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Hector's Posts – Volume 4, 1st Edition

Editor's Note

This document contains the postings from mostly one individual, Hector Perez Torres, collected at
the yahoo site: Within are message numbers from 15,000 to
19,999, the rest left to subsequent volumes. No doubt some very good messages have been missed,
hopefully these will be included in a second edition at some stage.

Several postings by authors other than Hector have been included, where it was thought they
amplify or justify Hector's theoretical or experimental models. As can be seen within this volume,
members have claimed success at looping the rotoverter, and running a three phase induction motor
directly from a 12Volt battery! A further description on the water powered Diesel engine is located
near the end of this volume.



Only triger circuit used ... or zenon bulb used as thyratron "pulsing"

SCRs can be used to megawatt size so I see no power limitation to the

capacity to discharge in verry low resistance hi amperage loads ..
(like deep cycle batterys).


Re: cores

You get Iron Thunderbolt power from the hall effect currents that
permeate core laminate at 90 degrees from the known power ...

you are tapping "kemio" power or known as marnetoatomic induction

amplification ...

notice I use "marnetic" not magnetic ..,but sinse RV is already looped

i can enter in the other 9 types of electricity that exist in
creation ,you can watch how people will run and try to get patents on
my disclosures here . LOL !

There are good patents from already dead people that can help like the
nu-energy battery found in REX RESEARCH ,and coler work ...

Too bad thet did not spend time trying to teach others and annoy and
bother untill someone made it work ...

Goin bach to IRON reactor cores , the answers are in MRA .. and in the
Resonant plug extraction systems plus the coil bangers and all other
good things posted in this forum ...

Hear this well ...

Any modified sinewave inverter can be made overunity ....

Any PC power suply (billions on use and on stock ) can be made


How ? eliminate losses , use resonance as teached in RV and

transverter and aply to its ferroxplana transformer and use power
management method to optimize ...

there is a resistor and small capacitor (damper ) in main transformer

input coil replace with COIL with variable adjust core (TV flyback
ones from VO circuit do fine ) tune to ou ... ,

eliminate drain resistors use direct loading to do this at 12.7 volts

set regulator to 12.7-13.8 depending on your battery specs , this is
done by locating V sense and changing values that triger zener

Forget that transformer will squeal like a pig being killed with a
blunt ax ... , the idea is to create overunity condition , if RV
inspired people to work and that hard work resulted in looping the
same thing will happen with the PC power suply and the modified
sinewave inverters .

(Hey this was already done and tested ) so as RV it works ...

the most simple OU device is a home door buzzer with a reversed diode
across the buzzer and the coil being positive biased .(that meand its
switched by its negative pole ...
AS is energyzed it atracts the metal strip ,the circuit oppens ,field
collapses EMP is created rectified and returns back to source ...

how is done? by properly timing the tension of the strip as to

properly time the pulselenght required to set OVERUNITY resonant
radiant states within the coil that transform more energy into the
CEMFP goin back to the battery than the one needed to satureate the
buzzer core coil .

If You go back to First postings ,I allways told that overunity was

realy verry simple ...

Radiant energy = RF resonance

Overunity is justified by book rule transformation mechanics .

and even if my computers are knock down or I am left without internet

service I will find a way to post , a way to talk and a way to teach .
Now that the goose eggs are fried I advice people try to learn as fast
as they can ,and thoose that had done replications dont waste time
teaching skeptics and use that time to disclose what you got and teach
other how to make things ...

Get inspired to hack transformer laminates as well as to hack already

done stuff

laminates can be spaced using common paper 3 mills to separate and

that increases the amperage 10 fold , some iron laminates will be
removen and core will go to higer frequency resonance but if same
quantity and mass can be fit in the spacing eliminating the interplate
shuntings and taping the iron internal currents it will be naturaly
overunity ...

Iron loss will have to be dealt with as KEMIO radiation desintegrates

matter when iron is driven over the edge .. (Homemade blackholes at
atomic level )


--- In, "cavetronics" <cavetronics@...> wrote:

> what happins when you take a transformer and at every lamanit in the
> core you put a fullwave bridge with cap on each lamanit in the
> transformers core ??? bridging each lamanit to the next one

Re: [EVGRAY] Re:mower

Cap discharge "timming" works better then "chips" ,

because of the cap discharge(the cap moves its "stored
energy) in the system , the cap can store and move
the store about , where as the chips can just act as
switchs... unless the chip acts as a cap then its not
so "waste-full" ....

The same thing applys to coils ,, as coils act like

caps to... so what part is going to blow 1st ? the
"chips" most likly..

timming is key here " we have X amount of time when

the node is at (zero and Max energy) do to the
coupling of the gate at a zero node.... so think large
switchs = more wider of a gap to colect the energy in
the same amount of time...
i made a post about shorting out the sec in a
transformer ,,, now lets think about this short as
being a charge also...add this with the mower & TPU
you have a RV-TPU grass cutting capdischaring rotate
motor-generator RotoVerter " like hector said (bang
them coils ) i have 300 amp SCRs doing the bangin" i
have about 2ms of BANG(zero node currents) to get and
give energy in a BI-WAY of NODES

the rest is All DOWN HILL like the Back part of the
Standing Wave ... USE VSWR and Grid Dip meters and
make a DSP unit to compress your 2ms in to 60ms of
The key to the Mower...Pulesing magnetic fields
travling DOWNhill /\/\/\/\ ( we want this part took
off ( \\\\\ ) and we put on this part ( ///// ) to
gether they are (\/\/\/\/)+(/\/\/\/)=////\\\\////\\\\

Re: Engineering time...

If all the bullshit can be filtered out, many undeniable truth

apears within this informations ,

2010 can be defined as year of the naked speecheless human monkey.

But the Hope is On RUSSIAN people using this technology more than
from western non-socialist positive side tasting society .

No operator was able to past the 2012 barrier ...

I went 2125 and beyond ... (and know this timeline as history )

ZPE and looping can be replicated and had being replicated , so I

have no more problems regarding that past and future experiences ..
To prove without doubt the other statements requires for me to
descript the construction of TASMIN (timemachine)and make into off
shelve homemade device .

To create time vortex all is required is set 3 antennas in a triagle

say at a frequency of 27 megacycles that is 11 meter radio control
device frequency (FCC licence required up to 250W TRX) this antenna
is set to work as RV device works generating 3 Phase RF signal from
27MHZ RF transmitter once this is attained the frequency is
increased to attain supraluminic speed were time portal opens up in
center of vortex. triangle is 11 - 11 - 11 meters point to point .

Bad use leads to continental warp and sinking of US continental mass

under the sea if paradox is created screwing up timelines.
(this can result from this posting ).

But as RV and looping any kid can easy replicate in their home
hacking any amateur radio and some antennas to set up and create
hyper-supraluminic rotary time engine portal.

Also energy can be recovered and system made selfrunning on time

space energy (Easy with RV stuff).

Just beware of dynosaurs poping up and eating you and the

machine ...

Montauk ended as energetic T rex lunch .....(In my 1982-83 timeline)

LOL (:P)

Just take a bit of responsibility with this knowledge ...

as is easy to become Like lucifer and be kicked out to lower
infernal dimensions (minderased) and naked.

Time also to study a bit of religion and divine law and combine up
with a superior moral and logic so we can create a
better "alternate" timeline world , using GOD technology requires
God morals and spirit ,so better work on thoose be-Jesus spiritual
states if you want to play with this toys.

Power requires responsibility. But as the timeportal technology was

mentioned here the need is to make known is part of the current
problem we have to face that hangs over us like a sword of justice.

(I altered history ) and all of you can do same and create paradise
on this earth . No need to have a genocidal thermonuclear war !

(You got the tools !) use them !

Lets see if the Gnostics awaken from their slumber and the religion
movements start doing Gods intended true work.

They can use RV technology to make paradise quite easy combined with
the technology they already have.

(I cant stay in this planet forever .....)

Need to go and help other worlds...

maybe can do here untill 2043 if urn resists the toil ...
so try to "hasten" things a bit OK !
Get with the do now aplications and the real world use ,as money is
aquired lab can be used to make time-machine toys and all this other
higer educational instruments that can be used to teach humanity a
better path ,learn from past so you dont repeat same shit over and
over again, from a cyrcle engage in spiral incremental evolutionary
path .

I have great hopes for all of you , I think you can do much better
than Atlantean race did, will be a pitty to see the sinking of
another civilization with so much potential as this Human one haves.

(Get on Gods good side OK ! )


Hector :)


Re: koubox


The SCR is a fantastic device it responds in solid state as a

thyratron does but uses no heater or hot cathode ...

The problem is mantaining the gate from being fried up and having
the capacitive values similar to a lamp dimmer circuit that uses a
diac A capacitor & resistor & variable resistor to triger a triac
gate to manage ac potential by triggering in the downslope of half
sinewaves within the ac signal .

how it can be used in plug ?

simple same cap for same resistors & variable resistors "Dual" and
instead of a diac use a switching diode (dual) and dual SCRs instead
of a triac ... to operate in diode plug config.

Find zener or varistor gate protected SCRs (better )

Sinse what is needed is to triger at top charge adjust dimmer

to "full"

and "enjoy the light"

you get from ac 60CPS 30 CPS pulses at 1/120 of a second in positive

polarity plug section and negative polarity plug section at 1/60 of
a second alternatively .

Amen !

Hec-Thor! ^_^ !

Re: Thyristor Testing

Use 1000A 1000VAC protected gate pucks !

Thoose will "hold" some "Joules" doing the job ...

again dont overload the freaking gates ..

6.8K Ohms minimal for 120VAC 13.6 for 220 27.2 for 440

30K for 460 VAC .

if gate current is required see aplication notes from mnufactuer and

use opto isolated diode switched cascade circuit to trigger it
properly ..

There are a hundred variations to triger this devices safely ...

Just remember you are dealing with RF and gate triggering needs to be
in phase in order to prevent reverse trigger that may damage device.

Still I say SCR are marvel devices for inveter and hi power use ...

just ask yourselves why military engineers choose them over other
type of devices ...

well used they outdo tubes 10 to 1 and transistors 100 to 1 ..

Hector :)

Re: RV being used by the ozy Military

If you diode plug it or use diode bridge full phase in series to

circuit using fast switchers you get average current in a DC
current shunt placed at the bridge DC end ..

use DC voltage pass diode and cap at one LC end and use other end as
reference to get voltage average peak use 200MEG variable resistor
as reference drain to capacitor ...

measure reference voltage ..

average capacitor potential in joule second and get true circuit

potential ... rule of thumb for resonance is x .8 to give averare
in real world true power ...

Or simply cap peak voltage multiplied by average DC current X .8

gives aproximate true power ...

Then power in circuit (PO) divided by power in PI = EFF% = OU if

If drain resistor effect the oscillations use damping reactive

filter to bandpass average voltage to cap but redusing reactive
current resistance to main LC under test ...

(Hope this helps )

Remember MRA cascades similar to an OPEN sparK gap but this is

wothin its internal components ..

(actual theoretics in books do not cover such cascading other than

as NOISE in RF systems , stochastic theory covers a bit more ...

( study of charasteristic of materials and its physics is required )

Refer also to old ferroresonat postings

Look into PC computer power suply design (make them squeal ! )

promote resonance and harmonics current limit entrance as to avoid
burning IGTBs boost crow bar diodes values (reverse damper diodes )
use positive bias to promote power recovery ...

OU is easy , taming it is the little "bitchy" part ...

(requires "Tuning" )

Hector :)


There are a couple of ways to proceed. There seems to be a faction

that is trying to reverse engineer exactly what Mike did,
US ARMY , DARPA, CIA, KBG, MOssad to name a few ....
and treat it like every detail was critical to the operation of the
Yes I stated the unit operates as a single component with
interacting components charasteristics affecting the whole ...

If the exact ssr, or the exact coils, or the exact transistors are
really that critical, I don't think I want to build that device.
(Its easy ) not so hard ....
To believe that each and every component has to be the same to
observe "the effect" that we are assuming Mike brought to life, then
it is too much of a quirk for me to chase.

The only parameter need to be seek is the POWER VECTOR in time

relative to magnetic amplification within the unit and energy
transform from ambient energy ....

I think if this device Mike made "works", then there is or will be

an explanation for why it works, and there will be a wide range of
ways to reproduce this effect, once it is understood.

Its incredible they relate to device MIKE made ... (as if it were a
sin to mention he looped a motor in RV mode .... as if to HIDE
its origins (Kone "loopable" Lawnmower )


ITS RV based its RV theory and I have being explaining and teaching
it for 7 years , and by god I am getting pissed off at this
lame "mental retentive" permeating this circles ..
Refer to konehead lawnmower , power recovery circuits RV looping
looping alternatives , recovery plug circuits , coil bangers ,
magnetic amplifier feedback circuits ferro T postings and hundred
more references on the files here ..

Including comments on Kones Muller - Bedini- RV remixes and

looping , reread also on RV as starter for thermodynamical
transformation reactors (suckamatron) (absorbatron) ....


I would rather try to understand (by using such analysis as Darren

is doing, and other though processes and analysis) what is going on,
what is possible by conventional explanations, and how big the gap
is between conventional analysis and what is happening in Mike's

power is being vectored to RF states were loss is driven fordward in

time as logaritmic magnetic amplification factor were energy is
stochasticaly transfered from the ambient into the machine looped
energy component ...

RADIANT energy is RF (radio frequency ) and OU is result of power

management and transformation...

To that end, Darren's calculations show that conventional analysis

of Mike's supposed circuit would probably not charge the capacitor
as fast as the video shows.
Capacitor charges at the rate were ...

I (current) to the square relative to discharge of RF signal in as a

RF pressure vector in capacitor were such vector charges capacitor
as if it were an LC component IN an RF frequency tank ,

signal is time compressed in RF component as pulselenght is reduced

and delayed relative to normal time space component ...

A capacitor as rule charges 4 times faster in RF resonant mode

vectoring that standard DC electric power states

IN RF ac radiant energy is always in "turn on states" tesla

atributes to IT . IN RV is at each half cycle within an AC wave .

Energy is gained in partial time reversal within unit itself ..

time goes much faster inside the capacitor than in relative outer
space ... (its the stochastic energy wall )

The gap between conventional analysis and Mike's video is probably

a factor of at least two in the charging time of the capacitor.

again Joule - ampere and relative time are the answer here ...
RF engineering gives all the answers ....

speed of charge is relative to cycle per second ampere joule

component within a virtual RF tank ...

we are dealing with doctorate university level aspects of RF energy

components here ,learn "RF" theoretics then speak ...

Reread my postings and the comments in within the lines...

I have being giving the answers, some of them verry strait and it
seems the idea of remaking the wheel and repatenting it seems burned
in Human genetics ..

Not naming the other genes that want to use RV as a weapon and
another tool to enslave humanity ....

Thus we have to realize going in that a device will have to gain

enough charge from somewhere to make up this difference.

Normal power , RESONANT states ( Iron thundervolt ) Norman WOOTAN

MRA (I am not the only one telling you) OU comes from energy
transformation , resonant states are mechanic to archieve thoose
states of transformation ,that thoose states are present in all
machines from MEG to VTA ,Bedini , Muller ,Coler , Tesla , and that
I am the first Idiot able to simplify it and give it public (and be
eaten alive by intelectual property leeches and sharks) ...
ALso to speak of people like NORMAN Wootan that has GIVEN ALSO the
true BASIS for OU energy transform but had being "rejected"
supresses and misunderstood ....

READ US navy Stochastic resonance research ( were OU is real and

tangible truth ) not theoretic . RF amplification by means of
ambient noise .

MRA must be "revived" aplicating the MOWER basics (OLD RV RF basics

to GINIS TRANSFORMER OU verification .... made into an IRON
thunderbolt "MRA" "transformers will loose weight" when looped .
in some iron disapears as if evaporated from cores...

I am telling you people how to REPLICATE , that means to do tHINGS

that were ALREADY done and tested ..

that is why RV & TV is given in a set of part & pieces experiments .

IRON is a CRYSTAL were as in HYPERQ modes goes OVERUNITY as it

becomes an ambient HEAT energy (noise energy transponder device )
Before I build, I would also like to have some idea of where the
excess might come from.
(ambient energy )
I'm not asking for proof or a complete understanding before I start
winding coils, but I want to have some speculations as to what is
going on.
Simple off the shelve primitive off the books energy
transformation... ( kids stuff realy ) ask mike , I told him once in
an email , once he got it it was kids stuff ...

(Darned simple stuff )

For that reason I am studying the Naudin, Bedini, and other

information for theories on what might be happening.

I lament that the only valid theory is the one of transformation ,

resonance and RV theory OR I mean POWER management science ..
Resonance RF is key to OU use ....RV & TV kindergarden learning

To Us is no longer "theory" To me is simply teaching people

technology aplications (like monkeys pealing potatoes )

My friends from AVOVE have to accept I was right , 7 humans had

being hable to loop systems using simplified ZPE principles up to
date , I also stated that humanity if given the chance can group up
and stride for an evolutionary change for something better than the
primitive entropic system they are engaged on ...

Eutopia like overunity is not a dream , is just a "method" of


Another analysis that I think is worthwhile is some basic

calculations on what kind of power we want to see to claim anything
useful is happening.

90% energy savings motors and a self substaining energy system is

not enought "Worth" ?

What is worth ? then ?

To put things into perspective, it is easy for the average person

to believe that a clock can run for a year or more on one winding,
or for numerous years on one battery. We see this all the time.
When we see a small motor running on what we think is a very small
amount of power we tend to think some kind of magic is happening.

Just rambling. or debunking ..... ?

Again arent 90% energy saving motors good to make a revolution ?

Is Konehead 100W in 716 watt out in mechanical energy RV motor is

not more than proof of overunity ?

ALL prizes must be given to him and his RV replication , but

engineers here keep sticking their heads in their own butts and cant
accept it was so simple to do and that OVERUNITY as disclosed by my
person destroys all their mud feet idols ...

(Remaking hystory will not work )

darpa and NASA cant accept a Guy with an hispanic name was the one
to give out the secrets of ZPE public and worst making their
technological lies and obsolete energy wasting R&D totaly invalid ...

What I see is a repetition of deviations debunkings and the

insistance to burry RV in a mirre of unpractical sea of useless shit
I see an army of people trying to steal Mikes brain and
buryng his simple findigs , I just pray he does not fall to
temtation and end up as Mallove ....

I had warned about closing the loop ...

now that Mike has done it dont leave him alone there ! get his
findings PUBLIC and save his life !

like RV looped schematic .....(Its there ) 16 ways to do it 32 ways

to loop the beast ...

(And all is public ) Mike found one way to peal potatoes ....

make us monkeys be proud !


Hector :) " In strange antrophormological mood '

Chata Hunga hunga hunga

Re: Amplitude tweaking.

Its the impedance relation of amplitude & voltage ......

Shorted locked rotor start current will be the same as if it were

runing non RV power (start).

Once runing the impedance relation will be 51.2 ohms loaded and 600
ohms to infinite ( PM RVs )

Rating depends on motor , EM , PM (synchronous) or induction

asyncronous , the starting phase 90 degres its a more like 45 <
at a virtual angle compared to a 120DEG . virtual to 90 deg real
phaseangle to get the rotary field component ..,

like RV the current goes down as is properly tuned ...and runs on

energy savings mode , I have tested a toshiba motor versus a shade
motor for fan (4 inch fan ) ...

toshiba .. temperature raise avove ambient 0 deg, power draw 0 watts


Shaded motor temperature raise 140F -180F (Loaded)( burning hot )

power draw 23W (asynchronous squirrel cage shaded motor).

reversible motors are good RV makers non reversible may differ in

winding impedance configuration creating some impedance matching
phase issues (offset phase ).

RV in 1 phase simils to RV in 3 phase ... 3 Phase is more watt & OU

per pound but if power saving is the matter RV one phase can also
do ... ( they cant supress all motor technology ) to kill it .

RV in one phase can draw now more interest in the 24 to 38 V range

as RV 3ph is known and tested the more R&D sensitive & delicate 120V
RV can be made more common .. (phil RVed DC motors ) what is the
lesson in there ... ?

relation of Impedance , voltage & current tensors AC DC or pulsed ,

PM,FM,AM,CM modes is were the OVERUNITY states are when RESONANT
semy-resonant RF modes are attained were overunity transformation can
take place (ZPE manifest) .

With non reflective power extraction methods and all the recovery of
losses within a system closing the loop is a predictable outcome as
the science advances in publc hands ..

Much to do still in solid state also ... Like RVng PC power suplys
and some other consumer electronics ...
(its relatively easy ...)

Think of a pentium dual core runing in digital resonant RV mode ...

for not staying stuck to only power sources,,.\

Hector :)

Re: harbor freight Alternator...(generator.)

Its to wire 100mF cap to main winding 220VAC and remove exiter
winding cap (leaving it unused..)

as motor, exiter winding can be used as Starting one using 370VAC

caps from 40MF to 180MF ...(tune to best load voltage option...)use
48VAC with 220 winding and if half 120VAC is use use 24-28VAC .

usualy this generators use 120VAC - 120VAC center taped so half has
to be used or center tap rewired to separate series or parrallel
120VAC taps (independent )..

OLD 10KW gensets are EM (brushed this permits pure PF correction EMA
4 RV modes to be used in a SAFER but EV gray motor equal , or I
maysay superior energy configuration... synchronous RV motor
generator ... (EM) eletro-magnetical exited rotor .

That sum all from OLD postings ... in one post (basic) .

Low voltage to HI voltage the LAW specific to RF remains same

the capacitance and impedance and Q modes are the thing that needs to
be adressed (variables within the parameters needed to run in RV OU
modes or EMA 4 simplified modes ..

not to be hard on EV Gray or his memory ...

he was better off simplifying the ema 4 and teaching people how to do
the stuff he called cold electricity
, (simple RF resonance )

Hector (:P

Re: harbor freight Alternator...(generator.)

A cap across 220VAC winding and exiter winding capacitor removed ..

depending on head & speed 370VAC oil caps decade from 40 t0 200mF
to best OU region ...

if 10KW brush unit is used like stated before , you got EMA4
engine .... can be KONEHEAD style reed pulsed or PHiL mode IGTBs
driven , it will be OU it will be LOOPAble WITH PROPER (RV MODE

Voltage ,amplitude, frequency and pulselenght = OU energy transform

modes .

Remember that OLD posting were ....

You can take OU out from an iron kitchen sink and a few turns of
wire ....

(Its not far from the truth ....)


Re: hector, ou transformer idea

Refering to H networks in Inverters "the Phil way" a reactor core can

be charged to saturation and then switched off from input to be
discharged in radiant mode into capacitor that is discharged at the
blank interval with dual IGTBs to valance the dipole electron
charge ... Read Phyl post on switching colils read my comments on H
network design ...

IF input is a relative reactor to source the power loss incurred

reflects in source as impedance change were current or voltage being
in nodes is not reflected as loss ..

( need to go ) see you later ...

Hector (:P

will post more from macondo republic ... hellhole !


--- In, "raivope" <raivo@...> wrote:

> Hi Hector,
> My mind produced the following idea.
> When the capacitor gets the OU charge in a resonance it normally
> reflects the current back to the primary, so normally we do not see
> anything OU happening there.
> To break this balance I thought to use the diodes where the load is
> put into the discharge cycle to extract a part of the charge.
> There is no switching, but requires a proper tuned frequency.
> Hector, what do your formulas say about it?
> --Raivo

Re: Ash... harbor freight...

reread old instructions on how to connect capacitor to main 220AC

winding to have self induction on resonance.

Manual haves winding schematic ... eliminate exiter winding cap use
main winding made LC with oil caps ...

cant be more darned simple ! or use exiter LC as is (OU resonator )

extract its 500V+ power as vectored potential ...

Generators using EM brush power fed rotors are good for EMA4 RV mode
run motor-generators ...

In this I had given all basics but further R&D is locked for lack of
funds and security .

Re: Harbor Freight continued...

From H

This GENERATOR uses REVERSE induction winding as stated in posting

dating since the disclosure of the Bingo motor ((brown gas project in
JLN yahoo groups)

Instructions- obtain this designed generator and modify

1)remove fans and all drag making junk

2)remove capacitor from exiting coil
3)excite main 220 coil using oil capacitors
4)measure power in against power in LC
there is your OU to work with.

5)Use A PM (permanent magnet) rotor with no over saturation of metal

cores as in ANY existent HI eff motor, logarithmically load power to C
you and have extracted the OU efficiency. Eliminating the Exiting
capacitor from exciter winding and Using a CAPACITOR on its BASIC
well beyond an OU region.

Applicable to SERIES tuned LCR electrolytic chamber , in CAR

alternator using 23K to 24.5KCPS sono- fusion (see RE-OU-e-book) can
be attained in electrolytic chambers by using the same LCR RV and
trans-verter RESONANCE principle.

In this cheap harbor freight ALTERNATOR using the main winding as an

LC oscillation with oil AC capacitors suffices to create the radiant
AC power at a 0 power factor. Further then it is required to take
amperes to match a filament light bulb where by the voltage drop
becomes minimal and can be lit under water exactly as seen in EV Gray
demo.The RV principles are to Learn to transform adapt and use this
energy , to learn to optimize power management .and definitively
looping will come by default.


Re: [EVGRAY] Re: Hector... RV with Water?

Read old postings from Hector.

Idea is to use a round container and 3 or 6 outer HV electrodes (no
physical connection to the water), where water between electrodes
becomes dielectricum of a "water-capacitor".
Then feed electrodes with HV in 3 phases to create rotary HV-field and
resonate the 3 phase water capacitor.
Water molecules, as they are dipoles, align along HV E-field, and water
becomes ROTOR of your setup...similar to RV rotor in M-Field...and a lot
more to it.



Re: Phils Adams ala Kone

Hey Kone,, really good to hear from you again.

Sorry for being quiet but I am so busy on new exciting things and I
don't get time to check many emails, or Evgray.
Glad to see though that you also get the results I do, as it seems
most think it is a hoax or some trick being played. "Idiots".
Anyway, I am not going to waste time explaining how things work and
why from my end, and then put up with all the stupid questions that
come after it, like what is the cop efficiency???
Pffft, they keep hounding and then when you answer they ask more
stupid things

I will in a short time "kindly" ask Patrick to wright up some of my

concepts and allow him, if he is willing,,, explain things in laymen
terms of the workings.
Also when I can make the time and is ok with Patrick for a writing, I
will demonstrate new exciting ways to recover the collapsing field of
a coil, and then believe it or not, show how to run the RV on a
little battery with no inverter or any transformer but drive all 3
phases with only 3 mosfets, and a few components.
This is all hands on and no fiction!!!, but it will as I said, take a
little time as I am very busy and also it could take a little time to
publish if Patrick can not translate my wordings like I can't half
the time. LOL.

But bottom line though, I am happy to see we both know how to pull
the numbers and make it all happen. Me Don't feel alone as much now.

Cheers Phil....

Re: Magnetic Amplifiers, Paul Mali, 1960, 101 pages

I HAVE 2 FROM the originals used at the eldridge expriments ...

3Phase up to 450CPS ..
reread VTA and linear amplifier postings ...

microwave oven trafos are good for mag op systems ....(off shelve )

RV feedback trafo is a cap vector mag-amp ...

(RV lawnmower ) and RV plug in feedback current vector modes

Hector :)

Re: Diodes don't smoke the water in the HCC a.k.a. 'Joe low watt cell'

250nm UV and 23.0 to 24.50KCPS RF DC pulses from alt to water

in 6 phases... 6 SS spheres

(You are getting there )

Hector :)

Re: Norm/Phil

Other thing I forgot to mention ..

You have to address the way of broadband recovery of the miriad of

cascading damping signals that occur within the single narrowbanded
signal ...(hypersignal)

lets say you have a peak at 128KC in a verry sharp spike (narrowband )
but within that signal you have a verry broadbanded set of Hi power RF
microwave signals at 1.6 GHZ from the electron spin regions of the
Iron atoms within the core of ferroxplana ,with a mirriad of
sub-harmonics at 1.3 to 4.5 mhz (Way OU )

Its Fact a resonant band pass filter and capture network is needed
and it must be impedance matched as not to kill main reactor resonance
and not reflective to same effect ...

Reread x4 caps setups of past postings and harmonic signal capture

( post on trafos & ferroresonance will give light also )


Re: Norm/Phil
we are working with a dual capacitor system in ac splited in 2
sections one negative one positive ( Were Bedini Failed I flew )
the plug splits a sinewave in .5 of an AC wave at were f= Time/2
so a 60CPS signal is splited in 2/120 of a second separate signals
with a 30/60 of a second each intervals at 1/120 of a second lenght.

(for OU this are essentials ( basic ) for the correct theoretics on

overunity transform .


The resonant generator ..

Tto the Coil being subjected to inductance from the aproaching MAGNET
the capacitor must be a virtual short were as COIL reaches max current
peak Capacitors starts to load and reaches maximal load as the EXITING
field reaches 0 ...

The higer the Q the shorter lenght in time it takes to (regause).

sinse PM rotors are hard to get USE 10=15KW generator head as

Syncreonous motor to built RV EMA-4 equivalent on a shoe string budget.

the ROTOR is exited by brush from recovered current amplifier circuit .

the head is wired to 460VAC and run as syncronous motor on 120VAC ...

rotor must be taken to speed using RV pony motor as boost-syncrhonizer

Hector :)

The Amplifiying transmitter ..

Nothing else than a RESONANT hi voltage primary With a Capacitor

set to discharge at maximal peak across an air gap into a verry low
impedance coil being primary exiter of a verry large impedance one ..

Were the Extra energy comes from ?

The discharge from the capacitor is hypersignal (DC)+ (DC-) cuttoff peak
discharge, Were the Damping signals are ? , the miriad of Molecular to
physical wavelenght harmonics created within the Coil itself and AIR
core space ( being Aircore tesla coil ) or within a metal core being a
car ignition coil like used in early ema 4 design ...

The core gap acts as NOISE generator and VARACTOR circuit ... of sharp
cascading pulses ..
The OU is within the AMBIENT energy that contributes its potential to
secundary circuit oscillations (as in Teslas AMPLIFYING transmitter)
we speak of.


Re: [Fwd: Lighthouse gen.]

If coreless coils are seeked use a flat rotor from a PM coreless

car fan motor (111) phases, the core can be machined out and wired in
the center using a jewel soldering mini solder.. 111 fine wire
terminals can be brought out across the center and taken to
222 111 + 111 - 111 phases bridge hi speed switching diodes RF
capable ..

the combined output will exede 80 amps at 18VDC (hi speed)

Using Nb grade 60 in the rotor will take the little UFO gen to 100-200
amps range

Arent you people tired of Toys ? ,then go Off shelf with practical
stuff ( even if its difficult )

The PM generator stator to rotor conversion is out for quite a time

Raivo has some pictures on my unfinished project ( Short on funds) &
dogs bitting my financial balls off ...

I see a a FACT elite engagement is to prevent me from getting any

funding to complete this and other projects that will give all of you
practical real solutions ...

the PM generator is 10KW DC generator ( not a freaking Kid toy )

(get serious ) I am getting real tired of this return to play with

toys thing,it dilutes any real funding chance .
A real motor generator can be built using the fanuc or BALDOR PM brush
motors having EACH segment diode bridged ..

Using the Stator magnets as ROTOR ( Raivo has my prototype units)

SEE Stolen Chorus motor patent ( yes Stolen) by forum leeches here who
patented the information I gave all of you open sourced ...

wile you played with and insisted on playing with toys ...

(Must be something in the water combined with TV and radio brainwashing !

Plus the elite dirty mind ops and econo mess ops .. like closing down
the electric shop that helped me with the prototypes ..

Theft , destruction of prototypes, disinformation, demonization ( full

shit skunk shit works supreme !)

Amen !



Re: More Ferro resonance stuff from Norm and Hector

Any 3 PH transformer can be converted to a magnetless Electro Magnetic

Amplifier as is .... MEMA ...

That MAKES MEG obsolete ( apart that in went under OU at reactive or

at any loading )

MEMA Power can be Extracted using the non reflective Diode capacitor
plug system ...

There is a world there in solid state 3 phase power generation ..

Anyway you put it using book rules POWER factor becomes a Phase driver
force in a 3 phase transformer driven with a one phase source , like
RV a CAPACITOR is used to create the virtual 3 phases ...

Result is undeniable overunity due to natural magnetic amplification

factors (RF) within A,B,C phases creation .

Transformers require more delicate tuning sinse they lack the Rotating
inertia of the iron mass inductive forces , but once resonant states
are archieved ir rotary fields system is quite stable ...

Just be carefull and avoid the PM - EMP conditions already mentioned .

All electrical stuff can be fried dead in miles radius !

Not to speak of Peacemaker toting people ...

So play safe and take care to shield things properly and using fast
fuses & safety varistor arresters ...

You still have no idea of the energy contained in an Iron atom !

Re: Radiant electricity

Kone I think he was refering to the energy itself ...

sinse RADIANT energy is explained in RV theory as demistified RF ,

RF method and book formulas aply at its measure ...

People must remember Power Voltage signal in phase with current is

not RADIANT or RF energy .... just a power signal .

Power signal with voltage and current off phase at 90Deg (resonant)
becomes RF or radiant energy (radio frequency with node and anty-node
components radiating energy into aether medium .

This aplies to any mode off current or voltage creating node

differentials within virtual or physical circuits ,reactive ,
capacitive , or resistive & dielectric components .

I think I am the first scietist engineer explaining this correctly

and properly to the Free energy community (publicly) ..

(Ending with 100 years of pure bullshit and disinformation )

I advice people to study RF radio technology deeply and aply its

science formulations to power engineering ..

That is what RV and other technology are about , like VTA , MRA , EMA4
& others.

Radiant energy is Radio frequency energy

Overunity is due to energy transformation and inclusion within an

operating system resulting in energy levels exeding the machine or
device input ...

(Its science (not magic )

Pure magic cant be done without Pure science

The magic is in science itself


RV power can be Extracted from the Vector Cap in Primemover

using SERIES transformer tuned to provide the Inverter DC input with a

CURRENT vector from a diode bridge at its low voltage secundary
and feeding this across a current bandpass diode into
the DC buss to lower inverter amperage demand ...

A transformer say 120VAC primary and 22-18 volt AC secundary is OK

for starts were the effect of feedback can be quantified ...

Capacitor Values must be changed for best performance (tuned)

then a transformer can be configured as to be able to add or take

turns as to tune impedance correctly to archieve proper current
vectoring to lower battery current to 0 amps or positive reverse
amperage back to the battery , once this is done a megacapacitor
1Farad at 15VDC can be used to demostrate the true looped states

This is the most simple way to loop an RV (non loaded) to run

perpetualy on energy electricaly aquired from the medium ..

Reread all Stuff on Resonance MRA , Iron Cores , VTA , MEG ,Ema 4

One of 18 ways to do it ....

Hector :)

Glitch Science: Unity-OverUnity (core concept refresher)

Using a language that has probably not been spoken of at length, I'll
try to explain the meaning of the difference between magic and science
(as Hector spoke of in a recent previous post). [I'll also try to be as
brief as possible.]

In the study of Jungian synchronicities, an event, which repeats three

times or more, breaks the statistical odds. Those points (or glitches)
in our environment, which pop out, could be explained as OverUnity.
Those points break the common-flow. When those things (whatever they
may be) become more common, they are mixed into the physically-known
environment to become a pattern: Unity.

Think of a when a light bulb. Depending on where the nodes are in the
line, the light may blow when you turn it on, seen as a super bright

Using that same concept, think of when you are in a mundane conversation
when the other person says something to you that causes you to
temporarily pause, as if in a short state of surprise or Information
Correlation. This is especially common in the realm of synchronicities.
...The first occurence of something oddlike may not be as noticeable
until the second or third: that is to say when the nodes are primed.
When the mind is more ready to receive, then, the repeated experience
causes a greater response to the synchronicity (or "glitch").
This could also be referred to as a Cascading Avalanche effect, (which
is due to magnetic reconnection or constructive wave interference). In
the technical realm, this can be accomplished by pumping the switches to
add more glitches. In the psy-ence realm, the mental nodes are prepared
and recharged by repeated synchronicities.

The effect of this is what could be referred to as Laplace Transform,

which deals with multiple merging strands at uniquely defined points, of
which the points are crucial to the overall form. Changing the joining
point at one location will subsequently change the whole appearance, as
in the case of morphogenic fields. (See link:
<> )

In the realm of psy-ence, this could also be called programming, as in

the case of social conditioning or conditioning to a particular
environment in general. It is the shaping of consciousness, adding
filters (mentally) to create the specs for processing data. (For a
technical association, see link:
<> ) ...This gets into
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and also what is called Permutations.
[Excerpt from
<> ..."Permutation is the
rearrangement of objects or symbols into distinguishable sequences.
Each unique ordering is called a permutation."]
For example, the evidence of Free Energy itself is changing the
programming in the human collective consciousness. Most people do not
know exactly where energy comes from. They plug an appliance into the
wall and hope that the electric company takes care of the rest. Where
the energy is created from there is often unknown, usually thought to be
done by water dams, nuclear power and so on. However, the people have
learned to trust that the only way to have electricity is through a wall
plug. The evidence of Free Energy, then, is weaving its way through the
collective consciousness, increasingly making it a part of the pattern
of Unity in this realm. That is to say: what was once "not here" (so to
speak, as in collectively known) slowly becomes reprogrammed into this
realm of knowing.

People don't believe unless they think to see and hear. We "think to
see and hear." It is likened to masonry: an occupation of laying stones
for buildings and pathways, which provides consciousness with
Understanding (literally a form to stand upon).

Free Energy is the bridges (or touch stones) in the realm of Quantum
[Excerpt from
<> ..."In quantum
mechanics, quantum tunneling is a micro and nanoscopic phenomenon in
which a particle violates the principles of classical mechanics by
penetrating or passing through a potential barrier or impedance higher
than the kinetic energy of the particle. A barrier, in terms of quantum
tunnelling, may be a form of energy state analogous to a "hill" or
incline in classical mechanics, which classically suggests that passage
through or over such a barrier would be impossible without sufficient
... [For some really difficult homework, study Partial Differential
<> ... and
The Quantum Emergence of Chaos:
<> ]

What appears to be "lacking" (if anything)--for the collective

consciousness to fully assimilate Free Energy into their
programming--can be referred to as an Impedance Bridge. (See link:
<> ) Free Energy appears
to breech the scientific method. This is the reason why Hector has been
saying that the Free Energy technicians need to get out of conventional
meters and into the RF realm, such as: VSWR Meters, Grid-Dip Meters,
Impedance Matching, Tuneable Inductors, Tuneable Tank Curcuits, and
using all those in the combinations of RCL, because of these type of
meters measure the RF factors; whereas the conventional meters are void
on the RF aspects of Forward Wave Ratio and Reflective Wave Ratio. (See
<> )

"When you say that Nature, as you perceive it, is modes of "Matter" or
"Energy," etc. "in" Space and Time, you are not recording experience, as
uncritical users of concepts naively assume. You are awaring gaunt
mental substitute-facts or thought-instruments, useful of course, but
miserable makeshifts for the original experiences for which they stand.
"Matter," "Energy," and even the concepts Space and Time are secondary;
with the rise of these imaginal shadows you have left primary Nature
behind. You are dealing with Nature as you conceive it. And a
whittled-down conceptual cosmos is, indeed, too "brute," mechnical, and
sterile to be included in a Psychical Universe. But this is your own
doing. You have stripped Nature of nearly all its sensible wealth, and
now you grumble at the pitiful result."

~~ "The World as Imagination" by Edward Douglas Fawcett ~~


So, the goal is to create a Sustainable method by which Free Energy can
be utilized in all aspects: broader, even than simply technology but
also consciously. Therefore, the excess energy--which is built-up in
the system and is presently unuseable due to the limitations of
programming--can be calculated and mixed into this environment, bringing
in new consciousness, expanding our evolution technologically as well as
consciously. For an example, we have the energy in the RV Prime Mover;
and surrounding the Prime Mover is the resonant fields localized in
space, easily sensed by holding a magnet away from the Prime Mover case,
oscillating the magnet through magnetic reconnection, which allows the
bridgeable aspects to be felt or seen in the operator's hand.
Theoretically, the metal casing is supposed to shield the EMF and
contain it within the Prime Mover, but clearly that is not the case,
because it can be perceivable utilizing a magnet or field effect meter
(using Field-Effect Transitors). (See link:
<> )

[Questions for Hector: Would it, then be correct to say that: a more
basic example would be the Power Factor equals the Standing Wave Ratio?
Can this also be called the Phase Angle Ratio?]

The inductance coil on RF antennas has a prime optimal tap point when
you're tuning for best SWR (like Hector says OU and RF), tuning for
maximum efficiency.

The Free Energy technicians need to be wide-banded enough in order to

recognize their environment multi-dimensionally. When glitches appear
in their surrounding area, especially during their work, those anomalies
should be seen as doorways for quantum tunnelling purposes. Therefore,
what would normally be judged as magic becomes a science (like a touch
stone) for the technician as well as the collective consciousness.
...The glitches denote the emerging characteristics, and in this case
the consciousness (or energy) that is built-up in the system and allowed
to enter once the previous filters are removed and replaced with new
psy-ences and sciences, which underlines the frame of reference making a
bold statement. This is the bridge between the All (of Everything) and
OUR Understanding.

As Tom Bearden spoke of, there is an order to our universe. Therefore,

is there truly such a thing as a "glitch" (often thought of as a
mistake). The answer is certainly "no." Then, we must try to find a
means of smoothing out the glitches, incorporating them into our
environment flawlessly. We could call this resonance that allows a
feedback or bootstrapping effect. (See link:
<> ...Excerpt from
<> ..."In
physics, the term bootstrap model is used for the class of theories that
assume that very general consistency criteria are sufficient to
determine the whole theory completely.")

It would be costly to design electrical devices that would

auto-correlate themselves (a.k.a. Artificial Intelligence) due to the
respect of Standing Wave Nodes to the highest quality factor available.
Yet, that is what Tesla had in mind with his Wireless Power Grid. (See
<> ...Excerpt: "Feedback is a
process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is
passed (fed back) to the input.")

This is what I alluded to when I wrote (in a previous post): "The

machine is programmed by design, meaning that the machine itself is part
of the program."

Backwards and forwards equilization leads to linearlization.

Individually, it could be said that we are each on a mystical path, even

as technicians moving into the unknown. This is the realm of what looks
like "magic" (through a primitive filter). Yet, our goal is to aid the
evolution of the collective consciousness. And to do so, our purpose is
to create tangible, flexible and expandable bridges in technology (and
otherwise) that will allow for a greater mass to follow. What seems to
be lacking though--even within the Free Energy community--is the
understanding of the core concept, as well as the goal, which is well
beyond merely a solution for the oil crisis.

Those glitches (unexplainable phenomenon by conventional means) can be

one of our best tools as technicians. The anomalies are our gateways to
Free Energy and new sciences. As glitches arise, the information is
correlated with our physically-experienced reality. It is a
resurrection of the energy that was previously unuseable and built-up in
the system (or as Gibbs called it "ringing artifacts.") (See link:
<> and Gibbs Free Energy
<> ) For that reason,
over the years, I have written about the addition of switches to my
designs. Pumping the switches add more glitches, which is also called a
Cascading Avalanche effect.
[Excerpt from
<> ..."A related concept is the
runt pulse, a pulse whose amplitude is smaller than the minimum level
specified for correct operation, and a spike, a short pulse similar to a
glitch but often caused by ringing or crosstalk."]

[Excerpt from

<> ..."In electrical circuits,
ringing is an unwanted oscillation of a voltage or current. It happens
when an electrical pulse causes the parasitic capacitances and
inductances in the circuit (i.e. those that are not part of the design,
but just by-products of the materials used to construct the circuit) to
resonate at their characteristic frequency. Ringing artifacts are also
present in square waves; see Gibbs phenomenon.

Ringing is undesirable because it causes extra current to flow, thereby

wasting energy and causing extra heating of the components; it can cause
unwanted electromagnetic radiation to be emitted; it can delay arrival
at a desired final state (increase settling time); and it may cause
unwanted triggering of bistable elements in digital circuits. Ringy
communications circuits may suffer falsing."]
Notice that (according to conventional uses), "ringing" is considered
"undesirable." However, in the realm of Free Energy, the ringing is
very desireable. In fact, it is desired that the ringing continue
increasing into higher frequencies, which increases the gaps, allowing
for a wider-banded field.

This can also be accomplished on a variac. Whenever you turn the knob
to a certain point, when the brush makes contact with the inductor coil,
it will sizzle at that certain spot, which is the downfall within the
whole tuneable inductor. [This is also the concept in spark gap
transmitters. (This is also common reason for having a condenser
(capacitor) on old breaker point distributors on ignition systems to
buffer the excess energy (to keep from welding the contact points
together.)] Those shorts can reload bursts into the system by magnetic

The "Ringing" effect could also be considered as "Rogue Waves" as seen

in the realm of oceanography. [Excerpt from
<> ..."Rogue
waves, also known as freak waves, monster waves or extreme waves, are
relatively large and spontaneous ocean surface waves..."]

Though the terminology is different, "Rogue Waves" have been monitored

through Princeton's Global Consciousness Project. It uses EGGs or small
computers stationed throughout the world which continually generate
random numbers. The EGGs are random number generators; and their sole
purpose is to generate numbers and send the data to Princeton.

Though at times, those little EGGs cease to generate random numbers.

Princeton's research was almost unknown until September 11, 2001,
when their computers had the biggest spike in their history. Almost
every machine ceased to produce random numbers, instead producing
numbers that correlated with each other simultaneously throughout the
globe and continued to do so throughout the entire time of the attacks.
And to the amazement of the scientists at Princeton, the evidence showed
a correlation between man and machine.
[Excerpt from
<> ..."It is the best
description we can give of measurements and effects that are essentially
mysterious. We do not know how the correlations that arise between
electronic random event generators and human concerns come to be, and
yet, the results of our analyses over the past three years repeatedly
indicate such correlations. We cannot explain the presence of stark
patterns in data that should be random, nor do we have any way of
divining their ultimate meaning, yet there appears to be an important
message here."]
In conclusion, if we follow the glitches through our work, we will
increasingly bring linearization of hidden fields into our collective
reality-form by reverse engineering our understanding through sense-able
One more thing:
For an easy example: Say you have three batteries, each with 1.5 volts.
If you stack them, parallel to each other, the output equals 1.5 volts.
However, if you place them in a series (end-to-end), those three 1.5
volt batteries extend to become unified into 4.5 volts. If you created
a design with both alignments (of the physical batteries)--plus a switch
to change between one alignment to the other--, you could alternate the
voltage by a differential of 3 volts. Characteristically-wise, the flow
will be from 4.5 volts to 1.5 volts; and
characteristically-current-wise, the flow of current will be from the
1.5 to the 4.5.

[Excerpt from
<> ...Siphon = "a tube or
conduit bent into legs of unequal length, for use in drawing a liquid
from one container into another on a lower level by placing the shorter
leg into the container above and the longer leg into the one below, the
liquid being forced up the shorter leg and into the longer one by the
pressure of the atmosphere."]

Re: Radiant electricity

Werever there is a Charge Node (voltage potential ) Aka- Charged

Capacitor .

Or a Coil charged under Inductance with an Amperage potential

like Konehead Shorted Coil Experiment ..

Once this POTENTIAL of Nodes is set in Motion it CREATES RF

(Radiant Energy ) it does not matter what bullshit may be told by

thoose wanting to preserve the exotic dissinformation of the past ..

Radiant energy is Radio frequency , what RESEARCHERS must look On is

HOW it is CREATED , polarity , Mode(Scalar -fixed tensor ,dynamic) ,
Phasing , Coherence & others ....

And All Of this Can Be measured with RF power instrumentation and

Sensors ...Most of them off the shelf ...

That Ends with RV ,MRA , EMA4, Meg ,Mema m& BEDINI prperly explained .

Bedini Is DC "RF" RV is AC "RF"

Edison V& Tesla

Hec-thor ! ~_~

RV effect is relative to Impedance and CORE size ..

Optimal Reaction is in 7.5HP motors to 10 HP max ...

On Major power design ....

PM or EM rotor IS REQUIRED as to HAVE the TORQUE for higher power

aplication ... such runing mechanical devices ...

I can develop motors 1000, 10,000 to 1 million HP easy with just

Standard motor frames configurations modifications ...
Here Is were Communications are blocked and minds get screwd ...
In no way I had being able to get Funding or SUPPORT to do this ..

Re: Muller generator

Not only that ,,

Lets say you use Utility transformer laminate (.003% E decay )

The Aproach of the poles is signified as Gain , were POLE atraction

sums to COIL as amplificative power , were in semy resonant condition
such POLE reverses to REPELL the pole once it passes the face ..

That Sums up as GAIN also (or as theoreticaly justificable rotary

magnetic amplification ...

what it requires ? ( Simple syuncronization of signal ) as IT can be

DONE in using 3 phase generators at hi impedance of ANY kind ...

Check .. Rotary condenser design .... Pulsed operation servomotor-

generators design and RV theory ...

Closer Gaps lower impedance value increasing circuit Q at maximal

energy maximizing the enegy transfer ratio from ambient electron spin
energy component , if done right a pole temperature reduction will be
noticed were energy is taken from electron ambient temperature and
transfered to the electrical charge one ...

But My mission here is not to Fix muller generator flaws , like open
broadbanding of its hypersignal components and consequential under OU

Its to point out The Advantage of POLE OFFSET of his design ...and
were to fit this in standard motor aplication..


Re: Rotoverter Works! -- a lot of experimental data

The experimental data is REQUIRED to proff the OU states within the

rotary machine fields

input (W) Power = (I) current x (V)Voltage X (PF)power factor ..

Were its circulation (internal in ABC phases ) is

W (power) = (I1+I2+13/3) x (V1+V2+V3/3) X 1.732 X (PF "1")

MEASURED IN A,B,C PHASES phaseangles are 120 deg and FORCE vector
angles are 90 deg.

Elerctricaly the phaseangles vectoring force POWER factor energy

to become logaritmic amplification factor of 1.618 alike antenna
multiplication factor in RF practice its 1.618 gain over isotropic
virtual dipole (power line)

SEE Radio Ameteur Books on RF power amplifiers , matching networks and

antenna design .

Match this Knowledge to POWER engineering

AND RADIANT energy "wett dreaming" becomes RADIO FREQUENCY Knowledge

Hector :)


Lets say you have a perfect power source and a `perfect pure impedance.
at switch on the initial spike consists of a MAXIMAL current 0 voltage
node in a quarter wave of a HALF sinewave component ...
at maximal current then circuit is opened we get a VOLTAGE spike of
maximal potential within the inverted square energy of the amperage
potential multiplied by 1.618 in the WAVELENGHT of such impedance in
free radiating space ..( we get amplification from space gravitic
tensor to start with....)

couple it to a capacitor and the spike will charge the capacitor to an

specific potential (voltage ) with a Joule component in FARADS mF in
case of low farad value hi voltage caps ...

We get Energy from AETHER density in capacitor media ...

this all within a HALF wave of AN RF signal ...

again to be understood researchers cant scape from the fact that I am

right and radiant ENERGY in its many forma RF and RF rules aply
With the consecuential FACT that magnetic amplification , and
stochastic resonance are part of the transform mechanics we see in
actual machines using this STATES of energy .

Spikes are a FORM of RF energy release and sinse I disclosed LIGHT was
also RF the forum leeches took a gigant step in solar cell development
using quantal diodes I well descripted before (CARBON nanotube ones
were manufactured ) in this forum ..

The Electret Permanet Charge Capacitors also were DESCRIPTED in detail

The NEW thermodynamic transform Was also Explained (water Engines )
and implosion mechanics ...

Fact is the WATER engine is already tested by a member of this group

and it worked as PREDICTED in my postings ..
transforming Gaining energy from the MEDIUM

Its the correct justification and revelation to reevindicate all

thoose inventors that worked on this systems (like Leroy rogers)
and died or were lifetime screwd for it...

Gaining energy from the MEDIUM endothermal system and transforming

HEAT energetic component to mechanical energy one .

Fact is (I am right)

(Keep this notes) ..

Hector D Perez Torres

from ARK Rsearch (UBO)

RF is created as Current & voltage are 90degrees off phase .
(resonance) RF = RE

In an Antenna a NODE and Anty-node are created

One is pure current (electron density ) (Aether compression)

The other is pure voltage (electron pressure) (aether flux)

looked from 4D perspective such phase relation is locked within an

SPIRAL flow in time ( justificable by optical slit speriments as a
Cornu spiral )

A corpuscle of light can be a particle ( dense current node)photon

or a wave

voltage aether pressure photon manifestation... (aetheric)

were E=mc squared proves me right (speed of light)photon is 4d

manifested in voltage node ,3d particle as 90degrees are bellow
lightspeed phase (current node) ..

in particle dynamics can also be reversed ( mater anty-matter)

(Aplied to spikes) specialy to spikes!

Hertzian wave is VOLTAGE node exitation of aether medium to wavemotion

alike stiring water in a pool .

Tesla wave is alike tapping a long metal bar at an end and creating a
density ACUSTIC Traveling wave within This LONG bar..

Its the CURRENT node created in a TESLA transmiter were the AIR
capacity concentrated the Electron pressure component into a Pressure
current one (series resonance of Earth capacitor with Air capacitor )

resulting WAVES are TESLA WAVES ...

On a normal tramsmitter (AM station) we have AIR impedance (antenna)

radiating in parallel resonance with EARTH impedance (grownd )

This is Hertzian wave....

I hope this Clears up 100 years of bullshit created by Tesla and

Marconi bird brained students...

Were Tesla Ended I start ,so keep this notes for future generations .

All this statements are already LAB proven ...

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research

I am not offended (dont worry ) many understand this but Who besides
me is giving you practical replicable stuff ?

I also hope MANY do it (and here we have a good start ) !

kone ,Jinis ,Norman ,ED ,Remuel ,Rain ,Raivo, Phil and a few hundred
more that deserve mentioning and recognition...

Panacea Ash and Staff ....

> Well, personally I like Peter Lindemann explanation (Tesla's Radiant

> Energy at ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference 2006) that hertzian
waves are weak component or manifestation of Tesla longitudinal waves
caused by interaction with environment which Tesla wave permeates.

Voltage is pressure (aparently Weak & current is density aparently

strong and they have specific energy VALUES within Aether manifestation .

> We are far from understanding it I think,anyway if you could prove
it > then please make some easier explanation for a dumb man like me /

Charge a COIL magneticaly and let it collapse across a diode into a

capacitor ... study reactive and capacitive LC configurations &
resonance .

My First important statement in this issue is that in DC PULSES

same RF LAW and RULE aply and that the RE initiated at Turn on in any
DC circuit Has RF nodes manifesting along the circuit and that this
causes radiating into the medium (RF transmission of energy )

Its verry simple the signal is split in 4 segmets when dealing with
DC pulses but LAWS are same as for AC ... (resonance)

Read my old postings were I state that a battery being discharged is a

verry long wave half sinewave ... (think Why ? ) and knowledge starts
to flow .

A tensor (scalar can be detected using a diode and a capacitor

polarized in the direction of its differential state ,,,

One of the demos I want to give is run an RV on purely RF (radiant

energy) and feed another motor using single wire & air capacity
at each end ...

That Ends with Peter Lindemann Theory and demostrates Hector

FACTS are real ...
That is Why many are afraid I get funding , it ruins their religions
and dogmas ...

(Not You ) for people like You is that I want to built the models
(Replicable) so you can TEST for yourself reality based in solid
experimentation .

Not What I say but what you can TEST for yourself ...

Like music (its universal)


Re: A little bit on TESLA secrets and its HERZIAN conflicts .....

Thats the fun Everytime a reactive DC circuit is turned ON it

transmits untill current and voltage are in phase.

There Is the RADIANT energy that people cant grasp !

Its RF (Radio Frequency )


Took 7 years for people to notice as I told this long time ago

commenting about RV Looped Schematic ..

16 ways to do it (now 18) and stepdown transformer can be in series

with the vectoring capacitor ( reread ) postings on Magnetic
amplification (trafos) and my E-mails on looping (post if nessesarry )

Refer to Alternator tripleflux setup also and think in SERIES trafos

diode bridged also to DC buss fordward diode blocked ,,

If using PM GENERATOR at least 96% efficient looping is easy as kids

toy using OU semy-resonant tensoring of DC vector with proper
impedance reactivity to alternator side ( semy resonant OU RF mode)

I think more clear I cant Be .... (Its kids Stuff easy )

(Tuning is the bitchy part ) but for that is what the experiments are

so people can learn for themselves ( Monkey Pealing potato style ! )

how ZPE & RE realy works.

OU is transformation of energy , Radiant energy = RF

Thanks ! :)

Keep the notes

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research (UBO)

Re: A little bit on TESLA secrets and its HERZIAN conflicts .....

And to add more ..

When that same circuit is TURNED off!

the magnetic collapse produced by 0 current draw

transmits another RF signal with a VOLTAGE spike
or transient that can burn relays and fry switches
in a display of plasma driven fireworks ...

Specialy on large impedance large iron core trafos!

Reread my postings on NEWMAN MOTOR spark gap arcing

my comments on BEDINI spark gap "theoretic"

on the GUN diode alike effect oscillations within an spark gap

discharge dynamics.

Takes a lot of out of 100 years bullshit on radiant energy .

Reread Kones shorted coil experiments ,reread my coments on it
reread resonant theory aply same rules to DC circuit pulsing

(its simple) .
Hector :)

We have a coil with an Iron Core ..

We have a Pure DC power source ..

At turn on the Voltage is Maximal of power source

The COIL initial AMPERAGE is 0 amps

That Means as connected the STATE of current and VOLTAGE relation are
90degrees apart in a SINGLE turn on SWITCHING .

Such STATE is in RF condition and it RADIATES into space as the

MAGNETIC field is increased and decays & stops as coil reaches maximal
amperage value and phase relation is 0 (cophased) as DC potential
of current and voltage .

Such RADIATION mode is in CURRENT node of a virtual dipole , the

magnetic field created by the current expands the AETHER creating one
of the the (TESLAWAVE) component (electric explosion).

At switch off we have the coil with 0 current state that transforms
a free collapsing MAGNETIC FIELD component to A VOLTAGE NODE
component ONE .. Aether collapses toward coil inward (electric implosion)

From 0 amperes Voltage logaritmicaly increases to the square joule

energy contained within the coil multiplied by 1.618 ,here the
inter-coil capacitance the wire measure at coil ends influences in the
RESONANT charasteristics of this OPEN LC its ends becoming CHARGED
within a current node under a voltage potential ..

Explains all phenomena descripted in books about Spikes & RE

Proff ? a capacitor placed at coil end across a diode will aquire a

joule potential untill such flow reaches equilibrium ..

Capacitor aquires max voltage of its theoretical halfwave RMS value

Resonant state ..(equilibrium..)

Keep this notes more to come .

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research

Sorry for being so obnoxiously repetitive ,,

Not first not the last...


Is in Practice as one capacitor CHARGES in plug configuration the

other one discharges and whatever charge remains is added to next half
sine recharge of the capacitors

The Capacitor Being Discharged into a load is totaly non reflective as

such a discharge rate does not exede in wavelenght the blank interval
of the plug cycle .

That is 1/120 of a second for 50CPS frequency ..

The IDEA here is than IN semy-resonant (RESONANT AC) we have a

energy is STORED instantly into the CAPACITORS as A JOULE charge
component the DIODES split such CHARGES from the HALF sines of a full
wave resonant AC signal (condition can be Semy resonant also) .

The SPIKE at a Hyper Q circuit can be stored in a CAPACITOR

being COMPRESSED & delayed in TIME and TOTALY ISOLATED from Its source
SAY being splited from a self substaining MEG,MRA,VTA or looped RV
Plugged semy resonant Muller or RV Muller Kone Remix Genset.

A main RESONANT LC capacitor and inductance can HAVE a lower value

Diode plugged capacitor set to CAPTURE only the NON OU killing spike
portion of a self substaning OU device . this energy can be extracted
by self triggering in the BLANK portion of the oscillation curve
wile one capacitor starts to charge from main reactor sinewave the
other triggers at its peak charge in the blank interval .

Reread my 9 year old posting on this subject ..

Look at BAP page for the first TRANSVERTER disclosures using plug
system & SCR discharge switching , look in files section for party
strobelight circuit bangers , my postings on using PARTY strobelights
as TRIGERING , (Poor man Thyratron aplications and first NEON light
circuit being there ( obious that SCR only can be used in lower
voltage triggering ) (I think I recomended 1000A pucks ! ) with
sensitive neon triggerable gates ...

On Jinis Page The Resonant Spike can be seen , if we Plug such Spike
as the capacitance increases its amplitude decreases and PULSELENGHT
increases ( Read time delay circuit network design) Cycloconversion
phaseangle control, power factor control circuitry .

The Basics are there ...

For RCL aplications remember also SCR designed frequency limits

for hi frequency aplicatio

ns ..


Basicaly a repetition ..

needed one ...

In a motor as frequency increases relative to its impedance

so does its HP output as ROTATION RPM is part of the horsepower
equation (reread kones Torque RV experiment) .

In a power transformer Ampere turn relation we NOTICE

a VOLTAGE increase at the transformer secundary winding as FREQUENCY
increases .. Somewhat of voltage increases to the square of the
frequency (relative) , untill damping or cuttoff frequency
conflict arrises ... detuning off the transformer transforming range
of natural frequencys , operation range within given input & output
impedances relative to operating frequency .

From DC we see power draw as pure ampere load,so as long as we mantain

this we get NO power usage increase on the source as long as we dont
increase its AMPERE draw ..

So we get to FREQUENCY drives and INVERTERS fed from a battery DC

source , driving a MOTOR also from DC section of the inverter we again
see that POWER draw depends on the average current draw from this DC
section,sinewave inverters have 145VDC on its hi voltage side
that are switched in an H transistor configuration to produce
the modified sinewave (averaged equals 120VAC from standard powerline
RMS value , or 3 phase 6 IGTBs from a 280VDC for (240) AC drive 510
to 560VDC for 460-480 AC drives ...

So if we increase frequency and consequently increase speed we

increase motor HP with no power increase as we MANTAIN same ampere
Draw average from this DC source (145VDC) HV MS inverter side or
whatever DC HV value we have .

Here is were Pulsing and controlling pulselenght becomes tool to

OBTAIN overunity transform ,as system can be parameter tuned to aquire
energy at a given frequency from its own medium ...

( Million dollar tip )

Tendency is power factor becomes a ROTARY driving force at hi
impedance due to its logaritmic voltage increase as CURRENT
becomes off phase with VOLTAGE this being of less loss being reflected
to SOURCE being source lower impedance relatively to draw .


Relative Charge Joule value in ampere farads is greater than the

Increased voltage POWER FACTOR GAINED amperage draw within the working
UNIT impedance value .

Got OU ? there is OU ... Power Factor magnetic Amplification Factor .

loss becomes fordward gain ...


( Lab Proff ) RV run capacitor phase current & voltages)power exede

input power draw. ( Power factor ) semy resonant OU state .
Such gain is lost at LOWER impedance relative to AC line voltages
increase .
At Motor loading such power factor transfers to line as LOAD..

Read as capacitor phase current & voltage decreases as line source

power line increases (reflected power loss due to detuning of system
natural rotary field impedance (tuned) to DETUNED states.

Also read as a Phase angle change in the 3 phase motor rotary field
from a LEADING phasor to a lagging 3PH one .


Tuning system to its optimal self resonant frequency at specific loads.

( Reread Kones RV torque experiments) as there is a KEY in there .

Reread 1 phase to 3 phase energy formulas parameters aply to your own

working RV sets ... (There is OU) ..(Vector cap & virtual phases
being logaritmicaly power increased in power factor vectoring of LC
component .

What is left is learning to USE this NATURAL RE-ZPE rotary POWER


Frequency management is part of the RV Horsepower game.

Its time to learn how the toy works in academic digestable terms ..

Bring on the Peptobismol and Kapeoctate !

or else ...

Get pampers!

Keep this notes

Dont use as Toiletpaper !

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research

Re: ON Computing Analog Digital AI

4096 dimensions governed by same number of LAWS .

Divisor is number 3 interdimensiuonal complementation 7
man BASIC numbers within this LAWS 1,3,6,7,8,12,24,32,48

7 galactic sectors compounded of 7000 galactic streams

with 7,000 galactic strings each composed of 7000 galaxy
with 7,000 planetary strings each with 7000 planetary systems
having life .. 7 colors , 7 musical tones 7 particles 7 human orifices
(but most humans prefer to be assholes) ....


Hector :)

> Hi,
> So
> "the magnetic field created by the current expands the AETHER
creating one of the the (TESLAWAVE) component (electric explosion)."
> What is the desity of the aether ?

Can be determined by the energy needed to displace it creating a

magnetic field in a superconductive element with a virtual infinite
impedance (Zero resistance in relative time at starting an electric flux)

Aether DENSITY is relative to GRAVITY and gravitic "Charge"

> Because, if a magnetic field can expand it, it seems that aether has
the "same density" or a "similar density" than the magnetic field.

Not nesesarily such as density can be relative to Mass

charge & potential (Impedance related )

The stick stirring the water in a pool can be denser than the water..

and the air creating WAVES in the sea can be much less denser than the
medium it creates waves on , on Aether same rules aply (acustics)

> What is the time that the aether take to recover its initial state ?
When for example, the magnetic field collapses ?

c to the tenth power (10 times the speed of light )

give it a few kilometers more or less as dopler shift correction
in time space curvature relative to the place you are located .

Its 8 octaves per dimension to add to that ..

> With this time, we can find the aether resonance frequency ...,
can´t we ?
With proper devices its child play , you can convert mater to energy
and energy to mater using aether condensation technology ..

Quantum mechanics is starting to explain Aether as infinite

non-solid "solid" we may say a hyperparticle that contains within a
filled bubble all that exists .. the macro within the micro and
its reverse .

(Relative to the obsservant point of reference ...)

Within normal physics equations the way to find aether density can be
easy calculated ( starting by the Ambient temperature decay in free
space) Aether will influence such decay . (Tip)

With better toys I can teach more , the universe is also based in
transformation and in a sense Runs on RVed 3 phases ...

Tesla got that one quite right !



Re: Over 10 times virtual power Sout / Sin in rotoverter.

The Claimed RE spike seen at Circuit Start-up is what you seek !

If you look closely it will tensor back to line as a POWER factor
correcting condenser ...

The Idea is not to create valanced power with PF of 1 (unity)

but to create -1 or +1 90Deg off phase leading or lagging current &
voltage phases .

Overunity is atained in the LC relation as POWER from phased states

becomes unphased being able to pump energy from AMBIENT tensor one .
Be magnetic,magnetoatomic, aetheric,vitic , Thermal , same rules aply
...RF radio engineering and power engineering ...

The capacitor Once charged only carries a CONDITION or STATE

created by a CONDITIONING that differs from the end product .

The end product is Volts - farad joule were the condition creating it
is (Input energy + Ambient tensor Energy)= E stored Charge in
capacitor , add to it the tendency of the capacitor electret material
to remain charged , that adds free energy to the equation as Molecular
atraction of oposed charges within electron tunneling states keep the
energy Stuck to the electret .

That Means A charge can be permanently Burned into a material

to create a permanently charged capacitor ( I taught this in the past
and a forum Leech that tried to patent it got killed in an airport
parking lot (hutchinson battery worked in this principle ) but he
never disclosed it .

Long ago I descripted in this FORUM how to create a permanent

capacitor by HEATING dental wax to melting point and charging it
within 2 14kVDC charged plates untill cool and solid ..

like a MAGNET such wax retains the charge permanently as STATIC force
were electron tuneling polarizes a hole zone and filled zone
alike quantal diode (in fact Quantal diode )

This is OLD stuff I already POSTED years ago ..

Check also my disclosures on Metherninka TestatiKa .


Re: Magnetic field and Aether ... surrounds or emits from ??

Magnetic Field is a flux ... I tried to patent a monopolar magnet

years ago , it consisted of Half spheres magnetized in & out surface
being its diameter 1/5 of its radius ...

On 2 spheres being of inverter polarity 2 halves NS-NS and 2 halves


one made outer N pole the other OUTER s pole

Flux cutt off ! the OUTER poles did not atract at all !

Other phenomena occured ....

Untill I can repeat and show ... I tell the rest ..


(Cut and paste some rock music here)!

Hector ~_~

Need R&D money ! (:P""""" Pant! DrollllllLLLL! sNIFF!

Re: Smith Chart

Does not help too much as to see RE you must create a 4D chart
that shows Amp sine ,Volts sine in a timeline with phasor angles
interpolated to a compresor tensor within the whole variables
then justify it in a 5d mathematical set of 15nth order equations ...
Seikes Formulas apply (In fact are only ones that COMPLETE the
theoretical frame ( but he never aplied them) (did not know how) .

(Its easier to built an RV ) Its Seike aplied to real world ..

untill standard math mistakes are corrected .....

Like square root of 1 is not "one" division by 0 , floating decimal

point error in digital math prossesors ...
the Phi tensor in space 3.141592742 becomes 3.5050505050 due to
gravitic influence in space time curvature .

Its imposible to do presision timetraveling using this Stone age

error riddled digital computing pieces of junk ! that cannot properly
square 1 to 4 d 5d 6d or 7d hyper-spatial matrix .

Resonant quantum analog computers are better ....

But like a few hundred years in the future away! (~_~) frustrating!

It Sucks to be stuck in the stone age!

But if RE has to be understood Understanding the Bose-Eintein

condensates is place to start ...

Matters attains the fluidity state of Aether and its dENSITY states
were signals passing across thoose density states are slowed
relatively in time ( light slowed to a walking pace speed )
and in others Vaccua state Light exits the medium before the signals
enters it .

Ands its just Kids stuff ( You aint got an apes Idea of the truth yet)

( I said a lot related to this within the lines of my past postings.)

Enjoy, cut, paste, tie strings ...

And be carefull , goverments kill for getting this info ....

Hector ~_~

Re: PLEASE READ THIS! Hector on RV looping

A diode that fordwards (passes the ac or DC pulses ) (bandpass )
one way and does not permit current voltage signal to return leak or
scape from accumulator to the source ......

pulse filters , blocking dc pass diode, bypass networks , redundant

split DC pass multiple sources arrays , military triple redundancy
circuits , raid power suply hot swap circuit designs , diode pass
arrays . blocking crowbar circuits ,reverse diode protection circuits .


Re: Magnetic field and Aether ... surrounds or emits from ??

Time accelerates in one diminishes in the other ,

Aether flows inward in one outward in the other alike spherical

condensers ...

So there is a correlation with electricity & MAGNETISM just being

another FORM of electricity ...

magnetic - marnetic - vitronic ...

VTA just modulates this flux as class c amplifier modulates an 800VDC

power source to amplify RF (see linear amplifier theory , grounded
grid pentode class c amplifiers design and theory ...

Magnetic FLUX can be modulated as a DC flux & used to amplify a signal

VTA does that ..

Free energy from the Atom electron spin generators (ambient noise &
thermal ambient radiation ...)

not to speak of the atomic AETHER flux transform within the atom itself ..

(keep the notes)

And Phenomena is to R&D in RF power engineering

As ejaculation is to sex ..

You can never prevent the second one from being present..

(unless you do tantra )

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research (UBO)

Re: Transverter -Marcel

Ferroresopnant transformers come with a SHUNT (magnetic) to produre

parallel reluctance flow within the core to act as POWER factor
correction (but to our perdition) "loss" impedance is not matched in
its proper valance to line ...

Part of the power factor reflects to the SOURCE as reluctance magnetic

pass in neither designed for ZPE use ....

They look for it as VOLTAGE stabilizer (regulator not OU machine..

BUT ! ( A big one! ) if we LOWER input voltage we can take the

transformer to the NEAR frequency cuttoff region of resonance ...

Reread Jinis try to get the picture ....

NORMAL transformers can be taken to RESONANCE as ferro resonant ones

but REQUIRES more intensive Impedance MATCHING to power source
being low loss VIRTUAL SERIES resonance to line...

No series reluctant shunt to bridge & partialy isolate the magnetic

path changing the Impedance match to line .

Its easier in 3 phase transformers using A & c Phases as Reluctance is

FULL path shunted ( b center phase is unused as is NULL relative to
magnetic oscillations but can be used to measure power invalance in a
& c phases

(If nothing else is available )

BUT if FERRORESONANT trafos can be purchased ( go for ONe )

as they are natural OU machines ....

And I am the One pointing it out .... FR trafos are MEGS with no
magnets ....

Screw Bearden for keeping this from you ...

(I am telling ) Its MEMA (Magnetless Electro Magnetic Amplifier )

Have fun .. Use well ...

Lower to Lowest AC AMPLITUDE (voltage ) input, Measure the resonant LC

power figures , Reread Ginis , learn its mean

ing tie the strings to

my disclosures .
More to Come in Solid state FRT technology ....

Keep this notes ...

Hector D Perez Torres

Ark Research (UBO)

Re: Sound+heat= electricity [piezoelectric device]

Heat = RF frequency, RF can be converted to electric power ...

Here I talked about resonant cavity solar panels using quantal diode

Forum Leeches ran to the patent office, got patents, got million
dollar grants from NASA, NSA, DOD & Caltec .

And people havent got shit on 1 cent square foot solar panels
using nanocarbon tube diodes in the infrared ....

You need a second french revolution not more technology.



Water acustically resonates from 23 to 24.8 KCPS

So having alternator resonant at say a perfect distilled water 24.5Khrz

resonance we can have 10 times the gas at 19 times less energy to do it.

Plus the benefit of having sonofusion and other magneto-hydrodynamic

effects ..

Pure WATER requires VOLTAGE potential not Current one to SEPARATE .

REREAD CAPACTRODE (AC & DC) WATER capacitor Experiments ...

Reread my postings on the subject ....


Re: test instrument
What is being missed is the time energy average among other simple
things ( I gave a formula for measuring that already).

Spike energy had to be quantified in Joules and its capture in

charge potential measured in voltage-farad within a capacitor
,condenser , battery , leiden jar , or whatever used to hold it in
be static or chemical storage , litic , whatever.

spikes are either in current mode node or in voltage node mode

or in a MIX intermediate state (plasmidic)... were ball lightning is
created as self substaining plasmatron spherical throrus.

spikes need to be averaged along a load tensor (resistance ) within

working models , else OU is illusory state and not real state not
being even virtual transformable energy .

power factor otherwise being virtual in multy phase configuration can

be averaged along multy phased elements to create a ripple free hi
potential average as its transformed from RADIANT state OU to CHARGE
potential within a CAPACITOR ... spikes must be deal in same way , as
power factor RF produced & spawned (all RF formulas apply )specialy
acustic (sound wave propagation laws in gases solids & liquids.

IN RF aether is liquid, solid or gas medium /

The TIME delay encountered at transition barrier creates a mismatch in

tuning as capacitor is discharged to near 0 state non reflective to
source , in PM operation ( as I had EXPLAINED already a zillion times)
the Induction of the magnet aproaching a coil and a core must be
matched to the capacitor charging rate within a resonant logaritmic
charge increase in the capacitor starting with 0 value in coil and
capacitor (theoretical perfect) and create a logaritmic path to 90 deg
dephasing of signals but incremental power factor power increase by
1.618 were we attain a rotating waviton increasing power further by
3.141592742 to have cop 10 to 12 (average) in normal system .

here H = I²rT energy is gained from the medium ..(other stochastic

resonance formulations apply).

KONE shorted COIL experiment DEMOSTRATES this to be inrefutable lab

tested truth ...

IN transition on magnetic SATURATION the perfect inductor state is a

shorted 0 voltage one at maximal current (pure current node in radiant
energy state ... ) were at release the charge transfers to PURE
voltage charge at 0 current with a farad (joule second discharge
potential (formulas already given ) ..

Why then dance in "error" and why not start doing things right?

Why dance with 100 years error induced disinformation and miss
interpretation ?

The truth is simple it bashes egos against walls as they enter the room .

Its to late for the usurpers to apropiate ..

but its time for all you people to benefit from its simple truth ...

and being there... only good lab work can make the real difference ...

(Kone knows )


Hector :P

Re: test instrument

(Wrong) the only thing needed is to TUNE RF METER to work down to


sample a dc clamp meter reads M field as current ....

I got 700 t0 1300 DC amps "air" readings home .... with such a meter ...

its the WAY you apply existant METERING systems...

and my engineering experience INCLUDES instrumentation technician

and I held P1-361611 FIRST class radio engineering licence (RADAR)for
some time and tELL BEARDEN & bEdini radiant energy is RF nothing else .

As the world is seen flat I say it revolves about itself (Its round)


Hector :)

Re: Radiant Energy HEALING Device? (its a real healing device)

Its called monoatomic water, (not hydrogen peroxide).

Water is H²O 4 radiant water is OHO LINEARIZED IN CHORDS THAT

within a mixture of radiant light water ..

Yes it cures anything ....

body gets colder but methabolic response speeds up (biological cold

fusion ) restarts the Human body REACTOR CORE within cells .


built our own ?... built a "capactrode" with glass fish tank ///


Re: EV conversion

Kone said part of it ..

I will add a bit ///

Russian forum leeches ( I still get some intel on what they did with
the stolen ideas from here and it was realy good ) (:P

They used this verry small motor 4 cycles to run PM RV type alternator
using one gallon of gasoline per 72Hrs runing time getting 2K watts
out of the alternator and extra 300 to 800W from peltier (thermopile
heat recovery from the small motor muffler heat....

They used the electric power to charge batterrys in conjuction with a

single solar cell 230W on car rooftop this drived an RV motor air
compresor to fill reserve (air reserve 700PSI ) to drive airmotor
based in leroy rogers air car patent (now expired & inventor dead .

They were able to get 5,000 miles per gallon of gas in worst case
(no solar power) , the car shocks were modified to compress air too
adding to kinetic air energy storage..

There are 3 groups and a few more working in Russia with the
technology they got here (Not counting guys from the group building
air - water motors & hydrite run models (thoose are extra).

The alternatives we have , what we dont have is the funding needed

to complete many of this OPEN sourced technological models..

I think the best IDEA is to fund the individual inventors to

accelerate the OUPUT of the open sourced to the media ..
On my part is KNOWN I transfer hi end technology to off the shelf
any one can replicate and do one ,and that costs big money for the
public to benefit , the public needs to take heed unite and fund the
independent open source R&D inventors .

Specialy thoose giving true working practical do now models...

My current proyect is a 250E solar RV powered Van but need $57 grand
to start & finish with no wages ( money goes for hardware) .

So it might be nice if I can put a PDF on how to make fueless cars

down to the last off the shelf screw out of generic parts & pieces.
and that is only the start , well published it can bring funding from
Green Peace hypocrites and the like to create "fueless" anything
cars ,planes, homes , whatever ? .

(forgive my puning sinserity)

Hector :)

UV radiation enhaces resonant 23.3 t0 24.5 khz electrolitic effects
but care must be followed in shielding the UV resonators properly to
radiating into livin organics near unit .. making water absorve the full
UV modulation is proper attenuation method (increases gas production).

Also microwave oven magnetrons can enhance by modulating series DC

in electrolitic cells to increase gas production ( microwave exited
molecule separates faster than ambient state ones ) 2 kilovolts series
microwave modulated pulses.

but here the safety measures must be to shield radiating elements to

avoid radiating to space beyond the FCC limit of 33miliwatts at 5 feet
distance (part 95 -96 FCC rules & regulations.. determined as safe ...

study well microwave oven design safety measures aply same to

electrolitic reactor you make ....

That will take feds off the legal ass biting they can probably do
at "Formula keepers" ..


Hector :)
Re: RV tests

The idea is to USE the same RV effect tailored to FREQUENCY


The IDEA was to reveal methods leading to unsupressable usage &

replications ...

Add hi charge remanance OIL capacitors isolated by a diode, link by

a lightbulb as charging resistor to the HI voltage section of an
INVERTER drive or ANY inverter and you have a solid state testatika

The NATURAL tendency of OIL capacitors to remain CHARGED (electron

tuneling) and electret charge polarization provides free energy from
medium (zeropoint) energy the more capacitors added once charged
provides literaly perpetual energy from the zeropoint molecular
charge cohesion ( A capacitor charge can be defined as an standing
wave node of pure voltage potential with 0 amps or STATIC RADIANT
energy wave contained within a physical medium.

After the fact are told it becomes simple ,as opening eyes to see.

And that is the IDEA , to make this shit to be usable with OFF the
shelf hackable hardware ...

(Greedy bastard hate me for that)

all frequency drive patents had expired , RV theory is public .

Free energy cant be debunked or supressed , the final problem is

people need to understand what was given ...

And I had told it sinse the begining in simple plain ways...

the secret of free energy is RESONANCE , energy management leads to

overunity & energy transformation...

OF course you can USE frequency drives to save energy ...


amplitude (voltage ) frequency and PULSELENGHT control (time) on

resonant semy-resonant modes lead to OVERUNITY states ...

that is what I had being telling sinse the start ,, but it takes RV
lab experience to understand it.
goddarnit ! it cant be simpler than that , just coroborate in the
lab .

Amen !

Hector :)

RV tests ,some pointers Back to GM test results ..

(Important quote )

> > Conclusion: 3PH freq drive mode is always ca 10% more efficient
> than RV mode. I drove RV from 36VDC at 50-80hz.

Sure in normal RV you phasevector one phase (97% eff ....)

you hack 3 phases you get 161.8 eff%, GM got 103% so whats the point?
they wanted the other 58.8% but never hired me to get it (nor read
my papers properly ).

In frequency drives you PHASEVECTOR pulses in 3 phases so from one

phase you get .33% energy X3 x 1.732 x 1.618 (if you go resonant in
verry hi impedance broadband low resistance mode ...

(as to go low resistance hi Q under load in OU mode )

> > I dont want to be a debunker but any off the shelf freq drive can
> > provide energy saving, smooth starting, etc?

That is not debunking but starting to use your brain !

Let me se .. 5 years telling how to hack frequency drives

and using amplitude, frequency & pulselenght adjusments to
get overunity states ....

my intent was having people USING OFF the shelf items previously put
on porpouse within the market...

Why you think I give so many ideas for free so people can steal and
patent ? , so later you can built a freaking UFO out of the comon
off shelf parts ..

( That is pissing on the big greedy corporations ) , building

modular redundancy as industrial & military standards naturaly seek
it .

And people ask why I repeat so much ...

(Whatever it takes)

I did not invent the wheel (I am just teaching people how to use it )
"with a little improvement"

RV is a method of teaching , opening eyes to a non-previously

disclosed allways there simple truth.

With a bit more resources, antygravity , time travel, teleportation

also from off the shelf stuff ...

(And greedy corporate assholes hate me for that)

Hector :)))

Remember standard POWER uses LOW impedance low resistance and unity
power factor . (Total unused power waste )

In RV aplications we USE Hi impedances , Resonant states (power factor

here goes to hell and is used to amplify energy in semy resonant RF
radiant states ( Check RV operation) hi resistance to line 600 AC
Ohms+ ,in fact, load is impedance matched to line with near no
reflected power (as in RF tuned circuit).

Power factor anomaly stays internal to 3Phases and does not reflect to
line load ( untill motor is loaded ) were other rules come in play .

same aplies to FREQUENCY drive driven LC CIRCUITRY operating in

rotoconversion modes , Pure impedance or pure capacitance designed
ones as well as LC bridges networks
resonators ,cycloconverters ,filter resonators , VTAs MEGS MEMAS MRAs
driven with FREQUENCY drives or INVERTERS .. in combination with diode
plugs and non-reflective power self trigering systems for energy
extraction or transformation ...

Frequency drives in low voltage operation matched to hi impedance (as

told a zillion times) are key to OU and overunity usage off the
shelf . ( as RV is off shelf tool too )...

Add permanent electret capacitors to a frequency drive and you have

perpetual energy ...

and anyone can built one .......OFF THE SHELF!

a hi charge remanance OIL capacitor bank paralelled to main one across

a pass diode with a current limiting resistor for initial charging .

no internal resistors ,0 leakage OIL capacitors with a tendency to

remain CHARGED in DC states ... also mylar film ones can be used .
already off shelf ...
(Quite anoying to some ) Keep the freaking notes ,copy & print .

people only need to wake up ...

Hector :)))

Electroradiant Event Solved - water spark plug amplifier and gray tube secret

Enhancement is NOT from power supply...can charge both caps, turn off
power, turn on relay to trigger and it works with 2 isolated caps like
I show.

In case anyone doesn't get it...learn this spark method and you will
learn the Gray technology. I don't like to see people fail from
misunderstanding of what is going on.

You are providing the HV TWO PATHS.

1 is low resistance (hv diode)
1 is high resistance (gap)

Don't think the hv diode is blocking the hv. When the hv is not there,
the diode is OPEN...touching + of lv source and that lv source has
ground to common ground with hv. When hv is off, the POTENTIAL of lv
source is sitting on end of diode and diode is open.

HV moves to that FIRST and jumps to that LV on that diode..and soon as

there is reverse current on the SLAMS OFF
FAST...compressing that hv pulse expanding it 90 degrees from the has nowhere to go but over the spark gap (2nd path to ground
of higher resistance)...then the lv source in this cap follows the hv
over the gap.

The above message is the secret to the Gray Tube method. Believe it or


Re: Electroradiant Event Solved - water spark plug amplifier and gray tube secre

p.s. the low voltage source you want is NOT low voltage high
amps....that is NOT what you want. You want a high current pulse but
from high voltage and low capacitance...joules increase by square of
the voltage in a capacitor. You can have .000001 capacitance but if it
is discharged quick have VERY HIGH POWER IMPULSE.

Hi all:

Kone and I are going to beat this thing to death till we have all
the particulars. At this time the small version I am using as a
developement tool to determine all kinds of stuff.

The current 1.2AA NiCad Version is still running fine and has been
used now for three months. I read the battery after using it for a
15 minute run for a 1/4 wavelength test today and it read
1.27vdc .01 volts more than it had when I bought it in Jan. 1.260

When building one of these their is much to consider. Brass metal

must be thin for the center moving contactor, a small magnet is
placed near the moving one to enhance speed. The contacts are very
close together on the right side of the pri coil. To make sure that
the battery is getting cap discharges you must use an oscope at the
cap and you should 1.2?? volts with small stepped pulses which
discharge into the battery when the contact touch. if it missfires
then the cap simply goes higher to say 3vdc this then is finally
discharged into the battery. If you get the contacts adjusted
correctly you'll see that each pulse recharges the battery.

Its very easy to build one. DO IT and mess with it to learn stuff.
The secondarys in series can achieve thousands of volts and should
produce some arcs. I haven't done this yet but will try it soon.

Your not limited to just one primary you could have one three feet
long with a hundred secondary coils. still running off a 1.2AA.

The secondary coils so far best results have been Litz wire between
500 and 1000 turns. this gets the secondary caps up to about 20 vdc.

Guys, Aaron has been going nutz and making allot of progress on the
new spark plug circuit in relation to the Gray tube

I have updated the new doc with it all, here is the new exert, Mark
you may find this info useful as well. (Back round is on the panacea
university site)we built this, i will upload the snaps later.

Thanks to Aaron!

How the spark circuit and Gray tube works
By Aaron

Hi Mario,

(Ash, would you be willing to include this entire post in your water
spark plug document?)

That is pretty much it.

But I'm sticking to my guns on my explanation that seems to not fit

well with some people.

The HV from the coil moves through the HV diode to the + of the low
voltage source to ground back to seeks ground through the
diode. That diode is open. When the HV is off, take a volt meter and
put the neg on ground and + on the hv diode cathode/output. You will
see that you can measure the low voltage side's voltage potential on
the output of the diode because the diode is open.

Many people think the diode is automatically closed and won't let the
hv through but that isn't true. That is the whole point that diodes
have reverse ratings...and if the diodes were automatically always
shut, then the low voltage from the annode/input could never get through.

Also, the diode closing is not is fast, yes, but

not instantaneous...once the hv moves through the hv takes
a bit of time for it to get the reverse current through it in order to
slam shut.

The HV potential, which is the voltage gas (it is a gas composed of

"particles" smaller than a hydrogen atom - smaller than an electron -
very, very small fractional charges - Mendeleev's original periodic
table of elements showed some of this) has MOMENTUM.

As it is moving, the HV diode slams shut and the voltage potential

with its momentum slams against the diode...compressing it more and that re-compressed potential...which is expanded 90 degrees
from the wire has to go somewhere...the only path to ground as of now
is the gap on the plug. That un-condensed/expanded potential is what
causes the primary effect of the cold plasma.

Then, when voltage on the cathode/output of the HV diode drops below

the annode/input of the HV diode, then and only then can LV source
move out of it and over the gap.

The lv source is not the cause of the effect, it simply can boost the
primary effect - which can be had all by itself with one small cap
that is virtually empty when discharged to the primary.

Primary effect is that potential slamming against a diode.

Many think the simple hv spark jumping a gap is enough to ionize the
gap to reduce the resistance enough to have the lv source follow
it...that is simply a fairytale.

Only the recompressed potential against the diode's abrupt shut off
can cause the cold plasma ionization that is necessary to allow the lv
source to follow. At this circuit's scale of operation, this is all
necessary to make these effects.

This is a method of "splitting the positive" that Bedini has shown for
years in the open but nobody really got it. If I am wrong, I apologize
and will correct all my explanations but until then, that's my story
and I'm sticking to it until proven wrong but following the logic of
all this, it is very consistent with what Tesla explained, it is
consistent with other technologies that utilize this concept, etc...

Working of the Gray Tube

This will put what I'm saying into context with something that many
people have studied but I am not sure anyone gets it. Many are
convinced in all the free electron concepts in the Gray Tube, etc...
McGratten mailed me a package about 7 years ago with that explanation
but I always saw it happening in a different way.

The Gray Tube has a low voltage rod and high voltage rod. Low voltage
rod has a diode on it that has the cathode/emitter pointed towards the
gap. Low voltage source can be any low voltage source and Gray showed
he used a 12v battery...the neg of that battery is connected to the
neg of the HV capacitor at 3000-4000 volts and a few uf's. The + of
the hv source goes to the hv rod.


I have made the Gray tube analogy to the spark method and most have
automatically thought that they look at 2 gaps and think they serve
the same purpose. I'll show you why the 2 gaps have nothing to do with
each other but why they are making the same effect. It is necessary to
actually understand how the Gray tube works in order to see what the
real analogies to the spark plug circuit are.

When the low voltage side is connected by commutator, whatever...the

hv source immediately sees path to sees that the diode is
open and has conductivity to the low voltage source which has
conductivity to ground which is its own jumps and as soon
as it moves through the diode for a small unit of time, the diode
slams shut....only a small fraction of the hv potential made it through.

That hv potential from the cap slams against the diode and compresses
against it very strongly forcing it to explode 90 degrees from the
wire outwards...the only other path to ground it by going to the
grids...through the electromagnet that pulses a magnet or other
electromagnet to provide motive force on a motor to a + on another low
voltage source and that lv source has a - that winds up being
connected back to the hv -'s.

Take a balloon and push it flat against a wall. It compresses and the
contents of the balloon wind up exploding 90 degrees perpendicular to
the direction of original propagation.


The gap in the Gray tube is simply a mechanism to get the HV to jump
into a diode with a lv potential sitting on it so that it can move
into it to have the diode slam shut to compress the potential against it.

The secondary discharge from ignition coil is a mechanism to get a HV

to jump into a diode with a lv potential sitting on it so that it can
move into it to have the diode slam shut to compress the potential
against it.


The Grids on the Gray Tube are the secondary path for the expanded
potential to move to ground.

The ground on the spark plug is the secondary path for the expanded
potential to move to ground.


Here is what this method is:

You are giving the HV 2 paths to travel in order for it to move back
to its own ground or relative ground.

1 path is a high resistance path

1 path is a low resistance path


The Gray tube high resistance path is out to grids back to ground.

The water sparkplug circuit's high resistance paths is over spark gap
back to ground.


The Gray tube low resistance path is through the diode to lv side back
to ground.
The water sparkplug circuit's low resistance path is through the diode
to lv side back to ground.


1. The HV will choose the low resistance path FIRST

2. Diode slams shut expanding that potential
3. Expanded potential (electro-radiant event) has only the high
resistance path left back to gr



So when it is explained that the hv spark jumps the gap ionizing it to

reduce the resistance of it and have the lv source follow

And seeing the analogy in comparision to the Gray tube, that popular
explanation of how Luc's spark method works would be the same as
claiming that this is how the Gray tube works:

The hv from the hv cap first jumps to the grids ionizing the air to
reduce the resistance of it enough for the 12v battery potential to
jump from the low voltage rod to the grids...all the while never
needing the hv to jump the gap in order to slam against the diode.

We know the above is NOT how the Gray tube works but that is what
people are claiming when they say the Spark plug circuit works by the
hv simply going to jump over the gap to ionize it for the lv source to

Re: How the spark circuit and Gray tube works By Aaron

remember the V potential is considered a charge so conecting it to a

given reactive component gives an instant current value .

assuming the charge potential is fixed coil will charge with current
untill saturated ... were voltage potential will be a virtual
resistance voltage drop (resistor) to source .

as voltage is cutt off the current charge within reactive component

becomes transformed to charge were energy from aether tensor is taken
into the voltage component and amplified as is dumped to a capacitor
in a hi Q frequency matched resonant tank configuration .

check stochastic resonant theory , reread MRA papers , check VTA

workings as magnetic field class C magnetic amplifier .
its all there ....

Hector :)

sorry for being off air ...

no money no resources make it hard to break system walls...

Re: Ash tungsten... non-thoriated... ;)

want cheap metal for cold fusion..?

pure aluminum ..

react with pure sodium hydroxide (lye)

you get sodium aluminate ( that was the original cathalyst i gave to
the Salt lake city BJU assholes (1882-1983) in a MAYO jar design ( off
shelf) to get electrolitic cold fusion ...

Do a spiritist dead people conjuring sesion and ask Eugene what he

used in his RV driven colf fusion reactor ..

paladium my ass ! (it was sodium aluminate )

retelling number one million and so forth (on a series)...

Amen !

Hector :P
Pfffttt!e cap. Amazing stuff but not good for health if you get it
on you. so Caution Here!!

The Captain

increases 1 degree c for each 1/273 volumen compressed

diesel air temperatures in compression go as hi as 2500f

within that temperature injected water detonates into dry steam

converting the temperature gradient into mechanical energy, upon
release of the 900PSI energy of dry steam at witch the expancion lower
temperature an average of 40 deg c from the resulting thermal to
mechanical energy conversion ... at exaust free air conditioning .
and free mechanical energy at the engine shaft ...

read tornado & hurricane dynamics ,put one in a can and its the same
as the water injected diesel engine ..

simple & redundant workings ...simple to do with off shelf hardware.

engine will not perform well in <45F temperatures but for tropical
climates this engine will work marvels ....

for <45deg c the AIR engine can resolve with its 273c minus 0 range .

designed in rust resistant material it will last forever as combustion

is not a problem here (only humidity ) witch can be removed with
proper simple redesign of the diesel engine system.

Amen !

keep the notes (even if its a 20 year old repetition... )

Its open source, no one can patent this shit public disclosure of
thermodynamic formula justification for overunity transform given by
ark research to the free people of the world and so forth ! (basic)

(it may be understood today) as evolution separates men from monkeys!

That is what the elite gets for trying to bug spray me to death with
flesh eating shit.

Fuck petrol ! fuck its religions !

Hector :)

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