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Church Council Nominations

November Semi-Annual Meeting

Living Faith has, in its constitution, adopted a policy of semi-annual meetings. There will be two
meetings, one in February and one in November.
The November Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation will be on November 20th at noon at
Wright and Quincy Ave. The meeting will begin
with a potluck and proceed to business. This is an
important meeting because at this meeting we will
elect new Council members and approve the 2017
budget. In order to make the meeting easier to attend, we will have worship at Living Faith East at
10:15 a.m. Worship at Living Faith West will be at
the regular time (10:00 a.m.).

We still need members to be leaders by running for

the Church Council. Church Council members
take responsibility for making decisions on Church
policy and budget matters. Additionally, some
Council members take the lead in other congregational team/committee assignments and many are
willing to serve on a counting team which counts
offerings. If you would be interested in running, or
if you would like to nominate someone to run,
please contact the church office.

So What is This "MET" Process We Are Hearing About Anyway?

The purpose of the Mission Exploration Team
(MET) Process is to enable the Congregation to
claim ownership of the mission of the Congregation
and the Call Process.

gregation, will determine our mission direction for

the next five years. This information will result in an
ELCA Ministry Site Profile, which provides the Call
Committee with necessary information and descripThe Team plans an interactive process that involves tion of leadership needs, and will guide their work.
The Bishop uses the Ministry Site Profile when recthe Congregation in building a vision for mission
and compiling information that serves as a Congre- ommending pastoral candidates to the call committee. The profile also provides a picture of the congation Profile. The MET members are responsible
gregation for the candidates as they consider servfor focusing on telling the churches histories, as
ing the congregation.
well as how we now function as one congregation.
The MET members, in collaboration with the con-

Stewards of Gods Love

We were pleased to have Keith Mundy, ELCA Program Director for Stewardship, to address our congregation on Sunday, October 23rd. Keith, who is
also our coach for the Building Missional Capacity
for Sustainability spoke about the fact that we are in
the story business. We each have a story of how we
relate to Godadopted in baptism, Confirmation
and more. We have congregational stories. Living
Faith has two powerful story streams that have
flown to a common stream. Those stories include
Danish immigrant ancestors and English Synod
roots. Those stories include statues and mansions,
pastors and leaders, baptisms, funerals and so much
more. Those stories also include how our congrega-

tions have been used for mission. Lutheran World

Relief, Carthage College, Lincoln Lutheran, Lutheran Social Service, Refuge Families, Food Pantries
and Meal Sites are just a part of our story from days
gone by.
But now, God is doing a new thing. We are Living
Faith Lutheran Church and God is still creating new
stories in us. The church is changing and changing
dramatically, but God is active and working and
working in and through us. That is what stewardship is about, taking the reality of Gods work in us
seriously and committing our resourcestime, talent and fiscal, to the work God has placed in our
hands. What is your place in the story that God is
telling in us?

Commitment Sunday
Sunday, November 20th, the day of our Semi-Annual Meeting, will also be Commitment Sunday during
worship. This will be your opportunity to place your commitment to the work of God in this worshipping
community upon the altar a sacred pledge between you and God. You will receive pledge cards in the
mail soon.
Thrivent Financial volunteer leader.
If you are a Thrivent member you may be eligible to To check your eligibility go to
direct a portion of Thrivents charitable funds to Liv- thriventchoice or call 800-8474836 and say
ing Faith! Eligible Thrivent members are designated Thrivent Choice after the prompt. Last year Living
Choice Dollars based on qualifying insurance premi- Faiths predecessor bodies received over $2000 in
ums, quarterly contract values and their status as a Choice Dollars. Thanks for your help.

Thrivent Choice Dollars

went. I believe it was Gary who went around with

her and was so nice, and helpful. She could not get
The following letter was recently received by the Faithover how well she was treated. She mentioned sevWorks Food Pantry.
eral people who sat and chatted with her, making
I have to tell you of my mom's experience yesterday her feel at ease.
at the food bank. I have been trying to get her to go
I want to thank you so much for what you do, and
for the last year. She was too proud, even though
the kindness that you treat the clients with. It was
she is on an extremely limited income and could use
such an uplifting experience, and has made a huge
the assistance. (Normally I help buy her groceries to
difference in her outlook. It is such a difficult and
help her supplement.) She finally agreed to go, but it
humbling thing, as you know, for people who have
took her a few times to actually get in the car and
all their lives been the donors, to find themselves as
drive to the church. An uphill battle! I spoke to her
the receivers. Thank you and God bless you all!
this morning and she is OVERJOYED that she

Pantry Praise

2 | The Journey

A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church

My name is Tina Tempesta. I was hired to be

the choirs' accompanist about 15 years ago
by Andrew Duncan. Since then I have played
for services, the kids choirs, weddings and funerals. My current position is playing piano in
Selah, the band at Living Faith West.
I am married to Carey and have two beautiful
children, Luca and Frankie. We live in one of the duplexes
we own here in Racine and I teach piano there as well. I
have taught piano since the age of 16 when my piano teacher asked me to take over for her while she battled breast
cancer. She never had the chance to return and I found my

At the September Council meeting . . .

Opening devotion and prayer from Teresa

Reinders and Pastor Warren.
The consent agenda (including all reports) was
AIM Disbursement August and September
AIM offerings totaled: $1,114.06. $225 was designated for Accelerated Debt Reduction leaving
$889.06 which was disbursed as follows: Community meal on October 30 - $289, Halloween
party - $400, ongoing member support - $200.
AIM Now: we will try to do something for students during the holidays; the board is being restructured; we currently have one full class of all
day 4k.
November annual meeting It was moved/
seconded/passed to have bi-annual meeting on
November 20, 2016 at 12noon beginning with a
potluck. Worship time for East will move to
10:15. We will approve a budget for 2017 and
elect new council members for the new year.
We need to create a MET (Mission Exploration
Team) Team in order to identify mission goals
and provide a Mission Site Profile so that the call
process can begin . The goal is to seek where
God is calling us to go in the next 4-5 years. Teresa Reinders and Vicki Siefert will be MET Coordinators to organize the MET Team. Both

NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8

Greater Milwaukee Synod and ELCA websites

have information regarding this process.
A nominating committee was formed to recruit
council members for 2017. One year council
members are: Margaret, Bob, Ginny and Tom.
They can be nominated and run for council for a
2 year term. Others from the congregation can
also be nominated.
A preliminary budget for 2017 was presented by
Pastor Warren and Bob Reinders. It was reviewed and discussed. The council will vote at
the next meeting on a budget to present to the
congregation. Fundraising ideas were the main
topic of discussion.
The Council viewed a short video on the difference between a Vision statement and a Mission
Statement. There was discussion around a vision statement being a broader picture ideal and
a mission statement being about how we get to
the vision. At the next council meeting we will
move into the visioning/MET process.
There was discussion around having another
Congregational Conversation around the
structure and organization of a faith based community. How are we stewards of our leadership
assets and gifts in regard to our organization.
Adjourned with the Lords Prayer.

will run weekly on Thursdays with the exception of

Thanksgiving Day on November 24 and will end
A Service of Remembrance for
those who have passed away in with a healing service on December 15. Please call
the last year will be held on Sun- the church office (637-5671) or Joannie (9308257) to register.
day, November 6 at 4pm. The
service will feature a candle
Altar Flowers
lighting ceremony and a video
Honor or remember someone with flowers on the
remembrance of those who have passed.
altar. Bouquets cost as little as $25 (our florist is

Service of Remembrance

Signature Flowers by Randy.) You may also bring

Prayer Shawls will be blessed at all services Novem- your own in. Call the church office to sign up.
ber 12 and 13.
Soap Dispensers are Back

Prayer Shawl Blessing

Noisy Offering
The October Noisy Offering raised $202.12, and
was donated to the Racine Cluster Mealsite.

Grief Support Group

A six week grief support group will be starting
on Thursday, November 3 from 2:30 to 4pm in the
parlor. Joannie Williams will facilitate the group. It

Donating to Our Saviors Foundation

A memorial gift is an enduring method to perpetuate the memory of one you hold dear. Gifts and bequests to the Our Saviors Foundation can be made
at any time by friends as well as members of Living
Faith Lutheran Church.

Once again the ladies of

Stitchers of Blessings have
agreed to make soap dispensers
for the food pantry for the holiday season. You can help by donating bars of soap or, if you
knit or crochet, you can help by making wash cloths.
Donations should be sent directly to: Racine Community Foundation 1135 Warwick Way Racine,
WI 53406. In the memo of the check note: OSLC
Foundation Fund. Also indicate if a memorial and
the name of the memorialized. Contributions are
tax deductible.

Free Blood Pressure Clinic

A free blood pressure clinic will
be held the first Sunday of each
month following the 9:15 service.
Please stop down to Fellowship Hall after the service and have your blood pressure checked!
Barb Elmer, RN and Marion Beyer, RN

AIM Now Child Care will continue to provide the
high quality care and all-day 4K that they have been
providing for over a year here at Living Faith Lutheran Church. We are excited to continue and
have room for children ages 2 years to 12 years.

4 | The Journey

If you know of anyone in need of child care or interested in all-day 4K, please have them contact Jennifer Miller, Director at 262-634-7553.

A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church

Names in the News

Anniversaries: Walter & Julie Nelson will celebrate 57 years together on Nov. 7th Art & Diane
Iverson will celebrate 59 years together on Nov.
16th Rev. James & Elaine Peters will celebrate 52
years together on Nov. 27th Daniel & Judith
Sorenson will celebrate 52 years together on Nov.
28th and Kenneth & Nancy Due will celebrate 58
years together on Nov. 29th. Hoping you enjoy
many more happy years.
Nonagenarian Birthdays: Walter Barke turns 90
on November 28th. Best wishes to you!
Member Need: Debra Knudtson is in need of a futon. She can pick it up. Please call her if you have
one in good condition that you are willing to donate
to her (262-456-2793). Thank you.
Living Faith Lutheran Church and Congregation,
Thank you for your generous donation in our time of

need. This money will help us recover what we have

lost from the house fire in July. All of the support
from our community has given us strength, hope,
comfort and faith. God Bless, Nate & Nina Olsen
The members and friends of Living Faith Lutheran
Church, formally know as Atonement Lutheran
Church want to thank Fred and Veryl Hermes for
opening up their organ studio to us. It was a wonderful experience to see the old remnants from an
era that is gone but not lost because of Fred's hard
work in restoring a theatre of years gone
by. Thanks for the memories, Your many friends
Thank you to all who participated in the bingo
party at the Village at Lincoln Park. The residents
enjoyed our company, bingo prizes and desserts. Hopefully we can do it again in the
spring. Thank you again. Alma Vacek

Heartfelt love, sympathy and support to:

Wife Geraldine, son Roger (Lori) Slater, II and daughter Wendy Slater at the death of ROGER SLATER who
passed away on September 26th at his home
Children Crystal (Mark) Heinen, Catherine (Keith) Webster, Cheryl (Raymond) Pye, and Frank (Barbara)
Helding at the death of CURTIS HELDING who passed away on September 27th at his home
Children Steve (Sandy) Peterson, Jackie (Sean) Cranley and Jana Boswell at the death of Barbara Lake who
passed away on October 2nd
Children George (Heidi) Filber III, Susan Drenkhahn, Jacqueline Miller, Anna Filber and Daniel Filber at the
death of BARBARA FILBER who passed away on October 19th at her home
Wife Jan and grandchildren Michael (Lisa) Olsen, Peter Olsen, Nicolas (Lori) Olsen,
Erica (David) Beranis and Rachael Olsen at the death of ROGER OLSEN who passed
away on October 21st.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

Known to be Hospitalized
Home Again: Bob Hansen, Dee Isaacson, Donna Nelson, Pat Ertl and Pat LeClair

Pastoral Hospital Visits Strict patient confidentiality rules prevent the hospital from notifying the
church if you or a loved one is hospitalized. The hospitals are no longer keeping church lists, so if youd
like a pastoral visit and/or having your church family praying for you, please let the church office know.
NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8

All events in the calendar are at Living Faith on Wright & Quincy unless otherwise noted.








1 9:30 Stitchers of
1-3:00 Food Pantry
4:30 Spanish Class

2 8:30 Park Transition Group

8:30 a.m. - Womens Breakfast
at DeRangos in West Racine
10:30 Senior Center with Communion
11:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 NEW BIBLE STUDY Heaven on Earth Studies in
7:30 Belle City Brassworks
8:00 Selah Practice

3 6:30-8:00 a.m. Mens

Breakfast & Book Study
12 Ordinary Men at Annettas Cafe
8:30 Park Transition Group
2:30 - 4:00 Grief Group
5:15 Community Worship
6-8:00 Food Pantry

5 5:00 Vespers with


Scrip Holiday Drawing Kick-Off
Sr Choir Practice before & after
9:15 Worship Service
10:00 Sunday Worship at Living
Faith West & Sunday School at
Sturtevant Sportsplex
10:15 Coffee Hour East
4:00 Service of Remembrance
5:00 ELCA Cluster Community
Meal (2915 Wright Ave.)
Daylights Savings Time Ends Turn clock back at 2:00am Nov. 6

7 9:00 Quilters
12 noon Bible Study
6:30 Dorcas Circle
7:00 OA Group

8 6:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. General

Election in Fellowship Hall & BAKE
1-3:00 Food Pantry
4:30 Spanish Class

9 8:30 Park Transition Group

9:15 Rebekah Circle Meeting
11:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 NEW BIBLE STUDY Heaven on Earth Studies in
7:30 Belle City Brassworks
8:00 Selah Practice

10 8:30 Park Transition

2:30 - 4:00 Grief Group
5:15 Community Worship
6-8:00 Food Pantry


10:30 Caregiver
Support Group
5:00 Vespers with
Communion (Prayer
Shawl Blessing)

13 COMMUNION (Mission Moment - Prayer Shawls) Prayer

Shawl Blessing
Sr Choir Practice before & after
9:15 Worship Service
10:00 Sunday Worship at Living
Faith West & Sunday School at
Sturtevant Sportsplex
10:15 Coffee Hour East
5:00 ELCA Cluster Community
Meal (2915 Wright Ave.)

14 9:00 Quilters
9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club (Fell. Hall)
9:30 Ruth Circle Mtg.
12 noon Bible Study
6:30 Ladies Night
Out at Living Faith
(cards for Prayer
7:00 OA Group

15 9:30 Stitchers
of Blessings
1-3:00 Food Pantry
4:30 Spanish Class

16 8:30 Park Transition Group

10:30 Senior Center
11:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 NEW BIBLE STUDY Heaven on Earth Studies in
7:30 Belle City Brassworks
8:00 Selah Practice

17 6:30-8:00 a.m. Mens

Breakfast & Book Study
12 Ordinary Men at Annettas Cafe
8:30 Park Transition
2:30 - 4:00 Grief Group
5:15 Community Worship
6:008:00 Caregiver Support Group
6-8:00 Food Pantry


19 9:30 - 11:00
Theological Book
Study Speaking
Christian Chapters 10

(Noisy Offering-Eco-Justice)
Sr Choir Practice before & after

21 9:00 Quilters
9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club (Fell. Hall)
12 noon Bible Study
7:00 OA Group

22 1-3:00 Food
4:30 Spanish Class
7:00 Church Council Meeting

23 8:30 Park Transition Group

11:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 Thanksgiving Eve Service
7:30 Belle City Brassworks
8:00 Selah



10:15 (Note Time Change)

Worship Service

10:00 Sunday Worship at Living

Faith West & Sunday School at
Sturtevant Sportsplex
Luck in Fellowship Hall
5:00 ELCA Cluster Community
Meal (2915 Wright Ave.)
(Mission Moment)
Sr Choir Practice before & after
9:15 Worship Service (families
lead advent candle Liturgy &
light candles)
10:00 Sunday Worship at Living
Faith West & Sunday School at
Sturtevant Sportsplex
10:15 Coffee Hour East
5:00 ELCA Cluster Community
Meal (2915 Wright Ave.)

28 9:00 Quilters
9:30-3:30 Our
1-3:00 Food Pantry
Harmony Club (14/15 4:30 Spanish Class
& Parlor)
12 noon Bible Study
7:00 OA Group

30 8:30 Park Transition Group

11:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 NEW BIBLE STUDY Heaven on Earth Studies in
7:30 Belle City Brassworks
8:00 Selah


5:00 Vespers with



Womens Breakfast
Please join us for Womens Breakfast! We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at 8:30am
at DeRangos in West Racine (6100 Washington Ave.) for breakfast, devotions and conversation. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Pastor Denise or Rosemary Fritchen.

Racine Interfaith Coalition Banquet

Please join us on Monday, November 14 at
6:30pm. Well be meeting at church, where we will
assemble cards for the Prayer Shawl Ministry. (No
crafting experience is needed!) Please bring a
snack to share.
Please sign up on the yellow sheet, so we know
how many to expect. Hope you can join us!

Senior Friendship Center

Nov. 2

Nov. 16

Devotion and Communion

The Great Pumpkin Race
Lunch: Pizza Day
Fun n Games
Bingo 11:00 a.m.
Lunch: Surprise
Turkey Foot Dominoes

All are invited to attend the Racine

Interfaith Coalitions (RIC) annual
banquet on December 3rd. It is
our major fundraiser and always
very inspiring as we celebrate
what we have accomplished as
people of all faiths working together to build a beloved community here in Racine.
The cost for the banquet is $40 per person. Reservations are required. Either mail a check to the RIC
office at 2302 DeKoven Avenue, 53403 or pay at
the door. Call Joannie at 262-930-8257 if you
have any questions.
RIC Banquet
Saturday, December 3, 5:00-8:00 pm.
Preservation Hall, 740 Lake Avenue, Racine, WI
Dinner/Music/Silent Auction.
Speaker: Maham Khan, Interfaith Youth Core

FaithWorks Food Pantry Needs

Volunteer Opportunities

While every donation is greatly appreciated, with

our new shopping arrangement at Feeding America, monetary donations actually go further than
food donations. Checks can be made out to
FaithWorks Food Pantry; you will still get credit
on your contributions statement.

FaithWorks Food Pantry

Volunteers are needed to package produce and bakery on
Tuesdays from 10:30am to
12:30pm in the Food Pantry.
Please sign up on the yellow
sheet or talk to Margaret Robinson or Jody Pease.

That said, all food donations are welcomed. Our

greatest needs right now are:
Spaghetti Sauce
Egg Noodles
Peanut Butter
Toilet Paper
Bar Soap
Garden Produce
Volunteers are always welcomed!
NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8

Tech Team Have you ever

wondered how things on
the technical side of the
worship service work? Here
is your chance to learn
about it and help us out! We need people to help
operate the screen for announcements, etc. Training will be provided at your convenience. If you
have questions, please contact Vicki Siefert.

Our Harmony Club

Our Harmony Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing social day programs for the elderly
in our community who may have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, have suffered a stroke, or who are simply socially isolated. These individuals can
spend up to 6 hours at our sites where they interact with other guests and volunteers in
games, crafts, lunch, and bingo. If you would like to volunteer your time with Our Harmony Club or if you
know someone who could benefit from attending these clubs, please contact Dawn Vlach at (262) 8805301 or via email at

Meals on Wheels
The Meals on Wheels Senior Nutrition Program has an immediate need for volunteer
drivers. Currently, we have volunteer routes available Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
with a time commitment of about 1 1 1/2 hours. Drive one day a week or be an on
call volunteer driver. Schedules are flexible. Teams of drivers are welcome to adopt a route on a specific
day. Meal pick up is at Ridgewood Care Center, 3205 Wood Road, Racine. Mileage stipends are available.
For More information, please call Ruth Stauersbol, volunteer coordinator at (262)898-1370.

Godly Play Thanks

Thanks to everyone for supporting the
Godly Play kids at West as they "Walk
The Talk". They all feel that part of
their lessons should revolve around
what they do outside of church and
how important it is to be kind in today's
world. They have been doing acts of
kindness and keeping track of them so
they can see how much they are doing.
They are also doing Community Projects one Sunday a month.
Their project this Sunday was a success! Thanks for donating bags of candy and kid's books this Sunday for the
Godly Play kids.
The kids were able to fill 72 Halloween
treat bags of candy which will be given
to the food pantry guests. Also, there
were over 130 kid's books collected!
Way to go, that is pretty impressive!

Help Us Decorate Our Church For Christmas

We will decorate the church for Christmas
Eve with the red poinsettias that are ordered.
Poinsettias cost $8.00 each. Orders are due
by November 20. Please make checks payable to Living Faith Lutheran Church.
Poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve Service,
or you may leave it for a shut in.
__________ Poinsettias x $8.00 =_________________
In Memory of: _____________________________________________________
In Honor of:________________________________________________________
__________ I will take my plant on Christmas Eve.
__________ I will leave my plant for a shut in.
__________ I will help deliver plants to shut-ins on December
28th sometime between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

8 | The Journey

A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church

Monday Bible Study at Noon

In November we will return to looking at the upcoming Sundays lessons.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study - New!

A new Bible study begins on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:30pm. It will run for six session,
ending on December 14 (no Bible Study on Thanksgiving Eve.) The study uses the book
Heaven on Earth: Studies in Matthew. The kingdom of heaven is not some distant place
separated from earth. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus describes the importance of love and
announces that "the kingdom of heaven has come near" (Matthew 4:17).
This 6-session Bible study delves deeper into what it means for heaven to come to earth by studying Jesus' words, his way of life, and the manner in which he loved. Discover how we are the change agents Jesus is calling forth to make the Kingdom of heaven a reality on earth! This study will also give us some insight into the Epiphany readings we will hear in worship coming up in January and February. This study
will be led by Pastor Denise. Books for the study cost $7.50. Please sign up on the yellow sheet, or talk to
Pastor Denise, so we can have enough books for everyone.

Mens Breakfast
Join us at Annettas Caf (8020 Durand Ave. )
for a study and discussion on the book 12 Ordinary Men by John MacArthur. We meet the
first and third Thursday of the month
from 6:30 to 8:00am.
The books are $5, and if you would like to join, please let
Chris Malik or Nate Burton know or sign up on the yellow

Scrip Holiday Drawing and Challenge

It is never too early to get a jump start on
your holiday shopping and we have just the
incentive to help you with making your list
and checking it twice!

Theological Book Study

Our current book is Speaking Christian by
Marcus Borg (2014 revised edition). Our
next session is on Saturday, November
19 at 9:30am, when well be discussing
chapters 10-14.
Contact Pastor Denise for more information about the Theological Book Study.

ping at its best! And dont let the

name gift card limit your use to
gift-giving only. Most people who
purchase Scrip use it for their everyday shopping trips for groceries,
gas and other needsand even for
dinners out!

For every $100 you spend on Scrip purchases between November 6 and December 11, your
name will be put in Santas bag for a chance to win a The best part about it is that we receive a percentage of each Scrip order ranging all the way from 2%
$50 surprise gift.
to 20%. If you add all those percentages together it
You may ask What is Scrip anyways? Scrip is just can be quite profitable! All proceeds go directly to
another term for gift cards. The Scrip program ofsupport all of the ministries here at Living Faith!
fers over 100 retailers to choose from, giving you a Check out the Scrip order blank in your bulletin or
wide variety of popular gift cards that can be used
better yet, stop by and pay Dick Langlois a visit in
for that hard to buy for person on your list, stock- the Narthex or at Coffee Hour at Living Faith or
ing stuffers or secret Santa, anniversaries, birthdays contact June Klingbeil at Living Faith West. Thanks
or simply anytime gifts! Talk about one stop shop- and Happy Scrip Shopping!
NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8

Election Day No Price Bake Sale and Cup of Chili to Go!

On Tuesday, November 8th, Living Faith will be
buzzing with anxious voters
coming in and out at all times
of the day and sometimes
looking for just a little something sweet or nourishing
to take with them on their way .
We will again be hosting a No Price Bake Sale and
something new A Cup of Chili to Go in the back
entranceway throughout the day. We hope that
you will help us to fill the tables with lots of baked
goods and treats for everyone to enjoy. From past
experience, we have found that a donation for the
items they choose works much better than pricing
everything, thus the No Price sale has become a
good option. All donations received will go directly
to support the various Ministries here at Living
Faith Lutheran Church!

Favorites we have seen to be popular in the past

are: cookies, bars, brownies,
rice krispie treats, muffins,
breads, pies and small cakes
but please bring any of the
favorite things you enjoy
baking. If you could please bring your prepackaged donations or a double batch of your favorite chili recipe to the church office either on
Monday the 7th or anytime during the day on the
8th, that would be great!
Please let us know if you will be bringing goodies, or
if you can help that day by filling out the Long Yellow Sheet and you will be contacted to confirm.
Thanks in advance and happy baking! If you have
any questions please contact Vicki Siefert at 262634-4154 or via email at: cferts@

Annual Cookie Walk

The annual Cookie Walk and Mt. Meru Tumaini
Clinic Boutique will be held on Saturday, December
10, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Proceeds from the sale
will benefit the Tumaini Clinic and Mt. Meru community in Tanzania. The Boutique will also be open
on the morning of Sunday, December 11. The sale
will be held in Fellowship Hall of Living Faith Lutheran Church.
Guests can enter the church using the south parking lot entrance.
Cookies will be sold by the pound and in pre-packaged assortments.
We wont be baking and decorating cut-out cookies at church ahead
of time as in some previous years, so we encourage you to do so at
home. Decorated frosted cookies always sell quickly. Other customer favorites are those which go beyond ordinary chocolate chip and
peanut butter: specialty Christmas cookies, ethnic cookies, bars, candies, and small breads.

Cookies can be dropped off any time between 9:00am and 2:00pm
on Friday, December 9, in the church kitchen. Helpers are needed on
the day of the Cookie Walk to set up and clean up, bag cookies at
check out, monitor tables, and greet customers. Any cookies remaining after the sale will be sold on Saturday evening at Vespers and on
Sunday at both East and West. Help with those sales is also needed.
Please sign up on the yellow sheet or contact Cyndy King (6348006), Sandy Fugate (886-2727) or the church office (637-5671) if
you can help or if you need help with the delivery of your cookies to
10 | The Journey

Looking for Grace?

Theres an App for That!
Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith
reflection every day. In these brief
writings youll encounter Gods extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace.
You will be
challenged, inspired, consoled
and confronted.
The daily reflection will stir you
to live out your
baptismal calling.

Take time to
reflect, offer a
prayer and prepare for the
day. Read the daily message or
choose Random Grace.
This free app is available on the App
Store of Google Play as well as the
Apple App Store. See more at: http://

A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church

Focus: Scotch Tape Brigade


Gift wrapping season is almost upon us! When we create our

beautiful packages, well use up our tape, and unfortunately,
the vast majority of those empty dispensers and plastic tape
cores could end up in landfills taking up space for hundreds of
years. BUT, that doesnt have to happen!! TerraCycle
and Scotch Tape have partnered to upcycle those items into
cool new stuff. Bring your empty tape dispensers and cores to
church, and as an added benefit, we get a small donation as an incentive to keep up the good work.
Scotch Tape Brigade accepted waste: Plastic tape dispensers & plastic tape cores
Turning in your collections is easy. A TerraCycle collection box is conveniently located inside the south
entrance. You may also bring your collections to the church office and tell Jill or Kim you have a gift for
Karin Langlois.
the order form in stock in limited
quantities first come, first served.
Need a small gift? We stock a number of cards in denominations of
$10 (there are even a few $5 cards

SCRIP News You Can Use

Turkey Day is on the way, and our
Scrip challenge has begun! Keep
buying Scrip throughout the challenge, and your name will enter our
drawing every time you spend
$100. You have a chance at a $50
prize and Living Faith earns more
rebates to fund our ministries its
a win-win situation.
Think SCRIP as you plan your holiday dinners and
purchase your gifts, Pick n Save, Piggly Wiggly,
Festival Foods, and Walmart/Sams Club cards are
IN STOCK and available for immediate purchase
first come, first served. There are also many SCRIP
cards available for your gift purchases.
Need your SCRIP right away? We keep the cards
listed in the left hand column on the front page of

To get your Scrip see Dick Langlois

at the Scrip table before the 9:15
service or at coffee hour. You can
also pick up an order form in the
narthex and call Karin at 672-0635 or email her at to order your Scrip.
SCRIP ordered by 9 AM Tuesday can be picked up
by Thursday evening, if you need it before the
weekend, or on Sunday at church.
If you attend Living Faith West, you can also arrange with June Klingbeil to get your Scrip there.

Keep Saving Those Labels for Education UPCs

Thank you to everyone who is helping us collect UPCs! We are
working toward earning another $250 gift card. EVERY UPC
As the program winds down, the labels MUST have the Labels for
Education logo attached. If youre not sure what to send, just bring in the whole label. Well take care of
the trimming.
Turn in what youve collected by reusing an envelope or baggie, marking it Campbells, and putting it in
the offering plate. If you happen to be going to the church office, you can also turn them in there.
NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8


Thanksgiving Eve

November 5

November 12

November 19

November 23
(Wed. 6:30pm)


Marsha Lubecke

Ray Venegas

Maggie Gruenwald

Volunteer Needed


Volunteer Needed James Breidenbach

Journey Koepke

Becca Arnold
James Breidenbach

Tech Person

Volunteer Needed

Volunteer Needed

Vicy Arnold

Living Faith - 9:15

Lee Bahr

November 26


November 6

November 13

November 20

November 27

Marilyn Thygeson

Elaine Lucht

Fred Marks

Joannie Williams

Logan Munoz
Anna-Lisa Mbise

Matt Clope
Bryce Helland

Alexander Mbise
Anna-Lisa Mbise

Logan Munoz
Journey Koepke


Elaine Lucht
Karin Langlois
Ginny White

Barb Elmer
Helen Zelinger
Joannie Williams

Lika Phipps
Dick Koch
Gary King

Fred Marks
Rose Frey
Elaine Lucht

Tech Person

Vicy Arnold

Jennifer Miller

Chris Simon

Chris Simon

(*Senior Acolyte)


Gary King, Edward Haigh, David LaMack, Arlene LaMack

Altar Guild

Helen Zelinger

Coffee Hour

Ruth & Teresa


Cyndy King &

Sandy Fugate

Rebekah Circle

Volunteer Needed

Living Faith West

November 6

November 13

November 20

November 27


Pastor Warren

Pastor Denise

Pastor Warren

Pastor Warren


Cushman Family

Amy Sheppard
Nikki Halbur

Chris Malik
Anya Malik

Don Hansen
Sandy Hansen


Steve Blegen

Angie Olsen

Larsen Family

Lovely Family

Tech Person

Becca Arnold

Lisa Peters

Adam Smith

Linda McGee


Steve Engelstad

Craig Sheppard

Kevin Ehnert

Chris Malik


Margaret Robinson

Jody Pease

Carol Hegmann

Sandi Keuther


Pastor Warren

Pastor Denise

Pastor Warren

Carol Hegmann


Steve Engelstad
Gayle Engelstad

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

Lisa Peters
Jody Pease

Volunteers Needed

Michelle Larsen
Michelle Lovely

Volunteers Needed

Fellowship Snacks

NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8


14 | The Journey

A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church

November Readings
November 6 - 25th Sunday after Pentecost
1st Reading: Job 19:23-27a
Psalm: Psalm 17:1-9
2nd Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17
Gospel: Luke 20:27-38
November 13 - 26th Sunday after Pentecost
1st Reading: Malachi 4:1-2a
Psalm: Psalm 98
2nd Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Gospel: Luke 21:5-19
November 20 - Christ the King Sunday
1st Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm: Psalm 46
2nd Reading: Colossians 1:11-20
Gospel: Luke 23:33-43
November 27 - First Sunday of Advent
1st Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm: Psalm 122
2nd Reading: Romans 13:11-14
Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44

Newsletter Deadline
Articles to be included in the
December issue of The Journey
should be submitted to Diane
Thygeson (email: dfthygeson@ no later than November 20.

Upcoming Events
Sunday, December 4 at 12noon
Advent Festival featuring a chili cook-off, Advent
crafts and a chance to sign-up to provide Christ
mas gifts for homeless families and individuals.
Friday, December 9 at 5pm
Decorate the church for Christmas followed by a
Saturday, December 10 from 9:00-11:00am
Cookie Walk and Mt. Meru Tumaini Health Clinic
Sunday, December 11 at 9:15am
Case Carolers perform at Living Faith.
Sunday, December 18 at 10am
Christmas Program Too-oo-oo-oo Busy at Living
Faith West.
Wednesday, December 21 at 7:30pm
Belle City Brass Christmas Concert at Living Faith

If you are not receiving The Journey please call or

email the church office to let us know. Thanks!
Service Times
Vespers Service (Quincy) ........................................ Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. (No Vespers 11/26
Sunday Service at Living Faith (Quincy) ................................. 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Service at Living Faith West (Sturtevant Sportsplex) .............................. 10:00 a.m.
Thursday Community Worship at Living Faith (Quincy)............................................... 5:15 p.m.
Living Faith Church Office Hours
Monday - Friday .......................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Living Faith Staff
Ministers ................................................................. The People of Living Faith Lutheran Church
Senior Pastor ............................................................................................... Dr. Warren Williams
Associate Pastor ................................................................................... Rev. Denise M.H. Mbise
Administrative Secretary ............................................................................................. Jill Steiner
Administrative Secretary .......................................................................................Cathi Webster
Secretary/Book Keeper.......................................................................................... Kim Saunders
Senior Choir Director ..................................................................................... Dimitri Shapavolov
Organist /Pianist ....................................................................................................Jill Wanggaard
Organist /Pianist ........................................................................................................... Tina Perri
Organist Emeritus ................................................................................................... Fred Hermes
Pianist................................................................................................................... Tina Tempesta

NOVEMBER 2016 Volume #1, Issue #8

Part time Maintenance ................................................................................................Jay Martin

Part time Janitorial ................................................................................................... Ollie Nielsen
Senior Friendship Center Director ............................................................................ Vicki Siefert
Nutrition Site Supervisor ...................................................................................... Donna Pankoff
Parish Nurse............................................................................................... Joannie Williams, RN
The Journey Editor ........................................................................................... Diane Thygeson
Staff E-mail addresses
Rev. Denise Mbise .........................................................................
Dr. Warren Williams .................................................................
Jill Steiner ..............................................................................................
Kim Saunders ...........................................................................
Cathi Webster.................................................................
Joannie Williams
Diane Thygeson .....................................................................................
General Church E-mail address
Living Faith E-mail ..................................................................
Living Faith Website ...........................................................................
Living Faith West Website ...................................................................
Living Faith Facebook


Living Faith Lutheran Church

2915 Wright Avenue
Racine, WI 53405-5094
Published Once a Month


Service of Remembrance
Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
Grief Support Group
Praise for the Pantry
Scrip Holiday Drawing & Challenge
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service

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