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Pedro Correa de

Albuquerque /BRA/
BRA /Petrobras
07/05/2010 15:13


To Ronaldo Dias/US/Petrobras@Petrobras
cc Fernando Assumpcao Borges/BRA/Petrobras@Petrobras
Pedro Paulo Resende Neves/BRA/Petrobras@Petrobras
Mauricio Pestana Rebelo/US/Petrobras@Petrobras
Subject drilling permits

Agora realmente foi proibido, mas a expectativa que seja autorizado a partir do dias 28 de
maio. Vamos ver o que vai dar....

No new drilling permits to be issued

Deepwater Horizon accident
USA GULF OF MEXICO/USA ALASKA: In response to the April 20 Deepwater Horizon
explosion and subsequent oil spill, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced on May 6 that as
of the date of the explosion, no applications for drilling permits will go forward for any new
offshore drilling activity until the Department of the Interior (DOI) completes the safety
review process requested by President Obama.
DOI expects the report will be delivered to the President by May 28, 2010. The only
exceptions to the rule regarding permit approvals are the two relief wells being drilled in
response to the accident.
Additionally, Minerals Management Service (MMS) Director Liz Birnbaum has sent a letter
to Shell Oil Company President Marvin Odum confirming that MMS will not make a final
decision on the requested permits for the drilling of exploration wells in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas until DOI's report to the President has been submitted and evaluated.
Also as a result of the accident, DOI has temporarily postponed the public scoping meetings
on potential Virginia oil and gas lease sale so that the safety issues the President has directed
can be appropriately considered at those meetings. No new date has been set at this time.
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