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Assisgnment 1 (Due on 12 October)

You can form a group with maximum 3 students to work on the assignment
1. Read the excel file teachingratings.xls into Stata
2. Use the command describe to check the contents of the file
3. Drop the variables oneredit, intro and nnenglish
4. Create a new variable for the square of age
5. Save the data into Stata format
6. Produce the summary statistics for age, beauty and course_eval
7. Produce a two way scatter plot for the variables beauty and course_eval
8. Find the correlation among the above three variables
9. Test whether the average of the course evaluation equals 4
10. Store all the commands in a Do file
11. Store all the results in a log file
Please send me the "do file" and the "log file" to my QQ email. Do not send the files to my school email.

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