Microsoft Project - Tutorial

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Microsoft Project - Tutorial

Microsoft Project - Tutorial

This is the view you will get when opening Microsoft Project for the first time, it is called the Gantt view. It contains the columns for listening
tasks and durations.
The second view contains a calendar for viewing the duration of specific tasks. You have different views accessible from the toolbar. An
important one is table which has several options for different views of the current category (resources, tasks).
In the next series of MS Project tutorial you will learn the basic steps necessary to create a project management plan, add resources, resolve
allocation issues, track progress on the project and generate relevant performance information that indicates how well the project is proceeding
in terms of time and in terms of costs.
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Tutorial 5
Tutorial 6
Tutorial 7
Tutorial 8
Tutorial 9

How to create and code a WBS in MS Project

How to create a Microsoft project schedule
MS Project network sensitivity
Create resources and assign resources to tasks
Working with calendar and milestones in MS Project
Resource allocation and how to resolve by levelling
Total costs of the project by tasks and resources
Record progress on a ms project
Earned value and schedule variance

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