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Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2016

21 & 22 November 2016

Innovative Collaboration for the Connected Economy
Day 1 21 November 2016, Monday
Morning Session
08:15 08:45

Opening Ceremony

Opening Speech and Welcoming

Guest of Honour: Mr. Nicholas W. Yang, Secretary for Innovation & Technology, The Government
08:45 09:20 of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Mr. Michael Leung, President, Hong Kong Computer Society
Dr. NT Cheung, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Organising Committee
Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Programme Outline and Conference Proceedings
09:20 09:25
Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Keynote Session
Chaired by: Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Format: Individual Presentations
09:25 09:50 Topic: Building an Innovation Ecosystem for the HK Bay: From DJI to Xbot Park and to HKX
Prof. Zexiang Li, Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, DJI & Founder of the
09:50 10:15 Topic: Digital Transformation for the Connected Economy
Mr. Sjstrm Stefan, Vice President - Public Sector, Asia Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd,
10:15 10:40 Topic: TBC
TBC, Huawei
10:40 11:05 Topic: TBC
Mr. Brian Groen, Senior Vice President, Digital, Cloud and Data Center Solutions, PCCW
11:05 11:25

Networking Tea/Coffee Break

Session 1: Societal Enhancement

Chaired by: Mr. Dennis Lee, Director of Innovation & Technology Applications, Hong Kong Computer Society
Format: Individual Presentations
11:25 11:45 Topic: Smart Cities Enjoy Better Innovation and Collaboration
Mr. Amr Salem, Global Managing Director, Smart City,IoT, CISCO
11:45 12:05 Topic: Data Ecosystem Improve the quality of life
Mr. Albert Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
12:05 12:25 Topic: Mobile eHealth in Hospital Authority
Mr. H.L. Hui, Senior Systems Manager(Enterprise Architecture), IT&HI, Hospital Authority
12:25 12:45 Topic: MOOC and Bite-Size Learning
Mr. Ricky Y.K. Kwok, Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), The University of
Hong Kong
12:45 12:55 Q & A

**Programme is subject to change.

End of Morning Session

Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2016

21 & 22 November 2016
Innovative Collaboration for the Connected Economy
Day 1 21 November 2016, Monday (cont)
Afternoon Session
Keynote Session
Chaired by: Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Format: Individual Presentations
14:00 14:25 Topic: The Disruptive Innovation of Mobile Internet
Mr. David Wu, Chairman, Leopard Mobile
Session 2: Transformational and Disruptive Business Model
Chaired by: Dr. Louis Ma, Vice President (Professional Development) and Honorary Secretary,
Hong Kong Computer Society
Format: Individual Presentations & Panel Discussion
14:25 14:45 Topic: Online Business Management System
Mr. Calvin Ho, CEO, Holistic Technology
14:45 15:05 Topic: B2B Cloud-Enabled Securities Trading Solution
Mr. Anders Leung, Senior Compliance & Corporate Branding Officer, Infocast Ltd.
15:05 15:45 Topic: Criteria for Successful Transformational and Disruptive Business Model Integrating /
Across Several Sectors
Dr. Louis Ma, Vice President (Professional Development) and Honorary Secretary,
Hong Kong Computer Society
Mr. Anders Leung, Senior Compliance & Corporate Branding Officer, Infocast Ltd.
Mr. Calvin Ho, CEO, Holistic Technology
Mr. Samuel Shui, Cloud Channel and Digital Sales Leader, IBM
15:45 16:05

Networking Tea/Coffee Break

Session 3: Public-Private-Partnership Ecosystem for Startup

Chaired by: Ir. Stephen Lau, JP, Secretary General (Honorary), Hong Kong Computer Society
Format: Individual Presentation & Panel Discussion
16:05 16:25 Topic: Singapore Startup Eco-system
Mr. Eddie Chau, Founder & Chairman, Neeuro
16:25 16:45 Topic: Is it possible to have a Startup Studio model in Hong Kong?
Ms. Jacqueline Chong, Chief Strategy Officer, GTGroup
16:45 17:25 Topic: Public-Private-Partnership Ecosystem for Startup
Dr. CK Wong, Managing Director, iASPEC Technologies (Hong Kong) Limited
Mr. Calvin Ho, CEO, Holistic Technology
Mr. Eddie Chau, Founder & Chairman, Neeuro
Mr. Herbert Che, Sequoia Capital
Ms. Jacqueline Chong, Chief Strategy Officer, GTGroup
17:25 17:35 Q & A
End of Day 1

**Programme is subject to change.

Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2016

21 & 22 November 2016
Innovative Collaboration for the Connected Economy
Day 2 22 November 2016, Tuseday
Morning Session
08:30 09:00

Keynote Session
Chaired by: Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Format: Individual Presentations

09:00 09:25 Topic: Accelerating Business Collaboration Through Fact-Based Value Conversations
Mr. Todd E. Tucker, General Manager & Author, Technology Business Management Council
09:25 09:50 Topic: The Transformation of E-business in Airline Industry
Dr. Zhilin Wei, Chief Executive Officer, China Eastern Airlines E-Business Co., Ltd
09:50 10:15 Topic: Opportunities in Education in a New Connected Economy
Dr. Simon Leung, Vice Chairman and Executive Director, NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited
10:15 10:35

Networking Tea/Coffee Break

Keynote Session
Chaired by: Prof. Patrick Chau, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Programme Committee
Format: Individual Presentations

10:35 11:00 Topic: Opportunities in Industry 4.0

Mr. Myron Graw, Partner, KEX Knowledge Exchange AG
Session 4: Industry 4.0 A New Paradigm Shift on Global Business
Chaired by: Mr. Gordon Lo, Director of Innovation & Technology Applications, Hong Kong Computer Society
Format: Individual Presentations
11:00 11:20 Topic: Re-industrialisation: Opportunities & Challenges in Hong Kong
Dr. David Chung, Under Secretary, Innovation and Technology Bureau, HKSAR
11:20 11:40 Topic: Smart Industry: A Hong Kong Perspective
Dr. Lawrence Cheung, Director, Technology Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council
11:40 12:00 Topic: Changing the nature of how companies develop a business and technology to accelerate
global growth
Mr. Mark Palfreeman, Chief Executive Officer, Creedon Technologis HK Limited

**Programme is subject to change.

End of Morning Session

Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2016

21 & 22 November 2016
Innovative Collaboration for the Connected Economy
Day 2 22 November 2016, Tuseday (cont)
Afternoon Session
Session 5: Blockchain: Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation
Chaired by: Mr. WH Yeung, General Manager, Professional Competence Development & Membership,
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
Format: Individual Presentations & Panel Discussion
14:00 14:20 Topic: Blockchain Putting Technology into Application
Mr. Hugh Madden, Co Founder & Chief Technology Officer, ANX
14:20 14:40 Topic: TBC
14:40 15:20 Topic: Blockchain: Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation
Dr. Toa Charm, Chief Public Mission Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company
Dr. CK Wong, Managing Director, iASPEC Technologies (Hong Kong) Limited
Dr. Henry Chang, Senior Manager, Fintech Facilitation Office, Financial Infrastructure
Department, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Mr. James Mckeogh, Head of FinTech HK, KPMG
Mr. Pindar Wong, Chairman, VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd
15:20 15:40

Networking Tea/Coffee Break

Session 6: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Privacy

Chaired by: Mr. Roy Ko, Convener, Information Security Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society
Format: Individual Presentation & Interactive Discussion
15:40 16:00 Topic: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Privacy
Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President, Financial Technologies, ASTRI
16:00 16:20 Topic: Open Source Threat Information Collection
Mr. Koichiro Komiyama, Deputy Director, Global Coordination Division, JPCERT/CC
16:20 16:40 Topic: TBC
Dr. Ricci Ieong, Principal Consultant, eWalker Consulting (HK) Ltd
Mr. Koichiro Komiyama, Deputy Director, Global Coordination Division, JPCERT/CC
Dr. Duncan Wong, Vice President, Financial Technologies, ASTRI
Closing Remarks
16:40 16:50
Dr. NT Cheung, Chairperson, HKICC2016 Organising Committee
End of Conference

**Programme is subject to change.

Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2016

21 & 22 November 2016
Innovative Collaboration for the Connected Economy

Session Abstract
Session 1: Societal Enhancement
Integration of IT and communication technologies, such as IoT, Public Data with Analytics into the society provides
opportunities to make cities of the future more efficient, resilient, and undoubtedly improve the quality of life. But there
are many unresolved social and technical questions which may receive less attention than the obvious potential
Bringing together the renowned speakers from Education, e-Health, Smart City and Public Data into this speakers
session and it will allow us the opportunity to focus on how our contemporary society and urban life is increasingly
shaped by technology and what this means for the societal enhancement.
Session 2: Transformational and Disruptive Business Model in the Connected Economy
Hand-held devices, Internet/mobile telecommunication channels and cloud-based platforms have enabled forwardlooking organizations to leverage on the transformational and disruptive business models to change the operating
characteristics, competitive forces, as well as industry structure and collaborative partnership/settings of various
industries/sectors. This session exemplifies three successful cases in e-commerce business, insurance and stock
Session 3: Public-Private-Partnership ecosystem for startup
In recent years we have witnessed many successes in startup both overseas and Hong Kong (GoGoVan, Insight
Robotics, SoldEazy just to name a few). This uprising trend is attracting more entrepreneurs and young professionals
to create startups to nurture new ideas and implement innovative business solutions.
How should Hong Kong , through relevant government policies together with industry collaboration, effectively
continue to improve our standing as a major hub for startup, riding on what we have established already.
The session will provide perspectives from a speaker from Singapore to share its progress and achievements in
government and industry collaboration, and a the founder of an award-winning HK business solution provider to speak
on the prevailing PPP ecosystem for startup in Hong Kong.
Session 4: Industry 4.0 A new paradigm shift on global business
Industry 4.0 (i4.0) advocates a new smart business and industry paradigm transformation which brings an impact of
increasing digitization to the global economy across various sectors and society. It combines to use the state-ofthe-art Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The German expert from Fraunhofer IPT (who is the
advocator of i4.0) will reveal the secret of this subject and give the insights into the business opportunity for ICT
sector. Our government official will depict the transformation towards smart enterprises in our city for driving
economic growth. HKPC will elaborate the key elements for smart industry which will apparently become a key to
Session 5: Blockchain: Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation
Digital Ledger implementation brings benefits of: Disintermediation reduces counterparty risks; Users are
empowered by controlling their own transactions; High quality data is facilitated with completion, consistency, timely
manner, and accuracy; Decentralized networks help withstand malicious attacks; Process integrity ensures
transactions are executed as the protocol commands; Transparency is ensured as changes to digital ledger are
publicly viewable by all parties creating transparency, and all transactions are immutable; and Transaction times
and costs are reduced. Institutions, however, may face challenges when adopting the technology. These include
Nascent technology; Large energy consumption of computer; Cyber security concerns; Integration
concerns; and High initial capital costs.
Session 6: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Privacy
One of the cybersecurity strategies to defend against cyber-attacks is to collect and share cyber threat
intelligence. Security organizations have deployed numerous sensors across the world to monitor and analyze
internet traffic. While participating companies enjoy the information shared to them on potential attack patterns and
trends, there have always been debates on the privacy issues associated with the collection, storage, and use of
these data.
In this session, latest technologies on the collection and sharing of cyber intelligence will be discussed, and the
privacy issues and concerns will also be examined.

**Programme is subject to change.

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