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Fitter U

F a t Lo s s Ma nua l
Your Definitive Guide to Losing Stubborn Weight, Burning Fat,
and Ensuring that YOU Achieve the Body YOU Want
Without Dieting, Pills, or Deprivation!



Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

The information and recommendations in this book are for information purposes
only. None of the information herein should be construed as a claim for cure,
treatment or prevention of any disease. All matters regarding physical health should
be referred to a qualified health-care professional. Consult a health-care professional
before beginning any fitness or nutrition program. Total Wellness Consulting does
not claim any responsibility for the misuse of the information within this book.

Copyright 2007 Yuri Elkaim

All rights reserved. The contents may not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from the author. However, it may be distributed freely (not sold) in its
entirety as is.

Terms of Use and Distribution Rights

This is a FREE e-book! Share it with everyone you know!
Because it is free I would greatly appreciate if you could please to send this e-book
to all your friends, family, and mailing list clients (if applicable).
This e-book is intended to motivate you to start making better choices when it comes
to your health and learning tried and tested strategies for losing weight for good!
Bear in mind that this ebook may not be sold whatsoever! You may use it as a
giveaway, free bonus, or other non-saleable promotion.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

Youre about to give your mind and body a plethora of information on tips, tools, and
strategies that are geared to helping you lose weight, improve your energy, and
improve your overall health and well-being.
I commend you on making the decision to further your education regarding this
subject and I truly hope that you take whatever you can from this book to help you
on your journey to a fitter and slimmer you.
This book is divided into 3 main sections: motivation, nutrition, and exercise/fitness,
as they pertain to weight loss. Ive also thrown in a special bonus section at the end
of the book for you which includes quick and easy healthy recipes that you can make
for yourself with little effort.
The contents of this book are for the majority written by me (Yuri Elkaim) with a
select number of articles from other experts in their field. Youll notice that this book
is in essence a compilation of essays (or articles) instead of a free-flowing novel from
start to finish. I find that this structure helps you take key messages from your
reading and it will also enable you to easily skim from one essay to the next. As
such, you can bounce back and forth reading what you choose when you choose to
do so.
Some of the articles will offer a bit of redundancy and this is not because I ran out of
things to write about but rather because I really want to drill home some very
important key messages, while attempting (hopefully) to dispel many myths that
people maintain as truth when it comes to losing weight.
Overall, it is my intention with this book to empower you, inspire you, motivate you,
educate you, and equip you with tools you can start using immediately to start losing
weight, burning fat, and living with the utmost vitality!
Finally, this Fitter U Fat Loss Manual is entitled as such because it is meant to
complement my trademarked Fitter U 12-week Body Shaping MP3 Fitness
Program. If you dont already have a copy, then I strongly encourage you to click on
the following link if you are serious about burning fat and sculpting a strong and lean
body Get it at
I wish you all the success on your journey. I know you can do it!
Your friend and coach,

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

Owner and Founder
Total Wellness Consulting

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

About Yuri Elkaim

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN
Author, Eating for Energy, Nutrition for Runner, Fitter U Fat Loss Manual
Owner & Founder, Total Wellness Consulting

Yuri Elkaim graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelors of

Physical Education and Health from the University of Toronto. He is a
Certified Kinesiologist and considered by many as Canadas Top
Fitness and Wellness Coach.
He is also a highly influential Registered Holistic Nutritionist who
promotes healthy eating through living plant-based foods. He is the
author of Eating for Energy and Nutrition for Runners.
He has 9 years of Strength & Conditioning experience and has helped thousands
achieve their health and fitness goals through unique, innovative, and fun exercise
and lifestyle programs. He is currently the Head Strength & Conditioning and
Nutrition Coach for the nationally ranked University of Toronto mens soccer
Yuri is the founder and owner of Total Wellness Consulting, a leading health,
fitness and wellness company offering health-conscious individuals innovative
programs and technologies to help reach their goals of physical and mental well
being. Total Wellness Consulting is Canadas leader in developing total body
workouts for iPods/MP3 players helping people lose weight, feel great, and improve
their overall level of fitness with the touch of a button!
Professional and Amateur Soccer Experience
Before founding his company, Yuri enjoyed playing professional soccer for 3 years.
As one of the top goalkeepers in Canada, he played two years with the Toronto Lynx
of the North American A-League (2000, 2001) and one year with Lille OSC of the
French 1st division (2003 reserves). His playing career was also marked by stints
with Bolton Wanderers FC, Norwich City FC, and Sao Paulo FC.
During his collegiate years, Yuri was named a 2-time All-Canadian, OUA All-Star, and
team MVP/captain with the University of Toronto Mens Soccer team before acting as
the programs Head Strength & Conditioning and Nutrition Coach, helping the team
capture OUA gold and silver medals, and 2nd, 4th and 5th place finishes at the National
Fitness Industry Innovator
Yuri Elkaim is also the creator of Total Wellness Consultings revolutionary MP3
guided workouts, the only progressive lineup of MP3 workouts in Canada.
Featuring Fitter U, the worlds only 12-week MP3 body shaping system, and the
Treadmill Trainer MP3 running series, these one-of-a-kind "audio" workouts are
the next best thing to actually working with Yuri himself!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

His approach to health and fitness is all about balance, both physically and mentally,
and achieving ones true potential. Through properly prescribed functional exercise
and nutrition programs, as well as attention to the inner person, Yuri has helped
thousands of individuals reach new heights and achieve a greater quality of life.
Yuri, the Presenter and Media Expert
Yuri is a highly sought-after public speaker having given motivating talks promoting
healthy active living to such companies as Bank of Montreal, BNI, the Sports Clubs of
Canada, and Advocis.
He was also a keynote speaker at the Queens School of Business QLEAD leadership
conference in 2007.
A wealth of wellness knowledge, Yuri has shared his expertise by publishing articles
in Beyond Fitness magazine, Impact magazine, and Fitness Business Canada
Yuri, his MP3 guided workouts, and Eating for Energy have also been featured in
several media including:

Maximum Fitness magazine

CityTV news
CBC Radio
Global news
Breakfast Television
Perfect Fit
24 Hours
The Calgary Herald
The Toronto Star
A-Channel Morning
Flare Magazine

To book Yuri Elkaim for a media appearance or speaking engagement please send
your request to

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

Resource List
Total Wellness Consulting
main site

Total Wellness Blog

Fit Forum

Click here


Fitter U
12-Week iPod Weight Loss Fitness Program

Treadmill Trainer

iPod Running Workouts

Elliptical Workouts
iPod cardio workouts for the elliptical


Eating for Energy

Suddenly Slim Nutrition

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

Table of Contents

1. The Fitter U Melt the Fat Motivator Section 8 - 41

Motivation and inspiration to start your journey

2. The Fitter U Nuke the Fat Nutrition Section. 42 - 86

Safe, effective, and time-proven diet guidelines to lose weight
and skyrocket your energy!

3. The Fitter U Exercise Success System 87 - 151

A no-nonsense approach to weight loss fitness, dispelling myths,
and engraining the fundamentals of the necessary things you need
to do in the gym to maximize your results!

Energizing, Metabolism Boosting Recipes 152 - 166
Who knew that healthy foods could be this quick to prepare and
taste this good?

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

Fitter U Melt the Fat


Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

A Thought For the New Year

The New Year is here and its time to journey deep inside to discover what you really
want, and go for it!
Before we go any further take a minute and think of where you were at the
beginning of 2007, and what has changed over the past year. You can think of many
areas of your life including health and fitness, business and career, family, primary
relationship, finances, recreation, and any others that are meaningful to you.
Every year we write out our New Year's resolutions, yet often within a few months,
these great expectations fizzle out. If you relate to this, try something different this
Begin with the premise of what you can give, rather than what you can get. Focus on
your contribution. This context sets the tone of living your purpose first, by BEING
who you arethen from there, you create your intentions. Here are a few questions
to get you started:

What are your gifts and talents?

List things that you do that are effortless for you.
What brings you the most joy?
How do you have fun?
What conversations get you fired up?
What activities do you do where you lose track of time?
What do other people consistently compliment you on?
What are your values?
How would you like to be remembered?

Once you spend significant time exploring, write out your specific intentions for
2006. When you move toward your goals with this new context, your chances of
attainment are augmented and your path is easier, meaningful and more fun.
Success isnt defined by acquiring stuffits about elevating your consciousness and
living your purpose. Are you living your purpose? Have you discovered your purpose
in life?
The essence of TRUE success embodies a strong sense of selfof purposeof living
a life beyond yourselfof living your passion and extending the gifts you naturally
possess. Living from the inside out, fills your heart, generates tremendous joy, and
allows fulfillment of intentions with ease.
Make THIS year your best ever!
The highest state of man is self- actualization. And the essence of selfactualization is freedom from the good opinion of others.

Abraham Maslow

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.

The Elusive New Year's Resolutions

Makoto Trotter, B.Sc.(Hons), N.D.
The New Year generally start with the best of intentions -- except for those whose
motto is "if I don't make 'em, I won't break 'em". Common resolutions include
quitting smoking, exercising more, eating healthier, losing weight and so on. The
theme of most resolutions is to remind ourselves to prioritize our health and take
care of ourselves.
By mid- to late- January, most of us have stopped saying the generic "Happy New
Year" to every new person we have seen since the flip of the calendar.
Accompanying this is the gradual demise of our enthusisasm for making positive
changes in our lives. The taste of the midnight bubbly has become a distant
memory, and the excitement of new beginnings has been overshadowed by our
piled-up work load from the holidays. There's always next year, right?
Remember, it's never too late to make healthy changes in your life! If you
have not stuck to your resolutions, make new goals that are more achievable (and if
you have actively taken steps toward your resolutions, congratulations). Take things
one step at a time. It's an effective and more realistic approach.
To help you out, I've compiled a Top-Ten List of healthy dietary improvements and
"power foods" to incorporate into your regular diet. I find people love Top-Ten Lists,
and it keeps things a little more fun and interesting -- although these may not be as
entertaining as Letterman's.
Use these as guidelines to achieve positive health changes in your life. Cross them
off one at a time as you accomplish them.
Good luck, and remember that your body will thank you for it!!
Top Ten Healthy Eating Tips

Cut out BAD fats (saturated, trans, hydrogenated, fractionated)

Eat GOOD fats regularly (fish, mono- & poly-unsaturated)
Eat plenty of fibre (oatmeal, bran)
Learn to eat plenty of dark, colourful VEGGIES regularly (5 servings/day)
Snack on FRUIT and eat them BETWEEN meals (5 servings/day)
Drink PLENTY of water (8 glasses/daymore with exercise)
Avoid WHITE sugar, flour, rice, potatoes
Avoid ARTIFICIAL ingredients (coloring, preservatives, flavoring, sweeteners)
Minimize DAIRY (remember, you are not a baby cow)
Eat REGULARLY (small, frequent, healthy meals)

Top Ten Power Foods

Almonds (calcium, omega-3)

Kale (Vit A, C, Folic Acid, calcium)

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Brown Rice (B-vits, manganese, magnesium, iron)

Olive oil (monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, polyphenols)
Soy (calcium, omega-3, isoflavones)
Garlic (allicin)
Cold-Water Fish MASH (omega-3)
Beans (protein, fiber, folic acid, zinc, magnesium and potassium)
Blueberries (antioxidants, polyphenols)
Green tea (polyphenols, catechins, theanine, vitamin C)

Contenders: flax oil, sweet potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, mushrooms,
spinach, quinoa, ginger
2007 Makoto Trotter B.Sc.(Hons), N.D.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


How to Make Your Goals for 2007 a


A powerful formula for setting your intentions and seeing they become a reality
Well 2007 is upon us! I hope you've taken the time to acknowledge the countless
successes you've enjoyed over the past 12 months. By doing so, you nuture your
inner child and it is this that further drives and motivates you to bigger and better
Now it's time to look ahead and set your intentions for 2007. This is an absolutely
critical step to your success. No matter if you're a runner looking to run a 10K or
someone looking to lose 15 lbs, clearly defining what it is you want is the foudation
to all success.
Remember, what exists in your outer world started in your inner world.
So, how do you create amazing results in your external world from burning thoughts
and desires in your mind? Well, the following intention-setting formula should help.
1. Clearly Define What it is You Want to Achieve and See it as Done!
It is important to visualize your goal and see yourself as if you've already achieved
it. In doing so, you communicate with your subconscious mind and in return your
subconscious mind begins to find solutions for making your intention a reality.
Intention really means "in tension". Your subconscious mind wants to help you find
the path of least resistance in order to ease or dissolve this tension which means
that your goal will be attained.
2. Define a Specific Date for Attaining Your Goal
This step is critical. You must fix a specific date for when you want this goal to be a
reality for you. If not, then there really is no commitment on your part. Many people
fear attaching a date to their goals for they fear the possibility of not attaining them.
Who cares!! Just do it and you'll be amazed at what you'll do once you're commited.
3. Write Your Intention in the Present and Associate as Many Senses as
Notice the word WRITE? You must WRITE down your intentions and not simply
casually stating them aloud to a friend. This relates somewhat to the first step.
However, here you want to engage as many emotions, feelings, senses as possible
as you visualize yourself having attained your goal!
By doing this, you engage your subconscious mind and nervous system to a much
greater extent because now there are feelings and sensory experiences attached to
the goal. And since your body and the universe respond to emotion + visualization +
affirmation more effectively than just affirmation alone, you will be hitting your goals
each and every time!
4. Sign and Date the Contract
I like to advise my clients that they sign and date their intention statements. What
does this accomplish? Well, very simply, as soon as you sign your name to your
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


intention statement you have declared to yourself and the universe that you are truly
commited to achieving it.
It's as if you're making a binding agreement to the universe and to yourself. If it
helps you can even consider a legal document to add some urgency and
effectiveness to it.
If it will further help you, you can even give a copy to a friend or family member who
will keep you accountable to your goal. If you'd like you can even send me your
intentions it that helps. Simply respond to this email with your goal(s) for 2007.
Here's an Example...
The key is to truly identify with what you're writing and to visualize yourself in that
state of victory! Once you have the intention WRITTEN, be sure to keep it visible and
rehearse it on a daily basis to keep reminding your subconscious mind of your
"It is December 31th, 2007 and I'm so happy and grateful that as I stand on the
scale it reads that I'm 185 lbs of lean muscle mass. As I look in the mirror I see my
chiseled body and I can clearly feel the defining curvature of my arms and rippling
indentations of my 6 pack. I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that all my hard
work and discipline has paid off into creating this fit and strong body!"
Yuri Elkaim
I wish you all the best on your path to greatness. May the goal setting begin!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Power of a Decision

Most of us have taken a psychology course in university or read a self-help book at
some point or another. These platforms allow us to understand more about ourselves
and about the human psyche, in general. One area often alluded to, especially in the
field of personal development, is that of the importance of decisions.
A decision usually stems from knowing something or knowing that something must
be done. However, most people have the knowledge of what to do BUT dont do it.
Why? Is it because we associate too much pain and discomfort to the task at hand?
Most likely! Knowing is not good enough, you must take action. That is the only
way to achieve anything in life.
For instance, we all know that it is imperative to get daily exercise of some sort, yet
why is it that many people opt for the escalator instead of the stairs or why do they
fall out of a workout regime? Since most of us know the importance of daily exercise
we must begin to implement our knowledge. Truly great things in life are not
achieved by doing things once in a while, but rather through consistent action. By
making the decision to take consistent action starting NOW you will begin to form the
empowering habits that will lead you to whatever goals you set for yourself.
People form habits and habits form futures.
Make the decision today to start creating good habits whether they consist of going
for a daily walk or workout, preparing homemade meals, or spending quality time
with loved ones. The benefits will be tremendous and long lasting!
The following Ultimate Success Formula, courtesy of Anthony Robbins, is a good
place to start:

Decide what you want

Take action to achieve it
Notice whats working or not
Change your approach until you find what works

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Wellness Begins with Your Commitment

As the holidays and New Year approach it is hard not to think about our
commitments and resolutions for 2006. Historically, statistics have consistently
shown that although the majority of people commit to healthier living for the New
Year, only a handful keep their commitments above and beyond the 6 week mark.
What does this tell us? I believe that it shows that we either set goals that are
unrealistic or that we have yet to master the traits of keeping our word and being
It is imperative to realize that your self-esteem and confidence are directly related to
your ability to do what you say. Your inner power is equivalent to the power of your
word. By consistently keeping your commitments (ie. doing what you say you are
going to do) you prove to yourself and the universe that you can be trusted. As such,
the more you say something and it occurs, the more you trust yourself because
everything you say comes true in reality. For instance, how do you feel when you say
youre going to do something, like work out 3 times this week, and then not do it?
Pretty crappy right? I know I do. There is a saying that goes How you do anything is
how you do everything. If you find it hard to keep certain commitments in one area
of your life I am willing to bet that this tendency will also present itself in other areas
of your life.
So, what is the solution to keeping your commitments?
First, NEVER commit to something that you are not going to do. Success
breeds success, but if you keep setting yourself up for failure by committing to
things that dont get done than success will only be an illusion for you.
Second, make your word law in the universe. Make a commitment to do what
you say you are going to do. Your word should mean something to you because it
definitely means something to others. What if someone told you that they would take
care of a pressing matter for you and then didnt do so? Would you consider this
person worthy of your trust? Probably not. Take the example of ancient warriors
they would die to keep their word because to them their word meant more than
anything else. You too can become a warrior, a wellness warrior (without the death),
by committing to living healthy and keeping your word.
Third, commit slowly and complete readily. Watch what you commit to by
initially making small commitments and then build on them. For example, you
declare that each morning I will meditate for 5 minutes before breakfast. By
completing this morning meditation and doing the same with other commitments
pretty soon whenever you declare something it will be as good as done because of
the experience you now have of doing everything you say. This is very powerful.
Remember, you commit to something as soon as you declare it, either vocally or
through writing. Your word is put out into the universe. Will you uphold it? I know
you will!
Wellness is about balance, being true to yourself, and being whole. To be whole and
truly satisfied in life you must begin to trust yourself. So keep your word. Teach
yourself, and others, that you can be trusted. Make realistic commitments and stick

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


to them. You will feel better about yourself and you will achieve your goals in no

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Power of Self-Approval

How discounting opinions of others leads to true happiness
Do you want more happiness in your life? Are you tired of compromising your
happiness for that of others? Have you ever stopped to think about why you behave
in certain ways? Do you ever wonder why celebrities and people in the lime light
seem to crave all that attention?
Approval In Order to Survive
Well, one theory is that we behave in order to gain approval from others. This may
seem far fetched but think about it for a minute. Everything we do in life can boil
down to 2 fundamental needs: the need to be loved and the need to be helped. As
such, our actions tend to be determined by our ability to please others. This stems
from the fact that our mind operates in a primitive survival mode looking to protect
us at all costs. This survival mentality was originally formed during our early
childhood where, as dependent helpless babies, we learned that it was necessary to
please our parents (or caregivers) in order to get what we wanted whether it be food
or milk, and so forth. If we didnt gain this approval, we feared the worst that we
would perish. Fortunately, we are no longer dependent children needing others
approval in order to survive. However, our conditioning has ingrained in us this need
to please others eventhough it no longer makes sense to do so.
As such, one of our biggest obstacles to happiness in life is our need for approval
from others or our need to prove ourselves, our fear of disapproval, and our fear of
rejection. It is solely based on survival! Now, the need for survival is gone but the
habit remains.
Self-Approval = True Happiness
It is important to realize that when we try to please others we are always at the
mercy of someone elses response, and thus we have no control over the outcome.
When we act in accordance with other peoples approval, we are saying that their
agenda is more important than ours. We are saying that they are more important
than us! According to Abraham Maslow, the world renowned psychologist, The
highest state of man is self-actualization. And the essence of selfactualization is freedom from the good opinion of others. Thus, in order to be
truly happy we must dissociate from the bad and good opinion of others. We must
learn to approve of ourselves and realize that each and everyone of us is a unique
and special person capable of tremendous things. It is critical to understand that we
all live in our own little bubble. We are unique in the meanings that we attach to
the information and events in our lives. Simply stated, two people experiencing the
same event or information will give different meanings to each based on their own
personal experience, upbringing, programming, and paradigms. For instance, the
word battle may elicit a different mental image or meaning to you then it would to
me. As such, how can we seek others approval when they are mostly likely operating
in a different paradigm than we are? As Stuart Wilde once said I am what I am
and thats my evolution, what others perceive of me is part of their
We must also consider that when someone judges somebody or something else, it
says little about the target of their judgment and volumes about them self.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


What others think of me is none of my business!

In conclusion, to achieve true happiness in your life you must stop worrying about
what others think of you. Remember, their comments are more a reflection of them
than you. When you take something personally, you are showing that you agree with
their opinion and showing that you dont understand their perspective. You also
position yourself as prey to their predatory remarks. Just because someone puts
poison on your plate doesnt mean that you have to eat it because as Eleanor
Roosevelt once said What others think of me is none of my business!
So, my challenge to you over the next week is to acknowledge, yet dissociate
yourself, from the comments of others, good and bad. Remember, every coin has
two sides. Meaning that if you accept someones positive praise you will obviously
feel good, but what happens the next time when that person does not give you any
praise for the same action? You will most likely feel a void. As such, attempt to
dissociate yourself from others remarks and simply be happy with who you are and
what you have done. In time, happiness will be felt when you choose, not others!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Power up Your Goal Setting

Powerful ways to help you achieve your goals
Research on goal-setting in the worlds of business and sport and exercise has
consistently shown that goal setting can lead to enhanced performance. Goal-setting
is a powerful technique that appears to work by providing a direction for our efforts,
focusing our attention, promoting persistence and increasing our confidence
(providing we achieve the goals we set ourselves).
One of the main problems is that not everyone is aware of the principles of goalsetting and how to apply them effectively. This article will help to this end by
providing basic goal setting background and guidelines. There are 2 camps when it
comes to goal setting: those who say to aim for the stars so at worst you hit the
moon, while others contend that setting smaller more frequent and attainable goals
is the most effective. I believe a combination of both is suitable.
The Vision
Its always good to have a vision of what you want to achieve but you also need a
plan for how you are going to attain this goal. Dream goals inspire us and give us a
target to aim for, but in order to deliver the goods they must be specific and
realistic. As such, vague goals such as to get fit or to do my best should be
replaced by more objective and measurable alternatives.
If you only focus on your dream goal, you can easily become overwhelmed when you
think about what its going to take to achieve it. Research suggests that focusing
only on long-term dream goals does not lead to enhanced performances and desired
Think Smaller
Success breeds success. In order to achieve bigger successes in life you must start
out with smaller ones. Focusing on one small step at a time and achieving that
goal develops confidence, and confidence allows you to move on to more
challenging targets. It is the day- to-day short-term goals that provide the key to
these successes. Short-term goals, being either daily, weekly or monthly, are the
most important because they provide frequent and habitual focus . Past research on
Olympic athletes found that setting daily training goals was one factor that
distinguished successful performers from their less successful counterparts.
Goal Setting 101
Here are five prerequisites for successful goal-setting:
1. Develop a vision. You need to decide what you want.
2. You must be committed. Therefore, your goals must be worth striving for.
3. You have to believe that the goals you set are achievable. Goals that are too
easy to achieve provide little motivation; but, on the other hand,
unrealistically difficult goals can lead to loss of confidence and eventual
rejection of the goal. You must consider potential barriers to your goals and
plan around them if possible.
4. Focus on one step at a time. Build on small succeses and over time your
confidence will soar, leading you to your ultimate goal.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


5. Only set goals that you can control. We can only control 3 things in life: our
money, our time, and where we direct our energy. Learning how to set goals
that are within your control is essential.
All you have to remember is that if its been done before, then you can do it. Thats

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Law of Higher Vision

Intentions...where tension is good!
You were not designed to be a 6 foot oak tree! You were meant to be a fully grown
20 foot oak tree.
However, maybe you feel that you aren't living up to your true potential. Life has
taken its toll and you've probably forgotten those once long ago big dreams that you
had as a child.
Well, I'd like to tell you that YOU have the ability to be whatever you want in life!
The Power of Big Intentions
What is an intention? An intention refers to the TENSION that is created when you
desire something that you do not currently possess. It is the difference between
where you are and where you want to be. That is the power of setting intentions!
The bigger or higher the vision, the stronger the tension that is created. There is a
universal law that states that everything takes the path of least resistance.
Therefore, this tension wants to be resolved. As such, two things may occur, you

give up on your vision OR

go up to your vision

One of those things has to occur once you put a vision out there. Unless, you decide
not to put a vision out there in the first place and live a life shear mediocrity!
The Vision is Like a Magnet
The bigger the vision, the greater the tension and the greater the pull for it to be
resolved. This tension is known as "creative tension". This type of stress is healthy
and is shown by people being happiest when they're pursuing their biggest and
truest dreams. A life of true fulfillment is achieved.
There is nothing worse than being a 6 foot oak tree when you have been designed to
be 20-30 footer.
When you don't have a light at the end of the tunnel, this leads to FRUSTRATION and
BOREDOM. Most people lead their lives by asking "what's the least I can do to get
by?" This type of thinking leads to mediocre results and a truly unfulfilled life.
By setting powerful big intentions you help step out of your comfort zone and take
the steps to a greater happier life. Consider the following result observed in a study
done on frogs...
Frogs Won't Jump If It Hurts
The average jumping height of a frog is roughly 3 feet. An interesting study was
conducted looking at how frogs would react to being placed in a 12 inch sealed jar
for 90 days. The jar was ventilated so the frogs could breathe and be fed. The first

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


several days in the jar saw the frogs jumping and jumping and...obviously hitting
their hit.
After the 90 days, the jar's lid was removed and the frogs began jumping again BUT
only to a maximum of 10 inches!
The moral of the story is that the frogs no longer jumped to their inherent potential
since they associated the act of jumping with pain. Over time, the frogs relearned to
jump by up to 3 feet. However, the idea is that, just like us, the frogs wanted to stay
in their "comfort zone", where there is little pain and plain and simple comfort.
Think Big
The key to true happiness is in thinking big and pushing yourself slowly but surely
out of your comfort zone - the zone that holds you back from achieving greatness in
your life!
Here something helpful for you to try.
Write several intentions of things that you would like to do/have/be in your life. Then
write down 10 reasons for why you want to achieve each. Keep these lists
somewhere visible such as a bathroom mirror or fridge door so that you are
constantly reminded of them. As you start achieving the goals/dreams that you've
set for yourself check each one off from your list. You will be astounded by how this
powerful can be for you.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


You Are Who You Surround Yourself With

Why being in the presence of upbeat and positive individuals is so important
Consider the following quote by the great Mark Twain:
"Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
It is well known that you and your future are a direct reflection of your peer group.
By surrounding yourself with happy, goal oriented, optimistic individuals you can be
sure your life will head in the same direction.
In sports, teams and individuals often desire to play against competition of higher
quality than themselves. Why? Because it forces them to raise their game. To bring
themselves to the next level. I like to use the saying "You are only as good as your
This same principle translates into your life. By surrounding yourself with people who
are/do/have what you want to be/do/have you accelerate and faciliate the process
for yourself.
Spending too much time with the wrong people is a disaster waiting to happen. Look
at your life. Which people are positive influences for you? Which ones drain your
energy and impede you from realizing your dreams?
Everything in life is a choice. I urge to make the choice of spending more of your
time with those that empower you and less time with those who act as impediments
to your goals. Your life is a reflection of the 5 or 6 people with whom you spend the
most of your time! Those who truly care about you will build you up and propel you
forward towards your goals.
Do you want me to be a part of your inner circle? I can be with you wherever and
whenever you want to motivate you and keep you on track thanks to the wonder of
MP3 technology.
Click here to learn more!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Finding Happiness in Life

The key is within you

I'm sure you've heard people say how happy theyre going to be when ___ You
know what I mean. Youve heard them say:
Im going to be so happy when...
I win the lottery OR
I make a million dollars OR
I have the house of my dreams OR
when the weather improves!
Why not be happy NOW!
Dont wait for tomorrow because you know what - tomorrow never comes. Happiness
is a state of mind not what you possess. You must realize that, at all times, you
are in complete control of your thoughts and emotions. Therefore, you choose how
you want to feel at each and every moment of each and every day.
That means that you can choose to be happy starting right now! Try it. Take a
moment and smile from ear to ear. How do you feel? Ill tell you how you dont feel
you dont feel sad or depressed!
Because its impossible to feel that way if your physiology is saying otherwise.
Its physically impossible to feel sad when youre smiling.
So, if you want to feel happy right this instant you have the power to do so simply by
changing your physiology and/or changing your thoughts!
The Magic Formula
Your THOUGHTS lead to your EMOTIONS which lead to your ACTIONS which
produce your RESULTS.
According to this formula how can you change your present results (lets assume the
result you want is to be happier)?
Thats right just work backwards!
Ask yourself Who do I have to BE (thoughts/emotions) and what do I have to DO
(actions) to HAVE (results) happiness in my life?
Are your actions producing the results you want? If not, then look at the emotions
that youre experiencing. Then take one more step back and look at what thoughts
are running through your head what do you find yourself saying to yourself?

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


And if we follow the magic formula, you cant achieve anything (eg. Happiness) until
your thoughts are congruent with the result you want to achieve. Because ultimately
everything that you are, have, and do is a result of specific thoughts that run
through head on a consistent basis.
Say to Yourself
If the result I want is _________ then what are the thoughts that will make me
feel __________ (emotion) in order to empower me to take the appropriate
At the end of the day, you want to choose empowering thoughts because
empowering thoughts lead to empowering emotions which lead to constructive action
which ultimately leads to the result that youre looking for.
Everything in your Outer World (the results you want) is created by your Inner World
(your thoughts!)

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


It's almost all you need!
"Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps
when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on
something sitting down."
- Charles F. Kettering, 1876-1958, Engineer and Inventor
I'd like to extract from this quote the notion of consistency. The act of taking
consistent action is truly the most effective way of attaining any goal you set for
As mentioned in the quote, simply "keep on going..." or take consistent action, and it
is only a matter of time before your wildest dreams become a reality. We all know
what to do but the key lies in the DOING, not the knowing, part of the equation. If
you find it hard to take certain actions consistently, it's probably because there's a
certain amount of pain you associate to that act. Why not start by taking consistent
action in your mind?
It is important to realize that your brain cannot tell the difference between
something it vividly imagines and something it has actually experienced. That is why
visualization is so powerful among athletes and other high achievers. Visualization
primes your mind and body so that they recognize what it is you want before you've
actually physically done it.
By simply visualizing what you want in your life and seeing yourself being it, having
it, or doing it, you will in time see your thoughts come into fruition. Look at Thomas
Edison or Henry Ford. Each of them had a mental vision which ultimately yielded two
of the most important inventions of the modern world, the light bulb and the
Everything in your external world began in your internal world. This is amazing
because this means that you can simply imagine someting and over time, with
enough consistent focus and action, you can make it become a physical reality.
I am firm believer that each of us creates our own destiny. Things don't happen by
chance or luck. Things happen for those who go after what they want consistently
and to those who are absolultely certain that they can do it.
Believe in yourself. Start taking action today. Do what makes you feel uncomfortable
because with this comes true achievement.
The journey to being your best isn't easy but it's certainly worth it!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Do You Move Towards What You Want OR

Away From What You Don't Want?
Here's some food for thought...
"Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of
itself. You may be surprised at how easily this happens. Your doubts are not as
powerful as your desires, unless you make them so."
Marcia Wieder (Speaker and Author)
Take a look at your life. Do you set goals that direct you towards your burning
desires or do your goals move you away from what you don't want?
Generally, human beings (and animals for that matter) tend to move away from pain
(what we don't want) more so than towards what we do want. However, the problem
with that is that we end up spending most of our energy focusing on something
we're trying to avoid. As a result, we end up moving towards exactly what we're
attempting to avoid.
Here's an example:
"Don't think about the pink elephant!"
Aha! Did you notice the pink elephant in your mental image? I know you did because
it's impossible not to. By tempting you to not think about something, you are
automatically inclined to think about just that!
So, the moral of the story is to focus on what you want, focus on your desires, not
on the doubts you have about achieving them or even about moving away from what
it is that you don't want.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Don't Believe a Word You Say!

Turning down the volume of your internal dialogue
As the warm weather is finally upon us, more and more people are getting ready for
exciting, yet challenging, outdoor activities such as 5K runs, 10K runs, half/full
marathons, triathlons, and others.
One of the toughest parts about any of these events is that they're absolutely
mentally and emotionally exhausting, let alone physically exhausting. The reason we are constantly battling our mind!
You see, your mind does not want to experience pain and thus will "talk you out of"
any situation which becomes too challenging. As a result, many people do not
achieve their full potential in these events (as well as other areas of their life)
because their limiting internal dialogue prevents them from stepping out of their
comfort zone.
Here's an example of what I mean
Every now and then I enjoy going for a run in High Park (Toronto west end).
However, running in this park can be very very challenging depending on the course
you choose to follow. For some reason or another I usually end coming up against a
ridiculously inclined hill that never seems to end.
It was one of those straight "up and down" hills that I couldn't quite make it to the
top of. Every time I went out to jog, I set my sights on that hill, and every time, it
would defeat me. I had all but given up one day when I realized that I was following
the same pattern over and over again - I would start to go up that hill, then I'd feel
the nausea kick in, then instead of pushing myself to my limits, I would just talk
myself into stopping.
Although I haven't been a regular runner since my soccer days, that hill was
something I wanted to conquer. So I detached my mind from that feeling I got and
instead decided to see what my body was made out of. I felt disconnected from my
legs and arms as they slowly pushed me up that hill, but when I neared the top, I
knew I had it in me. I refused to let my mind distract me ("Oh, Yuri, wouldn't it
be nicer to just stop and walk right now?") - I ignored that inner, negative dialogue
and pushed through. Still my mind continued "You can give up now and just say that
you had a blister on your foot or that you felt a stitch." I continued to ignore my own
mind as a struggled up the hill. And - I conquered it.
The feeling of ecstasy at having accomplished this little task on my own was
incredible. I savored it, and then an interesting thing happened - I began to crave it.
So the next time I went for a run, I thought about how I could push myself more
than I expected. Now, I don't feel satisfied unless I know I've pushed myself to the
limit - if I have anything left at the end then I am disappointed. As my coaches use
to tell me in soccer - leave it all on the field!
So, now I ask you "Are giving 100%? Not just in your training but in all areas of your
life?" If you aren't I bet it's because your "mind frick" is holding you hostage. Do
your best to ignore your mind (unless of course it's empowering you to do better)
and allow yourself to gradually step out of your comfort zone. You will feel amazing!
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Especially if you're gearing up for a long gruelling event, prepare yourself physically
but almost more importantly, prepare yourself mentally. Learn to turn down the
volume of your mental chatter. If it doesn't serve you, you are serving it!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Never Give Up!

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as
though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the
place and time that the tide will turn."
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896, Novelist)
Winston Churchill once made a speech after WWII to an auditorium full of college
students. He was alloted a little more than 1 hour to speak but his speech only lasted
15 seconds!
As Churchill left the building he was swarmed by reporters
asking him for an explanation. In response to the criticism he
received for his amazingly short speech, Churchill
responded that 15 seconds was all the time he needed
to give the students all they needed to know to
succeed in life!
Here's what he said during the 15 seconds:
"Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, give up!"

motivation to
keep you
My MP3
workouts are
here to help!

That's all you need to know!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Sets Your Sights High

How high? Real high!
"Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to
happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow
absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way."
- Eileen Caddy (Author)
You can never set your sights too high. As kids, we all have big ambitious dreams
that unfortunately dwindle as we come into adulthood. For most people they don't
end up pursuing what they love but instead what they have to do to survive. This
often leads to unfulfilled life and unhappiness.
So my message to you is to keep dreaming. Keep your sights set high on whatever it
is you want out of life. You must also realize that you are good enough and deserve
to achieve anything and everything you wish in life. All you have to do is believe in
yourself and never give up on your dreams. Live with passion!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.



Think of the relevance of this phrase in all areas of your life. The most successful
people in the world develop the habit of doing things consistently. Identify the areas
in your life that could benefit from better consistency. Also, highlight things that you
do consistently and figure why it is that you enjoy doing them on a consistent basis!
Developing the habit of being consistent can change your life.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Speed Ahead to Your Full Potential

Imagine driving down the highway with the handbrake on. Although you can force
the car, it will be difficult to gain momentum, and when you do get going, it will be
slow and laborious. Too much energy will be spent going nowhere fast.
Driving with the brake on is analogous to the way we often think. We may have the
intent to move towards our goals, but if, at the same time, we are constantly having
thoughts that oppose those dreams, we will never achieve them.
If you dream of being a pianist or an athlete, but are constantly telling yourself that
you are not good enough, its not likely that you will ever achieve your dream. How
can you know if you are thwarting yourself?
Stop for a moment and observe your thoughts. Nothing? Recall something upsetting.
What about the grumbling you just shared with a co-worker? How about the curses
you just hurled at the driver ahead of you in traffic? Can you hear the swarm of
buzzing negative thoughts? That is the sound of resistance.
Resistance to what is going on around you is the friction that hinders forward motion
in your life. These negative thoughts will take the spring out of your step, make your
goals harder to achieve and your life a limited experience.
When we were children, complaining was very effective. Im hungry, produced
food; Im sad, produced a hug. As adults complaining rarely gets us what we want.
It is counterproductive and actually tends to attract what we dont want to come
more powerfully into our life.
You are in charge of your own life, is one of the key insights that anyone can
implement into their mindset. If that is true, what do you need to do to if you want
to tear down the highway to your ultimate success and joy? Quite simply: release
the handbrake.
Easier said than done, and thats why Ive outlined three steps that, when applied,
can keep you moving forward in the direction you wish in life:

Say yes
Give thanks

The act of observing our thoughts and speech brings attention to these automatic
processes, which in itself starts an evolution of changes in attitude and behavior.
Try not complaining for seven days. Try it and you will soon see how habitual
negativity can be.
Say Yes!
Your thoughts and words are energetic messages that are continually affecting your
mind and body. When you say yes to your goals and to your possibilities, then you
are releasing the brakes that stop you from being the best you can be.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Dr. Stephen M. Drigotas of Johns Hopkins University developed a theory he calls The
Michelangelo Phenomenon based on a quote by the Italian renaissance sculptor
Michelangelo. The artist said that he didnt so much carve a beautiful sculpture out of
marble as he chiseled until the masterpiece within the stone revealed itself.
When you say yes to your admirable qualities, your strengths and talents you affirm
what is waiting to emerge allowing what no longer serves you to drop away.
Give thanks
In the documentary film, The Secret, theres a wonderful story of a man who
carried a pebble in his pocket. Every time he touched it, it reminded him to be
grateful for what was in his life. He called this his gratitude rock.
Find a talisman that reminds you of how grateful you are to have the opportunity to
pursue your higher goals and desires.

In the distance, you can clearly see your dreams. Once you release the brakes of
fear, doubt and negativity that have held you back, you can surge forward unfettered
towards your full potential

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Grace of Gratitude

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a
meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes
sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Melody Beattie
Expressing gratitude is a simple practice that can yield profound results. Embodying
a grateful heart actually changes our energy and affects the not only the world
around us, but that inside us.
Gratitude does a lot more than assist with manifesting dreams. It improves health
and sleep, elevates moods, encourages supportive, synergistic, exciting
relationships, supercharges creativity and deepens inner peace.
These claims were substantiated with the Research Project on Gratitude and
Thankfulness conducted by Drs. Michael McCollough and Robert Emmons. Three
groups of individuals were asked to record a diary of daily events. The first group
recorded all events that occurred, the second group recorded unpleasant experiences
and the third group made a list of what they were grateful for. The individuals who
focused daily on gratitude reported experiencing higher levels of optimism, energy,
enthusiasm, determination and alertness. They also experienced less stress and
depression, exercised more, made more progress with their goals and were more
generous toward others. Another interesting find was when people felt grateful, they
felt more loved.
What am I grateful for?
Given the day-to-day stressors that have become common in our world, it may seem
challenging to find gratitude, however all we have to do is look for the obvious.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what isnt working, we fail to see what is
working. You dont have to wait for something monumental to occur, just be thankful
for the little things.
Write down the things that have happened today that you are grateful for. For
example, take a moment right now and reflect the most obvious thing to be
grateful for is being blessed with the ability to read, as you are doing right now.
What about being grateful for the opportunity to take advantage of all the great
information and programs we offer you at Total Wellness Consulting? Have you taken
the time to honor your personal gifts and talents today? Remember, what you focus
on, expands.
Gratitude NOW!
Taking a moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun or the fragrance of flowers costs
you nothing and rewards you with a rich experience. Watching the antics of animals
and birds listening to the laughter of children or the waves wash on the shore
enjoying beautiful music are simple pleasures that nourish the soul.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Whens the last time you ate? Are you aware that feeling gratitude while youre
eating actually helps your body to assimilate your meal? Some studies suggest that
the thoughts we have while preparing food affects the quality of the meal.
With gratitude kept top-of-mind, challenges can be seen in a new light. The next
time you are stuck in traffic, give thanks for what may be the only time in your day
that you havent been rushed. Use the time to practice mindful breathing. And by the
time the traffic begins moving again, you will likely have been the most contented
person in that particular gridlock.
Once we become aware of the abundance and beauty all around, how is it possible
not to be grateful? Open your eyes. Look around. Gratitude is always within reach.
The research project mentioned above was only one example of evidence that
gratitude can improve your life. Why not keep a daily gratitude journal to galvanize
your daily experience into one that is consistently positive? List at least five items
you are grateful for in your day, and see if more doesnt come in the wake of
awareness of your gifts.
Adopt an attitude of gratitude and watch your life blossom.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Fear of Failure vs. Fear of Success

Very often people do not achieve their goals as a result being debilitated by the fear
of failing. They are scared of taking risks or scared of putting themselves on the line
by committing to a worthy goal because just maybe they will let themselves, and
others, down if they dont achieve it.
However, one form of pressure that is rarely spoken about that I believe is one of
the most counter intuitive and difficult to come to grips with, and that affects many
of the most gifted individuals is not the fear of failure, but the fear of success. These
people often are very high achievers that end up being very successful up to a point,
but fall short or even stop competing. Success to them brings discomfort, pain, and
becomes simply not worth it. People around them usually say what a pity because
that person seemed to have it all. How do you address the fear of success and why
do these individuals not enjoy success or desire more?
Although fear of success is much rarer, it can sometimes be mistaken as a fear of
What is the difference between fear of failure and fear of success?
Fear of failure is much more common than fear of success. Fear of failure is a
mindset that causes individuals to perform tentatively or defensively. It is the fear of
working hard and not attaining that which you desire.
Fear of failure causes individuals to focus on the negatives, such as not to make
mistakes, not to disappoint a coach, friend, co-worker, parent, etc, or not to feel
embarrassed. The interesting part about the fear of failure is that it is sprouts from
an intense desire to win, achieve, or perform well. The greater the emotional energy
individuals put into a particular endeavour (eg. Sport, work, etc), the greater the
potential for fear of failure to set in.
Fear of failure is characterized by high expectations, a strong desire to success (and
not fail), anxiety or tension, worrying too much about results or outcomes, social
approval issues or worrying to much about what others think, and performing with a
serious, controlled mindset.
Overall, the fear of failure prevents you from taking risks and being truly free and
successful. No matter what your endeavour; be it sport, business, work, or other,
being able to take risks is essential because the person who risks nothing, does
nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. Sorry if these harsh but its the truth.
Fear of Success
On the other hand, individuals who stifle their performance with fear of success are
mostly concerned with the problems that come with success. Have you heard the
saying, its lonely at the top? Case in point: Tiger Woods. Yes, he is the best golfer
on the planet and makes boatloads of money, but can you imagine what precautions
Tiger has to take just to go out to dinner in public? An individual who displays fear of

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


success engages in self-sabotage so they will not have to cope with these issues that
come with success.
The consequences of self-sabotage are lack of motivation, making mental errors,
blowing a big lead in an event, or giving up altogether. This leads to a snowball
effect in which the individual may lose confidence and focus.
Fear of success is the fear of the problems associated with being successful,
recognized, and honored. For example, one of the specific fears athletes maintain is
that other people will have greater expectations for their performance. Another
common fear is that they will lose friends and make enemies if they are too
successful. Often it is hard for individuals to enjoy success because they feel
burdened by achievement in many ways including how they may have to change
their lives.
Fear of success is characterized by a lack of desire to achieve personal goals, selfsabotaging behavior such as not showing up for practice, exercise sessions,
important meetings, and feeling guilty or undeserving when achieving success. Fear
of success, like fear of failure also can be rooted in an over concern for what others
think. For example, individuals with fear of success worry about what friends may
feel about them (envy, jealousy, hatred) when they reach to the top of their sport,
business, or corporate ladder, and worry if friendships will be in jeopardy.
So, how does one cope with fear of success?
The first step is to identify the root cause of the fear. Are you afraid of higher
expectations? Are you afraid of not feeling satisfied? Are you afraid of making
enemies and losing friends at the top?
Ask yourself this question: What is the worse thing that could happen to me if I am
Once you identify the root of the fear underlying the fear of success, now you can
approach it head on and work through it. Its also helpful to understand the type of
self-sabotage an individual might engage lack of motivation, lack of commitment,
making excuses, giving up the moment success is close, or self-destructive thought
Ask the question: In what ways do I self-destruct my own performance and
Like fear of failure, fear of success often boils down to developing healthier beliefs
about yourself (and the endeavour in which youre striving for success) by refuting,
rebutting, or changing the beliefs that underlie the fears associated with fear of
Be confident in yourself and go for it! You deserve to achieve anything you want in
life even if dont think so.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Truth About Success in Life

My girlfriend and I recently saw the movie Little Miss Sunshine. It's quite an
interesting and funny movie. I'd like to share with you a great line that was used in
the movie by the grandfather when talking to his little grandaughter, a beauty
pageant queen hopeful, about winners and losers.
Here's what he said (paraphrased):
"You're not a loser, even if you don't win. In life, what makes you a winner is having
the courage to go after what you want and to try to win - even if you fail."
Doesn't this quote sum it all up! It doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you give it
your best shot you will always be a winner. Don't let fear or embarrassment hold you
back from achieving your goals - SCREW THAT!
You are amazing because you are you! Understand that you were put on this rock to
do and be something spectacular, and by not achieving your goals who does that
serve?? NO ONE. So go ahead - just do it. Don't let fear or anything else hold you
back. At the very least you'll have tried and grown from your experiences.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Secret to Weight Loss That Nobody

Talks About
Throughout my career as a fitness trainer and wellness coach I have come across
thousands of people from all walks of life wanting to get fitter and healthier. Some
succeed beyond their own expectations while others fail miserably, giving up after
just a few short weeks.
Lets take the example of two fictional clients, Joe and Bob. Both are severely
overweight and need structured help to stay with their weight loss lifestyle
As each one begins with their program, it quickly becomes apparent which guy will
succeed and which will fail.
Joe has set his goals and told several friends and family of his intentions. Hes
written them down on a paper, signed it, and has kept his goals visible at all times.
By contrast, Bob has simply verbalized his goals and not told anyone of his
Can you pick the success story so far?
Furthermore, Joe decides to share his experiences through our Fit Forum and gets
constant feedback from myself and our team of experts. Meanwhile, Bob doesnt
take advantage of this great (and free) feature and decides to go it his own.
So whats the difference between Joe and Bob? What is one very important element
that is going to allow Joe to succeed more so than Bob?
Research from Stanford University has shown that being accountable to a health
professional increases the success rate in a fat loss program.
And I see this all the time with clients and magazine readers that contact me after
reading my articles in various health and fitness magazines. I encourage my clients
around the world to keep me up to date on their progress. And who succeeds? The
people I hear from on a consistent basis.
The people I don't hear from? Well, they come back a couple months later and tell
me how they fell off the wagon, stopped working out, started eating poorly, etc. Why
does this happen? Because they are not accountable to anyone. They set their
standards too low.
So I know that if I don't hear from you, then most often times you are in fat loss
Now in a perfect world, we'd all have an expert trainer to report to in person. If you
can't do that, you can at least get strength and interval workouts done and report

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


back to me. Heck, you can even do that with our team of experts through our Fit
Forum at our website and you can even post your workouts and/or questions for us
to review.
Or you can benefit from having me as your personal fitness coach wherever and
whenever you want, all through the convenience of your iPod/MP3 players
headphones. My Fitter U program is the worlds only 12-week body shaping fitness
program for your iPod/MP3 player that gives you 35 hours of personal fitness
coaching (from Canadas top trainer) and a progressive workout structure
guaranteed to help you lose weight and skyrocket your level of fitness.
And then there is the next best thing. Get a workout partner, or group of friends and
have them hold you accountable - commit to them that you will train and eat
according to your goals.
Why not take time each week to connect with a family member or friend that has the
same goals...and you can be accountable to each other.
You don't have to go it alone.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Fitter U Nuke the Fat


Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Truth about High Protein - Low Carb

Promoters of high protein, low carbohydrate (HPLC) diets such as Robert Atkins
(Atkins Diet) and Barry Sears (The Zone Diet) have induced a popular trend in
weight loss nutrition. However, have these HPLC diets come at a cost to its
followers? The purpose of this article is to address the claims and health concerns
surrounding HPLC diets.
Claim 1: Weight loss is attributed to the composition of the diet (ie. carb vs.
To achieve weight loss one must attain a negative energy balance; meaning that
there are fewer calories consumed than expended (hypocaloric diet). This may occur
in 3 ways. First, caloric expenditure may remain the same while calories consumed
are restricted. Second, caloric expenditure (ie. exercise) can be increased while
calories consumed (food intake) remains the same. Third, and most effective,
combines the first two. Hence, a combination of lower food intake and exercise is
employed and is truly the only sustainable means of retaining lean muscle mass
while shedding body fat.
Unfortunately, HPLC diets have received much popularity due to their hypolaric
nature, thus, facilitating weight loss. As an example, Dr. Atkins recommends that
dieters consume 1,400 calories/day during the first two weeks of his diet (Boucher,
1999), however, this represents only 60% of the recommended energy intake for a
18-yr old female weighing 125 lbs. A hypocaloric diet of any sort will yield weight
loss, therefore, it is a negative energy balance, rather than diet composition, that is
the cause of weight loss.
Claim 2: Insulin promotes the storage of fat; therefore, by limiting carbs,
dieters will decrease levels of insulin and body fat.
Insulin is an anabolic hormone released upon eating that allows the uptake and
storage of carbohydrates and fat. High insulin levels are associated with obesity, yet
it is inaccurate that promoters of HPLC diets have targeted insulin as the cause of
obesity. Instead, it is obesity that causes high levels of insulin to accumulate by
decreasing the livers ability to clear insulin from the blood (Bergman, et al. 2001).
Studies have even shown that decreased levels of insulin do not lead to greater
weight or fat loss (Golay, Allaz et al. 1996; Golay, Eigenheer et al. 1996).
Claim 3: Weight loss is result of fat loss
Research suggests that water loss is responsible for the rapid weight loss associated
with HPLC diets. Cham et al. (1981) found that subjects lost 4 kg on a low-carb diet
but regained their weight within 24 hrs of resuming their regular diets. This can be
explained by a decrease in water retention resulting from lower carbohydrate stores,
since 1 molecule of glycogen (carbohydrate stored in muscle) holds 4 molecules of

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The American Medical Association (1977) has condemned the Atkins diet labeling it
potentially hazardous. HPLC diets in general have reported adverse health
effects including:

Calcium loss via increased urinary calcium excretion

Undesirable lipoprotein levels higher LDL levels, and lower HDL levels
predispose the dieter at risk of cardiovascular complications.
Decreased immune function via lower levels of vitamins and minerals in

In sum, promoters of HPLC diets have based their claims on research using obese
and hyperinsulimenic subjects. This is misleading and inappropriate information for
the general population to utilize and as such should be taken into consideration when
embarking on a weight loss regime.
If you want to lose weight and are ensure about what foods to eat then go now and
get a copy of my ebook Eating for Energy. You can download your copy from
It comes with a 12-week meal plan and 120 delicious living foods recipes that take
no more than 10 minutes to prepare!
Lose weight and feel great by going to

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Planning Your Meals

Tips for Eating Healthy at Each Meal
Do you find it hard to take the time to prepare good healthy meals for you and/or
your family? Perhaps you don't have the time as a result of your busy lifestyle.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the know-how to eat healthy throughout the week even
when you're pressed for time? Well, I'm about to share with you an easy and
effective way of doing so!
Plan your Week in Advance
The key to eating healthy throughout the week is all in PLANNING! What I suggest,
and have found to be highly effective, is to simply take one hour on Sundays (before
the work week begins) to do the following:
Have Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables Available. Vegetables such as red, yellow, and
green peppers, carrots, celery, brocolli, cucumbers (and others of your choice) are
great sources of wholesome nutrition, anti-oxidants, and are easy to snack on.
Take a few minutes to cut each into desired size pieces. The veggies are then ready
to be eaten as a raw food snack or conveniently prepped to be thrown into a
favourite dish.
Preparing them in advance will save you time during the week when preparing a
meal to take to work. It also means that you'll have a ready selection of vegetables
at your fingertips when preparing a meal upon arriving home from work. No need to
waste time in prep work - everything's all ready to go!
Throw Another Chicken on the Barbie
Now that you've got the veggies ready all that's left is to prepare some good quality
protein for your weekly meals. The easiest thing to do is cook several chicken
breasts (either whole or in strips) so that they are ready to be added to sandwiches,
stir- frys, or any other favourite dish.
Truly, you can do the same with any kind of lean meat (fish, lean ground beef,
etc...). The idea is to have some ready-to-go healthy protein for your meals be it at
work or home.
Again, the purpose is to take some time on the weekend to prepare most of your
meals for the week so that you don't waste time doing so during the week. What
happens a lot of times is that we often feel lost for ideas for what to make when
we're pressed for time and, as a result, tend to rely on unhealthy fast food choices
such as take out, and so forth.
So if you find that you're struggling with your diet, I challenge you to incorporate
some of these simple preparation tips in helping you muster healthier meals. The
results will speak for themselves!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Are You Too Acidic?

Do you feel tired or lethargic? Are your nails, skin, and hair unhealthy looking? Do
you suffer from frequent colds, illnesses, or joint pain?
If so, then your body may be too acidic!
Why is pH Important?
pH is a measure of how acid or alkaline a substance is and is based on a scale of 0
(acidic) to 14 (alkaline). Our bodies hold approximately 45 litres of fluid and most of
these fluids thrive only if they are slightly alkaline. Because the blood prefers a
slightly alkaline pH of 7.4, excess acid in our bodies will create a biochemical
For example, our bodies use alkaline buffers to neutralize high levels of acidity. If
these buffers become saturated, then these acids will ultimately be pushed into our
cells causing the displacement of vital minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and
sodium. The result is bodily havoc such as being more susceptible to infection and
sickness, unhealthy skin, hair and nails, and much more!
At the ultimate level, these acids may reach the level of the bloodstream causing it
to become more acidic. The result is that the body will turn to its most alkaline
substance, calcium, to neutralize the acid. In so doing, more and more calcium is
leached from the bones, predisposing the body to the development of osteoporosis
and arthritis.
As a person becomes more and more acidic, the body begins to store acids in the
tissues. As compensation, the body releases alkaline molecules into the blood (which
may sound good but really isn't!). Too much alkalinity (above ph = 7.4) is bad for
the blood as it increases its affinity for oxygen, making it more difficult for the blood
to release this same oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the tissues and organs
become oxygen starved putting them at greater risk for the proliferation of
cancerous cells since, as Noble Prize winner Otto Warburg discovered, cancer grows
where there is no oxygen!
What causes excess acid in the body?

Eating too many proteins, grains, sugars or dairy products

Strenuous exercise
Excess stress

The 80/20 Rule

Due to our overly acidic lifestyle, it is necessary that we take the proper steps
towards maintaining a more alkaline environment within our bodies. To maintain a
healthy alkaline internal environment, it is recommended that our diets consist of
80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.
Unfortunately, the North American diet has reversed these percentages for the
worse. No wonder we have so much sickness and disease in our society.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


In my book, Eating for Energy, I show you exactly what an acidic body looks like and
what it does to your health. Its pretty scary, thats for sure!
Examples of acid forming foods:

Animal protein
Sweets and Sweeteners
Nuts and Butters
Beans and Legumes
Fats and Oils

Examples of "good" alkaline forming foods:

Vegetables - especially green barley grass

Fruits - all except cranberries
Some nuts and seeds - almonds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
Quality water

Green Barley Grass - Pure Alkaline Energy!

Green Barley grass is a nutrient rich grass grown in lush soils in the foothills of the
Japanese mountains. One tablespoon is equivalent to the nutrient content of an
entire head of lettuce. For instance, it has 7x more calcium than milk and 6x more
vitamin C than an orange. It is probably best known for its beneficial alkalizing and
energizing effects on the body. Moreover, because it is a whole food and 60%
protein, it is one of only two foods on earth that the body can survive on,
exclusively. The following are some of Green Barley's many benefits to the body:

Increased energy and stamina and youthful vigor

Decreased craving for junk foods and also reduces food intake
More rapid healing of injuries and infections
Improvement of hair, skin and nails
Improvement of diabetes and hypoglycemia
Inhibits the growth of cancer cells
High alkalizing effect
Best of tastes great!

Learn the entire pH balance story at

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Dangers of Carbonated Beverages

The purpose of this article is not to scare you but to enlighten you, although it may
do both. These days the consumption of carbonated beverages (such as soft drinks),
especially among our youth, is quite disconcerting when you consider that these
beverages are toxic to the human body. The following is a list of some of these toxic
compounds: sugar, carbonation, aspartame, food dyes and phosphoric acid.
In 1900, the average consumption of sugar was approximately lb/person/year.
Currently, we roughly consume an appalling 180 lbs/person/year! The results on the
body speak for themselves. Furthermore, the average soft drink has 10 tsp of sugar
per can. No wonder pop is so addictive for so many people.
Carbonation is created by pumping carbon dioxide into water or other liquid. You
may recall that carbon dioxide is a waste product of cellular and food metabolism, as
such the body wants to expel it. So why would anyone want to further add a waste
product to their body? Carbonated beverages also burden the body by weakening
stomach acid, thereby interfering with proper digestion.
Aha! But I only drink diet sodas! you say. Unfortunately, eventhough diet sodas
have less sugar than regular soda they contain another concern - aspartame.
Aspartame is a low calorie artificial sweetener that has the effect of lowering your
bodys metabolism. As a result, a 400 calorie meal now becomes an 800 calorie
meal! Aspartame has also been linked to convulsions, depression, insomnia,
irritability, weakness, dizziness, migraines, and mood changes.
Food Dyes
Many carbonated beverages contain food dyes that are unfit for human consumption.
Many of these artificial colourings have been connected to ailments such Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and, according to Dr. Walkers book Water Can
Undermine Your Health, more than a million children today are afflicted with cerebral
lesions caused by soft drinks!
Phosphoric Acid
This is the substance that causes the soft drink to bubble and fizz. Being an acid,
phosphoric acid burns your insides but more importantly upsets your bodys delicate
phosphorus-calcium balance.
You may recall that calcium can be released from the bones to restore proper pH
balance in the blood. As a result, the presence of phosphoric acid can lead to the
weakening of the skeletal structure and hence osteoporosis. In 1994, The Journal of
Adolescent Health, reported a strong association between cola beverage
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


consumption and bone fractures in girls. Numerous studies have confirmed this
So the next time you reach for the soft drink or sparkling water, I urge you to think
twice. Think about what this fizzy acidic liquid will be doing to your internal
environment. If you have the choice go with purified water that will replenish and
revitalize your body!
Discover some great alternatives to drinking to soda beverages. In fact, youll get
40 recipes for delicious smoothies and juices when you get your copy of Eating for
Drink to your health!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Post Workout Meals

Optimizing recovery to get the most from your workouts!
The importance of post workout nutrition cannot be undermined. You work hard in
the gym and dont want your sweat and effort to go unrewarded right? Well, the
following is essential in assuring you get the most from your workouts and will help
you achieve your fitness goals, whether they be to lose or gain weight or simply to
stay healthy and feel great.
It is important to realize that making poor food choices following workouts can not
only reduce the benefits of working out but it can also weaken your immune system,
increase the likelihood of injury, cause hypoglycemia (drop in blood sugar) and
reduce your energy and performance during subsequent workouts.
Carbohydrates, proteins and good fats all have an important role in the post workout
meal or snack. While working out, your body mainly uses muscle glycogen
(carbohydrates stored in muscles) as its main fuel source. As such, these glycogen
levels can be severely depleted upon completion of an intense workout and
subsequently need to be replenished to ensure proper recovery.
Furthermore, exercise (especially weight lifting) causes micro-tearing of your
muscles (protein degradation), this is what causes muscle soreness but also what
stimulates their recovery to a stronger state than before. As a result, protein
consumption is also important post-workout to foster proper protein/muscle
So whats the ideal formula?
Realize that you must attend to both fuel replenishment (glycogen stores) and
protein or muscle regeneration for optimal recovery after your workout. As such,
food choices that stimulate the release of insulin will cause the most effective uptake
of carbohydrates into the muscles, as well as, protein synthesis.
Also, high quality protein and essential fatty acids will foster proper recovery of
muscle tissue and other cellular damage, respectively. Remember, that the quicker
you can get the proper macronutrients into your body after your workout, the more
effective your recovery will be.
The ideal is to consume a quickly absorbable (high glycemic index) form of
carbohydrates immediately (within 15 minutes) after your workout. This can take the
form of a sports drink, fruit juice, or fruits. Consuming carbohydrates after exercise
can also increase muscle repair, as does protein by increasing insulin levels, which in
turns stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
Continue eating 50-100 grams of carbohydrate plus 10-20 grams of protein every 2
hours until the next complete meal. This translates into roughly 1.0- 1.5 grams of
carbohydrate per kg of body weight every two hours.
This may take the form of a well balanced shake combining whey protein (protein),
some form of carbohydrates (bananas, berries, etc), and EFAs such as a tbsp of flax
seed oil. Whey protein has been found to stimulate the release of insulin. Therefore,
it would be an effective protein to consume after working out as the extra boost of
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


insulin would help drive nutrients into the muscle cells. Whey protein is also a very
high-quality protein that would help muscles recover more quickly.
After your shake, it is preferable to have a more balanced and substantial meal no
later than 2 hours post workout. This meal should contain good sources of
carbohydrates and protein. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) should also be incorporated in
this meal as they play an important role in bodily repair. Some sources of EFAs
include hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, and walnuts.
In Eating for Energy youll get tons of great pre-workout and post-workouts recipes
for shakes, gels and puddings, and meals. Everything youll ever need in this book
its the nutrition bible!
Get yours today
A final note on water:
Remember that during a workout you sweat and as such lose a lot of water. It is
absolutely critical to ensure that you replenish this water loss through proper
hydration after your workout. Upon finishing your workout you should drink a
minimum of 500 ml of water; however, a more accurate measure would be to drink
the difference between your pre-workout weight and post-workout weight. So if your
pre- workout weight was 74 kg and post-workout you were 73 kg, then you should
consume 1L of water since 1kg is equivalent to 1L of water.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Eating for Weight Loss - Part 1

These days the goal of weight loss is all too common. The North American lifestyle of
convenience, over consumption, unhealthy choices, stress, and lack of exercise has
contributed to a continent wide pandemic of overweight and obese individuals.
According to Statistics Canada, obesity rates have increased substantially over the
past 25 years. For Canadian adults between the ages of 25 and 34 the prevalence of
obesity is 23%. Among the North American population, 65% of adults are
overweight. Furthermore, there is a negative correlation between fruit and vegetable
consumption and ones chances of being obese. Since weight loss is a common goal
for the majority of exercisers, it is important to understand the nutritional
implications to achieving such a goal.
At the end of the day, losing weight boils down to creating a negative energy
balance. This means that your body is expending (burning) more calories than it is
consuming. This is referred to as a hypocaloric diet. Achieving a negative energy
balance may occur in 3 ways. First, caloric expenditure (exercise) may remain the
same while calories consumed (food intake) are restricted.
Second, caloric expenditure can be increased while calories consumed remains the
same. Third, and most effective, combines the first two. Hence, a combination of
lower food intake and exercise is employed, leading to a retained lean muscle mass
while body fat is decreased. It is vital to remember that a combination of healthy
eating and regular exercise is the ONLY way to maintain the weight you desire.
Determining the minimum number of calories you need to survive:
The most accurate method for identifying how many calories you should be
consuming involves calculating your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the minimum
number of calories your body (and its vital organs) needs to survive if you were to lie
in bed 24/7. There are many ways of determining your BMR, some invasive while
others more indirect.
The following is an indirect equation that Ive found to be most consistent with the
direct measures, mainly because it takes body composition into account. For this
equation you will need to measure your percent body fat (which can be done at your
local gym), and from that, your lean body mass (LBM). Here is an example:
LBM = total weight fat weight 1kg = 2.2 lbs
BMR = 370 + [21.6 x LBM (kg)]
Joe weighs 80kg and has a 15% body fat. Therefore, according to the equation
above, his LBM is 68kg. We then plug that into our equation for BMR giving us a
result of 1839 calories. Thus, Joe needs to consume (eat) 1839 calories/day to
survive, simply at rest.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Determining your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE):

Once you have your BMR you then need to take into account your average Total
Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). See table below for activity levels.
Sedentary (no exercise) BMR x 1.2 - Lightly Active (light exercise, 1-3 days/week)
BMR x 1.375 - Moderately Active (moderate intensity; 3-5 days/week) BMR x 1.55 Highly Active (intense exercise; 5-7 days/week) BMR x 1.725 - Extremely Active
(intense exercise; 5-7 days/week; 2x/day) BMR x 1.9
Once, you have determined your activity level (and be honest!) you then multiply
your BMR by the activity multiplier to establish how many total calories you are
burning on a daily basis. This number now accounts for the activity component to
your days.
Lets assume Joe in our example exercises 4 times per week. Thus, he would fall into
the moderately active category. Therefore, his TDEE would be 2850 calories/day
(1839 calories x 1.55).
Determining your daily caloric intake:
Now that you know your TDEE you can determine how many calories you need to
consume. Remember, the TDEE is not only a measure of caloric expenditure but it
also serves as your bench mark for caloric intake. If the goal is to lose weight, you
must create a negative energy balance and therefore consume less than your TDEE.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, it is recommended to reduce
your caloric intake by no more than 15-20% of your current levels.
For example, if Joe were interested in losing weight he would be advised to reduce
his caloric intake by about 570 calories/day (TDEE = 2850 calories x 20%) to a
minimum total of 2280 calories/day. And since 1lb of fat is equivalent to 3500
calories, at this rate, it would take Joe 6 days to lose 1lb of fat (3500 calories / 427
Now I know that counting your calories can be a very tedious process, and I dont
necessarily recommend that you do it. What I do recommend is keeping a dietary log
where you record everything you eat (and quantities of each) for a period of one
week. You can then have this information analyzed to determine your average daily
caloric intake as well as nutrient breakdowns.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Eating for Weight Loss - Part 2

Now that you have a better understanding of your resting metabolic rate and the
number of calories you should be consuming on a daily basis, we now turn our
attention to the food side of the equation.
Despite our best intentions of eating healthy and losing weight, we are constantly
bombarded by a multitude of food choices that physiologically and psychologically
impair our desire and ability to lose weight.
The majority of food options available to us, not only force our bodies to store our
meal as fat, but rapidly result in low blood sugar levels making us feel hungry once
again. We consequently search out more food (and usually not the good kind!), and
the vicious cycle continues.
According Katherine Gray-Donald, a professor of dietetics at McGill University, almost
a third of our calories come from empty calorie foods such as doughnuts and pop. i
To make matters worse, processed foods that appeal to our sugar, fat, and salt
palettes have proven very addictive.
These high-sugar, high-fat foods are the most popular amongst the large food
companies due to their large profit margins. Approximately, 30 percent of shelf
space is devoted to such foods, according to Tony Winson, a professor of
sociology/anthropology at the University of Guelph.
The number of overweight people in America has risen each year since the late
1960's with the advent of choices such as TV dinners and canned foods. In the
overall population there has been an average increase of 13% body fat.
Moreover, the average North American daily calorie consumption has increased since
1991 from 2,300 to 2,600 calories in 2005.1 Never before has society been so
dangerously overweight. With the addition of these extra pounds the risk of heart
disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension also increases.
Insulin The Devil?
The common thread in obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and
hypertension is a substance called insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas. Its
chief role is to keep blood sugar levels in a narrow comfort zone.
If your blood sugar gets too high, insulin is produced and secreted to bring it back
down. Another hormone, known as glucagon, is responsible for increasing blood
sugar. Together these two substances control the sugar in the blood to maintain
optimal weight, blood lipid levels, energy etc.
How foods affect our body is determined by how fast they breakdown into sugar, and
how quickly that sugar is delivered to the blood. The breakdown product of all
carbohydrates, whether the carbohydrate is broccoli or pasta, is sugar. When the
carbohydrate source is a grain or starch (especially if white, enriched, or refined),
the breakdown into sugar occurs very quickly, with a subsequent rapid release of

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


sugar into the blood. This release of sugar signals an increased secretion of insulin,
our fat storing hormone. Insulin sweeps a large portion of the sugar out of the blood,
storing it as fat. This results in a drop in blood sugar levels below normal. To
compensate, our body attempts to use fat in order to replenish energy supplies.
However, due to high insulin levels this pathway is blocked and we subsequently
break down valuable muscle instead.
The loss of lean muscle cannot be taken lightly as inside our muscles are the
mitochondria (our fat-burning units). These mitochondria work horses are so
powerful that 1g of muscle burns 70 times more calories than 1g of fat. The loss of
muscle therefore further impairs our ability to burn calories and lose weight. As a
result, one major objective of any weight loss regime is too build and retain lean
muscle mass (through regular resistance training) while losing unnecessary fat.
Approximately 75% of people produce too much insulin. This is called
hyperinsulinemia. The primary reason for this phenomenon is a diet high in simple
carbohydrates, which sends a continual message to the pancreas to secrete insulin.
Over time, the response to the insulin becomes dulled, forcing the pancreas to
release ever-larger amounts, resulting in fat storage, high cholesterol and blood
pressure and eventually diabetes.
Protein has the opposite effect on the body. Protein breaks down into amino acids
rather than sugar so does not increase insulin. In addition amino acids slow the
release of sugar from ingested carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Without excess
insulin the sugar remains in the blood as a fuel source and is not stored as fat and
once used up by exercise, the body is free to access fat cells.
This begins a rapid, permanent and healthy weight loss. Proteins metabolic nature
has the ability to lower the glycemic index of the foods with which is it combined.
Thus, a high-glycemic index bowl of regular pasta can be moderated (ie. GI lowered)
with the addition of a protein such as lean ground turkey or chicken. Protein is also
digested slower than carbohydrates which increases satiety.
An example of proteins positive effects on weight management was shown in a
recent study looking at breakfast choices. The study found that for women between
the ages of 25 and 61 consuming a breakfast with eggs (protein) resulted in fewer
cravings and feeling fuller for longer than a breakfast containing the same calories
but with a bagel (carbohydrate) instead of eggs. The egg breakfast resulted in a
reduction of short-term energy intake.
The key to the weight-loss process is therefore to ensure that all your meals and
snacks contain a good amount of protein in order to moderate the insulin response.
As a result, your blood sugar levels will remain more consistent for a longer period of
time. Please remember that it is important not to consume too much protein as this
can irritate the kidneys and mimic a state of starvation.
Include only those carbohydrates that are nutrient dense (high vitamin-mineral
content) and have a slower breakdown into sugar. This includes any vegetable,
salads, and most fruits.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


A Lack of Time
What we need today is a diet that will instruct our body to create more energy and
store less fat, promoting safe and long-lasting weight-loss. We still are a society of
convenience where time is scarce and the need for quick dietary solutions valuable.
According to Chritina Blais, a teacher of food science, cooking and recipe
development at the Universite de Montreal, the time spent preparing daily meals has
dwindled from 6 hours in 1900 to 45 minutes in 2000, to 20 minutes in 2005. This is
a scary statistic when considering the importance of properly prepared homemade
One way of overcoming this barrier is to set aside 1 or 2 days a week to prepare all
or most of your meals ahead of time. As such, you will have food (or its ingredients)
ready to go when you need it (them). Choosing to eat meals made at home is one
of the best ways of controlling your diet since youre in control of exactly what goes
into each dish.
Timing Your Meals
Eating smaller meals more frequently is vital to improving your chances of weight
loss. In so doing, you help sustain healthy blood sugar levels and therefore insulin
levels are also kept in moderation. Eating comprises 10 percent of all the calories
that you burn on a daily basis.
This is known as the thermogenic food and is the result of the bodys need to
expend energy to metabolize the food which has just been ingested. Therefore, by
eating more frequent meals (considering that theyre smaller in size), you help to
keep your metabolism at a more active level. You should be aiming to eat 4-6 small
meals (no more than 2-3 hours apart) throughout the day as opposed to 3 larger
meals that are spaced out by 4-5 hours.
Your waistline can also benefit from having breakfast. People who eat breakfast are
generally more likely to maintain a healthy weight. A study published in the Journal
of the American Dietetic Association found that women who ate cereal in the morning
were 30 percent less likely to be overweight than women who skipped breakfast,
even when other factors, such as exercise and total calorie intake.
The researchers speculated that skipping breakfast altogether may do the waistline
more harm than good because people may make up for it by eating more calorieladen, fat-filled snacks later in the day.
Lastly, avoid eating late at night as the any excess food (especially carbohydrates)
will be more likely be stored as fat as the bodys metabolism slows down before and
during sleep. Thus, evening snacks such as fruit and other carbohydrate-craving
choices should be avoided to avoid additional weight gain.
Staying Closer to Earth
One of the most effective ways of eating well and maintaining a healthy weight is
choosing foods that are closest to their raw state as possible. Today, the advent of
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


processed foods has destroyed the natures fruits and has given us convenience at
a price. Choosing fruits and vegetables that are organic, meaning that they are free
of pesticides, is a good start.
More importantly, consuming meats and animal products that have been fed
hormones and other agents should be avoided as much as possible. When it comes
to chickens and eggs, choosing ones that have been free-range and grain fed is the
healthy and safer way to go. The same applies to fish. Fish that are farm-raised are
not as good a choice as those are caught in natural settings, again due to human
You are what you eat and that holds true for the animals that we eat as well. A cow
that has been injected with hormones to improve lactation ultimately affects you if
you drink its milk.
By choosing foods that are closest to their natural state, this can improve your
chances of keep the pounds off. Remember, every food that has been processed has
been altered to some degree whether it be the addition of salt, MSG, preservatives,
or other additives. These additives, and others, make such foods addictive and thus
impair your ability to eat in moderation.
Herbal Remedies That May Help
The human body always strives to stay in a homeostatic balance. It does not always
like change, even if it good for us. During weight loss this is known as the diet
plateau, where weight loss temporarily stalls.
This plateau usually lasts a couple of weeks but, in certain individuals, it is more
difficult to break through. It may be necessary in these people to re-stimulate the
weight loss process through herbal or other nutritional supplementation. They are
not to be considered an alternative to the diet.
It is important to note that the supplements alone will not teach your body's
metabolism the vital lessons of proper food breakdown and energy use. They simply
aid in the weight loss process. The following are couple of well-known herbal
suggestions from Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed to aid in the weight loss process. Please
speak to a Naturopathic doctor for more specific information and guidelines for use.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a a fruit that is grown in southern India. It contains a
compound known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This acid has been clinically proven to
reduce weight through two different mechanisms. Primarily, garcinia cambogia is
used to inhibit a process known as lipogenesis, basically fat manufacture. Despite
the fact that HCA can prevent the formation of excess fat from food it does so
without altering protein metabolism. Once again, lean body tissue is preserved for
maximal fat burning potential.

The second role that garcinia cambogia plays is as an appetite suppressant. HCA
stimulates a feeling of satiety and satisfaction earlier in a meal thereby reducing the

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


amount of food eaten at one time. Not only does this lower the calorie intake but it
lessens the demand placed on the digestive tract. When too much food is consumed
at once, not all of it is broken down so undigested food passes into the bowel where
it is fed upon by the bacterial flora. This in turn produces gas and bloating.
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium better known as Bitter Orange, has a thermogenic effect that
enables the body to mobilize fat more effectively so that it can be carried to the
mitochondria (fat burners). It has also been shown to maximize the metabolic rate
thereby increasing the rate at which calories are burned. This herb will only support
and stimulate the metabolic rate up to its optimum function. It will not increase
metabolism above normal levels.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight there is no magic pill or headlinemaking secrets. The only way to an ideal body weight is through a combination of
regular exercise consisting of both cardiovascular and strength/resistance training
AND moderate healthy eating. Following the guidelines mentioned in this article can
help set you on the way to living a healthier lifestyle and maintaining a healthier
Are you Eating for Energy yet?

Susan Sampson. The fat of the land, Toronto Star, February 22, 2006.

Vander Wal, J.S. et al. (2005). Short-Term Effect of Eggs on Satiety in Overweight and Obese Subjects.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 24, No. 6, 510-515.

Barton, B.A. et al. (2005). The relationship of breakfast and cereal consumption to nutrient intake and
body mass index: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study. J Am Diet
Assoc. Sep;105(9):1383-9.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Neurotransmitters and Food

Why certain foods make you feel the way they do
Do you ever feel tired after eating a large carbohydrate-based meal? Perhaps that's
one of the reasons why the Mediterranean countries have incorporated the afternoon
siesta into their culture???
The connection between the foods we eat and their effect on our brain's
neurotransmitters is becoming better understood. Neurotransmitters are chemicals
used to relay, amplify, and modulate electrical signals within our nervous system.
Currently, more and more research is highlighting the fact that not only does food
effect our physiology through the digestive process but also at the chemical level via
the brain and nervous system.
For instance, the ingestion of carbohydrates (CHO) stimulates the release of
serotonin causing you to feel calm, relaxed and mellow. This is one of the reasons
why CHOs are often the food of choice during times of stress, even if from a
subconscious level.
Proteins pretty much have the opposite effect. They stimulate the release of
norepinephrine causing you to feel alert, energetic, and more mentally clear. As
such, if you were about to engage in an activity that required intense mental
concentration and focus (eg. writing a test, giving a presentation), a meal largely
based around proteins could be in order.
It's also important to realize that neurotransmitters are not properly formed if your
diet is lacking in nutrients. Because neurotransmitters ultimately determine our
emotional states, their role in either the development and/or prevention of mood
disorders has been well documented.
So the next time you grap a snack or sit down for a meal, observe how you feel
afterwards. Obviously, hormonal responses such as rising or falling insulin levels will
effect how you feel but also consider the role the food you eat has on the release of
the aforementioned neurotransmitters.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Chocolate Milk better than Gatorade for

Post-Exercise Recovery??
The next time you finish a rigorous workout, you may want to consider a surprising
new sports drink to help refuel tired muscles: chocolate milk. A recent study,
published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (1), reports that
athletes who drank chocolate milk after an intense bout of exercise were able to
workout longer and with more power during a second workout compared to athletes
who drank commercial sports beverages.
The researchers of the study indicate that chocolate milk is a strong alternative to
other commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover from strenuous, energydepleting exercise. Researcher Joel M. Stager, PhD, professor of kinesiology at
Indiana University states that "Chocolate milk contains an optimal carbohydrate to
protein ratio, which is critical for helping refuel tired muscles after strenuous exercise
and can enable athletes to exercise at a high intensity during subsequent workouts."
Stager and colleagues had nine cyclists bike until their muscles were depleted of
energy, rest four hours, then bike again until exhaustion, three separate times.
During the rest period, the cyclists drank one of three beverages:
1. low-fat chocolate milk
2. a traditional fluid replacement sports drink
3. a carbohydrate replacement sports drink
During the second round of exercise, the researchers found that cyclists who drank
chocolate milk during the rest period were able to bike nearly twice as long before
reaching exhaustion than those who consumed the carbohydrate replacement drink,
and as long as those who consumed the fluid replacement drink.
Researchers theorize that the combination of carbohydrates and protein found in
chocolate milk is what helped enhance the cyclists' performance and suggest that
flavored milk may be an optimal beverage for refueling muscles after exercise. The
researchers also note that chocolate milk is a great- tasting and cost-effective
alternative to many sports drinks.
In addition to its ideal combination of carbohydrates and protein, flavored milk
contains seven other essential nutrients that are important for an athlete's health including bone-building calcium. No other sports drink contains the nutrient package
found in flavored milk.
This study suggests, as well as many others before it, that a combination of
carbohydrate and protein is more beneficial to athletes than just carbohydrate alone
in the post-workout meal or supplement. This study takes it one step further by
identifying a food product - chocolate milk - that is easy to get, inexpensive, and
tastes great.
Confirming these results was a study by Dr. Janet Walberg-Rankin and co-workers at
Virginia Tech (2). This study compared body composition and muscle function
responses to resistance training in males who consumed a carb drink (Gatorade) or
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


chocolate milk following each training session. Chocolate milk consumption

immediately after each workout tended to increase lean body mass and bodyweight
compared to supplementation with carbs. This study clearly shows that carbs-only
post-exercise beverages dont cut it.
The one thing you want to keep however is that you want to select a non-fat or skim
chocolate milk. Forty-eight percent of the calories in whole milk come from fat; 33
percent of the calories in 2% milk come from fat; 20 percent of the calories in 1%
milk come from fat, and 0 percent of the calories from skim milk come from fat. So,
when reaching for chocolate milk as your post-workout recovery drink of choice,
choose the non-fat version.
However, if youre not a fan of chocolate milk post- workout then you can opt for a
sports drink with easily absorbable proteins such as hydrolysates. In regards to your
post-workout drink, the presence of easily absorbable proteins along with simple
carbohydrates seems to be the most effective choice.
Want to know whats even better than chocolate milk and Gatorade?
Youll learn all about it in Eating for Energy!

(1) Karp, Jason R.; Johnston, Jeanne D.; Tecklenburg, Sandy; Mickleborough, Tim; Fly, Alyce; Stager, Joel
M (2004). The Efficacy of Chocolate Milk as a Recovery Aid. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 36(5)
(2) Rankin-Walberg J, Goldman LP, Puglisi MJ et al. (2004). Effect of post-exercise supplement
consumption on adaptations to resistance training. J Am Coll Nutr,;23:322-330.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


As a health and fitness professional, Im often concerned about the number of
stressors that affect your body on a daily basis. In deed, hunching over your laptop
while sitting on a sofa is not great for your posture. Emotional anxieties can also
trigger physiological stress responses in your body. Have you ever notice how a
disagreement with a co-worker can leave you with tight shoulder muscles, increased
pulse rate, and a headache?
Well, caffeine can also have an effect on your body, as can any chemical stressor.
Caffeine is not a food; it is a stimulant with no nutritional value - and while it is easy
to become addicted to the spike of the caffeine in your system, its not a good choice
for healthy living.
Need more convincing to decrease your caffeine intake?
On pages 154 to 157 in Eating for Energy I thoroughly describe the reasons that
regular coffee/caffeine consumption is detrimental to your body.
Here are some of the main ones:

Promotes loss of calcium

Raises blood-sugar levels (especially when sweetened) by stimulating the
adrenal glands
Dehydrates your body
Causes loss of potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other minerals, the
B vitamins, and Vitamin C
Reduces absorption of iron and calcium, especially when drunk around
Stimulates acid secretion in the stomach
Interferes with the healing process in the GI tract
Relaxes the smooth muscle in the colon (this laxative effect can create a
Raises blood pressure

Were you aware that coffee is one of the six most common foods reported to be
involved with headaches? There is evidence that osteoporosis and anemia are more
common with regular coffee users, and that two small cups (10.5 oz) of coffee
provokes an increase in HCl (stomach acid) output for more than an hour in a
healthy person. Have an ulcer? This effect is then greater and lasts more than two
Also, after ingesting caffeine, your pancreas and liver immediately try to decrease
the blood sugar to a safer level, resulting in a drop in blood sugar which leaves a
craving for more caffeine. Caffeines perceived energy comes from the bodys
struggle to adapt to increased blood levels of stress hormones. In most cases, this
induced energizing state leads to fatigue. There is clear evidence that caffeine plays
a role in depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The most negative effects of caffeine can occur with regular use of over 100mg daily.
The average cup of coffee from a drip coffee maker will have 120-150mg of caffeine
per cup. So consider your health and make the move to decaffeinate your day!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Coffee Drinkers Beware

Please consider the following facts before your next cup of java
Coffee is by far one of the worlds most popular and loved beverages. According to
Wirthlin Worldwide (a market research company), North Americans consume on
average 1.8 cups of coffee per day.
Compare this to our water consumption. It is recommended to consume on average
8-10 8oz glasses of living water (ie. mineral rich, slightly alkaline, and energy
producing when in body) each day. However, scary statistics reveal that 20% of
North Americans drink no water at all while only 42% of us consume a mere 2
glasses or fewer.
Here are some facts about coffee from Eating for Energy. So before ordering your
next mocha latte frappawhatever remember the following about coffee:

Coffee intensifies stress, causing an average 40% increase in adrenaline. This

results in increased blood pressure, heart rate, perspiration, nervousness, and
Coffee increases the secretion of stomach acid by 400%, contributing to
gastritis and peptic ulcers.
Coffee drinkers have a 50% higher risk of heart attack (British medical
journal Lancet)
Coffee causes a significant loss of nutrients, especially magnesium,
potassium, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins.
Coffee is a major source of cadmium, a heavy metal that has been linked to
cancer and immune suppression.

If youre a woman, please consider the following even scarier facts:

Caffeine is linked to ovarian cancer, and bladder and kidney cancers.

Coffee increases the risk of miscarriage and can double the rate with just 1
cup (160 mg caffeine) per day (JAMA, 1993).
Coffee reduces fertility. More than 1 cup per day makes a woman half as
likely to conceive (American Journal of Epidemiology)!

Please remember that this is by no means an exhaustive list of coffee's effects on the
body. Also consider that for each cup (100 mg caffeine) of coffee you should be
throwing back 3 cups of water to make up for coffee's diuretic effect.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Dougs Top 5 Weight Loss/Maintenance

Doug Cook, RD MHSc CD
1. Avoid unrealistic expectations
Tackling too many goals, or expecting immediate results, can lead to quitting. Write
down one or two realistic goals to start. Review those goals each morning and once
they become habit, build on these successes by adding more each week. Written
goals provide focus and commitment to making changes to eating and exercise
habits. A healthy, realistic weight loss goal is losing 5 to 6 pounds each month.
(Studies show that people who lose weight slowly keep it off longer.) Its not realistic
to expect to lose the weight in a much shorter time than it took to put it on.
2. Exercise
This is the foundation of any weight loss or weight maintenance plan and is the most
important predictor of successful long term weight loss/maintenance. Increased
activity = increased metabolism. 3 aspects of fitness: endurance (cardio), strength
(weights) and flexibility (stretching/yoga etc). Weight lifting has the benefit of
maintaining or adding muscle tissue.
Muscle drives metabolic rate. Muscle requires energy (calories) to be maintained
(active tissue), fat does not (not active). The more muscle tissue you have, the more
calories you burn at rest. Weight lifting helps to build and maintain bone tissue.
Total calories burned during exercise is more important than worrying about what
percentage of calories burned came from fat versus carbohydrate.
3. Keep a Food Diary
Recording daily intake (time of day, foods, amount, and emotions) increases
awareness, and awareness is the first step to changing behaviour. If you are an
emotional eater, you need to become aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour
patterns. Determine how to make more healthful changes. Self-monitoring is a great
way to keep your choices and portions in check. You may think twice before eating
something if you have to record it. Honesty is your best friend in this instance.
Consider having a dietitian review your food diary to help you choose wisely.
4. Eat breakfast
Eating after an over night fast kick-starts your metabolism. The majority of people
who are successful at keeping weight off are breakfast eaters and they tend to have
more structure in their diets. They tend not to overeat or binge later on in the day.
They have higher intakes of vitamins/minerals, have higher fibre intakes, and include
a good source of protein for sustained energy/mixed meals.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


5. Include a source of protein with all meals and snacks

Protein helps to maintain stable blood sugar by balancing carbohydrates. Protein
helps to keep hunger away and keep you satisfied. Choose a variety of proteins.
Protein sources include: Low fat dairy: milk, cheeses, yogurt, Fish and seafood,
Eggs, Chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, pork etc. Tofu, soy beverage and other legumes
(chickpeas etc), Nuts and seeds, nut butters.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Pizza Savvy - Fine Tuning a Favourite

Doug Cook, RD
Pizza is one the most popular foods when it comes to ordering in, in fact almost 10%
of restaurants in Canada are pizzerias. Pizza, like most foods out there, has had
gotten mixed reviews when it comes to its virtues, or lack of them. On the one had,
a slice of pizza typically has food from each of the four food groups, on the other
hand the quality of those choices will determine the nutritional punch of your
favourite slice. Context is everything!
Pizza can be a nutritional powerhouse but because of the standard ingredients that
go into pizza, it tends to be high in salt (sodium), fat, saturated fat and calories.
Depending on the size of the slice, just 2 slices can have 700 calories. Thats about
40% of a days worth of calories if you are a woman and 30% if youre a man and
most people could eat more than 2 slices.
The tricky part is trying to determine what a serving size is when it comes to pizza
there is no agreement yet. Pizzerias have different size pizzas and each slices their
pizzas differently its not like a slice of bread or a serving of fruit that has been
standardized. Obviously serving sizes vary depending on the person and no one
serving size applies to everyone.
For most people, a 700 calorie meal would provide enough energy for their needs.
When it comes making a choice, try to limit it to 2 slices and make your pizza work
for you by following some general guidelines when placing that order.
Vegetables: by far the best topping for a pizza. Pizzerias today usually have a wide
range of vegetables to choose from. They are the lowest in calories and the richest in
nutrients. The options seem endless: green peppers, red peppers, zucchini,
mushrooms, onions, broccoli, pineapple (a fruit), sliced tomato, or olives.
Cheese: belongs to the milk products of Canadas Food Guide and is a good source
of calcium and high quality pizza, and is one of the 3 basic ingredients (crust and
tomato sauce being the other 2). Cheese is high in salt and saturated fat (which is
known to raise LDL cholesterol). Try ordering half the cheese youll still get lots of
protein, and some calcium but will help to cut the fat and calories.
Meat: is another source of protein as well as fat. Chicken and ham are leaner choice
meats. Typically pepperoni is leaner than beef or sausage. Because most people get
more protein than they need, this topping can easily be omitted which will save both
fat and calories.
Extras: stay clear of multi-meat pizzas: more fat, more calories and more salt.
Because pizza is what is referred to as a calorie-dense food, theres little room for
extra. Many pizzerias offer a multitude of side dishes such as chicken wings (50
calories each), dipping sauces (high fat), bread sticks (100 calories) and cheese
bread (150 calories per piece).

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Eating sensibly doesnt mean giving up some of your favourite foods or avoiding
those restaurant and fast foods that we all know and love. Becoming aware of whats
in front of you and what options are available to you is your best defense.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Amazing Almond

Doug Cook, RD
If youre trying to eat healthfully to maintain a healthy weight or just trying to eat
well to be well, you may have been avoiding foods like nuts and seeds which have
the reputation of being fattening. Nuts and seeds can be a part of a healthy diet
because they offer a lot of nutritional bang for their buck. A notable nut nutritional
powerhouse is the almond. Almonds not only taste good, theyre good for you.
Theyre cholesterol free, low in saturated fat, and a great source of fiber. Theyre
also high in monounsaturated fat, which can help lower your bad cholesterol (LDL)
and maintain your good cholesterol (HDL).
Almonds are the best source of the antioxidant vitamin E in the form of alphatocopherol and also pack plenty of protein, magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper,
iron and zinc. Last but not least, almonds are plentiful in phytochemicals, which have
lots of health benefits of their own. Closer inspection of almond nutrition reveals that
including them in your diet can do a body good.
Vitamin E: an antioxidant that is needed for healthy blood cells and tissues
Folic acid: along with fruits and vegetables, almonds can make an important
contribution to meeting your folic acids requirements. This B vitamin can reduce risk
of neural tube defects (birth defects) and is necessary for making red blood cells and
may also protect against heart disease and stroke.
Protein: is necessary for healthy muscles, blood cells, hair, skin, antibodies and
other body tissues.
Fibre: plays a protective against heart disease and diabetes and aids in the
prevention of constipation and diverticulosis.
Iron: one ounce has a good source of the recommended daily requirement of iron.
Iron is used in the production of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all cells in the
Zinc: one ounce has a good source of the recommended daily requirement of zinc.
Zinc is involved in wound healing, sense of taste, protein metabolism, and in
reproductive health.
Copper: an important mineral in the oxygen metabolism and helps to keep the
bones, blood vessels and nerves healthy.
Magnesium: almonds are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral involved in
building bones, releasing energy from carbohydrate and maintaining calcium and
potassium balance in the blood.
Phytochemicals: like all plant foods, almonds contain phytochemicals which have a
protective effect against heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The serving size for almonds is 1 ounce (28g) or approximately 23 almonds.

Almonds can be added to salads, casseroles, yogurt, muffins and banana bread, stirfry, oatmeal or right out of the hand as a tasty snack (try them with an apple to give
you lots of energy mid afternoon). Try to but raw or toasted almonds without salt
and remember that honey roasted or other flavoured almonds will be higher in
Makes 6 cups
1 cup slivered almonds
2 1/2 cups rolled oats*
1 cup dried cranberries
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup almond or canola oil
Preparation: Combine roasted almonds with oats, cranberries and cinnamon. Blend
honey with oil and drizzle over almond-oat mixture, tossing to mix well. Bake at
350F for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from oven, loosen with spatula
and cool. Serve with low fat milk, soy beverage or with yogurt for a healthy
breakfast or snack.
Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE is a clinical dietitian and certified diabetes educator
working in a university teaching hospital in Toronto and as a freelance nutrition
consultant. Doug is an active member of Dietitians of Canada and the College of
Dietitians of Ontario. He is a regular contributor to Healthy You can
contact Doug at or visit his website

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Spinach to the rescue

Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE
Im Popeye the Sailor Man.the star of the famous cartoon made spinach a food
well recognized for its powerhouse nutrition. All it took was a can of spinach for
Popeye to gain the strength to take on the world. Its no wonder Popeye always
received superhuman strength after eating spinach; its packed with nutrition. While
eating spinach will not produce instant magical effects, it is exceptionally rich in
nutrients such as beta-carotene, lutein, quercetin (a phytochemical with antioxidant
properties), folate, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese and an excellent source of
calcium and potassium and fresh spinach has only 13 calories per 2 cups.
Raw spinach is a healthy addition to salads or it can be used as the main green for a
salad, but to get the full benefit from this leafy green, eat it cooked at least some of
the time. Cooking spinach makes the antioxidant carotenoids easier for the body to
absorb much in the same way that lycopene is better absorbed from cooked tomato
products. There are three basic types of spinach:
Savoy: has a crinkly, curly leaf with a dark green colour; it is the type sold fresh in
bunches at most markets. Fresh and crisp, its particularly good in salads.
Flat or smooth-leaf: has unwrinkled, spade-shaped leaves that are easier to clean
than savoy; this is the type generally used for canned and frozen spinach as well as
soups, baby foods, and other processed foods.
Semi-savoy: increasing in popularity, they have slightly crinkled leaves. These offer
some of the texture of savoy but are not as difficult to clean, they are used for both
fresh market and processed foods.
How to choose: Fresh spinach is sold both loose and in bags. Loose spinach is
easier to evaluate for quality. Select small spinach leaves with good green colour and
a crisp, springy texture; avoid wilted, crushed, or bruised leaves, and those with
yellow spots or insect damage. Smaller leaves and thinner stems are tenderer;
spinach with coarse, thick stems indicates overgrown spinach, which may be leathery
and bitter. Fresh spinach should smell sweet, never sour or musty.
How to store: Store unclean in an open plastic bag in your crisper. Spinach is fairly
perishable (it will only keep about a week) so plan to and do eat it soon after
purchase. If it gets a little soggy, wash it in cold water and put it in your freezer for a
minute to perk it up. Don't forget about it, though, but if you do, you have frozen
spinach which can be cooked easily enough.
A word on lutein. Lutein (pronounced LOO-teen) is one of the yellow and orange
pigments found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collards and
bok choy plus various fruits and corn. In vegetables like spinach and broccoli, the
yellow colour is masked by a high level of chlorophyll. Egg yolks are also sources of
lutein as are mangoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon, carrots, squash, tomatoes.
Lutein is an antioxidant that appears to quench or reduce harmful free radicals in
various parts of the body. Free radicals can play a role in a variety of chronic

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


diseases. Lutein is highly concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina
responsible for central vision, and high visual acuity.
The macular pigment (MP) is the yellow pigment within the macula that protects this
tissue from the damaging photo-oxidative effects of blue light, and is comprised
entirely of lutein and its related compound, zeaxanthin. Of the 600 or so carotenoids
(plant pigments that give plants their colour) present in nature, only a handful are
present in our bloodstream. Of those, nature has chosen only lutein and zeaxanthin
to be present in the macula.
In population studies, those who eat more dark green vegetables, and therefore
lutein, tend to have lower rates of macular degeneration. These facts alone suggest
that lutein plays a critical role in eye health and while further studies are required to
confirm that lutein can prevent macular damage, eating more vegetables will help to
ensure that you are getting all the possible benefits that they confer.
If you havent done so already Id highly recommend getting Yuris Eating for Energy
ebook for he describes in vivid detail the importance and how-to of incorporating
more these natural living foods into your diet! Its a must read if youre serious
about improving your health and losing weight.

Lutein content of various vegetables and fruit

mg / serving
Kale (cooked)
33.8 / 1 cup
Kale (raw)
22.1 / 1 cup
Turnip Greens (cooked)
18.1 / 1 cup
Collard Greens (cooked)
17.2 / 1 cup
Spinach (cooked)
15 / 1 cup
Spinach (fresh, raw)
6.7 / 1 cup
Broccoli (cooked)
3.4 / 1 cup
Corn (cooked)
2.9 / 1 cup
Green peas (canned)
2.3 / 1 cup
Lettuce (Romaine)
1.5 / 1 cup
Corn (canned)
1.4 / 1 cup
Eggs (2)
.5 / 2 medium
Green beans
.76 / 1 cup
Orange juice (frozen concentrate).50 / 12 oz
.49 / 2 medium
.45 / 2 medium
Tangerines (fresh)
.40 / 2 medium
Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE is a clinical dietitian and certified diabetes educator
working in a university teaching hospital in Toronto and as a freelance nutrition
consultant. Doug is an active member of Dietitians of Canada and the College of
Dietitians of Ontario. He is a regular contributor to Healthy You can
contact Doug at or visit his website

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


2 Common Pitfalls in the Pursuit of Weight

PITFALL #1: Too much cardio & not enough resistance training.
Many people feel that to lose weight they need to do cardio for hours on end. This is
absolutely not true! The most effective way to burn calories and lose weight in the
long run is to combine healthy amounts of both resistance and cardiovascular
Resistance training is the key to long lasting weight management. The lean muscle
that is developed through resistance training is what burns the calories, even when
you're at rest. Pound for pound, muscle burns 50x more calories than fat. Therefore,
to burn more calories, increase your lean muscle by incorporating resistance training
into your program (more about this later).
PITFALL #2: Eating late at night
Do you ever get the late night munchies? You know that feeling of needing to eat
something (usually sugar based) only shortly after having had dinner and too close
to your bedtime.
These post-dinner snacks are one of the biggest obstacles
to losing weight. Why? Because, unless you're very active
before going to bed, this extra snack (which is usually not
very healthy) will simply be stored as fat in your body.
Remember, when your body exercises it utilizes your body's
carbohydrate stores as its main fuel source. However, when
you don't exercise, excess carbohydrates will be converted
into fats, especially if eating them just before going to bed
since your body's metabolism slows down before and during

Share your
thoughts on
this and other
related topics
in our Fit
Forum its
totally free to

Therefore, if you want to lose a bit (or a lot) of weight start lifting some weight and
avoid eating 3-4 hours before going to bed.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Want to Control Your Weight?

Well, DO NOT read this unless youre ready to implement these 2 easy steps.
How your metabolism influences weight control
The ABC's of metabolism
Its not rocket science, but knowing these basics about metabolism can help you
launch a successful weight loss lifestyle. Lets start with some basic terms:
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): the minimum number of calories your bodys vital
organs need just to survive at rest. This accounts for 60-75% of your daily caloric
expenditure. RMR varies from person to person and is influenced by such variables
as lean body mass, height, weight, sex, age, diet, and stress.
Activity: Whether it be at work, walking to and from the store, or engaging in
physical activity this type of work accounts for 20-30% of your daily caloric
Digestion: Ironically, each time you eat food you actually burn calories. This type of
expenditure accounts for 5-10% of your daily calorie output.
Step 1: Exercise raises your metabolism and therefore helps control your
Considering that your RMR accounts for up to 75% of your daily caloric expenditure
wouldnt it make sense to do things that will increase your RMR?
Aerobic activity and strength training increase the energy demand on your body. This
release of energy is referred to as burning calories. Strength training builds lean
muscle that in turn burns up to 50x more calories than fat. This is the key to long
lasting weight control! Therefore, the more lean muscle mass you have, the higher
your RMR becomes which in turn burns more calories, even while sitting on the
I like to refer to this as passive energy expenditure meaning that you dont need to
do anything and yet youre still burning calories. Wouldnt that be great? Simply put
in a bit of hard work up front and then reap the benefit in the long run!
Step 2: Eating more often in smaller amounts helps increase your
As previously mentioned, every time you eat your body expends energy to digest
and absorb what it has just ingested. This is known as the thermogenic effect of
food. Therefore, wouldnt make sense to eat more often knowing that each time you
ate you would actually be burning calories.
Typically, it is recommended to eat anywhere from 4-6 small meals throughout the
day or 3 larger meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with small snacks in between.
However, please remember that were talking about smaller meals that are healthy,
well-balanced, and lower on the glycemic index. Not a burger and fries!
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


So, here are 2 simple steps you can take immediately to help control your weight.
Were not talking magic pill but if youre consistent with daily activity and eating
frequent small meals youll see dramatic results in a just few weeks!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Salba Seed - An Ancient Nutritional

Doug Cook, RD, MHSc, CDE
Chances are youre not familiar with salba seed. It turns out that salba is back in
fashion, granted it only took about 500 years, but as the saying goes whats old is
new again. Like all good things that are fashionable, salba is actually a new twist on
an old food.
Salba is a variety of ancient plant species belonging to the mint family called Chia,
yes as in the Chia Pet. Chia was revered by the Aztecs who used it has a staple in
their diets. Who knew that a novelty craft item would hold such a nutritional
powerhouse as salba seeds?
The Chia plant produces two different coloured seeds: black and white. Salba is the
result of selecting out and only using the white seeds, which turn out to be
responsible for the nutritional profile of this newly discovered food. Move over flax,
theres a new player in town.
So what makes salba the next big thing? For starters salba is a great source of
omega-3 fat (alpha-linolenic acid), protein, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate,
niacin, copper, fibre and antioxidants. A 2 tablespoon serving of salba has a
whopping 127mg of magnesium, 256mg of calcium, 220 mg of potassium, and more
omega-3 fat than an equal amount of ground flax seed.
As well, unlike flax, salba has a better balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats making it
a great source of essential fatty acids (those that the body can not make and
therefore must be obtained from the diet). Salba is also a great example of a
functional food which is a food that provides health benefits beyond their basic
nutritional function (i.e. calories, protein etc).
What is also remarkable about this ancient seed; is that it can absorb much more
water than flax. In this case, water retention is a good thing. By absorbing many
times its weight in water, whole and ground salba seeds forms a thick gel or bulking
agent making it a great additive to foods such as oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce,
smoothies etc which results in a slower digestion of food.
Slower digestion means a steadier rise in blood sugar and therefore insulin release.
This helps to keep you feeling full longer, helps to prevent swings in hunger and may
help to reduce your total food intake by moderating appetite all this and a handful
of vitamins and minerals. Why wouldnt you eat it?
Theres a reason the Aztecs grew this stuff and relied on it heavily as a stable of their
diet. Salba seed is truly a winner when it comes to providing a lot of nutritional bang
for your buck which is something that make dietitians very happy in a world where
our nutritional requirements havent change but the nutritional landscape has,
dietitians are always looking for ways to make every bite count and adding salba
makes that a whole lot easier.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE is a clinical dietitian and certified diabetes educator
working at St Michaels Hospital. You can contact Doug at
or visit his website

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Want to Feel Your Best and Prevent

Getting Sick?
How to prevent flus, colds, coughs, food poisoning and more!

Around this time of year, many of us start showing signs of oncoming colds or flus.
This could be a result of a number of factors including an over-acidic internal body
(ie. after Thanksgivining dinner), change in weather, or being surrounded by other
people who are sick.
The following are 3 natural remedies for preventing micro-organisms such as
bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and yeasts from slowing you down.
Beyond its great flavour, garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.
It helps boost your immunity while fighting unfriendly bacteria, roundworms,
rhinoviruses (that cause common colds) and yeasts, such as Candida. Certain studies
have even shown garlic to be as effective as prescription antibiotics like penicilin,
streptomycin, and tetracyclines.
For best effect, flatten a fresh clove of garlic (to release some of its juices) and
swallow with a bit of water.
Ginger root, another fantastic antibiotic, helps to calm your digestive tract and is
highly recommended for treating nausea. Most notably, ginger contains 2 molecules
known as 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol that kill the Anisakis larvae - a micro-organism in
fish that causes food poisoining. No wonder they serve ginger with sushi!
Oregano Oil
If there is one thing to have in your medicine cabinet, this is it! This miracle oil
destroys bacteria, mold, yeast, fungus, parasites, and even viruses. It has shown to
be more effective than prescription antifungal drugs in treating a common yeast
infection known as Candida Albicans. It helps fight off colds, flus, and any other
"maladie" you can imagine!
A word of caution. This oil is very concentrated and should taken as 1-4 droplets
under the tongue for best absorption. Ensure to read the label on the bottle for best
I havent been sick in about 4 years! Want to know how I did it?
Find out by ordering Eating for Energy.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Post-Workout Nutrition Strategies

Optimizing your recovery through proper fueling
Considering that carbohydrates are the main fuel source during intense as well as
long duration exercise, the restoration of muscle and liver glycogen (carbohydrate)
stores is essential to allow proper recovery from exercise.
Add to that, the fact that exercise also causes muscle protein damage (via muscular
strain) and thus inflammation, as well as oxidative stress through increased oxygen
demand during exercise, your post- workout snack should ideally attend to each of
the following components.
The key here is to get a high-glycemic index carbohydrate (ie. sports drink, fruit,
fruit juice) into your system as soon as you can after completion of exercise (<30
min) in order to maximize glycogen restoration.
To attend to the muscle breakdown that occurs during strength training (as well as
rigorous endurance training) a post-workout protein source may be beneficial.
Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of 130 (standard is an egg which
is 100), meaning that your body is able to better utilize the protein for tissue repair,
compared to soy and rice protein which have a BV of only 75 and 55, respectively.
Some studies have even shown that whey protein (in combination with carbs) may
even promote improved glycogen synthesis.
With muscle damage comes inflammation. One of the best ways to minimize this
damage and improve the repair process is through Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) such
as omega-3 and omega-6. These "good" fats stimulate prostaglandins (PG1, PG3),
the body's very powerful and fast acting anti-inflammatory hormones. As a result,
you have less inflammation at the site of muscle damage and quicker regeneration.
Great sources of omega-3 are cold water fish oils and flax oil. Sources of omega-6
include almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.
Oxidative Stress
As you exercise, you require more oxygen. This ultimately leads to a greater activity
of free radicals within your body. As such, the addition of anti- oxidants (such as
vitamins C and E) may be beneficial in a post-workout snack to minimize the damage
caused by free radicals. Although the research is mixed, I personally notice a
difference with the addition of 250-500mg of Vitamin C post- workout.
Putting it all together - Here's an example
Here's an example of a great post-workout snack that covers all of the
aforementioned areas. See if you identify which foods attend to which areas.
In a blender mix...

1 banana
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


1 scoop of whey protein powder (glutamine can also be added)

1/3cup of blueberries
1 tbsp fish oil
1 tbsp flax oil
fruit juice, rice milk, or water (whichever you like)

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


One of the most poisonous food additives known to man!
Seeing that I'm interested in your health, I thought it would be important to bring
you up to speed on the dangers that aspartame poses to your health.
Aspartame, commonly sold as Nutrasweet, EQUAL, and found in many diet or low fat
foods, is one of the most lethal food additives that has ever been approved by the
FDA. In fact, upon its official release to market in 1984, there was a 60% increase in
brain tumours in the United States alone!
Aspartame is a chemical composed of the following 3 substances:

Phenylalanine - a substance which depletes your brain's neurotransmitters

Methyl Ester - a compound that is converted to formaldehyde inside your
body; 500x more poisonous than rubbing alcohol
Aspartic Acid - an excitotoxin which has been shown to eat holes through
brain tissue

167 Neurological Symptoms

The consumption of aspartame (ie. diet coke, low fat yogurts, nutrasweet, etc...) has
been linked with 167 neurological symptoms - meaning that this dangerous
substance ruins your brain and nervous system. Here is a selection of its lethal
effects and some of the diseases it has been known to trigger:

Brain tumours and other cancers

Chronic fatigue syndrome (Epstein Barr)
Mental retardation
Multiple Sclerosis
Parksinson's Disease
Headaches, seizures, dizziness, numbness, muscle spasms
AND many many many more!

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) surveyed over 80

people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with Aspartame
and stated the following...
"The 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard to the public
health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the market."
Of the 10,000 food additives that the FDA oversees, 80% of all complaints have been
specific to Aspartame!
So, what does this mean to you?

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Read food labels before buying suspect foods that are low in sugar/fat to make sure
they are void of aspartame.
Drink more water instead of Diet Coke - I don't care if you're hooked on it - it
will kill you in the long run!
SPLENDA IS NOT THE ANSWER - it too has been shown to be hazardous to our
health. If you need to sweeten your drinks or foods choose agave nectar, maple
syrup, or honey. These tend to be lower glycemic index sweeteners and are natural
forms sweetness.
Share your thoughts with others in our Fit Forum.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Improve Your Digestion and Your Health

Will Follow
Very often we turn to supplements to attend to specific nutrient deficiencies we may
be experiencing. However, one question I think many of us have forgotten to ask is
"What is causing this deficiency? Is it due to a lack of something in my diet?" Well,
But how about considering that a large majority of us have a compromised digestive
process - meaning that our stomachs do not operate as they're meant to. Basically
what's happening in most people is that we stuff our stomachs with so much garbage
that our stomach becomes so irritated and no longer responds as it should. The
result - less gastric juice is present in the stomach.
With less gastric juice in the stomach, many foods (especially proteins) will not be
broken down and digested properly. These undigested food particles may then pass
into the small and large intestine in attempt to be digested and absorbed.
Unfortunately, this absorption rarely occurs and any undigested food becomes lunch
for yeast, mold, and other unfriendly bacteria in our large intestine. NOT GOOD!
Assessment and Steps to a Solution
Here are few quick ways to assess if your digestion is impaired. If you answer yes to
any of these questions then your body is craving for a more efficient digestive

brittle nails
fatigue after meal
heart burn

Here are a few easy remedies you can use to improve your stomach's ability to
better digest food.

Avoid drinking with your meals (as this will dilute your stomach's acid)
Avoid ice cold water with or before meals (as it will shock shut your stomach's
acid producing glands)
Chew properly (food should feel like mush in your mouth)
Have 4oz of lemon water before your meal (this will stimulate your stomach
to produce more acid)
Avoid eating in front of the TV, computer, or on the run (all of these
conditions create sympathetic states that will inhibit digestion)

Learn the 16 steps to optimal digestion

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Does the Type of Carbohydrate You

Consume Before Exercise Affect Fat vs.
Carbohydrate Burning During Exercise?
Carbohydrates are essential to our body. They provide the fuel necessary for many
bodily functions such as proper cognitive function, movement, and the ability to
sustain prolonged exercise bouts. Considering carbohydrates come in all shapes and
forms, is there a type of carbohydrate that is better to ingest before
exercise? One that will promote fat oxidation (burning) while sparing
muscle glycogen?
Remember, carbs will give your muscles the energy they require to perform. Ideally,
you want to choose a carbohydrate that will permit you to exercise at a higher
intensity and for a longer duration. Otherwise, youd be hitting the wall due to lack of
energy, much sooner.
So lets look at the options. Carbohydrates can be classified as high, medium, or low
on the glycemic index scale. The glycemic index of a food refers to its ability to elicit
a certain rise in blood and a corresponding insulin response (insulin stores excess
glucose/sugar that is in the blood into muscle and liver glycogen).
A low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrate (ie. whole grains, brown rice pasta, green
vegetables) takes longer for the body to breakdown and metabolize, therefore, not
eliciting a spike in your blood sugar. As such, a more moderate response in insulin
occurs. This is a good thing.
Lets consider the alternative. Consuming a high GI food (ie. white bread, white
pasta, sweets) causes an instant surge in blood sugar because these types of foods
are very quickly broken down in your body. As a result, a high amount of insulin is
released to remove much of the sugar in the blood and store it as muscle and liver
However, heres the problem. Because insulin has just removed most of the sugar in
the blood, your body needs to restore its blood sugar balance and so, you often
crave another high GI food to give you that immediate surge in blood sugar. This is a
vicious and unhealthy cycle that can eventually lead to insulin resistance and Type II
So, how does this relate to exercise and fuel utilization?
Well, recently researchers from the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Research Group at
Loughborough University examined the effects of high and low glycemic index meals
on subsequent fuel utilization during exercise. Eight healthy women participated in
the investigation and were required to consume either a high or low glycemic index
meal three hours prior to completing a one hour run.
Both meals were equal in total calories, calories from carbohydrate, protein, and fat.
Results of the investigation indicated that the high glycemic meal produced
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


significantly higher insulin levels during the three hour period after meal
consumption. During the 60 minutes of exercise the low glycemic index meal
resulted in significantly higher plasma levels of both free fatty acids and glycerol
when compared to the high GI meal. Additionally, the total amount of fat oxidized
after the low GI meal was significantly greater than the amount of fat utilized after
the high GI diet.
Based upon this research it can be concluded that a low glycemic meal will facilitate
the oxidation of fats during exercise, thus potentially having a greater impact on
body fat loss.
One of the mechanisms of action here is that a high insulin response (from a high GI
meal) stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol (one of the bodys stress
hormones). Cortisol has the effect of inhibiting fat breakdown and promotes the
breakdown of glycogen and the burning of glucose/sugar. Thats why the group of
women on the high GI meal (in the study) did not burn as much as fat as they did
carbohydrates. As a result, they would have fatigued quicker than their counterparts
on the low GI meal.
Putting it all together
Considering the above information, it would make sense to provide your body with a
low GI carbohydrate meal 2-3 hours before you exercise to get the most energy and
fat burning potential out of your exercise session. An example of a suitable meal
could be the following:
Morning: Oatmeal (from rolled oats not instant) with honey or maple syrup and
sprinkled ground flax seeds.
Afternoon: Brown basmati with steamed vegetables
Stevenson EJ et al. (2006). Influence of high-carbohydrate mixed meals with different glycemic indexes
on substrate utilization during subsequent exercise in women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
84(2):354 360.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


When Does Your Body Want You to Eat?

Did you know that your body prefers to be fed at certain times of the day? Did you
know that at certain times it would rather spend its energy assimilating digested
nutrients while at other times it would rather spend its energy detoxifying and
eliminating waste?
Here's a quick synopsis of how your body's daily rhythms work when it comes to
food and digestion...

12pm - 8pm - digestion and absorption

8pm - 4am - assimilation of nutrients
4am - 12pm - detoxification and elimination of waste

Therefore, when would it make sense to consume the majority of your food?
If you said between noon and 8pm, then you're correct. Our bodies are most able to
digest and process the food we eat most appropriately during this part of the day.
Just another reason not to eat late at night.
Nonetheless, regardless of the aforementioned times, the most important suggestion
I can make is to listen to your body. If you wake up in the morning and are not
hungry, then don't force food down your throat! Wait until your body gives you the
signal that it is ready to ingest food. Your body is the best source of feedback.
Quinoa-Berry Salad
Here's a recipe for a wonderfully delicious and nutritious salad featuring the world's
most nutritious grain - QUINOA (pronouced keen-wah).

1 cup of quinoa (boiled in 2 cups of water)

1 celery stalk, finely diced
1 small onion, diced
1/4 cup of dried organic cranberries
1/4 cup of chic peas
1/4 cup of chopped walnuts
1/4 cup of chopped pumpkin seeds
handful of parsley, chopped
juice of half a lemon
2-3 tbsp of olive oil (extra virgin, cold pressed)

Add quinoa to boiling water and cook until water is absorbed. Let stand for a couple
of minutes and then add quinoa to the rest of ingredients in a large bowl. Add
parsley and lemon juice and olive oil to finish. Serve warm or cold.
Absolutely delicious!
Enjoy another 120 delicious recipes by clicking here!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Fitter U Fitness Success System


Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Anatomy of a Warm-up

How to structure your warm-up for maximum results and NO injuries
Whether you're training to put on size, lose weight, or to improve athletic
performance each workout should be structured in such a way as to reduce your
chance of injury and maximize your performance and results. One imperative feature
of your workout then should be a good comprehensive warm-up.
WARM-UP (2 parts)
Every workout should commence with a good warm- up. The first part of the warmup should consist of 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise (ie. jogging, biking,
etc...) to raise your core temperature and prepare your muscles and ligaments for
the work ahead.
The second part of your warm-up should involve some light dynamic stretching.
Dynamic stretching involves taking your muscles through ranges of motion - not
holding them statically for 20 seconds.
Dynamic also does NOT mean balistic. Please do not bounce while performing
stretches of any kind. Dynamic stretching further prepares your muscles to work at
different angles and through varying degrees of motion. Many of these exercises can
be quite challenging after several reps and thus serve as a great preparatory tool for
the forthcoming workout.
Here are some examples of some good dynamic stretches to use before your

Lunge walks with instep touch (touching opposite ankle)

Marching with knees to chest
Butt kickers
Walking with opposite toe touch (for hamstrings)
Push ups
Arm circles (for shoulders and chest)
Seated trunk rotations (seated upright on floor with legs straight in front;
rotate torso from one side to the next)


You can download an entire warm-up and stretching video entitled Stretching for
Runners that I put together as part of my Treadmill Trainer running programs.
If you workout, run, or play sports you need to see this video!
Get it now at

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


5 Tips for a Healthier, Stronger Core

Core training has become the new buzz word over the last few years as more and
more people have begun to realize its role in posture, spinal health, performance and
overall aesthetics. What is less commonly known is that the core is anatomically
defined as the region between the shoulders and knees, not simply the midsection.
Most people view the core as simply being their abdominal muscles and, as such,
miss out on a tremendous amount of value that other functional movements provide.
When I refer to the core I allude to the inner and outer units of our body. The inner
unit consists of smaller, more static stabilizing muscles such as the transverse
abdominis, multifidus, and the pelvic floor and diaphragmatic musculature.
The outer unit is comprised of larger phasic (or dynamic) muscles that generate
movement such as the gluteals, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae group, biceps
femoris, and peroneals. Aside from generating movement, these muscles work
synergistically to provide much needed pelvic stability during motions such as
walking, running, and so forth.
Because all functional movements such as lunges, squats, step-ups, most stability
ball movements, and many others revolve around the pelvis, they will offer
tremendous core training effects when done with proper technique. The following are
5 tips you can use to train the inner and outer units of your core with maximal
TIP #1 Brace your abdominals
This is the first thing you should be aware of during any and every movement that
you will ever perform. Abdominal bracing consists of three parts. First, draw in your
belly button as if you were to put on a tight pair of pants. This will activate your
transverse abdominis, the bodys waist belt muscle. Second, raise your pelvic floor
by performing a kegel (contracting the pelvic floor muscles up as if you holding in a
full bladder).
This helps to increase intra- abdominal pressure which will aid in spinal stabilization.
Third, lightly create tension in your abdominal muscles as if you were about to get
punched in the stomach. This activates the internal and external oblique muscles. By
performing all three of these actions you will ensure that your spine is well protected
through all movements. Abdominal bracing should be initiated before and maintained
through each and every exercise. With repetition, these muscles will remember their
roles and tend to maintain a tighter constricted waistline, even without you being
Lie face down on the floor with your forehead rested on the back of your hands.
Inhale, pushing your belly button into the floor (ballooning your abdomen). Hold
for 3 seconds. Exhale, drawing your belly button towards the ceiling (as if being
pulled by a string), raise pelvic floor, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold for 3
seconds. Repeat 10 times.
TIP #2 Maintain a neutral spine

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


A neutral spine is attained when your spine is kept in its natural alignment. This is
best achieved by ensuring that your back is flat (with slight lumbar lordosis) during
all movements, especially lifting. This, in conjunction with abdominal bracing, is
essential to better support the spine during all movements. Let us take the example
of picking up a heavier box from the floor.
The last thing you want to do in the situation is reach down without bending knees
and picking up the box; this is a sure way to throw your back out. What is instructed
to do in such a case would be to squat down keeping your torso tall (ie. neutral
spine), with your abdominals braced, and lift through your legs as opposed to
extending up through your torso. If these lifting mechanics are not met, you place
you spine at a greater risk of disc herniation, especially if the load is heavier.
In a four point stance (hands and knees) take your spine through a series of cat and
camel stretches. Meaning that you round out the back like a camel and then arch it
out like a cat. Repeat 6 times. Once you have completed the 6 repetitions simply
allow your back (spine) to relax. Wherever it feels most relaxed is your neutral
TIP #3 Incorporate unilateral lifting
Unilateral refers to the concept of carrying (or pushing) a load on only side of the
body. For instance, walking to work holding your brief case in one hand. By doing so,
the body automatically activates its contralateral (opposite) side to stabilize the torso
and maintain good posture. Studies have shown that this type of lifting stimulates
much greater core muscle activation compared to bilateral lifting (equal load on both
Perform your lunge walks while holding a weight, equivalent to 10% of your body
weight, in one hand. Perform 10 reps with the weight in one hand, and then switch.
The key is to focus on keeping your torso upright and minimizing and lateral
TIP # 4 Use a Stability Ball
Incorporating a stability ball into your workouts will make such a difference in your
core strength and spinal health. Working on the stability ball offers several benefits
such as increased balance, range of motion, co-ordination, and muscle activation.
Simply by sitting on the ball, your core muscles fire to a much greater degree in
order to stabilize your body.
Any unstable surface for that matter will foster much greater core muscle activation
as your body is constantly readjusting itself to maintain proper posture. This type of
body awareness is known as proprioception, and is immensely beneficial for athletes
of all endeavors, and even for people who want more balance while standing in the
subway. Incorporate the aforementioned unilateral lifting and you get twice the
Stability Ball 1-Arm DB Chest Press: Position your body on the ball so that only the
shoulders, neck and head are resting on it. With the feet shoulder width apart raise
your hips so that your body is in one straight line (essentially forming a bench within

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


your body). Squeeze your buttocks together as if holding a $1,000 bill between
them. Next, with a DB in one arm, push it up and towards your bodys midline as if
creating an arc like motion. Repeat 12 times and then switch arms. Ensure to keep
your body and the ball as still as possible. Notice the muscle activation in the
posterior side of the body especially in the glutes and lower back!

TIP #5 Incorporate multi-planar movements

Cable chop (from knees): Position yourself in the middle of the cable crossover
machine. Face your body at a right angle from the cables. Starting from your knees,
keeping your body upright and strong, reach over and across your body grabbing the
handle (with both hands) on the highest setting. Keeping both arms straight chop
the cable across your body from above your starting shoulder to the opposite hip.
Return slowly and repeat 8 times on each side. Be sure to drive the movement from
your obliques and not your arms.
By incorporating these 5 core essentials, you can look forward to having firmer,
stronger and more performant core muscles. Not only that but you will also be more
efficient and stable in all your movements. And, if you participate in regular sporting
activities you will have an added edge over your untrained counterparts.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Burn More Calories in Less Time

When I work with my clients, one of the key elements that I incorporate into all of
our workouts is INTENSITY. In my view, intensity is the most critical aspect of
any exercise regime and can mean the difference between someone who reaches
their goals and someone who doesnt. Increasing your workouts intensity will
stimulate your body to burn more calories and induce a greater cardiovascular
response. It will also allow you to have a more time efficient workout.
If you are looking to burn fat and become more toned, then increasing your exercise
intensity is critical. Many people have the misconception that if you workout at a
higher intensity you will no longer be burning fat since you will be in your cardio
zone. Whereas, if you keep your intensity low for a longer duration you will burn
more fat since you will be in your fat burning zone. Let me clarify this for you once
and for all. By training at a low intensity (<70% max) it is true that you use fat as
your predominant source of fuel. While exercising at a higher intensity (>75% max)
your main fuel source is carbohydrate but you will ultimately burn more calories.
Since 1 pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories, the ultimate goal is to burn as
many calories as possible to create a negative energy balance!
One of the best ways to achieve this intensity is through the use of full-body
compound circuit training (strength training) in conjunction with interval training (on
the cardio equipment). The benefit of full body compound training is that since it
utilizes more muscle in any given movement you burn more calories. The intensity of
the workout also means that each exercise becomes more challenging as your heart
rate is sustained at a much higher level.
Here is a sample workout that will leave you huffing and puffing!
Treadmill, bike, elliptical or rower - 5-10 min
Circuit (45 seconds at each exercise; no rest between exercises)

Lunge walks with lateral raises

Plank (on stability ball)
Squats with medicine shoulder press
Side Bridges
Reverse Pull-ups

Interval Training (cardio equipement)

20 sec @ 100% : 40 sec @ 70% x 5 = 5 min
Repeat circuit and interval training 2-3 times!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Secret to Leaner, Stronger Muscles

Choosing exercises that optimally stimulate your muscles
It is comforting to know that over the past several years science has taken many
steps towards exercise classification. One such step involves electromyographical
research (EMG).
With respect to basic muscle physiology, it has long been known that the process
which produces contraction in muscle is initiated by electrical charges travelling
across the membrane of the muscle fibres. These charges may be measured by EMG
activity, thus, giving us a measure of which exercises elicit the greatest muscle
More EMG activity = Greater muscle stimulation
By selecting exercises that score highest on EMG recordings you can be sure that
your muscles will grow and become stronger, when compared with other less
efficient exercises.
The following are a couple examples of various exercises for select muscle groups.
The higher the EMG reading, the greater the muscle stimulation and, thus, the
greater the benefit!
Chest (Pectoralis Major)
The exercise is shown followed by the percent EMG activity. The are displayed in
descending order.

Decline dumbell bench press - 93%

Decline bench press - 89%
Push-ups between benches - 88%
Flat dumbell bench press - 87%
Flat bench press - 85%

Back (Latissimus Dorsi)

Bent over barbell rows - 93%

One arm dumbell rows - 91%
T-bar rows - 89%
Lat pulldowns - 86%
Seated pulley rows - 83%

In spite of the aforementioned exercises, it is important to remember to use a wide

variety of exercises for each muscle group. This will lead to the greatest results in
muscle growth, symmetry, and strength.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Determining Your Running Time and Pace

If you enjoy running and are looking to improve your performance, then the
following information could be very valuable to you. Perhaps you're training for a 5K,
10K, or even a marathon.
The following chart will give you some information that will help you determine your
pace and as such a predicted time for various running distances. This is a great way
to set yourself a goal, train for races, or simply valuable information for your
The 1st column represents your PACE, the second column represents a predicted
5K time, and the third column represents a predicted 10K time at the given pace.

5:00 /mile --------- 15:32 min ------------- 31:04 min

6:00/mile ---------- 18:38 min ------------- 40:23 min
7:00/mile ---------- 21:45 min ------------- 43:30 min
8:00/mile ---------- 24:51 min ------------- 49:43 min
9:00/mile ---------- 27:58 min ------------- 55:55 min
10:00/mile --------- 31:03 min ------------- 1:02:06

Some very effective ways to better your running times including to set a goal (ie.
sign up a for a race), find a running partner, join a running club, or you can enjoy
my coaching and motivation to help you get more out of your runs with my Treadmill
Trainer MP3 running series for your iPod/MP3 player.
Run faster, farther, and longer by going to today!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Do You Want 6-Pack Abs or a Trim

Lay off the crunches and start working your butt off!

If you're looking to lose weight around your waistline or develop that 6-pack that
you've always wanted, then I'll tell you exactly what you need to be doing.
First, put the crunches on the back burner
Doing endless amounts of crunches and sit-ups is not going to do anything for
shedding fat from your waistline. Sure they will strengthen the rectus abdominis
muscles (6-pack muscles, which is really an 8-pack) but they will do little, if
anything, to bring those abdominals to the forefront of the layers of fat around your
Understand that what separates your muscles from your skin (and thus there
visibility) is a layer of subcutaneous fat. In some people, this layer of fat is more
pronounced than in others. Ultimately, to see any definition in your waist (or any
other part of the body for that matter) you must ultimately strive to reduce your
body fat.
Men will begin to see their 8-pack abdominal muscle once their percent body fat
reaches below 10% or so. In women, body fat percentages in the 17-20% range will
be conducive to seeing greater tone and definition.
Second, use more full-body functional movements
By training movements, not just muscles, you will engage more musculature. When
more muscle is involved in a given movement, you will burn more calories since
more working muscles = more demanding work = more oxygen needed = more
calories burned!
As such, incorporating full-body (or compound) movements is the most effective
way to activate more muscle and thus burn more calories. Performing these types of
exercises will also provide greater activation and stimulation of your muscles.
Remember, the goal of any fat loss regime is to burn as many calories as possible
during your workout (forget about the 'fat zone' and 'cardio zone').
Examples of full-body functional exercises include:

Squats with Shoulder Press

Lunge Walks with Medicine Ball Chops
Step-ups with Lateral Raises
Push-ups with Knee Roll-ins (on stability ball)
Wall sits with Ball Squeeze and Lateral Raises

Third, interval and circuit train your butt off!

Now, using these movements, perform them in a circuit like fashion. By limiting the
amount of rest you give yourself between exercises and sets you will not allow your
body to fully recover and thus burn more calories throughout your workout

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


When doing your cardio workouts, opt for interval training more so than long
duration - low intensity training. By repeatedly performing bouts of high intensity
with bouts of lower intensity (eg. intervals), such as a sprint - jog combination, you
allow your body to work at higher intensities for longer durations of time. End result
- you burn more calories!
Once you've lowered your body fat and lost some weight around your waist, then
you can start focusing more on building your abs.
If you want the most efficient and cost effective method of trimming your waistline,
then learn more about Fitter U. Now you can have a trainer on your mp3 player
taking you through you workouts and making sure you hit your ultimate fitness

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Lactic Acid: Friend or Foe?

Dispelling the myths and surfacing the facts
Most exercisers recognize lactic acid as an enemy of sustained exertion and
performance. If understanding the enemy can help us manage it, the following
explanation of lactic acid as it relates to exercise by Dr. Howard G. Knuttgen, should
be valuable. Knuttgen is an exercise scientist, former director of the Penn State
Sports Medicine Center, and now a lecturer at Harvard.
"Carbohydrate," says Knuttgen, "along with fat, provides energy to the cells of the
body. It can be stored in muscles as glycogen or it can be obtained directly from the
bloodstream as glucose. When either glycogen or glucose is broken down completely
to provide energy, oxygen is needed for the process to be complete. The process is
called aerobic metabolism."
"When there is not enough oxygen available in active skeletal muscle cells, the
process cannot be completed and lactic acid (LA) begins to appear in the muscles
being exercised. The LA eventually moves out of the muscles, but several
misconceptions exist about how and when it is removed."
1. Lactic acid remains in the muscles for hours or even days after strenuous
exercise. The truth is that LA rapidly moves out of the muscle cells into the blood
stream and LA levels in muscles return to normal (resting) values within 15-30
minutes. Low intensity aerobic exercise can actually speed up the process.
2. Lactic acid is related to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that may
develop several hours or even days after particularly strenuous or
unaccustomed exercise. It is not related because the LA has long ago
disappeared. DOMS is likely to be caused by microscopic damage/trauma in muscle
cells and by inflammation, not lactic acid residue.
3. Massage can rid the muscles of lactic acid. Wrong. Massage feels good and
has been shown to have some therapeutic value by improving circulation, lymphatic
flow, as well as resulting in neuromuscular and fascia changes. But LA is removed
from the muscles by the circulatory system and from blood and fluid by the body's
metabolic process. Again, the LA is usually gone by the time the athlete reaches the
massage table. Bottom line: Massage has no role in removing lactic acid. If done
immediately after exercise, it could be argued that it assists blood flow in and out of
muscles (similar to the effects of light exercise).
4. LA is the sole cause of fatigue. It is not the cause but it is one of the causes.
In high-intensity exercise lasting 10-30 seconds, depletion of high-energy
phosphates and neuromuscular fatigue results in diminished performance. In aerobic
exercise lasting 2- 4 hours, muscle glycogen depletion is the primary cause of
athletes hitting the wall.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


1. The formation of lactic acid during intense exercise or sports competition is the
probable cause of the uncomfortable burning sensation that occurs in muscles
as fatigue sets in.
2. The appearance of LA during exercise can be taken as an indication of
poor aerobic (lactate threshold - cardiovascular) fitness. When performing at
the same exercise intensity, less lactic acid production means a better state of
aerobic fitness and the ability to better withstand the onset of lactate threshold. The
goal is to increase the LA threshold so that you can perform at a higher level longer.
The best way to improve the threshold is to build a strong aerobic base by training at
a low steady intensity before adding intervals.
3. When quantities of LA have been produced in muscle cells, some of it can
be utilized for energy needs when oxygen becomes available during
recovery. But most of it will be a) removed from the muscles by the circulatory
system, b) taken from the blood by other tissues for energy, or c) carried to the liver
and stored as glycogen.
4. When performing high-intensity exercise or sport to exhaustion,
exercisers generate higher LA values than non-exercisers. This is related to
enhanced anaerobic metabolism and the ability to continue longer while experiencing
great discomfort. Yes, exercisers do generate a higher level of LA, but they can
handle it and continue to perform. Non- exercisers can't produce this amount LA, and
even at their lower levels, can't hold it. The goal is to train at the highest level and
still recover to perform again. LA production is important, but recovery is even more
important. This is true energy system development."
Indicator, not enemy
Lactic acid, as it turns out, should be seen as an indicator rather than as an enemy.
Its production and the subsequent uncomfortable feeling in your muscles are voices
screaming to be heard. Your body is saying that it is not fit enough for the type of
exercise in which you are engaging. It's time to systematically train toward a level of
fitness that will reduce or eliminate the burn.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Stretching Before Exercise

Findings from a critical review of the literature
If you have the habit of stretching before you exercise then you may want to
reconsider your reasons for doing so. I have always maintained that static stretching
should NEVER be done before exericising but here is some science to back up my
A review of the literature in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine examined several
studies investigating whether stretching played any role in reducing injury during
The review of the basic science literature suggested five reasons why stretching
before exercise would not prevent injuries.
1. First, in animals, immobilization or heating-induced increases in muscle
compliance cause tissues to rupture more easily
2. Second, stretching before exercise should have no effect for activities in
which excessive muscle length is not an issue (e.g., jogging)
3. Third, stretching won't affect muscle compliance during eccentric activity,
when most strains are believed to occur
4. Fourth, stretching can produce damage at the cytoskeleton level (within the
muscle fibre)
5. Fifth, stretching appears to mask muscle pain in humans
The basic science literature supports the epidemiologic evidence that stretching
before exercise does not reduce the risk of injury. As such, before your workouts
please avoid static stretching. Your focus should be on performing a thorough warmup (cardio activity) lasting anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on the nature of
the forthcoming activity. The only stretching that should be done, if desired, is
dynamic stretching.
Dynamic stretching involves taking your limbs and muscles through various ranges
of motion, in essence preparing them for the movements that will be involved in your
exercise session.
After your workout, then you can spend all the time you want having a stretch. Hold
the stretches for 20-30 seconds and no bouncing please!
Have you downloaded the Stretching for Runners video yet?
If not, for the love of your body, go do it now
Shrier, I. (1999). Stretching before exercise does not reduce the risk of local muscle injury: a critical
review of the clinical and basic science literature. Clin J Sport Med. 9(4):221-7.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Interval Training TOP 5

The ultimate cardiovascular and calorie burning training method
Interval training involves a combination of high and low-intensity training within a
single workout session. In this session, the individual alternates between a bout of
higher intensity exercise followed by a lower intensity or active recovery bout. This
type of training is in contrast to the more familiar steady state exercise where the
intensity is much lower but longer in duration.
Here are some of the benefits of interval training:
1. Intervals vastly reduce boredom
2. Interval training increases post-exercise energy expenditure (calories burned
following exercise) more than steady-state exercise, which means that more
fat is burned. After intense exercise, the body needs extra calories as it works
to repair muscles, replace energy stores (i.e. carbohydrate) and restore the
body to its normal state (e.g. reduce heart rate). As this can take many
hours, you will keep on burning more calories long after the workout is over.
In fact, research shows that metabolic rate is higher for several hours
following interval training compared to steady state exercise.
3. Interval training stimulates the respiratory system, cardiovascular
system and nervous system to a greater degree. Therefore, more fat
and carbohydrates are burned to support the expanding energy
demands of the body during, and after, intense exercise.
4. Interval training increases the activity of enzymes involved in fat burning.
Research has shown that after a bout of interval training there is more fat in
the blood (i.e. free fatty acids), which is an indication of more fat, being used
for energy production.
5. HIT burns more calories. As an example, 30 minutes on an Elliptical
machine using a steady state program will burn roughly 292 calories,
whereas 30 minutes of intervals will burn approximately 584 calories!

Check out our interval training running workouts to get the most out of your cardio
sessions. All you need and is iPod/MP3 player and youre set to go. Its time to stop
wasting your time with long, slow and boring cardio workouts. The results are the
interval training workouts! Start today.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


3 Glute-Firming Exercises
Looking to tone and firm your glutes for the summer? The following 3 exercises are
some of the easiest and most effective to get the job done. Best of all, you can do
them at the gym or in the comfort of your own home.
Remember to begin with a comprehensive warm-up to prepare the muscles for the
work ahead.
#1: Clams
Lying on your side with both legs bent, ensure that your feet are in line with your
torso. Then, open legs (like a clam shell) apart while ensuring that your feet remain
together. Only raise the leg to about 45. You should feel this in the glute of the
working leg. This exercise targets the gluteus medius muscle (in the dimple of the
bum cheek).
Perform 12-15 reps for 2-3 sets.
#2: Lunges
From a standing position, take one long step forward and lower body towards floor
so that the trailing knee is just above the ground. Ensure that your leading knee
does not pass your toe. Return to standing position OR continue in a walking fashion.
This exercises targets most the muscles in the uppper leg but most specificaly the
upper hamstrings and gluteus maximus.
Perform 15-20 repetitions for 2-3 sets.
#3: 1-Leg Lateral Squats
Supporting your body weight on one leg, lower your body ensuring the force goes
through the heel of your foot so that your knee does not extend past your toe. Draw
the unsupported leg out to the side and go as deep as 90 while maintaining perfect
form. Ensure your core is engaged and that you maintain a neutral spine (do not
bend your back). You should feel in the glute of the working (supported) leg.
Perform 12-15 repetitions for 2-3 sets.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


If You Don't Walk When Playing Golf, Now

is the Time to Start!
Health improvements found in those who walk

A study by Parkkari and colleagues investigated the potential health benefits of

walking while playing 18 holes of golf among 55 sedentary men aged 48-64.
After the 20-week study, the researchers found that the golfers (playing 2-3x/week)
who walked while playing showed significant improvements in aerobic endurance and
core endurance. In addition, they also found that walking favourably affected body
composition, including reductions in weight of 1.4 kg, in waist circumference by 2.2
cm, and abdominal skin fold thickness by 2.2 cm. The golfers who walked also
showed improved cholesterol and HDL/LDL levels in the blood.
Although these results come from only a single study, copious amounts of research
highlight the health benefits of walking, from cardiovascular protection to weight
If you're not already doing so, it may be time to start. Walking should be a daily
activity and chosen whenever possible versus driving or taking the escalator, for
example. It's benefits are far reaching with very few very contraindications.
Parkkari, J. (2000). A controlled trial of health benefits of regular walking on a golf
course. Am J Med, 109(2): 102-108.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


It Can Actually Help You Lose Weight The Benefits of Walking!

With an increasingly aging population in North America the need for a safe and
effective exercise regime is needed. As the Baby Boomers approach the golden
years high impact exercises like running have taken a back seat to other lower
impact exercise modalities such as cycling and walking. The search for a low impact,
effective, and health promoting workout can be found very easily by walking on a
daily basis. As such, walking is now the most popular form of exercise among North
It is a year-round, readily repeatable, self-reinforcing, habit-forming activity and the
main option for increasing physical activity in sedentary populations. Walking is ideal
as a gentle start-up for the sedentary, including the inactive, immobile elderly,
bringing a bonus of independence and social well-being.
Walking is a rhythmic, dynamic, aerobic activity of large skeletal muscles that results
in numerous benefits and minimal adverse effects. Walking, faster than customary,
and regularly in sufficient quantity into the 'training zone' of over 70% of maximal
heart rate, develops and sustains physical fitness.
Muscles of the legs, pelvis and lower trunk are strengthened and the flexibility of
their joints preserved; as a result, posture and carriage may improve. Any amount of
walking, and at any pace, expends energy and therefore the potential for long term
weight control as a result of walking is present.
Dynamic aerobic exercise, as in walking, enhances a multitude of bodily processes
that are inherent in skeletal muscle activity, including the metabolism of high density
lipoproteins and insulin/glucose dynamics. Walking is also the most common weightbearing activity, and there are indications at all ages of an increase in related bone
strength. Walking is beneficial through engendering improved fitness and/or greater
physiological activity and energy turnover.
There is, nevertheless, growing evidence of gains in the prevention of heart attack
and reduction of total death rates, in the treatment of hypertension, intermittent
claudications and musculoskeletal disorders, and in rehabilitation after heart attack
and in chronic respiratory disease.
The following are some examples of the benefits of walking on a regular basis:
Benefits of regular walking while golfing
A study by Parkkari and colleagues investigated the potential health benefits of
walking while playing 18 holes of golf among 55 sedentary men aged 48-64. After
the 20-week study, the researchers found that the golfers (playing 2-3x/week) who
walked while playing showed significant improvements in aerobic endurance and core
endurance. In addition, they also found that walking favourably affected body
composition, including reductions in weight of 1.4 kg, in waist circumference by 2.2
cm, and abdominal skin fold thickness by 2.2 cm. The golfers who walked also
showed improved cholesterol and HDL/LDL levels in the blood.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Walking to prevent osteoporosis in the elderly

Because bone structure is maintained by the force of gravity (upright posture) and
the lateral forces resulting from muscular contraction, weight bearing activities such
as walking are better than cycling and swimming for maintaining spine and hip
mineral integrity. Further, it may be safer to stay with a walking program since
walking only produces forces up 1.5-2x body weight on each foot strike versus
running which imposes forces of up to 3-4x body weight during each foot strike. As
such, injuries are not as common in walking when compared to running.
Research has shown that as little as 2-3 hours of weight bearing exercise (ie.
walking) per week may reduce the expected rate of bone mineral loss with age.
Walking to reduce cardiovascular events
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of walking in preventing cardiovascular
disease. A 2002 study in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that walking
on a regular basis was associated with substantial reductions in the incidence of
cardiovascular events among 73,743 postmenopausal women.
Other studies displaying the inverse relationship between walking and cardiovascular
events are very common including a study by Rastogi and colleagues who showed
that as much as 35-40 minutes per day of brisk walking was protective for coronary
heart disease.
Walking for weight loss
As previously mentioned walking is a form of physical activity, and therefore burns
calories. Obviously, the amount of energy expenditure will depend on the nature
and intensity of the exercise. It has been shown that for walking speeds of up to 3.5
mph the caloric expenditure is 0.77 kcal/kg/mile. Therefore, if you weigh 75 kg and
walked at 4 mph, you would be burning 58 kcal/mile. Over 10 miles that would
equate to 580 kcal. This number is roughly half of what you would burn if running at
7 mph.
Regardless of your speed, walking is ideal for burning fat since its intensity (<70%
max) is in the zone in which fatty acids are the primary source of fuel. Again, fats
are predominantly used as fuel during low-intensity, long-duration activities such as
According the American College of Sports Medicine, a gradual progression is
indicated from slow, to regular pace and on to 30-60 minutes of brisk (55-70% max
HR) walking 3-5 days/week. These levels should achieve the major gains of activity
and health-related fitness without adverse effects.
Parkkari, J. (2000). A controlled trial of health benefits of regular walking on a golf course. Am J Med,
109(2): 102-108.
Smith, E & Gilligan, C. (1987). Effects of inactivity and exercise on bone. The Physician and
Sportsmedicine, 15(11): 91-102.
Manson, J. et al (2002). Walking compared with vigorous exercise for the prevention of cardiovascular
events in women. N Eng J Med, 347: 716-725.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Rastogi, T. (2004). Physical activity and risk of coronary heart disease in India. Int J Epidem, 33(4);
Howley, E. (1992). Health/Fitness Instructors Handbook, 2nd ed. Human Kinetics Publishing, Inc:
Champaign, IL.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Do You Have Trouble Falling or Staying

Here are 3 simple tips that will help you get the ZZZs you need

TIP#1: Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule - even on weekends
Your sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a "circadian clock" in your brain and the body's
need to balance both sleep time and wake time. A regular waking time in the
morning strengthens the circadian function and can help with sleep onset at night.
TIP#2: Avoid exposure to bright before bedtime
Bright light signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time
to awaken, not to sleep. Therefore create a sleep conducive environment that is
dark, quiet, comfortable and cool.
TIP#3: De-stress by jotting worrying thoughts down on paper
Work out issues during the day well before you turn out the lights. If you have
worrying thoughts write them on paper. You can then choose to either keep the
paper or crumple it up for the garbage (and the thoughts will follow). This process is
cathartic in that by writing them down they are now off your mind!
Considering sleeps essential role in your ability to lose weight, following these
simple guidelines may make a world of a difference for how you feel and look.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Would You Like Rock Hard Abs and Better

Core Stability?
Try the

The BOSU Deadbug

Position yourself on the rounded surface of the BOSU ball so that your lower back (at
the level of the navel) is on the centre of ball and parallel to the floor. Then, raise
your knees and legs up so that they form a 90 degree angle (your shins should be
parallel to the floor). At the same time, raise your arms straight above your chest.
Now, extend your LEFT leg and RIGHT arm, hold for 2 seconds while bracing your
abs. Return and repeat with other sides. Perform until volitional fatigue. Enjoy the

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Absolute Peak Exercise Capacity Predicts

How you can live longer by training harder

Absolute Peak Exercise Capacity is what medical researchers call the most intense
aspect of exercise. Its the hardest part. Its the 15 seconds of sprinting at the end of
a run. Its the most difficult 10 seconds during the highest level on an exercise bike.
Its the last few reps at the end of working "legs" in the gym. Its walking up stairs
and having to stop and catch your breath.
When the highest-intensity aspect of exercise is measured, it has been proven to be
a better predictor of how long someone will live than other factorsincluding the risk
factorshigh cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and even heart
Researchers from Stanford University, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System,
tested over 6,200 men and concluded that the chances of staying alive increase by
12 percent with each increase of a single metabolic equivalent when exercising as
hard as possible on a treadmill.
Whats a MET? A "metabolic equivalent" (MET) is the amount of oxygen used by an
average seated person. METs increase with the intensity of exercise.

2 METs = walking at 2 mph

5 METs = walking at 4 mph
8 METs = jogging at 6 mph

The risk of death for those who could not get beyond 4 METs (brisk walking) was
more than double the group who could get past 8 MET (jogging).
What does this mean to you?
These findings reveal that you (with physician clearance first) should consider
performing high- intensity fitness training that will increase your "absolute peak
exercise capacity" and raise MET performance rating during exercise.
This type of exercisehigh-intensity, anaerobic fitness training that makes you
sweat and breathe hardis the most demanding type of exercise and your physician
needs to be involved. However, this is the type of fitness training that yields the
greatest results for healthy adults.
Do you need external motivation to work harder and push yourself that extra 1%?
Would you like to save time on your workouts while still getting the greatest "bang"
for your effort?
Well, if so, our Fitter U and Treadmill Trainer MP3 guided workouts will help you.
They will help you give that extra 1% which can mean the difference between
reaching your "peak exercise capacity" and achieving your goals, or not. You can
learn more about these workouts here

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


National Library of Medicine: Myers J., 2002. "Exercise capacity and mortality among
men referred for exercise testing," New England Journal of Medicine, 2002 March
14:346(11):852-4. PMID: 11893790

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


What is Functional Training and WHY is it

so Effective?
Functional training is a form a resistance training that focuses on movements as
opposed to muscle groups. This type of training has much more transfer to real life
situations (such as sports) for it more closely mimics realistic movement patternS
while involving components of proprioception and balance, speed, proper motor
control, and full body muscle integration.
What this means is that with functional training you don't just train one muscle
group but rather numerous muscle groups by using full-body movements. For
instance, the squat, lunge, and step-up are all examples of functional exercises for
they train lower body movements incorporating all the muscles in the legs and core.
Here are some examples of great functional exercises to throw into your workouts...

1-Leg Stance on BOSU with Alternating Biceps Curls

Cable Diagonal Chops
Lunge Walks with Lateral Rotation
Lateral Step-up with Shoulder Press

These are but a few examples of compound functional exercises.

So Why is Functional Training so Effective?
It's very simple. With functional training you develop greater core and joint stability,
a better sense of balance and spatial awareness, a more balanced and healthy
approach to training your body, and a much more intense workout! Furthermore, if
you're an athlete YOU NEED to be doing functional training. It will help prevent
injuries and dramatically improve your performance.
On the other hand, if you're desire is to lose weight, then functional training can be a
great tool to use. Why? By using more muscle during your exercise sessions,
functional training burns more calories while stimulating lean muscle development in
a safe and effective manner.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Do You Want to Lose Weight?

Be sure to avoid these 3 common mistakes
Mistake #1 - "I need to do lots of cardio to lose weight"
NON-SENSE! Yes, cardio training is an important component of weight loss but the
true long lasting weight loss occurs with consistent RESISTANCE TRAINING!
Resistance training is necessary because it is what stimulates your body to develop
more lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle you have, the faster your
metabolism, and the more calories you will burn - even at rest.
So the key is really a healthy balance between moderate-high intensity cardio
training alongside consistent resistance training to develop more lean muscle; which
will promote a decrease in body fat.
Are you working at the necessary intensity to get the results you want? Click here to
get the structure, motivation, and guidance you need.
Mistake #2 - "I need to do cardio at a low intensity to burn fat"
Let me clarify this for you. When you exercise at a low intensity your predominant
source of fuel is fat. When you increase the intensity, you begin using carbohydrates
as your main fuel source.
However, there is no difference between calories. A calorie from fat or carbohydrate
is still a calorie, and since 1lb of fat equates to 3500 calories, you're goal with
exercise (if you want to lose weight) is to maximize your calories expended.
Therefore, I recommend to anyone looking to lose weight that interval cardio training
be the focus of their cardio sessions. These types of "yo-yo" intensity workouts are
amazingly effective to say the least. They save you time, are more motivating
and enjoyable, and they burn way more calories. And best of all, studies have
shown that only 20 minutes of interval training can keep your metabolism
elevated for up to 16 hours post-exercise!
One of our clients just reported that while using Volume 2 of Treadmill Trainer MP3
running series, he burned 650 calories while covering 6 miles. All in just 42
So, intensity is the key!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Mistake #3 - "I need to avoid carbs in order to lose weight"

This one really bothers me because not only is it non-sense but it's also dangerous
for your health!
Please understand that carbohydrates should make up roughly 55% of your daily
caloric intake. They are necessary especiallly if you are active because previously
mentioned they serve as your main fuel while exercising.
All of these low-protein diets may be effective in the short run but in the long run
they are absolutely brutal for your body. With excess protein, your body will have a
greater tendency to leach calcium from bones to buffer excess acid, your kidneys will
be way overworked and potentially damaged, you impose greater stress on your
digestive system, and much more!
The reason why people notice a difference when they come off carbs is simply due to
the fact that 1g of carbohydrate draws to it 4 molecules of water. Therefore, less
carbs in your body means less water. This ultimately causes you to lose weight - but
not true weight! And as soon as you introduce the carbs back into your diet back comes the weight.
The key is to focus on eating healthy, low glycemic carbs such as vegetables, whole
grains (not refined or white), and fruit. Another simple way to reduce your caloric
intake is simply to reduce your portion sizes.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Get Out of the Fat Zone!

The type of substrate (fuel) and the rate at which it is utilized during exercise is
largely dependent on the intensity and duration of the exercise. During strenuous
exercise there is an obligatory demand for carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation that must
be met; fat oxidation cannot substitute. In contrast, there is an increase in fat
oxidation during prolonged moderate intensity exercise as carbohydrate fuels are
depleted. Fats are also more dominant in long duration exercise since fat oxidation
requires more oxygen than does carbohydrate oxidation.

Fuel Selection During Exercise

Again, fats are the primary source of fuel for muscle during low-intensity exercise
(<30% VO2max), whereas carbohydrates (muscle glycogen) are the dominant
substrates during high-intensity exercise (>70% of VO2max). Proteins contribute
less than 2% of the substrate used during exercise of less than one hours duration
but may increase up to 5-15% during the final minutes of exercise lasting 3-5 hours.
At about 40% of VO2max there is a crossover point where carbohydrate becomes
more dominant than fat in supplying fuel to the muscle. This shift to CHO
metabolism is caused by two factors: the recruitment of fast twitch fibers (which are
better equipped to metabolize CHOs) and increasing levels of epinephrine in the
blood (which contribute to glycogen breakdown). This shift can also be seen when
examining the contribution of fat oxidation at various exercise intensities. At 20%,
50%, 80%, and 100% of VO2max, fat oxidation yields 175 kcal/min, 250 kcal/min,
200 kcal/min, and 25 kcal/min, respectively. As such, someone looking to burn
more fat during exercise would want to hover in the 50% to 80% VO2max range.
As the duration of exercise increases, there is a greater contribution from fat and
less from carbohydrate. This is the result of increased levels of blood lipase, an
enzyme that helps break down fat, during low-intensity longer duration exercise.
Muscle Glycogen Utilization
At the onset of most types of exercise, and for the entire duration of very strenuous
exercise, muscle glycogen is the primary carbohydrate fuel for muscular work. The
intensity of exercise determines the rate at which muscle glycogen is used as a fuel.
The heavier the exercise, the faster glycogen is broken down. Furthermore, studies
have shown that glycogen is depleted faster from fast-twitch fibers, especially during
interval type work.
Historically, it has been thought that increased epinephrine levels in the blood were
responsible for the initiation of glycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown). However,
other research has shown that the breakdown is also triggered within the muscle
itself as a result of increased Calcium ions.
Maintenance of Normal Blood Glucose Levels During Exercise
As glycogen, and thus glucose, is the primary fuel sources during most exercise, it is
needs to be remembered that glucose plays a primary role in supplying our vital
organs with energy. As such, the body has many systems in place to maintain
adequate levels of glucose in the blood during times of inadequate carbohydrate
intake (starvation/fasting) and accelerated glucose removal from the blood
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


(exercise). Blood glucose concentration is maintained through four different


Mobilization of glucose from liver glycogen stores

Mobilization of fats to spare blood glucose
Synthesis of new glucose in the liver from amino acids, lactic acid, and
Blocking of glucose entry into the cell to force the substitution of fat as a fuel.

These processes are controlled by several slow and fasting acting hormones such
as thyroxine, cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine/norepinephrine and
insulin/glucagon. Maintaining normal blood glucose concentrations is a major task
when you consider that the liver may only have 80g of glucose before exercise
begins, and the rate of blood glucose oxidation approaches 1g/min in heavy exercise
or in prolonged (>3 hours) moderate intensity exercise.
Carbohydrate Replenishment and Diets
This is one of the main reasons why it is recommended to replenish glucose and
glycogen levels during activities such as soccer games, marathons, triathlons, 3-5
set tennis match, and so forth. Each of these sporting activities require moderate to
high levels of exertion for extended periods of time and thus fuel replenish, mainly
via sports drinks, is essential in maintaining physical performance and skill
The effect of carbohydrate intake and diet composition on performance has been
heavily studied. The vast majority of studies show that a high carbohydrate diet is
essential for those who engage in intense or long duration exercise. For instance,
one study had trained subjects run a
30 km race twice, once following a high carbohydrate (CHO) diet and the other time
after a mixed diet. The initial muscle glycogen level was 3.5g/100g of muscle
following the CHO diet and 1.7g/100g of muscle during following the mixed diet. The
best performance of all subjects occurred during the high CHO diet. Although the
starting pace was not faster, the additional CHO allowed them to maintain the pace
for a longer period of time.
Bear in mind that substrates and hormones can interact and alter certain processes.
This is commonly seen when a high glycemic index CHO food is ingested just prior to
exercise. In this case, the resulting spike in blood glucose elicits a rise in insulin
levels. As a result, fat mobilization is reduced (due to insulins anabolic effect on
fats) forcing the muscle to use additional muscle glycogen. This is not desired if you
are looking to sustain a given exercise intensity for prolonged periods of time.
Putting It All Together
The common misconception is that to lose weight you must stay in your fat burning
zone. Eventhough there is some truth to this statement, it is inaccurate in the
sense that losing weight is about burning as many calories as possible. As such,
exercising at a higher intensity for moderate durations would be most effective in
burning calories. It is important to remember that a calorie is a calorie regardless of
its source and since 1 lb of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories, calorie-reducing
exercise regimens are most suitable for those looking to lose weight.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Such exercise programs can take the form of interval work, where a bout of highintensity exercise is combined with a bout of low-intensity. This type of training of
has been shown to elevate the bodys metabolism for up to 16 hours post-exercise.
It also fosters the maintenance of lean body mass while stimulating the release of
lipase a good thing since maintaining muscle and losing fat should be the goal.
Having said this, I would also recommend implementing longer duration lowintensity exercise as well for its aforementioned benefits on fat oxidation. However,
ensure to keep the intensity in the 50-80% VO2max range for best results!
Looking to burn fat and not muscle? Then have a look at Fitter U, your MP3
training guide to help you look and feel sexy!
Essen et al. (1978). Glycogen depletion of different fiber types in human skeletal muscle during
intermittent and continuous exercise. Acta Physiologica Scandinavia, 103: 446-55.
Hultman et al. (1967). Physiological role of muscle glycogen in man with special reference to exercise. In
Circulation Research XX and XXI, ed. C.B. Chapman, 1-99 and 1-114. New York: The American Heart
Karlsson, J. & Saltin, B. (1971). Diet, muscle glycogen and endurance performance. Journal of Applied
Phsyiology, 31: 203-206.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


7-Day Weight Loss Jumpstart Plan

Are you ready to lose weight and start creating a healthier, fitter, and leaner you?
Are you someone who abuses your body through unhealthy foods and a lifestyle that
could be considered toxic (ie. smoking, stress, alcohol, caffeine, etc)? The reason I
ask this is that many people think that they can continue living that kind of lifestyle
and easily wash away all of its negative effects in the space of a few days through
the latest fad detox diet.
First off, I think a properly prescribed and supervised detoxification program is
absolutely critical to your health (and in helping you lose weight) for many of the
bodys toxins are stored in your fat cells. However, it is important to remember that
maintaining a healthy weight and staying lean isnt achieved with radical periodic
quick fixes.
You cant expect to pollute your body 51 weeks of the year and then miraculously
cleanse yourself in a just a few days with the latest detox cleanse that promises you
the world!
Neither will it suddenly reverse the bad health status of someone that has lived the
Western Lifestyle for 10, 20, 30 or 40 years. So, you must realize that the only way
to achieve a healthy lean body in the long run is through eating a clean diet (with the
occasional treat), consistent exercise, and nourishing your mind with positive
empowering thoughts that reinforce what you want to achieve!
Detox diets might seem like a good idea, and might even give you piece of mind and
help kick-start your weight loss program, but just realize that they are not a quick fix
to your health problems. The long-term fix is dumping the Western Lifestyle.
Besides, if you think you can actually remove all the toxins in your body, you are
being fooled. It can never happen. Every breath you take, every move you make,
you are creating waste products in your body.
Just remember: 7 days of the cleanest living can't reverse 51 weeks of the Western
So here are your tips for the next 7 days to move towards lifelong healthy
habits...towards living a healthier lifestyle. It is much better to spend all year
avoiding as much junk as possible, than to try and sort it out in 7 days next year.
So I wish "Good health to you"! Here's what you should do for the next 7 days to get
in better health and lose weight.
Day 1
In today's workout, choose an alternative form of cardio for this workout. For
example, if you are a beginner, and you have been doing only walking for cardio, try
and use the elliptical machine or stairmaster today. This is called cross-training and
helps avoid overuse injuries caused by doing the same thing over and over again
when you aren't prepared for it. Also, offering this variety keeps your body guessing

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


which means that it initially find the new exercise modality more challenging (and
thus beneficial) then doing the same old! If you are advanced, try some of the
bodyweight circuits.
Day 2
Today's exercise requirement is just 30 minutes of light to moderate intensity
cardio/activity. It can be traditional cardio, or again, bodyweight exercise. In
addition, you need to clean out cupboards. Do NOT be afraid to throw out food - if
it's garbage food, it's better in the trash bin than in your fat cells. Remember that if
isnt in your kitchen, then it most likely wont end up in your body. Set yourself up
to win!
After you have cleaned out your pantry, prepare a healthy shopping list. Complete a
7-day food log noting what you eat and at which times of day while observing/noting
how you feel before, during, and after each meal. Review the results to help you
organize your shopping list.
Day 3
Back to your regularly scheduled strength and interval workout. This should take the
form of full-body movements with a weight that is challenging to move by the 10th 12th repetition. The interval cardio workout is one of the best ways to boost your
metabolic rate and burn fat while saving you time. Try this one out on any cardio
machine of your choice: 20 seconds at full speed followed by 40 seconds at light
recovery speed. IMPORTANT: choose a resistance level, if other than running, that
reduces the possibility for momentum.
Day 4
30 minutes of cardio/activity. And today, I want you to eat one new fruit and one
new vegetable. For instance, If you aren't already eating grapefruit, try one today
and see how it helps fill you up because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin.
When eating your fruits and vegetables, as much as possible try to eat them in their
raw state. The reason for doing so is that if they are cooked/steamed/broiled/etc
they lose their highly beneficial enzymes as well as their life force. The more raw
you can incorporate into your diet the better because as you give your body more
enzymes, you assist it in digesting food and speeding up metabolic pathways. As a
result, you digest food more efficiently, gain more energy, and set yourself to burn
unwanted fat.
Day 5
Do another strength and intervals workout today. This time try this interval: 30
seconds at 85% intensity followed by 30 seconds at nice and easy recovery pace. To
reward you for your hard work and diligent eating, you can have a treat/cheat meal
or snack today. However, the remaining 90% of your daily nutrition must be clean.
Day 6
30 minutes of cardio/activity. Check in with a member of your social support group
or post your results on our Fit Forum to keep yourself accountable. In addition, take
some time and pick an activity you really like to do (yoga, sport, martial art, dance)
and make it a regular habit on the weekend. This can be done on your own or with
your social support group. You can now look forward to this "workout" all week.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Day 7
REST or very light cardio/activity - and yes, walking around shopping can count
towards your 30 minutes of activity. Rest and recovery is one of the most important
aspects of creating a healthy lean body. However, active rest (as opposed to lying in
bed all day) is what I would recommend as it promotes blood flow, keeps your body
moving, helps remove toxins, and will help prevent soreness and stiffening.
Plan, shop, & prepare for the week ahead. Make sure to include 1 new fruit and 1
new vegetable in your grocery list.
There you go. I know you can start making the changes. Go for it!
Want a full 90 days of training and motivation support?
Click here

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Bodyweight (Calisthenic) Training TOP 10

There's nothing like doing a circuit of sumo squats, decline pushups, reverse lunges,
inverted pull-ups, planking, and side bridge twists at home to build muscle and burn
fat. Ok, so maybe you have no idea what some of these exercises are but as long as
you realize that they dont need anything besides your bodyweight thats all that
The wonderful thing about calisthenic (bodyweight exercises) workouts is that you
can get your entire workout done in the time it takes to drive to most gyms! Here is
my top 10 list for why this type of training is awesome!
1. There is nothing like bodyweight exercises to boost confidence, motivation, and
improve your athleticism.

2. Bodyweight workouts can be done anywhere - no equipment needed.

3. Improves your strength and gives you bragging rights for chin-up and push-up

4. Bodyweight exercises increase strength, endurance and flexibility in your entire


5. Bodyweight strength training and interval training help burn fat fast.

6. Helps improve strength in the back of the body - an area totally neglected in most
weight programs.

7. A full body workout in 30 minutes or less. It all depends on how fast you want to
move through the workout.

8. Great for men and women of all fitness levels.

9. Because there are no machines or weights involved, you can enjoy these types of
workouts in your favourite outdoor locations.

10. Last but not least, bodyweight workouts allow a change from the free weight
workout and also can be used as a convenience for those traveling or for those who
dont have access to weights or machines!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


If you want to check an awesome calorie-burning bodyweight workout then click on

the following link. It is an article that I recently wrote for Impact Magazine called
the The Travellers Workout. Give it a shot Im sure youll be shocked at how
challenging, yet invigorating, it will be!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


1-Week Weight Loss Motivator

Weight loss is hard. Everyone loses their motivation for diet and exercise. So that's
why I'm bringing you 7 tips to help you lose more fat in less time over this upcoming
week. Here are this week's guidelines.
Start your day with some inspirational or motivational reading to get you pumped
and ready to go! Plan to set a personal record in your workout today. If you are a
beginner, that might mean using a higher level on the cardio machine for 1-2
minutes, or doing 2-3 extra pushups per set. For the advanced fat loss program, it
might mean using 2.5 more pounds per dumbbell in your exercises, or extending
your intervals by 5 seconds per sprint.
Plan to get 30 minutes of activity. For beginners, walking is acceptable. It helps you
recover from Monday's workout and simply improves your overall health. To get an
even greater benefit while walking, try walking uphill (or at an incline on the
treadmill) with some light dumbbells in your hands this will definitely get you
working! Advanced fat loss programs might use a bodyweight circuit on this day.
Also, I want you to make a big nutrition change on this day and eliminate all sources
of refined sugars from your diet. This means no white anything! White bread, white
pasta, white sugar, sweets, etc Refined sugars are related to almost every disease
and pose tremendous stress on your pancreas insulin production and associated
tissue response, all the while, ravaging your normal blood sugar levels.
Read your food labels, and don't eat anything that contains more than 5g of sugar
per serving. For instance, with cereals I typically refuse to eat anything that is
advertised on TV (because theyre absolutely terrible) but if youre reluctant to make
such a statement then there are healthier options among common brands. For
example, Raisin Bran contains 19g of sugar per serving compared to Cheerios which
is only 1g of sugar per serving. So which one should you choose???
Perform your regularly schedule strength and interval training workout. And if you
haven't already, try eating more raw vegetables and fruits today. This could mean
more fresh pressed vegetable juices, snacking on vegetables and fruits instead of
muffins and other garbage, and drinking plenty of purified water.
Healthy food preparation is a SMALL effort for a LARGE reward. Take some time
before going to bed and visualize how you want to look and feel and see it as if its
already done! If you can go there in your mind, you will go there in your body.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


30 minutes of activity, anyway that you can get it. And then at dinner, try a new
source of lean protein, such as salmon, chicken, or turkey. I would even rather see
you eat more legumes such as beans, chic peas, and lentils since their proteins are
easier to digest compared with animal proteins.
Have another great strength and interval workout. And at some point during the day,
recruit a new member into your social support group such as a new workout partner
or healthy-eating nutrition buddy. This will add strength to your commitment. Share
your stories and successes with our other Total Wellness community members in our
Fit Forum for added support and accountability
30 minutes of activity. It's the weekend, find something fun to do with a friend. On
weekends, I try and get into the gym with an old friend and amaze them with
several bodyweight exercises that they have never seen before. Or go for a hike,
bike ride, play some beach volleyball, swim a couple laps, or anything else that you
find enjoyable. Whats important is that you enjoy it and that it keeps you active.
Get another 30 minutes of exercise nice and early to start your day. Then plan your
shopping list, head on to the grocery store or even better a fresh, open market and
get your weekly produce and lean protein sources.
Make sure to include plenty of green vegetables on your list. Kale, collard greens,
broccoli, swiss chard are amazingly nutrient dense vegetables and provide
unparalleled alkalizing benefits to your body very important in disease prevention
and boosting your energy!
Write down all the successes you enjoyed during the week and then celebrate them.
Treat yourself to a little indulgence or whatever tickles your fancy. Success breeds
success, so focus on what youve done well and more of it will come into your life!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


The Cardio Enlightenment

Today I'm going to give you the story of how I solved the problem of getting an
efficient and effective fat loss program finished in 45 minutes. Essentially, how I
invented the circuit training and interval workouts that my clients around the world
use throughout my trademarked Fitter U program.
And then I'll end with a sample workout for you...
But first, let's take a trip down memory lane to the early 2000s. I was but a lowly
undergrad student, studying the effects of exercise on the body (known as exercise
physiology) and the principles of athletic conditioning.
At the same time, I was working with several personal training clients and learning
about peoples problems and main areas of concern. As I saw more and more
clients, I began to realize that everyone was complaining about the same thing. I
dont have enough time! I bet you feel the same way. Time is one thing that
everyone has in common because we all only have 24 hours in a day.
So my challenge was to create workouts and lifestyle programs that would produce
amazing results while minimizing the amount of time my clients would need to spend
in the gym. Traditionally, I would work with clients for 1 hour but then I started
attracting clients into my rolodex that would be asking for 30-45 minute workouts
the Law of Attraction at work!
I have always felt that you can get just as good a workout in 30 minutes as you can
in 1 hour. The only difference lies in the structure of the workout, specifically the
amount of rest you take during your workout and you structure your exercises.
After graduating, I decided to pursue my dream of playing professional soccer. So
my agent hooked me up with Lille OSC (one of the top teams in the French 1st
division). As our team embarked upon 5 weeks of pre-season training in one the
hottest summers in Frances history, I began to realize that even though I thought I
was fit and well prepared for these two-a-day sessions, I wasnt not by a long shot!
I also began to piece together everything I had learned in school with the amazing
learning I was experiencing first-hand through our training sessions from our
Strength and Conditioning coach. Didier, as we called him, was also the sprint coach
for 3 French Olympic sprinters. He was a blessing sent from the heavens. I we
spent more time together and as I picked his brain, he would teach me training
principles, exercises, and workout routines that maximized results in the least
amount of time. Ever wonder why sprinters are so lean and cut?? I was starting to
understand why!
Well, its pretty simple short burst interval cardio training along with strength
training circuit workouts. Sprinters dont get lean by going for long duration runs.
They focus on short sprints, functional strength training, and sound nutrition.
Fast forward a couple of years (after having hung up my soccer boots). I started
applying these principles with my personal training clients to see astounding results.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


We would start doing 45 minute workouts revolving around high tempo circuit
training interspersed with short high-intensity cardio intervals.
From these workouts that focused on developing full-body functional strength, core
stability, increased aerobic endurance, all the while burning the most possible
calories each workout, I branched out and developed my Fitter U MP3 Body
Shaping Fitness Program .
The wonderful thing about the workouts in this one-of-a-kind exercise program is
that it has helped our clients around the world fit result-producing exercise back into
their daily lives. Exercise needs to be a daily commitment and the time efficient
nature of our Fitter U workout has helped them do so.
Because I knew that sprint intervals were associated with more fat loss than slow
cardio, and I knew that you could also increase aerobic fitness by doing sprints (but
you can't increase sprint performance by doing aerobic training) our Fitter U
workouts incorporated this aspect of training as well.
So clearly, intervals were (and ARE!) superior to long slow cardio.
The biggest benefit of intervals? A lot of results in a short amount of time. I knew
that if someone only had 40 minutes to train, they could spend 15-20 minutes doing
Now onto the strength training portion of the workouts. I knew that a high-volume
bodybuilding program wasn't going to cut it - people just dont have time. But in the
past few years I had read so many strength training studies, that I knew exactly
what exercises needed to be done to maximize ones lifting time in the gym.
Those exercises were standing, multi-muscle, movements such as squat presses,
reverse pull-ups, lunge walks with upper body involvement, and plenty of other
standing single-leg exercises. I knew that those exercises would bring far more
results than those people sitting on machines would ever achieve.
At that point, I also knew that supersets and circuit training workouts were the only
way to go if one wanted to maximize the work they could doso the advent of the
Fitter U workouts.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to put it in a pill. But I've been able to put into
audio coaching format and into booklet format in all of the strength and interval
workouts found in my Fitter U MP3 body shaping fitness program
Heres an example of what I mean.
Warm-up 5 minutes on cardio machine of choice



Lunge Walks 30 seconds

Planking 30 seconds
Squats Presses 30 seconds
Ball Crunches 30 seconds

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


1 set of Push-ups 30 seconds

1 set of Side Planking 30 seconds
Cardio Interval
20 seconds at 90% of max followed by 40 seconds at 65% of max; for 5 minutes.
Repeat above exercises twice.
Thanks for being a part of the Cardio Enlightenment, and for sharing this new and
improved fat loss training and cardio system with the world.
So when you see someone frustrated with their ineffective fat loss program, tell
them there is a better way. It's research-based, efficient, and most of all, effective.
And yes, it goes against the crowd. But it works! Fitter U - get it here.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


4 Weight Loss Mistakes and How to

Correct Them
Let me solve your workout problem.
I know that you are:
Eating well - Exercising regularly - and TICKED OFF that you aren't making progress.
And here are the 4 mistakes that you are making:
1) Your perception of your nutrition "success" doesn't match the reality of what,
when, and how often you are eating.
2) There is no variety in your training.
3) You need to up the intensity of your training.
4) You not consistent with your training and/or healthy eating
Let's face it. Human beings are creatures of habit we like to stick to a routine. We
don't like change. We like our comfort zone - some more than others.
But if there is no change in your workout from month to month, then your body will
not change either.
That is why I insist on changing your workouts every 4 weeks as you do in the
strength and interval workouts found in my Fitter U program.
You won't succeed by doing the same thing over and over again. Would you get
ahead at work by doing the same tasks you did as the first day on your job? No way.
You have to take on more challenges.
With variety in your training, you will continue to apply varying stimulation to new
muscle fibers, while making your body use lots of energy (i.e. calories and fat)
during the recovery period to repair the muscle and replenish the energy used. That
will "rev up" your metabolism.
If your body is used to the training, the exercises, the sets, and the reps, it will give
a "ho-hum" response and your metabolism will flat line. It will stagnate. It will
plateau. Just as the factory line worker or office computer junkie will develop
specific injuries due to the repetitive nature of their work, your body will (hopefully
not become injured) definitely become accustomed to the repetitive exercises you
impose on it.
And that's why you need to raise the intensity of the workout as well.
Slow, boring cardio doesn't jack up the metabolism like intervals.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


So if you've been doing a machine circuit, then stop, and give this sample free
weight workout a try.
Sample bodyweight warm-up circuit (30 seconds per exercise, go through it
i) Bodyweight squat ii) An easy pushup iii) Lunge Walks with Opposite Ankle Touch
iv) Jumping Jacks
Then do 20 minutes of full-body functional strength training done in
1a) Squat Presses 1b) Push-up twists (hands holding dumbbells during push and as
you twist)
Do each exercise with a weight that allows only 8 reps or 30 seconds (whichever
comes first). Do not rest between the squat and press. Rest 1 minute after the press.
Repeat the superset 2 more times.
Next Superset:
2a) Lunge Walks with Biceps Curls 2b) Stability Ball Reverse Flys
Same as above.
On to Cardio Intervals:
10 intervals of 20 seconds at 90% of your maximum intensity followed by 40
seconds recovery (at the easiest pace possible). 10 minutes total.
5 minute cool down.
We don't do slow cardio. It does nothing for the man or woman who is short on time.
And of course, always train safe and don't do anything you are not comfortable
doing...but if you are fit and healthy, you can increase the intensity, change the
variables, and burst through your fat loss plateaus.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Why Cycling for Weight Loss is a Waste of

So you might be saying Yuri, are you crazy!? Spinning or cycling is an awesome
workout and Im exhausted after each class/session!
Well, that may be true but Im here to enlighten you.
I know there are better ways to lose fat and spend your workout time.
First of all, spinning classes are not efficient. I know that you can get more work
done in less time if you do intervals on your own. And so, because it is not efficient,
it could also be a lot more effective.
Second, the high RPM "spinning" is pointless. That's not doing anything for fat loss.
Why is the high RPM spinning ineffective? Because the amount of mechanical work
performed is lower than when you have higher tension and pedal at a slower rate
(i.e. 80 RPM). So cut the high RPM spinning out, and just do the high tension
intervals. You'll save time and get the same or better results.
The high-tension, low/moderate RPM intervals are the only part of the spinning class
worth doing.
More tension = more muscle activation = more fat loss results.
It's a very simple equation.
But again, you can do those high-tension intervals on your own in less than half the
time of a regular spinning class. If you want a great example of a high tension
cardio workout guaranteed to burn fat our Elliptical MP3 Workout series is your
Regular spinning class = about 45 minutes
Advanced structured intervals workout = About 20 minutes
Time saved = 25 minutes - Which is more than enough time to get some strength
training supersets in to build muscle and really crank up your metabolism. Now
that's a better, more well rounded workout that will help you make bigger
improvements to your body.
A combination of strength and interval training is the clear winner- accomplishing
more (muscle building and fat loss) than any type of spinning class, aerobics class,
or machine workout.
Now if some people need the whole class environment as a motivation to workout,
fine. Or if that's one of your fun workouts per week, then go for it. You can keep
going to spinning if you like it.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


But if you think that spinning classes are the most efficient answer to your fat loss
goals, forget about it.
When you need to get fat loss results in less time, the combination strength training
circuits and intervals are more efficient and effective.
Knowing this, you can design your own cardio workouts that will be best for fat loss
and your time limits.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


7 Minute Bodyweight Circuit for Weight

One thing we have to lose from our workout mindsets is the idea of this "60-minute
workout". Forget about spending that much time in the gym. Instead, choose better
exercises that are more efficient. This will allow you to get your workout done faster,
eliminating the "no time" workout excuse.
To do so, you need to eliminate irrelevant exercises. I know you want to do an
exercise for shoulders, and one for arms, and one for abs, and one for this and that.
But before you do, ask yourself, will these really get me to my goal, or have I just
been convinced by bodybuilding and fitness magazines that I need 40 sets per
workout to get results?
Now, taking those lessons, we can then create some pretty incredible bodyweight
workouts as well. And these bodyweight workouts can get finished fast!
In fact, here is a 7-minute bodyweight circuit that can help you lose weight, burn
calories, and blast your metabolism. You don't need machines or weights. You can do
this anywhere!
Bodyweight squat (10-20 reps)
Pushup (10-20 reps) - do it on your knees if you must
Reverse Lunge (10 reps per leg)
Plank (30 second hold)
Push-up twists (10-20 reps)
Side Plank (20 second hold per side)
Burpies (5-8 reps)
Do this with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the 7-minute
circuit and repeat up to 3 times.
If you are a beginner, do fewer reps and take longer rests.
It's a tough, tough bodyweight circuit, especially the combination of two exercises
late in the circuit. This combo literally exhausted me to my knees...twice...before I
was able to finish the exercise. And that was on round. You can do the circuit up to 3
Another weapon in your fat loss arsenal. Now you'll know how to train efficiently and
effectively for fat loss.
Don't wait any longer to get started.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Too Busy to Exercise?

Too BadIts Time to Start!

To a busy man or woman, finding time to exercise for weight loss is just another
form of daily stress. But without exercise, you'll have less energy to devote to your
family, less clarity in your important decision making processes, and more time
spent away from work dealing with illness and poor health. And in this business
world, you can't afford any of that.
As a sought of speaker and writer for several health and fitness magazines,
thousands of office workers across the world have improved their health and fitness
with my workouts. I want to show you how to lose fat, gain muscle, eat better, have
more energy, and be able to get great workouts at home or even in the worst hotel
gym in the world. It is possible to train and lose weight on the road!
By using an efficient combination of functional strength circuits and interval training,
you'll be able to cut down on your workout time and spend more time on your
business projects and more importantly, at home with your family.
In order to do that, I want you to understand that you have to make nutrition your
main focus in the fight against fat loss. It is far more important than exercise. In my
opinion, nutrition accounts for 80% of the equation when it comes to losing weight.
How so? Well, with exercise as long as youre consistent youre bound to benefit
even if you do things incorrectly. However, when it comes to eating, if you go
wrong, you go way wrongand it will show!
Given that, you can now understand why you don't have to do marathon workouts in
the gym 5-6 days per week in order to lose weight and look better. All you need are
3 workouts per week, taking no more than 45-60 minutes. That is the maximum
amount of time needed for my Fitter U system, but you can do it in even less time
if you are busy.
You need 5 minutes for a cardio warm-up. Next take 15-20 minutes for full-body
functional strength training circuit consisting of 6-8 exercises.
To finish, take 5-10 minutes to blast your workout with high-intensity interval cardio
Actually, that only takes about 40 minutes! Even better. This is the type of youll be
able to experience with my Fitter U Body Shaping Fitness Program. With over 35
hours of fat burning, body sculpting workouts, youll be training efficiently while
spending less time exercising!
By improving your health and fitness, you can have more energy; more energy to
devote to your work and business, and more importantly, more energy to dedicate to
your family.
The job performance benefits of health and fitness are also undeniable. Sharper
mental focus, improved mental and physical endurance, enhanced self-confidence,

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


and impressive changes in your appearance are just a few of the well-known effects
of a good training program.
Unfortunately, a lot of men and women leave their health and fitness until it is too
late. In fact, I've seen many prominent business-people and lawyers struggle
through the simplest of physical tasks. Simply because they let the typical unhealthy
executive lifestyle overwhelm them. In fact, one of my long-time personal clients
was a very busy lawyer for over 30 years. Too busy in fact to consider the
importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. As a result, it wasnt until he
decided to retire in his fifties that he actually began to realize that exercise and
healthy eating were mandatory if he was to stay on this planet for much longer.
Im proud to say that at the age of 63 he is now one of my fittest clients (all ages
Don't you think these executives would gladly trade some of their wealth for the
opportunity to have even an average level of fitness? Instead, long hours and poor
eating have left them overweight, unfit, and looking and feeling 15 years older than
they really are.
But it doesn't have to be that way for you, no matter how busy you are.
The first thing to know is that your workouts don't need to last an hour and half each
day to be worthwhile. You can achieve great results by training for less than 60
minutes three times per week. You'll be able to reduce your workout time by up to 2
hours per week when compared to traditional, inefficient training programs, and
you'll feel better and have more energy within days.
A strength and interval workout will decrease your stress levels, increase your
mental focus and endurance, enhance your self-confidence, and drastically improve
your appearance - all in record time.
Just as important, the workouts featured in Fitter U, considering their functional
nature, address core and postural issues. All of our clients using the 12-week
program have noted improvements in their posture, low back health, and improve
tone in their midsection.
Adding regular exercise to your lifestyle is known to improve work performance and
personal satisfaction. Business owners that exercise regularly are 14% more likely to
make the income they desire when compared to sedentary business owners. They're
also 10% more likely to achieve personal work satisfaction. It's all thanks to the
ability of exercise to make people more confident and give them more energy.
And research has shown that an executive lifestyle plan can result in dramatic health
improvements such as:
Decreased bodyweight = -5.5 lbs.
Decreased systolic blood pressure = -17 mmHg
Decreased total cholesterol = -28 mg/dl
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Decreased LDL cholesterol = -16 mg/dl

Decreased triglycerides = -45 mg/dl
Decreased fasting blood glucose = -26 mg/dl
Now all that scientific jargon just means that a good program will help you lose
weight and will leave you feeling 10-15 years younger than you would without
exercise and proper eating. It's incredibly simple, yet too many men and women
neglect to make a strategic investment in the future of their health.
It's time to take action. Armed with this knowledge, you have the opportunity to
improve your health, fitness, and energy level. Your first step is to review your
current lifestyle and get your physician's approval to begin a new lifestyle. After that,
you can gradually and consistently improve your daily activity and eating patterns.
Changes in your energy and well-being will be immediate.
As you progress with your strength and interval workouts, your new lifestyle will
become an easy to follow habit, and your old lifestyle a distant memory. On a daily
basis, you'll notice improved performance and the benefits of a balanced lifestyle.
You'll soon regain physical strength and endurance that you haven't enjoyed in
That's a small investment now in order to live a longer, more energetic, healthier
life. You'll be able to keep up with your grandkids, not only your own children. I
guarantee strength and interval workouts will add energy to your life while taking
inches from your waist.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


5 Stepping Stones to Your Perfect Body

Already worrying about sticking to your weight loss goals? Before you fall off the
fitness and healthy eating wagon, here are some important fat loss workout and
nutrition tips are for you.
Here are my 5 simple steps to help you lose fat and get lean.
1. Find a source of social support. It can be a friend, spouse, a co-worker, or even
our Fit Forum but research from Stanford University shows the ideal social support is
a professional that you feel obligated to report to on a consistent basis.
2. Eat 6 small, balanced snacks and meals per day, rather than 2 or 3 large meals. A
study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating 6 times per
day was associated with eating fewer calories per day, lowering cholesterol levels,
and lowering post-meal insulin levels.
Eating several small meals per day might even help you burn more calories. Combine
an increased meal frequency with an increased raw vegetable, water, and fiber
intake, and you'll see your body composition improve rapidly.
3. Commit to eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein
sources, rather than processed foods like muffins, fast food, and sugary snacks.
4. If you want to lose fat, start by reducing your calorie intake by 200 calories per
day. One easy way to do this is to replace sweetened beverages with water or Green
Tea. Another way is to simply reduce your portion sizes by 10-15%. Over the
course of a day those missing calories will add up and will prove a sacrifice in the
long run.
5. To get lean, you'll need to include some form of strength training and
cardiovascular training. If you haven't worked out in years, start conservatively and
get professional advice on how to structure your workouts in the safest, and most
efficient and effective manner possible.
Don't just focus on cardio. You need strength training to build your muscles to help
you handle cardio type activities while reducing your risk of injury.
I am often asked if there is anything that can be done about the decrease in
metabolism that happens as we age. Well, the nutrition tips mentioned above give
you at least one helpful tip.
And of course, sticking with a consistent exercise program will also maximize
metabolism. Eating properly and exercising can keep your metabolism at optimal
levels for several decades - you are never too old to lose fat, gain muscle, and get
Also, a huge component of achieving your perfect body starts with your mindset.
Success is a mindset. Success is also a lifestyle. Nourish your mind with

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


empowering affirmations such as I am feeling younger and healthier each and every
day, I feel stronger and leaner, I have the metabolism of rabbit.
Take time in the morning and at night before going to bed visualizing your ideal body
and believe with every ounce of your soul that you have already achieved. No
doubts at all. Everything in your external world began in your internal world. What
you think about you will bring about. YOU become what YOU think about!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


How Often Should I Workout?

People often ask me how many days per week they should workout. For the average
person wanting to lose weight and focus on fat loss, the answer is simple. They will
get fantastic results by training hard only three days per week. Now for the average
person, that should be manageable. On top of that, walking on daily basis should be
the base minimum for everyone!
And yes, all three of those workouts should be done in less than an hour. Research
shows that 20-30 minutes of interval training is more effective than 40 minutes of
slow cardio for weight loss. Combine the intervals with 20-30 minutes of strength
training. Do that 3 days per week, and pow, you'll lose fat fast. (With good nutrition
too, of course!)
On off days, I encourage people to be as active as possible, but without making
extra effort to go to the gym. Walking to do your errands for an hour is great, if you
have the time. Just do some form of health-promoting exercise (which can mean a
half hour walk, yoga, or aerobic training if you desire). The duration and intensity of
these off-day workouts depends on your fitness level, your recovery capacity, and
your nutrition plan.
If you love your cardio and plan on resuming a former running program, please start
conservatively, especially if you are running on hard surfaces. Start easy. Build up in
volume. Monitor your energy levels, strength levels, and mood. Be conservative,
train consistent, and superior results will be yours. You can also use my Treadmill
Trainer MP3 running series to help you coach and motivate you to experience
tremendous running workouts in less time while burning hundreds of calories
And what about for beginners? How often should they workout?
Well, if you are the utmost of beginners, and haven't done any formal exercise in a
long, long time, then simply do 3-6 bouts of 5 minutes of walking each day. Progress
with your walking by increasing the time you walk and decreasing the number of
"bouts" per day. For example, in week 3 of your exercise program, do 3 bouts of 10
minutes per day. And by week 6, you should be able to walk for 30 minutes straight.
That is a place to get started.
At the same time, combine your walking program with a professionally designed
bodyweight 3-day strength program that you can do at home (heck, most beginner
exercises are even done lying on the floor!). After 6 weeks, you can increase the
intensity of your workout, as outlined by your personal trainer or as outlined by my
Fitter U program. Eventually, you can progress into a more intense 3-day per
week program.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


6-Pack Abs
How to Melt the Fat Off Your Tummy to Bring Out Your True Waistline?
How important is it to train your abs frequently if your goal is to get that visible 6pack or trim waistline?
There is no shortage of opinions on this topic. People can succeed (and fail) with all
sorts of abdominal training programs. Besides, great abs have been found on many
people that train them religiously each day, but better abs have been found on
athletes that do no formal abdominal training at all!
The most important factor in developing eye-catching abdominal muscles (the 6pack) is decreasing the body fat in that area, plain and simple. As for training
techniques, almost everyone should train this area as you would any muscle group.
Why spend 20 minutes per day doing endless crunches when 5-10 minutes every
other day (or less!) will accomplish the same results? Only athletes (or back pain
rehabilitation patients) may need additional abdominal work to assist their core
stability in sport (or everyday function).
While most individuals in the gym believe that daily, high-volume training is optimal,
there is nothing special about the abdominal muscles to suggest that a greater
training frequency is required. Muscle biopsies have determined the rectus abdominis
to be composed of 46% slow-twitch fibers, not unlike the vastus lateralis of the
quadriceps. As mentioned earlier, a more important aspect in developing a wellmuscled midsection that can be shown off at the beach, is the reduction of as much
body fat as possible.
To be precise, in order to have visible abs you must decrease your body fat to 10%
or less. Test your body fat monthly. Have the same skilled professional do the
testing each time in the same manner under the same conditions (i.e. same time of
day, pre-workout, same day of the week, same diet pre-test). You would be
surprised how small fluctuations in these variables can influence the outcome of body
fat estimation tests.
Fortunately, the greatest body fat reductions are not achieved through multiple sets
of high repetition abdominal exercises and therefore there is no need to waste your
precious time performing endless sets of abdominal crunches. In fact, your time is
better off spent including compound resistance exercises (exercise using many of the
bodys large muscle groups; i.e. the squat, bench press, pull-ups, deadlifts, etc) and
performing strategic anaerobic interval and aerobic training.
When you perform compound exercises and interval training you will realize that
more muscles are working and more metabolic effort is necessary in comparison to a
simple abdominal crunch. Remember that when you head back to the gym!
Compound exercises should be the best choice for helping to maintain muscle mass
while shedding body fat. Anaerobic interval training promotes the expenditure of
energy (fat) long after you have left the gym, thus helping to shed the body fat while
you are no longer exercising. Aerobic exercise is beneficial for individuals with a lot
of fat to lose (i.e. if you test at greater than 15% body fat). However, if you only

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


have a little fat to lose before the muscle stands out, then dietary manipulations and
more anaerobic training (intervals and resistance training) are the priority changes.
As for specific abdominal training recommendations, isolated abdominal training 1-3
times per week is sufficient. Abdominal training should be brief and to the point (i.e.
2 exercises, a handful of sets, and a high-intensity of training). This will require
passing on the basic lying abdominal crunch and instead use exercises that firm and
tone your core such as planking and side planking. But remember core/abdominal
training will simply firm your midsection; not necessarily expose its musculature.
The key is truly in your nutrition. Focus on eliminating the garbage out of your
diet, reduce your body fat, and train hard in the gym and the results will speak for

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

(and lose more weight)
Everyone wants to know how you can increase your metabolism. It is like it is the
magic bullet for fat loss. But what is this mysterious metabolism and how can you
control it and manipulate it to work for you and to help you burn fat?
The word metabolism refers to how many calories your body requires (or burns) to
sustain its basic daily functions as well as excess demands imposed upon your body
such as exercise, digestion, and so forth. It is controlled by many factors, including
your percent body fat/lean muscle mass, your hormone levels, your activity levels,
the amount and type of food you eat, your gender, the amount of rest and recovery
you get, your stress levels, and your genetics. You can temporarily increase your
metabolism with exercise and you can increase your metabolism long-tem by adding
muscle, losing fat, and eating whole, natural, raw enzyme-rich foods.
So if you increase your metabolism, you will burn more calories and lose more fat!
But if any of the metabolic-control factors gets messed up, then your metabolism
can slow down. This can be very bad for your body composition, leading to fat gain.
Aside from some type of medical condition, the main factor for a slow metabolism is
poor lifestyle choices. Living the Westernized-lifestyle is a sure way to slow your
The Westernized lifestyle is characterized by:
Eating a high-refined carbohydrate, high-fat diet
Eating 1-2 large meals per day only
Consuming alcohol on a frequent basis
Not exercising, or choosing to perform only slow duration, steady-state exercise and
avoiding strength training for muscle mass
Getting small amounts of low-quality sleep
Not having coping strategies to deal with excessive amounts of stress
Poor consumption of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water
Overconsumption of convenience of processed and fast foods
Skipping meals in order to lose weight
Being overweight does not necessarily mean that you have a slow metabolism, but
becoming overweight can lead to an even slower metabolism. And that can create a
cycle of gaining weight leading to a slower metabolism leading to gaining weight, etc.
Then what happens when people realize they have a slower metabolism? They start
to eat less of course. And that too can lead to an even slower metabolism still.
So what to do?
The answer is really simple. You just have to get organized, educated, and motivated
to avoid living the Western-lifestyle. Now I can educate you on the daily, step-bystep methods to change, but you have to be committed. But if youve come this far
with the newsletter, than I know you can do it.
Heres how you should get started on living the metabolism boosting lifestyle:

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


1. Visualize yourself being successful as you start your new lifestyle. You have a
much greater chance of succeeding if you think positively.
2. Make a list of 3 short-term and 3 long-term goals. Post these goals in places that
you will see them everyday. When you reach a goal, set a new one.
Short-term goals
Long-term goals
3. Stop buying Western lifestyle foods (i.e. processed carbs) and switch to fruits,
vegetables, protein, and nuts. Now that's a metabolism-boosting grocery list!
4. Eat more of your vegetables and fruits in their natural raw state. Doing so will
preserve their enzyme-rich nature. The more enzymes you provide your body, the
greater your metabolic rate, the easier your body can digest foods, and the greater
your energy!
5. Add strength training to your workouts.
6. Add interval training to your workout, and drop the slow boring cardio.
7. Eat 6 small mini-meals each day, rather than 2 large meals. 10% of your caloric
expenditure comes from the thermogenic effect of food, meaning that every time
you eat your body expends energy to digest and absorb the food it has just ingest.
By eating small meals, more frequently, you keep your metabolic fire place all day!
Those are 7 guaranteed steps to help you boost your metabolism and lose weight.
Stay consistent, and you'll have a new body in no time!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


How to Burn Calories After Youve

Finished Working Out
Too many people are brainwashed into thinking that if they don't burn 300-500
calories per session, then they won't lose fat. After all, that is what you've been told
time and time again in those fluffy fitness/fashion magazines. The problems with this
approach to fat loss are numerous. First off, it's difficult to say if the calorie counters
are even accurate. A story on CBS news showed that cardio machines overestimate
calorie burning by up to 20%.
Next, depending on slow cardio for advanced fat loss is relatively useless and at the
very least, inefficient. It is true that at lower intensities you use fat as your primary
source of fuel but thats not whats important. What is important is total caloric
expenditure. It takes a long time for you to burn a lot of calories at low intensities
and one study showed that men who only used cardio training for weight loss ended
up with a reduced resting metabolism. You are basically undoing the calorie burning
by depending only on cardio. On the other hand, guys in the same study that used
strength training didn't suffer a reduced metabolic rate.
So what is the solution to burning fat in a faster, more efficient method? The answer
is to burn fewer calories in less exercise time, but with a more intense form of
And the trick to getting better results in this backwards approach? Your body will
burn more calories after exercise (when you use intervals) than it does after you do
slow cardio and your metabolism will stay high. Some experts refer to this as the
afterburn effect. In exercise physiology we refer to a similar phenomenon known as
Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). This basically refers to the fact that
your body requires a certain of oxygen (and thus calories burned) after your workout
to bring your body back to homeostasis (or its resting balanced state). Studies have
consistently shown that short duration, high-intensity interval training raises your
metabolic rate anywhere from several hours to half a day after your workout!!
So, how do you do intervals? Well, you could sprint for 30 seconds and rest for 90
seconds and repeat that for 6 sets - using the bike preferably or treadmill if you are
experienced with it. For more guidance and coaching to make things easier for you
and your cardio sessions check out our Treadmill Trainer and Elliptical Workouts
specifically designed for your iPod/MP3 player.
Within that short time frame the intervals will cause your muscles to go crazy with
activity (I call it a metabolic disturbance). This crazy metabolism boost causes lots of
calorie burning after exercise to get your body back to normal. The result is you
would end up burning more fat and more calories in the post-exercise period as your
body tries to get things under control.
Now there is one time where you'd want to count calories, but that is when you are
counting up and determining how many calories you eat per day. Again, you can
wipe out an entire workout's work in less than a minute simply by eating garbage.
Without some structure and discipline to your nutrition, there is nothing that even
my programs can do to help you lose fat.
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


So exercise nutrition control and interval training. These are the two anti-calorie
counting methods that will help you lose fat and get lean.
Bottom line dont worry about how many calories you burn during your cardio
workout because the true caloric expenditure will occur for several hours following
your workout!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

What is necessary for safe and sustained weight loss? Well, basically you need to
create a net caloric deficit. What does that mean?
A calorie deficit must be created through exercise and a small calorie reduction. This
means more energy goes out than is coming in. If it were only so simple!
Issue #1
Appetite seems to increase with activity level (therefore cancels out energy
expended), this may not always happen.
Issue #2
The body will attempt to conserve weight during times of increased activity and
reduced calorie intake (body becomes more efficient with energy).
Issue #3
Scales do not tell how much of the body weight is muscle, fat, OR water.
Issue #4
We all know someone who eats a lot (and eats a lot of "forbidden foods") BUT does
not seem to gain a pound, while others eat very little and still have difficulty in
altering their body composition.
Tip #1
You must use weight training to build muscle mass and increase metabolism and you
must exercise consistently. The energy expenditure will help develop a negative
caloric balance. At the same you must reduce your portion sizes when you eat so
that youre consuming fewer calories. Simply reduce your portion sizes by 10-15%
and it will make the world of a difference for you. At the same time, if you focus on
improving the quality of foods that you eat, the quantity will become less of an issue.
Has anyone ever told you take it easy on green vegetables??
Tip #2
Base your success on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and how well you perform
in your sport/activity, NOT on how the scale reads. At each point of your journey
LOVE your body no matter how it looks. You must love yourself, how you feel, and
how you look to show that universe that you are grateful. When you are grateful
you open yourself to receiving whatever it is that you want.
Tip #3
Do not starve yourself. The body may shut down its metabolism and it becomes
extremely efficient in saving/storing energy. Eat nutritious meals spaced evenly
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


throughout the day to maintain the metabolism and provide energy for exercise.
Reduce any unnecessary food intake especially late at night.
Tip #4
Remember you are trying to eat fewer calories then are needed to maintain weight.
Aim to reduce the calories by a maximum of 15-20% (i.e. 200-400 per day), BUT
never go lower than 1500 total daily calories. Reducing the amount of saturated fat
in your diet greatly helps in reaching a calorie deficit (because each gram of fat has 9
calories). When choosing fats focus on the beneficial omega 3-6-9 fatty acids for
they provide essential building blocks, anti-inflammatory properties, and numerous
other benefits for your body. Sources include fish oil, nuts and seeds, avocados,
olive oil. However, be sure to consume in moderation because they are still 9
calories per gram.
Tip #5
Do NOT eat "fat-free" foods in excess. Remember the aim is a calorie deficit! There
are no magic OR forbidden foods. Some are better than others BUT very few items
need to be fully excluded from a diet. Allow yourself at least the occasional treat.
Plus a lot these fat-free foods will replace the lack of fat with further sugar or other
Tip #6
Choose water and fresh pressed vegetables juices are your sources of fluids. Stay
away from everything else as much as possible.
Reality Check #1
Do you really need to lose weight? Losing weight often involves certain sacrifices, so
determine if it is really necessary for health or performance and then make full
commitment to the goal.
Reality Check #2
Can you decrease your food intake without your health suffering? Try to reduce
calories with your health in mind by reducing the foods with least nutritional value
(i.e. processed foods, sugary drinks, excess sauces, and sugar).
Reality Check #3
Are you truly hungry when you eat? Are you just thirsty, bored, stressed?
Reality Check #4
Are you active for only 30minutes (your exercise session) and then stuck in a chair
for the rest of the day? Consider this before you justify an increase in caloric intake.
Remember, there are 24 hours in a day. What are you doing with your time???

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Fat Loss Revealed

An Interview with Yuri Elkaim (Canadas top trainer)
The secrets to achieving the lean athletic physique that youve always wanted are
held by Canadas top trainer, Yuri Elkaim. Most people waste a lot of time in the gym
with no real direction or positive results. Fitness and wellness coaches, such as Yuri
Elkaim know there is a better way.
Yuri is a former professional soccer, Certified Kinesiologist, Registered Holistic
Nutritionist, the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the nationally ranked
University of Toronto mens soccer program, and considered by many as Canadas
top trainer and fitness expert. Hes created Fitter U, the worlds only 12-week
body shaping fitness program for iPod/MP3 players geared to helping people lose
weight, burn fat, and improve their fitness level. In this article, Amy Coates, Total
Wellness Consultings nutrition expert will be interviewing Yuri on various facets of
weight loss.
AC: Hi Yuri. What is your general approach to helping people lose fat?
YE: The basic concept for any fat loss program is to burn as many calories as
possible and maintain or increase lean tissue (which is what burns the calories in the
first place). Regardless of how many calories you burn in training once you lose
lean tissue (a typical problem) you burn less calories overall so your focus has to
be on burning calories while trying to offset that problem.
A study in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition (8(3): 213-222, 1998) showed
that 5 days a week of 45 min aerobic training for 12 weeks had no effect on body
composition over dieting alone. Obviously even at these high levels of activity there
is still a problem.
AC: Where do you start working with an overweight person?
YE: With a full lifestyle and structural evaluation. Typically the overweight person
has so little structural integrity that a resistance training program to target their
weaknesses and imbalances is my first approach. I also spend a lot of time
educating them on the importance of maintaining a positive and unwavering
mindset. Finally, I spend a good deal of time looking at their food intake, analyzing
the integrity of their digestive system and supportive endocrine glands, and teach
them how to prepare healthy menu plans.
Its interesting that the typical program for an overweight person is usually 1000s of
reps (i.e. aerobics) which will cause more problems. A superior system would be to
target the muscular system and control set duration and rest periods in order to
create the same metabolic and cardiovascular demand. My approach is mirrored in
the workouts and structure of my Fitter U MP3 fitness program.
AC: What type of questions and lifestyle review do you do with overweight clients?
Are there any common factors among overweight clients?

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


YE: Primarily I see people with a lack of knowledge, lack of motivation, and lack of
commitment to sticking to a program. I would say that the majority of what I do lies
in motivating my clients and helping them bring their true potential and hidden
greatness to surface. Every single person has greatness just waiting to be unleashed
and I think its a necessary step in the process.
Common factors: structural weaknesses, flexibility issues (i.e. they would be unable
to walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes continuously), lack of nutrition (funnily enough
we see overweight, almost malnourished people all the time), lack of motivation, and
need the accountability.
AC: What physical concerns do you have to be careful of when working with
overweight clients and how do you take these into account?
YE: Typically the biggest physical concern is that they are overweight and
unconditioned. Thats a big enough problem right there.
But its not just overweight clients its EVERYONE! Every client is different and
presents different challenges.
Everyone should have a full evaluation performed by a qualified professional. Any
serious health and medical issues should be cleared by a medical professional first.
Most trainers have a program in mind when someone walks in the gym. I have NO
IDEA what Im going to do until I see the client and evaluate them. If youre not
assessing youre just guessing!
AC: So for beginners, a good nutrition program is possibly the most powerful factor?
YE: Absolutely! Obviously a nutrition program is vital you must create a caloric
deficit through a combined exercise and nutrition approach. But, more so I like to
focus on getting my clients to focus on eating healthier, higher quality foods. I like
to preach the qualitative side of nutrition more so than the quantitative calorie
counting side.
So the key for the fat loss programs I use is exactly that how can we force the
body to burn as many calories as possible, and continue to burn them between
workouts. The idea is to demand as much work from the body as possible and
maintain that caloric burn for as long as possible.
Now the ONLY reason the body burns calories is because the muscle tissue is
working. It doesnt matter what activity you are involved in aerobics or weight
training its muscular demand that determines caloric burn. So you have to begin
with that in mind.
Lets think about this:
You can run a mile in ten minutes.
You can swim a mile in twenty minutes.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


After a year of swimming every day and not running you can now swim a mile in
16 minutes.
Without running how much has your running improved? Very little.
Why? We only have ONE cardiovascular system so why doesnt improving your
swimming (and cardio system) automatically improve your running?
Because the ONLY reason your cardio system was involved in the first place was
because of demand from your muscular system. So you adapted to the SPECIFIC
MUSCULAR demands of swimming which by default then involves the cardiovascular
system its not the other way around as most people think. The muscles dont
move because of cardiovascular demand the cardio system is elevated because of
muscular demand.
AC: Whats the takeaway message?
YE: Hopefully the readers can understand that we need to program the body based
on the movements its going to perform not based on the cardiovascular system.
Thats an upside down method.
AC: So what methods work for fat loss? What methods are ineffective or inefficient
for fat loss?
YE: Circuit weight training and interval training always work. Steady state aerobic
work never works long term in the real world. Now for those of you out there who
will no doubt get caught up talking about health, cardiac heart disease, cholesterol
etc - I'm not arguing with you. But were talking about fat loss here.
However - for fat loss, the research is unequivocal - high intensity work is superior.
I think the problem is this:
Aerobic training by nature is lower intensity. At some point you get so good at it that
it just doesn't burn as many calories, and in effect, you are burning fewer calories
than you used to for the same time investment. So what do you do? Go for longer
and inevitably run into the same problem? Or increase the intensity? Increasing the
intensity is the obvious answer.
AC: You have commented that aerobics were useless for fat loss. This caused a lot of
controversy. What did you mean?
YE: I'm sure you'll agree Amy that it only seemed to cause controversy with people
who don't do this for a living. Most of the good practitioners in this area didn't even
blink. It's not controversial at all in terms of fat loss and I'm getting bored going over
I don't think anyone who has trained themselves or anyone else has ever seen low
intensity cardio to be a very effective fat loss tool. The loss in lean mass that is
typical in most weight loss programs needs to be offset - and steady state aerobic
training (despite it's plentiful health benefits) only adds to that problem.
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


So let me expand on what I meant:

When I said "Aerobics are useless for fat loss" what I meant was "aerobics are
useless for fat loss". Is that clearer?
Ok - to be less antagonistic, let's just say that aerobic training for fat loss is the most
overrated and overemphasized method in use today. It's completely outdated as a
fat loss modality.
Here's something to remember write it on your fridge it you have to:
Lifting weights in the intensity zone of 8-12 reps coupled with short rest periods has
been shown beneficial for releasing the androgenic hormone testosterone and growth
hormone. These important hormones encourage development of lean muscle mass
(metabolically active tissue). Fat, on the other hand is just along for the ride! Aerobic
exercise has been linked with the release of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which is
antagonistic to the development of lean muscle mass.
The efficiency argument is interesting. Does weight training build muscle? No. It
breaks down muscle and the body ADAPTS by building more muscle. So in aerobic
training - when we "encourage the use of fat" - do we force that same body to adapt
by storing more fat? Interesting, most exercise and fitness experts all seem to think
so. Think about it for a moment. Who is leaner and more defineda 100m sprinter
or marathon runner???
Seriously - there are thousands of overweight individuals each year who complete
marathons. Now completing a marathon is damn impressive to me. However it
shows that the aerobic fitness needed to complete a marathon doesn't have anything
necessarily to do with creating a fat loss effect. So if you are capable of two to three
hours of steady state running and still not be burning enough fat - we can either go
to a higher intensity or you can try four hours of running. Any takers for the latter?
In terms of fat loss - calories burned are the most important factor. And aerobic
training burns less calories than anaerobic training and weight training overall
(besides doing very little to increase your metabolism -your body's calorie burning
So if we accept that lean mass is a major factor in your fat burning engine - and
aerobic training makes that engine smaller (i.e. less muscle) and more efficient at
burning fat (remember more efficient means it burns LESS) - how can having a
smaller more efficient fat burning machine burn more fat? It doesn't.
AC: So you are saying that cardio is the least important component?
YE: I don't think so necessarily. However, I do believe that a combination of
properly structure strength training accompanied by high-intensity interval training is
the MOST effective way to burn fat while promoting lean muscle mass. The results
speak for themselves, time and time again!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Yuris Top 5 Fat Loss Tips

I was recently asked for 3 of my best fat loss secrets. Since most times people dont
have attention spans to listen to all my advice I thought I'd give you a more detailed
explanation of my secrets here (plus two bonus tips)
Secret #1 - Focus on burning carbohydrate, not fat, during your fat-loss workouts.
Sounds backwards, right? But not when you look at how I structure my workouts.
Remember that Fitter U workouts focus on resistance circuit training and interval
training. Both of these use carbohydrate as the main source of energy. So it's
obvious the workout is designed to burn carbohydrates during the training session.
Why do my fat loss workouts focus on burning carbohydrate rather than fat? In order
to burn more calories after the workout, that's why. When you exercise with intervals
and heavy resistance training, your body uses more calories in the hours after
exercise than it would if you did traditional cardio and lifted lighter weights.
Secret #2 - Use a range of repetitions in your strength training workouts.
In order to train more muscle fibers and burn more carbohydrates, I have clients use
a range of repetitions within the same workout. My workouts now use time intervals
of 30, 45, and 60 seconds per set in order to work the muscle the most effectively.
This will burn more carbohydrates and promote as much muscle growth as possible
when you are keeping the calories low. This approach is also used in my Fitter U
workouts for maximum results.
Secret #3 Increase the resistance setting on your cardio machines for interval
I choose this option for intervals whenever possible because working against a
resistance can help maintain muscle mass. Doing cardio against a resistance also
allows you to perform a large amount of mechanical work, and that is a key
component of my training philosophy.
Secret #4 - Increase meal frequency
Okay, so this isn't really a secret to anyone that has read about fat loss. But a new
study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating 6 times per
day was associated with eating fewer calories per day, lowering cholesterol levels,
and lowering post-meal insulin levels. Combine an increased meal frequency with an
increased vegetable and fiber intake, and you'll see your body composition improve
Secret #5 Use my Fitter U MP3 body shaping fitness system
My Fitter U circuit training and interval training workouts are fast becoming the
most effective way to burn fat, build muscle, and get lean. The synergistic strength
training-interval training workouts are efficient and effective - getting you in and out
of the gym in under an hour. You can get Fitter U here.
Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Is the Cross Trainer/Elliptical Machine

Useless for Fat Loss?
If you are using an elliptical-type machine for intervals, then I believe that you are
not getting the results you deserve. Especially if youre not using my Elliptical MP3
Workouts! In my opinion, the elliptical machines are one of the least effective
methods for losing fat when used in the traditional way most people employ them.
What do I mean by that? Well, most people like the elliptical machine because it
seems easy and low stress on the body and joints. This means that youre not doing
any work!!!
The elliptical is only effective once the resistance is kicked up several notches so you
feel like your muscles are actually working instead of simply going along with the
machines momentum for a nice stroll in the park!
If used properly, this machine can be a miracle fat burning as it activates more
muscle than any other form of cardio. However, do it incorrectly and youre wasting
your time.
We recently ran a focus group on my Elliptical MP3 Workouts in a local gym in
Toronto. Asking people to try these iPod/MP3 cardio workouts, I came across a fit
young woman whom I always see on the elliptical. So I asked her if she would be
willing to give the program a shot. She said certainly and then immediately asked if
she could still read her magazines while doing the workout. After asking why she
reads during her elliptical workouts she replied Because it passes the time and I
dont get as bored.
I assured that these workouts are very engaging through my auditory coaching and
heart pumping cardio music and that they provide a challenge that shes probably
never experienced.
Ten minutes after she started the workout, I came back to see how she was doing.
To my delight she was glistening with sweat and out of breath! After the 30-minute
workout she came back to me and said it was one of the most challenging,
enjoyable, and motivating workouts that shed ever done. She didnt need to read
her magazines and she was blown away at the technology and value that the
program provided her.
The moral of the story is that our Elliptical MP3 Workouts are designed based on
what scientific studies tell us about what works and what doesnt. These workouts
challenge not only your cardiovascular system, but also all of your bodies muscles
because they incorporate a significant resistance component.
So the problem is not the elliptical itself -- it's just that it tends to allow/promote
momentum (as most people have the resistance too low) from bodyweight alone. So
unless you crank up the resistance and actually produce some force and/or MOVE
your bodyweight - it's nothing but momentum. So if you're not actively using your
muscles to produce some sort of force you aren't burning many calories!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


So if youre serious about burning fat and training your cardiovascular system, then
check out our Elliptical MP3 Workouts for the greatest elliptical workout of your life!

Are you ready to create your perfect body?

Download your copy of Fitter U right now and SAVE 15% OFF the regular price
(limited time only!)

Click here to lose weight and get fitter than ever!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.



Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Sweet 'n' Succulent Kale and Avocado

* 8 generous handfuls of green curly kale
* Sprinkle of Celtic sea salt OR Himalayan crystal salt
* 1-2 Tablespoons of olive oil
* 1 ripe avocado
* 2 large tomatoes OR a handful of cherry or baby plum tomatoes
OPTIONAL: 2 spring onions
OPTIONAL: 8 sundried tomatoes in oil
DRESSING: Squeeze of fresh lemon juice to taste
1) Chop the kale up into tiny pieces measuring roughly 1-2cm square and put into a
2) Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil plus a small sprinkling of your chosen salt to the
kale and massage well into the leaves until they are glistening and look succulent. If
they need more oil, add accordingly.
3) Chop up 1 avocado into small pieces, add to the kale and massage in well, coating
the leaves. It is fine to leave pieces of avocado sitting amongst the leaves as well as
coating them.
4) Chop tomatoes into small pieces and add to bowl. Similarly, finely slice the
optional spring onions and sundried tomatoes both of which I personally love.
5) Mix all ingredients well by hand a very tactile and delicious experience! Make
sure that all ingredients are spread evenly through out the bowl.
6) Sprinkle with some fresh lemon juice and serve as is or pile high on to a plate and
garnish with tomatoes or olives.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Wilted Kale Salad with a Creamy Chipotle

Serves 4-6
For the wilted kale
4 heads kale (this will seem like a lot but will wilt down when the salt is added)
2T salt
2c baby tomatoes, sliced
1c hulled hemp seeds
For the dressing
3 avocados
2 chipotle peppers*
c olive oil
2T agave
c lemon juice
1) Remove the stems and then wash and cut the kale into small pieces. Place
into a bowl, add salt and start to massage the kale until it wilts and takes on
a cooked texture.
2) Add the tomatoes and hemp seeds to the bowl and mix in by hand.
3) Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until creamy and mix into kale
by hand.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Warm Feeling Inside Salad

This salad is such comforting one, it will make you glow!
1 lettuce
1 or 2 fennel bulbs (depending on size)
1 red onion
1 clove of garlic
1 red pepper, de-seeded
1 orange pepper, de-seeded
6 tomatoes
1 cup of pumpkin sprouts or seeds, soaked
4 sticks of celery
2 avocados, peeled and stoned
10 macadamias
1 cup of watercress
4 dates, stoned
1) Prepare the lettuce in your favourite way, chop the fennel, onion, peppers,
tomatoes, watercress and celery.
2) Finely chop the garlic and dates, and slice the avocado.
3) Toss all the ingredients together except the macadamias -- you need to throw
these on top from a very great height.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Italian soup
This is a very simple but really tasty soup. You can add other flavours to it for lots of
1 avocado, peeled and stoned
4 tomatoes
A handful of basil
1/4 of a cup of cold pressed olive oil
1) Blend all ingredients. If it's too thick add some freshly made tomato or
cucumber juice.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Nutty Rice with Collards and Green Beans

Yield: 2
1 cups of brown basmati rice
head of collard greens (stems removed)
a handful of green beans (ends removed)
cup of almonds (chopped or crushed)
1/8 cup of pumpkin seeds (chopped or crushed)
1 tsp of butter
tsp of kelp seasoning (or sea salt)
1 tsp of fresh ground pepper
1. Add rice to 3 cups of water and bring to boil. Reduce heat and let simmer until
rice absorbs all of the water.
2. Wash leaves of collards greens and green beans and then place in steamer for
15-20 minutes.
3. Crush or chop almonds and pumpkin seeds.
4. In a bowl, serve rice with collard greens and green beans and top with
crushed/chopped almonds and pumpkin seeds, and butter to taste. Add kelp
seasoning and ground pepper for added seasoning.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Quinoa and Corn Pilaf

Yield: 2
1 cups of chicken broth
cup of quinoa
cup of kernelled corn
tsp of saffron
tsp of cumin
1) Steep saffron and cumin in a pot of chicken for 10 minutes.
2) Add quinoa and cook for a further 15 minutes or until liquid is absorbed and
quinoa is soft.
3) Add corn.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Makoleens Awesome Vegan Quinoa Salad

1 c quinoa
c water
pinch of salt


dried apricots, finely diced

red bell pepper
yellow bell pepper
toasted pine nuts
toasted pecan or walnuts
chopped cilantro

grated lemon zest and lemon juice from one lemon
splash of balsamic vinegar
tsp paprika
salt and pepper to taste
c olive oil
1. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly in cold water then pour into a fine meshed
strainer and rinse again under running water (if not rinsed well, quinoa tends
to be bitter).
2. Bring water to boil and add salt, stir in the quinoa.
3. Lower the heat, cover and cook for 15min. Taste the grain. There should be
just a little resistance and the opaque spiraled ring of germ should show. If
necessary continue cooking until done.
4. Pour into strainer and set it to drain over a bowl.
5. Toast all the nuts either in a dry pan or the mini oven works great too! Just
put them on some foil in the mini oven, watch them carefully and stir often
because they may burn.
6. Combine the apricots, peppers, nuts and cilantro in a large bowl.
7. Mix together the ingredients for the vinaigrette and add to the bowl of yummy
apricots, peppers, nuts and cilantro.
8. Once the quinoa has cooled, add it to the bowl. Give it a good mix and

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Zesty Cucumber Salad

Yield: 2
2-3 cucumbers (as desired)
cup of sesame seeds, ground
1 clove garlic, diced
1/8 cup of chopped onion
2 tbsp flax oil
juice of lemon
cup of water
tsp cumin
tsp cayenne pepper
1) Cut cucumbers into cubes. Put into large bowl.
2) Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder
3) In a blender, blend ground sesame seeds, garlic, onion, flax oil, lemon juice,
water and spices.
4) Add contents from blender to the cucumbers. Toss and serve.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Cedar Plank Salmon on Bed of Collard

Greens & Swiss Chard
1 salmon filet
1 cedar plank
1 tsp of turmeric
black pepper
head of collard greens
head of swiss chard
1) Marinate salmon filet with black pepper and turmeric, place on cedar plank
and place in BBQ at 350C.
2) At the same time, steam collard greens and swiss chard (stems removed) for
10-15 minutes.
3) Place salmon on top of steamed greens and serve.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Kale and Broccoli Soup


heads of kale
heads of broccoli
carrot (diced)
celery stalks (diced)
onion (diced)
cloves of garlic (diced)
cups of chicken broth

1) In a large pot, sautee garlic, onion, carrot, and celery until lightly browned.
2) Add broccoli and kale. Pour in 4 cups of boiling chicken broth and cover.
3) Simmer for 45 minutes or until vegetables are soft. Puree.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Sunset Pudding
2 bananas, peeled
1 mango, skinned and stoned
10 strawberries
2 dates, stoned (optional, because this is a very sweet pudding)
1) Chop the dates.
2) Put everything in a food processor and blend until it looks like a pudding.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Dark Dream Smoothie


bananas, peeled
punnet of blueberries
papaya, skinned and de-seeded
dates, stoned

1) Chop the dates.
2) Blend all ingredients and drink.

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Golden Applesauce
Yield: 2
to cup raisins
3 apples
2 to 4 dried figs
cinnamon, to taste
fresh nutmeg, to taste
1) Place raisins in a blender with about cup water and blend to a sauce-like
2) Add the apples and figs, and blend to desired consistency.
3) Spice with cinnamon, fresh nutmeg, to taste.
4) Serve and enjoy!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


Raw Chocolate
1/2 cup cashew
1/2 cup cacao nibs
tsp of coconut
2 tbsp agave nectar
1) Grind raw cacao nibs in coffee grinde
2) Grate cashews in food processor and add rest of ingredients.
3) Put in parchment paper and put in freezer until solid

Want more great recipes?

Get your copy of Eating for Energy today!

Click here to get your copy right now!

Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


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Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


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Copyright 2007. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.


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