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Projectile Motion Worksheet

1. A plane is flying north at 120 m/s. A wind is coming from the west at
10m/s. What is the actual velocity and direction that the plane is

2. A rafter is trying to cross a river that is 1km wide. The river is flowing
at 9m/s. If he paddles perpendicular to the current at 2m/s, how far
down the river will he be when he gets to the other side? Bonus: Why
did the rafter cross the river?

3. A cannon is trying to hit a castle 500m away. If the cannon ball has an
initial horizontal velocity of 82m/s and travels for 6s, will the castle be

4. A pumpkin is launched into the air with an initial vertical velocity of

49m/s. How much time will the pumpkin spend in the air?

5. For the same pumpkin, how high will it travel into the air?

6. Molly is standing atop a cliff that is 800m tall. She throws her little
brother horizontally off the cliff. If her little brother lands 10m away
from the cliff, how fast can Molly throw?

7. A cannon shots a ball at a 45 degree angle from the ground with an

initial velocity of 100m/s. The initial horizontal velocity is 70.7m/s.
What is the initial velocity in the vertical direction?

8. How much time would the above cannon ball be in the air?

9. How far would the cannon ball go?

10. A catapult fires a rock at a 38 degree angle with an initial velocity of

88m/s. How much time does the cannon ball stay in the air? How far up
into the air does the cannon ball go? How far away from the cannon
does the cannon ball land?

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