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TIP Coordinators Report

October 2016
Managing invasive species in Langlade, Menominee, Oconto, and Shawano counties

Published November 1, 2016

October moved at a much quicker pace this year than last year. There was a little less office time,
and a lot more networking and control. Here are our highlights:

Reach was above average.

TIP was at the UMISC Conference and learned a lot.
October was wet, but we still got some Garlic
Mustard treated.
Oriental Bittersweet was found in Menominee
Coordination costs in October were around $2,800.
TIP is looking for suggestions to add into our GLRI
The main focus for November will be completing
expiring funding opportunities.

Cow Parsnip taken by Chris Arrowood

Education & Outreach

October Reach Review:
October 2016 was a very good month for outreach. By the numbers,
TIP reached over 1,739 people using 130.75 Coordinator hours (13.3
people per coordinated hour). TIPs year-to-date reach is now up to
13,673 as compared to 11,219 all year last year. TIP website,
Facebook page, and Newsletter are the primary reasons for the

UMISC Conference

La Crosse is more welcoming of

invasives than we are! by Chris A.

From October 16th to the 19th TIPs Coordinator was at the Upper
Midwest Invasive Species Conference (UMISC) thanks to Lumberjack RC&D. This conference
brought together an estimated 650 people from all over the US and Canada to learn about whats
being done to manage invasive species. To put it briefly, we have some new ideas and perspectives and look forward to sharing them with you!
DID YOU KNOW: In some counties in Minnesota they have been seeing European Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum opulus ssp. opulus) escape into the wild? They are concerned it may be invasive in some areas.

TIP Coordinators Report October 2016

Inventory & Control

October Review
Despite the cold, rainy, and grey days of October, TIP has still been attempting to control some
of the Fall invasive species. In October we treated at least 8 populations (3.5 acres) of Garlic
Mustard for the Langlade County Forestry Department. That number is a little lower than it
could have been because we attended the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference in La
Crosse and as usual, not all the data is in just yet, because we have to get it entered into multiple
databases, which takes time.

Invasive Species Spotlight: Oriental Bittersweet

Our partners in Menominee County have discovered a previously
unreported invasive species in the TIP area, Oriental Bittersweet
(Celastrus orbiculatus). This pesky woody perennial vine can grow
to be over 60 ft long, and can smother woodlands, forests, savannas
and flood plains. It has even been known to take down trees!
Oriental Bittersweet can be managed by hand pulling, or by
applying herbicides to either the cut stem, or to the leaves after the
first hard frost. But before you go through the effort of treating
Oriental Bittersweet, be sure it isnt the native American
Bittersweet (Celastrus scandens). The easiest way to tell the two
apart is that Oriental Bittersweet will have berries distributed in
clusters at the base of the leaves.
American Bittersweet will have berries in
a large cluster at the end of the
stem/vine (pictures below).

Oriental Bittersweet Taken By April


Counties with reports of Oriental

Bittersweet in WI.

Do you have a mystery plant? Or a suspected invasive species?

TIP and our partners are more than happy to help you identify any mystery plants you have. Just
give the TIP Coordinator a call (715-799-5710 ext 3) or email
( with your contact information.

TIP Coordinators Report October 2016

Funding & Organizational Development

October Financial Overview
The costs to coordinate TIP in October were average.
Mileage was a little high do to attending the UMISC
Conference. TIP currently has $44,300 available to fund
projects, including $4,400 that must be used by the end
of the year. We expect no issues in using up this funding
at this time.







Supplies $0








GLRI CWMA Proposals

TIP is working on building our proposal for the GLRI CWMA request for proposals. Proposals
must contain a variety of things, but one of the major criteria is number of acres treated. So if you
have any suggestions as to locations youd like to see treated let the Coordinator know about it!
We would prefer to have any suggestions in by November 8th so they can be discussed at a TIP
Steering Committee Meeting dedicated to TIPs funding, and this proposal in particular.

Looking Forward
Coordinators Focus
In November, I will be working to complete the projects that have funding that will expire if not
used before the end of the year. The rest of my time will likely be spent working on TIPs GLRI
grant proposal.

Coordinator Availability
Due to the nature of the upcoming projects I will likely be available to be contacted in the TIP
office during regular business hours. I should have enough available time to deal with most
concerns that arise, but will be unable to take on any time-intensive projects.

Volunteers Wanted
As many of you know, TIP will be developing an educational guide to invasive species over the
next year. If you would be interested in volunteering to help on this project, be sure to let us
know. Well need editors, photographers, and informational experts.


Serving Florence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Menominee, Oconto, Oneida, Shawano & Vilas Counties in
Northeast Wisconsin, U.S.A.

TIP Coordinators Report October 2016

Important Dates
8: TIP Steering Committee Meeting. 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM in Keshena. Primary focus will be on
developing the GLRI grant proposal. If interested in listening in, or if you have concerns for the TIP
area you would like to bring attention to, contact the TIP Coordinator.

15: 2016 Buck Fever Night. 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Shawano County Highway Shop. TIP will
have a booth at this family-oriented event. The event is aimed at getting young people interested in
the outdoors. Last year it was a fun event with a great turnout!

15-16: Statewide AIS Coordinator Meeting at the Mead Wildlife Center. AIS Coordinators from
across the state will be meeting to discuss important issues. Unfortunately, TIP will not be represented at this meeting.

6: TIP Executive Committee Meeting. (Tentative)
Check out the TIP Calendar Online at for more events!

How Can You Get Involved?

Action Teams
Action teams are meetings to discuss invasive species issues and plan treatment relevant to the
members area of interest. Who is a member of an Action team? Anyone willing to attend the

Volunteers help in the manual removal of invasive species from public lands and ditches within the
CISMA, and are most welcome! Scheduling is flexible so please contact TIP Coordinator at the information below to establish a date and time you would like to volunteer.

For monetary donations, please contact Tracy Beckman at (715)369-9886.

Stay informed
Follow us on Facebook, visit our website (, or sign up for TIPs email list.

Contact the Coordinator

Phone: 715-799-5710 extension 3
P.O. Box 279
Keshena, WI 54135

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