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2014 Fall Algorithm Midterm Solution

October 28, 2016

Figure 1: Problem statement



Figure 2: Counter example, where a1 , a2 and a3 are activities

6. (5) For activities a1 , a2 and a3 , we let their duration d(a1 ) = d(a2 ) < d(a3 )
Select activity a1 initially
Select activity a2 , since a2 is compatible with a1
Dont select activity a3 , since a3 is not compatible with a2
(6) For activities a1 , a2 and a3 , we let their number of overlaps n(a1 ) = 1, n(a2 ) = 1 and
n(a3 ) = 2, such that n(a1 ) = n(a2 ) < n(a3 )
The rest are the same as (5)

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