additional burden in terms of money, but it will definitely
save efforts in the next project also. It is a one-time investment.
"Pay once use many time". Another important factor which can help in increased
productivity is "re -usable effort". Some of the works required for the current product development
may have some common features which you built for some of the other product development in
the projects you executed before. Identify those efforts and design the new product in such a way
that it can directly be plugged into the new product without any additional effort. (For example,
the current product you are developing requires an RS -232C serial interface and one of the product
you already developed have the same feature. Adapt this part directly from the existing product in
terms of the hardware and firmware required for the same.) This will definitely increase the
productivity by reducing the development effort.
Another advised method for increasing the productivity is by using resources with specific
skill sets which matches the exact requirement of the entire or part of the product (e.g. Resource
with expertise in Bluetooth technology for developing a Bluetooth interface for the product). This
reduces the learning time taken by a resource, which does not have prior expertise in the particular
feature or domain. This is not possible in all product development environments, since some of
the resources with the desired skill sets may be engaged with some other work and releasing them
from the current work is not possible. Recruiting people with desired skill sets for the current
product development is another option; this is worth only if you expect to have more work on the
near future on the same technology or skill sets. Use of Commercial off - the - Shelf Components
(COTS). Wherever possible in a product is a very good way of reducing the development effort
and thereby increasing the productivity.


COTS component is a ready to use component and you can use the same as plug-in
modules in your product. For example, if the product under development requires a 10 base T
Ethernet connectivity, you can either implement the same in your product by using the TCP/IP
chip and related components or can use a readily available TCP/IP full functional plug-in module.
The second approach will save effort and time. EDLC should take all these aspects into
consideration to provide maximum productivity.
Different phases of EDLC

1. Concept Phase: Here analysis of the market trend is carried out. The phase
involves brain storming of innovative ideas driven by technology trends and
customer inputs.
2. Requirements Gathering Phase: In this stage it determines what kind of hardware
and software is required to satisfy the customers.
3. Design Phase: The product owner and design team will identify the relationship
between input and output. After investigating the overall behavior of the E.S a
System specification is written. A detailed hardware and software partitioning is
4. Development and Implementation Phase: Based on the specification of
embedded system functionality and power consumption and cost all the different
hardware add on components are chosen and hardware implementation will start in
the first sub-phase of implementation.
5. Integration Phase: The next step in the implementation process is the testing of
the entire embedded system.
6. Verification and Validation Phase: The validation phase is to ensure that the
entire system is implemented as against the design and eventually against the
7. Maintenance and Retire Phase: This phase includes changes and additions as
required by the users and also fixing bugs to keep the product up and running at the
customer site.
Modeling of EDLC:The term modeling in the embedded product development life cycle refers to
the interconnection of various phases involved in the development of the embedded product. The
various approaches adopted or models used in modeling EDLC are described below.

Linear or Waterfall model:

Linear or waterfall model approach is adopted in most of the older systems and in this
approach each phase of EDLC is executed in sequence. The linear model establishes a formal
analysis and design methodology with highly structured development phases. In linear model, the
various phases of EDLC are executed in sequence and the flow is unidirectional with output of
one phase serving as the input to the next phase. In the linear model all activities involved in each
phase are well documented, giving an insight into what should be done in the next phase and how
it can be done. The feedback of each phase is available locally and only after they are executed.
The linear model implements extensive review mechanisms to ensure the process flow is going in
the right direction and validates the effort during a phase.
One significant feature of linear model is that even if you identify bugs in the current
design, the corrective actions are not implemented immediately and the development process
proceeds with the current design. The fixes for the bugs are postponed till the support phase, which
accompanies the deployment phase. The major advantage of 'Linear Model' is that the product
development is rich in terms of documentation, easy project management and good control over
cost and schedule.
The major drawback of this approach is that it assumes all the analysis can be done and
everything will be in right place without doing any design or implementation. Also the risk
analysis is performed only once throughout the development and risks involved in any changes
are not accommodated in subsequent phases, the working product is available only at the end of
the development phase and bug fixes and corrections are performed only at the
maintenance/support phase of the life cycle. 'Linear Model' (Fig.below) is best suited for product
developments, where the requirements are well defined and within the scope, and no change
request are expected till the completion of the cycle.


Iterative/Incremental or Fountain model:

Iteration or fountain model follows the sequence Do some analysis, follow some design,
the some implementation, evaluate it and based on the shortcomings, cycle black through and
conduct more analysis, opt for new design and implementation and repeat the cycle till the
requirements are met completely. The iterative model can be viewed as a cascaded series of linear
The incremental model is a superset of iterative model where the requirements are known
at the beginning and they divided into different groups. If you closely observe this model you can
see that each cycle is interconnected in a similar fashion of a fountain, where water first moves up
and then comes down, again moves up and comes down. The major advantage of iterative/fountain
model is that it provides very good development cycle feedback at each function/feature
implementation and hence the data can be used as a reference for similar product development in
future. Since each cycle can act as a maintenance phase for previous cycle, changes in feature and
functionalities can be easily incorporated during the development and hence more responsive to
changing user needs.
The iterative model provides a working product model with at least minimum features at
the first cycle itself. Risk is spread across each individual cycle and can be minimized easily.
Project management as well as testing is much simpler compared to the linear model. Another
major advantage is that the product development can be stopped at any stage with a bare minimum
working product. Though iterative model is a good solution for product development, it possess
lots of drawbacks like extensive review requirement at each cycle, impact on operations due to
new releases, training requirement for each new deployment at the end of each development cycle,
structured and well documented interface definition across modules to accommodate changes.

The iterative/incremental model is deployed in product developments where the risk is

very high when the development is carried out by linear model. By choosing an iterative model,
the risk is spread across multiple cycles. Since each cycle produces a working model, this model
is best suited for product developments where the continued funding for each cycle is not assured.
Fig.below. Iterative/Incremental or Fountain model


Prototyping/Evolutionary Model:
Prototyping/evolutionary model is similar to the iterative model and the product is
developed in multiple cycles. The only difference is that this model produces a more refined
prototype of the product at the end of each cycle instead of functionality/feature addition in each
cycle as performed by the iterative model. There won't be any commercial deployment of the
prototype of the product at each cycle's end. The shortcomings of the proto-model after each cycle
are evaluated and it is fixed in the next cycle. Fig.9.
Prototyping/Evolutionary Model After the initial requirement analysis, the design for the
first prototype is made, the development process is started. On finishing the prototype, it is sent to
the customer for evaluation. The customer evaluates the product for the set of requirements and
gives his/her feedback to the developer in terms of shortcomings and improvements needed. The
developer refines the product according to the customer's exact expectation and repeats the proto
development process. After a finite number of iterations, the final product is delivered to the
customer and launches in the market/operational environment. In this approach, the product
undergoes significant evolution as a result of periodic shuttling of product information between
the customer and developer. The prototyping model follows die approach 'Requirements
definition, proto-type development, proto-type evaluation and requirements refining'. Since the
requirements undergo refinement after each proto model, it is easy to incorporate new
requirements and technology changes at any stage and thereby the product development process
can start with a bare minimum set of requirements.
The evolutionary model relies heavily on user feedback after each implementation and
hence fine-tuning of final requirements is possible. Another major advantage of prototyping model
is that the risk is spread across each proto development cycle and it is well under control. The
major drawbacks of proto-typing model are
Deviations from expected cost and schedule due to requirements refinement
Increased project management
Minimal documentation on each prototype may create problems in backward prototype
Increased Configuration Management activities
Prototyping model is the most popular product development model adopted in embedded
product industry. This approach can be considered as the best approach for products, whose
requirements are not fully available and are subject to change. This model is not recommended for
projects involving the up gradation of an existing product. There can be slight variations in the
base prototyping model depending on project management.


Spiral Model:
Spiral model combines the elements of linear and prototyping models to give the best
possible risk minimized EDLC Model. Spiral model is developed by Barry Boehm in 1988. The
product development starts with project definition and traverse through all phases of EDLC
through multiple phases. The activities involved in the Spiral model can be associated with the
four quadrants of a spiral and are listed below.
Determine objectives, alternatives, constraints.
Evaluate alternatives. Identify and resolve risks.
Develop and test.
Spiral model is best suited for the development of complex embedded products and
situations where requirements arc changing from customer side. Customer evaluation of prototype
at each stage allows addition of requirements and technology changes. Risk evaluation in each
stage helps in risk planning and mitigation. The proto model developed at each stage is evaluated
by the customer against various parameters like strength, weakness, risk, etc. and the final product
is built based on the final prototype on agreement with the client. Fig.below. Spiral model

Issues in Hardware-software Co-design:

Two approaches for the embedded system design device programmer
1. When the software development cycle ends then the cycle begins for the process of
integrating the software into the hardware at the time when a system is designed.
2. Both cycles concurrently proceed when co-designing a time critical sophisticated


Software Hardware Trade off:

1. It is possible that certain subsystems in hardware (microcontroller), IO memory
accesses, real-time clock, system clock, pulse width modulation, timer and serial
communication are also implemented by the software.
2. A serial communication real-time clock and timers featuring microcontroller may
cost more than the microprocessor with external memory and a software
3. Hardware implementations provide advantage of processing speed
Hardware implementation advantages:
(i) Reduced memory for the program.
(ii) Reduced number of chips but at an increased cost.
(iii) Simple coding for the device drivers.
(iv) Internally embedded codes, which are more secure than at the external ROM
(v) Energy dissipation can be controlled by controlling the clock rate and voltage
Software implementation advantages:
Easier to change when new hardware versions become available.
Programmability for complex operations.
(iii) Faster development time
Use of standard software engineering, modeling and RTOS tools.
Faster speed of operation of complex functions with high-speed
(vii) Less cost for simple systems.
Choosing the right platform:
Units to be chosen
a) Processor ASIP or ASSP
b) Multiple processors
c) System-on-Chip
d) Memory
e) Other Hardware Units of System
f) Buses
g) Software Language
h) RTOS (real-time programming OS)
i) Code generation tools
j) Tools for finally embedding the
k) software into binary image
Factors and Features Taken into Consideration:
a) When the 32-bit system, 16kB+ on chip memory and need of cache, memory
management unit or SIMD or MIMD or DSP instructions arise, we use a
microprocessor or DSP.
b) Video game, voice recognition and image-filtering systems need a DSP.
c) Microcontroller provides the advantage of on-chip memories and subsystems like the


Factors for On-Chip Feature:

8 bit or 16 bit or 32 bit
ALU Cache
Memory Management Unit
DSP calculations
Intensive computations at fast rate
Total external and internal Memory up to or more than 64 kB
Internal RAM
Timer 1, 2 or 3
Watchdog Timer
Serial Peripheral Interface Full duplex
Serial Synchronous Communication Interface (SI) Half Duplex
Serial UART
Input Captures and Out-compares
Single or multi-channel ADC with or without programmable Voltage reference (single or
dual reference)
DMA Controller
Power Dissipation.
Processor Sensitive:
Can have memory mapped IOs or IO mapped IOs.
IO instructions are processor sensitive.
Fixed point ALU only or Floating-point operations preetn
Provision for execution of SIMD (single instruction multiple data) and VLIW (very large
instruction word) instructions.
Data Flow Graph:
A data-flow means that a program flow such that specifically the data only determines all
the program execution steps and program flows are determined specifically only by the data.
Programmer predetermines the data inputs and designs the programming steps to
generate the data output.
A set of data-input generates a set of data-output and another set of input will generate
another output.
Example of Data Flow graph
o A program for finding an average of grades in various subjects will have the data
inputs of grades and data output of the average.
o Program executes a function to generate the appropriate output.
o The data flow graph model is appropriate to model the program for the average.
Data flow graph modelling:
o A circle represents each process (set of program steps) in DFG.


o An arrow directed towards the circle represents the data input (or set of inputs)
and an arrow originating from the circle represents a data output (or a set of
o Data input along an input edge is considered as token.
o An input edge has at least one token.
o The circle represents the node.
o The node is said to be fired by the tokens from all input edges.
o The output is considered by outgoing tokens, which are produced by the node on
o There are no control conditions in steps at DFG
o A DFG does not have any conditions within it so that the program has one data
entry point and one data output point.
o There is only one independent path for program flow when program is executed.

State machine model,

A state machine is defined as an algorithm that can be in one of a small number
of states. A state is a condition that causes a prescribed relationship of inputs to outputs, and of
inputs to next states. A savvy reader will quickly note that the state machines described in this
chapter are Mealy machines. A Mealy machine is a state machine where the outputs are a function
of both present state and input, as opposed to a Moore machine, in which the outputs are a function
only of state. In both cases, the next state is a function of both present state and input. Pressman
has several examples of state transition diagrams used to document the design of a software
Figure shows a state machine. In this example, the first occurrence of a slash
produces no output, but causes the machine to advance to the second state. If it encounters a nonslash while in the second state, then it will go back to the first state, because the two slashes must
be adjacent. If it finds a second slash, however, then it produces the were done output.


The state machine approach I recommend proceeds as follows:

Learn what the user wants
Sketch the state transition diagram
Code the skeleton of the state machine, without filling in the details of the transition actions
Make sure the transitions work properly
Flesh out the transition details
An Example
A more illustrative example is a program that controls the retraction and extension of an
airplanes landing gear. While in most airplanes this is done with an electrohydraulic control
mechanism (simply because they dont have a computer on board), cases existsuch as unmanned
air vehicleswhere one would implement the control mechanism in software.
Lets describe the hardware in our example so that we can later define the software that
controls it. The landing gear on this airplane consists of a nose gear, a left main gear, and a right
main gear. These are hydraulically actuated. An electrically driven hydraulic pump supplies
pressure to the hydraulic actuators. Our software can turn the pump on and off. A direction valve
is set by the computer to either up or down, to allow the hydraulic pressure to either raise or
lower the landing gear. Each leg of the gear has two limit switches: one that closes if the gear is
up, and another that closes when its locked in the down position. To determine if the airplane is
on the ground, a limit switch on the nose gear strut will close if the weight of the airplane is on the
nose gear (commonly referred to as a squat switch). The pilots controls consist of a landing
gear up/down lever and three lights (one per leg) that can either be off, glow green (for down), or
glow red (for in transit).
Let us now design the state machine. The first step, and the hardest, is to figure out what
the user really wants the software to do. One of the advantages of a state machine is that it forces
the programmer to think of all the cases and, therefore, to extract all the required information from
the user. Why do I describe this as the hardest step? How many times have you been given a oneline problem description similar to this one: dont retract the gear if the airplane is on the ground?
Clearly, thats important, but the user thinks hes done. What about all the other cases? Is
it okay to retract the gear the instant the airplane leaves the ground? What if it simply bounced a
bit due to a bump in the runway? What if the pilot moved the gear lever into the up position
while he was parked, and subsequently takes off? Should the landing gear then come up?
One of the advantages of thinking in state machine terms is that you can quickly draw a
state transition diagram on a whiteboard, in front of the user, and walk him through it. A common
notation designates state transitions as follows: < event that caused the transition >/< output as a
result of the transition >. If we simply designed what the user initially asked us for (dont retract

the gear if the airplane is on the ground), what hed get would look a bit like Figure. It would
exhibit the bad behaviour mentioned previously.

Keep the following in mind when designing the state transition diagram (or indeed any embedded
Computers are very fast compared to mechanical hardwareyou may have to wait.
The mechanical engineer whos describing what he wants probably doesnt know as much about
computers or algorithms as you do. Good thing, toootherwise you would be unnecessary!
How will your program behave if a mechanical or electrical part breaks? Provide for timeouts,
sanity checks, and so on.

We can now suggest the following state machine to the user, building upon his requirements by
adding a few states and transitions at a time. The result is shown in Figure 6-3. Here, we want to
preclude gear retraction until the airplane is definitely airborne, by waiting a couple of seconds
after the squat switch opens. We also want to respond to a rising edge of the pilots lever, rather
than a level, so that we rule out the someone moved the lever while the airplane was parked
problem. Also, we take into account that the pilot might change his mind. Remember, the landing
gear takes a few seconds to retract or extend, and we have to handle the case where the pilot
reversed the lever during the process. Note, too, that if the airplane touches down again while
were in the Waiting for take-off state, the timer restartsthe airplane has to be airborne for
two seconds before well retract the gear.
Landing Gear Implementation
/* This table contains a pointer to the function to call in each state.*/ RaisingGear, GearUp,
LoweringGear}; State_Type curr_state;

/* The heart of the state machine is this one loop. The function corresponding to the current state
is called once per iteration. */
while (1)
/* Do other functions, not related to this state machine.*/
void InitializeLdgGearSM()
curr_state = GEAR_DOWN;
timer = 0.0;
/* Stop all the hardware, turn off the lights, etc.*/
void GearDown()
/* Raise the gear upon command, but not if the airplane is
on the ground.*/
if ((gear_lever == UP) && (prev_gear_lever == DOWN) &&
(squat_switch == UP))
void (*state_table[]090 = {GearDown, WtgForTakeoff,
void RaisingGear()
timer = 2.0;
curr_state = WTG_FOR_TKOFF;
prev_gear_lever = gear_lever; /* Store for edge detection.*/
/* Once all 3 legs are up, go to the GEAR_UP state.*/
if ((nosegear_is_up == MADE) && (leftgear_is_up == MADE) &&
(rtgear_is_up == MADE))
Curr_state = GEAR_UP;
curr_state = LOWERING_GEAR;
/* If the pilot changes his mind, start lowering
the gear.*/
if (gear_lever == DOWN)
void GearUp()
/* If the pilot moves the lever to DOWN, lower the gear.*/
if (gear_lever == DOWN)

curr_state = LOWERING_GEAR;
void WtgForTakeoff()
/* Once weve been airborne for 2 sec., start raising
the gear.*/
if (timer <=0.0)
curr_state = RAISING_GEAR;
/*If we touch down again, or if the pilot changes his
mind, start over.*/
if ((squat_switch ==DOWN) || (gear_lever == DOWN))
timer = 2.0;
curr_state = GEAR_DOWN;
/* Dont want to require that he toggle the lever
again this was just a bounce.*/
prev_gear_lever = DOWN;
void LoweringGear()
if ((nosegear_is_down == MADE) && (Leftgear_is_down == MADE)
&& (rtgear_is_down == MADE))
curr_state = GEAR_DOWN;
if (gear_lever == UP)
curr_state = RAISING_GEAR;
Lets discuss a few features of the example code. First, youll notice that the functionality
of each individual state is implemented by its own C function. You could just as easily implement
it as a switch statement, with a separate case for each state. However, this can lead to a very long
function (imagine 10 or 20 lines of code per state for each of 20 or 30 states). It can also lead you
astray when you change the code late in the testing phaseperhaps youve never forgotten a break
statement at the end of a case, but I sure have. Having one states code fall into the next states
code is usually a no-no.
To avoid the switch statement, you can use an array of pointers to the individual state
functions. The index into the array is curr_state, which is declared as an enumerated type to help
our tools enforce correctness.
In coding a state machine, try to preserve its greatest strength, namely, the eloquently
visible match between the users requirements and the code. It may be necessary to hide hardware
details in another layer of functions, for instance, to keep the state machines

Sequential Program Model,

Sequential programming models are used in industrial solutions usually. Sequential
programming model is named linear programming model too. These programs are composed from
four software component: initialization, reading status of the inputs, calculation or processing,
refreshing values of the outputs. Figure illustrates the simplified flow chart of program based on
sequential programming model.

The advantage of sequential programming model is the design of program is very similar to
classical logical circuit design method. Simultaneously (in time) reading of all inputs and writing
of all outputs exclude the hazard known in logical circuits.
Concurrent Model,
The concurrent or communicating process models concurrently executing
tasks/processes. So far we discussed about the sequential execution of software programs.
It is easier to implement certain requirements in concurrent processing model than the
conventional sequential execution. Sequential execution leads to a single sequential
execution of tasks and thereby leads to poor processor utilization, when the tasks involves
I/O waiting, sleeping for specified duration, e.t.c.. if the tasks is split into multiple subtasks,
it is possible to tackle the CPU usage effectively, when the subtask under execution goes
to wait or sleep mode, by switching the task execution. However, concurrent processing
model requires additional overheads in task scheduling, task synchronization and
As an example for the concurrent processing model lets us examine how we can
implement the seat belt warning system in concurrent processing model.


Ignition key ON

Wait for 10 sec

Ignition ON?



Seat belt on?

Set timer for 5 sec

Start alarm

Start alarm
Ignition ON?




Seat belt ON?



Time expired?
Stop alarm


Describes functionality of system in terms of two or more concurrently executing



Many systems easier to describe with concurrent process model because inherently
E.g., simple example:
Read two numbers X and Y
Display Hello world. every X seconds
Display How are you? every Y seconds
More effort would be required with sequential program or state machine model
Object oriented Model.
It is an object based model for modelling system requirements. It disseminates a
software requirement in to simple well defined pieces called objects. Objectoriented model brings reusability, maintainability and productivity in system
design. In the object-oriented modelling, object is an entity used for representing
or modelling a particular piece of the system. Each object is characterized by a set
of unique behavior and state. A class is an abstract description of a set


Part A


Embedded Product Development Life Cycle is an 'Analysis -Design -Implementation'

based standard problem solving approach for Embedded Product Development. In any product
development application, the first and foremost step is to figure out what product needs to be
developed (analysis), next you need to figure out a good approach for building it (design) and last
but not least you need to develop it (implementation).


EDLC is essential for understanding the scope and complexity of the work involved in any
embedded product development. EDLC defines the interaction and activities among various
groups of a product development sector including project management, system design and
development (hardware, firmware and enclosure design and development), system testing, release
management and quality assurance. The standards imposed by EDLC on a product development
makes the product, developer independent in terms of standard documents and it also provides
uniformity in development approaches.

List the objectives EDLC?

EDLC has three primary objectives, namely

Ensure that high quality products are delivered to end user.
Risk minimization and defect prevention in product development through project
Maximize the productivity.

List the EDLC approaches?

Linear/Waterfall Model:
Conceptualization Need Analysis Design Development & testing Deployment Support
Upgrades Retirement
Iterative/Incremental/Fountain EDLC Model:
Cascaded series of linear models
Do some analysis, follow some design, then some implementation in cycles


Prototyping/evolutionary model:
Similar to iterative model, product is developed in multiple cycles
The only difference is the model produces more refined prototype of the product at each
cycle instead of just adding the functionality at each cycle like in iterative model.
Spiral model:
Spiral model is best suited for the development of complex embedded products and
situations where the requirements are changing from customer side.
Risk evaluation in each stage helps in reducing risk.

Define Modeling?

Modeling is a broadly used term casually applied to disparate concepts ranging from
behavioral and structural models to more simulation-centric methodologies. The challenge with
broad terms or broad concepts of course is knowing when, where, and how it applies to your
own application.

What are the issues rise while designing embedded system?

Choosing Right Platform
Memory and I/O Requirements
Processor choice
Hardware software tradeoff
Porting issues of OS in the target board


Define state machine model?

A state machine is defined as an algorithm that can be in one of a small number of
states. A state is a condition that causes a prescribed relationship of inputs to outputs, and
of inputs to next states.


What is DFG?
A data-flow means that a program flow such that specifically the data only
determines all the program execution steps and program flows are determined specifically
only by the data.


What are the important Hardware and software Tradeoffs in embedded system?
Processing speed and performance
Frequency of change
Memory size and gate count
Man hours and cost.



Part B
What is Statechart? Explain its role in embedded system?
Explain differential computational models in embedded system design?
Explain sequential program model with an example?
With a neat representation explain about Linear or Waterfall model?
What is computational model? Explain its role in hardware and software co-design?

Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS- Task, process & threads,
Interrupt routines in RTOS,
Multiprocessing and Multitasking,
Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling,
Task communication shared memory,
Message passing-,
Inter process Communication
Synchronization between processesSemaphores, Mailbox, pipes, priority inversion, priority inheritance,
Comparison of Real time Operating systems: Vx Works, C/OS-II, RT


Staff In-charge

Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS- Task, process & threads:

A Real-Time OS (RTOS) is an OS with special features that make it suitable for
building real-time computing applications also referred to as Real-Time Systems (RTS). An RTS
is a (computing) system where correctness of computing depends not only on the correctness of
the logical result of the computation, but also on the result delivery time. An RTS is expected to
respond in a timely, predictable way to unpredictable external stimuli. Real-time systems can be
categorized as Hard or Soft. For a Hard RTS, the system is taken to have failed if a computing
deadline is not met. In a Soft RTS, a limited extent of failure in meeting deadlines results in
degraded performance of the system and not catastrophic failure. The correctness and performance
of an RTS is therefore not measured in terms of parameters such as, average number of
transactions per second as in transactional systems such as databases. A Good RTOS is one that
enables bounded (predictable) behavior under all system load scenarios. Note however, that the
RTOS, by itself cannot guarantee system correctness, but only is an enabling technology. That is,
it provides the application programmer with facilities using which a correct application can be
built. Speed, although important for meeting the overall requirements, does not by itself meet the
requirements for an RTOS.
Programs, Processes, Tasks and Threads
The above four terms are often found in literature on OS in similar contexts. All of
them refer to a unit of computation. A program is a general term for a unit of computation
and is typically used in the context of programming. A process refers to a program in
execution. A process is an independently executable unit handled by an operating system.
Sometimes, to ensure better utilization of computational resources, a process is further
broken up into threads. Threads are sometimes referred to as lightweight processes because
many threads can be run in parallel, that is, one at a time, for each process, without incurring
significant additional overheads. A task is a generic term, which, refers to an independently
schedulable unit of computation, and is used typically in the context of scheduling of
computation on the processor. It may refer either to a process or a thread.

Interrupt routines in RTOS,

ISRs have the higher priorities over the RTOS functions and the tasks.
An ISR should not wait for a semaphore, mailbox message or queue message
An ISR should not also wait for mutex else it has to wait for other critical section code to
finish before the critical codes in the ISR can run.
Only the IPC accept function for these events (semaphore, mailbox, queue) can be used,
not the post function
Three alternative ways systems to respond to hardware source calls from the interrupts.


Direct Call to an ISR by an Interrupting Source and ISR sending an ISR enter
message to OS

Direct Call to an ISR and ISR Enter message:

1. On an interrupt, the process running at the CPU is interrupted
2. ISR corresponding to that source starts executing.
3. A hardware source calls an ISR directly.
4. The ISR just sends an ISR enter message to the RTOS. ISR enter message is to inform
the RTOS that an ISR has taken control of the CPU.
ISR IPC messages and Exit message:
A. ISR code can send into a mailbox or message queue but the task waiting for a mailbox or
message queue does not start before the return from the ISR
B. When ISR finishes, it send s Exit message to OS
C. On return from ISR by retrieving saved context, the RTOS later on returns to the
interrupted process (task) or reschedules the processes (tasks).
D. RTOS action depends on the event-messages, whether the task waiting for the event
message from the ISR is a task of higher priority than the interrupted task on the interrupt
Multiple ISRs Nesting:
1. Each ISR low priority sends on high priority interrupt the ISR interrupt message (ISM)
to the OS to facilitate return to it on the finishing and return from the higher priority
2. Nesting means when an interrupt source call of higher priority, for example, SysClkIntr
occurs, then the control is passed to higher priority and on return from the higher
priority the lower priority ISR starts executing.
3. Each ISR on letting a higher priority interrupt call sends the ISM to the RTOS.
4. Common stack for the ISR nested calls, similar to the nested function calls..


Multiprocessing in RTOS:
In a single-processor, multitasking system, more than one software task appears to be
executing simultaneously. In reality, a single processor can only execute one instruction at a time,
so the parallel tasks interleave their execution in such a way that they seem to execute in parallel.
Although the mechanics of multitasking may actually decrease processor throughput, the benefits
of multitasking are significant enough to offset this use of resources.
However, programming for a multitasking environment is difficult. Poorly designed or
misapplied multitasking systems incur so much overhead that the system collapses, failing to
answer critical interrupts in a timely manner. Luckily, multitasking control software can usually
take advantage of natural lulls in each tasks sequence of operation to allow other tasks to execute.
Although multiprocessing refers to hardware and multitasking to software, the two have
much in common and often go together. Multiprocessing means, literally, having multiple
processors. Software can execute across multiple processors in many different fashions.
For example, an operating system running multiple programs could assign each
currently running program its own processor. The programs would run more or less independently
of each other. However, the programs might be sharing system resources such as a network, a
printer, or mass storage. The operating system would have to handle multiple, asynchronous
requests from the programs to use these facilities, and would have to make sure that the programs
requests did not consist of conflicting commands for peripheral devices or corrupt each others
In a different configuration, a single program could distribute multiple, separable
threads of execution across several processors. For example, a data acquisition program might
collect data from many independent sources. Eventually, the program will have to synchronize the
results of the threads, generating a composite report. To do this, the program might have to pause
one thread until another thread finishes some vital operation, supplying a needed intermediate
result for the first thread.

Multitasking in RTOS:
Z-Worlds controllers can run programs of up to 20,000 lines, they are typically used
for relatively simple applications. A full-featured real-time operating system (RTOS), then, is
often an unnecessary burden. So that software engineers can design a system that precisely meets
their needs, whether straightforward or complex, Z-World offers three types of multitasking:
Simplified preemptive


Preemptive Multitasking:
Preemption means that some top-priority agency usually a timer interrupt or a
supervisory task (kernel) takes control from the task currently running, giving control of the
processor to another, higher priority task. The interrupted task has no control over when
preempting may take place and no ability to stop the interrupt.
A preemptive multitasking system needs, at a minimum, a kernel to stop and start tasks.
The kernel usually uses a timer interrupt from on-board timing hardware to preempt the currently
active task. A kernel can also take control of the processor in response to an asynchronous interrupt
from the outside world and, after determining the nature of the interrupt, decide to switch tasks.
Since a task can be interrupted at any point, preemptive multitasking is well-suited for
applications that require precise timing or high speeds. Because each task does not know when
preemption may take place, software engineers must be careful when tasks share common
resources such as variables, displays, storage devices, and communications lines. Cooperation and
coordination among preemptable tasks are major programming concerns. The RTK (real-time
kernel), one of two kernels shipped with Z-Worlds Dynamic C, supports preemptive multitasking.
The RTK supports prioritized preemption; only a task of higher priority than the one currently
executing can interrupt. Software engineers may create as many priority levels as desired when
using the RTK.
The RTK also has a suspend function, with which a high-priority task voluntarily
suspends itself (for a specified length of time or until awakened by other tasks) and lets lowerpriority tasks execute.
Cooperative Multitasking
Cooperative multitasking is the simplest, fastest, lowest-overhead multitasking
possible. Cooperative multitasking has low overhead because no RTK or supervisor task is needed.
Under cooperative multitasking, each task voluntarily gives up control so other tasks can execute.
Cooperative multitasking has several advantages over other types of multitasking:
The designer has explicit control of the points at which a task begins and ends logical
subsections of its overall job.
Programmers have complete, explicit control of tasks interactions.
Tasks communicate more easily.
Programming is simplified.
Errors in code are less likely, and are easier to isolate when they do occur.
Errors usually degrade performance rather than halting execution.
Indeterminate interrupt latency is lower.


Cooperative multitasking does require some tradeoffs. Compared to preemptive multitasking,

cooperative multitaskings overall performance is slower, making it inappropriate for fine-tuned
applications requiring high speed or exact timing.
Simplified Preemptive Multitasking:
Z-Worlds simplified preemptive multitasking combines the relative simplicity of
cooperative multitasking with the preemptive ability of a RTOS. Z-World ships a simplified realtime kernel (SRTK) with Dynamic C. Like the full RTK, the simplified RTK is prioritized and
preemptive. However, it has only three levels of priority: high, low, and background. The highpriority task executes at 25-millisecond intervals, the low-priority task executes at 100-millisecond
intervals, and background tasks execute only when no other tasks are executing. Because of the
SRTKs fixed properties, it is compact and easy to use. The SRTK can be combined with
cooperative multitasking.
Pre-emptive Scheduling of tasks
OS schedules such that higher priority task, when ready, pre-empts a lower priority by
Solves the problem of large worst case latency for high priority. tasks.


RTOS Pre-emptive Scheduling

Processes execute such that scheduler provides for preemption of lower priority process
by higher priority process.
Assume priority of task_1 > task_2> task_3 > task_4. > task N
Each task has an infinite loop from start (Idle state) up to finish.
Task 1 last instruction points to the next pointed address, *next. In case of the infinite loop,
*next points to the same task 1 start.

Worst-case latency
Not Same for every task
Highest priority task latency smallest
Lowest priority task latency
Different for different tasks in the ready list
Tworst = {(dti + sti + eti )1 + (dti + sti + eti )2 +...+ (dti + sti + eti )p-1 + (dti + sti + eti )p}
+ tISR.
tISR is the sum of all execution times for the ISRs

For an i-th task, let the event detection time with when an event is brought into a list be is
dti , switching time from one task to another be is sti and task execution time be is eti
i = 1, 2, , p1 when number of higher priority tasks = p1 for the pth task. Highest

RTOS method for Pre-emptive Scheduling of tasks:

An infinite loop in each task
Each task design is like as an independent program, in an infinite loop between the
task ready place and the finish place.
The task does not return to the scheduler, as a function does.
Within the loop, the actions and transitions are according to the events or flags or
When priority of task_1 > task_2 > task_3
1) At RTOS start, scheduler sends a message (Task_Switch_Flag) to task 1 to go to unblocked state and run, and thus highest priority task 1 runs at start.
2) When task 1 blocks due to need of some input or wait for IPC or delay for certain period,
a message (Task_Switch_Flag) will be sent to RTOS, task 1 context saves and the RTOS
now sends a message (Task_Switch_Flag) to task 2 to go to unblocked state and run.
3) Task 2 now runs on retrieving the context of task 2. When it blocks due to need of some
input or wait for IPC or delay for certain period, a message (Task_Switch_Flag) will be
sent to RTOS, task 2 context saves and an RTOS message (Task_Switch_Flag) makes the
task 3 in unblocked state. Task 3 will run now after retrieving the context of task 3.
4) If during running of task 3, either task 2 or task 1 becomes ready with the required input
or IPC or delay period is over, task 3 is preempted, a message (Task_Switch_Flag) will be
sent to RTOS, task 3 context saves, and task 1, and if task 1 not ready, then task 2 runs
after retrieving the context of task 2.
5) A message (Task_Switch_Flag) is sent to RTOS after task 2 blocks due to wait of IPC or
need a sum input and task 2 context saves and task 1 if ready then task 1 runs on retrieving
the context of task 1.
6) Task 1 if not ready then task 3 runs on retrieving the context of task 3.
7) Task 1 when ready to run pre-empts tasks 2 and 3, and Task 2 when ready to run pre-empts
task 3.
Non-preemptive scheduling,


A non-preemptive OS designates the way / programming style for the scheduling code, so
that engineers can share the same view even if they were not in the same project before. Then with
the same view about concept task, engineers can work on different tasks and test them, profile
them independently as much as possible.
But how much are we really able to gain from this? If engineers are working in the same
project, they can find way share the same view well without using a non-preemptive OS.
If one engineer is from another project or company, he will gain the benefit if he knew the OS
before. But if he didn't, then again, it seems not to make big difference for him to learn a new OS
or a new piece of code.
Task communication shared memory,
In the discussion of the fork ( ) system call, we mentioned that a parent and its children have
separate address spaces. While this would provide a more secured way of executing parent and
children processes (because they will not interfere each other), they shared nothing and have no
way to communicate with each other. A shared memory is an extra piece of memory that
is attached to some address spaces for their owners to use. As a result, all of these processes
share the same memory segment and have access to it. Consequently, race conditions may occur
if memory accesses are not handled properly. The following figure shows two processes and
their address spaces. The yellow rectangle is a shared memory attached to both address spaces
and both process 1 and process 2 can have access to this shared memory as if the shared memory
is part of its own address space. In some sense, the original address spaces is "extended" by
attaching this shared memory.

Shared memory is a feature supported by UNIX System V, including Linux, SunOS and Solaris.
One process must explicitly ask for an area, using a key, to be shared by other processes. This
process will be called the server. All other processes, the clients that know the shared area can
access it. However, there is no protection to a shared memory and any process that knows it can
access it freely. To protect a shared memory from being accessed at the same time by several
processes, a synchronization protocol must be setup.
A shared memory segment is identified by a unique integer, the shared memory ID. The shared
memory itself is described by a structure of type shmid_ds in header file sys/shm.h. To use this

file, filessys/types.h and sys/ipc.h must be included. Therefore, your program should start with
the following lines:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
A general scheme of using shared memory is the following:

For a server, it should be started before any client. The server should perform the
following tasks:
1. Ask for a shared memory with a memory key and memorize the returned shared
memory ID. This is performed by system call shmget().
2. Attach this shared memory to the server's address space with system call shmat().
3. Initialize the shared memory, if necessary.
4. Do something and wait for all clients' completion.
5. Detach the shared memory with system call shmdt().
6. Remove the shared memory with system call shmctl().
For the client part, the procedure is almost the same:
1. Ask for a shared memory with the same memory key and memorize the returned
shared memory ID.
2. Attach this shared memory to the client's address space.
3. Use the memory.
4. Detach all shared memory segments, if necessary.
5. Exit.

Inter process Communication: Message passing

Processes can communicate through shared areas of memory

o The Mutual Exclusion problem and Critical Sections
Semaphores - a synchronization abstraction
Monitors - a higher level abstraction
Inter-Process Message Passing much more useful for information transfer
o Can also be used just for synchronization
o Can co-exist with shared memory communication
Two basic operations : send(message) and receive(message)
o Message contents can be anything mutually comprehensible
Data, remote procedure calls, executable code etc.
o Usually contains standard fields
Destination process ID, sending process ID for any reply
Message length
Data type, data etc.
Fixed-length messages:
o simple to implement - can have pool of standard-sized buffers
low overheads and efficient for small lengths
copying overheads if fixed length too long
o can be inconvenient for user processes with variable amount of data to pass

may need a sequence of messages to pass all the data

long messages may be better passed another way e.g. FTP
copying probably involved, sometimes multiple copying into kernel
and out
Variable-length messages:
o more difficult to implement - may need a heap with garbage collection
more overheads and less efficient, memory fragmentation
o more convenient for user processes
Communication links between processes
o not concerned with physical implementation e.g. shared memory, processor bus,
network etc.
o rather with issues of its logical implementation
o How are links established?
o can a link be associated with more than two processes?
o how many links can there be between every pair of processes?
o what is the capacity of a link?
i.e. buffer space and how much
o fixed v. variable length messages
o unidirectional v. bidirectional ?
can messages flow in one or both directions between two linked processes
unidirectional if each linked process can either send orreceive but not both
and each link has at least one receiver process connected to it.
Naming of links - direct and indirect communications
each process wanting to communicate must explicitly name the recipient or sender
of the communication
send and receive primitives defined:
send ( P, message ) : send a message to process P
receive ( Q, message ) : receive a message from process Q
a link established automatically between every pair of processes that want to
processes only need to know each others identity
link is associated with exactly two processes
link is usually bidirectional but can be unidirectional
Process A
Process B
while (TRUE) {
while (TRUE) {
produce an item
receive ( A, item )
send ( B, item )
consume item
Asymmetric addressing:
only the sender names the recipient
recipient not required to name the sender - need not know the sender
send ( P, message ) :
receive ( id, message )
: receive from any process, id set to sender
Disadvantage of direct communications :

limited modularity - changing the name of a process means changing every sender
and receiver process to match
need to know process names
Indirect communications :
messages sent to and received from mailboxes (or ports)
mailboxes can be viewed as objects into which messages placed by
processes and from which messages can be removed by other processes
each mailbox has a unique ID
two processes can communicate only if they have a shared mailbox
send ( A, message ) : send a message to mailbox A
receive ( A, message )
: receive a message from mailbox A
a communications link is only established between a pair of processes if they have
a shared mailbox
a pair of processes can communicate via several different mailboxes if desired
a link can be either unidirectional or bidirectional
a link may be associated with more than two processes
allows one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many communications
one-to-many : any of several processes may receive from the mailbox
e.g. a broadcast of some sort
which of the receivers gets the message?
arbitrary choice of the scheduling system if many waiting?
only allow one process at a time to wait on a receive
many-to-one : many processes sending to one receiving process
e.g. a server providing service to a collection of processes
file server, network server, mail server etc.
receiver can identify the sender from the message header contents
many-to-many :
e.g. multiple senders requesting service and a pool of receiving servers offering
service - a server farm
Mailbox Ownership
Process mailbox ownership :
Only the process may receive messages from the mailbox
Other processes may send to the mailbox. Mailbox can be created with the
process and destroyed when the process dies process sending to a dead
processs mailbox will need to be signaled or through separate
create_mailbox and destroy_mailbox calls possibly declare variables of
type mailbox
system mailbox ownership :
mailboxes have their own independent existence, not attached to any
dynamic connection to a mailbox by processes for send and/or receive
Buffering - the number of messages that can reside in a link temporarily
Zero capacity - queue length 0
sender must wait until receiver ready to take the message
Bounded capacity - finite length queue
messages can be queued as long as queue not full
otherwise sender will have to wait

Unbounded capacity
any number of messages can be queued - in virtual space?
sender never delayed
need to minimize message copying for efficiency
Copy from sending process into kernel message queue space and then into
receiving process?
probably inevitable in a distributed system
Advantage that communicating processes are kept separate malfunctions
localized to each process.
Direct copy from one process to the other?
From virtual space to virtual space?
Message queues keep indirect pointers to message in process virtual space
Both processes need to be memory resident i.e. not swapped out to disc, at
time of message transfer
shared virtual memory
Message mapped into virtual space of both sender and receiver processes
one physical copy of message in memory ever
no copying involved beyond normal paging mechanisms
used in MACH operating system
Aside: Machs Copy-on-Write mechanism (also used in Linux forks) :
single copy of shared material mapped into both processes virtual space
both processes can read the same copy in physical memory
if either process tries to write, an exception to the kernel occurs
kernel makes a copy of the material and remaps virtual space of writing
process onto it
writing process modifies new copy and leaves old copy intact for other
Synchronised versus Asynchronous Communications
send and receive operations blocking
sender is suspended until receiving process does a corresponding read
receiver suspended until a message is sent for it to receive
properties :
processes tightly synchronised - the rendezvous of Ada
effective confirmation of receipt for sender
at most one message can be outstanding for any process pair
no buffer space problems
easy to implement, with low overhead
disadvantages :
sending process might want to continue after its send operation without
waiting for confirmation of receipt
receiving process might want to do something else if no message is waiting
to be received
Asynchronous :
send and receive operations non-blocking
sender continues when no corresponding receive outstanding
receiver continues when no message has been sent

properties :
messages need to be buffered until they are received
amount of buffer space to allocate can be problematic
a process running amok could clog the system with messages if not
often very convenient rather than be forced to wait
particularly for senders
can increase concurrency
some awkward kernel decisions avoided
e.g. whether to swap a waiting process out to disc or not
receivers can poll for messages
i.e. do a test-receive every so often to see if any messages waiting
interrupt and signal programming more difficult
preferable alternative perhaps to have a blocking receive in a separate
Other combinations :
non-blocking send + blocking receive
probably the most useful combination
sending process can send off several successive messages to one or more
processes if need be without being held up
receivers wait until something to do i.e. take some action on message
e.g. a server process
might wait on a read until a service request arrived,
then transfer the execution of the request to a separate thread
then go back and wait on the read for the next request
blocking send + non-blocking receive
conceivable but probably not a useful combination
in practice, sending and receiving processes will each choose independently
Linux file access normally blocking :
to set a device to non-blocking (already opened with a descriptor fd) :
fcntl ( fd, F_SETFL, fcntl ( fd, F_GETFL) | O_NDELAY )
Missing messages ?
message sent but never received
receiver crashed?
receiver no longer trying to read messages?
waiting receiver never receives a message
sender crashed?
no longer sending messages?
Crashing processes :
kernel knows when processes crash
can notify waiting process
by synthesised message
by signal
terminate process

Process Synchronisation using Messages

A mailbox can correspond to a semaphore:


non-blocking send + blocking receive equivalent to : signal (V) by sender + wait (P) by
Mutual Exclusion :
initialise :
create_mailbox (mutex)
send (mutex, null-message)
for each process :
while (TRUE) {
receive (mutex, null-message);
critical section
send (mutex, null-messge);
mutual exclusion just depends on whether mailbox is empty or not
Message is just a token, possesion of which gives right to enter C.S.

Producer / Consumer problem using messages :

Binary semaphores : one message token
General (counting) semaphores : more than one message token
message blocks used to buffer data items
scheme uses two mailboxes
mayproduce and mayconsume
producer :
get a message block from mayproduce
put data item in block
send message to mayconsume
consumer :
get a message from mayconsume
consume data in block
return empty message block to mayproduce mailbox
parent process creates message slots
buffering capacity depends on number of slots created
slot = empty message
capacity = buffering capacity
create_mailbox ( mayproduce );
create_mailbox ( mayconsume );
for (i=0; i<capacity; i++) send (mayproduce, slot);
start producer and consumer processes
producer :
while (TRUE) {
receive (mayproduce, slot);
slot = new data item
send (mayconsume, slot);
consumer :

while (TRUE) {
receive (mayconsume, slot);
consume data item in slot

send (mayproduce, slot);

Semaphores are a technique for coordinating or synchronizing activities in which
multiple processes compete for the same operating system resources. A semaphore is a value in a
designated place in operating system (or kernel) storage that each process can check and then
change. Depending on the value that is found, the process can use the resource or will find that it
is already in use and must wait for some period before trying again. Semaphores can be binary (0
or 1) or can have additional values.
The semaphore is often disparaged because it cannot prevent unbounded priority inversion
like its big brother, the mutex. However, semaphores can do things that big brother cannot do.
This three-part series of blogs will discuss the different kinds of semaphores and how they can be
applied to solving embedded systems problems. We will start with the resource semaphores.
Resource semaphores are used to regulate access to resources such as printers, critical code
sections, and blocks of memory. There are two types of resource semaphores:

Binary resource semaphore

Multiple resource semaphore
Binary resource semaphore:
A binary resource semaphore is used to control sharing a single resource between tasks.
Its internal counter can have only the values of 1 (available) and 0 (unavailable). A semaphore test
passes if the count is 1, in which case, the current task is allowed to proceed. If the count is 0,
the semaphore test fails and the current task is enqueued in the semaphores task wait list, in
priority order. When the semaphore is signaled, the first task (i.e. the longest-waiting, highestpriority task) is resumed, and the internal semaphore count remains 0. If no task is waiting, the
count is increased to 1. The following is an example of using a binary resource semaphore:
TCB_PTR t2a, t3a; // tasks
SCB_PTR sbr; // binary resource semaphore
void Init(void) {
sbr = smx_SemCreate(RSRC, 1, "sbr");
t2a = smx_TaskCreate(t2a_main, Pri2, 500, NO_FLAGS, "t2a"); // 500 byte stack
t3a = smx_TaskCreate(t3a_main, Pri3, 500, NO_FLAGS, "t3a");
void t2a_main(void) {
if (smx_SemTest(sbr, TMO)) { // TMO = timeout in ticks
// use resource here

// deal with timeout or error
void t3a_main(void) {
if (smx_SemTest(sbr, TMO)) {
// use resource here
// deal with timeout or error

In this example, semaphore sbr is created and its count is set to 1, making it a binary semaphore
and as if it had already been signaled -- i.e., the resource is available. Task t2a (priority 2, task a)
runs first and "gets" sbr. t2a then starts task t3a (priority 3, task a), which immediately preempts
and tests sbr. Since sbr's count == 0, t3a is suspended on sbr, and t2a resumes. t2a uses the
resource, then signals sbr, when it is done with the resource. This causes t3a to be resumed and to
preempt t2a. t3a is now able to use the resource. When done, t3a signals sbr so that another task
can use the resource and t3a stops. t2a resumes and stops.
A binary resource semaphore does the same thing as a mutex, but it has the following

It cannot do priority inheritance to prevent unbounded priority inversions among tasks.

If a task tests a semaphore that it already owns, it will be permanently blocked, as will all other
tasks waiting on the same semaphore or testing it later.
The first defect may not be important in simple systems or if low-priority tasks do not share
resources with high-priority tasks. The second defect is obviously very serious. The fact that it is
a software bug is not of much consolation -- it could occur in a rare, untested path, or be introduced
in a software update. To counter it, always specify timeouts on semaphore tests (e.g., TMO above)
and test the return value, as shown in the first example. In the case of a timeout or other error,
SemTest() returns FALSE, meaning that the test did not pass and the resource is not free.
So why use binary resource semaphores? Because mutexes are more complicated, thus slower and
use more code space. The complete semaphore service suite requires 1500 bytes of code space vs
2700 bytes for the complete mutex service suite. The latter adds to the former, if both semaphores
and mutexes are needed. Hence, memory-limited systems often use binary semaphores instead of
mutexes, but one must be careful of their limitations!
Multiple resource semaphore
The multiple resource semaphore is a generalization of the binary resource semaphore,
intended to regulate access to multiple identical resources. It is commonly called a counting
semaphore.This semaphore cannot be replaced by a mutex because the latter can only control

access to one resource. The following is an example of using a multiple resource semaphore to
control access to a block pool containing NUM blocks
TCB_PTR t2a, t3a; // tasks
PCB_PTR blk_pool; // block pool
SCB_PTR sr; // resource semaphore
#define NUM 10
#define SIZE 100
void Init(void) {
u8* p = (u8*)smx_HeapMalloc(NUM*SIZE);
sb_BlockPoolCreate(p, blk_pool, NUM, SIZE, "blk pool");
sr = smx_SemCreate(RSRC, NUM, "sr");
t2a = smx_TaskCreate(t2a_main, Pri2, 500, NO_FLAGS, "t2a");
t3a = smx_TaskCreate(t3a_main, Pri3, 500, NO_FLAGS, "t3a");
void t2a_main(void) {
u8* bp;
smx_SemTest(sr, INF);
bp = sb_BlockGet(blk_pool, 0));
// use bp to access block
sb_BlockRel(blk_pool, bp, 0);
void t3a_main(void) {
u8* bp;
smx_SemTest(sr, INF);
bp = sb_BlockGet(blk_pool, 0));
// use bp to access block
sb_BlockRel(blk_pool, bp, 0);
This example is similar to the previous example, with small differences. The Init() function first
creates a block pool of NUM blocks. It then creates sr, but because NUM is used instead of 1, a
multiple resource semaphore is created, with a starting count of NUM. t2a tests sr and sr's counter
is decremented to 9, which is greater than 0, so t2a is allowed to get a block. As before, t2a starts
t3a, which immediately preempts. t3a tests sr and sr's counter is decremented to 8, so t3a is also
allowed to get a block and use it. Eight more blocks can be obtained from blk_pool and used by
the same or different tasks. However, the eleventh test of sr will suspend the testing task on sr. As
shown, when t3a is done with its block, it releases the block back to blk_pool, then signals sr, thus
allowing the first waiting task at sr to get the released block. Similarly for t2a.

If no task is waiting, count is incremented by each signal. Thus the count always equals the number
of available blocks. The maximum possible count is NUM. Signals after the count == NUM are
ignored in order to protect resources if redundant signals should occur.

Message Queues, Mailboxes, and Pipes

Tasks must be able to communicate with one another to coordinate their activities or to
share data. For example, in the underground tank monitoring system the task that calculates the
amount of gas in the tanks must let other parts of the system know how much gasoline there is. In
Telegraph, the system we discussed earlier that connects a serial-port printer to a network, the
tasks that receive data on the network must hand that data off to other tasks that pass the data on
to the printer or that determine responses to send on the network.
We also discussed using shared data and semaphores to allow tasks to communicate with
one another. In this section we will discuss several other methods that most RTOSs other: queues,
mailboxes, and pipes.
Heres a very simple example. Suppose that we have two tasks, Task1 and Task2, each of
which has a number of high-priority, urgent things to do. Suppose also that from time to time these
two tasks discover error conditions that must be reported on a network, a time consuming process.
In order not to delay Task1 and Task2, it makes sense to have a separate task, Errors Task that is
responsible for reporting the error conditions on the network. Whenever Task1 or Task2 discovers
an error, it reports that error to ErrorsTask and then goes on about its own business. The error
reporting process undertaken by ErrorsTask does not delay the other tasks. An RTOS queue is the
way to implement this design.
Introduction to Priority Inversion
When tasks share resources, as they often do, strange things can and will happen. Priority
inversions can be particularly difficult to anticipate. Here's an introduction to priority
inversions and a pair of techniques you can use to avoid them.
Most commercial real-time operating systems (RTOSes) employ a priority-based preemptive
scheduler. These systems assign each task a unique priority level. The scheduler ensures that of
those tasks that are ready to run, the one with the highest priority is always the task that is actually
running. To meet this goal, the scheduler may preempt a lower-priority task in mid-execution.
Because tasks share resources, events outside the scheduler's control can prevent the highest
priority ready task from running when it should. If this happens, a critical deadline could be
missed, causing the system to fail. Priority inversion is the term for a scenario in which the
highest-priority ready task fails to run when it should.
Resource sharing


Tasks need to share resources to communicate and process data. This aspect of multi-threaded
programming is not specific to real-time or embedded systems.
Any time two tasks share a resource, such as a memory buffer, in a system that employs a prioritybased scheduler, one of them will usually have a higher priority. The higher-priority task expects
to be run as soon as it is ready. However, if the lower-priority task is using their shared resource
when the higher-priority task becomes ready to run, the higher-priority task must wait for the
lower-priority task to finish with it. We say that the higher-priority task is pendingon the resource.
If the higher-priority task has a critical deadline that it must meet, the worst-case "lockout time"
for all of its shared resources must be calculated and taken into account in the design. If the
cumulative lockout times are too long, the resource-sharing scheme must be redesigned.
Since worst-case delays resulting from the sharing of resources can be calculated at design time,
the only way they can affect the performance of the system is if no one properly accounts for them.
Priority inversions
The real trouble arises at run-time, when a medium-priority task preempts a lower-priority task
using a shared resource on which the higher-priority task is pending. If the higher-priority task is
otherwise ready to run, but a medium-priority task is currently running instead, a priority inversion
is said to occur.

Priority inversion timeline

This dangerous sequence of events is illustrated in above Figure. Low-priority Task L and highpriority Task H share a resource. Shortly after Task L takes the resource, Task H becomes ready
to run. However, Task H must wait for Task L to finish with the resource, so it pends. Before Task
L finishes with the resource, Task M becomes ready to run, pre-empting Task L. While Task M
(and perhaps additional intermediate-priority tasks) runs, Task H, the highest-priority task in the
system, remains in a pending state.
Many priority inversions are innocuous or, at most, briefly delay a task that should run right away.
But from time to time a system-critical priority inversion takes place. Such an event occurred on

the Mars Pathfinder mission in July 1997. The Pathfinder mission is best known for the little rover
that took high-resolution colour pictures of the Martian surface and relayed them back to Earth.
The problem was not in the landing software, but in the mission software run on the Martian
surface. In the spacecraft, various devices communicated over a MIL-STD-1553 data bus. Activity
on this bus was managed by a pair of high-priority tasks. One of the bus manager tasks
communicated through a pipe with a low-priority meteorological science task.
On Earth, the software mostly ran without incident. On Mars, however, a problem developed that
was serious enough to trigger a series of software resets during the mission. The sequence of events
leading to each reset began when the low-priority science task was pre-empted by a couple of
medium-priority tasks while it held a mutex related to the pipe. While the low-priority task was
pre-empted, the high-priority bus distribution manager tried to send more data to it over the same
pipe. Because the mutex was still held by the science task, the bus distribution manager was made
to wait. Shortly thereafter, the other bus scheduler became active. It noticed that the distribution
manager hadn't completed its work for that bus cycle and forced a system reset.
This problem was not caused by a mistake in the operating system, such as an incorrectly
implemented semaphore, or in the application. Instead, the software exhibited behaviour that is a
known "feature" of semaphores and inter-task communication. In fact, the RTOS used on
Pathfinder featured an optional priority-inversion workaround; the scientists at JPL simply hadn't
been aware of that option. Fortunately, they were able to recreate the problem on Earth, remotely
enable the workaround, and complete the mission successfully.
Research on priority inversion has yielded two solutions. The first is called priority inheritance.
This technique mandates that a lower-priority task inherit the priority of any higher-priority task
pending on a resource they share. This priority change should take place as soon as the highpriority task begins to spend; it should end when the resource is released. This requires help from
the operating system.
The second solution, priority ceilings, associates a priority with each resource; the scheduler then
transfers that priority to any task that accesses the resource. The priority assigned to the resource
is the priority of its highest-priority user, plus one. Once a task finishes with the resource, its
priority returns to normal.
A beneficial feature of the priority ceiling solution is that tasks can share resources simply by
changing their priorities, thus eliminating the need for semaphores:
void TaskA(void)
// Access shared resource X.

While Task A's priority is elevated (and it is accessing shared resource X), it should not spend on
any other resource. The higher-priority user will only become the highest-priority ready task when
the lower-priority task is finished with their shared resource.
While not all of us are writing software for missions to Mars, we should learn from past mistakes
and implement solutions that don't repeat them. Many commercial RTOSs include support for
either priority inheritance or priority ceilings. Just make sure you enable one.
Priority inheritance:
Fatal embraces, deadlocks, and obscure bugs await the programmer who isn't careful
about priority inversions.
A preemptive real-time operating system (RTOS) forms the backbone of most embedded systems
devices, from digital cameras to life-saving medical equipment. The RTOS can schedule an
application's activities so that they appear to occur simultaneously. By rapidly switching from one
activity to the next, the RTOS is able to quickly respond to real-world events.
To ensure rapid response times, an embedded RTOS can use preemption, in which a higherpriority task can interrupt a low-priority task that's running. When the high-priority task finishes
running, the low-priority task resumes executing from the point at which it was interrupted. The
use of preemption guarantees worst-case performance times, which enable use of the application
in safety-critical situations.
Unfortunately, the need to share resources between tasks operating in a preemptive multitasking
environment can create conflicts. Two of the most common problems are deadlock and priority
inversion, both of which can result in application failure. In 1997, the Mars Pathfinder mission
nearly failed because of an undetected priority inversion. When the rover was collecting
meteorological data on Mars, it began experiencing system resets, losing data. The problem was
traced to priority inversion. A solution to the inversion was developed and uploaded to the rover,
and the mission completed successfully. Such a situation might have been avoided had the
designers of the rover accounted for the possibility of priority inversion.
This article describes in detail the problem of priority inversion and indicates two common
solutions. Also provided are detailed strategies for avoiding priority inversion. Avoiding priority
inversion is preferable to most other solutions, which generally require more code, more memory,
and more overhead when accessing shared resources.
Priority inversion
Priority inversion occurs when a high-priority task is forced to wait for the release of a
shared resource owned by a lower-priority task. The two types of priority inversion, bounded and

unbounded, occur when two tasks attempt to access a single shared resource. A shared resource
can be anything that must be used by two or more tasks in a mutually exclusive fashion. The period
of time that a task has a lock on a shared resource is called the task's critical section or critical

Bounded priority inversion

Bounded priority inversion, shown in above Figure, occurs when low-priority Task L acquires a
lock on a shared resource, but before releasing the resource is preempted by high-priority Task
H. Task H attempts to acquire the resource but is forced to wait for Task L to finish its critical
section. Task L continues running until it releases the resource, at which point Task H acquires
the resource and resumes executing. The worst-case wait time for Task H is equal to the length of
the critical section of Task L. Bounded priority inversion won't generally hurt an application
provided the critical section of Task L executes in a timely manner.

Unbounded priority inversion

Unbounded priority inversion, shown in above Figure, occurs when an intervening task extends a
bounded priority inversion, possibly forever. In the previous example, suppose medium-priority
Task M preempts Task L during the execution of Task L's critical section. Task M runs until it
relinquishes control of the processor. Only when Task M turns over control can Task L finish
executing its critical section and release the shared resource. This extension of the critical region
leads to unbounded priority inversion. When Task L releases the resource, Task H can finally
acquire the resource and resume execution. The worst-case wait time for Task H is now equal to
the sum of the worst-case execution times of Task M and the critical section of Task L. Unbounded
priority inversion can have much more severe consequences than a bounded priority inversion. If
Task M runs indefinitely, neither Task L nor Task H will get an opportunity to resume execution.


Chain of nested resource locks

Priority inversion can have an even more severe effect on an application when there are nested
resource locks, as shown in above Figure. Suppose Task 1 is waiting for Resource A. Resource A
is owned by lower-priority Task 2, which is waiting for Resource B. Resource B is owned by still
lower-priority Task 3, which is waiting for Resource C, which is being used by an even lower
priority Task 4. Task 1 is blocked, forced to wait for tasks 4, 3, and 2 to finish their critical regions
before it can begin execution. Such a chain of nested locks is difficult to resolve quickly and
efficiently. The risk of an unbounded priority inversion is also high if many tasks intervene
between tasks 1 and 4.

Deadlock, shown in above Figure, is a special case of nested resource locks, in which a circular
chain of tasks waiting for resources prevents all the tasks in the chain from executing. Deadlocked
tasks can have potentially fatal consequences for the application. Suppose Task A is waiting for a
resource held by Task B, while Task B is waiting for a resource held by Task C, which is waiting
for a resource held by Task A. None of the three tasks is able to acquire the resource it needs to
resume execution, so the application is deadlocked.
Priority ceiling protocol
One way to solve priority inversion is to use the priority ceiling protocol, which gives each
shared resource a predefined priority ceiling. When a task acquires a shared resource, the task is
hoisted (has its priority temporarily raised) to the priority ceiling of that resource. The priority

ceiling must be higher than the highest priority of all tasks that can access the resource, thereby
ensuring that a task owning a shared resource won't be preempted by any other task attempting to
access the same resource. When the hoisted task releases the resource, the task is returned to its
original priority level. Any operating system that allows task priorities to change dynamically can
be used to implement the priority ceiling protocol.
A static analysis of the application is required to determine the priority ceiling for each
shared resource, a process that is often difficult and time consuming. To perform a static analysis,
every task that accesses each shared resource must be known in advance. This might be difficult,
or even impossible, to determine for a complex application.
The priority ceiling protocol provides a good worst-case wait time for a high-priority task
waiting for a shared resource. The worst-case wait time is limited to the longest critical section of
any lower-priority task that accesses the shared resource. The priority ceiling protocol prevents
deadlock by stopping chains of nested locks from developing.
On the downside, the priority ceiling protocol has poor average-case response time because
of the significant overhead associated with implementing the protocol. Every time a shared
resource is acquired, the acquiring task must be hoisted to the resource's priority ceiling.
Conversely, every time a shared resource is released, the hoisted task's priority must be lowered
to its original level. All this extra code takes time.
By hoisting the acquiring task to the priority ceiling of the resource, the priority ceiling
protocol prevents locks from being contended. Because the hoisted task has a priority higher than
that of any other task that can request the resource, no task can contend the lock. A disadvantage
of the priority ceiling protocol is that the priority of a task changes every time it acquires or releases
a shared resource. These priority changes occur even if no other task would compete for the
resource at that time.
Medium-priority tasks are often unnecessarily prevented from running by the priority
ceiling protocol. Suppose a low-priority task acquires a resource that's shared with a high-priority
task. The low-priority task is hoisted to the resource's priority ceiling, above that of the highpriority task. Any tasks with a priority below the resource's priority ceiling that are ready to
execute will be prevented from doing so, even if they don't use the shared resource.
Priority inheritance protocol
An alternative to the priority ceiling protocol is the priority inheritance protocol, a
variation that uses dynamic priority adjustments. When a low-priority task acquires a shared
resource, the task continues running at its original priority level. If a high-priority task requests
ownership of the shared resource, the low-priority task is hoisted above the requesting task. The
low-priority task can then continue executing its critical section until it releases the resource. Once
the resource is released, the task is dropped back to its original low-priority level, permitting the
high-priority task to use the resource it has just acquired.


Because the majority of locks in real-time applications aren't contended, the priority
inheritance protocol has good average-case performance. When a lock isn't contended, priorities
don't change; there is no additional overhead. However, the worst-case performance for the
priority inheritance protocol is worse than the worst-case priority ceiling protocol, since nested
resource locks increase the wait time. The maximum duration of the priority inversion is the sum
of the execution times of all of the nested resource locks. Furthermore, nested resource locks can
lead to deadlock when you use the priority inheritance protocol. That makes it important to design
the application so that deadlock can't occur.
Nested resource locks should obviously be avoided if possible. An inadequate or incomplete
understanding of the interactions between tasks can lead to nested resource locks. A well-thoughtout design is the best tool a programmer can use to prevent these.
You can avoid deadlock by allowing each task to own only one shared resource at a time.
When this condition is met, the worst-case wait time matches the priority ceiling protocol's worstcase wait. In order to prevent misuse, some operating systems that implement priority inheritance
don't allow nested locks. It might not be possible, however, to eliminate nested resource locks in
some applications without seriously complicating the application.
But remember that allowing tasks to acquire multiple priority inheritance resources can
lead to deadlock and increase the worst-case wait time.
Priority inheritance is difficult to implement, with many complicated scenarios arising
when two or more tasks attempt to access the same resources. The algorithm for resolving a long
chain of nested resource locks is complex. It's possible to incur a lot of overhead as hoisting one
task results in hoisting another task, and another, until finally some task is hoisted that has the
resources needed to run. After executing its critical section, each hoisted task must then return to
its original priority.
Figure 5 shows the simplest case of the priority inheritance protocol in which a low-priority task
acquires a resource that's then requested by a higher priority task. Figure 6 shows a slightly more
complex case, with a low-priority task owning a resource that's requested by two higher-priority
tasks. Figure 7 demonstrates the potential for complexity when three tasks compete for two

Simple priority inheritance

1. Task L receives control of the processor and begins executing.


The task makes a request for Resource A.

Task L is granted ownership of Resource A and enters its critical region.
Task L is preempted by Task H, a higher-priority task.
Task H begins executing and requests ownership of Resource A, which is owned by Task L.
Task L is hoisted to a priority above Task H and resumes executing its critical region.
Task L releases Resource A and is lowered back to its original priority.
Task H acquires ownership of Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
Task H releases Resource A and continues executing normally.
Task H finishes executing and Task L continues executing normally.
Task L finishes executing.

Three-task, one-resource priority inheritance

1. Task 3 gets control of the processor and begins executing.
1. The task requests ownership of Resource A.
2. Task 3 acquires Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
3. Task 3 is preempted by Task 2, a higher-priority task.
0. Task 2 begins executing normally and requests Resource A, which is owned by Task 3.
4. Task 3 is hoisted to a priority above Task 2 and resumes executing its critical region.
5. Task 3 is preempted by Task 1, a higher-priority task.
0. Task 1 begins executing and requests Resource A, which is owned by Task 3.
6. Task 3 is hoisted to a priority above Task 1.
0. Task 3 resumes executing its critical region.
7. Task 3 releases Resource A and is lowered back to its original priority.
0. Task 1 acquires ownership of Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
8. Task 1 releases Resource A and continues executing normally.
9. Task 1 finishes executing. Task 2 acquires Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
10. Task 2 releases Resource A and continues executing normally.
11. Task 2 finishes executing. Task 3 resumes and continues executing normally.
12. Task 3 finishes executing.


Three-task, two-resource priority inheritance


Task 3 is given control of the processor and begins executing. The task requests Resource A.
Task 3 acquires ownership of Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
Task 3 is preempted by Task 2, a higher-priority task. Task 2 requests ownership of Resource B.
Task 2 is granted ownership of Resource B and begins executing its critical region.
1. The task requests ownership of Resource A, which is owned by Task 3.
5. Task 3 is hoisted to a priority above Task 2 and resumes executing its critical region.
6. Task 3 is preempted by Task 1, a higher-priority task.
1. Task 1 requests Resource B, which is owned by Task 2.
7. Task 2 is hoisted to a priority above Task 1. However, Task 2 still can't execute because it must
wait for Resource A, which is owned by Task 3.
1. Task 3 is hoisted to a priority above Task 2 and continues executing its
critical region.
8. Task 3 releases Resource A and is lowered back to its original priority.
1. Task 2 acquires ownership of Resource A and resumes executing its critical
9. Task 2 releases Resource A and then releases Resource B. The task is lowered back to its original
1. Task 1 acquires ownership of Resource B and begins executing its critical
10. Task 1 releases Resource B and continues executing normally.
11. Task 1 finishes executing. Task 2 resumes and continues executing normally.
12. Task 2 finishes executing. Task 3 resumes and continues executing normally.
13. Task 3 finishes executing.
Manage resource ownership
Most RTOSes that support priority inheritance require resource locks to be properly nested,
meaning the resources must be released in the reverse order to that in which they were acquired.
For example, a task that acquired Resource A and then Resource B would be required to release
Resource B before releasing Resource A.
Figure 7 provides an example of priority inheritance in which two resources are released in the
opposite order to that in which they were acquired. Task 2 acquired Resource A before Resource
B; Resource B was then released before Resource A. In this example, Task 2 was able to release
the resources in the proper order without adversely affecting the application.


Many operating systems require resources to be released in the proper order because it's difficult
to implement the capability to do otherwise. However, situations occur in which releasing the
resources in the proper order is neither possible nor desirable. Suppose there are two shared
resources: Resource B can't be acquired without first owning Resource A. At some point during
the execution of the critical region with Resource B, Resource A is no longer needed. Ideally,
Resource A would now be released. Unfortunately, many operating systems don't allow that. They
require Resource A to be held until Resource B is released, at which point Resource A can be
released. If a higher-priority task is waiting for Resource A, the task is kept waiting unnecessarily
while the resource's current owner executes.

Managing resource ownership (example 1)

1. Task L is given control of the processor and begins executing. Task L requests Resource A.
2. Task L acquires ownership of Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
1. Task L requests Resource B.
3. Task L acquires ownership of Resource B and continues executing its critical region.
4. Task L is preempted by Task H, a higher-priority task.
1. Task H requests ownership of Resource A, which is owned by Task L.
5. Task L is hoisted above Task H and continues executing its critical region.
6. Task L releases Resource A even though it was acquired before Resource B.
1. Task L is lowered to its original priority level.
1. Task H acquires Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
2. Note that low-priority Task L no longer prevents Task H from
running, even though Task L still owns Resource B.
7. Task H releases Resource A and continues executing normally.
8. Task H finishes executing and Task L continues executing its critical region.
9. Task L releases Resource B and continues executing normally.
10. Task L finishes executing.
In above Figure, Task L releases its resources in the same order they were acquired, which most
priority inheritance implementations wouldn't allow. Upon releasing Resource A, Task L drops to
its original priority level. This allows Task H to acquire Resource A, ending the priority inversion.
After Task H has released the resource and stopped executing, Task L can continue executing with
Resource B, on which it has an uncontested lock. If Task L had been required to release Resource
B before releasing Resource A, Task H would have been prevented from running until Task L had
released both resources. This would have unnecessarily lengthened the duration of the bounded
priority inversion.


Managing resource ownership (example 2)

1. Task 3 is given control of the processor and begins executing. Task 3 requests Resource A.
2. Task 3 acquires ownership of Resource A and begins executing its critical region.
1. Task 3 requests Resource B.
3. Task 3 acquires ownership of Resource B and continues executing its critical region.
4. Task 3 is preempted by Task 2, a higher-priority task.
1. Task 2 requests ownership of Resource A, which is owned by Task 3.
5. Task 3 is hoisted above Task 2 and continues executing its critical region.
6. Task 3 is preempted by Task 1, a higher-priority task.
1. Task 1 requests Resource B, which is owned by Task 3.
7. Task 3 is hoisted above Task 1 and continues executing its critical region.
8. Task 3 releases Resource A and continues executing with Resource B.
1. Note that Task 3 is not dropped to either its previous priority or its original
priority. To do so would immediately produce a priority inversion that
requires Task 3 to be hoisted above Task 1 because Task 3 still owns
Resource B.
9. Task 3 releases Resource B and is lowered to its original priority level.
1. Task 1 acquires Resource B and continues executing its critical region.
10. Task 1 releases Resource B and continues executing normally.
11. Task 1 finishes executing and Task 2 acquires Resource A. Task 2 begins executing its critical
12. Task 2 releases Resource A and continues executing normally.
13. Task 2 finishes executing and Task 3 continues executing normally.
14. Task 3 finishes executing.
The difficulty of implementing locks that aren't properly nested becomes apparent when three
tasks compete for two resources, as seen in Figure 9. When Resource A is released at Time 8, lowpriority Task 3 remains hoisted to the highest priority. An improperly designed priority inheritance
protocol would lower Task 3 to its original priority level, which was the task's priority before
acquiring Resource A. Task 3 would then have to be immediately hoisted above Task 1 to avoid
a priority inversion, because of the contention for access to Resource B. Unbounded priority
inversion could occur while Task 3 is momentarily lowered. A medium-priority task could
preempt Task 3, extending the priority inversion indefinitely.
The example in Figure 8 shows why it's sometimes desirable to release nested resources "out of
order," or not the reverse of the order in which they were acquired. Although such a capability is


clearly advantageous, many implementations of the priority inheritance protocol only support
sequentially nested resource locks.
The example in Figure 9 helps show why it's more difficult to implement priority inheritance while
allowing resources to be released in any order. If a task owns multiple shared resources and has
been hoisted several times, care must be taken when the task releases those resources. The task's
priority must be adjusted to the appropriate level. Failure to do so may result in unbounded priority
Avoid inversion
The best strategy for solving priority inversion is to design the system so that inversion can't occur.
Although priority ceilings and priority inheritance both prevent unbounded priority inversion,
neither protocol prevents bounded priority inversion. Priority inversion, whether bounded or not,
is inherently a contradiction. You don't want to have a high-priority task wait for a low-priority
task that holds a shared resource.
Prior to implementing an application, examine its overall design. If possible, avoid sharing
resources between tasks at all. If no resources are shared, priority inversion is precluded.
If several tasks do use the same resource, consider combining them into a single task. The subtasks can access the resource through a state machine in the combined task without fear of priority
inversion. Unless the competing sub-tasks are fairly simple, however, the state machine might be
too complex to justify.
Another way to prevent priority inversion is to ensure that all tasks that access a common resource
have the same priority. Although one task might still wait while another task uses the resource, no
priority inversion will occur because both tasks have the same priority. Of course, this only works
if the RTOS provides a non-preemptive mechanism for gracefully switching between tasks of
equal priority.
If you can't use any of these techniques to manage shared resources, consider giving a "server
task" sole possession of the resource. The server task can then regulate access to the resource.
When a "client task" needs the resource, it must call upon the server task to perform the required
operations and then wait for the server to respond. The server task must be at a priority greater
than that of the highest-priority client task that will access the resource. This method of controlling
access to a resource is similar to the priority ceiling protocol and requires static analysis to
determine the priority of the server task. The method relies on RTOS message passing and
synchronization services instead of resource locks and dynamic task-priority adjustments.
Part A

What is Task in the operating system context?

A unit of programming may be an entire program or each successive invocation of a
program. Since one program may make requests of other utility programs, the utility programs

may also be considered tasks (or subtasks). All of today's widely-used operating systems support
multitasking, which allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, taking turns using the resources of
the computer.

What is Thread in the operating system context?

A thread is a single sequence stream within in a process. Because threads have some of the
properties of processes, they are sometimes called lightweight processes. In a process,
threads allow multiple executions of streams.


What is process in the operating system context?

In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It

contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a
process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of user-level threads over kernel-level
The procedure that saves the threads state and the scheduler are just local procedures, so

invoking them is much more efficient than making a kernel call. User level threads also have other
advantages. They allow each process to have its own customized scheduling algorithm. They also
scale better since kernel threads invariably require some table space and stack space in the kernel,
which can be a problem if there are a very large number of threads.
Despite their better performance user-level threads packages have some major problems. First
among there is the problem of how blocking system calls are implemented. Kernel threads do not
require any new non-blocking system calls as compared to user level threads; their main
disadvantage is that the cost of the system call is substantial, so if thread operations (creation,
termination, etc.) are common, much more overhead will be incurred.

What is multiprocessing?

At the operating system level, multiprocessing is sometimes used to refer to the execution
of multiple concurrent processes in a system, with each process running on a separate CPU or
core, as opposed to a single process at any one instant.



What is multitasking?

Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than one computer
task (such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating system is able to
keep track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other without losing information.


What is shared memory based IPC?

Shared Memory is an efficient means of passing data between programs. One program will
create a memory portion which other processes (if permitted) can access.

List the types of resource semaphores?

Binary resource semaphore

Multiple resource semaphore


Define inter process communication?

Inter-process communication (IPC) refers specifically to the mechanisms an operating
system provides to allow processes it manages to share data. Typically, applications can use IPC
categorized as clients and servers, where the client requests data and the server responds to client
requests. Many applications are both clients and servers, as commonly seen in distributed
computing. Methods for achieving IPC are divided into categories which vary based on software
requirements, such as performance and modularity requirements, and system circumstances, such
as network bandwidth and latency.

What is priority inversion?

Priority inversion is a problem, not a solution. The typical example is a low priority process
acquiring a resource that a high priority process needs, and then being preempted by a medium
priority process, so the high priority process is blocked on the resource while the medium priority
one finishes


Part B
Explain about pre-emptive and non-preemptive scheduling of RTOS embedded system
Explain about interrupt routines in RTOS embedded system design.
Explain the concepts of tasks, process and threads of RTOS system design.
Write a brief note on multiprocessing and multitasking?
What is message passing and shared memory about Inter-process Communication?
Comparison of Real time Operating systems Vx Works, C/OS-II, RT Linux?


Case Study of Washing Machine
Automotive Application
Smart card System Application


Designing an Washing machine controller

Input selection
Output controls
Design considerations:
Manual , Semi automatic and Fully automatic modes
Semi Automatic: Needs human Intervention
Automatic mode No more human intervention
cloth quality and requirement of water, water temperature, detergent, load,
wash cycle time to be sensed
Notification of the completion of task
Inputs and Outputs:

Functional Units:
Valve Control unit: Controls In out water flow.
Sensing unit: Load, Water availability & level, Detergent availability, Door
open/Close, Water temp, Motor Speed sensing.

Motor control unit: Clock wise and counter clock wise Rotation, Separate
speeds on washing, rinsing and drying.
Display unit: LEDs to indicate the completion of process, occurrence of
some problem while washing, set or reset of buttons and Seven segment
display for the numeric value display.

Control Flow


Software operating flow

Case Study-2: Smart cards

A Smart card is a portable devices that contains some non-volatile memory
and a microprocessor.
This card contains some kind of an encrypted key that is compared to a
secret key contained on the users processor.








Types of cards and classifications

1. Contact Cards
2. Contact less
3. Dual Interface cards
4. Hybrid cards


Typical Configurations:
256 bytes to 4KB RAM.
8KB to 32KB ROM.
Crypto-coprocessors are optional.
8-bit to 16-bit CPU. 8051 based designs are common.
Smart Card Readers:
Computer based readers Connect through USB or COM (Serial) ports
Dedicated terminals usually with a small screen, keypad, printer, often also
have biometric devices such as thumb print scanner.
Communication mechanisms:
Communication between smart card and reader is standardized
ISO 7816 standard
Commands are initiated by the terminal
Interpreted by the card OS
Card state is updated
Response is given by the card.
Commands have the following structure
Software part of Cards:
Needs cryptographic software, needs special features in its operating
Protected environment -OS stored in the protected part of ROM.

A restricted run-time environment.


Three-layered file system for the data

Master file to store all file headers (file status, access conditions and the file
Communication protocol:
A link-level communication protocol resides directly on top of the physical
channel, providing error-free communication between the reader and the

ISO 7816-4 protocols:

File system API providing a set of functions to manipulate files (for

example read, write, select, etc.).

Security service API allowing the Smartcard and the reader to mutually
authenticate themselves and also to encrypt data to be exchanged between
the card and the reader.
Card Interfacing:


Card is inserted in the terminal

ATR negotiations take place to set up
data transfer speeds, capability
negotiations etc.
Terminal sends first command to select
Terminal prompts the user to provide

Card gets power. OS boots up. Sends

ATR (Answer to reset)

Card responds with an error (because

MF selection is only on password

Terminal sends password for


Card verifies P2. Stores a status P2

Verified. Responds OK

Terminal sends command to select MF


Card responds OK

Terminal sends command to read EF1

Card supplies personal data and responds


Case 3 Automotive Application

Background of Automotive Embedded Systems:
Every year, automobile manufacturers worldwide pack new embedded
system into their vehicles. Tiny processors under the hood and in the deep recesses
of the car gather and exchange information to control, optimize, and monitor many
of the functions that just a few years ago were purely mechanical. The technological
advancements of embedded system and electronics within the vehicle are being
driven by the challenge to make the vehicle safer, more energy efficient and
networked. Flash-based microcontrollers, from on-chip system to FPGA, are the
command center for embedded system design. In 1968, the Volkswagen 1600 used
a microprocessor in its fuel injection system, launching the first embedded system
in the automotive industry. Historically, low-cost 8- and 16-bit processors were the
norm in automotive controllers, and software engineers developed most of the code
in assembly language. However, today's shorter development schedules and
increased software complexity have forced designers to resort to select the more

advanced CPUs and a higher level language in which designers can easily reuse
modules from project to project. A successful automotive-electronic design depends
on careful processor selection. Modern power train controllers for the engine and
transmission generally require 32-bit CPUs to process the real-time algorithms.
Other areas of the automobile, such as safety, chassis, and body systems, use both
16-bit and 32-bit processors, depending on control complexity.
Although some critical timing situations still use assembly language, the
software trend in automotive embedded systems is toward C. The control software
is more complicated and precise for the current vehicles. Advanced usage of
embedded system and electronics within the vehicle can aid in controlling the
amount of pollution being generated and increasing the ability to provide systems
monitoring and diagnostic capabilities without sacrificing safety/security features
that consumers demand. The electronic content within the vehicle continues to grow
and more systems become intelligent through the addition of microcontroller based
A typical vehicle today contains an average of 25-35 microcontrollers
with some luxury vehicles containing up to 70 microcontrollers per vehicle. Flashbased microcontrollers are continuing to replace relays, switches, and traditional
mechanical functions with higher-reliability components while eliminating the cost
and weight of copper wire. Embedded controllers also drive motors to operate power
seats, windows, and mirrors. Driver-information processors display or announce
navigation and traffic information along with vehicle diagnostics.
Embedded controllers are even keeping track of your driving habits. In
addition, enormous activity occurs in the entertainment and mobile-computing
areas. Networks are a recent addition to embedded controllers which are the
challenge of squeezing in the hardware and code for in-car networking. To satisfy
new government emissions regulations, vehicle manufacturers and the Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) developed J1850, a specialized automotive-network
protocol. Although J1850 is now standard on US automobiles, European
manufacturers support the controller-area network (CAN).
High-bandwidth, real-time control applications like power train, airbags,
and braking need the 1Mbps speed of CAN and their safety critical nature requires
the associated cost. Local Interconnect Network (LIN) typically is a sub-bus

network that is localized within the vehicle and has a substantially lower
implementation cost when compared to a CAN network. It serves low-speed, lowbandwidth applications like mirror controls, seat controls, fan controls,
environmental controls, and position sensors. Embedded system in the automotive
shares the general characters of common embedded system, but it has its own
primary design goals of automotive industry.
Reliability and cost may be the toughest design goal to achieve because
of the rugged environment of the automobile. The circuitry must survive nearby
high-voltage electronic magnetic interference (EMI), temperature extremes from the
weather and the heat of the engine, and severe shock from bad roads and occasional
collisions. The electronic control units (ECUs) should be developed and tested on
the all kinds of situations with low cost. Although testing time grows with the
complexity of the system, a reliable controller also requires complete software
testing to verify every state and path. A single bug that slips through testing may
force a very expensive recall to update the software. Therefore the development of
high-ability tools is also active in the field of automotive embedded system.
Motivation and Objective of the Research
Being the core of automotive electronic and control system, the
combination of ECUs continues to advance tomorrows automobiles with the ability
to provide the driver with a safety/security, energy efficient, and more reliable
vehicle. The quest to provide fuel-efficient, environmental friendly vehicles and the
concern of safety/security are becoming an everyday concern for consumers not only
in the automotive market but in our daily lives. Also these are the problems this
study is focusing on.
Along with the flood of breakthroughs and innovations in the world of
automotive technology, there has been considerable attention given to the most
crucial element of environment and driving. Automobile exhaust emissions
contribute about 10% of the worlds air pollution problems with carbon monoxide
and nitrogen oxide emissions. The increase in automobile fuel consumption
threatens the worlds oil reserves where considerable part of allocation is dedicated
to transportation. As environmental concerns mount, governmental regulations are
being driven towards alleviating these problems.


Engine controls can meet stricter emission laws and fuel economy
standards. Power train computers adjust the engine and transmission for best
performance. The electronic content in engine controls creates a networked, closedloop system that can manage the emissions and the fuel economy of the vehicle by
creating the perfect ratio of fuel/air mixture. Although there has come to be a vehicle
flourish along with the flood of breakthroughs and innovations in the world of
automotive technology, by far many traffic accidents still happen here and there.
According to World Health Organization figures, an estimated 1.17
million deaths occur and over 10 million people are crippled or injured worldwide
each year due to road accidents. The safety/security processors remind you to use
seat belts, warn you of hazards, and deploy air bags during an accident. Automotive
security and safety takes place even before and when a journey begins. It includes
the development in the areas of active safety technology, which is allowing us to
actively predict the occurrence of traffic accident, and passive safety technology,
which allows us to reduce injury to persons involved in any accident that does
Also it includes the self-security of automotive, preventing the automotive
from being stolen and robbed. In the field of vehicle safety and security, a major
trend sweeping the automotive industry is the transition from mechanical
connections to fault-tolerant electric/electronic systems using wires, controllers,
sensors and actuators to control mechanical functions such as steering, braking,
throttle and suspension. This technology connects the entire automotive to a unit
system combining different embedded parts.
Embedded System Design for Engine Control System
In the modern society, as the rapid development of automotive industries,
environment pollution gradually becomes a challenged problem to which more and
more people pay much attention. The increased environment awareness and
requirement for drivability have raised the interest and investment in the researches
of complicated automotive modeling and control methods. One of the researches
concerns on a high power output while still maintaining a good fuel economy. It can
be achieved using a smaller but turbocharged spark ignited engine with a three way
catalyst to reduce emissions.


Actually, the task is mostly taken by enhancing the air-fuel ratio control.
The air-fuel ratio is the ratio of air-mass and fuel-mass in the cylinder when the
valves are closed. The mass of air flowing inside the cylinder can be achieved from
the pressure in the intake manifold and the cylinder air charge efficiency. The engine
control unit (ECU) tries to get the air pressure of intake manifold and estimate the
cylinder air charge efficiency, based on which it can decide the mass of fuel to inject.
Thus it is natural to focus on the air path where there are differences. In addition, it
has been argued that the air dynamics has a more significant influence on the airfuel ratio than the fuel dynamics (Powell et al., 1998b).
Hence, a key component for precise air-fuel ratio control is the
achievement of precise intake manifold pressure or mass flow. Transient air and fuel
estimation are still difficult tasks since there are considerable non-linear dynamics
between actuators and sensors on the engine. Therefore, in the case that the air path
has been a thoroughly studied topic for naturally aspirated engines, additional
research on the air system of turbocharged engine is continued because of its more
complex intake system, in which there are couplings between the intake and exhaust
side that influence the intake manifold pressure and the cylinder air charge
efficiency. Generally the mathematical model of engine intake system to calibrate
the air pressure inside it is developed and this model is used for real time predictive
control. The model of engine intake system is very complicated, and furthermore
when the turbo charger is equipped it becomes more complex.
Even though the precise model is developed, the calculation method is not
suitable enough for predictive control in real time because of the solution speed
limitation of current hardware and software system. For example, the emissions of
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are reduced if the injection is finished around
intake valve opening. See e.g. (Bouza and Caserta, 2003). This means that the fuel
is injected before the induction stroke starts. Therefore in transient conditions, the
ECU has to predict the mass of air in the cylinder before intake valve opening. The
required prediction time is at least the sum of the computation time, the injection
time and the delays of actors. Typically, the necessary prediction time is around one
revolution and because modern engine is a machine with high rotation speed, the
time of one revolution means the level of millisecond.
Hybrid modeling is a good way to describe automotive engine system
because the intake system of turbocharged engine has the nature characteristics of

hybrid. The states of air pressure and flow mass can be expressed by continuous
state variables; the control commands of throttle plate angle inputs and influence of
turbo charge can be expressed by discontinuous variables. Under these constrains,
the air flow in the intake system will have the characteristics of acceleration,
deceleration even reverse. Modeling and solving this system from the aspects of
hybrid system reflects the essence of the system and is closest to the physical
realities. However, since the class of hybrid control problems is extremely broad (it
contains continuous control problems as well as discrete event control problems as
special cases), it is very difficult to devise a general yet effective strategy to solve
them. In our opinion, it is important to address significant application domains to
develop further understanding of the implications of the hybrid model on simulation
algorithms and to evaluate whether using this formalism can be of substantial help
in solving complex, real time control problems.
Furthermore, almost all the control algorithms are implemented on
microcomputer units which interact to practical plants. As computing tasks
performed by embedded devices become more sophisticated and the need for speed
and stability of embedded software becomes more apparent. We are facing the
problem of how to get the most precise trajectory of system by the least cost. This
means the faster and more stable software have to be developed for practical plants
on the situation of current hardware limitation. A novel hybrid simulation algorithm
is developed and this algorithm is implemented to solve the model of intake system
of turbocharged engine for predictive control. The parameters outputted by this
model are the most important parameters in engine control system. Hybrid system
is a non-smooth system consisting of sets of differential equations and discrete
variables according to the external control commands and internal evolution rules.
In this case the system isnt suitable for direct numerical methods since it has
character of chatting (oscillation) between the intersections of different regions in
certain situations.
A first issue of great practical importance in the procedure of hybrid
system simulation is whether the solver can detect the event precisely. In the
proposed approach the sign of the event function is monitored and an event is
searched in the span of an integration step, from an approximation of current state
variable at current time to the approximation of the next step state variable at next
time by fixed step size. When the sign of multiply of event function changes from

positive to negative or from negative to positive, an event happens and the system
trajectories cross the switching surface. A first-in-first-out stack is used to store the
calculated approximation of variable states. The events are discriminated as basic
events and induced events which are affiliate to the basic ones and will not trigger
the location change if the basic events are not trigged.
The processing makes it relatively straightforward to implement
numerical algorithm and reduces the number of checks that have to be made every
time when the event is triggered. Therefore the program is more efficient and faster.
In the procedure of event location, the transition phenomena are analyzed around
the switching surface and design the integration formula based on Filippov structure
to calculate the integration on the sliding surface. According to the event mechanism
and integration formulas, an additional node in the procedure of simulation is added
as the extension of the common hybrid automaton.
The calculation algorithm is presented to transit the system near the
switching surface of two regions into three nodes therefore the undesirable
transitions are avoided and the solutions are smooth and efficient. The model of
intake system of turbocharged engine is built from the analysis of thermodynamic
and hydrodynamic characteristics and sampled experiment data. The model is
embedded into the engine control unit to estimate the air mass flowing into the
cylinders. The current parameters are sampled by the sensors and the next step
values are calculated by the embedded internal model.
According to these values and the compensation parameters such as water
temperature, engine rotation and etc., the fuel injection can be decided. Therefore
the calculation speed should be fast enough to satisfy the requirement of engine
rotations. This model is expressed by a set of differential equations with condition
selection on the right hand side and it is developed based on the view of hybrid
system and solved using the propose algorithm. The trajectories are smooth under
the entire regions of throttle angle inputs.
Furthermore the calculation speed is improved at least eight times against
to former method and the error is restricted to be less than 1%. This solution is
verified on the platform of MATLAB and Visual C++. At last the intake system
model is implemented on FPGA chip and it can be embedded into ECU for real time

Embedded System Design for ABS and Development Tools

Vehicle safety continues to be a critical issue at all levels of the
automotive supply chain. And, as consumers spend more and more time on the road
they are constantly looking for safety improvements. There are two types of safety
system existing. Active safety aims at preventing accidents happening in the first
place. Cars are equipped with a number of systems to help the driver control the car
before an accident might occur. Passive safety describes the safety systems which
are built into cars to protect the driver, the occupants and other vulnerable road users
after the accident has happened.
Developments in active safety offer real life saving advantages to drivers,
particular in the wet, winter months. With the facts before them, it is believed that
drivers would unhesitatingly demand these systems in their cars as they offer
substantial benefits in reducing accidents on our roads. Anti-lock brake system
(ABS) is one of the most important equipments in the active safety system. It is a
system on motor vehicles which prevents the wheels from locking while braking.
The purpose of this is twofold: to allow the driver to maintain steering control and
to shorten braking distances by allowing the driver to fully hit the brake without the
fear for skidding or the loss of control. On high-traction surfaces such as bitumen,
whether wet or dry, most ABS-equipped cars are able to attain braking distances
better (i.e. shorter) than those that would be easily possible without the benefit of
ABS. For a majority of drivers, in most conditions, in typical states of alertness,
ABS will reduce their chances of crashing, and/or the severity of impact. In such
situations, ABS will significantly reduce the chances of a skid and subsequent loss
of control.
In gravel and snow, ABS tends to increase braking distances. On these
surfaces, locked wheels dig in and stop the vehicle more quickly. ABS prevents this
from occurring. Some ABS calibrations reduce this problem by slowing the cycling
time, thus letting the wheels repeatedly briefly lock and unlock. The primary benefit
of ABS on such surfaces is to increase the ability of the driver to maintain control
of the car rather than go into a skid though loss of control remains more likely on
soft surfaces like gravel or slippery surfaces like snow or ice.
A typical ABS is composed of a central electronic unit, four speed sensors
for four wheels respectively, and two or more hydraulic valves on the brake circuits.

It is a complicate system integrating mechanics, electronics and control devices, and

the development procedure has also change greatly against the old methods. This
process can be divided into 5 basic stages:
1. The first stage consists of system definition where design engineers specify and
define the requirements for the embedded control system. This is often done with
text based files created on a desktop PC. In some instances real-world empirical data
is acquired as part of the specifications.
2. In the second stage, rapid prototyping, the design engineer develops the control
strategy in a simulated environment on the desktop PC or workstation and then
creates an initial prototype of the system with real-time hardware.
3. In the third stage, the code generation phase, production code is generated and
manually tweaked for the target hardware. At this point the production code is
running on the target hardware and not on the prototype hardware anymore.
4. During the fourth stage, the design engineer will test out the target hardware
against a simulated environment. Real-Time hardware is used to simulate the realworld environment that the control system interfaces with.
5. Finally, the target hardware is deployed and integrated into the system and final
testing is done to ensure that design specifications were met.
Within all five stages, computer simulation plays a vital role. Computer simulation
for vehicle components design is progressing greatly in recent years. During
computer simulation, computer models are used to recreate or simulate the vehicle
environment, and the ECU is then interfaced to the simulated environment. It is only
in recent years that the virtual simulation of full vehicle systems has become a
serious effort for the automotive industry. Most of the large companies have
developed their own facilities to simulate vehicles in virtual realistic environments,
each of which is in a different setting with different research objectives.
A general virtual vehicle system is developed and made specified
modification for ABS controller design, furthermore the ABS control prototype is
built based on this system. This system consists of two connected parts: pure
software simulation and hardware in loop (HIL) simulation. In the first part all the
components are modeled in software, developed in the platform of
MATLAB/SIMULINK. ABS control logic is developed and tested in conjunction

with the vehicle models to study the behavior of the overall system and to optimize
the algorithm used in it before building prototypes. In the second part HIL platform
is constructed including the computer cluster, the hardware-vehicle interaction
(sampling, time lags, etc.), actual vehicle components, ABS controller and actuator.
All the components are connected together by controller area network (CAN) (SAE,
2056/1, and 2056/2, 1994), including engine, ABS controller, sensors and vehicle
Rather than testing these components in complete actual system setups,
virtual system allows the testing of new components and prototypes by
communicating with software models on the main computer by CAN interface.
Furthermore this technology is flexible enough to allow expansion and
reconfiguration, in accordance with the development of modern automotives. For
the requirement of real time system, one computer is used to run the vehicle model
exclusively and use another one for data and graphic processing; they are connected
through Ethernet based on TCP/IP. In the procedure of HIL simulation, a novel
simulation algorithm is proposed to deal with the abrupt changes of hydraulic
pressure and make the entire system robust and stable. The structure of entire
hardware and software system is shown in Figure

An integrated user-friendly interface including vehicle parameters database editors,

configurations and visualization tools are also used to interact with the core

components. MATLAB, database and EXCEL are integrated into this system
through Visual C++ programming platform on assistant computer. Microsoft
ACCESS is chosen as the data storage database and ADO is used for data operation.
The experiment data is stored into database through Ethernet. The necessary data
can be taken out from database and processed in MATLAB after being converted to
the proper data format.
Furthermore the desirable data and figures can be imported into EXCEL,
which convenience the data analysis and exportation for ABS designers.
Conventional ABS control algorithms must account for non-linearity in brake torque
due to temperature variation and dynamics of brake fluid viscosity. Although fuzzy
logic is rigorously structured in mathematics, one advantage is the ability to describe
systems linguistically through rule statements. The superior characteristics through
the use of fuzzy logic based control are realized rather than traditional control
algorithms to ABS controller. Due to the nature of fuzzy logic, influential dynamic
factors are accounted for in a rule based description of ABS. This type of intelligent
algorithm allows for improvement and optimization of control result. This algorithm
is tested on the HIL platform and the desirable results are achieved.
Air Bag Mechanism:

Air Bags: Principle of function

It basically restrains the continuous motion of the passenger, by giving a soft
surface to land on.

AIR BAGS are among the most important safety improvements added to
cars and light trucks in recent years, providing extra protection for front-seat
occupants in head-on crashes.
And of late, every passengers protection.
Event Data Recorder-EDR or the "Black Box"
The Event Data Recorder (EDR) in an
automobile is based upon the sensors
and microprocessor computer system
that are used to activate the airbag in
the vehicle during a crash.

The System is controlled by a

microprocessor, has multiple functions:

Black Box Exterior View

(1) It determines if a severe enough

impact has occurred to warrant
deployment of the air bag;
(2) It monitors the air bags

Black Box Interior View

(3) It permanently records information.

Time to respond ?
.00 sec. -crash initiated
015 sec. -crash sensors have detected the
016 Controller evaluates crash sensor data
and determines if the crash is severe
enough for airbag
Perform Air filling and throw less than 200


Anti-lock Braking System(ABS)


Principle of functioning:
Wheel-speed sensors detect whether a wheel is showing a tendency to lockup

In case of a lock-up tendency, the electronic control unit reduces the

braking pressure individually at the wheel concerned

High-speed correction of the braking pressure up to shortly before the lockup threshold

The brake-fluid return together with the closed-loop brake circuits makes
this a safe, reliable, and cost-effective system

A gain for driving safety
The vehicle remains steerable, even in case of panic braking
Shorter stopping distances on practically all road surfaces

Many accidents are avoided

Basic ABS System:












Master Cylinder


Dump/Vent Valve


Anti Lock
12 V

Automotive Systems: Technology in today's vehicle:

Air Bags
The Black Box
Anti-lock Brake System(ABS)
Adaptive Cruise Control
Drive by wire
Rain-sensing Wipers
Emission Control
Traction Control
Automatic Parking
In-vehicle entertainment

Heads-up display
Night Vision
Back-up collision sensor

Navigation Systems

Tire Pressure Monitor

Climate Control

Part B
Explain the design, analysis and processing of a fully automatic machine?
Explain the design, analysis and processing of smart card?
Explain the design, analysis and processing of air bag system in automotives?
Explain the design, analysis and processing of ABS system in Car?


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