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Aston Martin DB5

Cassie Phillips, Thomas Valverde, Clmence Ferrier and Caroline


Table of Contents

USP Unique Selling Point
Target and Profile
a. Short Term
b. Long Term
7. Strategies
a. Strategy 1
b. Strategy 2
c. Strategy 3
d. Strategy 4
8. Key Messages and Coding
1. Assumptions

9. Media choice
10. Positioning and
11. Trial
12. Brand and
13. Timeline
14. Special

Luxury, limited, one-of-a-kind, Its not just a car, its a lifestyle, indulge,
extravagance, never-used-before, enhanced, faster, un-parallel, innovative,
functional, delight, opportunity, satisfaction.

2. Concept
Our product will be the same car from the 1960s but we will add some
unique features. Create a special bond between car owners by encouraging
and financing an owners club. Within this club, clients share their unique
experiences and love of this car. They can share this new lifestyle that they
have in common.

3. Features
Our new car will have the same exterior of the old DB5. But, we will add
some features in order to be adapted to the new customers needs. We will
add: automatic headlights, automatic windows, GPS, a front camera to record
the performance of the car, like a GoPro for example. Moreover, we will
improve the ability on road. Features like air conditioning and higher safety
instalments including theft alarms will be on this gem. All these features are
designed in order to improve the car of the 1960s. The exterior and interior
aspects will be the same as the model of 1960; only few details will change
(the GPS will be include and the buttons for the automatic windows)
Moreover, it is important to know that people cannot test it or drive it
before because of the luxury of the car. It is very important to conserve the
surprise and freshness for customers.

4. USP Unique Selling Point

We want our brand to adopt real Love marks for the news owners; we
want to create a special links between the lifestyle and the owner. In
limiting the amount of product, and adding special services, we will create a
part of a family inner circle of people who purchase this car, this lifestyle.
Newsletter going out to the owners of the car talking about different owners
and their lifestyle. Thanks to this car, the owners will Be part of a new
We have decided to keep all the cars the same for the buyers. It will raise
the price because there are only 100 of them in the world, so 100 people will
have the same car. If the buyer wants to change it post sale, then that is
their choice.

5. Target and Profile


Because of the high price, the main target is wealthy people because only
this kind of person can afford an expensive, luxury car like the DB5 we are
promoting. Our main target is men because it is a sport car which means
that most of customers attracted by this kind of car are men. 65% of cars are
purchased by men and is the key interest in a mans mind after sports.
The target is also people who want to change their life as the slogan says
its not a car its a life style. That mean that this car is not only a car its a
way of being a way to show your success to reach the perfection first in
terms of car then in terms of life quality. This car is also a way to show your
The DB5 is the new James bond car which appears in James bond Skyfall.
Some wealthy people can buy it as they love James bond but it would be a
mistake to target them as this car is not only the James bond its a super
sport car with many details and features which make it one of the best car of
the world.

6. Objectives
Short term: Sell all 100 cars.
Create a lasting friendship or lifestyle bond between the different car
owners through a newsletter and different magazines they all share
Becoming part of the prestigious Owners club
Long Term: Introduce the car and the idea to a younger generation who
may not have the money now, but in the future will remember the luxurious
features of the car and want to buy it.
Introduce the car and the idea to a younger generation who may not have
the money now, but in the future will remember the luxurious features of the
car and want to buy it.

7. Strategies
a. Strategy 1
Our first strategy is to target the young audience. It is an example of Love
marks. Target the audience that will, in the future 10-15 years from now,
want to buy the car and who will possibly have the means to buy the car that
they saw so long ago. A lot of children have the dream to buy the car that
they have seen when they were younger. If we sell some dreams to the
young target, they could become our future clients.

b. Strategy 2
Our second strategy is producing few cars and sells them at a higher price
100 cars priced at $1 million. Our objective is too product less, but sale all.
For this, we will make market study of people who currently own the car,
for see who will be interested by the car.

c. Strategy 3
Our third strategy is simple only 100 units will be produced. This is the way
to create a desire in customers mind. In fact owners fell like they take part of
a privileged group, they are one of those lucky owner. The goal of this
strategy is to create a first step of privileged people. In fact its an easy way
to sell and promote the car; people who take part of the owners club are
sharing the same loyalty to the brand. They share the same passion the
same believe they are the best sellers for the brand as they love it. Moreover
the owners club creates so much advantage for the brand: it maintain the
price of the original car, if it need to be sold or passed on to someone within
the club who shares the same passions for the car. These exclusive clubs are
sought after by car lovers everywhere and can only be a part of them if they
have the car in common. Companies often times financially assist with
owners clubs and encourage them.

d. Strategy 4
Trial: Manufacturer sends invitation to prior customers. Invited customers
learn what goes into how to making such a luxury car at the factory. Visitors
learn about the unique materials that go into producing the Aston Martin
db5. At the end of the visit, the customer can see the different options for
the car and has the option to personalize his own (virtually). He gets to hear
the deep hum of the engine rev and has the unique opportunity to look
under the hood and at the end of the tour, has the option to purchase this

8. Key Messages and Coding

Our concept is a one of a kind luxury car. Very limited, very special.
You cannot explain until you get behind the wheel and rev the engine. A
feeling only a handful of people will be able to own this kind of lifestyle.
Our first aim is to make customers feel exclusive car owners.

9. Media Choice
Word of Mouth: this sort of media has a big impact on the consumers. In
fact, it is great for the company because it is free and the company has not
to do a lot of things to develop it because it is one thing that is made
Owners Clubs: this association is very important to develop the loyalty of
our clients but also their trust.
This car can sell itself. There will be no television commercials because the
car is such a luxury. We will a small number of the car at rich areas such as,
Paris, Geneva, London, Monte Carlo, New York, Sydney, Dubai, Taiwan,
Singapore and place them in front of casinos. We will show a few of our cars
at luxury car shows.


Positioning and Map

(Positioning and map on page 7)

We have created a positioning map in order to represent how different we
are than competitors. We produce few cars to attract the best customers,
few cars means unique owners. Then high price because the car is
unbelievable and a high price is expected to justify is prestige.



Our trial is equivalent to our Strategy 4. The idea is to sell the ideas and
the beauty of the Aston Martin db5. Inviting previous owners of the car to a
unique behind-the-scenes experience. Hear the rev of the engine, see the
beauty of the parts individually before they are put together to make up the
luxury of the db5.
Individuals fall in love with the car all over again as they get to see behindthe-scenes.


Brand and Loyalty

As stated before, owners clubs are the best way to promote brand
loyalties. Car owners can share their love of the Aston Martin db5 and
encourage others, coworkers, neighbors to also be part of this club by
purchasing this one of a kind car.



We have decided to start putting out promotional information because

there is so much that goes into producing a product such as licensing, and
check points; we will begin with our promotional information).
So in first time, we will send out promotional information to past and
future clients. After that, we will produce the car. For communicate about the
car we will participate at car shows. After, normally, we will start to sell our
100 cars. For increase customers loyalty, we will send the monthly
newsletter. For be sur that all will be okay, we will gather feedback with
clients, and at the end we will begin plan to make next batch of cars.


Special Promotion

There is a limited amount of cars. Only 100 are being made. Also the
features of this car will promote the car and attract the clients.


Control and Feedback

For our type of product, we have thinking that the best feedback is
through social media, than more, doubling as a way to advertise.
We also think, that through owners clubs we can have a feedback,
thanks to conversations between members, that a good way to hear the
positives and negatives.

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