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Alina Spitz

Mrs. Trotter
British Literature P.3
1 November 2016
I believe people should always treat others with kindness.
1. Growing up I have always treated others with kindness. This year specifically on
the tennis team, I dealt with some people who were saying rude things, and being rude to
friends of mine. I started thinking about how it isnt that hard to be kind to those around
you. It made me frustrated that in the modern world there is so much hate and hostility
around us.
2. The trigger moment was when I heard people saying very unkind things about
other people, people that they didnt even know.
3. This is a belief that I have grown up with. I am a pretty compassionate person so
seeing others hurt by peoples words, hurts me.
4. This belief of kindness has allowed me to work with others a lot in my life. I have
volunteered many places, and worked with kids to instill within them the simple act of
genuine kindness towards not just their friends, but anyone around them.
My I Believe Artifact
For my I Believe artifact, I created a slam poem. I wanted to make something where I
could express, in words, what I wanted to say. The challenges I faced included making the ideas
in my head make sense on paper. I feel very strongly about this subject of kindness, so I want to
make sure that I am clear about my beliefs to the audience. While writing this poem I wrote
down my beliefs of a paper and then started to create my slam poem from there. It was a difficult
project to create, but in the end it accurately expressed what I wanted to say.

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