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Consecration of the Elect

to the
According to the
Pontificale Romanum
of 1595
(Last revision: 1962)

Transcriber's note: The Latin text is from the Pontificale Romanum editio princeps (1595-1596), which is available from (This edition includes a useful chart which lists the ceremonies found in the 1595 Pontifical e.g., De benedictione, et
coronatione Regis that had fallen into desuetude and hence were not included in the 1962 revision.)
The English translation is my own. The reader is kindly asked to remember that this translation is only meant as an aid in understanding
the official Latin text. In places, it is impossible to translate the Latin "word-for-word" into English, and so a general familiarity with Latin
is indispensible if one would gain a more accurate sense of the prayers and rubrics.
The Clementine pontifical went through some very minor revisions over the centuries none of them noteworthy for our purposes here.
For the most part, the rite of episcopal consecration was the same in 1595 as it was in 1962. Indeed, even the 1595 Pontifical was based
directly upon existing practice that had grown from the received tradition of preceding ages.
Now, outside the courts of Rome, there existed various liturgical "Uses" of the Roman Rite such as the Uses in England, in the dioceses
of Sarum, Bangor, Hereford, and so on. By the time of the Reformation, the Sarum Use had come into ascendancy and was adopted
throughout England. It is important to note, however, that the minor ceremonial differences between the Clemetine rite, below, and the
Sarum Pontifical for the most part do not touch upon the actual prayers themselves; the prayers were nearly identical in both
pontificals, based as they were upon the same venerable Roman and Gallican sources. (Among the more conspicuous differences were
the order of the prayers and the position of the Litany, for example. See Lowndes' Note on the Sarum Ordinal.)
For the full text of the Sarum Pontifical rite, the reader is referred to William Maskell's Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Cf.
also Frere's revision of Proctor's A New History of the Book of Common Prayer (Macmillan, London; 1901), pp. 294-300.
As always, I welcome all comments and corrections. The reader is kindly asked to direct all feedback to The York Forum.
Joseph Oliveri
5 April 2004

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of the ELECT to the

Nemo consecrari debet, nisi prius constet Consecratori de

commissione consecrandi, sive per literas Apostolicas, si fit extra
curiam, sive per commissionem vivae vocis oraculo a summo
Pontifice Consecratori factam, si Consecrator ipse fit Cardinalis.

No one ought to be Consecrated unless his commission is already

well-known to the Consecrator -- whether through an Apostolic
Letter, if the commission is made outside of the [Roman] court;
or through a spoken commission made by the solemn utterance of
the Supreme Pontiff to the Consecrator, if the latter is himself a

Statuta die consecrationis, quae debet esse Dominica, vel

natalitium Apostolorum, vel etiam festiva, si summus Pontifex hoc
specialiter indulserit: et tam Consecrator, quam Electus
conveniens est, ut praecedenti die ieiunent.

The day of the consecration ought to be a Sunday -- either the

feast of the Apostles, or another feast if the Supreme Pontiff shall
have allowed this specially; and it is appropriate that both the
Consecrator and Elect should fast on the preceding day.

Consecratio, si extra curiam Romanam fiat, in Ecclesia, ad quam

promoti fuerint, aut in provincia, si commode fieri poterit,

If the consecration is to take place outside of the Roman court, let

it be celebrated in the Church to which they [i.e., the Elect]
shall be promoted, or in the province, if this can be properly

In Ecclesia, ubi fiet consecratio, ornantur duae capellae, major pro

Consecrante, et minor pro Electo. Et in majori quidem, super altari

Two chapels are furnished in the Church where the consecration

will take place: a larger one for the Consecrator, and a smaller one
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parato, ut est moris, erit crux in medio, et ad minus quatuor

candelabra. In terra ad gradus altaris erunt tapetia strata, super
quibus procumbit Electus, sed Consecrator, et alii genuflectent.

for the Elect. And in the greater, upon the altar (which has been
prepared), there will be according to custom a cross in the center,
and at least four candles. On the ground near the altar steps there
will be tapestries, upon which the Elect shall lie prostrate but the
Consecrator and others shall kneel.

Paratur etiam in loco propinquo et congruo credentia pro

Consecratore, super quam erit mappa munda, duo candelabra;
vasa ad abluendum manus cum suis mantilibus; vas cum aqua
benedicta, et aspersorio; thuribulum cum navicella, cochleari, et
incenso, si Officium fit in cantu, alias non; ampullae cum vino, et
aqua pro sacrificio; Calix, hostiaria cum hostiis; medulla panis pro
abstergendis manibus; sanctum Chrisma.

In a nearby and suitable place, a small table for the Consecrator is

also prepared, upon which shall be: a clean napkin; two candles;
vessels for washing the hands, together with towels; a vessel of
holy water with a sprinkler; a thurible with a boat, spoon, and
incense, if the Office is to be chanted (otherwise these are
omitted); cruets of wine and water for the sacrifice; a Chalice; a
large paten with hosts; breadcrumbs for wiping the hands; and
holy Chrism.

Item paramenta omnia Pontificalia, coloris tempori et officio

Missae convenientis, videlicet, sandalia, amictus, alba, cingulum,
crux pectoralis, stola, tunicella, dalmatica, chirothecae, planeta,
mitra auriphrygiata, annulus Pontificalis, baculus Pastoralis,
manipulus, et gremiale.

Likewise to be procured are all the Pontifical vestments, each

corresponding to the color of the season and the office of the Mass
-- namely: slippers; amice; alb; cincture; pectoral cross; stole;
tunic; dalmatic; gauntlets; chasuble; a brocade mitre [i.e., a
mitre of white silk embroidered with gold or silver
orphreys, generally reserved for solemn celebrations];
Pontifical ring; Pastoral staff; maniple; and apron.

Item paratur faldistorium ornatum pro Consecratore; et tres

sedes pro Electo, et duobus Episcopis assistentibus; Missale et
Pontificale. Consecrator habeat tres Capellanos ad minus, cum
superpelliceis, et duos scutiferos ad credentiam.

Also prepared is a faldstool decorated for the Consecrator; three

chairs, one each for the Elect and the two assisting Bishops; and a
Missal and Pontifical. The Consecrator shall have at least three
chaplains, vested in surplices, and two insignia-bearers at the
credence table.

In capella vero minore pro Electo, quae a majore debet esse

distincta, paratur altare cum cruce, et duos candelabris, et super
illud Missale, et Pontificale; ac paramenta omnia Pontificalia albi
coloris, ut supra pro Consecratore numerata sunt; et ultra illa,
pluviale album, et prope altare credentia minor cum mappa
munda, et vasis ad abluendum manus, et medulla panis ad
extergendum manus, et caput.

To be sure, in the lesser chapel for the Elect -- which ought to be

distinct from the greater -- an altar is furnished with a cross and
two candles, and with a Missal and Pontifical upon it. All of the
Pontifical vestments in white are set out, as above for the
Consecrator; and in addition to those, a white cope is also to be
provided. Near the altar there is to be a small credence table with
a clean napkin and vessels for washing the hands, and
breadcrumbs for wiping the hands and head.

Ponuntur etiam octo mappulae ex duabus cannis panni linei

subtilis, per medium scissis in longitudinem, quarum duae sint
longitudinis sex palmorum quaelibet, aliae vero sex aequalis sint
quantitatis. Et candelae saltem octo, unius librae quaelibet,
quar um quatuor super altare Consecrantis, duae super ejus
credentiam, et duae super altare Electi ponuntur.

Eight handkerchiefs are also layed out, fashioned from two woven
linen cloths scored down the center and cut through the length. Of
these handkerchiefs, any two should be six spans [of the hand]
in length, while the other six are equal in size. Additionally there
are to be at least eight tapers, any of one-pound weight, of which
four are placed on the altar of the Consecrator, two upon his
credence table, and two on the altar of the Elect.

Annulus cum gemma benedicendus, et Electo tradendus, pecten

eburneus. Et pro Offertorio intortitia duo, quatuor librarum
quodlibet, duo panes magni, et duo barilia vini; panes et barilia
ornentur, duo, videlicet, videantur argentea, et duo aurea, hinc et
inde insignia Consecratoris, et Electi habentia, cum capello, vel
cruce, vel mitra pro cujusque gradu et dignitate.

A ring with a cabochon, to be blessed and given to the Elect, is

likewise furnished; as is an ivory comb. And for the Offertory, let
two torches be procured [ a n intortitium is literally a
"twisted" candle consisting of two or more tapers], any of
four-pound weight, along with two large loaves of bread and two
small barrels of wine. Let the loaves and barrels be decorated in
such a way that they might be seen to bear the insignia of the
Consecrator and of the Elect -- two in silver, and two in gold -here and there, with a hat, cross or mitre representing their rank
and dignity.

Adsint duo ad minus Episcopi assistentes, qui induuntur rochetto,

et si sint Regulares, superpelliceo, amictu, stola pluviali, quae cum
reliquis paramentis sint coloris tempori et officio Missae
congruentis, et mitra simplici alba, et quisque habeat suum

There should be at least two assisting Bishops, vested in rochet,

and -- if they are Regulars -- with a surplice, amice, stole and cope
(which, together with the remaining vestments, are to be the color
of the season and corresponding to the office of the Mass), and a
plain white mitre. Let each have his own Pontifical as well.

Hora igitur competenti Consecrator, Electus, assistentes Episcopi,

et alii, qui consecrationi interesse debent, ad Ecclesiam
conveniunt, et Consecrator, facta oratione ante altare, ascendit ad
sedem, si sit in Ecclesia sua, vel accedit ad faldistorium in capella
sua, juxta cornu Epistolae praeparatum, et ibi de more paratur.
Electus vero cum assistentibus Episcopis vadit ad capellam suam,
et ibi capit paramenta opportuna, videlicet, si Missa cantatur,
amictum, albam, cingulum, stolam in modum Sacerdotis, et
pluviale. Si vero Officium legitur, poterit, antequam dicta
paramenta accipiat, capere sandalia et legere Psalm. Quam dilecta,
etc. Assistentes etiam Episcopi interim sua paramenta praedicta
capiunt. Omnibus itaque paratis, Consecrator accedit ante altare,
et ibi in medio sedet super faldistorium, vertens renes altari.
Electus vero cum suo bireto ducitur sic paratus, medius inter
assistentes sibi Episcopos paratos, et mitratos, et cum ante
Consecratorem pervenerit, nudato capite, illud profunde
inclinando, ei reverentiam facit, assistentes vero Episcopi eidem
cum mitra caput aliquantulum inclinant.

And so at the appointed hour, the Consecrator, Elect, assisting

Bishops, and others who ought to be present for the consecration
convene in the Church. The Consecrator, having said a prayer
before the altar, ascends the throne if he is in his own Church;
otherwise he approaches the faldstool in his chapel, set up near
the Epistle side of the altar, and he is there made ready according
to custom. The Elect goes to his chapel accompanied by his
assistants, and there he takes the proper vestments: namely, if
the Mass is sung, an amice, alb, cincture, and stole worn in the
priestly manner, and a cope. If however the Office is read, before
he receives the aforesaid vestments the Elect shall be able to take
his slippers and read the Psalm Quam dilecta, etc. Meanwhile, the
assisting Bishops take their own aforesaid vestments. Once all
have been vested, the Consecrator goes before the altar, and there
he sits upon the faldstool in the middle, turning his back to the
altar. The Elect, thus prepared and wearing his biretta, is led
between the Bishops assisting him, who are vested and mitred.
And when he shall have come before the Consecrator, the Elect -having bared his head and bowing it profoundly -- makes his
reverence to the Consecrator; but the assisting Bishops, still
wearing the mitre, incline their heads to him slightly.
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Tum sedent in sedibus suis, ante Consecratorem, hoc modo:

Electus contra faciem Consecratoris, ita ut inter eos sit competens
distantia. Antiquior Episcopus assistens ad dexteram Electi, junior
ad sinistram; ita tamen, quod ipsi Assistentes ad alterutrum facies
vertant. Cum sic locati fuerint, et aliquantulum quieverint,
surgunt, Electus sine bireto, et assistentes Episcopi sine mitris, et
senior Assistentium versus ad Consecratorem dicit:
Reverendissime pater, postulat sancta mater Ecclesia Catholica, ut
hunc praesentem Presbyterum ad onus Episcopatus sublevetis.


They then sit in their thrones before the Consecrator in this

manner: the Elect is facing the Consecrator, in such a way that
there is suitable distance between them; the senior assisting
Bishop is at the right of the Elect, while the younger is at his left,
yet in such a way that the Assistants themselves may turn to face
each other. Once they have been thus arranged, and observed a
short silence, they rise -- the Elect without his biretta, and the
assisting Bishops without their mitres -- and the elder of the
Assistants turns to the Consecrator and says:
Most Reverend father, our Holy Mother the Catholic Church
prays you to elevate this Priest here present to the order of the

Consecrator dicit:

The Consecrator says:

Habetis mandatum Apostolicum?

Have ye the Apostolic mandate?

Respondet Episcopus senior Assistentium:

The elder Bishop of the Assistants responds:


We have.

Consecrator dicit:

The Consecrator says:


Let it be read.

Tum notarius Consecratoris accipiens mandatum de manu

Episcopi assistentis, legit a principio ad finem. Interim sedent
omnes, tectis capitibus. Mandato per notarium perlecto,
Consecrator dicit:

Then the notary of the Consecrator accepts the mandate from the
hand of the assisting Bishop and reads it from beginning to end.
Meanwhile all are seated, with their heads covered. Once the
mandate has been read in full by the notary, the Consecrator says:

Deo gratias.

Thanks be to God.

Vel, si consecratio fit vigore litterarum Apostolicarum, per quas

etiam juramenti per Electum praestandi receptio Consecratori
committitur, litteris ipsis lectis, antequam Consecrator aliud dicat,
Electus de sede sua veniens coram Consecratore genuflectit; et
legit juramentum de verbo ad verbum, juxta tenorem
commissionis praedictae praestandum, in hunc modum, videlicet:

If however the consecration is granted by force of an Apostolic

Letter, through which even the reception of the oath at hand is
committed to the Consecrator by the Elect, the following is
observed: once the letter has been read, and before the
Consecrator says anything, the Elect rises from his seat and kneels
before the Consecrator; and he reads the oath word for word
according to the manifest nature of the aforesaid commission, in
this way, namely:


The Form of the Oath

Ego N. Electus Ecclesiae N. ab hac hora in antea fidelis, et obediens

ero beato Petro Apostolo, sanctaeque Romanae Ecclesiae et
Domino nostro, Domino N. Papae N. suisque Successoribus
canonice intrantibus. Non ero in consilio, aut consensu, vel facto, ut
vitam perdant, aut membrum, seu capiantur mala captione, aut in
eos violenter manus quomodolibet ingerantur, vel injuriae aliquae
inferantur, quovis quaesito colore. Consilium vero, quod mihi
credituri sunt, per se, aut Nuntios suos, seu litteras, ad eorum
damnum, me sciente, nemini pandam.

I, N., Elect of the Church of N., shall be from this hour, as I have
been formerly, faithful and obedient to Blessed Peter the Apostle,
to the Holy Roman Church, and to our lord, Lord N., Pope N., and
to his successors entering canonically. I shall not be party to any
plot, conspiracy, or exploit that they might lose life or limb, or that
they might be seized through wicked deception, or that hands
might be layed violently upon them in any way, or that they might
be brought to any injury, sought by any artful excuse whatsoever.
Indeed, whatever plan they shall entrust to me, whether through
themselves, or their Nuncios or letters, I shall knowingly reveal to
no one, to their injury.

Papatum Romunum, et Regalia sancti Petri, adjutor eis ero ad

retinendum, et defendendum, salvo meo ordine, contra omnem

I will be their helper, together with my order [lit., my order

being whole/well], in order to retain and defend the Roman
Papacy against every man.

Legatum Apostolicae Sedis ineundo et redeundo honorifice

tractabo, et in suis necessitatibus adjuvabo.

I will treat the Legate of the Apostolic See honorably in his coming
and going, and I will help him in his necessities.

Jura, honores, privilegia, et auctoritatem sanctae Romanae

Ecclesiae, Domini nostri Papae, et Successorum praedictorum,
conservare, defendere, augere, et promovere curabo.

I will take care to preserve, defend, increase and promote the

rights, honors, privileges and authority of the Holy Roman Church,
of our Lord Pope, and of his aforesaid successors.

Neque ero in consilio, vel facto, seu tractatu, in quibus contra

ipsum Dominum nostrum, vel eamdem Romanam Ecclesiam,
aliqua sinistra, vel praejudicialia personarum, juris, honoris, status,
e t potestatis eorum machinentur. Et si talia a quibuscumque
tractari, vel procurari novero, impediam hoc pro posse: et quanto
citius potero, significabo eidem Domino nostro vel alteri, per quem
possit ad ipsius notitiam pervenire.

Neither will I be party to any plan, deed, or treatment in which,

against the same our Lord or the same Roman Church, some
matters adverse to or prejudicial of their persons, law, honor,
position, or power might be contrived. And if I shall recognize such
plans being handled or managed by anyone whatsoever, I will
hinder this to the best of my ability: and as quickly as I may, I will
notify the same our Lord or another through whom he might
arrive at news of this.

Regulas sanctorum Patrum, decreta, ordinationes seu

dispositiones, reservationes, provisiones, et mandata Apostolica,
totis viribus observabo, et faciam ab aliis observari.

I will do my utmost to keep the rules of the holy Fathers, the

resolutions, ordinances or decrees, reservations, provisions, and
Apostolic mandates; and I will make these to be kept by others.

Haereticos, schismaticos, et rebelles eidem Domino nostro, vel

Successoribus praedictis, pro posse persequar, et impugnabo.

To the best of my ability, I will pursue and assail heretics,

schismatics, and those in rebellion against the same our Lord or
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his aforesaid Successors.

Vocatus ad synodum, veniam, nisi praepeditus fuero Canonica
praepeditione. Apostolorum limina singulis trienniis personaliter
per me ipsum visitabo; et Domino nostro, ac Successoribus
praefatis, rationem reddam de toto meo pastorali officio, ac de
rebus omnibus ad meae Ecclesiae statum, ad cleri et populi
disciplinam, animarum denique, quae meae fidei traditae sunt,
salutem, quovis modo pertinentibus: et vicissim mandata
Apostolica humiliter recipiam, et quam diligentissime exsequar.
Quod si legitimo impedimento detentus fuero, praefata omnia
adimplebo per certum Nuntium ad hoc speciale mandatum
habentem, de gremio mei Capituli, aut alium in dignitate
ecclesiastica constitutum, seu alias personatum habentem: aut, his
mihi deficientibus, per dioecesanum Sacerdotem; et clero
deficiente omnino, per aliquem alium Presbyterum saecularem,
v e l regularem, spectatae probitatis, et religionis, de supradictis
omnibus plene instructum. De hujusmodi autem impedimento
docebo per legitimas probationes ad sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae
Cardinalem proponentem in Congregatione sacri Concilii, per
supradictum Nuntium transmittendas.

When summoned to a council, I shall come, unless I shall be

hindered by a canonical hindrance. I will personally of my own
accord visit the threshold of the Apostles every three years; and I
will render to our Lord, and to his aforementioned Successors, an
account of my entire pastoral office, and of all things in any way
pertaining to the state of my Church, to the discipline of the clergy
and people, and finally to the well-being of the souls which have
been entrusted to my care: and in turn I will humbly receive the
Apostolic commands, which I will carry out most diligently. But if I
shall be detained by a legitimate obstacle, I will provide all of the
above through a certain Nuncio having a mandate for this special
purpose, selected from the most trusted [lit., from the bosom]
of my Chapter, or someone appointed to ecclesiastical dignity, or
some other person holding rank [Not sure if it's possible to
render personatum here with exactness, although the
context provides the meaning clearly enough]. If these
options be lacking to me, I shall send through a diocesan Priest; or,
if clergy be altogether wanting, through some other secular or
regular Priest, of tested uprightness and religion, who has been
fully instructed in all the aforementioned particulars. Now
regarding a hindrance of this kind I shall provide legitimate proofs
-- to be transmitted through the aforesaid Nuncio -- to a Cardinal
of the Holy Roman Church, who might relate them before the
Congregation of the Sacred Council.

Possessiones vero ad mensam meam pertinentes non vendam, nec

donabo, neque impignorabo, nec de novo infeudabo, vel aliquo
m od o alienabo, etiam cum consensu Capituli Ecclesiae meae,
inconsulto Romano Pontifice. Et si ad aliquam alienationem
devenero, poenas in quadam super hoc edita constitutione
contentas, eo ipso incurrere volo.

I shall neither sell, donate, mortgage, contract anew, nor in any

other way transfer the possessiones belonging to my table, not
even with the consent of the Chapter of my Church, without
consulting the Roman Pontiff. And if I should arrive at such a
transfer, by that very act I wish to incur the penalties, in decreed
order, that are due for such an offense.

Consecrator in gremio suo librum Evangeliorum ambabus manibus

apertum tenens, inferiore parte libri Electo versa, ab eo
praestationem hujusmodi juramenti recipit, Electo adhuc coram eo
genuflexo dicente:

The Consecrator, holding the book of the Gospels open on his lap
with both hands, with the lower part of the book turned towards
the Elect, accepts from him the fulfillment of this oath, with the
Elect still kneeling before him saying:

Sic me Deus adjuvet, et haec sancta Dei Evangelia.

So help me God and these Holy Gospels of God.

Et ipsum textum Evangeliorum ambabus manibus tangente, tum,

non prius, dicit Consecrator:

And touching the very text of the Gospels with both hands -then, and not before -- the Consecrator says:

Deo gratias.

Thanks be to God.

Ad hoc tempus singulorum trienniorum tenentur omnes

Patriarchae, Primates, Archiepiscopi, atque Episcopi Itali,
videlicet, vel ex Italicis insulis, unde in Italiam commodius trajici
potest: veluti Siculi, Sardi, Corsi, et alii adjacentium provinciarum
Italiae, atque etiam Dalmatiae et Graecarum, quae e regione ipsius
Italiae, et Siciliae oris sunt.

To this period of every three years are bound all Patriarchs,

Primates, Archbishops, and Italian Bishops -- that is to say, even
from the Italian islands, whence it is more convenient pass
through into Italy: just as Sicilians, Sardinians, Corsicans, and
others of the adjacent provinces of Italy, and even those from
Dalmatia and Greece, which are easily accessible from Italy itself
and from the coasts of Sicily.

Ad tempus singulorum quadrienniorum Germani, Galli, Hispani,

Belgae, Bohemi, Hungari, Poloni, Angli, Scoti, Iberni, et ceteri
omnes, qui in Europa sunt citra mare Germanicum, et Balticum,
atque omnium Insularum maris Mediterranei.

To a period of every four years [are bound] Germans, French,

Spanish, Belgians, Bohemians, Hungarians, Poles, the English,
Scots, Irish, and all others who are in Europe on this side of the
North Sea and the Baltic, as well as those from all of the islands of
the Mediterranean.

Ad tempus singulorum quinquenniorum, qui intra Europae fines

sunt his provinciis remotiores, atque etiam Africani littoribus
nostris adversi, atque insularum maris Oceani, Septentrionalis, et
Occidentalis Europae, atque Africae, citra continentem novi orbis,
t a m qui nunc sunt, quam qui ad Catholicam fidem per
misericordiam Dei aliquando redierint.

To a period of every five years [are bound] those who, within

the boundaries of Europe, are more removed in these provinces,
as well as those Africans across from our shores, those from the
islands of the Atlantic ocean, from Northern and Western Europe,
and those from Africa nearer to the New World, so those who are
now, as much as those who at any time might return to the
Catholic faith through the mercy of God.

Ad tempus singulorum decenniorum Asiatici, et qui extra Asiam,

et in aliis novis terris Orientalibus, Meridionalibus, Occidentalibus,
et Septentrionalibus, tam in Insulis, quam in Continentibus, et
denique in quibuslibet mundi partibus exsistentes.

To a period of every ten years [are bound] Asians, those beyond

Asia, and those in other new Eastern, Southern, Western and
Northern lands, islands as well as continents -- in short, those
living in any part of the world.

Deinde Electo, et Assistentibus in locis suis (ut dictum est)

sedentibus, Consecrator intelligibili voce legit sequentem
examinationem, quae legi debet semper, sicut jacet, in singulari,
etiam si plures simul examinentur. Assistentes vero Episcopi
submissa voce dicunt quaecumque dixerit Consecrator, et omnes
debent tunc mitras tenere, et sedere.

Then the Consecrator reads to the Elect and to the Assisting

Bishops (seated in their places, as noted above) the following
examination, which always ought to be read just as it appears, in
the singular, even if several are being examined together. The
Assisting Bishops indeed say in a lower voice whatever the
Consecrator shall say, and at this time all should remain mitred
and seated.



Antiqua sanctorum Patrum institutio docet, et praecipit, ut is qui

An ancient institution of the Holy Fathers instructs and warns that
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ad Episcopatus ordinem eligitur, antea diligentissime examinetur

cum omni charitate, de fide sanctae Trinitatis: et interrogetur de
diversis causis, et moribus, quae huic regimini congruunt, ac
necessaria sunt retineri secundum Apostoli dictum: Manus nemini
cito imposueris. Et ut etiam is, qui ordinandus est, erudiatur,
qualiter sub hoc regimine constitutum oporteat conversari in
Ecclesia Dei; et ut irreprehensibiles sint, qui ei manus ordinationis
imponunt. Eadem itaque auctoritate et praecepto, interrogamus
t e , dilectissime frater, charitate sincera, si omnem prudentiam
tuam, quantum tua capax est natura, divinae Scripturae sensibus
accommodare volueris.

he who is chosen for the Episcopal order should be examined most

carefully beforehand, with all charity, concerning faith in the Holy
Trinity; and that he should be questioned on the different
situations and conduct suited to this governance, and indeed
regarding those things which are necessary to be observed,
according to the order of the Apostle: "Lay hands hastily upon no
man." [This ancient institution also warns that] He who is
to be ordained should also be taught how one appointed for this
governance ought to behave in the Church of God, so that they
should remain blameless who lay the hands of ordination upon
him. And so, dearly beloved brother, by this same authority and
command we ask you with genuine charity if you are willing, as far
as your nature is capable, to adjust your every judgment to the
meanings of divine Scripture.

Tum Electus aliquantulum assurgens, detecto capite, respondet:

Then the Elect, rising slightly with his head uncovered, responds:

Ita ex toto corde volo in omnibus consentire, et obedire.

Thus do I wish with my whole heart to conform and obey in all


Et hoc servabit ad omnes alias responsiones sequentes. Et si

plures Electi fuerint, successive quisque sic respondet.

And this [manner of address] he shall observe at all of the

other responses following. And if there should be more Bishopselect, they each respond in this manner successively.

Interrogat Consecrator.

The Consecrator asks:

Vis ea, quae ex divinis Scripturis intelligis, plebem, cui ordinandus

es, et verbis docere, et exemplis?

Will you teach, by word and example, those things which you
discern from divine Scriptures to the people for whom you are
about to be ordained?

I will.


V is traditiones orthodoxorum Patrum, ac Decretales sanctae et

Apostolicae Sedis constitutiones veneranter suscipere, docere, ac

Will you reverently receive, teach and observe the traditions of

the orthodox Fathers and the Decreed Ordinances of the holy and
Apostolic See?


I will.



Vis beato Petro Apostolo, cui a Deo data est potestas ligandi, ac
solvendi; ejusque Vicario Domino nostro, Domino N. Papae N.
suisque Successoribus, Romanis Pontificibus, fidem, subjectionem,
et obedientiam, secundum canonicam auctoritatem, per omnia

Will you offer in all things faith, subjection, and obedience,

according to the canonical authority, to blessed Peter the Apostle,
to whom the power of binding and loosing has been given by God;
and to his Vicar, our Lord, Lord N. Pope N.; and to his Successors,
the Roman Pontiffs?


I will.



Vis mores tuos ab omni malo temperare, et quantum poteris,

Domino adjuvante, ad omne bonum commutare?

Will you keep your ways from every evil, and as far as you are
able, God being your helper, will you change them towards every

I will.


V i s castitatem, et sobrietatem cum Dei auxilio custodire, et


Will you, with God's help, observe and teach chastity and


I will.



Vis semper in divinis esse negotiis mancipatus, et a terrenis

negotiis, vel lucris turpibus alienus quantum te humana fragilitas
consenserit posse?

Will you always be given over to divine matters, and estranged

from earthly matters and disgraceful profits, as far as human
fraility shall permit you?


I will.



Vis humilitatem, et patientiam in teipso custodire et alios similiter


Will you observe humility and patience in yourself, and teach

others to do as well?


I will.



V i s pauperibus, et peregrinis, omnibusque indigentibus esse

propter nomen Domini affabilis, et misericors?

Will you be approachable and compassionate to the poor, to

strangers, and to all who are in need, for the sake of Lord's Name?
5 / 18




I will.

Tunc dicit ei Consecrator:

Then the Consecrator says to him:

Haec omnia, et caetera bona tribuat tibi Dominus, et custodiat te,

atque corroboret in omni bonitate.

May the Lord grant you all these, and other goodly things; and
may he preserve you and strengthen you in every goodness.

Et respondent omnes: Amen.

And all respond: Amen.



Cr edis, secundum intellegentiam, et capacitatem sensus tui,

sanctam Trinitatem, Patrem, et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum,
unum Deum omnipotentem, totamque in sancta Trinitate
Deitatem, coessentialem, consubstantialem, coaeternam, et
coomnipotentem, unius voluntatis, potestatis, et majestatis,
creatorem omnium creaturarum, a quo omnia, per quem omnia, et
in quo omnia, quae sunt in coelo, et in terra, visibilia, et invisibilia,
corporalia, et spiritualia?

Do you believe, according to your understanding and the capacity

of your perception, in the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit; One Almighty God and Deity complete in the Holy Trinity;
co-essential, consubstantial, co-eternal and co-omnipotent; of one
will, power and majesty; maker of all creatues; from whom,
through whom and in whom [were created] all things which are
in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, corporeal and

Assentio, et ita credo.

I assent and so believe.



Credis singulam quamque in sancta Trinitate personam unum

Deum, verum, plenum, et perfectum?

Do you believe that each person in the Holy Trinity [comprises]

one God, true, full and perfect?


I do believe.



Credis ipsum Filium Dei, Verbum Dei aeternaliter natum de Patre,

consubstantialem, coomnipotentem et coaequalem per omnia Patri
in divinitate, temporaliter natum de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria
semper Virgine, cum anima rationali, duas habentem nativitates,
unam ex Patre aeternam, alteram ex Matre temporalem, Deum
verum, et hominem verum, proprium in utraque natura, atque
perfectum, non adoptivum, nec phantasmaticum, sed unicum, et
unum Filium Dei in duabus, et ex duabus naturis, sed in unius
personae singularitate, impassibilem, et immortalem divininitate,
sed in humanitate pro nobis, et pro salute nostra passum vera
carnis passione, et sepultum, ac tertia die resurgentem a mortuis
vera carnis resurrectione; die quadragesimo post resurrectionem
cum carne, qua resurrexit, et anima ascendisse ad coelum, et
sedere ad dexteram Patris; inde venturum judicare vivos, et
mortuos; et redditurum unicuique secundum opera sua, sive bona
fuerint, sive mala?

Do you believe that the very Son of God, the Word of God
eternally born of the Father [is] consubstantial, co-omnipotent,
and co-equal to the Father in all things in His divinity; born in
time through the Holy Spirit to Mary ever Virgin, with a rational
soul and having two wills: one eternal from the Father, the other
temporal from His mother; that He is True God and true man, in
both natures distinct and perfect, neither grafted nor ghostly, but
the one and only Son of God in and from two natures yet in the
singularity of one person; that He is unsusceptible to pain and
immortal owing to His divinity, but in His humanity, for us and for
our salvation, He suffered true torment of the flesh, was buried,
and on the third day He rose again from the dead in a true
resurrection of the flesh; that on the fortieth day after the
resurrection, with His spirit and the flesh in which He had arisen,
He ascended into heaven and took his place at the right hand of
the Father, whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead;
and that He shall render to each man according to his works,
whether such be good or evil?

Assentio, et ita per omnia credo.

I assent and absolutely believe it to be so.



Credis etiam Spiritum Sanctum, plenum, et perfectum, verumque

Deum, a Patre et Filio procedentem, coaequalem, et
coessentialem, coomnipotentem, et coaeternum per omnia Patri,
et Filio?

Do you further believe that the Holy Spirit [is] full, perfect and
true God, proceeding from the Father and the Son; co-equal and
co-essential, co-omnipotent and co-eternal to the Father and the
Son in all things?


I do believe.



Credis hanc sanctam Trinitatem, non tres Deos, sed unum Deum
omnipotentem, aeternum, invisibilem, et incommutabilem?

Do you believe that this Holy Trinity [is] not three Gods but one
God, almighty, eternal, invisible and unchangeable?


I do believe.



Credis sanctam, catholicam, et apostolicam, unam esse veram

Ecclesiam, in qua unum datur verum baptisma, et vera omnium
remissio peccatorum?

Do you believe that the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is the
one true Church, in which is conferred one true baptism, and true
remission of all sins?


I do believe.



Anathematizas etiam omnem haeresim, extollentem se adversus

hanc sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam?

Do you also anathematize every heresy raising itself against this

Holy Catholic Church?


I anathematize them.
6 / 18





Credis etiam veram resurrectionem ejusdem carnis, quam nunc

gestas, et vitam aeternam?

Do you also believe in the true resurrection of the same flesh

which you now bear, and in eternal life?


I do believe.



Credis etiam novi, et veteris Testamenti, legis, et Prophetarum, et

unum esse auctorem Deum, ac Dominum

Do you also believe that God, the Lord almighty, is the sole author
of the New and Old Testaments, of the Law, and of the Prophets
and the Apostles?


I do believe.

Postea Consecrator dicit:

Afterwards the Consecrator says:

Haec tibi fides augeatur a Domino, ad veram, et aeternam

beatitudinem, dilectissime frater in Christo.

Dearest brother in Christ, may this faith be increased in you by

the Lord, to your true and eternal happiness.

Et respondent omnes: Amen.

And all respond: Amen.

Expleto itaque examine, praefati assistentes Episcopi ducunt

Electum ad Consecratorem, coram quo genuflexus, ejus manum
reverenter osculatur. Tunc Consecrator, deposita mitra, cum
ministris ad altare conversus, facit, solito more, Confessionem,
Electo a sinistris ejus manente: et omnes Episcopi ante sedes suas
stantes faciunt similiter Confessionem cum Capellanis suis. Facta
itaque Confessione, Consecrator ascendit ad altare, et osculatur
illud, et Evangelium in Missa dicendum; et incensat altare, more
solito. Deinde vadit ad sedem suam, vel faldistorium, procedit in
Missa usque ad Alleluia, sive ultimum Versum Tractus, vel
Sequentiae exclusive.

And so, once the examination is finished, the aforesaid assisting

Bishops lead the Elect to the Consecrator. Genuflecting before
him, the Elect reverently kisses the Consecrator's hand. Then the
Consecrator, having put off his mitre, turns towards the altar with
his ministers and makes his Confession in the customary way,
with the Elect remaining at his left: and all of the Bishops, standing
before their seats, similarly make their Confession with their
chaplains. The Confession being done, the Consecrator ascends to
the altar and kisses it and the Gospel which is to be read during
the Mass. He then goes to his seat, or to the faldstool, and
continues with the Mass up to the Alleluia, or to the last verse of
the Tract or the Sequence exclusively.

Si vero Missa legitur, osculato altari, et Evangelio omissa

incensatione, omnia praedicta legit in altari, et illis dictis, sive
Missa legatur, sive cantetur, redit cum mitra ad sedendum in
faldistorio, quod ante medium altaris sibi reponitur.

If however the Mass is read, after the altar and Gospel are kissed,
the censing being omitted, he reads all of the above at the altar;
and once these have been said, whether the Mass is read or sung,
he returns wearing his mitre to his seat at the faldstool, which is
restored before the middle of the altar for him.

Episcopi vero assistentes ducunt Electum ad capellam suam, et ibi

deposito pluviali, Acolythi induunt illum sandalia, ipso Psalmos, et
Orationes consuetas legente, prius illa non acceperit. Tum accipit
crucem pectoralem, et stola ei aptatur, ut ab humeris dependeat.
Deinde tunicella, dalmatica, casula, et manipulo induitur; quibus
indutus accedit ad suum altare, ubi stans in medio medius inter
Episcopos assistentes, detecto capite legit totum Officium Missae,
usque ad Alleluia, sive ultimum Versum Tractus vel Sequentiae
exclusive; nec vertit se ad populum cum dicit, Dominus vobiscum,
ut in aliis Missis fieri solet.

The assisting Bishops however conduct the Elect to his chapel; and
there, once he has put off the cope, Acolytes place sandals on his
feet, assuming he had not taken the sandals earlier for the reading
of the customary Psalms and Prayers. Then he takes the pectoral
cross, and the stole is fitted for him so that it may hang down from
the shoulders. Thereupon he is vested with the tunic, dalmatic,
chasuble and maniple; and having been so vested, he goes to his
altar where, standing in the middle between the assisting Bishops,
with his head uncovered, he reads the entire Office of the Mass as
far as the Alleluia, or up to the last verse of the Tract or Sequence
exclusively; nor does he turn towards the people when he says,
The Lord be with you, as is usually done at other Masses.

Propter Ordinationes Episcoporum numquam mutatur Officium

diei; dicitur tamen post Collectam diei pro Officio Consecrationis,
Collecta pro Electo, sub uno Per Dominum nostrum, etc.

The Office of the day is never changed on account of the

Ordinations of Bishops; however, after the Collect of the day for
the Office of Consecration, the Collect for the Elect is read,
followed by a single Through our Lord, etc.



A de s t o supplicationibus nostris, omnipotens Deus, ut quod

humilitatis nostrae gerendum est ministerio, tuae virtutis
impleatur effectu. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum, Christum Filium
tuum, qui tecum vivit, et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus,
per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Attend to our prayers, Almighty God, so that that which is to be

done by the ministry of our lowliness might be fulfilled by the
effect of Your excellence; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your
Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.

Finito Graduali, si Alleluia dicitur, alioquin dicto Tractu vel
Sequentia, usque ad ultimum Versum exclusive, Consecrator
accedit ad faldistorium ante medium altaris, et ibi sedet cum
mitra; assistentes vero Episcopi iterum ducunt Electum ad
Consecratorem, cui Electus, deposito bireto, caput profunde
inclinans humilem reverentiam facit: Assistentes vero cum mitris
se aliquantulum inclinantes, etiam Consecratorem venerantur.
Tum sedent omnes, ut prius; et Consecrator sedens cum mitra,
versus ad illum, dicit:
Episcopum oportet judicare, interpretari, consecrare, ordinare,
offerre, baptizare, et confirmare.

Once the Gradual is finished -- if the Alleluia is said -- or else once
the Tract or Sequence have been read up to the last verse
exclusively, the Consecrator approaches the faldstool before the
middle of the altar, and there he takes his seat and resumes his
mitre. The assisting Bishops however conduct the Elect once again
to the Consecrator, to whom the Elect, having put off his biretta,
makes a sign of humble reverence, bowing his head profoundly;
but the assisting Bishops, also paying respect to the Consecrator,
incline themselves slightly, wearing their mitres. Then all are
seated as before; and the Consecrator, seated with his mitre,
turning towards him says:
A Bishop ought to judge, interpret, consecrate, ordain, offer,
baptize and confirm.

Deinde omnibus surgentibus, Consecrator stans cum mitra, dicit

Then, once all have risen, the Consecrator, standing with his
7 / 18



ad circumstantes:

mitre, says to those present:

Oremus, fratres charissimi, ut huic Electo utilitati Ecclesiae

providens benignitas omnipotentis Dei gratiae suae tribuat
largitatem. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Dearly beloved brethren, let us pray that the provident generosity

of Almighty God might grant an abundance of His grace to this
Elect for the benefit of the Church. Through Christ our Lord.



Et mox Consecrator ante faldistorium suum, et assistentes

Episcopi ante sedes suas cum mitris procumbunt; Electus vero
prosternit se a sinistris Consecratoris; ministri etiam, atque alii
omnes genuflectunt.

And thereupon the Consecrator kneels at the faldstool, and the

assisting Bishops at their own seats, wearing their mitres; but the
Elect prostrates himself at the Consecrator's left; and even the
ministers, and all others, kneel.

Tum cantor, vel, si officium fit legendo, Consecrator incipit


Then the cantor -- or, if the office is to be read, the Consecrator -begins the Litany:

Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Christe, audi nos.

Christe, exaudi nos.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, mercifully hear us.

Pater de coelis Deus,

/ Miserere nobis.
Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, /
Spiritus Sancte Deus, /
Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, /

God the Father of heaven,

/ Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, /
God the Holy Ghost, /
Holy Trinity, one God, /

Sancta Maria,
/ Ora pro nobis
Sancta Dei Genitrix, /
Sancta Virgo virginum, /

Holy Mary,
/ Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God /
Holy Virgin of virgins, /

Sancte Michael,
/ Ora pro nobis
Sancte Gabriel, /
Sancte Raphael, /

St. Michael,
/ Pray for us.
St. Gabriel, /
St. Raphael, /

Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli,

/ Orate pro nobis.
Omnes sancti beatorum Spiritum ordines, /

All you holy Angels and Archangels,

/ Pray for us.
All you holy orders of blessed Spirits, /

Sancte Joannes Baptista,

/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Joseph, /

St. John the Baptist,

/ Pray for us.
St. Joseph, /

Omnes sancti Patriarchae et Prophetae,

/ Orate pro nobis.

All you holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

/ Pray for us.

Sancte Petre,
/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Paule, /
Sancte Andrea, /
Sancte Jacobe, /
Sancte Joannes, /
Sancte Thoma, /
Sancte Jacobe, /
Sancte Philippe, /
Sancte Bartholomaee, /
Sancte Matthaee, /
Sancte Simon, /
Sancte Thaddaee, /
Sancte Matthia, /
Sancte Barnaba, /
Sancte Luca, /
Sancte Marce, /

St. Peter,
/ Pray for us.
St. Paul, /
St. Andrew, /
St. James, /
St. John, /
St. Thomas, /
St. James, /
St. Philip, /
St. Bartholomew, /
St. Matthew, /
St. Simon, /
St. Thaddeus, /
St. Matthias, /
St. Barnabas, /
St. Luke, /
St. Mark, /

Omnes sancti Apostoli et Evangelistae,

/ Orate pro nobis.
Omnes sancti Discipuli Domini, /
Omnes sancti Innocentes, /

All you holy Apostles and Evangelists,

/ Pray for us.
All you holy Disciples of the Lord, /
All you holy Innocents, /

Sancte Stephanae,
/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Laurenti, /
Sancte Vincenti, /
Sancte Fabiane et Sebastiane,
/ Orate pro nobis.
Sancte Joannes et Paule, /
Sancte Cosma et Damiane, /
Sancte Gervasi et Protasi, /

St. Stephen,
/ Pray for us.
St. Lawrence, /
St. Vincent, /
Sts. Fabian and Sebastian,
/ Pray for us.
Sts. John and Paul, /
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, /
Sts. Gervase and Protase, /

Omnes sancti Martyres, /

All you holy Martyrs, /
8 / 18



Sancte Silvester,
/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Gregori, /
Sancte Ambrosi, /
Sancte Augustine, /
Sancte Hieronyme, /
Sancte Martine, /
Sancte Nicolae, /

St. Sylvester, /
/ Pray for us.
St. Gregory, /
St. Ambrose, /
St. Augustine, /
St. Jerome, /
St. Martin, /
St. Nicholas, /

Omnes sancti Pontifices, et Confessores,

/ Orate pro nobis.
Omnes sancti Doctores, /

All you holy Bishops and Confessors,

/ Pray for us.
All you holy Doctors, /

Sancte Antoni,
/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancte Benedicte, /
Sancte Bernarde, /
Sancte Dominice, /
Sancte Francisce, /

St. Anthony,
/ Pray for us.
St. Benedict, /
St. Bernard, /
St. Dominic, /
St. Francis, /

Omnes sancti Sacerdotes et Levitae,

/ Orate pro nobis.
Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremitae, /

All you holy Priests and Levites,

/ Pray for us.
All you holy Monks and Hermits, /

Sancta Maria Magdalena,

/ Ora pro nobis.
Sancta Agatha, /
Sancta Lucia, /
Sancta Agnes, /
Sancta Caecilia, /
Sancta Catharina, /
Sancta Anastasia,/

St. Mary Magdalen,

/ Pray for us.
St. Agatha, /
St. Lucy, /
St. Agnes, /
St. Cecilia, /
St. Catherine, /
St. Anastasia, /

Omnes sanctae Virgines et Viduae,

/ Orate pro nobis.
Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Dei,
/ Intercedite pro nobis.

All you holy Virgins and Widows,

/ Pray for us.
All you holy men and women of God,
/ Intercede for us.

Propitius esto,
/ Parce nobis, Domine.
Propitius esto,
/ Exaudi nos, Domine.
Ab omni malo,
/ Libera nos, Domine.
Ab omni peccato, /
Ab ira tua, /

Be merciful,
/ Spare us, O Lord.
Be merciful,
/ Graciously hear us, O Lord.
From all evil,
/ Deliver us, O Lord.
From all sin, /
From Thy wrath, /

A subitanea et improvisa morte,

/ Libera nos, Domine.

From sudden and unprovided death, /

/ Deliver us, O Lord.

Ab insidiis diaboli, /

From the snares of the devil, /

Ab ira, et odio, et omni mala voluntate, /

From anger, hatred, and all ill-will, /

A spiritu fornicationis, /

From the spirit of fornication, /

A fulgure et tempestate, /

From lightning and tempest, /

A flagello terraemotus, /

From the scourge of earthquake, /

A peste, fame, et bello, /

From plague, famine, and war, /

A morte perpetua, /

From everlasting death, /

Per mysterium sanctae incarnationis tuae,

/ Libera nos, Domine.

Through the mystery of Your holy Incarnation, /

/ Deliver us, O Lord.

Per adventum tuum, /

Through Your coming, /

Per nativitatem tuam, /

Through Your nativity, /

Per baptismum, et sanctum jejunium tuum, /

Through Your baptism and holy fasting, /

Per crucem, et passionem tuam, /

Through Your Cross and Passion, /

Per mortem, et sepulturam tuam, /

Through Your death and burial, /

Per sanctam resurrectionem tuam, /

Through Your holy Resurrection, /

Per admirabilem ascensionem tuam, /

Through Your admirable Ascension, /

Per adventum Spiritus Sancti paracliti, /

Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, /

In die judicii,
/ Libera nos, Domine.

On the day of Judgment,

/ Deliver us, O Lord.
9 / 18



/ Te rogamus, audi nos.

We sinners,
/ We beseech You, hear us.

Ut nobis parcas, /

That You might spare us, /

Ut nobis indulgeas, /

That You might pardon us, /

Ut ad veram poenitentiam nos perducere digneris, /

That You might bring us to true penance, /

Ut Ecclesiam tuam sanctam regere, et conservare digneris, /

That You might deign to govern and preserve Your Holy Church,

Ut Domnum apostolicum, et omnes ecclesiasticos ordines in sancta

religione conservare digneris, /

That You might deign to preserve our Apostolic Prelate, and all
orders of the Church in holy religion, /

Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris, /

Ut Regibus, et Principibus christianis pacem et veram concordiam
donare digneris, /

That You might deign to humble the enemies of the Holy Church,

Ut cuncto populo christiano pacem et unitatem largiri digneris, /

That You might deign to give peace and true concord to Christian
kings and princes, /

Ut omnes errantes ad unitatem Ecclesiae revocare, et infideles

universos ad Evangelii lumen perducere digneris, /

That You might deign to grant peace and unity to all Christian
people, /

U t nosmetipsos in tuo sancto servitio confortare, et conservare

digneris, /

That You might deign to call every wanderer back to the Church,
and to guide all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, /

Ut mentes nostras ad coelestia desideria erigas, /

That You might deign to confirm and preserve us in Thy holy

service, /

Ut omnibus benefactoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribuas, /

That You might lift up our minds to heavenly desires, /
U t animas nostras, fratrum, propinquorum et benefactorum
nostrorum ab aeterna damnatione eripias, /
Ut fructus terrae dare, et conservare digneris, /
Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem aeternam donare digneris,

That You might render eternal blessings to all our benefactors, /

That You might deliver our souls, and the souls of our brethren,
relations and benefactors, from eternal damnation, /
That You might deign to give and preserve the fruits of the earth,
That You might deign to grant eternal rest to all the faithful
departed, /

Postquam autem dictum fuerit Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis, etc.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos. Consecrator ab accubitu surgens, ad
Electum conversus, baculum Pastoralem cum sinistra tenens, dicit
sub voce Litaniarum, primo:

Now after " all the faithful departed," is said, followed by the
response "We beseech You, hear us," the Consecrator rises from
his kneeler and turns towards the Elect, and holding the pastoral
staff in his left hand, he says first, under the tone of the Litany:

Ut hunc praesentem Electum bene dicere digneris.

That it may please You to bless this Elect.

Te rogamus, audi nos.

We beseech You, hear us.

Secundo dicit:

He says secondly:

Ut hunc praesentem Electum bene dicere, et sancti ficare digneris.

That it may please You to bless and hallow this Elect.

Te rogamus, audi nos.

We beseech You, hear us.

Tertio dicit:

He says thirdly:

Ut hunc praesentem Electum bene dicere, et sancti ficare, et conse

crare digneris.

That it may please You to bless , hallow and consecrate this


Te rogamus, audi nos.

Producendo semper signum crucis super illum; idemque faciunt, et
dicunt assistentes Episcopi, genuflexi tamen permanentes.
Deinde iterum procumbit Consecrator; et cantor, seu ipse, qui
prius dixit, eas prosequitur usque ad finem.

We beseech You, hear us.

At each instance, as he extends the sign of the cross over the him,
the assisting Bishops do and speak likewise while they yet remain
Then the Consecrator once again falls to his knees; and the cantor,
or he himself who spoke previously, continues [the Litany] all
the way to the end.

Ut nos exaudire digneris,

/ Te rogamus, audi nos.

That You might deign to graciously hear us,

/ We beseech You, hear us.

Fili Dei, /

Son of God, /

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

/ parce nobis Domine.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

/ spare us, O Lord.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

/ exaudi nos Domine.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

/ graciously hear us, O Lord.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

/ / miserere nobis.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

/ have mercy on us.
10 / 18



Christe, audi nos.

Christ, hear us.

Christe, exaudi nos.

Christ, mercifully hear us.

Kyrie, eleison.

Lord, have mercy.

Christe, eleison.

Christ, have mercy.

Kyrie, eleison.

Lord, have mercy.

Quibus finitis, surgunt omnes, et Consecratore ante faldistorium

suum cum mitra stante, Electus coram eo genuflectit.

Once this is finished, all rise; and with the Consecrator standing
before the faldstool, wearing his mitre, the Elect genuflects before

Tum Consecrator, accepto libro Evangeliorum, illum apertum,

adjuvantibus Episcopis assistentibus, nihil dicens, imponit super
cervicem, et scapulas Electi, ita quod inferior pars libri cervicem
capitis Electi tangat, littera ex parte inferiori manente, quem unus
e x Capellanis Electi, post ipsum genuflexus, quousque liber ipse
eidem Electo in manus tradendus sit, continue sustinet.

Then the Consecrator, having received the book of the Gospels,

imposes it, open, over the neck and shoulders of the Elect with the
help of the assistant Bishops, saying nothing, so that the lower
part of the book touches the nape of the neck of the Elect, with the
text remaining on the lower part. One of the Elect's chaplains,
kneeling behind him, supports it continuously until such time as
the book itself is to be delivered into the hands of the same Elect.

Deinde Consecrator et assistentes Episcopi ambabus manibus

caput consecrandi tangunt dicentes:

Thereupon the Consecrator and assisting Bishops touch the head

of the one to be consecrated, with both hands, saying:

Accipe Spiritum Sanctum.

Receive the Holy Spirit.

Quo facto, Consecrator stans, deposita mitra dicit:

When this is done, the Consecrator, standing without his mitre,


Propitiare, Domine, supplicationibus nostris, et inclinato super

hunc famulum tuum cornu gratiae sacerdotalis, bene dictionis tuae
in eum effunde virtutem. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum
Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit, et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti

Be pleased with our prayers, O Lord; and with the horn of priestly
grace inclined over this your servant, pour out the power of your
blessing upon him. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

Deinde, extensis manibus ante pectus, dicit:

Then, with his hands extended before his breast, he says:

Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

World without end.



Dominus vobiscum.

The Lord be with you.

Et cum spiritu tuo.

And with your spirit.

Sursum corda.

Lift up your hearts.

Habemus ad Dominum.

We have lifted them up to the Lord.

Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

Dignum et justum est.

It is meet and proper to do so.

Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper,

et ubique gratias agere, Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne
Deus, honor omnium dignitatum, quae gloriae tuae sacris
famulantur ordinibus. Deus, qui Moysen famulum tuum secreti
familiaris affatu, inter caetera coelestis documenta culturae, de
habitu quoque indumenti sacerdotalis instituens, electum Aaron
mystico amictu vestiri inter sacra jussisti, ut intelligentiae sensum
de exemplis priorum caperet secutura posteritas, ne eruditio
doctrinae tuae ulli deesset aetati. Cum et apud veteres
reverentiam ipsa significationum species obtineret, et apud nos
certiora essent experimenta rerum, quam aenigmata figurarum.
Illius namque Sacerdotii anterioris habitus, nostrae mentis
ornatus est, et Pontificalem gloriam non jam nobis honor
commendat vestium, sed splendor animarum. Quia et illa, quae
tunc carnalibus blandiebantur obtutibus, ea potius, quae in ipsis
erant, intelligenda poscebant. Et idcirco huic famulo tuo, quem ad
Sacerdotii ministerum elegisti, hanc, quaesumus, Domine, gratiam
largiaris, ut quidquid illa velamina in fulgore auri, in nitore
gemmarum, et in multimodi operis varietate signabant, hoc in ejus
moribus actibusque clarescat. Comple in Sacerdote tuo ministerii
tui summam, et ornamentis totius glorificationis instructum,
coelestis unguenti rore sanctifica.

Truly it is meet and proper, favorable and salutary that we always

and everywhere give you thanks, Holy Lord, Almighty Father,
eternal God, source of all dignities which serve Your glory through
the sacred orders. O God, who by speech of intimate mystery did
command Your servant Moses, among the other patterns of
heavenly culture, establishing also the habit of priestly vesture,
that the chosen one, Aaron, be clothed in a mystic garment during
the sacred rites, so that generations to come might grasp the
sense of meaning from the examples of their ancestors, lest the
knowledge of Your instruction be wanting to any age: and since
among the ancients the very representation of signs inspired awe,
while among us they would be more more certain experiences of
reality rather than an obscurity of forms: for the habit of that
same earlier Priesthood is embellished by our understanding: and
it is no longer honor that commits to us the Pontifical glory of
vestments, but it is rather the splendor of souls: for even those
things, which at that time would be admired by worldly gazes,
demanded rather an appreciation of what they signified. And so
we beseech You, O Lord, that You might bestow this grace upon
this Your servant whom You have chosen for the ministry of the
[High] Priesthood; so that, whatever those garments once
signified in the brightness of gold, the brilliance of gems, and the
variety of diverse ornamentation, this [same thing] might be
discerned in his character and conduct. Fulfill in Your Priest the
perfection of Your ministry; and sanctify him, clothed in the
ornaments of perfect glory, with the dew of heavenly anointing.

Si in Romana curia fit Consecratio, Subdiaconus Apostolicus, vel

unus ex Capellanis Pontificis ligat caput Electi cum una ex
longioribus mappulis, de octo superius dictis, et Consecrator, flexis
genibus, versus ad altare incipit, caeteris prosequentibus,

If the Consecration takes place in the Roman court, a Subdeacon

Apostolic or one of the Bishop's chaplains binds the head of the
Elect with one of the longer napkins, from the eight mentioned
earlier; and the Consecrator, on his knees and facing the altar,
11 / 18




begins the Hymn, with others following:

Veni Creator Spiritus,

Mentes tuorum visita,
Imple superna gratis,
Quae tu creasti, pectora.

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,

and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.
[The text is traditional, of course.]

Qui diceris Paraclitus,

Altissimi donum Dei,
Fons vivus, ignis, charitas,
Et spiritalis unctio.

O Comforter, to Thee we cry,

Thou heav'nly Gift of God most high;
Thou fount of life and fire of love,
And sweet anointing from above.

Tu septiformis munere,
Digitus paternae dexterae,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
Sermone ditans guttura.

Thou who art sevenfold in they grace,

Finger of God's right hand;
His promise, teaching little ones
To apeak and understand.

Accende lumen sensibus,

Infunde amorem cordibus,
Infirma nostri corporis
Virtute firmans perpeti.

O guide our minds with thy blest light,

With love our hearts inflame;
And with thy strength, which ne'er decays,
Confirm our mortal frame.

Hostem repellas longius,

Pacemque dones protinus.
Ductore sic te praevio
Vitemus omne noxium.

Far from us drive our deadly foe:

True peace unto us bring;
And from all perils lead us safe
Beneath thy sacred wing.

Per te sciamus da Patrem,

Noscamus atque Filium,
Teque utriusque Spiritum
Credamus omni tempore.

Through thee may we the Father know,

Through thee th'eternal Son,
And thee the Spirit of them both,
Thrice-blessed Three in One.

Deo Patri sit gloria,

Et Filio qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito,
In saeculorum saecula.

All glory to the Father be,

With his co-equal Son:
The same to thee, great Paraclete,
While endless ages run.



Finito primo Versu, surgit Pontifex; et sedet in faldistorio ante

medium altaris; capit mitram; deponit annulum et chirotecas;
resumit annulum, et imponitur ei gremiale a ministris. Tum
pollicem suum dextrum intingit in sanctum Chrisma, et caput
Electi coram se genuflexi inungit, formans primo signum crucis per
totam coronam, deinde reliquum coronae liniendo, interim dicens:

After the first Verse is finished, the Pontiff rises and takes his seat
upon the faldstool before the middle of the altar. He receives his
mitre; he puts off his ring and gauntlets; he then resumes his ring
and is vested with an apron by the assistants. Thereupon he dips
his right thumb in the holy Chrism and anoints the head of the
Elect genuflecting before him, first tracing the sign of the Cross
over the entire crown, then by anointing the rest of the crown,
saying meanwhile:

Ungatur, et consecratur caput tuum coelesti benedictione, in

ordine Pontificali.

May your head be anointed and consecrated with heavenly

blessing in the Pontifical order.
Et producens manu dextera tertio signum crucis super caput
Electi, dicit:

And extending his right hand, he traces the sign of the Cross over
the head of the Elect a third time, saying:

In nomine Pa tris, et Fi lii, et Spiritus Sancti.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Pax tibi.
Peace be with you.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
And with your spirit.
Et si plures sint consecrandi, hoc in persona cujuslibet singulariter

And if there are more to be consecrated, this is repeated for each

person one at a time.

Expleta unctione Pontifex pollicem cum medulla panis paululum

abstergit; et finito Hymno praedicto, deposita mitra, surgit, et in
pristina voce prosequitur, dicens:

With the anointing completed, the Pontiff wipes his thumb with a
few breadcrumbs; and once the aforesaid Hymn is done, he puts
off his mitre, rises, and continues in a clear voice, saying:

Hoc, Domine, copiose in caput ejus influat, hoc in oris subjecta

decurrat; hoc in totius corporis extrema descendat, ut tui Spiritus
virtus et interiora ejus repleat, et exteriora circumtegat. Abundet
in eo constantia fidei, puritas dilectionis, sinceritas pacis. Sint
speciosi munere tuo pedes ejus ad evangelizandum pacem, ad
evangelizandum bona tua. Da ei, Domine, ministerium
reconciliationis in verbo, et in factis, in virtute signorum et
prodigiorum. Sit sermo ejus, et praedicatio, non in persuasibilibus
humanae sapientiae verbis, sed in ostensione spiritus et virtutis.
Da ei, Domine, claves regni coelorum ut utatur, non glorietur
potestate, quam tribuis in aedificationem, non in destructionem.
Quodcumque ligaverit super terram, sit ligatum et in coelis, et

May this, O Lord, flow abundantly upon his head; may it course
down upon his mouth; may it sink into the uttermost parts of his
whole body, so that the power of Your Spirit might replenish him
inwardly as well as shield him outwardly. May constancy of faith,
purity of love, and sincerity of peace abound in him. Through your
gift, may his feet be fair to carry a message of peace and to
proclaim your good works. Grant him, O Lord, a ministry of
reconciliation in word and in deeds, in the power of signs and of
wonders. May his word and his preaching be, not in the convincing
words of human wisdom, but rather in the display of spirit and
power. Give him, O Lord, the keys of the kingdom of heaven, that
he might not use for boastfulness that power which You grant for
12 / 18



quodcumque solverit super terram, sit solutum et in coelis.

Quorum retinuerit peccata, retenta sint, et quorum remiserit, tu
remittas. Qui maledixerit ei, sit ille maledictus, et qui benedixerit
ei, benedictionibus repleatur. Sit fidelis servus, et prudens, quem
constituas tu, Domine, super familiam tuam, ut det illis cibum in
tempore opportuno, et exhibeat omnem hominem perfectum. Sit
sollicitudine impiger, sit spiritu fervens, oderit superbiam,
humilitatem ac veritatem diligat, neque eam umquam deserat, aut
laudibus aut timore superatus. Non ponat lucem tenebras, nec
tenebras lucem: non dicat malum bonum, nec bonum malum. Sit
sapientibus et insipientibus debitor; ut fructum de profectu
Tribuas ei, Domine, cathedram
Episcopalem, ad regendum Ecclesiam tuam, et plebem sibi
commissam. Sis ei auctoritas, sis ei potestas, sis ei firmitas.
Multiplica super eum bene dictionem et gratiam tuam: ut ad
exorandam semper misericordiam tuam tuo munere idoneus et
tua gratia possit esse devotus.

edification, and not for destruction. Whatever he shall bind upon

the earth, may it be bound also in Heaven; and whatever he shall
loose upon the earth, may it be loosed also in Heaven. Whose sins
he shall retain, may they be retained; and whose sins he shall
forgive, may You forgive. Whoever shall curse him, may that one
himself be accursed; and whoever shall bless him, may he be filled
with blessings. May he be the faithful and judicious servant whom
You Yourself have appointed, O Lord, over Your family, so that he
might give them food in due season and offer every man
pe r fe ct e d. [The
phrase exhibeat omnem hominem
perfectum is a little vague here; I'm not sure if it refers
back to the bishop himself as a model of stewardship
(e.g., "so that he might exhibit every perfect man"), or to
his spiritual charges whom he is to offer back to God as
"perfect(ed)". I've gone with the latter. Anyway, just be
aware of the nuance.] May he be diligent in care and fervent in
spirit; may he despise pride; and may he love humility, and truth,
and never forsake it, overcome by either flattery or fear. May he
not regard light as darkness, or darkness as light; may he not say
that evil is good, or good is evil. May he be indebted to both the
wise and unwise, so that he might obtain fruit from the progress of
all. Grant him, O Lord, the Episcopal Chair, in order to guide Your
Church and the people assigned to him. May You be his authority,
his power and his constancy. Multiply Your bless ing and grace
upon him, so that, by Your gift, he might always be found suitable
to implore Your mercy, and by Your grace he might always be

Deinde submissa voce dicit legendo, ita quod a circumstantibus

audiri possit:

Then he says, by reading with a low voice, so that he can be heard

by those standing around him:

Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum

vivit, et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns
with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and

Post haec Consecrator inchoat, schola prosequente Antiphonam:
Unguentum in capite, quod descendit in barbam, barbam Aaron,
quod descendit in oram vestimenti ejus: mandavit Dominus
benedictionem in saeculum.

After these things, the Consecrator begins the Antiphon, with the
choir following:
...the ointment upon the head, which ran down upon the beard,
the beard of Aaron; which went down to the hem of his vestment.
The Lord entrusted His blessing forever.

Psalmus 132.

Psalm 132.

Ecce quam bonum, et quam jucundum: * habitare fratres in unum.

Sicut unguentum in capite: * quod descendit in barbam, barbam
Aaron. Quod descendit in oram vestimenti ejus: * sicut ros
Hermon, qui descendit in montem Sion. Quoniam illic mandavit
Dominus benedictionem: * et vitam usque in saeculum.

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in

unity. Like the precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon
the beard, the beard of Aaron, Which ran down to the skirt of his
garment: As the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon mount
Sion. For there the Lord hath commandeth blessing, and life for

Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et

nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it
was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Deinde repetitur tota Antiphona Unguentum, etc.

Incepta Antiphona ante Psalmum, imponitur ad collum Electi alia
ex longioribus mappullis, de octo supradictis. Consecrator sedet;
accipit mitram; et Electo ante ipsum genuflexo inungit ambas
manus simul junctas cum Chrismate in modum Crucis, producendo
c u m pollice suo dextero intincto duas lineas; videlicet a pollice
dexterae manus usque ad indicem sinistrae, et a pollice sinistrae
usque ad indicem dexterae; et mox inungat totaliter palmas Electi,
Ungantur manus istae de oleo sanctificato, et Chrismate
sanctificationis, sicut unxit Samuel David Regem, et Prophetam,
ita ungantur, et consecrentur.
Et producens manu dextera ter signum crucis super manus Electi,
In nomine Dei Pa t r is, et Fi lii, et Spiritus Sancti, facientes
imaginem sanctae crucis Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, qui nos a
morte redemit, et ad regna coelorum perduxit. Exaudi nos, pie
Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus; et praesta, ut, quod te rogamus,
exoremus. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Et prosequitur sedens:
Deus, et Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi, qui te ad Pontificatus
sublimari voluit dignitatem, ipse te Chrismate, et mysticae
delibutionis liquore perfundat, et spiritualis bene dictionis ubertate
foecundet; quidquid bene dix e r is, benedicatur; et quidquid
13 / 18



foecundet; quidquid bene dix e r is, benedicatur; et quidquid

sanctificaveris, sanctificetur; et consecratae manus istius, vel
pollicis impositio cunctis proficiat ad salutem. Amen.
Praemissis itaque expeditis, Consecratus jungit ambas manus, et
dexteram super sinistram tenet, et eas imponit mappulae a collo
dependenti. Consecrator vero abstergit paululum cum medulla
panis pollicem; et, deposita mitra, surgit: et benedicit baculum
Pastoralem, si non sit benedictus, dicens:
Sustentator imbecillitatis humanae, Deus, bene dic baculum istum;
et quod in eo exterius designatur, interius in moribus hujus famuli
tui, tuae propitiationis clementia, operetur. Per Christum
Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Deinde illum aspergit aqua benedicta.
Tum sedens, accepta mitra, solus tradit illum Consecrato coram eo
geuflexo, capienti ipsum inter indices, et medios digitos, manibus
non disjunctis, Consecratore dicente:
Accipe baculum Pastoralis officii; ut sis in corrigendis vitiis pie
saeviens, judicium sine ira tenens, in fovendis virtutibus
auditorum animos demulcens, in tranquillitate severitatis
censuram non deserens. Amen.
Quo facto, deposita mitra, surgit Consecrator, et benedicit
annulum, si non sit prius benedictus, dicens:
Creator, et conservator humani generis, dator gratiae spiritualis,
largitor aeternae salutis, tu, Domine, emitte bene dictionem tuam
super hunc annulum; ut quicumque hoc sacrosanctae fidei signo
insignitus incesserit, in virtute coelestis defensionis ad aeternam
vitam sibi proficiat. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Tum aspergit ipsum annulum aqua benedicta, sedet cum mitra et
solus annulum in digitum annularem dexterae manus Consecrati
immittit, dicens:
Accipe annulum fidei scilicet signaculum: quatenus sponsam Dei,
sanctam videlicet Ecclesiam, intemerata fide ornatus, illibate
custodias. Amen.
Tum Consecrator accipit librum Evangeliorum de scapulis
Consecrati; et, adjuvantibus ipsum Episcopis assistentibus, tradit
eum clausum Consecrato, tangenti illum sine apertione manuum,
Accipe Evangelium, et vade, praedica populo tibi commisso; potens
est enim Deus, ut augeat tibi gratiam suam, qui vivit et regnat in
saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Demum Consecrator recipit Consecratum ad osculum pacis;
similiter et assistentes Episcopi singuli, dicentes ipsi Consecrato:
Pax tibi.
Et ipse respondet singulis: Et cum spiritu tuo.
Tunc Consecratus, medius inter assistentes Episcopos, redit ad
capellam suam, ubi abstergitur ei sedenti caput cum medulla
panis, et cum panno mundo; deinde cum pectine mundantur, et
complanantur capilli; postea lavat manus. Consecrator vero in
faldistorio manus lavat. Deinde procedit in Missa usque ad
Offertorium inclusive. Idem facit Consecratus in capella sua.
Dicto Offertorio, Consecrator sedet cum mitra in faldistorio, ante
medium altaris. Et Consecratus veniens ex sua capella, inter
assistentes Episcopos medius, coram Consecratore genuflectit, et
illi offert duo intortitia accensa, duos panes, et duo burilia vino
plena, et Consecratoris praedicta recipientis manum reverente
Deinde Consecrator lavat manus, et accedit ad altare; Consecratus
etiam ad posterius cornu Epistolae altaris ejusdem accedit: et ibi
stans medius inter Episcopos assistentes ante se habens Missale
suum, simul cum Consecratore dicit, et facit omnia, prout in
14 / 18



Et ponatur una Hostia consecranda pro Consecrante, et

Consecrato, et vinum consecrandum, in Calice, sufficiens pro
Secreta sequens dicitur cum Secreta Missae diei sub uno Per
[Transcriber's note: here the pontifical has the text of
the secret twice -- first, as the Consecrator says it, and
then as it is read with the appropriate changes
(simultaneously) by the newly-consecrated bishop. To
simplify, I will only set off the changes below with angle
brackets. - Joe]
Consecrator dicit:
Suscipe, Domine, munera, quae tibi offerimus pro hoc
[Consecratus dicit: pro me ] famulo tuo: et propitius in eo
[Consecratus dicit: in me ] tua dona custodias. Per Dominum
nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit, et regnat
in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Infra actionem.
Consecrator dicit:
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae, sed et cunctae familiae
tuae, quam tibi offerimus, etiam pro hoc [Consecratus dicit: pro
m e ] famulo tuo, quem ad Episcopatus ordinem promovere
dignatus es, quaesumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias, et propitius
in eo [Consecratus dicit: in me ] tua dona custodias; ut, quod
divino munere consecutus est [Consecratus dicit: consecutus sum]
divinis effectibus ex sequatur [Consecratus dicit: exsequar]:
diesque nostros in tua pace disponas: atque ab aeterna
damnatione nos eripi, et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege
numerari. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Dicta Oratione Domine Jesu Christe, qui, etc. per Consecratorem
et Consecratum, Consecratus accedit ad dexteram Consecratoris,
et ambo osculantur altare; tum Consecrator dat pacem
Consecrato, dicens: Pax tecum.
Cui respondet Consecratus: Et cum spiritu tuo.
Et dat eam Assistentibus suis, seniori primo, tum alteri, singulis
dicens: Pax tibi.
Et illi sibi respondent: Et cum spiritu tuo.
Deinde postquam Consecrator corpus Domini sumpserit, non
totum sanguinem sumit, sed solum partem ejus cum particula
hostiae in Calicem missa. Et priusquam se purificet, communicat
Consecratum ante se in eodem cornu capite inclinato stantem, et
non genuflectentem, prius de corpore, tum de sanguine, deinde
purificat se, postea Consecratum. Tum abluit digitos super
Calicem, et sumit etiam ablutionem; et, assumpta mitra, lavat
Interim Consecratus cum assistentibus accedit ad posteriorem
partem alterius cornu altaris, videlicet Evangelii, et ibi prosequitur
Missam, Consecrator in cornu Epistolae.
Postcommunio, quae dici debet cum Postcommunione diei, sub
uno Per Dominum.
Plenum, quaesumus, Domine, in nobis remedium tuae miserationis
operare: ac tales nos esse perfice propitius et sic fove, ut tibi in
omnibus placere valeamus. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum
Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit, et regnat in unitate
Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Deinde dicto, Ite, Missa est, vel Benedicamus Domino, prout
tempus requirit, Consecrator dicto in medio altaris Placeat, etc.
accepta ibidem mitra, si non sit Archiepiscopus, et in sua provincia,
stans versus ad altare, populo solemniter benedicit, dicens: Sit
nomen Domini benedictum, etc.
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Data benedictione, reponitur faldistorium ante medium altaris, et

Consecrator cum mitra in eo sedet: Consecratus vero parvum
biretum in capite tenens coram eo genuflectit. Tum Consecrator,
deposita mitra, surgit et benedicit mitram, si non sit benedicta,
Domine Deus, Pater omnipotens, cujus praeclara bonitas est, et
virtus immensa, a qua omne datum optimum et omne donum
perfectum, totiusque decoris ornamentum, bene dicere, et sancti
ficare dignare hanc mitram hujus famuli tui Antistitis capiti
imponendam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Et mox eam aspergit aqua benedicta; deinde sedens cum mitra,
adjuvantibus ipsum assistentibus Episcopis, imponit eam capiti
Consecrati, dicens:
Imponimus, Domine, capiti hujus Antistitis et agonistae tui galeam
munitionis et salutis, quatenus decorata facie, et armato capite,
cornibus utriusque Testamenti terribilis appareat adversariis
veritatis; et, te ei largiente gratiam, impugnator eorum robustus
exsistat, qui Moysi famuli tui faciem ex tui sermonis consortio
decoratam, lucidissimis tuae claritatis ac veritatis cornibus
insignisti: et capiti Aaron Pontificis tui tiaram imponi jussisti. Per
Christum Dominum nostrum.
Deinde, si chirothecae non sint benedictae, surgit Consecrator
mitra deposita, et eas benedicit, dicens:
Omnipotens Creator, qui homini ad imaginem tuam condito manus
discretionis insignitas, tamquam organum intelligentiae, ad recte
operandum dedisti: quas servari mundas praecepisti, ut in eis
anima digne portaretur, et tua in eis digne consecrarentur
mysteria, bene dicere, et sancti ficar e dignare manuum haec
tegumenta; ut quicumque ministrorum tuorum sacrorum
Pontificum his velare manus suas cum humilitate voluerit, tam
cordis, quam operis ei munditiam tua misericordia subministret.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Et aspergit eas aqua benedicta. Tunc extrahitur Consecrato
annulus Pontificalis; deinde sedet Consecrator, et accepta mitra,
adjuvantibus assistentibus Episcopis, imponit illas manibus
Consecrati, dicens:
Circumda, Domine, manus hujus ministri tui munditia novi
hominis, qui de coelo descendit, ut quemadmodum Jacob dilectus
t u u s , pelliculis hoedorum opertis manibus, paternam
benedictionem, oblato patri cibo, potuque gratissimo, impetravit,
sic et iste, oblata per manus suas hostia salutari, gratiae tuae
benedictionem impetrare mereatur. Per Dominum nostrum
Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui in similitudinem carnis peccati
tibi pro nobis obtulis semetipsum.
Et statim imponit ei annulum Pontificalem. Tum surgit
Consecrator, et accipit Consecratum per manum dexteram, et
primus ex assistentibus Episcopis per sinistram, et intronizat eum,
ponendo ipsum ad sedendum in faldistorio, de quo surrexit
Consecrator; vel, si id fiat in Ecclesia propria Consecrati, intronizat
eum in sede Episcopali consueta; et Consecrator tradit ei baculum
Pastoralem in sinistra.
Deinde versus ad altare Consecrator, deposita mitra, stans incipit,
caeteris usque ad finem prosequentibus, Hymnum:
Te Deum laudamus.
Te Dominum confitemur.
Te aeternum Patrem * omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli, * tibi coeli et universae potestates.
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim * incessabili voce proclamant:
Sanctus * Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
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Pleni sunt coeli et terra * majestatis gloriae tuae.

Te gloriosus * Apostolorum chorus,
Te Prophetarum * laudabilis numerus,
Te Martyrum candidatus * laudat exercitus.
Te per orbem terrarum * sancta confitetur Ecclesia.
Patrem * immensae majestatis.
Venerandum tuum verum * et unicum Filium.
Sanctum quoque * paraclitum Spiritum.
Tu Rex gloriae * Christe.
Tu Patris * sempiternus es Filius.
Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem, * non horruisti Virginis
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo, * aperuisti credentibus regna coelorum.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes * in gloria Patris.
Judex crederis * esse venturus.
Te ergo, quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni, * quos pretioso
sanguine redemisti.
Aeterna fac cum Sanctis tuis * in gloria numerari.
Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, * et benedic haereditati tuae.
Et rege eos, * et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Per singulos dies * benedicimus te.
Et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum, * et in saeculum saeculi.
Dignare, Domine, die isto * sine peccato nos custodire.
Miserere nostri, Domine, * miserere nostri.
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos; * quemadmodum
speravimus in te.
In te, Domine, speravi; * non confundar in aeternum.

Incepto Hymno, Consecratus ducitur ab assistentibus Episcopis

cum mitris per Ecclesiam; et omnibus benedicit, Consecratore
interim apud altare sine mitra stante in eodem loco. Cum vero
Consecratus reversus fuerit ad sedem suam, seu faldistorium,
iterum sedet, quousque finiatur Hymnus praedictus; Assistentes
deponunt mitras, et stant apud Consecratorem.
Finito Hymno, Consecrator stans sine mitra apud sedem, seu
faldistorium a parte dextera Consecrati dicit: vel si Offlcium
cantatur, incipit, schola prosequente, Antiphonam:
Firmetur manus tua, et exaltetur dextera tua: justitia et judicium
praeparatio sedis tuae. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto:
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.
Et repetitur tota Antiphona; qua finita, Consecrator dicit:
Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.

Deus, omnium fidelium pastor, et rector, hunc famulum tuum,
quem Ecclesiae tuae praeesse voluisti, propitius respice: da ei,
quaesumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus praeest proficere; ut ad
vitam, una cum grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam. Per
Christum Dominum nostrum.
His dictis, Consecrator, detecto capite, manet ad cornu Evangelii
altaris, apud quem Assistentes stant sine mitris.
Consecratus vero surgit, et accedens cum mitro, et baculo
Pastorali ante medium altaris, versus ad illud, signans se cum
pollice dexterae manus ante pectus, dicit:
Sit nomen Domini benedictum.
Ex hoc nunc et usque in saecula.
Deinde faciens signum crucis a fronte ad pectus, dicit:
Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
Qui fecit coelum et terram.
Tum elevans, ac jungens manus, et caput inclinans, dicit:
Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus.
Et cum dixerit Deus, vertit se ad populum et tertio super eum
signans benedicit, dicens: Pa ter, et Fi lius, et Spiritus Sanctus.
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signans benedicit, dicens: Pa ter, et Fi lius, et Spiritus Sanctus.

Tum Consecrator accipit mitram, stans, in cornu Evangelii, versa
facie ad cornu Epistolae: apud quem etiam stant Assistentes cum
mitris; Consecratus vero accedit ad cornu Epistolae altaris; et
ibidem cum mitra, et baculo genuflexus, versus ad Consecratorem,
dicit cantando: Ad multos annos.
Deinde accedens ante medium altaris, ubi iterum, ut prius
genuflexus, dicit altius cantando: Ad multos annos.
Postea accedit ad pedes Consecratoris, ubi tertio genuflexus, ut
supra, iterum altius cantando dicit: Ad multos annos.
Tum Consecrator recipit eum surgentem ad osculum pacis; et
similiter faciunt assistentes Episcopi, qui Consecratum cum mitra,
et baculo Pastorali incedentem, et Evangelium sancti Joannis, In
principio erat Verbum, etc. dicentem, post reverentiam cruci
super altare factam, inter se medium ducentes, ad suam capellam
revertuntur, ad se exuendum sacris vestibus, et interim dicit
Antiphonam Trium puerorum, et Canticum Benedicite, etc.
Consecrator vero, pacis osculo, ut praemittitur, Consecrato dato,
dicit submissa voce:
Dominus vobiscum.
Initium sancti Evangelii secundum Joannem.
In principio erat Verbum, etc.
Signat altare, et se; et facta similiter cruci reverentia, apud sedem
vel faldistorium deponit sacras vestes, interim etiam dicens
Antiphonam Trium puerorum, et Canticum Benedicite, etc. quibus
depositis, Consecratus Consecratori, et Assistentibus suis pro
more gratias agit; et vadunt in pace omnes.
Quando Electus in Patriarcham, vel Archiepiscopum consecratur,
forma praemissa in omnibus observatur: sed per hujusmodi
consecrationem non assumit sibi nomen Patriarchae, vel
Archiepiscopi, quod per traditionem Pallii dumtaxat sibi
attribuitur, usque ad quam dicitur Electus, etiam post
consecrationem praedictam, prout infra dicetur. Electus vero in
Episcopum, cum primum consecratus est, Episcopus vocatur, non
In anniversario consecrationis Episcopi dicitur Missa ut in Missali

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