Adams Observation Reflection: Directions

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Adams Observation Reflection

1) Make a copy of this document and title it Adams Observation Notes: Your Name
2) Complete the SAMR Analysis below
3) Complete the Hatties Analysis on the following page
SAMR Analysis
Pick three tasks you saw students doing. For each task, note what SAMR level you thought it was at, and what
makes you think that.
Task You Saw Students Doing

SAMR Level

What makes you say the task is at

this level?

6th grade students used google

docs to edit their spark papers.
Students also marked up their
papers using the highlighter tool.


Students are using technology to

write their papers, but at this stage
they havent taken the task to a
new level to do something they
couldnt do with paper and pen.

Montessori students wrote

research paper on Egypt. They
showed off collaborating with each
other and their excitement to work
together was great to see.


Students wrote their papers using

a word processor, but then look it
to the next level by collaborating

Middle grade students worked in

design studio.


The design studio allows students

to integrate technology from a
simple box project to a high-tech
project. The whole project is

Hatties Visible Learning Analysis

Zero in on one of the classrooms. Pick three tasks/activities you saw students or teachers doing (or that you
saw in the room environment) that evidenced one of the influences Hattie lists in his effect size ranking.
Task/Activity/Room Environment
You Observed

Influence(s) this relates to

What makes you say that this

observation demonstrates
this/these influence(s)?

Teacher used smart board in the

Design room to work on
worksheet with students.

Problem solving teaching

The teacher is addressing

questions as soon as they arise
because he is working on the
worksheet at the same time as the

Students worked with callipers to

measure their boxes. New device

Creativity programs

The teacher is helping students

learn how to measure, but in a

to them for how to measure an

Principal worked with students
when they had questions so that
the teacher could focus on helping
whole class.

way that is unique and fun

because the students to get use a
new object.

The students are getting direct

instruction when they have
questions from the principal, but
this also allows the teacher to
focus on the whole class.

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