Magazine and Newspaper Analysis

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Hannah Sherrington

Magazine and Newspaper analysis

Analysing the front cover of a GLAMOUR Magazine

The magazine which I have chosen to analyse is the British magazine GLAMOUR. This
magazine is owned by the company Conde NAST. GLAMOUR was first launched in the
UK in April 2001.The audience segmentation for this magazine would be specific, due to
the fashion related content within it. The target audience this magazine would be
primarily aimed towards would be women.This would be due to the magazine
concentrating mainly on Female Fashion based content.The secondary audience could
be men who would want to purchase it, they may have an interest in the magazines
content.The magazine could be read by teenagers to middle aged women,aged from 18
to 50.The people who would read this magazine, would have an interest in Fashion and
its material items along with it.They would want to be up to date on and the latest
fashion trends and news.This age bracket would be the most appropriate for this
reason.The audience who would read the content within GLAMOUR,would not have any
religious or racial preferences. The Socio-Economic groupings, are defined from what
type of people that would read this magazine.The GLAMOUR magazine readership
could range from B to E.This would be due to the range of people who would both read
and purchase this product. A GLAMOUR issue would cost around 2.10.Due to this

Hannah Sherrington

price it is an affordable product for the audience it is aimed for. Therefore it could be
purchased by people who are in professional job positions, to teenagers who may go to
college or who may be studying at University.The audience who would purchase
GLAMOUR could also be studying a Fashion based course. It may appeal to them to
study and understand the content of the magazine. Therefore, it matches its target
audience.The Geo-Demographics would be the specific Geographical location of where
the audience may live.The people who would purchase the magazine would live in
towns, cities or villiages.It may have a bigger audience number and attraction to people
who live in urban surroundings. Such as the main two big cities that have a fashion
Industry base. These being London and Manchester. Their interests would be in
primarily Fashion and its content alongside it.The psychographics would be related to
the individual's profile, personality lifestyle and interests. The reader's personality of this
particular magazine, would be they enjoy purchasing and reading a quality Fashion
publication.The individuals lifestyle would include keeping updated with the magazines
competitions and what it is advertising. Finally, the readers interests would be that they
enjoy all the fashion related content from a GLAMOUR magazine.The reader would also
expect to be informed with what is going on within the fashion industry, the latest news,
celebrities and lifestyle.This is what the buyer of the magazine wants.The magazine
would appeal to the target audience as its purpose is to inform and also educate the
reader. Therefore this makes the buyer trust the company's name and the quality of the
product.The main genre of this magazine would be based on Fashion and Beauty.
Every issue of GLAMOUR is focused on certain topics and trends that interest women.
These topics can cover Lifestyle,Fashion and Beauty. The form of this magazine could
either be read as a print magazine or be viewed on a digital platform, such as ipads,
laptops and smartphones.There is options to how how the reader want to read and
purchase the magazine.The print magazine of a GLAMOUR issue would be handbag
sized and easy to carry.The magazine pioneered the handbag size format, with the
tagline "fits in your life as well as your handbag". This quote is memorable and is
instantly related to GLAMOUR issue.
The house styles of a GLAMOUR magazine has its own personal look compared to
other Fashion magazines. With each front cover of GLAMOUR, we see they all have the
same ordered layout and style. This again adds reassurance for the buyer knowing they
can trust what they are purchasing. Each GLAMOUR magazine always uses a bold
coloured masthead. Usually, each masthead we see on the front page is designed
using strong vibrant colours.The magazine which I am analysing, has been structured in
a dark pink theme.This highlights and relates to the feminine image, and how it's
portrayed with a female model and the content around it. The camera shot used is a

Hannah Sherrington

medium shot.The structure as we see is very simple but effective.The choice of text
used on the front cover has used short sentences. The way the magazine has used
short sentences it shows a brief but concise text.Then we see the main dominant
image,showing a confident young model looking straight at the camera. This uses
direct address as she is looking straight at the camera. The reader feels more
connected with the magazine.By her image looking confident and sure, it reassures the
reader and they may look up to her appearance or be inspired. Lilys image overlaps the
masthead, this suggests a very confident magazine and they are sure on what they are
selling.The house styles used for every GLAMOUR magazine is most of the time
structured with a neat layout.This includes the appearance of a strong masthead, a
confident model and the framed text. As consumers of the magazine, we know its
GLAMOUR from how it's presented.The content within the magazine would feature
certain celebrity news and articles related to the latest gossip.The masthead for
GLAMOUR, sets the magazine out straight away. From analysing this magazine, we
see the masthead is in a dark pink. We instantly are attracted to this text, as it easily
stands out.The style of language used in the topics covered could be both formal and
informal. Formal with some of the topics that may be serious and straight to the point,
but most of the magazines topics would be most likely portrayed in a chatty and friendly
tone. The readers of this magazine would be wanting to read a wide range of articles.
This is to satisfy the reader and meet their needs.The target audience feel more
comfortable reading subjects which they would have an interest in. On the front cover it
shows a perfect example,Get ready for the Glamour beauty festival This attracts the
buyer to purchase the magazine, with what it is offering. Also with the target audience
being wide and ranged, it would interest many people. The choices of images used are
linked to the Fashion based topics. The front cover as we see shows Lily James. By the
magazine's editors putting a celebrity model on the front cover, it straight away grabs
the reader's attention. Again adding more emphasis and public power for the magazine.
Different GLAMOUR issues will have models in different settings and styles, so they are
all independent in their look. The layout on this front cover is structured well put
together. With this format it gains our focus and keeps us interested on what it's
offering. This Fashion magazine along with many other Glamour magazines, the
dominant image is usually placed in the center of the page. From what we see, her body
position is very confident and we may say quite assertive. Her eye contact especially
makes us feel connected with her. Using a well known model,makes the magazine
more confident as a whole.The casual look would be having her hands placed in her
pockets. The way she is dressed shows quite a casual look, the text to her matches to
this which says.On downtown, girl squads and being less stylish than her boyfriend!

Hannah Sherrington

The colours shown on this front cover are themed pink and white. This doesn't
overpower the front cover and it's kept in order. Most GLAMOUR issues do utilise colour
coordination and have a certain theme within them. Once the image has been
centralised, the text is placed around her.The elements with this front covers image is
centered on her. The image will have been taken in a studio setting.This makes the
model look clean almost imperfect in a way. The lighting used in the shot, has been
taken in high key. The results created by using high key is that it produces a modern
and appealing feel. Compared to if it was taken in low key. It would not look as effective,
It also suits the genre Fashion making it look more friendly and inviting for the buyer.
We can relate the genre of Fashion to being bright, modern and new. Compared to a
male Rock Magazine, which would be all the opposites to these categories.
The choices of fonts on this front cover again have a theme. No more than two fonts
have been used, again this adds a professional touch to the magazine.Using two
themes of font and colour on this issue, doesn't overpower the magazine's front cover.
The masthead has been portrayed in a sans serif font, this we know as its title is rather
bulky. The cover lines around it have been done in serif. The writer's choice of font
produces an easily readable format.By the company theming their issues, it sets a
higher standard and again makes it look more professional.The sizing of this front cover
is placed orderly, the white and pink contrast each other well and they suit the covers
layout. The connotations of white we could associate it with purity and cleanliness. The
colour pink could relate to feminine and compassion. Both of these colours are related
to a female magazine, in this case GLAMOUR.The use of captions we can see are all
positive and inviting. Such as Feel motivated.Every.Single.Day, this attracts the reader
to the article, it shows that the magazie covers a wide range of subjects.GLAMOUR as
a whole, has an individual look compared to other Fashion editions.

Hannah Sherrington

Analysing a double page spread from GLAMOUR

The double page spread which I have chosen to analyse is from an edition of
GLAMOUR. The purpose of this double page spread would be to educate and also
inform the reader on how to Wear it like a Kardashian. The page includes photos and
facts about their outfits and makeup brands which they use and wear. The target
audience who would purchase a GLAMOUR magazine, would want to read this type of
content and articles similar to this. This page in particular would be advertising the
Kardashians Fashion styles and makeup.This is promotes the companys name even
more and the brands which we see. Other brands such as Mac, Loreal lip liner and
NARS eyeshadow. These particular items are advertising what the Kardashians wear.
We can emulate their look, by being able to purchase similar make-up, clothes and
accessories for a lot less.The form of this page would be seen within a GLAMOUR
magazine.The content which we see here,is what we expect to read within a Fashion
issue. It would be informative and chatty, for example Wear it with pride! this uses an
informal tone which is widely used on double page spreads. Us as the target audience,
will be influenced from the magazine's content and will purchase some of the products
covered. The house styles within a Fashion double page spread can be presented in a
variety of styles.This double page spread has a structured layout within it. Most
GLAMOUR double page spreads uses a layout where the content is easy to read,
provides a range of images and uses a wide use of colours.Analysing this double page

Hannah Sherrington

spread, the headline says Wear it like a Kardashian,as the magazine has a wide target
audience this would appeal to many individuals.This masthead has been presented in a
serif font and also the text boxes around it. This particular font has been used so the
reader can clearly understand and read the content. Compared to a font such as
Dancing Font, this font wouldnt suit the double page spreads written text.The
Kardashian headline has been underlined, we could say this adds more emphasis to
them and how important they are in the Fashion industry.The choice of colour used on
the whole spread is quite muted.The text has been purposely been done in black,
making it easily readable, it also stands out well from the white background. The
connotations of black, could relate to power and elegance. The line above the black
masthead has been portrayed in a cream foundation.New Fashion websites you need
to take a look at! This again adds to the whole article which the featured on makeup
and Fashion etc.The placement of images have been arranged to look layered around
the page.This includes various images of fashion items and various makeup brands.
This also highlights the genre theme of Fashion.
It exaggerates these types of magazines and how they portray their layout. The images
of the products are attractive and contrast well with the white background. The images
of Kendall and Kourtney have not been taken in a studio. They have been taken in a
natural environment. The shots have been taken by Paparazzi in street locations. Due
to this natural lighting has been used. Whereas Kim and Kylies photos have been
maybe taken at a Fashion awards ceremony or at a red carpet ceremony. The double
page spread is trying to promote what the Kardashians wear. The design of the layout,
makes the story easy to follow as we can clearly understand the article is about the
Kardashians.The content which we would expect to see would be primarily Fashion
based. Most GLAMOUR magazines would have feature articles about certain Fashion
related topics. On this double page spread it's an article about the Kardashians Fashion
and makeup choices.The style of language and text is quite informal, it reads as chatty
and friendly. For instance Sexy but cute, this is a very chatty tone and again it will
attract its target audience.The use of sizing we see is clear and easy to read. The
headline is the only text which has been written in capital letters.The use of captions is
regularly used alongside the products being advertised. The production process has
three stages these include pre-production, production and post production. All these
processes contribute to the final look and design of a magazine.

Hannah Sherrington

Analysing the front cover of The Sunday Telegraph

The newspaper which I have chosen to analyse is the British newspaper The Sunday
Telegraph. The Sunday Telegraph is owned by The Telegraph Media Group, which was
founded in 1961. The audience segmentation would be specific for this particular
newspaper. Firstly the demographics.The paper would be purchased by both genders,
ages from mid 30s to 65 year olds. The Political Party the individual of this Newspaper
may support is likely to be The Conservative Party.The target audience would have an
interest in the Political and Global news, it could be read by any Racial group. The
Socio-Economic groupings this newspaper would fit under could be primarily from B to
C1. This range would be appropriate due to its formal content. A person who would
regularly read this newspaper may be employed in a profession such as a Doctor,
Lawyer,Banker,or a Business Person. They well may of had a high standard of
education.A good comparison could be opposed to someone who would read The Sun
for example. A Sunday Telegraph costs around 2.00, again this highlights the

Hannah Sherrington

difference of cost between The Sun, Star or Daily Mirror for example. The people who
read this newspaper will pay a little extra, due to its content and formality. This
publication does not focus on Celebrity News or Gossip, it mainly reports on serious
topics. This attracts its target audience.The Geo-demographics for this publication
would cover the UK,the readers of this newspaper may live in more affluent areas of the
UK. Due to the cost of this newspaper and how it would appeal to its target
audience.Again we could stereotype the readers as being businessmen or women, or
people employed in a professional job occupation.The Paper would appeal to readers
who are possibly more inclined to vote Conservative.The Psychographics would be
focusing on the individual's profile.This would relate to their lifestyle,values,opinions and
interests. They would enjoy keeping updated on these certain topics, for instance
Politics, Global news and Current Affairs.
The readers of this paper could be stereotyped as supporting Centre Right Politics.
Their lifestyle and interests would be of a higher standard than normal. The purpose of
this publication would be to educate and inform the reader on the domestic and
international news. As this newspaper is serious and formal, it would illustrate the news
in a more intense manner, this is its purpose.The genre would cover mainly news and
relevant topics, the form of the newspaper would be a broadsheet. The newspaper
would be able to be consumed as a print newspaper or also on a digital platform, using
smartphones, laptops and ipads, this is classed as cross media convergence. This
gives the audience more option on how they can consume it.The house styles within
this newspaper will always have the same traditional Sunday Times masthead, what will
differ is the pages layout due to importance of the headlines. Factors which will affect
the newspaper's layout could be size of photographs, the headlines and the seriousness
of the leading
stories.The main house styles which we would come across, would firstly be the
masthead. This is always structured in the center at the top of the page in a serif font.
The appearance of the black font makes it look more formal. The connotations of black
can link to power and formality, this could be a reason why the writer of the newspaper
report would use it. The other choices of colour which we can see is yellow and light
blue. The use of these two colours, highlight other news topics covered within the
paper. The reader's eye is drawn to the coloured text boxes as they appear at the top of
the page. The connotations of yellow could link to energy and happiness. The
connotations of light blue could relate to confidence and intelligence. These colours
combined give us a feeling of sureness, and we know we can expect high quality
content with trusting the company's name. The newspaper I am analysing has used a

Hannah Sherrington

dominant center image.The camera shot used of Charles and Camilla has been taken
as a medium shot. The lighting used is natural light,due to the photo having been taken
in an urban surrounding. Most newspapers use an image which links to the latest news,
this captures the reader's eye and makes them more interested. This ensures the
consistency of each publication they produce. Alongside the latest news and headlines
which are shown on the front page.The content which we would expect to see within
this newspaper would feature certain news articles and editorials too. For example on
the front page of this newspaper it features Cover up-scandal in the NHS. This draws
the reader into what content this will be covering in the publication.The use of language
which we know from The Sunday Telegraph, would be presented in a more formal
manner, rather than a sensational one. For example,Cameron hails Great Revival as
Labour donors turn on Miliband. This again relates to the target audience of this
newspaper. They would be expecting to read serious and formal content and nothing
less.The font has been displayed as serif, this choice of font is easy to read and suits
the genre of this particular publication. Which is primarily news based. The choices of
images which we would expect to see may include articles about Politics and the
current affairs of Parliament. This particular edition, has the main image of Prince
Charles and Camilla. The readership of the Sunday Telegraph would expect coverage
of this type. Other publications of The Sunday Telegraph, will use a center image which
will relate to the upcoming news in the paper.

Hannah Sherrington

Analysing a double page spread from The Sunday Telegraph

The double page spread which I have chosen to analyse is an edition from within The
Sunday Telegraph's newspaper. The purpose for this page would be to inform the
reader of this article, which has the headline saying, Olympics forces Queen to close
palace to the public,this would be the main story for this double page spread.The
double page spread which I am analysing has covered a Royalty topic, which would
most likely be the headline on the front cover. The publication of the center spread in
this newpspaer contains stories of The Royal Family.One of the captions on this page
reads Charles pays for beautiful surprise.The target audience of this publication would
have an interest in this particular content.They would expect this type of news to be
published. The target audience of this publication would have an interest in this type of
news content.This broadsheet would be advertising the whole of the publication even
more due to its formal content such as this. You would be able to consume the
newspaper as a print or on a digital platform. The house styles within a double page
spread from The Sunday Telegraph would have a bold outlined headline.In this case the
newspaper is related to the Queen. This double page has used two images, the center
image has been set on the Queen.The next page shows Catherine, Duchess of
Cambridge. This image structures the topic of this page, and we know what it is going to
be related too. As each Sunday Telegraph has different layouts, the double page

Hannah Sherrington

spreads would always be structured in a similar fashion. The layout is always clearly
layed out. The page I am analysing though and others will use a centered headline and
use a dominant photographic image. This sets the article and the content it will be
highlighting.The content used on this spread is an article on the Queen, closing the
Palace to the public.The style of language used has been set a formal text. For example
The Queen has agreed to to entertain Olympics dignitaries at the Palace In relation to
the publication as a whole, this is what we expect and what we understand about The
Sunday Telegraph.With the double page spreads they will never be over consumed with
images. Mine for instance has been set out with just two images and this is enough for
us to understand the content. Whereas The Sun for example, may use a number of
images and will not be portrayed in a formal manner.The Sun may also have less
written text.The colour used also is never overpowering, most double page spreads
keep the colours muted and simple.The text is always presented in a black serif font,
the headline may sometimes use colour but the spread I have analysed has not. The
main focuses of colour will be on the images or on the headlines.The use of sizing on
the spread is arranged in a neat format. Again we expect this type of newspapers layout
to be composed like this.The Byline of this article is by Richard Eden.The production
process of producing a newspaper includes three processes.These are, pre-production,
production and post-production. Each of these processes contribute to the final result of
a quality newspaper such as the Sunday Telegraph.

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