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The greatest honor and glory offered to Jesus Christ, as the writer believe that His
amazing love, power, blessing and health given to the writer during conducting her
study, since the beginning until she is given ability in accomplishing this skripsi. The
writer realizes that without Him, she is nothing.
This skripsi entitled Prefixes in Tontemboan Language. It has been written and
presented to English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts at Manado
State University in order to fulfill one of the requirments for degree of Sarjana
The writer would like to express her deep gratitude to both of her advisors, Dra.
Diane J.Wowor, M.Hum and Tirza Kumayas, S.Pd, M.Hum who had given their
insightful ideas, time, precious guidance, brilliant suggestion, patient and greatly
supports for the improvement of this skripsi.
The writer would like also to acknowledge her sincere gratitude to the following parties
who helped her directly or indirectly:

Prof. Dr. Ph. E. A. Tuerah, M.Si, DEA, Rektor of Manado State University in

Dr. Donal M.Ratu, S.Pd M.Hum, Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts and

Dr. Elizabeth Z. Oroh, M.Hum, Head of English Education Department.
Dr. M. Gidion Maru, M.Hum, Secretary of English Education Department.
All Lecturers in English Education Department and the Administrative staffs of

Language and Arts Faculty.

Special Thanks to the writers dearest grandfather Lucky Nogie Lolowang,
lovely grandmother Lenny Kasenda, mother Wanla Lolowang, aunty Irma
Lolowang, uncle Nasto Lolowang, aunty Priskila Katihokang, cousin Miracle
Lolowang and My beloved Michael Tular for their amazing prayers, kindness,
attention, love, support and sacrifice that always make the writer strong in faith
and patience during the years of the study.


The writer special thanks goes to her bestfriend ever in the world. The Orix (Sri
Nefi Malasai and Veronica Esther Rompas),Arthur Siwi (camz), Janeth Nadya
Lawento (jemos), Amelia Rona Kaawoan, Debora Novita Lumataw (boyke),
Putri Farmithalia Abudi (mblo), Miranda Baramuli (Mingha), Keren Lolowang,
Joflitel (homhap), Prilia Margaretha Karauan, Prisilia Lumanaw, Keren Natalia
Kussoy (Korslet), Marly Mundung (marce), Maya Lumantak, Yurits Pasuhuk,
Andrew Pasuhuk, Hezky Gerung, Eko Alexander Imanuel Boham, Patria Singal,
Sternando Kolibu, Brayen Mukuan, Ryo Gansa (Rahang), Anggriawan Tamuni,
Ryan Jacob, Made tumimomor, Aso, Yanli Sengkey, Fachri Alamri,
Eman,Julianty Rumeen, Thank you for everything guys. For the support, the
love, laugh, and the pray that you given to me. I love you to the moon and never

come back :* ^.^

Thanks to the writer friends

Finally, there are many people around the writer who always supported her, but the
writer cannot mention one by one. The last, may our Lord Jesus Christ bless us and
hopefully this skripsi worth as contribution to the readers to enlarge knowledge and


September 2016
The Writer,

Dwi T. Manampiring


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