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PMBs Foreign Trips.

In the history of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari is one of

only two Presidents to have ruled this country twice, first as a
military Head of State, and next as a democratically elected
In each case as the leader of this country, President Buhari
inherited an economy in recession, falling oil prices, decayed
infrastructure, high level of unemployment and a disconsolate
citizenry yearning for change.
In each case, he assumed leadership of a country whose image
was battered by a previous administration in the eyes of the
international community. A few years ago, under a previous
administration, Nigeria was rated the second most corrupt
country in the world, and a country where the ease of doing
business was close to zero level. No voices of dissent or
opposition could describe that as politically motivated since the
ratings were done by dispassionate international organs that had
nothing to gain or lose by being objective and constructive.
These were ratings that discouraged many prospective investors
from investing in Nigeria, and led to a huge capital flight from the
country at the time. In this 21st century dynamic world which is
now a global village, Nigeria certainly needs a helping hand from
other nations to be pulled out of economic recession.
President Buharis position on corruption is common knowledge.
Since taking office, he has been adjudged the least corrupt leader
in Africa, a rating that has endeared him to world leaders and
made a bride everyone wants to court and do business with. This
is certainly a rare and golden opportunity for President Buhari to
interact with as many world leaders as possible to seek help,
recover our looted wealth and attract foreign investment.

To launder the battered image of this country requires intense

diplomatic shuttles by the leadership. President Buharis recent
visit to China and the huge investment benefits therefrom are a
testament to the effectiveness of top level diplomacy. To borrow a
quote from the Information Minister, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the
President cannot stay here in Nigeria because staying here in
Nigeria is like an army general who in the face of war remains in
the bunker.

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