Bba 1008 Busimess Communication

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BBA 1008









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Task 1


Communication barrier

- Describe four of the communication barrier

Task 2


The important of business barrier to organizations and individuals

Four goals of business communication to convince manager of the

necessity of a communication programmer with customers


Task 3

Correct or improve the grammar or language usage in the
following sentence to reflect correct, modern English usage.


Task 4

The essentials of an effective business letter


- Letter to Smith








1.0 Content

2.0 Introduction

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Business communication (or simply "communications", in a business context)

encompasses such topics as marketing, brand management, customer relations,
consumer behaviour, advertising, public relations, corporate communication,
community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication,
employee engagement, and event management. It is closely related to the fields of
professional communication and technical communication.
Media channels for business communication include the Internet, print media, radio,
television, ambient media, and word of mouth. Business communication can also refer
to internal communication. A communications director will typically manage internal
communication and craft messages sent to employees. It is vital that internal
communications are managed properly because a poorly crafted or managed message
could foster distrust or hostility from employees.
The word communication derived from the Latin word communicate that means to
impart, to participate, to share or to make common. It is a process of exchange of facts,
ideas, opinion and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and
understanding with one another. In other words, it is a transmission and interacting the
facts, ideas, opinion, feeling and attitudes. It is the ability of mankind to communicate
across barriers and beyond boundaries that has us here the progress of mankind. It is the
ability of fostering speedy and effective communication around the world that has
shrunk the world and made globalization a reality. Communication had a vital role to

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play in ensuring that people belonging to a particular country or a culture or linguistic

group interact with and relate to people belonging to other countries or culture or
linguistic group. Communication adds meaning to human life.

3.0 Task 1
Communication barrier
Most people would agree that communication between two individuals should be
simple. Its important to remember that there are differences between talking and
communicating. When you communicate, you are successful in getting your point
across to the person youre talking to.
When we talk, we tend to erect barriers that hinder our ability to communicate. A
"communication barrier" or "a barrier to communication" is anything that interferes
with the transfer of intended information from a sender to a receiver. This can include
anything from static on a radio, preventing the listener from hearing the program, to a
third party interfering in a conversation between two people. It also means an obstacle
in a workplace that preventing effective exchange of ideas or thoughts.
There are seven of these types of barriers to effective communication. Such barriers
include physical barriers, perceptual barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers,
language barriers, gender barriers and interpersonal barriers.

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Four Communications Barriers

One of the communications barriers is interpersonal barriers. Physical barriers are easy
to spot which are doors that are closed, walls that are erected, and distance between
people all work against the goal of effective communication. While most agree that
people need their own personal areas in the workplace, setting up an office to remove
physical barriers is the first step towards opening communication.
Many professionals who work in industries that thrive on collaborative communication,
such as architecture, purposefully design their workspaces around an open office plan.
This layout eschews cubicles in favor of desks grouped around a central meeting space.
While each individual has their own dedicated work space, there are no visible barriers
to prevent collaboration with their co-workers. This encourages greater openness and
frequently creates closer working bonds.
Besides, emotional barriers can be tough to overcome, but are important to put aside to
engage in conversations. We are often taught to fear the words coming out of our own
mouths, as in the phrase anything you say can and will be used against you.
Overcoming this fear is difficult, but necessary. The trick is to have full confidence in
what you are saying and your qualifications in saying it. People often pick up on
insecurity. By believing in yourself and what you have to say, you will be able to
communicate clearly without becoming overly involved in your emotions.

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Next are gender barriers. Gender barriers have become less of an issue in recent years,
but there is still the possibility for a man to misconstrue the words of a woman, or vice
versa. Men and women tend to form their thoughts differently, and this must be taken
into account when communicating. This difference has to do with how the brain of each
sex is formed during gestation. In general, men are better at spatial visualization and
abstract concepts such as math, while women excel at language-based thinking and
emotional identification. However, successful professionals in highly competitive fields
tend to have similar thought processes regardless of their gender.

Lastly, interpersonal barriers are what ultimately keep us from reaching out to each
other and opening ourselves up, not just to be heard, but to hear others. Oddly enough,
this can be the most difficult area to change. Some people spend their entire lives
attempting to overcome a poor self-image or a series of deeply rooted prejudices about
their place in the world. They are unable to form genuine connections with people
because they have too many false perceptions blocking the way. Luckily, the cure for
this is more communication. By engaging with others, we learn what our actual
strengths and weaknesses are. This allows us to put forth our ideas in a clear,
straightforward manner.

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4.0 Task 2
The importance of communication barriers to organization and individuals

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Communication in a business organization serves different purposes. It is the medium

through which messages are sent. The messages sent may be a memo to employees, an
advertisement intended for the public or a voicemail left for an executive of another
company. Communication also serves as a listening and feedback agent.
Communication allows employees and customers alike to share their thoughts, ideas
and concerns about a particular matter. Communication in a business organization also
educates trains and develops employees to improve productivity and efficiency. There is
some of the importance to the organization.
First of all, communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the
employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how
to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark. Communication is also a source
of information to the organizational members for decision making process as it helps
identifying and assessing alternative course of actions. Besides, communication also
plays a crucial role in altering individuals attitudes, i.e., a well-informed individual will
have better attitude than a less-informed individual. Organizational magazines, journals,
meetings and various other forms of oral and written communication help in molding
employees attitudes. Communication also helps in socializing. In todays life the only
presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot
survive without communication.

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As discussed earlier, communication also assists in controlling process. It helps

controlling organizational members behavior in various ways. There are various levels
of hierarchy and certain principles and guidelines that employees must follow in an
organization. They must comply with organizational policies, perform their job role
efficiently and communicate any work problem and grievance to their superiors. Thus,
communication helps in controlling function of management.
In the other part, there are also has some importance of communication to an
individuals. Communication plays a part in almost every aspect of your business, so
being able to communicate well can boost your overall performance. Communication
skills can be particularly important during times of higher workplace stress, for example
during downsizing, where good communication is an essential part of change
management. You also need to communicate well to build and maintain effective
relationships with your suppliers and clients. Communication skills are crucial to
dealing with customer complaints effectively and limiting any negative word-of-mouth
about your business. You can draw on communication skills when you assess the
effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Four goals of business communication to convince manager of the necessity of a
communication programmer with customers

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First of all, the manager should let the customer to understand the message. In other
words, the communication must convey the message that it is meant to convey. It must
not be unclear or give the wrong idea to the one who receives it. Next is getting a
response it the customer. The communication should be worded in a way that makes it
easy to respond to. Besides, establishing or improving a relationship with the customer.
Communications are meant in part to make the recipient feel positively about the
sender. This will help them work together in the future.
Lastly, try to makes the customer feel good about the sender's organization. This
matters in particular when the recipient is a customer. The communication in that case is
meant to help make the customer like the firm that sends it and want to do business with

5.0 Task 3
3.1 I lived in North Wales for a few years.
3.2 Either the director had missed the train or he had forgotten the appointment.
3.3 I gave them the money that they want.
3.4 They didnt give him the job because he had been in prison.
3.5 People insure their house in case theres a fire.

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3.6 Heres the woman that Ann said would show us round the church.
3.7 I may have to work this weekend. I hope not.
3.8 Its nice to have a room of your own.
3.9 She smiled in a friendly way.
3.10 What does understudy mean?

6.0 Task 4
Essentials of an effective business letter

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Business letter has a materialistic purpose but effective business letter can also
strengthen the bonds between two organizations or the dealer and the customer.
Business letters are used for many purposes such as to make inquiries, send replies, to
place orders or bank correspondences etc. The main and the basic function of the
business letter is not only to convey your message to the person who receives the letter
but also to influence the reader. Following point can be used to make your business
letter an effective business communication.
First of all, language of business letter is quite important. The language of business
letter should be simple. It should not contain difficult words, phrases or technical
jargons. It should have a smooth flow and should be easily understood or it should not
require further explanation. Besides, avoid use of long sentences having many clauses.
Sometimes the reader loses the beginning by the time he comes to the end of the
Next, avoid negative approach in the letter. We should avoid use of dull and
uninteresting language. A letter with permanent style or with same tone of expression at
all occasions may become stereotyped in due course. Use variety or a welcoming
change in language that befits the particular occasion or pleases a particular person. But
the variety should not be at the cost of clarity.
Furthermore, sincerity of purpose is important not only for human relations but also for
business dealings. The letter should have an air of frankness and authenticity. In

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addition, we should give importance to the reader which avoiding self-centered focusing
on your own concerns or your business and focus on the recipient's needs, interests, or
purposes. This "you attitude" or recipient oriented style is very useful in winning new
customers and maintaining old ones. It does not mean that you should use more of
"you" in your letter but you should make recipient the main focus of the letter. However,
you should be cautious not to overdo anything in your letter to avoid feel of deception,
superficiality or ambiguity.
Lastly, we just need to adjust oneself to the reader and tune your sentences to the taste
of the prospective buyer. Mention the advantage a buyer would get without praising
your own firm. Business letter represents the firm, organization or the business. It is like
a salesman with a difference. A salesman can instantly rectify his mistake if he has said
something that looks unpleasant, but a letter writer can't. You can use business-writing
software for proofreading and to check and correct English grammar & spellings in your
letter. Some software programs also has text enrichment feature to enrich your text with
adjectives & adverbs, which enhances the simple sentence into more professional and
sophisticated one & also suggest context related synonym for repeated words.
Letter to Smith

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Secretariat, PECIPTA 2009 Institute of Research Management & Monitoring Level 3,

IPS B, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
17 OCT 2012
Mr Smith
Dear Smith,
Enquiry regarding encyclopedia set
Thank you for your letter dated 12 OCT 2012. I had received your letter that proposing
to purchase a box of encyclopedia set.
I would like to inform you that we are no longer sell boxed sets of the printed
encyclopedia. I highly recommend you purchase the electronic version. The price is $
680. We are offering to our existing customers a 15$ discount.
The catalogue and price list will be described to you about our products to you
satisfication. However, if you need further details or assistance in meeting your

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customers special requirements, you should feel free to write to us. We are looking to
your order at this discount rate.

Your sincerely
TAN WAH TIONG (Merchanding Manager)

7.0 Conclusion
In the nut shell, I learn that communication is a process of exchange of facts, ideas,
opinion and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and understanding

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with one another. I also know that communication barrier is anything that interferes
with the transfer of intended information from a sender to a receiver.
The especially four barriers of communication are successful professionals, emotional
barriers, Physical barriers, interpersonal barriers. I also learn that the importance of
communication barriers to organization and individuals. For example, communication
promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the task to be
done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if
it is not up to the mark. Besides, I also learn that four goals of business communication
to convince manager of the necessity of a communication programmer with customers
which is understand the message, getting a response, establishing or improving a
relationship with the customer and makes the customer feel good about the sender's
Lastly, I also learn that essentials of an effective business letter. For example, the
language of business letter should be simple. It should not contain difficult words,
phrases or technical jargons. It should have a smooth flow and should be easily
understood or it should not require further explanation. Besides, avoid use of long
sentences having many clauses.

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8.0 Reference

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9.0 Coursework
Key Stages In The Communication Cycle

1. Conceive the massage

6. Feedback

2. Encode the

3. Select appropriate



5. Interpret the

4. Decode the message


1. Conceive the message

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Dont open your mouth only to put your foot in it! When you have something to say,
consider the best means of putting your message across, and bear in mind that timing is
important. Consider your recipient carefully and aim your message to suit their specific
2. Encode the message
This stage involves putting the information into an appropriate from suitable to both the
sender, the recipient and the aim. Think before reaching for your phone or putting
fingers to keyboard. Decide first what specific outcomes you want from the
communication. This will help you choose whether words will suffice, whether a
printed record is necessary and whether graphics are appropriate. It will also help you
choose appropriate language and tone.
3. Select the appropriate channel
This stage is where the message is actually sent the information is transferred. The
technological revolution has brought about a wide range of telecommunication methods.
You must consider all aspects: speed, cost, quick, receipt, printed record, confidentially,
etc., and make an intelligent decision before sending your message. Time and money
can be wasted if the wrong medium is chosen.

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4. Decode the message

Because so many messages arrive in offices today, it is importance to ensure that they
are routed promptly and are given the attention they deserve. To achieve success at this
stage, it is also important to take the trouble to ensure that the recipient will understand
the language and vocabulary used.
5. Interpret the message
Very often it is necessary to read between the lines. It is always important to consider
carefully the tone used in your communication so that the correct message is received.
For example, you do not want to risk antagonizing a good customer by using a harsh
tone. Distortion of the message may occur if the sender has not carefully encoded the
communication, in which case the recipient will interpret the message differently from
how it was intended.
6. Feedback
The communication process cannot be successful without appropriate feedback. In oral
communication this is often immediate, in the meetings the audience may nod or smile
to show understanding and agreement. But with written message courtesy and discipline
are importances to acknowledge receipt of messages until a full and appropriate
response can be given.

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Non-Verbal Communication
In face-to-face encounters non-verbal communication is often just as important as
verbal communication. As you are speaking information can be conveyed non0verbally
as well as verbally. The non-verbal signals of listeners will provide instant feedback.
Non-verbal communication is often referred to as body language.
Non-verbal communication techniques are often used unconsciously, for instance
while speaking we may throw our arms around; while listening a sudden shock may
result in a sharp intake of breath. Such non-verbal signals add impact to a meaning, and
they combine to provide an instant impression in a way that written communication or
telephone calls cannot. Actions of this sort are an important part of the communication
The way people stand or sit can say an awful lot about how they feel. Someone who is
nervous or anxious will fidget with their hands, tap their feet, and drum the table with
their fingers. Someone who is sitting well back in their chair, legs crossed at the ankle,
may be seen as being relaxed and confident. Someone with gloomy expression, head
down and lifeless is probably feeling depressed or dejected. Someone sitting forward in

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their chair looking intently at the speaker is showing a great deal of interest. The ability
to interpret such signals and act as necessary is important in developing good human

Many gestures are used as we speak, for example, shaking a fist to denote anger,
sweeping arms in excitement, using hands for emphasis. In listening too, gestures are
used, like nodding in agreement, shaking your head in disapproval, putting your hand to
your chin in consideration, folding your arms in boredom. These are all valuable signs
in communicating and you should learn to read such gestures carefully.
Eye contact
The importance of eye contact is paramount. Looking someone directly in the eye
suggests openness, honesty, confidence and comfort. Looking away gives an impression
of being conniving or sly, or perhaps just unsure and uncomfortable. When speaking to

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one person try to look them in the eye. When speaking to a group avoid fixing your gaze
on one or two people let your eyes roam regularly to all corners of the room so that
everyone feels involved.
Touch is an important tool to convey warmth, reassurance, support, encouragement and
comfort. In some cultures, because touching implies intimacy and familiarity, there are
very strict rules that govern who may touch whom and how. These norms of behavior
may change according to age, status, cultural background, etc. In todays workplace,
touching has become rather a contentious issue, as it could sometimes be construed as
sexual harassment.

How to improve your non-verbal communication skills

Here are some ways in which you can improve your non-verbal communication skills:
1. Be honest, especially when communicating emotions.
2. Use a firm, friendly handshake when meeting new people.

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3. Maintain eye contact with your entire audience.

4. Reinforce your words with tones and gestures.
5. Be aware of posture.
6. Use appropriate gestures to support your points.
7. Imitate the posture and appearance of people you want it impress.
8. Show respect for speakers and listeners.
9. Touch people only when appropriate and acceptable.
10. Smile genuinely, as a fake one will be obvious.

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