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(Mechanical-All Branch) 2013 course

Research Methodology: Question Bank
Unit 1: Research Problem
Syllabus : 1. Research Problem
Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria / Characteristics of
a good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives
of research problem.

Define Research. Explain different types of Research?

Write a note on Motivation in Research
Explain objectives of Research with suitable example.
Explain significance of Research in Modern Times.
How do you define a Research Problem? What are the characteristics of a good

Research Problem?
6. What are the sources of Research Problem? Explain with suitable example.
7. What are the components of a Research Problem?
8. What do you mean by Citation and Impact Factor? Write the names of any two
International Journals of your domain and its Impact Factor.
9. What are the errors in selecting a Research problem?
10. What are the possible limitations of our planned Research? Explain with
11. Explain the meaning of research problem with suitable example.
12. What are various sources of research problem.
13. State the characteristics of good research.

14. Explain the procedure to select a research problem.

15. What are the different types of research
16. Explain the good qualities of research
17. Write short notes on:

Design of the research project;


Motivation in research;


Objectives of research;


Criteria of good research.

18. Based on the objectives, how the research plan can be presented. Draw the
research plan table with time frame.
19. What is the necessity of defining a research problem? How do you define a
research problem? Give two examples to illustrate your answer.
20. The task of defining the research problem often follows a sequential pattern.
21. Examine the merits and limitations of the observation method in collecting

material. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

22. A research scholar has to work as a judge and derive the truth and not as a
pleader who is only eager to prove his case in favour of his plaintiff. Discuss the
statement pointing out the objectives of research.
23. Describe fully the techniques of defining a research problem.
24. What is research problem? Define the main issues which should receive the
attention of the researcher in formulating the research problem. Give suitable
examples to elucidate your points.
25. How do you define a research problem? Give three examples to illustrate your
26. What is the necessity of defining a research problem? Explain.
27. Write short notes on:
(a) Experience survey;
(b) Pilot survey;
(c) Components of a research problem;
(d) Rephrasing the research problem.
28. The task of defining the research problem often follows a sequential pattern.
29. Knowing what data are available often serves to narrow down the problem
itself as well as the technique that might be used. Explain the underlying idea in
this statement in the context of defining a research problem.

Unit 2: Basic instrumentation

Syllabus : 2. Basic instrumentation
Instrumentation schemes, Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments used in
experimental set up, Performance under flow or motion conditions, Data collection
using a digital computer system, Linear scaling for receiver and fidelity of instrument,
Role of DSP is collected data contains noise.

Write a note on Instrumentation scheme.

Explain the static and dynamic characteristics of Instruments.
Explain the role of DSP in data collection in noisy environment.
Describe the application areas where one can use data collection system using
digital computer system. Justify your answer by giving suitable example.

5. Explain the stages of an instrument. Define instrumentation. What are the

characteristics of static and dynamic instrumentation? What is the role of
instrument in research?
6. Explain the Dynamic Characteristic of Instrument
7. Explain the static characteristics of instruments
8. What are the different characteristics of instruments? Explain each with suitable
9. Explain with suitable system(e. g. Level/pressure/temperature etc.) the
parameters and cautions during the data collection to the computer and feedback
signal to the system(actuators) from computer.
10. Set a computational model to predict performance of experimental system.
11. Explain multiscale modeling?
12. Write short notes on:
Role of DSP is collected data contains noise,
Performance under flow,
Performance under motion conditions,
Linear scaling,
v. Fidelity of instrument,
Data collection using a digital computer system.

Unit 3: Applied statistics

Syllabus : 3. Applied statistics
Regression analysis, Parameter estimation, Multivariate statistics, Principal component
analysis, Moments and response curve methods, State vector machines and uncertainty
analysis, Probable errors in the research, Error analysis
1. Processing of data implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation.
Describe in brief these four operations pointing out the significance of each in
context of research study.
2. How will you differentiate between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics?
Describe the important statistical measures often used to summaries the
survey/research data.
3. Explain the meaning and significance of the concept of Standard Error in
sampling Analysis.
4. What do you mean by multivariate techniques? Name the important multivariate
techniques and explain the important characteristic of each one of such
5. Write a brief note on different types of techniques of data analysis & pointing out
the significance of each.
6. What do you mean by multivariate analysis? Explain how it differs from
Bivariate analysis
7. Write a note on Hypothesis in context to Research.
8. List various methods of Testing Hypothesis? Explain any one.
9. Explain Chi square test.
10. Write a note on ANOVA
11. Write a note on Types of Errors involved in the Measurement
12. Discuss Uncertainty Analysis with a suitable example.
13. Describe the data collection using digital computer system
14. What is statistical interference? Explain the types of statistical inferences.
15. Discuss multiple correlation and regression for data analysis. Apply the method
for a selected/given data.
16. Explain the difference between correlation & regression analysis.

17. Explain how you will use chi test used for interpreting results of your research
18. Explain the steps in research design
19. Explain the formulation of research problem
20. Explain the steps of research proposal.
21. Write short notes on:

Response curve methods,

Uncertainty analysis,
Parameter estimation,
Principal component analysis

22. Discuss probable errors in the research.

23. Explain what do you mean by principal component analysis and how it is useful
in engineering research?

Unit 4: Modeling and prediction of performance

Syllabus : 4. Modelling and prediction of performance
Setting up a computing model to predict performance of experimental system, Multiscale modelling and verifying performance of process system, Nonlinear analysis of
system and asymptotic analysis, Verifying if assumptions hold true for a given
apparatus setup, Plotting family of performance curves to study trends and tendencies,
Sensitivity theory and applications.
1. Discuss the important of mathematical models in an engineering research study.
2. What are different types of mathematical models in an engineering study?
Analyze your own research problem from view point of model development.
(Any case study of your own choice in any field will be acceptable).
3. Write steady and unsteady state mathematical model for any research problem of
your choice. Discuss the mathematical strategy / steps to solve it and usefulness
of the results obtained from simulations in analyzing your research problem
(Any case study of your own choice in any field will be acceptable)
4. Explain the concept of a model & the utility of modeling research? What type of
model can you think of in the context of your research proposal?
5. Explain mathematical models as a conceptual model as a system. Explain the
modeling elements & their interrelationship.
6. Explain importance of nonlinear analysis of system in engineering research.
7. What do you mean by asymptotic analysis? Explain with suitable example.
8. Explain importance of plotting family of performance curves to study trends
9. How to verify performance of process system?
10. What is family of performance curves?
11. Explain the role of performance curves to study trends and tendencies?
12. Explain Non-linearity the systems. How the overall analysis of the non-linear
systems is carried out?
13. Write short notes on:

Multi-scale modeling,


Verifying if assumptions,


Performance curves to study trends and tendencies,


Computing model to predict performance of experimental system,


Sensitivity analysis.

14. Enumerate types of plotting of performance curves and explain any two types
with suitable engineering applications.

Unit 5: Developing a Research Proposal

Syllabus : 5. Developing a Research Proposal
Format of research proposal, Individual research proposal, Institutional proposal

Describe, in brief, the layout of a research report, covering all relevant points.
Write a short note on Documentation in the context of a research report.
What points will you keep in mind while preparing a research report? Explain.
What are the different forms in which a research work may be reported. Describe.
Write short notes on the following:
i. The techniques of writing report;
ii. Characteristics of a good research report;
iii. Bibliography and its importance in context of research report;
1. Rewriting and polishing of report
2. Write any one research proposal of your own interest which should includes the
following points.
a) Project Summary
b) Project Description
i. Objective and Significance
ii. Literature Review
iii. Research Methodology
iv. Research Plan
v. Conclusions

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