PMB's Trips Abroad

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PMBs Foreign Trips.

As a former Head of State and one who held various other

positions afterwards, and also enjoyed the goodwill of his
associates, President Buhari was comfortable enough to travel
round the world for pleasure or any other purpose if he wanted.
And there is no evidence that he quietly did not, before becoming
It is therefore erroneous to believe that the president could see
this as an opportunity to embark on frivolous trips outside the
country when he could easily have chosen to recline in the
comfort of the presidential villa and revel in luxury.

PMB is not unmindful of the euphoria that greeted his regime and
the burden of great expectations placed on his shoulders. The fact
is that the world today is a global village in which countries need
one another to achieve peace, progress and development.
Nigerias economy is in dire straits. Terrorism and other security
threats are on the increase. Nigeria needs support against Boko
Haram. On these fronts at least, the president needs to interact
with as many world leaders as possible to seek help.
When President Obasanjo was in power, he was also derided and
accused of being a travelling president, but in the end, thanks to
his numerous foreign visits, our entire debts were cancelled by
the Paris and London Clubs, and our foreign reserves then grew to
a very good level.
Furthermore, PMBs visits abroad are a measure of goodwill and
acceptance by the international community and would certainly
impact positively on Nigerias image. By virtue of his widely
acclaimed credibility, President Buhari is the first Nigerian
president to enjoy the complete trust and confidence of world

leaders. It is therefore an opportunity to strengthen diplomatic

ties and economic cooperation with other countries of the world.

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