16-22547 Arrest Affidavits

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STATE OF TEXAS (CASE NO. _160022547 ‘COUNTY OF DALLAS AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE ‘Before me the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared McCown, Keven #1056, a ‘peace officer for he Site of Texas, who afer being duly sworn upon calh deposes and says that he has {00d reason to believe and does believe that Ramirez. Jove dit commit the offense of AGS |SIDNAPPING BODILY INJURY P 6.20.04 agaist the laws ofthe State of Texas on Said resson and betes based upon the flowing fats and ckcumstances: ‘On 101042016, ving Police offices responded toa man being chased st 1101 Union Bower Rd in Irving The male being chased, Vietim Jesus Dorado, reported that thee were people ala residence, located at 2401 Penn Street, ving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people agua thee will. He Farther told officers that he wa Mlecng that location and the mon thal were giving chase, intended to assault him and make him go back othe residence on Pean Sweet, Officers contacted Vietim Danilo ‘Maldonado, who reported tat he was also being held a the residence against his wil, The investigation revealed thit on 09262016, Defendants Carles Diaz, Jonathn Ont, Bryan Gutierrez, Jose Pascual eemandez, Jorge Ramirez, and Leonel Omar Femande” kidnapped Vieim Maldonado afer he escaped {rom a related fail in For Worth. The defendants grabbed Maldonado while he was walking down Rochelle tat Story Rd, in evig. and trew hin in the ruck, which was driven by another accomplice named Javier. While inthe tuck, the defendants severely beat Maldonado and freed him Back into the residence on Penn St. The defendants told Maldonado that he lef again, he would be Killed. Maldonado was continuously held against his will until Officers arrived to free him. Offers then contacted Victim Augustin Par Hemande, who reported that he was lso being held a this house ‘yainst his wil, The investigation revealed that on 09262016, Defendants Jose Saul Hemandez and Jose Pascual Hemandez punched him in the stomach and face while he was ed down with plastic eord and held against his wil \Whness my signature this_05 day of _October 2016 ae Inna Paice Departmen att “agency ‘Subscribed and Sworn to before me this _05__ day of _ October 2016 2 SYS iiagistatet notary PubuCT Ofer pursuant To 602 002 Texas Government Cose (Cross out nappiable authoiles) ORDER “The foregoing 6 afdavt_C) attached arest report having been presente to me end upon consideration ofthe fects and Grcumstances contained there. ts hereby determine that probable ‘cause exsts to beleve the accused hes commited the offense. Tharafore tis accordingly ordered that ‘above named accused remai oT 2. aga af ita Oats Cap Teas Cer ber Ma Bae imme Const near prone Renev e000 STATE OF TEXAS (CASE NO. _160022847 ‘COUNTY OF DALLAS. AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE Before me he undersigned auoriy on his day personally appeared McCown, Keven #1059, 9 peace ofcer forthe Stale of Texas, who ster being duly swom upon oath deposes and say that he has {9008 reason to belive and does believe inal Femandez, Leone! Omar did commit the offense of AGG KIDNAPPING BODILY INJURY PC. 20.04 against the laws ofthe State of Texas on Said reason and bee is based upon the folowing fats and circumstances: (01 101042016, Irving Police officers responded to a man being chased at 1101 Union Bower Ra in leving, The male being chased, Victim Jesus Dorado, reported that there were people at a residence, Joeated at 2401 Penn Sitet, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people against their will. He Further tld officers that he was ling that lation andthe mea that were giving chase, intended to assault him and make him go back othe residence on Penn Stoel. Officers contacted Vitim Danilo Maldonado, who reported that he was also being held atthe residence against his will, The investigation revealed that on 09 2672016, Defendants Carlos Daz, Jonathan Oniz, Bryan Gutiere7, Jose Pascual Hemandez, Jorge Ramirez, and Leonel Oma Fernandez kidnapped Vietim Maldonado afer he escaped from a relied facility in Fon Worth. The defendants grabbed Maldonado while he was walking down Roche Stat Slory Rd in Irving, and threw im nthe tec, which was driven by another accomplice named Javier. While in the truck, the defendants severely beat Maldonado and forced him back nt the residence on Penn St. The delendants old Maldonado that i he left again, be would be Killed. Maldonado was continuously held agains his will until Offices arrived to free him. Ofer then ‘ontacted Vietim Augustin Para Hemnande?, wo reported that he was als being held at this house ‘against his will, The investigation revealed that on 09262016, Defendants Jose Saul Hernandez and Jose Pascual Hemandez punched him in the stomach and fae while he wasted doven with plastic cord and held against his will Winess my signature thie_05 day of __Octobee 2016 Lf mse Irving Potice Department ‘an ‘Agency Subscribed and Sworn to before me this_0§ _day of_October_ 2018 4 Offear pursiant '602 002 Texas Goverment Code (Cross cut nappicabe euhorites) ORDER ‘The foregoing 2 atidavt_ (1) attached srrestrepert having been presented to me and wpon consideration af tha fats and axcumstances contained feren, Ks herby determined that probable Cause ext to believe the accused has commis the lense. Therelore is sccarcingly ordered that Hagia, jy pina, Daas Con Tas Bxredne Zt oP date Time onion tet er ene Bone 0.02 STATE OF TEXAS CASE NO. 160022647 COUNTY OF DALLAS AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE ‘Before me the undersigned auhory on this day personaly appeared McCown, Keven #1056, ace officer forthe Stale of Texas, who ater being duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that he has {9006 reason to beleve and does believe hal Ortiz, Jonathan did commit the offense of AGG KIDNAPPING BODILY INJURY P.C.20.04 agains! the laws ofthe State of Texas on Said reason and belie is based upon the folowing fects and cicumstances (On 101042016, levng Police officers responded toa man being chased at 1101 Union Bower Rin lrving. "Th male being chased, Vito Jesus Dau, seprie tat ere were people at a esidence, located st 2401 Penn Sit, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people aginst thir wil, te Further tod officers that he was leing tha location and the men that were giving chase, intended to ‘sssault him and make him go back othe residence on Penn Steet, Officers contacted Victim Dnillo “Maldonado, who reported that he was also Beng held atthe residence against his will. The investigation revealed thit on 0926/2016, Defendants Carlos Diz, Jonathan Oniz, Bryan Gutierez ose Pascual Hemandez, Jorge Ramirez, and Leonel Omar Fernandez kidnapped Vistim Maldonado ale he escaped froma related failiy in For Worth. The defendants grabbed Maldonado while he was walhing down Rochelle Stat Story Rin ving. and threw. im in he tuck, which was driven by another accomplice samed Javier, While inthe rock, the defendants severely Beat Maldonado a freed him bach int the residence on Penn St. The defendants told Maldonado tha ihe fel ayain he would be Killed. Maldonado was continuously held ngainst his wil unl Oe arvived to fre him. OTe then contacted Vietim Augustin Para Hemandes, who reported that he was also being hel at this house ‘against his wil, The investigation revealed that on 097262016, Defendants Jose Saul Hemandec and Jose Pascual Hemandez punched him inthe stomach and face while he was led down with plastic cord and held against his wll ‘wiiness my signature this_08 __ day of _Ostobar 2016. a lev Potce Deparment ‘ike ‘agency ‘Subscibed ans sworn fo before me this_05 day of _ October 2016 ‘Oficer pursuantTs {602.002 Texas Government Code (Cross cu inapplicable autheries) ORDER ‘The foregoing Bi afidavt_ C= attaches arrest report having been presented to me and upon consideration ofthe fac and circumstances cantanad van 1s hereby determnned that probable ‘cause exsts to boliove the accused has commited the pense Therefore tis accordingly erdered that sbove named accused remai Sonal re aan ps fens STATE OF TEXAS CASE NO. 160022647 COUNTY OF DALLAS: AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE Before me the undersigned authority on his dey personaly appesred McCown Keven #1058, a peace offcar forthe Slate of Texas, who afer beng duly worn uson oath deposes and says that he has {00d reason to beleve and does believe that Diaz. Caos cid commit he offense of AGG KIDNAPPING [BODILY INJURY P.C_ 2004 agains the laws ofthe State of Texas on Said reason and belt is based upen the following lacs and excumstances On 10/042016, Irving Police oficers responded to & man being cased at 1103 Union Bower Re in leving, The male being chased, Vitim Jesus Dorado, reported th tere were people at a residence, located at 2401 Penn Stet, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people agains their wil, He further told officers that he was Fleeing that location and the men that were giving chase, intended to assault him and make him go back wo the residence on Penn Stree. Ofizers contacted Vietim Danillo Maldonado, who reported that he was also being held atthe residence aginst his will The investigation ‘revealed that on 097262016, Defendants Carlos Diaz, Jonathan Ort, Bryan Gutierez, Jose Pascal Hernander, Jorge Ramire, and Leonel Omar Femandez kidnapped Viel Maldonado afer he escaped froma relied fil in Fort Worth. The defendants grabbed Meldonado while he was walking down Rochelle Stat Story Rd in lrving, and threw bi in the truck, which was driven by another accomplice ‘named Javier. While inthe tuck, the defendants severely beat Maldonado and Forced him back ito the residence on Penn St. The defendants told Maldonado tht ihe lft again, he would be Killed. Maldonado was continuously held against his wil unil OTicers arived to Fes him. OMTces then contacted Victim Augustin Para Hernandez, win reported that he was also being het t this house ‘against his wil. ‘The investigation eveated that on 09/2672016, Cefendants Jose Saul Hemander and Jose Pascual Hernandez punched him in the stomach and face while as ted down with plastic cord and held against his wil. Winess my signature hie_0§ day of _ October 2016 (le tate living Paige Deparment ade ‘gency ‘Subscribed and Swomn to before me this_05 day o!_ October 2018 fief 4“ 6 Tiagisake ota Poetic Titer pursuant to 602.002 Texas Government Code (Cross out inapplicable authors) ORDER “The foregoing Bi] atfideuit attached arrest report having been presented to me and upon ‘consideration ofthe facts and crcumstances contained theron, kis hereby determined that probable ‘cause exis to beleve the accused has commited the cfepse, Therefore tis accordingly ordered that Above named accused remain in Miggavate, Cy of ring, Daas County, Taras ns Zon 2 Date me Cons pean pullome Renegade STATE OF TEXAS CASE NO _s6o022647 COUNTY OF DALLAS. [AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE Before me the undersigned authonty on tis day personally appeared McCown, Keven #1056, 8 peace offcer for the Stale of Texas, who afer being duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that he has {good reason to believe and does belive that Guterez, Bryan did commit he otfense of AGG KIDNAP INJURY B.C, 20.08 against the laws ofthe State of Texas on ‘Said reason and baits based upon the folowing facts and cxcumstances On 101042016, ving Police officers responded toa man being chased at 1101 Union Bower fein leving. The male being chased, Vietim Jesus Dorado, reported that thee were people at a esidence, located at 2401 Penn Siret, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people against their wil, He further tld officers that he was lecng that location andthe men that wore giving chase, intended to assault him and make him go back tothe residence on Penn Sirct. Offices contacted Victim Danilo Maldonado, who reporied that he was aso being eld atthe residence against his will. The investigation revealed that on 09.26.2016, Defendants Carlos Diaz, Jonathan Ont, Bryan Gutierrez, Jose Pascual Hernander, Jorge Ramieez nd Leonel Omar Femandez kidnapped Viet Maldonado afer he escaped From a relied facility in Foe Worth, The defendants grabbed Maldonado while he was walking down Rochelle Stat Story Rd in Irving, and threw him inthe tack, hich was driven by another accomplice named Javier. While inthe truck, the defendants severely beat Maldonado and forced him back into the residence om Penn St, The defendants told Maldonado that i he left again, he would be Killed, Maldonado was continuously held against his wil until Officers arived wo ree him, Oicers then contacted Vietin Augustin Para Hemnandes, who reported that he was also being hel a this house ‘against his wil. The investigation revealed that on 09262016, Defendants Jose Saul Herandez and Jose Pascual Hemandez punched him in the stomach and face while he wasted dvsn with plastic cord and hold against his will, ‘waness my signature his_0§ day of _October 2018, fig ett leung Police Department ‘ia ‘Agency Subscribed and Sworn fo before me this_05 day of _Oztabee 2016 * Bus agieroter Nolan? Posie /Oficer pursuant to 602 092 Texas Government Code (Cross out inappicable auhories) ORDER ‘The foregoing affidavit) attached arrest coprt having been presented to me and upon onsderation of he facts and ercumstances contin theron, fs hereby determined tal probable ‘ase exists to belive the accusge has commited theptiense. Thetelor its accordingly ordered thal ‘above named accused romain inc ODL. Magiaate, Gy ot ivy, Balas Coats, Tage ‘Gre.zon Ba PA Date Time Comp ne apr fare Penars ae STATE OF TEXAS. CASE NO. _160022847 ‘COUNTY OF DALLAS [AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE Before me the undersigned auonty on this day personally appeared McCown. Keven $1058, a peace officer or the State of Texes, who ater being duly sworn upon oath deposes and says that he has (00d reason fo beleve and does believe that Hemnander_ Jose Pascual it commit the ofense of AGS PING BODILY INJURY PC. 20.04 against the laws ofthe State of Texas on ‘Said reason and bel s based upon the folowing fats and circumstances 0 1010872016, rvng Police officers responded 19a man being chased at 1101 Union Bower Rin Irving The mate being chased, Viti esos Dorado, reported that there were people at a esidene located at 2401 Penn Src, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that were holding people agains thee will, He Tort told offices tha he was fgsing that ocaon and te men tha vere giving cis, intended 0 {ssault him and make him go bak tothe residence on Penn Street. Officers contacted Victim Danillo ‘Maldonado, who reported tate was also beng held atthe residence against his will. The investigation fevealed that on 092672016, Defendants Carlos Diaz, Jonathan Oniz, Bryan Gute, Jose Pascual Hermande, Jorge Ramirez, end Leonel Omar Fernandez kidnapped Vietin Maldonado afer he escaped froma relied fii in Fort Worth, The deFendans grabbed Maldonado while he was walking down Rochelle Sat Story Rin leving. end threv him in the tuck, which was driven by nother accomplice famed Javier, While inthe tuck, the defendants severely beat Maldonado and Freed him back ito the residenes on Penn St. The defendants tld Maldonado that he lel agai, he would be Filled Maldonado was continously beld against his wil until Officers artived to fre him, Oficers then ‘onacted Vitim Augustin Para mand, who reported that he was als being held a this house “gains his will “The investigation revealed tat on 09/262016, Defendants Jose Saul Hemandez and Jose Pascual Hernandez punched him in the stomach and face while he was ied down wit plastic cord end held against his wh \winess my signature thi_08___ day of _October 2016. ee Invog Paice Department i ‘agency Subscribed angiSworn te before me this_05__day of _Oclobee 2018 SEs TOFea pursuant to {302 002 Texas Government Code (Cross out nappicble autores) ORDER “The foregoing [affidavit] attache arrest report having been presented tome and upon onaderaion of he facts and creumatances contained therein, iis hereby determined that probable ‘Seuss vise to boteve the accused has compte the offense. Therefore itis accordingly ordered that ‘above named accused remain in cuyo3 arn. batos Pa Teme eeseie ROR % Tae compe oe ado porate Rewoaesoae STATE OF TEXAS CASE NO, 460022647 COUNTY OF DALLAS AFFIDAVIT FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE ‘Before me tne undersigned authority on this day personaly appested McCown. Keven #1058, 2 peace ofcer forthe State of Texas, who afer being duly sworn uson oath deposes and says that he has 900d reason fo believe and does believe that Hernandez, Jose Pascual dé commit he offense of INLAWEUL RESTRAINT P.C, 20002 agains the laws of the Stal of Texas on Said reason and belies based upon the folowing faci end crcumstances: 0» 10/04/2016, Irving Police offices responded toa man being chased at 1101 Union Bower Ra in Irving. The male being chased, Vietim Jesus Dorado, reported tha tere were people ata residence, located at 2401 Penn Stet, Irving, Dallas County, Texas that wee holding people agains their wil. He furer tld officers that he was fleeing that location and the men hat were giving chase intended to assault him and make him go back tothe residence on Penn Sweet. Officers comtcted Viet Dilla Maldonado, who reported that he was also Being held atthe residence against his wil. The investigation ‘revealed that on 09/26/2016, Defendants Carlos Diaz, Jonathan Oni, Bryan Gutiene, Jose Pasceal Hernandez, Jonge Ramirez, nd Leonel Omar Femandez kidnappid Victim Maldonado after he eseaped froma relied facility in For Worth. The defendants grabbed Maldonado while he was walking down Rochelle Stat Story Rd, n Irving, and threw him in the tuck, whch was driven by another accomplice ‘named Javier. While nthe track, the defendants severely beat Mildonado and forced him back into the residence on Penn St. The defendants told Maldonado that ithe If again, he weuld be Killed. Maldonado was continuously held against his wil vail OTicers arrived to fee him. Offices then contacted Vietim Augustin Para Hernandez, who reported that he was als being hel at this house ‘gaint his wil. ‘The investigation revealed that on 09/26/2016, Defendants Jose Saul Hernandez and Jose Pascual Hemandez punched hmm i the stomach ad face while he was tied down with plastic cord and held against his wil ‘whiness my signature this_05 day of __Ostobe 2016 a fart lnvina Peice Deparment ite ‘gency ‘Subscribed and Swom to before me this_0§ day o!_ October 2016 4 Offer pursuant 602.002 Texas Government Code (Cross out inapplicable authoriies) ORDER “The foregoing atficauitC) attached ares report having been presented tome and upon consideration of the fate and circumstances contained there, ts hereby determined that probable cause exis io beleve the accused has commited thpflanse. Therefe itis acoarengly ordered that ‘Sbove named accused romain in cu aes ae a oe Dae Conlon aldo pa alee perare ean

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