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Reads From

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A quick glance at some of the stances our candidates have taken

A Face For The

Name: Randy
Bobandys Picture
has been released!

Officer Diers on
Gun Rights

Jason Harrington
on Health Care

Read on for updates on the candidates, sports, a word search, and the daily quiz!

Financial Status

Raising money is what gets the classes further in the campaign, and
some students have been going above and beyond others. From the team of
Randy BoBandy, Nick Cornwall and Zach Renken are the highest earners
thus far. Both have raised $275 each for their class to use towards the
debate. Of the $1,675 raised by Period 2, these two have contributed $550.

From Period 3, Maddie Gulick has raised the most money coming in
at $360. $1,255 has been raised by Wayne Whites team. Gulick is the
highest earner of the senior class so far; keep up the great work! Macy
Pullen from Period 5, the Special Interest group, has raised $75 for her
class. This makes her the highest earner for her team. Paige Pearson is the
final mention! Pearson, from Period 7, has also earned $275 to help
support Jose Kenuesee.

Nice job to everyone who has been earning money by presenting,
writing papers, and creating Google Slideshows! Reads From the 6th has
really appreciated posting and talking about all the information during
class and in the paper. Keep up the good work!

Speakers Jason Harrington and

Officer Diers
Yesterday period 2 had a guest speaker, this
speaker was Officer Darren Diers. They brought
in Officer Diers to get a little more knowledge over
the 2nd Amendment and got to learn Diers
personal opinion and view over this amendment
and why. Diers stated that although he use to be
for gun control after watching a video of a
shooting at a school board meeting he had
changed his views. He is now pro-gun. He likes
the idea of having protection and he stated he
rarely is without his concealed weapon by his
Jason Harrington came and spoke to period 5
yesterday about the affordable health care act.
The special interest group asked him to come and
speak about it because they are looking to hit this
topic hard and want to be well informed.
Wed like to give a huge thank you to both
guest speakers for speaking to these classes!

Spirit Lake Makes Their Presence
Known at State Cross Meet
(Left to right: Aiden Bauermeister,
Mason McCaffery, Kourtney
Spirit Lake sent three runners to
Fort Dodge to participate in the
Iowa State Cross Country Meet. The
girls team was represented by
sophomore KourtneyDelperdang
who placed 9th from about 140
participants. The boys team was
represented by two sophomores,
Aiden Bauermeister and Mason
McCaffery. Bauermeister finished
28th and McCaffery finished 72nd
out of 132 guys.
When asked about the course
McCaffery replied, I thought the
course had a lot more hills than
other courses we ran on. It was
probably my least favorite course of the season.
We asked them what their goals where for next year and all of them said
that they wanted to make it back to state but finish in a better position
than the year before.

A Face To The
Name- Randy

In Fridays paper many people had

questioned why there was no face to
Randy BoBandy. Yesterday period 2
had decided on a face for their
candidate, Randy BoBandy.
What We Know: Some facts about
BoBandy are that he is a conservative
republican, pro-life, believes that
legalizing medical marijuana should be
decided by the states, and also is for
free market and little government

Are Campaign Managers Prepared for the Debate?

We Think So!

Each campaign manager graciously took time out of their busy
schedules to do a quick interview with us about the debate. The managers
are Zach Renken (Randy BoBandy), Maddie Gulick (Wayne White), and
Mark Vander Veen (Jos Kenuesee). Each of the managers were well
aware that the debate was being held this Friday and have different ways
of planning with their fellow campaign members.

Zach Renken said that his team is preparing for the debate by
focusing on finances right now, and they will be reading and researching
the rest of the week so that they can back up their facts and also be
prepared for any curve balls that may come their way. They are also
looking at some of Donald Trumps views, as he is the Republican candidate
running for president. Some of the topics they are expecting to be
discussed at the debate are abortion and foreign policy.

Maddie Gulick told us that her team is preparing by getting into
groups to research different topics with one or two people heading the

group. These groups are giving speeches each day about what they have
found and sharing it with the rest of their campaign members. For the
debate, they will be well prepared to hear about and discuss Black Lives
Matter, immigration, abortion, second amendment, and Syria.

Mark Vander Veen explained how his team is preparing for the
debate: researching issues to solidify their stances and picking their debate
team. At the debate they are planning on talking about marijuana, gun
control, and health care, and they would like to make sure they clarify
their stances and avoid any generalizations because their candidates are
so similar.

Each candidate is still unsure as to who will be apart of their debate
team for the debate on Friday.

Jose Kenuesee had a productive


Today in period seven Mark conducted a work day. We saw a lot of good
collaboration and work ethic. Great questions were
asked, and the team did a great job of being productive.

Today I sat down with Josh and Ciera. Josh feels
that the campaign is going really well and everyone
works together well. He stated that Anti-Gun Control is
the stance he feels most passionate about, but he feels
there needs to be a little more research put into it. He
also feels that the class works really well together and
they discuss well, in a sense that it is controlled and
everyone got an input.

I brought up that the class tends to disagree, and
he replied, Obviously not everyone is going to agree, its just not possible. He
also said, I like the fact the everybody can put aside their differences and
actually come to a common consensus on what our candidate should be for.

On how the campaign in going, Ciera stated, I think he's doing pretty good
and Mark has organized our class pretty well and everyone gets a turn to speak
their mind so the views of our candidate are pretty much all of our views. Ciera
also said, I just have a lot of respect for Mark because I know that some of the
subjects are kinda hard and hes doing a really good job at leading us and steering
us and keeping us on track. Ciera believes that one topic people feel strongly
about in her class is abortion. Jose Kenuesee is pro-life along with the other two

Word search

daily quiz
Are you in a common time class? Do you like
free pizza? If you answered yes to the previous
questions, this is for you. We are having a
competition. Every day the newspaper will have
a link to a survey attached at the bottom.
Whichever common time class we receive the
most correct responses from will receive a
complementary pizza party on or soon after
election day (November 8). Thanks for reading!

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