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How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

This document describes how to use the ALU SAM-B.

To launch the or SAM-B you will need to access the MSDP application portal. As updates are
made to the SAM-B new icons will appear. Below the current versions are 11-0R6_P2 and 110R6_P8. A list of which SAM-Bs are on which version is also listed below. In the future if you are
unable to access a SAM-B on 11-0R6_P2 then it most likely would have moved to 11-0R6_P8.

SAM02 TO SAM09 & SAM11 TO SAM13 are in SAM-B 11-0R6_P2

SAM01, SAM06 & SAM10 are in SAM-B 11-0R6_P8

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

Choose the correct SAM server and enter your username and password.

These are the servers and the appropriate locations:

SAM-B 1: Walpole & Woburn
SAM-B 2: Albany & Wallingford
SAM-B 3: LI City, Manhattan, and Westbury
SAM-B 4: Branchburg, Harrison, and Teterboro
SAM-B 5: Pennsauken & Philadelphia
SAM-B 6: Beltsville & Elkridge
SAM-B 7: Baltimore, Hanover, and Norfolk
SAM-B 8: Charlotte, Columbia, and Greensville
SAM-B 9: Richmond & Morrisville
SAM-B 10: Irvine & Ontario
SAM-B 11: Burbank & Sante Fe Springs
SAM-B 12: Carlsbad, Los Vegas, PHX, Roeser, San Diego
SAM-B 13: Edinburgh and Shentel
Please ensure you are using the correct password. One strike and your out. You will wait 30 min for a

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

Once the SAM opens it will go to home screen.

The top left is the tree view (equipment network). The top right is the Physical Topology, which displays
eNodeBs by an icon. The bottom is the alarm statistics view. The alarm view is contstantly running
diagnotics on active alarms on all eNodeBs.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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To find a particular site with the eNodeB name, you would choose the icon with the binoculars.

You would then enter the eNodeB name in the Site Name field and select Find. When it finds the
eNodeB, it will highlight the site.

You can also find an eNodeB by checking in the tree view. To find a eNodeB, you would type the eNodeB

+-Commercial- These are live sites that have been migrated and turned on-air.
+-FITeNB- These sites are not live and are still being worked.
+-Growth- These sites have being/been migrated, but havent been turned up.
+-GR_INT-These sites have been migrated, and will soon be turned on-air.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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When you select the Commercial drop down, it will show a large list of all the eNodeBs that have been
migrated and on-air.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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You can see all the Critical, Information, and Major alarms listed on the eNodeBs. When you find your
site, hit the + next to it to display the racks.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

We can see now that there is a critical alarm on Rack 3:RFM-3/1.

Rack 1 are you card slots. Rack 2 is your sector 1 equipment (RRHs, RUIs, etc). Rack 3 is equipment for
Sector 2, and Rack 4 is equipment for sector 3. You can right-click on the rack and select the properties

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

This will give you information on RRH-2100. Next you will select the States tab to display the current
state of the RRH.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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We can see that the RRH status is Unlocked/Disabled/Failed. We can try to reset it by doing the
Step 1: Lock the RRH by changing the Admin State from Unlocked to Lock and select Apply.
Step 2: Select Resync.
Step 3: Change the Administrative State back to Unlock and select Apply.


How to Use the ALU SAM-B

U can also rest through GUI mode :

Click on the reset option, a pop window will appear, check it ans select yes :-

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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How to Use the ALU SAM-B

WE can now see that the critical alarm on Rack 3 is clear,

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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We can also launch the NEM. This is the Network Element Manager (Rack View). This will show each
sector, RRHs, and the cards in the rack. You can lock/resync and reset the sectors and cards located in
the cabinet.
When the NEM opens, select the rack view icon in the middle.

In this view we can see that Sector 2 is OOS and RRH 3-0-0 is showing critical alarms. We can try to
reset this from here also.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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After locking/reset/unlock, I was able to restore the failed RRH and restore sector 2.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

The RRH is now clean and green along with Sector-2. When we go back into the properties for RRH2100, we can see that its no longer degraded.

If you want to see the alarms, you would click on the Faults tab. You can do this for individual pieces of
equipment or on an entire eNodeB. The standing alarm for this site is showing for the RRH.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

Although the RRH is now clean, this alarm is still showing because of the reset. I re-synced the site and
the critical alarm cleared.

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

ALU eNodeB Call Processing Verification

This document was created to show how to check call processing on an ALU eNodeB. First you will need
the IP address of the eNodeB
1) Right click on your eNodeB and select Properties

2) In the Properties window you wil see the IP Addresss under Active Management IP

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

After you have the IP now you need to go to the SSH Session
1) Select Tools > NE Sessions > SSH Session

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

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How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

2) Type in the IP address and hit Connect


A pop up will appear, enther the following username and password

a. Username: enb0dev
b. Password: Qwe*90op

4) Change Directory to the following server based on SW version

SW version 5.0 and 6.0:
SW version 13.0:

cpri folder: cd /pltf/pltf/cpri

cd /uecallp/Crm

How to Use the ALU SAM-B

Produced by: Prabhakar Mishra

Last Update:

5) Use following command to pull call counters per sector

SW version 5.0 and 6.0:
/uecallp/Uecallp/CellCacParam X
SW Version 13.0:
CellCacParam X
(X is 0,1,2 for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma)

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