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BalBharati Public School, PitamPura, Delhi -34

Class VII
Chapter: Heat
Q1 Define Radiation.
A1 The process of transfer of heat that does not require any material medium.
Q2 Distinguish between Heat and Temperature.
A2 Heat: It is a form of energy. Heat is the cause.
Temperature: Degree of hotness or coldness of a body. Temperature is the
Q3 Why mercury is preferred as thermometric liquid in making thermometers?
A3 It does not stick to the walls of thermometer.
It has uniform contraction and expansion.
It is only metal which is found in liquid state.
Q4 why is alcohol preferred as thermometric liquid in making thermometers?
A4 For measuring very low temperatures, alcohol thermometers are used,
because alcohol freezes at 117degree Celsius.
Q5 what do you understand by lower fixed point?
A5 The temperature at which pure ice melts at normal atmospheric pressure is
taken as a standard called lower fixed point.
Q6 Define upper fixed point.
A6 temperature at which pure water boils at normal atmospheric pressure is
called upper fixed point.

Q7 What are the different modes of transfer of heat?

A7 The different modes of transfer of heat are Conduction, Convection &
Q8 What are the scales commonly used to measure temperature?
A8 The scales commonly used to measure temperature are Celsius &
Fahrenheit scale.
Q9 What happens to radiant heat when it falls on body?
A9 The radiant heat when falls on body get absorbed.
Q10 Give two difference between clinical thermometer and laboratory
A10 Clinical thermometer: (a) The temperature range of this thermometer is
from 35o C to 43o C.
(b) It is used to measure body temperature.
Laboratory thermometer: (a) The temperature range of this thermometer is
from -10o Celsius to 110 o Celsius.
(b) It cannot be used to measure body temperature because it does not have a
kink near the bulb to prevent mercury level falling on its own.
Q11 Name a liquid which is a good conductor of heat.
A11 Mercury is a good conductor of heat.
Q12 In what way is conduction different from convection?
A12 In conduction heat is transferred from one particle to another in the
direction of lower temperature without the actual movement of the particles of
the medium is called conduction where as in convection heat is transferred
from one place to the other by the actual movement of the particles of the
Q13 What is convection? Does it need any medium for transfer of heat?

A13 In convection is the process of heat transfer in which heat is transferred

from one place to the other by the actual movement of the particles of the
medium. Yes it needs medium for transfer of heat.
Q14 Why do heating coils of a room heater have a shining covered metal
A14 Heating coils of a room heater have a shining covered metal surface so
that they absorb very little heat and reflect most of it.
Q15 State two applications of convection currents.
A15 (1) In winter many hotels and houses are heated centrally on the principle
of convection currents.
(2) Ventilators in houses are provided at the top keeping in view that the air we
breathe out is hotter and lighter, Ventilators provide outlet for the stale and
warm air, while fresh air enters the room through doors and windows.
Q16 Why do woolen clothes keep us warmer than cotton clothes?
A16 wool and air are poor conductors of heat. The air trapped in between the
wool fibres prevents the flow of heat from our body to the surroundings. This
keeps us warm.
Q17 Give reasons:
1 Handles of cooking utensils are made up of wood or ebonite
Handles of cooking utensils are made up of wood or ebonite as these materials
are bad conductors of heat which do not get heated up and can be held
Q18 What is the temperature of a healthy human body?
A18 The temperature of a healthy human body is 98.6degreeFahrenheit or
37degree Celsius.
Q19 Give two application of Radiation.
A 19 (a) Radiators of cars and air conditioners are painted black so as to
radiate maximum amount of heat to produce cooling effect.

(b)Dark colored clothes are more suitable in winter because they absorb
most of the radiant heat of the sun and keep us warm.
Q20 A clinical thermometer cannot be used to measure temperature of boiling
water. why?
A20 A clinical thermometer cannot be used to measure temperature of boiling
water because if it is placed in very hot water , the expansion of mercury will
break the thermometer
Q21 List two important conditions required for conduction of heat.
A21 (a) Two objects need to be in contact with each other.
(b) The temperature of two objects should be different.
Q22 What are Good and Bad Conductors of heat?
A22 Materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are called good
conductors of heat. For example: silver,copper,iron,aluminiumand mercury.
On the other hand materials which do not easily allow heat to pass through
them are called bad conductors of
heatorinsulators.wood,plastic,mud,cork,cotton,wool,ebonite are bad
conductors of heat

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