Lesson 2 - The Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism

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The Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism

The Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism

Learning Objectives
Describe the origins and central beliefs of
Analyze and summarize how the caste system
shaped India.
Describe the origins and central beliefs of
Explore how Buddhism grew and changed as it
spread beyond India.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Terms and People

atman a persons essential self

moksha union with brahman; in Hinduism, the

ultimate goal of existence

reincarnation the rebirth of the soul in

another bodily form

karma all the actions of a persons life that

affect his or her fate in the next life

dharma the religious and moral duties of

an individual

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Terms and People

ahimsa nonviolence

caste in traditional Indian society, a social group

into which a person is born

Siddhartha Gautama a reformer whose teachings

spread across Asia to become the core beliefs of
Buddhism; became known as the Buddha

Four Noble Truths teachings of the Buddha which

lie at the heart of the Buddhist religion

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Terms and People

Eightfold Path a way of life that Buddhists

belief leads to nirvana

nirvana union with the universe and release

from the cycle of rebirth

sect a subgroup of a religion

Hindu Beliefs Develop

Thousands of years ago, two major religionsHinduism
and Buddhismemerged in ancient India. The ethical
and spiritual messages of these religions profoundly
shaped Indian civilization.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

The beliefs of
Hinduism developed
over time, with
contributions from
many different
groups who settled
in India.

As a result, it is
one of the most
complex religions
in the world.

Hindu teachings
were recorded
over hundreds of
years in the
Upanishads, a
section of the

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Despite the complexity of the religion,

all Hindus share some core beliefs.
A single spiritual force, brahman, underlies the universe.
Each individual also has an atman, or essential self.
The goal of life is to achieve moksha, union with brahman.
Reincarnation allows an individual to work toward moksha
over several lifetimes. A persons fate in the next life is
determined by karma, the result of all their actions.
Other core beliefs include dharma, a persons religious and
moral duties, and ahimsa, nonviolence.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Hindus worship a variety of deities,

gods and goddesses who are concrete
forms of brahman.

The three key Hindu

deities are:

Brahma, the Creator

Vishnu, the Preserver
Shiva, the Destroyer


TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

A complex system
of castes emerged.
This system was
closely linked to
Aryan and Hindu

Castes maintained
social order and
gave people a sense
of identity, though
life was very hard for
those on the lowest
People believed
karma determined
their caste.

The Caste System

Shapes India
In ancient Indian villages,
people were identified by
their occupation. Here,
Indian women collect water
in clay pots.

The Caste System Shapes India

The chart describes the caste system in ancient India.

Based on the chart, which caste was considered the least spiritually pure?

The Buddhas Key Teachings

More than 2,500 years ago, warring princes battled across
the northern plain of India. During this troubled time,
Brahmin priests acquired great power by insisting they
alone could perform the sacred rites to bring victory in
battle or ensure adequate rainfall. Reformers rejected
Brahmin domination and offered other paths to truth.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Buddhism emerged in the foothills of the

Himalayas around 500 B.C.
Buddhism emerged and
spread from the teachings
of a reformer named
Siddhartha Gautama.
It began when Gautama
left his palace home to
find an answer to why
people suffer.

The Buddhas Key Teachings

This ancient statue of the Buddha in a meditating pose is in Sri Lanka.

What does the Buddhas facial expression show?

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Gautama took a seat under a tree and

meditated. When he finally rose, he had
become the Buddha, or Enlightened One.
He described the Eightfold Path, a way of life
that would eventually lead to enlightenment.
The final goal for the Buddhist is nirvana, union
with the universe.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Buddha spent his life explaining the

Four Noble Truths, the heart of Buddhist belief.
All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow.
The cause of suffering is nonvirtue.

The only cure for suffering is to overcome

The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the
Eightfold Path.

The Buddhas Key Teachings

The Buddha shared his knowledge by teaching other people.

Choose one of the Eightfold Path steps and describe how the Buddha might
teach others about following that particular step.

Buddhism Spreads
The Buddha attracted many disciples, or followers, who
accompanied him as he preached across northern India.
Many men and women who accepted the Buddhas
teachings set up monasteries and convents for meditation
and study. Some Buddhist monasteries grew into major
centers of learning.

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Buddhism rejected
the Hindu caste
Rather than focusing
on priests, rituals,
and deities,
encouraged each
person to seek selfenlightenment.
The religion spread
as the Buddhas
teachings were

TEKS 8C: Calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas.

Buddhism split into

two major sects:
eventually declined
in India, but took
root in other parts
of Asia.

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Religions Founded in India

Buddhism Spreads

Relics of the Buddha and other holy people are housed in Buddhist stupas, or domeshaped shrines, like the Great Stupa at Sanchi. The gateway has elaborate carvings
describing the Buddhas life.

Buddhism Spreads

What is one Asian country that has followers of both Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan
Mahayana Buddhism?
Which do more countries follow, Mahayana Buddhism or Theravada Buddhism?

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