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Choose the right answer by circling A, B or C

1. On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, causing the start of an international

military conflict, under the command of the US, known as:
. the Gulf War

. the Six- day War

C. the Vietnam War

2. In February 1992, the principal treaty on which the European Union is based was
signed. That treaty was:
. the treaty of London

. the Lisbon treaty

3. The dissolution of Czechoslovakia occurred in:

. January 1999
. January 1993
C. February 1995

C. the Maastricht treaty

4. Euro coins and banknotes, the official currency of the Eurozone, entered into

. January 1st, 2003

. January 1st, 2002
C. January 1st, 2000

5. The term Imia crisis is referred to the events which began when the Turkish
cargo ship Figen Akat ran ashore near the eastern Imia and culminated in:
A. The landing of Turkish troops on the islet of Imia in January 1998
B. The lowering of the Greek flag and its replacement with the Turkish one, by
Turkish journalists on the islet of Imia, in January 1996.
C. The falling of a Turkish F16 in the Aegean sea during an engagement with Greek
Mirage in October 1996.

6. The dissolution of the Soviet Union, after 73 years of existence, was officially
. On November 6th, 1991, when KGB was dissolved
. On December 21st, 1991 when the Alma Ata protocol was signed
C. On December 31st, 1991 when the Soviet red flag was lowered from the Kremlin
and replaced with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag

7. Started in spring 1992, in the midst of the Bosnia and Herzegovina war, lasted
until October 1995 and caused the death of thousands of people, enormous material
destruction and population displacement. It was:
A. The siege of Ljubljana
B. The siege of Sarajevo
C. The ten-day war

8. In 2012, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded:

A. to the Greek priest Gervasios Raptopoulos for his worldwide humanitarian work
B. to Barack Obama for his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and
cooperation between peoples
C. to the European Union, for its contribution, for more than six decades, in
promoting peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe

9. At the UEFA Euro 2004 final, as one of the biggest surprises in the history of the
European football, Greece won the trophy, defeating 1-0 the host Portugal. The
winning goal was scored with a header, in the 57th minute, by:

A. Angelos Charisteas
B. Thodoris Zagorakis
C. Angelos Basinas

10. On July 11th, 1995, at Srebrenica, a small city of eastern Bosnia, one of the
biggest war crimes in the history of Europe after the Second World War took place.
8000 Bosnian Muslim men and young boys were slaughtered by:
A. Dutch

B. Bosnian Serbs

C. Russians

11. The "Treaty of Lisbon ", also known as the Reform Treaty, signed by the EU
member states in December 2007:
A. determines precisely the transition program in the EMU and the economic
convergence criteria of the participating countries
B. substitutes the abandoned 'European Constitution', modifying, in particular, the
existing conditions of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European
C. aims to establish the freedom of movement, without checks at their common
borders, for all the citizens of the signatory states

12. On September 26th, at the coast of Paros island, one of the greatest Greek naval
tragedies occurred and resulted in 81 deaths and the loss of the ship. It was the
sinking of the passenger ferry named:
A. Heraklion

B. Sea Diamond

C. Express Samina

13. The American film, directed by Steven Spielberg, which was released in 1993,
received dithyrambic reviews and is referred to the Jews persecutions during the
period of Nazi Germany, is entitled:
A. "Dancing with the wolves"
B. "Saving Private Ryan"
C. "The Schindler's List"

14. The Ukrainian revolution of 2014 during which the government of President
Viktor Yanukovych was ousted, had as a consequence the so-called:
A. the Imia crisis
B. the crisis in Crimea
C. the Iraq war

15. The Games of the 28th Olympiad, also known as the 2004 Summer Olympics,
held from 13 to 29 August in:

A. Athens
B. Paris
C. Seoul

16. The man in the photo, who died on November 11th, 1990, was:

A. the Greek poet Ghiannis Ritsos

B. the Italian film director Federico Fellini
C. the Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev

17. On November 22nd, 2005, during the federal elections, the German parliament
voted for the first woman Chancellor of Germany. The woman was:
A. Angela Merkel
B. Christine Lagarde
C. Michelle Obama

18. The breakup of Yugoslavia occurred as the result of a series of political

upheavals and violent conflicts began in:
A. 1945

B. 1968

C. 1991

19. On July 5th, 1996, at the Roslin Institute laboratories of the Edinburg University
in Scotland it was created:
A. The first artificial human heart
B. "Laika" the first cloned dog
C. "Dolly" the first cloned sheep

20. One of the biggest natural disasters in the history of Greece occurred during the
summer of 2007, caused by extensive fires which burned thousands of acres of land
and killed 63 people. The area most affected was the prefecture of:
A. Ilia
B. Magnesia
C. Euboea

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