Reflectionsectionoftheseniorprojectresearchpaper - Allisonrummell

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Allison Rummell

Mr. White
AP Lit p.3
Reflection Section
After conducting my research, I learned that my senior project was as successful
in achieving its purpose as I hoped for it to be. My goal was to teach dance to
encourage kids to exercise as well as to encourage a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to do
this because childrens health is very important to me and exercise has shown to lead to
better overall health and higher quality lives.
In my research I learned there are three types of exercise essential to proper
development: endurance, strength, and flexibility. All these can be achieved through
dance. Stretching increases flexibility, long periods of dancing or intense movement
increase endurance, and movements such as plies increase strength. In my research I
learned that exercise can improve concentration and thinking skills as well as boost
confidence and self-esteem. In the dance class, we encouraged this through playing
games and giving positive feedback for their good efforts.
I would not change what I did during my project after learning what I did from my
research. The activities we did in class were all justified and reasonable. Each had a
clear purpose that coincided with my research and explanation. As I hypothesized,
exercise is really crucial for child development and dance is a great way to achieve this.

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