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1607 Release Notes

Date Prepared:
Prepared by:


Ashley Smith



Front of House .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4


Ref TM #242919 // VSO #38532 Quick Add: Automatically capitalise first and last names ..................................... 4


Ref TM #243014 // VSO #38719 Disable Exact Cash option ..................................................................................... 4


Ref TM #241790 // VSO #38729 Prevent user from opening multiple shifts on different workstations ................. 4

Reports ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Ref VSO #37536 Historical Transaction Detail Report: New Column ....................................................................... 4


Ref VSO #37663 Bookings To Be Invoiced: New Columns ........................................................................................ 4


Ref VSO #38688 New Reports: Booking Penalties .................................................................................................... 4

Control Panel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5


Ref TM #235737 // VSO #34281 Fixed Cancellation Fee .......................................................................................... 5


Ref TM #235790 // VSO #37291 Demographic restrictions can be overridden at price type level ......................... 6


Ref VSO #37929 Configure starting membership number for new clubs ................................................................. 6


Ref TM #205498 // VSO #38077 Booking Advance Limit forms to include Reset button ........................................ 6

Fee Collection ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Ref TM #232592 // VSO #34775 One Payment record per member per GL code ................................................... 6


Ref VSO #37480 Show Agreement at time of billing ................................................................................................ 6

Online Services ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6


Ref TM #222671 // VSO #34248 Select payment date in online joining .................................................................. 6


Ref VSO #35368 Waiting List: Notification of availability ......................................................................................... 7


Ref VSO #36549 & #36550 Waiting Lists in Online Services ..................................................................................... 7


Ref VSO #37583 Waiting List: Configurable CMS text .............................................................................................. 8

Customer Communications ...................................................................................................................................................... 8


Ref VSO #38056 Mandrill: Unsubscribe doesnt need to mapped ........................................................................... 8

Release 1607

Version: 1.0

Invoicing ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Ref TM #221078 // VSO #31937 Tasks auditing ....................................................................................................... 8

Online Ticketing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8


Ref TM #229235 // VSO #36728 & #36730 FOH: Include fieldset data .................................................................... 8

Sports Courses .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Ref VSO #27244 At Location App: Support for additional grade schemes ............................................................... 9


Ref VSO #35465 Enter fieldset data when booking through Back Office ................................................................. 9


Ref VSO #35468 Enter fieldset data when booking through Online Services .......................................................... 9


Ref VSO #35469 Enter fieldset data when booking through FOH ............................................................................ 9


Ref VSO #35471 Edit fieldset data in Back Office ................................................................................................... 10


Ref VSO #35477 Set fieldset when creating course ................................................................................................ 10


Ref VSO #35842 Sports Courses UI Changes .......................................................................................................... 11


Ref VSO #36002 Additional Information on Waiting List ....................................................................................... 11


Ref VSO #36153 Waiting for specific courses ......................................................................................................... 11


Ref VSO #36573 Continuous Courses: Direct Debit moves ................................................................................ 12


Ref VSO #36037 Advanced booking to include time of day ............................................................................... 12


Ref VSO #37180 FOH: Add to waiting list ........................................................................................................... 13


Ref VSO #37216 & #37218 Add & Edit Grade Schemes ..................................................................................... 13


Ref VSO #38694 Attendance Print Out .............................................................................................................. 14

API........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Ref VSO #33081 Activities Timetable ..................................................................................................................... 14


Ref TM #235731 // VSO #34250 Pricing Service: Support for Price Type ............................................................... 14

Performance and Interface Improvements ............................................................................................................................ 14


Ref TM #212267 // VSO #30113 Kiosk: Star out bank details ................................................................................ 14


Ref VSO #36616 Online Services: Improve performance of Online Ticketing searches ......................................... 14


Ref VSO #36705 Various Sports Courses performance improvements .................................................................. 14


Ref VSO #37297 Back Office & Online Services: Add course information to waiting list header ........................... 14


Ref VSO #37884 FOH: Contact search performance improvements ...................................................................... 14


Ref VSO #38152 & 38363 FOH: Sports Courses selection performance improvement .......................................... 14


Ref TM #242221 // VSO #38390 Future Advanced Booking Penalties to be shown in UI ...................................... 14


Ref TM #242160 // VSO #38444 Reports: Fix typo ................................................................................................. 14


Ref VSO #39110 FOH & Sports Courses button display improvement ................................................................... 14

Bug Fixes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


Ref TM # 236609 // VSO # 36640 Online Services: Fix for select all for My Interests & My Goals .................. 14


Ref TM #236466 // VSO #36647 Sports Courses: Fix to allow save after editing min/max age ............................. 14


Ref TM #235941 // VSO #37174 Online Services: Redirect user to clubs URL after online registration & link ..... 14


Ref TM # 234621 // VSO # 37176 Kiosk: Fix to allow members with credit notes to use fast track ...................... 14


Ref TM #238959 // VSO #37373 Bookings: Fix for price overrides when block booking ....................................... 15

Ref TM #240091 // VSO #37742 Sports Courses: Stop loading screen freezing when removing sessions with
enrolled members .............................................................................................................................................................. 15

Ref TM #234189 // VSO #37747 Camps: Correct error when camp visibility & bookable from dates are blank ... 15


Ref TM #239410 // VSO #37757 Mobile signup: Fix error when mandatory questions at other clubs are enabled


Ref TM #240715 // VSO #37886 Online Ticketing: Fix for error when assigning fieldsets without ordering ......... 15


Ref TM #225877 // VSO #38093 FOH: Refunds to credit card to load description correctly ............................. 15


Ref TM #241651 // VSO #38173 Online Bookings: Fix to make online bookings respect cancellation cut off

Ref TM #242140 // VSO #38373 FOH Camps: Show friendly error when user attempts to click action buttons
when a camp is in the basket ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Ref VSO #38442 Kiosk: Fix to show correct prices consistently ......................................................................... 15


Ref VSO #38498 CMS: Fix for email macros ....................................................................................................... 15


Ref VSO #38618 Customer Management: Fix for task count ............................................................................. 15


Ref TM #243054 // VSO #38678 MM: Fix error merging when member details are missing ............................ 15


Ref VSO #39104 API: Fix for month in hand issue .............................................................................................. 15

Ref TM #245483 // VSO #39273 - MM : Fix New Statement to show correctly if there is 'Balance brought
forward' .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Ref TM #246073 // VSO #39582 LEMS: Fix to cancel event management bookings ......................................... 15


Ref VSO #40095 Sports Courses: Refunds to show correctly on statement ...................................................... 15

Release 1607

Version: 1.0




1. Ref TM #242919 // VSO #38532 Quick Add: Automatically capitalise first and last names
When entering first and last names in the Quick Add area the names will automatically be capitalised (i.e. if a user types
james it will become James). If the capitalisation is not correct changing the name again will override the auto
2. Ref TM #243014 // VSO #38719 Disable Exact Cash option
A new setting for Disable Exact Cash in FOH has been added to Control Panel >> Global / Group / Club Settings >>
POS / FOH tab. This removes the Exact Cash option in Front of House:

3. Ref TM #241790 // VSO #38729 Prevent user from opening multiple shifts on different workstations
A new setting for Restrict the same user having more than one open shift has been added to Control Panel >> Global
Settings >> FOH (1) tab. This will stop the same user from opening multiple shifts on different workstations by showing an
error when the user tries to open a second shift.

1. Ref VSO #37536 Historical Transaction Detail Report: New Column
New columns for Income Tax Amount and Income Sub Total have been added to the Historical Transaction Detail
report (Standard >> POS Reports). The Income Tax Amount shows the total amount of tax in the income amount, e.g if a
transaction was 2 but only 1 was paid by an income tender type then the tax shown in this column would be based on
the 1 amount not the original 2 amount. The Income Sub Total shows the income amount minus the income tax
amount to give the net amount.
These columns are not included by default; they can be added by clicking Customise Columns.
2. Ref VSO #37663 Bookings To Be Invoiced: New Columns
The Bookings To Be Invoiced report (Standard >> Invoicing folder) now includes columns for Booking Attended Date,
Booking Cancellation Date, Booking Non-Attended Date and Cancelled Before Cut Off. These columns are not
included by default; they can be added by clicking Customise Columns.
3. Ref VSO #38688 New Reports: Booking Penalties
Three new reports Booking Penalties Highest Offenders, Booking Penalty Debt Daily Sum and Booking Penalty Debt
Monthly Sum have been added to the Booking Penalties folder (Standard >> Bookings).
The Booking Penalties Highest Offenders report shows the highest 10% of members with booking penalties (i.e. looks for
everyone with at least 1 penalty, orders by the amount of charges each member has and shows the 10% of members with
the highest number of penalties). The default columns for this report are Home Club, Member Number, First Name, Last
Name, Number Outstanding, Number Written Off, Number Paid FOH, Number Paid Online, Number Unknown, Number
Release 1607

Version: 1.0

Total, DOB, Email, Membership, Price Type, Home Telephone, Mobile Telephone, Work Telephone, Home Address (1-4)
and Postcode. This report can be filtered on Date and Penalty Type.
The Booking Penalty Debt Daily Sum report shows the number of non-attendance and last cancellation charges raised
daily by each club. The default columns for this report are Booking Club, Activity Date, Penalty Time, Number
Outstanding, Number Written Off, Number Paid FOH, Number Paid Online, Number Unknown and Number Total. This
report can be filtered on Activity Date and Penalty Type.
The Booking Penalty Debt Monthly Sum report shows the number of non-attendance and last cancellation charges raised
monthly by each club. The default columns for this report are Booking Club, Activity Month, Penalty Type, Number
Outstanding, Number Written Off, Number Paid FOH, Number Paid Online, Number Unknown and Number Total. This
report can be filtered on Activity Month and Penalty Type.

1. Ref TM #235737 // VSO #34281 Fixed Cancellation Fee
You can now specify a flat cancellation fee that members will have to pay when cancelling an activity. This can be
configured at resource, club, group or global level.
The fee is configured at resource level in Bookings >> Resource Details >> Misc tab:

If the check box is not ticked the resource will inherit from the club.
Club, group and global cancellation fees are configured in Control Panel >> Club / Group / Global Settings >> Bookings tab
(for club and group) /Bookings Attendance tab (for global) >> Fixed Cancellation Fee option.
Please note there is now a new import/export template which includes a column for Cancellation Fee. If nothing is
entered in this column when importing resources the Fixed Cancellation Fee option will inherit from club level. To get the
new template you will need to export your current resources through Bookings >> File >> Import/Export >> Export
Release 1607

Version: 1.0

2. Ref TM #235790 // VSO #37291 Demographic restrictions can be overridden at price type level
You can now override demographic restrictions and set demographic upgrades at price type level (Control Panel >>
Agreement Management >> Agreement Name >> Pricing tab >> Price name >> Demographic Upgrades tab):

The Restriction Rules are configured in Control Panel>>Data>>Agreement>>Agreement Restriction Rules

3. Ref VSO #37929 Configure starting membership number for new clubs
A starting membership number for new clubs can now be configured in Control Panel >> Global Settings >> Wizards (1) >>
Starting Membership No.
4. Ref TM #205498 // VSO #38077 Booking Advance Limit forms to include Reset button
A Reset button has been added to the Booking Advance Limit forms (Control Panel >> Data >> Booking >> Resources
Advanced Booking Periods / Agreements Advanced Booking Periods).

1. Ref TM #232592 // VSO #34775 One Payment record per member per GL code
Fee Collection will now show separate lines for payments when different GL codes are used for the same member. For
example if a member has a bolt on which has a GL code of 1001, a Sports Course which has a GL code of 1001 and a
membership which has GL code 1002, there will be two lines shown in Fee Collection one line for the bolt on and Sports
Course which use the same GL code and one line for their membership fee. Contact Legend Support for this functionality
to be enabled.
2. Ref VSO #37480 Show Agreement at time of billing
The Agreement shown in Fee Collection will now be the members active agreement at the time of billing rather than
their currently active agreement.

1. Ref TM #222671 // VSO #34248 Select payment date in online joining
If you have daily collections configured you can now choose how an online joiners payment date is selected.
To configure this log in to CMS admin >> Online Services Configuration >> General Config and search for Signup payment
date mode. There are three options for Standard, Nearest to Start and One Month From Start; Standard uses the
current functionality, Nearest to Start will set the payment date to the next available bill date (taking in to account the
Release 1607

Version: 1.0

bank submission timeframe) with no upfront cycle fee and One Month From Start will set the payment date to the
latest payment date which is one month or less from the start date and charge one months fees upfront.
2. Ref VSO #35368 Waiting List: Notification of availability
When a space becomes available in a class (either from a cancellation or an increase to capacity) members on the waiting
list will receive a notification via email.
Each cancellation/increase to capacity will trigger an email. The email sent to the member when they add themselves to
the waiting list will indicate that they will notified by email when a space becomes available. Note that the email just
notifies the member that a space is available; they will need to log in to online services to move themselves from the
waiting list to the class.
3. Ref VSO #36549 & #36550 Waiting Lists in Online Services
Waiting lists the member is currently on will be shown in Online Services / mobile Online Services in the Waiting List
section, shown when clicking View/Amend My Bookings:

Note that waiting lists must be turned on in CMS Admin (Enable Class Waiting List) for the My Waiting Lists option to be
If a space becomes available, a Book Now button will appear next to the class name:

Release 1607

Version: 1.0

4. Ref VSO #37583 Waiting List: Configurable CMS text

The text on the Add to waiting list dialogue can now be configured in CMS. You can configure different options
depending on your waiting list type. To set your own text log in to CMS and enter your text in the Waiting List
Confirmation, Auto-Book Waiting list confirmation and Contact All Waiting list confirmation fields (whichever is
appropriate for your waiting list options).


1. Ref VSO #38056 Mandrill: Unsubscribe doesnt need to mapped
When using an unsubscribe token in a Mandrill template Customer Communications will not prompt you to map the
channel field in Field Mappings.

1. Ref TM #221078 // VSO #31937 Tasks auditing
When an Invoicing task has been completed the text that is added by the user upon completion will be added as a
separate Invoice Note and will be listed under the Notes section of the Invoice detail page.
When an invoicing task is completed or deleted an event will be raised in the Events section of invoicing (found under
Home >> Site >> Customer >> Invoice):

1. Ref TM #229235 // VSO #36728 & #36730 FOH: Include fieldset data
Fieldset data can now be captured when booking a member on to an Online Ticketing session in Front of House:

Release 1607

Version: 1.0

Note that mandatory fields must be filled in before the user can proceed, and email addresses must always be captured
regardless of the fieldset. Email addresses for members with a valid email address will automatically be populated.
Fieldset data can be edited later by browsing to the ticketing session, clicking the ? icon, highlighting the appropriate
booking and clicking Booking Data. You will need the new security token FOH_OT_BOOKING_DATE_CAN_EDIT in order to
edit the data.

1. Ref VSO #27244 At Location App: Support for additional grade schemes
The At Location tablet app will now support additional grade schemes (see VSO #37216 below).
2. Ref VSO #35465 Enter fieldset data when booking through Back Office
When enrolling a member on a course through Back Office you will be given the opportunity to enter configured fieldset
data. When a member moves course the fieldset data will be moved with them, even if the new course uses a different
fieldset. Please note this is currently only available for Term based courses.
3. Ref VSO #35468 Enter fieldset data when booking through Online Services
When enrolling on a course through Online Services the customer will be given the opportunity to enter data associated
with the configured fieldset. If fields are configured to be mandatory data must be entered before the customer can
proceed with the enrolment.
4. Ref VSO #35469 Enter fieldset data when booking through FOH
When enrolling on a course through Front of House the user will be given the opportunity to enter data associated with
the configured fieldset. If fields are configured to be mandatory data must be entered before the user can proceed with
the enrolment.

Release 1607

Version: 1.0

Previously entered fieldset data can be edited in Front of House by browsing to the course, clicking the ? icon, highlighting
the appropriate member and clicking Booking Data.
5. Ref VSO #35471 Edit fieldset data in Back Office
Fieldset data can be edited in Back Office by browsing to the course, clicking the Enrolees icon and clicking Actions >> Edit
data next to the appropriate enrolees name:

This will open a new form allowing you to view/edit the enrolees fieldset data. Data must be entered in all mandatory
fields before the user can save. Note that you will require the new security token SC_CAN_EDIT_CONTACT_FIELDSET in
order to edit the fieldset data.
6. Ref VSO #35477 Set fieldset when creating course
A new dropdown for Fieldset has been added to the template creation screen. This can be overridden when creating or
editing the course.

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


7. Ref VSO #35842 Sports Courses UI Changes

The following Front of House interface changes have been made to the course attendees page:

For Direct Debit bookings


When cancelled the member will show as DD Cancelled in current courses until the last session

The number of sessions left will be shown as continuous

For Block Bookings


The number of sessions left will be shown

By default the Current tab will be automatically loaded when opening the course attendees page

8. Ref VSO #36002 Additional Information on Waiting List

When viewing the waiting list for a course you can now click the number in the Course or Sibling column to see a list of
members in the selected members contact group and the courses they are currently enrolled on:

9. Ref VSO #36153 Waiting for specific courses

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


Courses and templates can now be configured to allowing waiting lists for:

Only the specific course instance

Any course which meets the criteria

Any course which meets the criteria, with a preference for the specific course instance

This is configured against the template by selecting from the Waiting List Type dropdown, and can be overridden when
creating the course. When viewing the waiting list icons indicate whether the course allows members to enrol on the
specific course, any course or any course with the specific course preferred:

10. Ref VSO #36573 Continuous Courses: Direct Debit moves

You can now move Direct Debit bookings from one course to another. To move a member in Back Office browse to the
course, click the Enrolees tile, click Actions next to the member you want to move and click Move Member. You will only
be shown courses which use the same price options.
11. Ref VSO #36037 Advanced booking to include time of day
You can now specify a time of day for advanced booking. This can be configured on the course template and overridden
what creating/editing the course:

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


12. Ref VSO #37180 FOH: Add to waiting list

You can now view the waiting list for a sports course in Front of House by browsing to the course, clicking the ? icon,
clicking the course and selecting the new Waiting List tab. If the course is full you can also add members to the waiting list
from this view.
13. Ref VSO #37216 & #37218 Add & Edit Grade Schemes
You can now create custom grade schemes for Sports Courses. Grade schemes can be available for all courses (Enterprise)
or for a specified discipline. To add a grade scheme log in to Back Office and open Sports Courses >> Configuration >>
Grade Schemes. You can add or edit existing schemes from here:

You can add the values assigned to the grade scheme by clicking Actions >> View/Edit Values >> Add New Grade Scheme

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


The value column indicates the pass value of the various options and which are above each other (i.e if the pass value is
yellow, which equals 2, green, which equals 3, is above that and as such is a pass). In the example above, yellow is
better than red and green is better than yellow. You could set the pass value for this grade scheme to yellow and
then green would also be a pass.
For example, the traffic light system above could be used against a swim 10 meters competency, and the pass value for
the comptency (configured against the competency) is set to Yellow. Using the values in the screenshot above, if the
member can swim 20 meters then they would be green, as they exceed the competency, and marking them as green
would pass the competency. If they can swim 10 meters they would be yellow, and pass the competency, but if they can
only swim 5 meters they can be thought of as red and hence not pass the competency.
14. Ref VSO #38694 Attendance Print Out
The attendance print out will now only include attendee information for people who are enrolled on any of the previous
five sessions or the next ten sessions.

1. Ref VSO #33081 Activities Timetable
You can now call the Sports Hall/Activities api to get a list of sports hall activities, or the SportsHall/Timetable to get a
timetable view. For more information please see
2. Ref TM #235731 // VSO #34250 Pricing Service: Support for Price Type
In the Pricing/pricelist service there is now an option to supply a PriceTypeID. When this is present the service will return
the prices discounted for that membership. For more information please see



Ref TM #212267 // VSO #30113 Kiosk: Star out bank details

Ref VSO #36616 Online Services: Improve performance of Online Ticketing searches
Ref VSO #36705 Various Sports Courses performance improvements
Ref VSO #37297 Back Office & Online Services: Add course information to waiting list header
Ref VSO #37884 FOH: Contact search performance improvements
Ref VSO #38152 & 38363 FOH: Sports Courses selection performance improvement
Ref TM #242221 // VSO #38390 Future Advanced Booking Penalties to be shown in UI
Ref TM #242160 // VSO #38444 Reports: Fix typo
Ref VSO #39110 FOH & Sports Courses button display improvement


Ref TM # 236609 // VSO # 36640 Online Services: Fix for select all for My Interests & My Goals
Ref TM #236466 // VSO #36647 Sports Courses: Fix to allow save after editing min/max age
Ref TM #235941 // VSO #37174 Online Services: Redirect user to clubs URL after online registration & link
Ref TM # 234621 // VSO # 37176 Kiosk: Fix to allow members with credit notes to use fast track

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


5. Ref TM #238959 // VSO #37373 Bookings: Fix for price overrides when block booking
6. Ref TM #240091 // VSO #37742 Sports Courses: Stop loading screen freezing when removing sessions with
enrolled members
7. Ref TM #234189 // VSO #37747 Camps: Correct error when camp visibility & bookable from dates are blank
8. Ref TM #239410 // VSO #37757 Mobile signup: Fix error when mandatory questions at other clubs are enabled
9. Ref TM #240715 // VSO #37886 Online Ticketing: Fix for error when assigning fieldsets without ordering
10. Ref TM #225877 // VSO #38093 FOH: Refunds to credit card to load description correctly
11. Ref TM #241651 // VSO #38173 Online Bookings: Fix to make online bookings respect cancellation cut off time
12. Ref TM #242140 // VSO #38373 FOH Camps: Show friendly error when user attempts to click action buttons when
a camp is in the basket
13. Ref VSO #38442 Kiosk: Fix to show correct prices consistently
14. Ref VSO #38498 CMS: Fix for email macros
15. Ref VSO #38618 Customer Management: Fix for task count
16. Ref TM #243054 // VSO #38678 MM: Fix error merging when member details are missing
17. Ref VSO #39104 API: Fix for month in hand issue
18. Ref TM #245483 // VSO #39273 - MM : Fix New Statement to show correctly if there is 'Balance brought forward'
19. Ref TM #246073 // VSO #39582 LEMS: Fix to cancel event management bookings
20. Ref VSO #40095 Sports Courses: Refunds to show correctly on statement

Release 1607

Version: 1.0


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