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Riau is a Province that have many pride side. Language, art, culture, and many others.

Is a
honourary for me for explain and tell how much i wanna make Riau as a international famously.
Ya, love is the only reason why i extraordinary trying to make this statement come true. I am as
University student, i am the agent of change, have tremendous intention to get how i can make
every aspects at my lovely province will be better.
Although came from ordinary family, i wish intensely when i choose as a next young ambassador
youth exchange certainly i will do my best to explore my self, get and expand potential things
im my mind. It all just because make Indonesia have more good sight from the world generally,
especially Riaus name with incredible promotion.Take a sweet chance to inform people out
there about superiorities that Riaus have.
First, i think that i must take few art approachment . Why? Cause art is the thing that make
diversity gotta be mean and art is the most enjoyable communication instrument. Ill carry on to
show beautifull epic dance with good appearance, good looking, and very dramatic. Singing is
the next approach of art. Everyone who loves this province and have wide knowledge of music
is always know that melayu song and music are fantastic, gentle, and unique. Id love too to
bring overseas athmospere be wonderful melayus. Second it must be culture approachment.
Culture is the ability that we must be proud with it from our provinse. Cause Riau have many
different habbits with other country. But, its not a reason why im afraid to introduce it to other
country. My attitude will represent overall. So i have to make a kind smile, always show that
melayus people are easy going to everyone.
Next, approachment from discussion is the one important. From our words, we can make sure
and influence many people to understand and believe us and with my babbermouth, i will make
them understand how much Riau have many possitive empowerment of busines field,
development infrastructure, and many others benefit sight so they will interest to visit Riau.
I have an idea to create a short film which tell us about Riaus lifestyle, a real film ofcourse, with
a proporsional dramatical consideration. Why i have that idea? Its cant be lie when we have
already watch a film like Breking Dawn, it make us to be so want to visit the beauty forest
where Cullens family are live. Why not i think to create some creative tricking documentary of
beautiful Riau place. We have many beautiful view that seldom to find by overseas citizen. Bono
surfing, Aek Mertua waterfall, and the others. My films will be take place at that all place.
Last, i want to be anti corruption delegation ambassador, ill show to the world how i as Riau
child very care about many isues in my country and explain them how Riau very refuse every
form of crime. Anti crime action will be i do like share flowers as symbol crime-reject, make a
forum where everyone include my overseas and young ambassador team could held a discussion
to talk about solution of eradication human crime and corruption. Caused corruption and human
crime are just always damage estetics, affectives, and morality values that the country has. All i
wanna do are plans for promote Riau to the world and get more sympatize for better Riau and for
better Indonesia. Cause a youth is countrys pleasure who will fix the self management and
expand his/her potency just for make Indonesia more independent.

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