Short Film Analysis

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Short film analysis


Straight away in this short film

we are only introduced to the
girl from looking at her eyes.
We arent offered a long shot
of her body and we are not
given the girls name. This
suggests shes unimportant,
implying she is not the only
character to undergo this
barbaric operation. Through
the use of point-of-view shots we as an audience are made to feel as if we
are the girl and this builds our fear and despair for the character. In the
extreme close up shot we can see the edge of her facemask, which instantly
gives us the reading she is in a hospital, under anesthesia. This then
reinforces our reading that she is in a hospital, being operated on.

The nurse is an equally

conspicuous character to the story.
Its her sickeningly, endearing tone
of voice that makes the operation
even more unbearable to watch.
Her voice also somehow causes us
to connect more deeply with the
girl because this nurse is part
of her unwinding, and we feel, just
as the girl does, that we cant trust
the soft, sweet personality. This adds to the thriller genre. As to her role, we
can establish that this is a nurse because she wears a blue coat, cap and
a white clinical mask. Stereotypically medical staff dresses in blue, in the
same way as the nurse and doctor. Since she isnt actually operating on the
girl we can assume she is therefore a nurse.

The costume that the doctor

wears is a stereotypical costume
for medical staff. Since this
character is operating on the girl
we can assume he is the doctor.
What actually heightens the fear
and tension when we know the
doctor is taking the girl through
the unwinding process, is the
fact that what we know about
doctors is that their pure purpose
to help save individuals lives.
That is why they can be some of the only people we can put all our trust in.
But since we know he isnt doing something good, in reality he
is disillusioned with the rest of society, its like a kick in the stomach to be
put in this Girls position and to therefore feel so deceived by someone who
should be morally good.
The main aim of the film is to fundamentally shock people and that's whats
ultimately effective about this short. Every element is astoundingly well
presented, with the highest professionalism so as to create a vividly dark and
realistic short film. Sound is an integral part of this short film. Before we are
given the film's preface, the first thing we hear is the diegetic sound of
hospital machines whirring in the background, immediately giving the
audience the reading that this movie will have some relevance to hospitals. It
is the sound, which is also used to powerfully convey the immoral savagery
of the plot when the girl's body is slowly being hacked away by the doctor.
Whats more, the diegetic sound of the girl's breathing is audible throughout
the procedure, which stresses the characters tension when she begins to
panic. Its hard to decipher at first but throughout the film, low, ominous nondiegetic music plays in the background, which grows in volume as the girl
begins to panic. This then builds and becomes more erratic as it reaches
a crescendo the moment before the girl finally can't see.
A significantly important element of this shortfilm is the use of focus pulls and the
way shot-reverse-shot has been thoughtfully planned.You'll have noticed, or at least

you will noticethat we only see the protagonist's eyes andnever do we see more of
her. This gives thefilm a centrally deeper and evocative view ofthe girl, allowing the
audience to feelconnected to the character. Furthermore, bygiving us XCU shots of
the eyes we can see thevarying emotions experienced by the girl in amuch more
intense way, thus causing the audience to feel engaged with the film
A significantly important element of this shortfilm is the use of focus pulls and the
way shot-reverse-shot has been thoughtfully planned.You'll have noticed, or at least
you will noticethat we only see the protagonist's eyes andnever do we see more of
her. This gives thefilm a centrally deeper and evocative view ofthe girl, allowing the
audience to feelconnected to the character. Furthermore, bygiving us XCU shots of
the eyes we can see thevarying emotions experienced by the girl in amuch more
intense way, thus causing the audience to feel engaged with the film

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