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Caitlin Snider
28 August 2015
EDP 3273
Professor Mahoney
IRB Training
IRB Training
In todays society most people are sensitive to the world around them.
Just about anything can cause an uproar once it hits social media. There are many
cases that have proven this to be true and it is also why there are rules for almost
everything, including testing. The IRB training is an eye opener to just how many
rules there are when conducting research. There are separate rules that apply to
just kids and rules that apply to just adults. As a future educator it is important to
know these rules and how they apply to students.
The IRB was a great insight into how the research world really works.
There are billions of people on this planet yet a researcher cannot just test anyone.
To start the subject must sign papers or even give the researcher consent. The
tester also has to list all the possible harms and even benefits that someone can
receive out of the study. Some of the test subjects have even more precautions
than others. Pregnant woman, kids, and prisoners are all apart of a specific rule.
There are certain test these subjects cannot take and extra precautions that come
with people in these situations. Children are younger and need to have consent by
their parents or legal guardians as to where expecting mothers are carrying a child
and certain things can stunt the childs growth inside the womb.

Most people wonder where all the rules came from. Before any of the
rules that the IRB training talks about existed two large events happened in not
only medical history but world history. One of the biggest things to happen to put
into effort these rules was the Nuremburg Trials. The trials were a huge eye
opener for around the world. These experiments mutilated, killed, severally
injured, and did so many more grotesque things to unwilling subjects that when
aired people were floored. Incent people were gassed, burned, starved, poked, torn
apart to death that no one could believe this horror story was actually a reality.
The worst part is, is that it took a horrific event for more rules to be put into place.
It is important now to know these rules, because not only are they illegal to not
follow, but it also keeps people out of harm.
It is important to know these rules not only as a researcher, but, as a future
teacher. Children have certain rights that need to be followed. As a future educator
one needs to know what they can or cannot do while observing a student. It is so
important, because someone could lose his or her job over the simplest thing. This
semester there will be students in the education program who will be observing a
featured student. It is important to know these rules specific to the child and
follow them while observing their case study child. Consent is a huge rule to
follow by. If a child/student does not have consent form their parent or legal
guardian the observation can be voided and also the researcher can get into a huge
amount of trouble.
It is important to be aware of the IRB training as a future educator,
because certain things can put a job at risk and end up in jail time. Over the course

of an education career many observational experiments will be conducted all the
time and it is important to remember the rules and training from the IRB. There
are so many things that can and cannot be done research wise with children that it
is important that they have consent. This way no one gets harmed and no one
loses their job. The IRB training is a great insight into the rules of research and is
an excellent tool to keep on hand while preparing to become an educator.

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