Education Timeline

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Education Timeline

By: Piersen Sukienik, Jimmy

Sproule, Kenzie Hemsley, Bizzy


In 1642 Massachusetts passed a law making each town establish a school

Education was reflected off of the circumstances and beliefs of immigrants


Educators believed that people would improve their lives and society by
use of reason
Traditions had less influence in education


Horace Mann wanted to have free schooling and have a non-belief

Friedrich Froebel developed the idea of kindergarten
The morrill act established a college in every state


There were segregated schools and the blacks had the short end of the
John dewey promoted the line between learning and experience
Maria Mantesssori made education for kids not just about learning, but
about their needs
Smith hughes act established federal funds for education


1920s the schools expanded, but in 30s the Great Depression started and
so schools were low on funding and so school years shortened and
teacher pay decreased
Dick and Jane books taught simple grammar skills and reading


National defense education act was passed and that allowed improved
science equipment, which then strengthen schools
Public schools were told to desegregate because of the Brown vs Board of
education case
Skinners theory believe that control in the classroom environment could
produce well educated students


Civil rights act stopped segregation, but problems remained

Project head start helped pre-K children with low income families


Inequality was still a problem

Bilingual education was taught
Education for the handicapped started to form


Millions of Americans were illiterate

Back to basics movement emphasis on reading,writing,and math


First computer was put in a classroom

New standards for learning
NCLB act increase variety of schools options


Diane Ravitch made a book called Left Back: A Century of Failed School
Reforms argues to have a more traditional and academically orientated
The No Child Left Behind Act was passed by George W. Bush which
made higher standards and makes penalties for schools that don't
adequately progress education
The North American Reggio Emilia Alliance set goals that promoted the
rights of children
The Higher Education Act was amended and reauthorized to allow
higher education for students with low and middle income to increase
Modifications and changes were made the the Individuals with
Disabilities Act to increase authority of special education


2007:The house and Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2008 Labor-HHS-Education
Appropriation bill which includes reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act
2008:Barack Obama wins the election, and has announced that he will substantially change
the No Child Left Behind Act.
2009:The American REinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 provides more than 90-billion
dollars for education, which nearly goes to the local schools districts to prevent layoffs and
for schools modernization and repair.
2010:With the U.S economy mired in the great recession and unemployment remaining
high, states have massive budgets deficits.


2010- The new Texas social studies curriculum standards, described by

some as ultraconservative, spark controversy. Many fear they will affect
textbooks and classrooms in other states.
2011-President Barack Obama announces on September 23 that the U.S
Department of Education is inviting each State educational agency to
request flexibility regarding some requirements of the No Child Left
Behind Act
2012-On July 6, Washington , and Wisconsin were the first two states to
accept the No Child Left Behind Act
2013-The court case Fisher v. University of Texas ruled that the Texass
policies meet the standards
2014-On March 24, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signs legislation
withdrawing the common core standards
2015-Obama put in motion that the two years of community college free


More than 60 schools in Detroit where forced on Monday,January 12

Federal judge in Texas passes an act to allow transgender bathrooms

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