AAPG Alexandria GTW

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Africa Region

Geosciences Technology
Workshops 2016

Hydrocarbon Potential of the Sinai

Micro-Plate and Surrounding Basins
1819 March 2016 Alexandria, Egypt
In partnership: AAPG Africa Region and
The Egyptian Petroleum Exploration Society (EPEX)
Workshop Themes

1. Eastern Mediterranean
Levant Margin and the
Sinai Interior
2. Nile Delta
3. The Gulf of Suez
4. Northern Red Sea and
Gulf of Aqaba

Submit Your abstract

Abstracts are welcome before

15 February 2016. Please see
website below. For more
details, or contact: Delia Kuye

Who Should Attend

Geologists, Geophysicists,
Reservoir Modelers,
Petrophysicists, Reservoir
Engineers, Team Leads and

Benefits of attending

This workshop provides the opportunity to learn and discuss the latest technologies
applied to petroleum reservoirs in the Sinai area which can be utilized to explore for and
develop these reservoirs. The workshop will provide a set-up for networking and sharing
of experiences with fellow petroleum scientists interested in developing and producing
the hydrocarbon resources of the Sinai area.

Registration Open:
Early Bird discount ends
10th March 2016

Sponsored by:

Hilton Alexandria Corniche

Alexandria, Egypt | 18-19 March 2016


The Sinai Micro-plate is surrounded by numerous hydrocarbon producing basins, each in a different phase of its exploration and exploitation
history. The Gulf of Suez is best known from a commercial viewpoint, having produced on the order of 11 BBO beginning in the early years
of the 20th Century. Numerous multiple TCF gas fields have been on production in the Nile Delta for several decades, and very large gas
discoveries have more recently been made along the Levant Eastern Mediterranean margin. Gas condensate has been found in the Northern
Red Sea near the juncture with the Gulf of Aqaba-Dead Sea transform plate boundary, but this area remains very much a frontier domain.
Recent advances in the understanding of the tectono-stratigraphic histories of these various basins have shown that events affecting one
boundary of Sinai can often be recognized along other boundaries. This is certainly most notable for the Neogene successions which are also
often the key reservoir objectives. For example, changes in relative plate motions between Sinai-Africa-Arabia affect the distribution of uplift
and denudation on Sinai which in turn influences the input of siliciclastic reservoir rocks into the Eastern Mediterranean.
The AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop - GTW Egypt - is planned for March 2016 to be held at the Hilton Alexandria Corniche,
Alexandria, Egypt. This interdisciplinary workshop is intended to provide participants with the opportunity to describe and discuss the Sinai
basins from a holistic perspective, to consider predictive exploration models for the less explored regions and perhaps gain new insights for
those areas thought to be already mature. Experts on the Eastern Mediterranean-Levant, Nile Delta, Gulf of Suez, Northern Red Sea, Gulf of
Aqaba-Dead Sea, and Sinai interior basins will lead four sessions.
Benefits of Attending
Oral presentations including global analogies along with discussion periods among all workshop participants will extend over two days. An
evening reception, coffee breaks and group lunches provide important opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking.

Organizing Committee
Bill Bosworth, Apache Egypt (General Chair)

David Blanchard, DB Global Energy (Convener)

Tiffany Hopkins, Noble Energy

Aboud Afifi, Aramco

Badr Khalil, HBS Egypt

David Cowper, Dana Gas

Josh Steinberg, Ratio Oil

Peter Bentham, Pharaonic Petroleum

Scott Durocher, TransGlobe Egypt

Ahmed El-Barkooky, Cairo University; Shell Egypt

Supporting Companies


GTW Alexandria, Egypt

Hilton Alexandria Corniche, Alexandria 18-19 March 2016
Organizing Committee
Tiffany Hopkins
Josh Steinberg, PhD
Badr Khalil, PhD
Scott Durocher
Aboud Afifi, PhD
Peter Bentham, PhD
David Cowper
Ahmed El-Barkooky, PhD
William P. Bosworth, PhD
David Blanchard

Manager - New Ventures - Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia, Noble Energy
Senior Geologist, Ratio Oil; Session Co-Chair
HBS Egypt; Session Co-Chair
Exploration Manager-Egypt, TransGlobe Egypt, Session Co-Chair
Aramco; Session Co-Chair
Subsurface Development Manager, Pharaonic Petroleum (BP Joint Venture Co.); Session Co-Chair
Chief Geologist, Dana Gas; Session Co-Chair
Cairo University
Apache Egypt; President-elect, AAPG Africa Region; General Chair
Consultant, DB Global Energy; President, AAPG Africa Region; Convener


07:00 - 08:00
Workshop Registration
08:00 - 08:30
Welcome & Introductions
Susan Smith Nash, PhD
Opening Remarks
General Co-Chair: Bill Bosworth, PhD, Apache
General Chair: Ahmed Abdel Fattah, PhD, DCEO EGPC
08:30 - 12:00
Session 1: Eastern Mediterranean Levant Margin and the Sinai Interior

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 17:00

1.1 The Post Rift evolution of the Levant Basin
1.2 Regional Miocene Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
1.3 Case Study: the Tamar Field, offshore Israel
1.4 Genetic groups of oil and gas shows in the SE Levant Basin in Israel and NW Sinai
(Egypt): how many active source rocks are there?
Coffee Break
Group Discussions; Q & A with Session Presenters & Session Chairs
Networking Lunch
Session 2: Nile Delta

15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 20:00

2.1 Nile Delta Regional structural framework and basin tectonostratigraphic & evolution
2.2 Regional source rock and hydrocarbon characterization and correlation in the
Western Nile Delta: Results from an integrated organic geochemistry study
2.3 Have we overlooked the role of deep basin hydrodynamic flow in flushing and tilting
hydrocarbon contacts in the Nile Delta and Gulf of Suez?
2.4 Newly acquired seismic data along the easternmost edge of Egyptian waters suggests
continuity of the Nile derived sediments from the known Egyptian offshore through to the
Levant with implications for exploration in the border zone.
Coffee Break
Group Discussions; Q & A with Session Presenters & Session Chairs
Evening Ice Breaker Coctail Reception


07:00 - 08:00
08:00 - 12:00
Session 3: Revisiting the Gulf of Suez Its Future and Implications of the Type Rift Basin

10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 17:30

15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:30

3.1 What will it take to bring a renaissance to Gulf of Suez exploration
has the time arrived to try some unconventional exploration?
3.2 A case study of recent exploration and development success in the
West Gharib region, onshore Gulf of Suez
3.3 Pots, pipes and politics: Infrastructure and regulatory challenges in the Gulf of Suez
3.4 Wadi Dib (G.O.S.) High Resolution 3D Seismic Acquisition and Processing
Coffee Break
Group Discussions; Q & A with Session Presenters & Session Chairs
Networking Lunch
Luncheon Talk
Session 4: Northern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba Dead Sea Transform Boundary
Frontier Exploration with Frontier Opportunities
4.1 An overview of the Red Sea Rift System: along-strike variations
and significance to hydrocarbon exploration
4.2 Salt tectonics and structural styles in the northern Red Sea
4.3 Geology and hydrocarbon systems in the Midyan basin, northern Red Sea
Coffee Break
Group Discussions; Q & A with Session Presenters & Session Chairs
Closing remarks & Farewell
General Co-Chair: Bill Bosworth, PhD, Apache
General Chair: Ahmed Abdel Fattah, PhD, DCEO EGPC
Susan Smith Nash, PhD

Director, Education & Professional Development, AAPG

President-Elect, AAPG Africa Region
President, EPEX
Session Co-chairs: Josh Steinberg, Senior Geologist, Ratio Oil
Tiffany Hopkins, Manager, New Ventures Europe, Middle East,
Asia, Australia, Noble Energy
Ratio Oil Exploration
Noble Energy
Noble Energy
Ben Gurion University

Session Co-chairs: David Cowper, Chief Geologist, Dana Gas

Peter Bentham, Manager, Subsurface Development Manager,
Pharaonic Petroleum
BP Exploration, Egypt
DEA Egypt
Delonex Energy, London
Dana Gas, Egypt

Session Co-chairs: Badr Khalil, PhD HBS Egypt

Scott Durocher, Exploration Manager Egypt, TransGlobe Egypt
Delonex Energy, London
TransGlobe Energy
TransGlobe Energy

Session Co-chairs: Aboud Afifi, PhD Aramco

Apache Egypt

Apache Egypt; President-Elect, AAPG Africa Region

DCEO EGPC & President, EPEX
Director, Education & Professional Development, AAPG

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