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Maestra: Silvia de Alba Martnez

Materia: Ingles
Grado: 4
Grupo: E

Egypt is a country in the Middle East,
located in the northeast corner of Africa that
includes the Sinai Peninsula. Most of its
surface is part of the Sahara desert,
inhabited only around the oasis. Its capital
is Cairo.
It is one of the most populous countries in
Africa and the Middle East , most of which
sits on the banks of the Nile River and delta
where areas of fertile land are . Nearly half
of Egyptians live in urban areas, especially
in densely populated areas of Cairo and
Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and monuments such as the Pyramids
and the Great Sphinx; the southern city of Luxor contains numerous ancient
artifacts, such as the temple of Karnak and the Valley of the Kings. Today Egypt is
an important political and cultural center of the Middle East
Egypt Language:
In Egypt several languages , including English and French are spoken. But the
official use of language is Arabic. Arabic used in Egypt is better known as Masri or
Egyptian Arabic , thanks to the large number of speakers with which account this
branch of Arabic, it is one of the most significance has had in the media and is
quite understood in other Arab Maghreb countries. In schools other languages
such as English, French, German and most recently taught Spanish

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Mummification in ancient Egypt

Mummification in ancient Egypt is
the process by which it is
prevented a corpse that came to
its natural putrefaction; it was
part of an Egyptian funerary
complex ritual established to
ensure the preservation of their
material body and thus be able to
join his "soul" in the Hereafter
and continue there with his life.
The ancient Egyptians believed
that death represented the
separation between body and soul, the ba corresponding to the soul and ka , which
represents the vital energy. It was necessary that the ba and the ka , the
awakening of his new life, could rejoin the body, previously preserved.
Mummification had as main objective to purify and divine return the body to
become an Osiris or an imitation hers.

The currency of Egypt

The Egyptian pound is the official currency and is
divided into 100 piasters. To change foreign
currencies have to go to a bank , hotels or exchange
offices. It is not allowed to take notes of the country.
The exchange one currency for another when one
will make transfers , travel, shopping , etc., is so
prevalent in the world , you should know the
exchange rate. One euro is approximately equivalent
to 7.75 Egyptian pounds.

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Religion of Ancient Egypt

Golden statue inlaid with gold ( niello ) of
Karomama : the Divine Adorers of Amon
( priestess ) , found at Karnak. Twenty-sixth
Dynasty of Egypt . Louvre Museum.
The religion of Ancient Egypt was comprised of
religious beliefs and rituals practiced in ancient
Egypt for more than three millennia : from the
predynastic period until the adoption of
Christianity in the first centuries of this era.
These beliefs are centered on the worship of
multiple deities representing various aspects of
nature , symbolizing ideas and functions much
power, expressed through complex and varied

Politics of Egypt
Under the constitution, Egypt is an Arab Republic with a democratic system where Islam is
the official religion of the State and legal standards are based on the Koran, but is
attributed to the State to allow the change of any religion. In fact it is a presidential republic
with an Islamic religious state of moderate character002E.

Egyptian pyramids
The pyramids of Egypt are all traces left by
the ancient Egyptians , the most portentous
and emblematic monuments of this
civilization, and in particular the three great
pyramids of Giza , the tombs or cenotaphs of
Cheops pharaohs , Khafre and Menkaure ,
which dates back to the great majority of
scholars , the period known as the Old
Kingdom of Egypt. The Great Pyramid of
Giza , built by Cheops ( Khufu ) , is one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World ,
besides being the only one still lingers .

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Typical food of Egypt : Fatta
The Fatta (whose original name is Fatteh ) is a popular dish of Egypt -telling with
appearances in the historical records of this country from ancient Egypt and other African
countries such as Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and the Levant area .
The Fatta and other variants have a common base which are pieces of fresh bread and
stale bread , the same as fry and is often mixed with yogurt. Its classic accompaniment is
the chicken into pieces and eggplants , though , there is also a variant which is known as
the Fatteh Hummus , which is accompanied with chickpeas .

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