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Long Term Vision

Transformational change in the neighborhoods of Northeast Spokane into a self-sustaining and
thriving community.

Holistic and Comprehensive
The first prong of the three pronged approach to long-term sustainable change in Northeast
Spokane is that the project is holistic and comprehensive. No project that intends to impact a
community at large can be successful without simultaneously focusing on the foundational
factors that determine whether or not a community is thriving. There are six focus areas for
THEZONE project and the goal is to increase or improve outcomes in each of the six areas:


Economic/Job Development
Resident Engagement
Presentation for THEZONE at City Council Study Session on March 26, 2015

The neighborhoods of Northeast Spokane are incredibly asset rich. THEZONE is representative
of this place; being place based is prong number two. The community has a lot to offer and a
lot to build off of. Historically and statistically, however, those neighborhoods have fallen short
of the potential they have. Simply stated, there is a need and there is a capacity for change.
Place-based initiatives intentionally saturate an area of high need with the resources necessary
to maximize the impact an initiative can make.

The third prong embraces the fact that a deep level of collaboration is necessary to successfully
plan for and implement for holistic, long-term, sustainable change in a community. THEZONE is
representative of a multi-sector collaboration between key stakeholders in each of the 6 focus
areas of THEZONE project. THEZONE is representative of us, the people who believe this work
is possible and who are doing something about it.

Benefits of THEZONE and (Potential) Promise Zone Designation

Collaborative, targeted, and holistic multi-sector planning & implementation
Access to coordinated resources
Access to technical assistance
Bonus points on other federal grants
Tax incentives
Ten years to implement plan

Application Process/Timeline
The anticipated deadline for submitting a Promise Zone application is late fall 2015. The
process will include data collection, resident engagement, goal and sub-goal setting, followed
by technical writing.

Current Partnerships|Relationships|Investments
Relationships 200+ individuals
Representation of citizens and over 70 organizations across all sectors.
Partnerships Multi-sector Implementation Partners
15 organizations across all 6 focus areas who are working to create and implement action plans
with the citizens in THEZONE.
Investments Human, Capital, and Financial Resources
All those who have engaged in a relationship or partnership with THEZONE have invested over
2000 collective man hours, various capital resources including building space and technology,
and over $150,000 to the development of THEZONE.

Stay up to date with THEZONE:
Presentation for THEZONE at City Council Study Session on March 26, 2015

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