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Bristol Junior Chamber

Minutes Tuesday 1st November 2016 6pm Armada House

Members Total Members 22; Total Guests; 6.

Oliver Brown Welcome from President and introduce Bristol Learning City.
Bristol Learning City Sian Reece, Karl Brown Bristol Learning City; divided and
contrasted city with education/poverty line. UNESCO brand about bringing people together,
learning can transform lives and communities. Addressing the challenges, from different
sectors asking what we can do to bring the city together create projects to together
recognise what a learning city will mean for Bristol. Learning City Partnership Board and
Challenge Groups have been put together. Encouragement to get involved further.
Q How is it funded? A There is no budget; in terms of awareness it has been difficult.
Bristol is the first learning city in England, no funding. There is a potential for it to be a
movement; Bristol champions and values learning.
Q What are you going to do to encourage teachers to the region? A Education needs to be
pushed in Bristol sell your city to teachers; working with Destination Bristol come here and
be a teacher and what you can do in Bristol socially. What this means if you come to this city.
Q What is the connection with careers advice/careers guidance. A In terms of careers
advice; Bristol Works Initiative, open up work experience opportunities/careers advice for
those who are traditionally hard to reach. Learning City Ambassadors; spreading the word in
schools. Careers fair for STEM subjects in May; funding for transport same sort of schools.
Promote/encourage and learning opportunity to support learning invite people.
Q What are some things people in this room can do to support/help? A Initial obvious
thing sharing links/promoting links, going into Schools; re-emphasis links.
Oliver Brown Introduce our speaker Jessica Vallentine.
Nuclear South West - Hinkley Point Jessica Vallentine, Business West/Nuclear
South West ( Energy supply which is low
carbon is required, until we have the technology to do fusion we need to find intermediate
steps; nuclear energy (which the UK has committed to) is the middle step.
As of September 447 operable nuclear reactors in the world, with another 200+ in project
phases. This is a worldwide industry, and supply chain opportunities.
Civil uses new build sites (x3 Hinkley Point C, Wylfa, Moorside) with three different
companies, building three different reactor designs. We have 15 reactors currently generating
21% of UK electricity.
South West The industry is worth 50 billion in next two decades, from 15 different projects.
With defence, as Trident has been renewed, this will also increase. In terms of the new nuclear,
the UK is leading the way and the South West is at the heart of that. Hinkley Point C is a major
project upwards of 800 people will be working on the project, and there will be a big base in
Bristol for this.
At the heart of it is to generate low carbon energy. Once operating Hinkley Point C will
generate 7% of the UKs electricity. It is the largest engineering project in Europe 25,000 jobs
during construction with 5,600 jobs onsite at the peak. Not all science and nuclear, Somerset

Larder are the suppliers for the food a consortium of local producers that got together to
provide the onsite catering.
60 years with these people onsite. 100 million per year into regional economy during peak
construction; upskilling and working with schools looking to roll this out wider, there are
opportunities and a commitment to engage the local workforce.
Nuclear South West cluster (partnership of industry/academia/education etc) that will all
work together. Ensure that that money stays, sticks and grows to develop the region as a
whole. Clear vision and actions understand the vision/shared actions.
Ensuring industry is engaged all do separate bits but working in same direction.
1 year on; 1m x2 LEP collaboration for HPC Supply Chain Support. LEP investment in
Hinkley Point Training Agency.
Q Is there going to be a vacuum of labour to Hinkley? A There is a EU funding stream
looking at getting people into the industry. Locally, huge concern major infrastructure
projects (HS2, Arena, Hinkley Point C etc) all at once inspiring conversations around this.
Cannot leave gaping holes in other industries, so many parallels. Getting young people
through from the start, and having the education skills in place to encourage (training, courses
etc). Welcome conversations with house building, construction etc. People coming from
France and China, integrate and encourage. People with young families etc.
Q Are there any more hurdles/hoops, or is it happening? A The night of the final
investment decision it was all very exciting, but the Government comment was unexpected.
Money is in place, EDF are committed, the UK Government have said yes there are no other
outstanding legal challenges etc. In terms of what is going on, it is already ramping up there
was a phase early 2015 when it went into care and maintenance but since it started up again
its ramped up. The power stations elsewhere are in very early processes, they are earmarked
but will have to go through the same process.
Oliver Brown Thank you for your very interesting presentation, we will watch carefully over
the next 60 years!
------Oliver Brown

January meeting will be second Tuesday (10th)

Charlie Chami - VP

UWE Distinguished Address Series, please check this out on the emails.

Becky Purchase Events

Thank you to all who came to Members Dinner.

11am Sunday at the Clifton Club making Christmas Decorations for the Marmalade
1st December Christmas Party we will be selling Marmalade Trust decorations, if
youd like to get involved in making them please let me know.

Ben Kenny Treasurer

No updates.

Kirsty Swan Business & Enterprise

Not present.

Robert Barnes Heritage & Culture

Haunted tour of the Wills Memorial Building is confirmed for Wednesday 14th
December, limited spaces & opening up to guests.

Megan Turnbull Education & Skills

17th November Winterbourne School interviews, please come along.

30th November St.Mary Redcliffe.

Emma Custance-Baker Marketing & PR

Any feedback please let me know.

Alice Peacock Honorary Secretary

Howard Williamson previous member, offer of discounted tickets to Billy Elliot at the
Hippodrome, will go out on weekly email.

Heather Rees Membership Secretary

New members breakfast see weekly email new members welcome.

Introduction of Louise Gilmer, solicitor.

--Close up 19.30, heading to Old Fishmarket Pub--

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