Pells - Et - Al (1980) An Experimental Investigation Into Side Shear For Socketed Piles in Sandstone

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295 International Conference on Structural Foundations on Rack / Sydney /7-9 May 1960 An experimental investigation into side shear for socketed piles in sandstone P.I.N.PELLS ‘University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia RK. ROWE, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada RM. TURNER Golder Associates, Sydney, Australia 1 asrRopuctrax Much of the Sydney region is undertain by sandstones of the Triassic Havkeshury s ies and many major structures are support- ed on bored piles socketed into this rock. ‘The design of such rock socketed piles Gepends on a knowledge of allowable end bearing and side shear values. Traditional ly tather conservative values for endbesr- ing have been taken fron the local building ode and combined with arbitrarily deter ined side shear values. Sone field tests have been conducted at particutar sites, such as the Sydney Opers House (McKenzie 1968), but data for developing satisfactory design procedures are completely inadequate. In order to provide such data a research” programe was set up in 1977. This work has included a large nusber of field and Taboratory tests to determine side shear values for sandstones grading fron fract— red and moderately weathered (de = 5-108Pa) to intact and fresh (Oe = 30-40tBa). As sandstones of sinilar fype and quality are found in many parts of the world it is considered that the results of these tests are of general value to designers of ocketed piles and rock anchors. 2 THE HAVKESBURY SANDSTONE Secupying an area of sone 12500 sq, kilo~ netres. in the Sydney Basin this formation, while containing sone shale, consists doninantly of quite nassive sandstone beds tp to 15 motres in thickness. Strong cross bedding is common. ‘The sandstone fine to medium, with an argill crite cement, As composed primarily of Subangular, quartz grains seous matrix and some sidé Secondary silica occurs mostly as overgrowths around grains. The degree of overgrowth development is vari- ble and has sn important bearing on the Strength of the material. Well developed overgrouth of detrital grains results ina Strong interlocked structure, Siderite is Sonetines found in sufficient quantity to bind quarts. grains together. According to Standard (1969) the average composition, based on analysis of widely spaced samples from the whole outerop, is as follows: Detrital grains Quartz 688 Others a Metrix clay (708 Kaolinite, 208 ‘20 T1lite) Secondary silica and siderite " However, one of the characteristics of these sandstones is that quite wide variations in ‘conposition may occtr over short distances both laterally, due to cross-bodding, and with depth, For example Table 1 gives. the Yariation, with depth, of the proportion of Eranevork quartz. and matrix elay benesth ‘the foundation of a major building in cen- ‘eral Sydney. ‘Table 1, Thin Section Results from MLC Centre (Arenco, 1973) Depth Framework Natzix Metres Quartz Clay, 2 ‘ 1.2 38.8 52.4 ins 59.9 35.5 29 7511 179 wn ma 24.5 19.5 76:0 15.2 20.9 66.4 28 231 Weathering of these sandstones initiates along bedding planes and vertical joints and is associated with a significant de eresse in unconfined serength and the de~ velopment of sub-horizontal etay seane. Typical engineering properties of these sandstones havo beon discussed by Pells (1977) and are briefly sumarised here. Fig. 1 shows the general range of strength snd modulus values obtained an laboratory core specizens, A characteristic of this naterisl is that the strength when vot £2 very much lover than the dry strength, as shown in Table 2, Also: sham in Table 2 are typical Coulomb triaxial effective strength parameters, It has been found that the triavial strength can be estinsted Quite accurately using the equation given by Bieniawski (1974) namely: Figure 1 Sunmary of Strength and Modulus Data for Havkesbury Sandstone Table 2. Typical Properties of Hawkesbury Sandstone Je Uniaxial Compressive Triaxial Samp Strength Strength Seeurated) joa Teted Satiated C* 7 a Wa ia TOS 2 asa aso 3748 8 56.0 25.0 6.0 a 296 5 TESTING PROGRAMME FOR MEASURING SOCKET ‘SHEAR VALUES ‘The programe of tests that was undertaken involved 39 leboratoxy tests. an sockets of up to 250mm diameter and 21 field tests on Sockets of up to 710mm dlaneter, Of prine interest were the maximon average side shear values and the shape of the load displace- tment curves, The Bain variables considered G) Socket geonetsy (diameter snd length fo diameter ratio) aa ain ay o Socket wall roughness Rock matexial strength Presence of clay seams Casting of socket concrete Under bentonite The Isboretory tests were designed to study the first two variables uhile the renainde? had to be studied using field tests, 4 LABORATORY TESTS In order to study socket georetzy and socket wall roughness under conditions where other ‘variables could hope-fully be eliminated, blocks of uniform sandstone were purchased fron a local quarry. These biocks were either S00ma cubes or measured 460mm * Goan x 300an, The sandstone had an average inconfined strength of 17.7Pa (saturated). Socket holes with dlaneters varying from 89a Co 250mn were exiled in these blocks using dianond tipped coring tubes (diatubes), Sone of the holes were then scraped to form shallow circunferential grooves. ost of the blocks were then set into steel rings with the same concrete used to form the Sockets, “The remainder of the blocks were Teft unconfined to simulate the extrene effect of open vertical joints around ¢ Held socket, After casting, the blocks were stored in s hunidity room for at least S month prior to testing, The concrete mix as typical of that used in the field, hav= ing a Slump of 150-200an and 228 day strength of 38a, Four sets of tests wore performed with tho test progranae being nodified according to the previous results obtained, Each test consisted of loading the socket up to and ‘then well past fai ire while recording the displacement at the top of the socket. In sone tests strain gauges were cemented to the rock surface oF to the steel rings and nonitored during loading. Geonetric details (Ind results from all the’ teste are summarised 292 297 Table 5, Sunmary of Laboratory Sockst Shear Tests Toot Bivester” Wy yong pean Trimet Spanx Seinay Sonting” oughrese Block REE PIE My Shona Tyoak “inat Spoak Sonn REC “Ghee ‘Sige 1 898 435 4.35 1.9 2.0 35.0 cl ML 30 3% a bd ES GS aM Tho 2 ce eo atao 3 NP ole ck MO Lae io gio $800 30 Gb ss me $f $30 $30 is tie us ck é ot Soo hoo kb LS IES 30 5 a hoo igo ke nick a fo tot arco] gieop ea] give tea 2 0 fe oo bieo don ia ie ie 8 ee 1b usp S30 sin 2 Ls eo He i ie Eid ne XG te & fe 12 iso Ne be fa os ite ct a Te oie ord ig bos tle Se ao a ote oid ites dz 22 fo Ie Go HONS bb ke ko fe 22 2° aoe es acc tea] eee qatace are coty acorn) = ct ne i} iad ites ies ote 23 flo io tee 1g digo deo fie 32 Belo 3 io iad io itt ois 835 “tie n bo igo itaz duds Ls ols gle eb nt io 152 Is2 ole 0°S aoe Ht Bie PG nH on on Beg n Bis tise) seg ais) ire e001 2 0 ut hte He Les 0053 0c) Ile = 33 ise ise ite ie GA 02 “Seo u 330 MAL ito 10s “se ile 20'0 a 3 tee ie 138 188 ore fee 8 u goose SS tae 180 EG alo 33 3320 las Sao San zis 1) “le Gk 302133 aa aM) Tor TD Sto tt Mo ose 2a ha EE re ie & ow oto ise ala Pld ole 15 0 ct Bole ise ia 8 os eo GO Bios ise a2 ae a3 3 Go 33 igo ise Ila ico so 306 32 leo ise loo pice cro) © (cle 2 el Hise ise ike "Miock'spse cl See ise $8 9.303. 33 eo ile also aes 193 Sto blo cr oe ho UP RE oe ok he ca 22 ie bike one ote sth eta Ch = Confined in single ring of Arnco pipe (2 = Confined in two rings = Unconfined Cast under bentonite in Table 5, The rouglmess classes shown in 4,2 Discussion of Laboratory Test Results column 9 of Table S are an attempt to quan~ tify, at least in a classification sense, The laboratory tests showed thet socket dia tho Surface condition of the sockets. The meter and length to dianeter ratio had classification systen adopted as developed Little effect on shear-displacenent behav- from the field tests discussed later and is iour but that the two most important fac- given in Table 4, Walle this subdivision tors were into roughness classes 1s quite arbitras ihwill fe show thet thistasetos has ar, (2) socket wall condition i.e, roughness inportant bearing on socket shear behaviour. eee 293, (Gi) degree of 1eteral consinenent. Table 4, Roughness Classification Roughness Description Class. RL Straight, emoth sided socket, ‘grooves Or indentations less ‘than 100mm deep R2 Grooves of depth I-dam, width greater than 2mm, et spacing 50mm to 200m RS Grooves of depth 4-100m, width greater than Snn, at spacing 50mm £0 200mm Re Grooves or undulations of depth > Yom, width > 10mm at spac- ing 50m t0 200mm Fig, 2 ives the load-displacenent curves sor three sockets with the fave dinensions and confinement but with different degrees Of sisosall roughness. With a relatively Snooth sidewall the behaviour is brite, ‘he sideveil shear seress increases almost Hinearly to a peti vaive which represents fcilure of the bond between ihe socket concrete and the sandstone, Thereafter the Shear resistance drops rapidly tos te. Siduat value which inthe laboratory tests veried betwoon 408 and 608 of the peak Strength, ith # slightly rougher serker fhe sheat strese agai increases almost Unearly initial peaky representing bend feiture, but after’ shall oss Sn Figure 2 Laboratory Nodel Socket Results = Showing Effects of Socket Wall Roughness and Degree of Lateral Confinement 294 298 strength the shear resistance increases gradually with inereasing displacement neil a Second peak is reached after a dis~ placement of sbout 10mx, With a vexy rough Socket the initial peak (bond failure) is ‘ot apparent and the behaviour is esse tially work-hardening up to displacements of 10mm or more. Clearly the effect of a ough socket wail {s to generate very high normal stresses which lead to the "work hardening" shear behaviour associated with shearing of sandstone asperitios, Such behaviour is certainly desirable in the field because designing for brittle side- wall behaviour in complete sockets presents aifticulties, Fig. 2 also shows the importance of the. degree of lateral confinenent. The behay- iour is as expected, with dilation et the concrete/rock interface generating strains sufficient to crack a lightly confined block (Test 37) but generating high normal stresses in the block (Test 38) confined with double steel ings. The effect of @ thin Layer of bentonite at the conerete/rock interface is to inhibit the developnent of any interface bonding and with smooth socket walls this zeduces the Shear strength co about 20% of the value for a clean sidewall, Tho nodsl socket tests were a dissppoint- nent in the sense that tho results showed considerable seater and were clearly very Sensitive to the degree of Interal confine nent afforded by casting the blocks in Stool rings of differing thickness. The results also depended on tho ratio of the nodel socket size to the sandstone block size, While the results correctly showed the importance of sidewall cleanliness and roughness and the relative untaportance of the L/D ratio, it seeus that such model socket tests do not provide a good means of predicting field behaviour at specific sites. A nunber of triaxial tests have been per formed on conposite conczete/sandstone specimens in order to evaluate the peak and "posidual" shear strength parameters of the interface, “Concrete was cast ageinst a prepared planar surface of sandstone, Core Specimens were then drilled so thst the Ingerface was nelined between 30° and 40° to the axes of the cylindricsl spect- ens. Table 5 gives the results from such tests conducted on the sandstone used in the Inboratory. Tt should be noted that these results are Sor a nornal stress range of about 6-800Pa, It was not possible to Table §. Shear Strength Paraneters - Conerete/Rock Interface. (Normal Stress Range 6 to SOMPa) 299 tensile strength of 0.25tPe. Fig. 3 shows the layout of the shear sock- ets a¢ this site in relation to the overall Most of the tests were in the Upper sandstone unit and with sone spann- Interface Shear Strength geology ee poeta sng across clay seams. Peak Residual nea} | wa | Clean diamond cut sandstone {4,0 /30° | 10° | 36? surface Bentonite coated diamond 1.0%/83° | 1.0% | 32° cout sandstone surface * These are cohesion intercepts - actual failure envelopes are curved at low normal stresses. cbtain results at lover normal stresses here the failure envelopes are probably curved, 5 FIBLD TESTS The Held tests were carried out at two sites in Nest Pynble, one of Sydney's north~ em suburbs. At the first site 9 small shear sockets (up to 160m dianeter) were tested. At the second test site 19 shear sockets and 3 full sockets (with end bear- ing), up to 7l0nn in diameter, were tested. ‘These tho sites allowed investigation of size effects, effects of different sand~ Stone types, seans, drilling methods and casting under bentonite. 5.1 Geology of Test Sites and Layout of Tests ‘The first site consists of 0.5 to 0,7 mo- tres of slightly weathered, medium grained, rotted sandstone overlying 0.3 to 0.7 me tres of highly westhered sandstone which grades into less weathered fine grained Sandstone, The highly westhered zone con- tains Sone subhorizontal seams of soft clay (Gu = 25kPa). The sandstone of the upper layer has tho following average properties. Unconfined strength : Brazilian tensile strength Seeant modulus at 0,50¢ : rapa oer 1oo0we It was not possible to obtain suitable cores of the lover fine grained sandstone for Taboratory testing and only Brazilian tests were performed which gave an sverage Figure 5 Cross-Section Showing Positions of Socket Tests ‘The secon site where the main set of field tests was undertaken was located in f disused quarry. This site had the advan~ fage that the Teck in which the tests were conducted was exposed in a nearby cutting. Fig. 4 gives 2 plan of the site showing the Tocations of four 2500kN anchors placed at the comers of two adjacent equlleteral triangles so that a 4,2 long reaction bean could be placed in five positions (4,,C, D'and Eon Fig. 4). Five sockets were cast atong the triangle sides A, B and C and ‘three along sides D and &.” Prior to drill~ ing the socket holes at locations AZ, M4, C2 and C4, Slam ciareter core samples were taken down their axes (NLC core barrel). Figure 4 Test Site Layout - west Pynble quersy 298 300 Figure § Borehole 4 Fig. 5 gives the log for the borehole at Ca'shich is taken as typical. Te shove the site to consist of @ layer of mod- rately westhered, fine to mediun grained, fractured, sandstone overlying fresh, strong, intact sandstone, ‘The upper unit has an’average unconfined strength of 6.0 Ha and a tensile strength of 0.45Ha, The lover sandstone unit decreases in strength with depth fron 4002 inmediately ‘beneath the sean, which separates it from the upper init, to 1SPa a further 0.5m dom. For the two socket tests conducted in this lover unit @ value for the un confined strength of SOMPa is adopted, Figs. 62 to Ge show the layout of the Sockets st the quarry in relation to. the General geology. The socket holes st the first site were all drilled with single barrer diamond tubes, At the quarry. site three different techniques wore adopted, namely a a) rock roller auger = 210mm diameter holes, = 51Sne and Tom dia eter holes, (414) diamond tube - 160m and 250mm dia- eter holes. ‘The object of using these different drill- ing techniques was to produce holes with different degrees of sidewall roughness. However it should be mentioned that the condition of the auger holes depended on the number of flights snd teeth arrange sent on the particular auger. The $1sna Gianeter holes were quite straight and 296, afd] | Z eae oe Figure 6¢ Cross-Section Leg ¢ Figure 6d Cross-Section Leg D Figure Ge Cross-Sectidn Leg & smooth because augers with three and five flights were used, However, the 710mm dianoter holes were quite rough because the single flight auger tended to "flap" around during drilling. Table 6 summarises the geometric details of all the field socket tests, Sockets at the First site are designated by an X Whereas those at the quarry are designated [sccomding to the beam position shown in Fig. 4, The sides of all the socket holes wore logged visually to note positions of Seans snd joints and to evaluate the side- Wall roughness using the schene sumnarised in Table 4 and discussed earlier. It Should be mentioned that the sidewalls of the sockets drilled by rock roller or dia- tube were washed clean during drilling. However, the sides of holes drilled by two of the three flight augers used, were covered with a layer (10-15mn) Of crushed Sandstone, This smeared material was carefully washed off socket holes AS and BS but was eft in place on hole CS. Holes 2 and £2 were seraped clean by hand but the surface sandstone remained clogged with clayey paste. Holes DL, 03, £1 and ES were drilled with a five fight soil suger and while drilling was slow, no Layer of crushed sandstone was Left on theholes, although they were somewhat slickensided. No further cleaning was undertaken, 5.2 Casting of the Sockets Polystyrene plugs were placed at the bases of all the holes, These plugs usually. consisted of two discs of polystyrene equal to the hole diameter separated by # snail dianeter polystyrene colum that was. just capable oF supporting the weight of the Fresh Socket concrete, ‘The sockets at the first site were cast using hand mixed conezete which had aslum (of about 80mm and a 28 day cylinder strength of between 30 and 3562, 297 301 Tahle 6. Geometric Details of Field Sockets, No. ian, Length Drilling Roughness DL Method (Table 4) x 160188 RI x2 #160 RL X30 160-185 Vert.doint mi xe Bh 30 m XS 86-330 eross seam XG” 883850 cross sean x? 160 112 2 xB 160 1600 RL. X9 91-255 Bentonite RL AL 75 (96000 RL a2 210 92000 2 Al 315 400A 3 ie Pei R2 abe 20 tsise ea Ra/R2 Bl iso 4600 RL B2 160 4500 Bl ty RL Be 255 330 DRL (geams) BS so 6200 > aL cl 210 24000 RL c2 210 3400 RL 633104502 A Smearea. ce 210600 2 e5 210 700K Ra Dl 290-1300 A_—sMentonite RL b2 710900 Ro p3e 230 5300 RL Blt 290 500 —-A_—Bentonite RL feats 70 370 ay B2/R3 53 290 12700 RL Shear + End Bearing w+ As Auger, R= Rock Rolle: D = Distube At the quarry site the sockets of the first triangle of tests (A, B and C sockets) wore cast using conerete mixed in a small mixer. The mix was a5 used in the lab- oratory tests (A/C ratio 4,2, Slump 150 - 200m) and had an average 28’ day cylinder strength of 42\Pa. The sockets of the D and E logs were cast using Readynix con- crete which had a very high slump (> 200m) and a 28 day strength of 28WPa. Two of these socket holes (D1 and £1) were first filled with a bentonite slurry and the con- crete wes then cast through 2 small trenie Pipe, “Because of this casting procedure SIL the sockets on the D and £ legs were cored (NMLC core barrel) to check on the Concrete quality. In all cases 100% core was recovered with only a few fractures caused by the drilling, Specimens wore cut fron these cores and some of the test re~ suits are given in Table 7, The average Table 7, Test Results on Concrete Core Samples Socket Depth neonfined Serengeh x = Wa D1 100-2) DL esos eee) eae DL 470 29,2) fe i m8 @ 20 aoe @ bo i897 Bt fo a8) BS} me El 360 25.5 ) Bentonite strengths are higher than the 28 day cyl- inder results and the conerete cast under Dentonite was quite satisfactory. A11 the sockets were Left for at least a month prior to testing. (6 TESTING PROCEDURE ‘The sockets wore tested by Jacking against 4 Large reaction beam held by the 250 tome rock anchors at the triangle comers, Load- ing colums wore positioned on top of the sockets which were levelied off with Pattemstone. These loading colums were either solid steel or coneyete filled pipes. For each vest a Large steel plate as cenented to the top of the loading Colum, This plate provided the surface for measuring Settienent by neas of three ial gauges and @ LVUT. The gauges were supported on 2 separate datun bean systen. Loading was by means of a 2500kN jack sup- plied by # motor driven pump. The hydraulic pressure was measured both by a pressure gauge and by a prossure transducer which, Together with the LVDT, was connected to a Hewlett-Packard 7132 recorder. Tho continuous recom of hydraulic pre ssure snd settleuent against time proved very valuable, although accurate measure nent of settlement was provided by avers; ing readings from the three dial gauges Placed equidistantly around the circunfer- ‘ence of the measuring plate, For all the tests on the A leg of the first triangle, loads were applied in in- crenents, The’ first two ox three incre~ fronts were about 20% of the estinated ultimate load and thereafter the snerenents were reduced to about 10%, After each Uncrenont the load was maintained as con stant as possible for Sor 10 minutes 298 302 prior to the next inerenent. For the B, C, D and £ legs the sane method wes employed except for sockets 32, B4, C3 fand Cf, Sockets 82 and B4 had a stall in- crenont of load applied initially but there- after the electrie pump was zun continuous ly giving sonething between a constant rate of loading and a constant rate of displace nent, For sockets C3 and C4 the load was, Taken in inerenents to about 70% of peak oad before running the puap continuously. For test £2 the load was held close to max ium for 16 hours to check on creep settle- 7 TEST RESULTS: It As not possible within the space avail- able here to discuss each test but rather the main points arising out of the tests faze Ulustrated using specific test results. ‘The results of all the tests are sumarised in Table 8, 7.1 Effect of Socket Nall Condition ‘The field tests emphasised the point noted in the laboratory regarding the Lmpertance of the roughness and, for Lack of a better word, the cleanliness of the socket sides. Consider first the cleanliness. Both the Iaboratory and field tests shoved that a strong cemented bond develops between & clem sandstone surface and the socket concrete, If the sandstone surface is clogged with sneared or crushed rock matrix raterial, or bentonite, then developnent Of the cénented bond is inhibited. This is {Ilustrated in Fig. 7 which gives the average shear stress versus displacenent curves for sockets 82, C3 and Dl, all with Snooth sidewalls but with different de- grees of surface cleanliness. The fact that. reduction in shear strength of up to 25% can occur due to clogging of the feck surface with smeared material or bentonite 1s obviously very sigaificanc. Te should also be noted that the behaviour for the clean smooth socket in Fig. 7 18, as with the laboratory tests, quite brittle. ‘There As a rapid, S08 loss in average shear strength after peak shear stress is attain- fed, “his behaviour vas shown by the tests fo'be a function of the socket roughness. With increasing roughness the load-dis- placenent behaviour changes fron brittle fo essentially plastic, Also with in- Ereasing roughness there is an Increase in the peak average shear strength. However, white a roughness equivalent to 2-3m deep grooves at a spacing of about 100nm is Sufdicient to prevent "brittle" behaviour 303 Table 8, Summary of Field Results Gocket Average Peak Displacement Average "Residual" Displacement fo. Shear Stress to Peak Shear Stress to "Residual™ Mpa nm spa am mI “ 2.31 L 2.40 3 x2 2160 6 ries a2 x3 120 5 0:60 15 xa 3146 6 2194 13 x 2143 6 Lizz 40 x6 2159 5 1157 40 xT 5.22, 7 2230, 30 xa 2163 3 32 x9 0.15 5 20 AL 0182 15 40 a2 42 25 40 a aan 18 40 at tag 7 40 aS. 0.82 3 40 BL 0.94 5 20 Ba 216 a 35 33 0:89 6 25 B4 1165 3 40 BB 4ii3 a 40 cL Test unsuccessful 2 75 7 2.80 1s 3 ° a cag 40 ca 2.20 6 2205 40 cs. aay 20 x01 45 DL 0:32 8 0732 Fra D2 0.65 10 Siigntly work hardening D3 Side chear plus end bearing BL Side shear plus end bearing 2 Sie shear plus end bearing Bs 0.68 12 0.68 20 Figure 7 Test Results for Spooth Sockets with Different Degrees of Sidovalt Cleane a far greater degree of roughness is re- quired to generate appreciable increase in Strength, This is shown in Fig. 8 which fives the results for sockets Bi, A2 and As whose sidewalls were all cleat but of different degrees of roughness. Tt has been observed that full scale sockets dril1- fed in Sydney sandstone by auger, diamond tube or miltiple jackhammer devices may be quite snooth and thus he sidewall roughness ecessary to ensure ‘plastic! load-displace- Rent behaviour #3 not’ always automatically achieved. In most cases the presence of Seans and crushed zones is advantageous hecause these cause the sidewalls to be rough. 7.2 Bffect of Sandstone Material Strength ith the geology at the quarsy site being Such that sockets could be tested in two distinctly different sandstone horizons fand with the first site providing # third strength of sandstone, it has been possible to evaluate the effect of this property on 299 MS Tr Figure 8 Test Results for Clean Sockets with Different Degrees of Rovehness Socket shear strength. These results a for sockets where clay seams oF crush zones constitute less than about 5% of the socket ength. Data are also available from @ single test conducted in relatively intact Sandstone duzing the construction of the Sydney Opera House (NeKenzie, 1969). For these conditions the average side resist- ance is related directly to the rock Strength as shown in Fig. 9. The peak 304 average side resistance can be related to the strength through the equation, fey Qu where: fg = vltimate side shear resistance ‘a = Side resistance reduction factor Fig. 10 gives design values of a suggested by the tests conducted here versus sandstone strength for different socket sidewall con- ditions. 7.3 Shear Stress Distribution and Length to Dianeter Ratio ALL the discussion sbove has centred around the average side resistance of sockets but quite clearly the shear stresses dawn a sock= fet are not uniform and the valicity of con jerage shear strength values re~ gardless of socket length to dianeter ratio (L/D) must be examined, In the field the slues of L/D tested ranged fron 0,5 106.5 which covers most prototype situations in Sandstone. Because the elastic stress dis tribution down ashear socket is not uniform one would expect that, with displacement softening behaviour at the interface, there should be s decrease in peak ave1 strength with ineressing L/D Tat Shows the average peak shear strengths of the relatively smooth (roughness Al. and R2) Sockets in the upper sandstone at the quarry Site, plotted against L/D ratio. The scatter is vory large indicating the 1/0 ef bbe of secondary importance to the factors already discussed above, However, it is Interesting to consider the results rom socket ES which was instrumented to allow estination of the side shear stress Figure © Peak Average Shear Strength 00 Figure 10 Design Curv “ le tah a Rae Figure 11 Réfect of L/D Ratio on the Peak Average Shear Stress Aisteibution, ‘This is shom in Fig. 12 and it is renerkable that the overall average shear stress versus displacenent Dehaviour is quite plastic although the Dehaviour over an eienent of the upper sec- tion of the pile was very brittle, Factors Such az effective confinenent must beat ork in the behaviour shown by Fig. 12 and further theoretical studies and teats of instrumented piles are required to give an understanding of this problem, Fortunately from the practical viewpoint, for most sockets in sandstone, the L/D effect appears 2 Figure 12 Results from Test £3 201 305 not to be significant and it is satisfac~ Tory to consider simply average side shear values. 7.4 Won-Uniform Rock and Major Clay Sears only to, vory small scale field tests were conducted on sockets which spanned major clay seans and different rock types. These were tests XS and X6 conducted at the first Site. The results ere given in Fig. 13. 1f one esgunes all the load to be taken by the portions of these sockets in the Strong upper sandstone, shear stress values fof 2.45094 and 2,50MPa are calculated, ‘These are virtually the sane 5 the valve Of 2,S0\Pa obtained on sockets in the upper Sandstone only, It is not really valid to generalise from so few tests but these Festlts do indicate that most side load in sockets spanning layers of greatly differing stifiness will be taken by the Stifr layers. Figure 13 Results for Tests 15 and X6 uiheze the Sockets Spanned a Major Clay Seam f DISCUSSION AND coNcLUSToNS ‘The work described in this paper represents one facet of an investigation into the de- Sign of bored piles socketed into sandstone, The main conclusions from these Lsboratory and field tests are listed belv. The fuse of these results in the design of full Seale sockets is discussed in detail in another paper to this Conference (3) The degree of roughness of the socket sdewalls is 9f major importance in ensur- ing that the load-displacenent behaviour will be "plastic" or ‘work-hardening". To this end it is considered thet for clean Sidewalls a Toughness equivalent to 2-3an fieep grooves at spacings up to 100mm is sufficient. The grooves should be st least 5 to l0nm wide. ‘The presence of narzow seams and open Joints! dom the socket sidewall 1s advan- tageous as these can produce the required rouginess by being washed out during drilling. (ia)_ The degree to which the socket side- walls are cleaned after or during drilling hhas an inportant bearing on the peak aver- ‘age shear strength, particularly for ‘Snooth sockets, Drilling that involves the use of surplus vater will result in ‘the sidevatis being washed clea of = ed material, Augering in dry oF par- tally satureted sandstone usually results in the sides of the hole being covered with a thick (up to 10m) layer of crushed, smeared sandstone. If this is not renoved, 4 significant seduction in the value of the Side resistance results, (iii) The fow tests done on sockets cast using trenie concrete placed under ben tonite indicate that for noderately smoath sidewalls the bentonive significantly re- duces ‘the average side resistance. At present it is not known how rough the side Walls must be for the bentonite to have little effect on the side shear resistance. (iv) For clean sidewalls and in situations where clay seams and highly weathered zones comprise Less than about St of the socket length the peak average shear strength is directly related to the wnconfined strength of the Sandstone, as shown in Fg. 9. (0) Within the scatter of the results ‘obtained in the field and in the 1ab- oratory there appeared to be no length to Gianeter effect on the peak average side resistance up to L/D values of about 6, There is also no diameter effect on side shear resistance, (WA) The Ieboratory tests indicated that tho dopree of confinement of a socket af forded by the surrounding tock has an inportant bearing on the peak and residual side shear resistance, Tn most field situations the socket will be completely confined but if there are open vertical Joints or 1f the sockets are near an epen excavation it may be necessary to mike sone allovance for the reduced confining pressure, (vid) Because of the probleas of reproduce ing the field confinomont conditions, Taboratory model socket tests are unlikely to provide an accurate guide as to field design values for specific sites. 306 REFERENCES Mckenzie, 1." (1969). Foundation Load ‘Tests on Sydiey Sandstone. Rock Mechanics Symposiun, Univ, Sydney, pp 152-134, Pells, P. J. N, (1977). Neasurenent of Engineering Properties of Hawkesbury Sandstone, Australian Geonechanies Journal, Vol. G5, No. 2, pp 10-20, Standard (1969). “Hawkesbury Sandstone! in the Geology of New South Wales ed, G. H. Packham. Geol, Soc. of Australia, Syiney, pp 407-415. Bleniawski, 2. T. (1974), Estimating the Strength’ of Rock Materials. Journsl S- African Inst. Mining and Novallurgy, Vol, 74, Now 8, pp 312-519. 302

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