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Chapter 4 page 101

Situation 1

In a need to have a smoke, Howard left his month old baby while sleeping so he can
buy a cigarette in the neighborhood store. This is clearly showing a child neglect case
because Howard left the baby alone, without no one to check on him while he was
gone. What if someone breaks in to the house? What if the child wakes up and moves
around and eventually hurt himself? It is important that Howard understand the
importance of child supervision, regardless if the child is awake or not. The urge to
smoke might be too great for Howard hence he forgets the importance of child
supervision. It is recommended that Howard should attend a parenting class to give him
a better idea of what parental supervision is and its importance.

Situation 2

All her life, Jane had been having issues with her weight hence she had been trying to
lose some weight. As she becomes a mother, she thought she dont want her 2-month
old baby to undergo the same struggle in life in the future about her weight. For this
reason, Jane put her baby on a diet, causing the baby to be always hungry and crying.
Without knowing, Jane is actually leaving her baby neglected for not giving her/him the
proper nourishment she or he needs to grow. The baby might lose weight because of
what Jane is doing and might also die from it. It is important for Jane to understand that
what the baby needs at the moment, is nourishment and food for him or her to grow. It is
also important to endorse Jane to a counselling program where she can deal with her
self-issues such as self-esteem and self-confidence. Perhaps, she can attend
counselling classes, nutritional classes and parenting classes to make her a better
person and a better mother.

Situation 3

During a phone talk with a friend, Karen did not realize that her two year-old son had
been climbing the fence in their backyard. It was too late when she realized that he had
fallen into the pool where luckily, their dog pulled him out of it. If not for their dog, her
two-year old son might have died from drowning. In this scenario, Karens behavior can
be classified as bad parenting although she did not harm her kid. It is bad parenting
because Karen has been spending time on the phone without having a direct eye
contact to her son, leaving her son vulnerable to accidents such as drowning in their
pool. If she thought the kid is just inside the house, she should have checked the doors
and made sure they were all locked. Oftentimes, as parents, we are busy doing
household chores, cooking, doing the laundry and talking on the phone that we forget to
check on our little ones. Remember, even inside our homes, our little kids are prone to
dangers and accidents.

Situation 4

It was an ordinary day and Bill was just watching TV while his 18-month old was playing
when he slipped on their tile floor. The poor kid need to have stitches all over her lip to
close the wound. Bill is not a bad parent but because his attention was on the TV rather
than on his child, his parenting style was considered as bad parenting. Children do not
just get hurt from being abused. Simple play and games inside the house, next to their
parents can also lead to such injury due to bad parenting.

Chapter 4, page 105

Situation 1

Most of the time, couples, Sally and Bob, works at night so during the day, they keep
their two-year old son, Billy, lock him in his room. If he cannot leave the house, then
they can sleep in peace for at least 6 to 8 hours. This is another example of bad
parenting. Leaving Billy alone in his room is bad enough but to leave him there so they
can take a rest is really worst. What if Billy climbs his bed or eats his toys?

Situation 2

One thing that made Jill and Howard close to each other is their beliefs and one thing
they believe in common is nudity. The couple does things in their house without any
dress on. The couple has a three year old daughter and she seems to be in the
bandwagon as well. Nudity might be the belief of the couple but teaching it to their
daughter is a sample of bad parenting too. They are showing their kid that it is okay to
stay nude in front of other people and they allow her to practice it. What if time comes
that their daughter needs to attend day care or school and she demands her freedom
when it comes to wearing clothes?

Situation 3

It was the belief of Lizz and Jeff that spanking is not good disciplinary action hence they
avoid doing so with their kid. They have a 4-year old kid and when he is acting out, they
threaten to leave him at night to be fed to the monsters. This is another example of bad
parenting because they are causing emotional abuse to their kid. The kid might develop

trauma, loses his sleep and will start fearing the night and monsters. Sometimes, fear of
these things can also lead to speech development delays.

Chapter 2 Page 54

Situation 1

There are times when a kid is a kid and does a lot of things on their own. One example
is a kid that fell on the edge of their living room, cutting his lip on the process. In this
case, the mother of the kid who brought him to the hospital for the stitches doesnt
showcase bad parenting. There are times when accidents happen and cannot be
controlled. There is no sign of bad parenting in this situation.

Situation 2

The kid was brought to the hospital to be stitched up. Upon checking, the doctor noticed
circular bruises on his forearms and the mother explained that it was from a fell he had
a week ago. The kid fell on their patio which is made of cement. With this additional
information, I would suggest additional investigation as to why the kid keeps on getting

Chapter 2 page 48

Julie and Howard are accountable for the abuse that Billy suffered because Howard has
been physically abusing Billy by spanking him using a belt. Howard is also hitting Billy
with his hands. Julie witnessed these abuses but had done nothing to stop it. She did
not report it to the authorities either. Julie and Howard are known as substance abusers.
This only shows that the parents of Billy are accountable for the abuse of their kid.
Howard is still the one that needs to be charged with abuse because he is the one
hurting Billy physically. Julie is also accountable for the abuse that his son suffered
because she knew about it and did nothing. In one instance, Billy was hit by Howard
with a belt because the kid was crying non-stop. Billy ended up having bruises on his
legs after the hitting. Another instance of abuse happened when Howard hit Billy on the
head with his hand due to spilled Whiskey. The hitting left Billy with a wounded mouth.
The hit was too hard that Billy became comatose. If ever he wakes up again, he might
be unable to do anything because of the damage of the said injury.

Last weekend, I dealt with a 12-year old girl. She said she was touched by a cousin
during a sleep over. The cousin is 16-year old. The cousin was reported to the police
and was charged accordingly. This situation will lead to a lot of different things, affecting
the abuser and the victim all together. In the future, the abuser will have to ask for
parole and wherever he goes, he will have to write that he was an abuser once. The
victim on the other hand will grow with fear of the opposite sex and might find it hard to
trust her cousins and the opposite sex again. Aside from this, the effect to the family of
both the victim and the abuser cant be denied.

Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2014). Family violence: Legal, medical, and social
perspectives (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon

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