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‘ORDERNO, MD8607048C2 Service Manual AV Control Stereo Receiver Pit LOND @ Specifications Amplifier Section Receiver Colour (Were Bad Type Sutfixtor ad Area Colour Continental Ewrope |_(€8) |Greatertsin | (K) (66) | Germanyandiialy | NFM Tuner Section Power output at 2400) Frequency range 67.50—108.00MH2 DIN tie (TH. 1%) 2x 100 (40) Senaitigy 40142~20ktiz continuous power output ‘IN 308 4 uv /750 both channels driven 2x00W (a0) SIN 2605 3hv/750 ‘Totalharmonicdlstortion SIN 208 42uv/780 Rate power at 40H2 20K 0.5% 0) Usable sensitivity 1.5nV/750 (HF 8) Half poworat 1k osx (20), 46dB stereo quleting sensitivity 225/750 Loadimpednce 160 ‘Totalharmoniclstortion Intermodulationcitortion MONO 02% rated power at GOH: Tidtz 4:1, SMPTE 05%(a0) STEREO 2% Power bandwidth SIN ‘oth channels driven, 2a ‘ort —aoite (00) MONO 018 (7548, HF) Dampingtactor 40 (60) STEREO 588 (7108, IHF) Preaueney response Frequencyresponse 20215 be (-108, 208) PHONO RIAA standaracuve Alternate channelselectiviy 2505 (140K) (G0tte— 1542) 40.848 Captureratio "a 0, VCR, TAPE “ore 40kMz, 2948 Image rejection at oom 208 Inputsenstvity andimpedance IF rejection at 2BttHz 708 "PHONO anv aria. Spurious response rejection at SOME 7008 0, VoR, TAPE 200m /22K Alisuppression soe SiNatrated power (00) Stereo separation(t kta) 208 PHONO 70d8 WHF. A: 8046) Caririeak 6D, VCR, TAPE 7508 IHF.A: 8848) ‘okdz 208-2548, HF) Tone control oktz “sod 5548, IF) BASS S0He, 110t0~1038 Channel balance (250H2—6.3kH2) 158 TREBLE 20de, 010 10d Limiting point 12a Outputvoltage Bandwidth 'VER1 OUT, TAPE REC (OUT) 200nv iFamplifior saowz channel balance (250H2~6.3kH2) 2108 Fildemodulator 1000K2 Channel separation 558 Antennaterminal(s) 750 (unbalanced) Headphones outputlovelandimpedance ‘90m 2200, ‘A WARNING ] information by anyone else could result in serous injury or death, “This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only ands not designed for use by the general public. It does not contain | wamingso cautions toadvisenon-technicelindviduals of potential dangersinatfempling to service a product. Products powered by electictyshould | ‘ba serviced or pairedonly by experienced professionaltschncians. Any attemptto service or repairhe productor products dealtwithinthissenvice Technics’ (@ 1996 Matsushita Elecronies (8) Pte. id. Allcights served. Unauthorized copying and! cistrbution isa violation of SA-EX100_| AM Tuner Sex Frequency range ‘AM (EG) AW 522 — 1611khe (9ktiz stops) £580— 1620KHH2(TOktz stops) LW... (68) 44 288kKHz Sensitivty ‘AM (..EG)/ MW 20,,990nVIIn LW... (E.EB) a5 Selectivity {at9ooKtte) 5508, (at252kti2) S508 (at99akttz) 4048, (a252kt) 4038 \Frejection "AM (EG) MW (6.65) (atoeokta) 8568 LW (EB) (at252kt2) $58 @ Contents Page ‘BEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT... ww PROTECTIONCIRCUTTRY... : 2 ROCESSORIES eens 2 OPERATION CHECKS & HMA” CONPONENT i 3-6 CAUTIONFOR AC MAINSLEAD. 7 TROUBLESHOOTING wwnnnnensonsnnnnnnnnnn 8-9 TERMINAL FUNCTIONOF ICs, mm to TERMINAL GUIDE OF Is TRANSISTORS AND DIODES: 10 Before Repair and Adjustment General Powerconsumption ‘80 (standby conton :3¥%) Power supply for EEB ‘AG 290-240, SoH2 for EG ‘AG 230) 50H2 Dimensions (W xHxD) 430136x309mm Weight 7.0kg Notes : 1. Specifications are subjectto change without notice. Weight and dimensions are approxima, 2. Total harmonic distorionis measuredby thedlgltl spectrum analyzer. ‘SCHEMATICDIAGRAM.. BLOCK DIAGRAM ves WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD. CABINET PARTSLOCATION. REPLACEMENT PARTSLIST. RESISTORS & CAPACITORS. PACKAGING. Disconnect AC power, discharge four Power Supply Capacitors (C708 to C706) through a 10, SW resistorto ground. DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT DIRECTLY (with a screwdriver biada, fr instance), as this may dastoy sold state devices. ‘After repairs are completed, restore power gradually using a varag, to avold overcurrent. For E, EB : Current consumption at 230V ~ 240V, 502 in NO SIGNAL mode should be between 120mA to S50mA. ForEG @ Protection Circuitry “The protection cculty may have operate ether of tre folowing conditone ae noticed: * No sound Is heard when ho powar is tumed on. + Sound stops during a performance. ‘The function ati dkouty isto proventcreutry damage for example, the postive and negative speaker connection wires ae “shored” orf spesker systems with an impedance less than the incited fated Impedance atthe ampli ar used. W@ Accessories ‘Current consumption at 280, SOHz in NO SIGNAL mode should be between 130mA to 380mA, this cocurs, follow he procedure outines below: 1. Tum off the power. 2. Determine the cause ofthe problem and correct. 8. Turn on te power once again ater one minute. Note \Whon the protection circuitry functions, the unit willnot operate unless ‘he power i first ured off and then on again, AC power suppty cord (RUAQD19-2K...E,E6)... 1 po (EUR62178) er PO [AMJoop antenna set Fidindoorantenna (8840007)... 196 (FSAO010)... set | | | | | | L AG powor supply cord Aitachmentplug (WuAO7a3..E8)...1p¢ | __(SUP9008... EB)... 1 pe ( SA-EX100 : Operation Checks and Main Component Replacement Procedures "ATTENTION SERVICER" Some chassis components may have sharpe edges. Be careful when disassembling and serving 1. This section describes procedures for checking the operation of the major printed circuit boards and replacing the main components. 2. For reassembly after operation checks or replacement, reverse the respective procedures. ‘Special reassembly procedures are described only when required. 3. Select items from the following index when checks or replacement are required. * Contents. page + Checking Procedure for Major P.C.B. venccurrsmnsnnonn . sear 364 + Replacement of Power IC and Regulator Transistor 5-6 + Replacement of the Fan Motor 6 Mi Checking Procedure for Major P.C.B. Removethe Topeabinet, t Pert °o ° (> tsneai2e4) QLD prressieurz1 (Black) (Black) — G=m>e Om .% : pxTBsv8FF2] oes iat (Black) SAEX100_| Frontciaw FroatCiaw Heat Sink MainP.c.e, FrontPanol Fix baak the front panelandconnoct ‘he four connector {(CN901 to CNB04),. PanelP.c.8, Neos oNgos shownabove. (€N90t to CNG04) + TunerP.C.B, transformer ground plato. FrontPanel Front Claw cNooe —ONGOT Release the two font claws and pullout the front panel as. “Take nota ofthe connectors as you remove the front panel hooks ofthe heak sink BUIE] Feiss to acta acine oo O = 07 Sete ne eee the maa P.C.B. and the back ane! Check heMahP.CB, Parse, ToeiP CB 2 thom onal ‘Connect back the transformer tothe power P.C.B. andconnectalead wire from the main P.C.B. groundiothe e>,2 amis (lack) a) SA-EX100 Replacement of Power IC and Regulator Transistor Locate the nipperte the thin portion of fe jot a Cut the joint 1. Cut the joints(6 portions) between bottom cover and bottom chassis ass'y with nipper. UUncolder the terminals of power IC or regulator transistor ‘3. When replacing the power IC or regulator transistor, tunsolder the terminals of power IC or regulator transistor ‘on the soldered surface. eg 2, After cutting the joints(6 portions), bend the portions of the bottom chassis ass'y in the direction of arrow with pliers CAUTION ‘* Alter replacing the power IC or regulator transistor, apply a sufficient quantity of compound grease (RFKX0002) between the heat sink and the power IC or regulator transistor. (Radia tion of power IC & transistor) ‘* Tighten enough the screws after replacing the power IC or cegulator transistors. Otherwise, the heat radiation works ltl, Offset screwdriver Power Ic Transistor holder Regulator ‘ensistor 4, Then remove the screws fixed to the power IC or transistor holder. ‘5. When installing or removing the power IC or transistor holder, be sure to use an offset screwdriver. 6. After replacing the power IC or regulator transistor, upset the bottom cover and align the ribs of the bottom cover to the lugs on the bottom chassis assy. 7. After mounting the bottom cover on the bottom chassis assly, fix itwith a screw(XTB3+8J) SA-EX100_| 1. Alter replacing the powerIC or regulator transistor, apply a sufficient quantity of compound grease (RFKXO002/S2701.15) between theheat sink and the power IC or regulator ansistor (Redlation of power IC). 2, Tighten enough the screws. Othertise, the heat radiation works it. 83, When inetaling or removing te power ICor transistor holder, be sure to use an offeetscrewsver + Along eraight screwdriver cannot be used for removing or mounting the serews since Its long grip interferes withthe neighbouring P.C.B. (SeeFig.1) +A shor straight sorewekiver may be used for emoval, but cannot be used for mounting because the limited space inthe rit will not allow suffclenttightoningtorque.(SeoFig:2) Ashortstaightecrewetiver A short traight sorewdtiver Fig.2 Fig. ‘+ Insfficienttigntening wll cause poor heat dissipation from the power IC and regulator transistor andin the worst case, may lead thelr ‘thermal breskkdown, OFFSET SCREWDRIVER— “The PROTO offset screwaliver No.$4-'/, Is recommended for use in the application above. | @® [Ro sau [ 182 au" Replacement of the Fan Motor | q Puta screwdriver at the root Remove the fan cap. Fanunit ofthe fan and remove It. a Folease the claws. caw ‘When replacing the fan motor, align the boss of the fan ‘case with the hole of the fan motor. ep Fanmotor Desolder the wires from the ‘motorterminal and replacoit with anew one Motortefminal qd) ™@ Caution for AC Mains Lead ‘SA-EX100 [For [EB] area.] For your safety, please read the following text carefully, This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for your safety and convenience. A S-ampere fuse is fitted in this plug. ‘Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of S-ampere and that itis approved by ASTA or BSI to BS1362. Check for the ASTA mark@> or the BSI mark Yon, the body of the fuse. If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that it is refitted when the fuse is replaced. Ifyou lose the fuse cover, the plug must notbe used | until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local dealer. CAUTION 1 IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS) UNSUITABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET | YOUR HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND. DISPOSED OFF SAFELY, THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IF THE CUT OFF PLUG IS INSERTED INTO ANY 13-AMPERE SOCKET. ff a new plug is to be fitted, please observe the wiring code as shown below. ttinany doubt please consulta qualified electrician. IMPORTANT ‘The wires in this lead are coloured in accordance with the following code: Blue: Neutral Brown: Live ‘As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, | proceed as follows: ‘The wire whichis coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK, The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected tothe terminal inthe plug whichis marked | with the letter L or coloured RED. Under no circumstances should either or these wires be connected to the earth terminat of the thtee pin plug, marked with theletter Eorthe Earth | symbol Before use Remove the connector cover as follows. Connector How to replace the fuse 1, Remove the fuse cover with a screwdriver. Fuse cover 2. Replace the fuse and attach the fuse cover. 7 Fuso Sy" ampere) ‘SA-EX100 1 Troubleshooting ‘This urithas testpoinison each circutboard block fr use in troubleshooting, CONNECTION Connecteithera OD player, ape deck or AF oscilator othe input terminal ofthe unit. CO player ‘AF osciator] “Tape Deck ‘Connection ‘equipment REQUIRED ITEMS 1. Testing witha CO player 2 Testing witha lape deck — 9. Testing with a AF osclator 4. Oscilloscope (min. 10MHz) ~~ — Testtape (QZZ0LA/375H2, 048) ‘Set the output at S00Hz, 200m TEST PROCEDURE FOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT i oN). Ina Tetrinals (of the unit —— Testdock (822° 1054C fret progarmn, kHz, 0dB) “Tomeasur the oulput waveform atthe tes pints. ‘When the CD player AF oscilatoris connected: ‘When the tape deckis connected: Poweren tho unit $a the input selector button ofthe unit tothe ‘CD" postion. ‘Sot the Speaker ON/OFF button ofthe unitto the SPEAKERS 'ON" positon, ——— Poworon heualt Selthe input selector button ofthe unit tothe “TAPE MONITOR postion. ‘Set the Speaker ONIOFF button of tho urito the SPEAKERS "ON" Tannecdsger] or [Rovnearccciacr] <<< SzzP sec Tieipoaam) | ( Ceieirou ‘kez, 048 .at500H2, 200m, Peston, Run tha tape deck (sists om) aing te Osclloscope, check he output wavefomealthotest | Note: Connectthe'’ probe of points on the eu boards ofthe uritin the fling order ‘tha oscloscopo fo oach (RNIB RIHL4.AH)>(ERE)>LE RE) testpointandthe Reiertopages, tb chassis ground TEST POINTS POSITIONS OF AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT Re (110) 4(10511,pin7) U1 (049, +40 pin) mr | La(iesit pint) am = 1 (©414, ave pin) == [+ — #8 (0800) MANP.CB. BE — 15,0801) PANELP.CB. (COMPONENT a (SOLDER SIDE) SIDE) o%- Ls(vasca) As (VR602) () | SA-Ext00 oho [inBuT WASTER} [TONE Pea) Pa | Samo ron NEST lap ESF 1 fll Sie player fr far seit [ae] | see 7° CD player Tape dock iy aly look to nomalwavtom thorn attest ol peso um Input elector Bock 10401 soe imseostomV Lars Master ome block VRBO & area ime dom an osms0es¥ mses eto tse oon Tena contetleckO5tt &atoa il aes asmecc2 imo600mV meee zoom vere Main ample tock 10601 area asmeeos¥ imo t¥ maee | Neasementeondions. Voune cont (VAIO), Tremble contol VAST2 and Bass cont VAS) postons:O ‘Vatu cont postion (VREOT ores es 8 IRCUTY BLOCK CIRCUIT BLOCKS OF THE MAIN UNIT reocion | ret a omaeortay TruiAy —TPus.R) —TPLLSAS) TUS, Ae) ticaon (wee) Pe [ties So) PPO sreaxcrs pa Arps cic ine ee SA-EX100 @ Terminal Functions Of ICs *1C901 (UPD78043D047) System Microprocessor on v0 Funetion mark — fuo] Function 1-7 | Bebi0 [0 [Dateigal a FL dapay SFE1-SFH| — [Notused [vO [1 [Power sappy tonminal —] ROSOT {1 [ROS data signal © |SUROSD_CK— [Notused = “[AINR_CE [0 [Chipenablesignal [10 [sumo80_p7| ~ |Notused 1 [sera cena Eioaanne 44 [WOE0.0ET| 1 [aOSdoteatomna | 11.0 [Sonal cocksgnal SI 12 | SURGE |— |[Notused ROS ST _| 0 |RDSstartsignal VOLUP_|O |Rotatcontlteminalof DS CLK | © [RDS coc sana [WoL DWN TO folumemotr HOLD _| 1 |Hoeegnalinputtemninal [1s [LoupNess| — [Notusea _ REMOTE | 1 |Remotocontoltemninal _ 16 [FALSTEREO|_1_ [stereo signal deteliomninal GND | — |Notused 47 |_RESET [1 |Resetdeectoninal | SEL_ST {© [Lovelshifcontolteminal [he [80 [1 [Reosived sina dotecttennal | [so [HELP cD] — |otuses : Tre [ 080.57 [— [Notusoa | [51 [eraney se] — [notused zo GND _|[— [@NDeminal vod [1 |Powersuppiyeminal 21 | WIDEO.B | — [Notused REC_MUTE| — [Notused [ae [beo_A [= [Notwood 0.sP |= |Notused 22 | IF-DATA | 1 |soraldatasignal PB | |Notucod 24_| THERMAL |— |Notused SPA_|0 |Speakerselect onto tenminal _ 5-28] KEY1-KEY4| | [Key matrixdetect terminal POWER_ALY O [Relay contrlterminal fee [avon [1 [Powersuply terminal _ [36 | Ar MuTE | © |Muingcontetterninal 30_|_AVREF [1 [Powersurpyteminal so_| LUIMITTER | = |Notusea [a1 [OveRLOAD] 1 [Overioad detectienninal 20 | INITIN | — [Notused, connectto resistor fea] xa _|- |Notusea 1-7 816-87 | 0 [SegmenteknalotFLcepiay 22 | GND | = [@NDtemina 71_|_woao [1 [Powersupply teminal [se [an [1 [ovotaloseitatoriorina 720-81 [0 [sognentsinalotFLdipiy res | xout oan) | Fe-e0| “pr-08 [0 [pigteignalorrLaapiay @ Terminal Guide of ICs, Transistors and Diodes —10— AREA) | anssoe Stksrro19 ] ASE ear use rnsoeP acars | vboreoisoos eo) TooresN a far | dietene g | | | > _ @ida | SQ Eno |S | fl. } ; yoo | S| ; " [4 | ‘2SCRSTTARTA 2sKsuaF-AC | 2saisaencRTA | vipTorayst | asB1s4aPOAU | ‘1NS402BM21 ascanenasta | “gsnsassra’ | Ssccorepan | Sateoesce > es ae | E ay 3 4 cecaresretn escarerruita | svearreran | SISSIESTA Trznecta wrzunrera Staats “oscarenita wrzssaieta | (WERE Mora sonioonata s oe NnrzieResTA Sy Beoroieeia wareoaTA | catesn—-MIZIIRSGTA UNSSIETA |g lh ae ae nd MTzuzaDTA UNAOtFTA wa ee, ar va wr | ide ) SA-EX100 IN Schematic Diagram (All schematic diagrams may be modified at any time with the development of new technology) Note : << for Headphone Jack circuit and Operation circuit > (Page 11) < for Tuner circiut > (Page 12 ~ 15) < for Main circuit > (Page 16 ~ 17) < {9t Power Supply circuit, Transformer eteut, Panel cirult and Volume circuit > (Page 18 - 20) “sods Power sich «soe “ape elect itch ‘sear Phono scoct witch Ssoet}VCRenlocteich see; Mungenich S970 Search sleet etch $5950; FMAuto! Mono sch *Se71 —}—_Enhancedothernotwork select witch + s0st Band elect mich tse | rogimypeinteace omich +3982 Tuning decrease etch ser Program pe decrease switch 5053 Tuning ineease etch tsera Display mode slot swith 150s} Momorymenualautoowitch S000 Speakers onl etch $5956; Proset decrease sh 5 vRso1t = VRSOH-2 Volume conte +8087 Presetincroase such ¢ vnsoe Balanco conte 1 S00 Tuner select evich vast iet -vast4-2 Basscoritl Sseet: Deselect Svnsi24 -VASi22 : —Tretloconl + Signaltine Bin E>: AMsiqnatine Main signaline {E> + AMOSC signaling Fi signaline WI> : FMosceignltine “The voltage value and wavetorms are the reference voltage of thie unit measured by DC electronic voltmeter (high impedance) and esciloscope on tho basis of chassis. ‘Accordingly, there may arise some error in votage values and waveforms depending upon the intemal impedance ofthe tester orthe measuring unit Coe AML ei FM Importance safety notice: ‘Components identified by A\ markhave special charactorstcs important for safety. Furthermore, epecial parts which havo purposes of fro retardant (resistors), high-qually sound (capacitors), low-noise (resistors) el. are used. When replacing any of components, be sure to use only ‘manufacturer's specified pars shown in the pars list. Caution! IC, LS1and VLSI aro sonsiive to state electricity ‘Secondary rouble can be prevented by taking care during rept. ‘Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with aluminium fl, ‘Ground the soldering ron. *Do not touch the pins of IC, LSI or VLSI wit fingers directly ‘Puta conductive mat on the work table. HEADPHONE OPERATION JACK CIRCUIT CIRCUIT 3 3 ne ‘SA-EX1 oo _| EX tuner circurt For (EG) area 2 SA-EX100 —- SA-EX100 BX tuner circurt For (€) & (E8) areas SA-EX100 Beds taera SA-EX100_| Bhvain circu Buen e 438sesonasta mi) |_SA-Ex1c0 ae te Acer ESNs05- SPRL Tse dy te HE || | *Bbgagtonasra {ee Bean So gia SA-EX100 Thrower circuit St 3h FEE ? lee 0774! RiBtssisom e | | eae res 3s ERS aby ZSBSZ1ARTA ore AS wakes fot (M)= = 773 7 AEE Ave Be, Tas _SA-EX100 EE caver circuir lea01 e Warenroer TT eee = 7 Bissoson tt She (as02| Ey a SA-EX100 TA vouwe crcur ee a6 BSRIS15FTA WA Pou SFA fexzon) {fhee"hy SA-EX100 @ Block Diagram SA-EX1| oo | oO | SA-EXx100 7 bly ith _gEaEe oettt SA-EX100 | Mf Wiring Connection Diagram Bynner rece. [arowen surety pc. erat Extaansronmter pce Hforenanion pce, Ban ece VOLUME. PCB. LJ : Etpanet pce. f on & eS Ge SF Ge fin ig A eB Es SEB awme is Ses — eS MT Ei.e acon THE Bote avrtione ack pcs, eo Seca oe | SA-EX100 @ Printed Circuit Board Gi main P.c.B. (REP2251B-M) SA-EX100_ | VOLUME P.C.B. (REP2252B-S .. E,EB) (REP2252C-S .. EG) Ra) e VOLUME BALANCE! BASS By HEADPHONES JACK P.C.B. (REP2252B-S .. E,EB) (REP2252C-S .. EG) | SA-EX100 Ey PANEL P.C.B. (REP2252B-S .. E,EB) (REP2252C-S .. EG) SA-Ex100_| [osc in wal [ea] (©3 " L-W8S1@dau) ‘a'O'd YANN [J (g3‘3 “ L-a8S12d3u) ‘a'O'd YANN [YJ [__SA-Ex100 (O3" d-OeS@@dau) ‘a'O'd UAWHOASNVYL B] = (a3‘a" d-eSzzday) ‘a'O'd YAINYOISNVUL B} (Oa ” d-Oesezdau) “a’O'd AlddNS YAMOd FJ = (G3‘S * d-aesz7zday) “a'O'd ATddNS YAMOd FE] SA-EX100 @ Cabinet Parts Location 2 1 SA-EX100 @ Replacement Parts List . Notes: * Inport safe noice Components ent by A mar have special harass important rst Furheero,epecaprts when have purpose of re-earean(exsoe),igh-uascund capt ow-nole (east), reused han rpicing any of components be sree Us on manufac paced par own he par Is ~ The paronoszedin ho Remarks coum specie aoe. (eter fo he ove page rare) are wout thao deaton ean be und tt arse * [M] in Remarks column indicates parts that are supplied by MESA. * IMAI in Remar column neato parts al fe sppled by MAN. 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Petro fe cov pape for rea) Pare minou thse ideation can be usd foal aoa + Capacor vate ae in morta mans species ohrvise,P=Plo-arads OF) F-Farads (7 + Rok value rein os, nes epectogoporvise, e-,COO(OHN}. 1M 000M + [ttm Ror clon ndate parte bet ro supe ty MESA + [MAN n marks colum inate pars at are cuplod by MA. fro] raen.— (rammtrense|fra] raise. fisterttenne| fern] reins. iismtone| fren] rants Vamtena ie [anama fae oa [ew Jaoomem ae ew [woe osama ee [esasTons fw farsa parva |r fermion fe vw [ane prosmeter foe nw as frost fk vaw os | feos eorom™ ak vw [ear emosrner ake a faoaTio oe aw |[row sms foo waves | faa eros foe vow [ra fanosmmacr fax unv oe fnosriom |e aw [re aosmnear ctw any | [ner rower foe ww [oss fexosmaear fox uv nns_fosenent (a0 _tuw—|[ne feremsor fo awe |[aaw femora fe ven [ann fexoemavar pu fe faust faa tev] mer faneromer foo war —|frar fousmmeon fox ow [fas oxosrmor fax ew fat fesse loo new || fraser — frac aww |[nvn nose fava | fenisemmar fake io feosiriam pe yew ||ms@”frosmecr Jaan” |[aasfnnsmison” fs ar [es forosemvar po vew fa Jexosrmioa fom raw] fam frost fea] ar Jems pasa foe amore poe_ naw fs fexosstnast om vw | fara frosrncar — furan |] fomarmmam fae vow fs amos faa fe feos — arvana fossa foo aww || fansrno fn aw [oe fomosemar fae new ana_fsinserr fea vw [as esto [vow [ous fxosraore foo uw || [enemas [awa aie fexosrneer fie vow | lane osrnont —foo wow | fas omar fa uow [ecw Joensrmt foc uaw ant foros |e ew —|fmi fraser fs aa |fner fnnstnizar fava ss ferosrinr fe vew ans fossa [eax vew [fm [nooner faa | far fnnsenr fp aw [ss forosemar fre vow | an fnossrnest fx vow] enosmnaar —fiaxaiv—|fas naman fn uw | foroscmsar piso ae fame frm_raw|[ns fansrneer fsx vv —||re9 fmnsmam fs ow | ss fens fis at [momma — pak ww |[nee ferment fax oar —|frea fensmam Java | fenosmmer fxn aa eeezrorar st | | feramza fax vw |r frost [an uy | enor [iw face fname fm ww |[nen frosmnecr fk ov |[noa foam ou ase fenoseear ie ew as fnnerriner —fenk ew |[nm enostnnar fc |ftows nose aka [ns fansite ew ae fern fuk aw |[nes fenoenccr feo |e Janse ak vw ss fenosemaer foo vw at fncezmiorr ok aw |[noe ferosrncar” fx ov |fs frosiiser fx uw [ses faxoscmant pa va as fencer fa |{ne enosmnecr feo |r nossa” — ftw [cnr frnoscmacr foo ve aa fncemm [vow |[n fenornnaer fc wv |fer fenosenear fiw |e fenosrmnaer hao aw se fnnercnomr fe vow |[nanenosmncat fix vv |fnes enosriar —x vow [res fenosmnesr fox vew nant fnosrat fae vaw fe [enosminer fx vw” || eros ix ww || Jrnornseer foie fae fowsmiemt foun |e fnoseoet fix w || faerie” [cow [ras enoszmert ak [ess fexosemner [ix —veav—|[Rate [erosemnore fix _vew |fusor_ferosrmnazt —_faax vow _|faeoe fenosrmnest —_[iak_wow frase nose fe ve [eas onosomner fix vaw | [so eros fa _uaw || frnomnserr feu fas fesse — xv — [ae frosnier ewww |[ae erosion fox vow ||aae fnosorser fox aw re feoszeneet ix uw |faar frosenemr fk [eso fnoermio™ fox view —|[rao fxosemier™ [io _vew rt fensrtnect fix uw |e frost fo |[ae_fnosirar fa aso encszovoer ho ww rnp fenoemart privy |fneo frosemnon fo wav | [as fnosroen frm view [ron fxoarrnon fo ow | fo [ewer pre aay ||” fraser frac ww | [sam fnosmnnt ro saw |[aom enosinoor ova re [eeosrmcer — [x — vv | fez erro — fc vow [as fxosriner — foo anv —|[ave femora — [ac aw SA-EX100_| fnrso] racne. vans] fers] Panne, aioetitenes| eso] racve, atest eon] rend. aeons as [acme ae va || momo ps vw | how fromm cw | ae oman heer ae ie fasemset fs vev | fas frosmom fx —vew few” fosrom bax uy || [ecarmnsacs few sv na fxosmeer fever |fmo frmarviart foo ew [los rosa x —vaw [ces acwranoas fax sav co feosmmaat fae ver |v erosion fee na | esr frosanaar hae uw |r ecearcraan [ze aa fame fa vav |v fxoarase fs _uew om frosraisr se vaw |[cr [ewricranss [oor tev rea fourier fs vow |e frosroasr [sa |loss rosa fax vaw [cr [ocean fon a7 fas feemaact faa ua [ana fear pak hese faxwsma par vow || Gm [pcexmearo foo

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