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At a doctors office
Dialogue 1:

Good morning.
Good morning, Ann. How are you?
Awful, doctor.
Oh, dear, whats the trouble?
Im not feeling well. Ive got a sore throat, runny nose and my chest hurts.
How long have you been like this?
Two or three days.
You look feverish, Id better take your temperature. Now, breathe deeply.
Cough, please. I think youve got a flu: theres a lot of it about.
What should I do?
Ill prescribe an antibiotic. Take one teaspoon of this medicine three times a day. An
you must stay in bad for five days.
Ann: Isnt it too long? I have to go to school.
Forget about it. You must take care of your health now. I want to you come and see
me in a couple of days. Now, take this prescription to the chemists and then
go straight to
Dialogue 2:
Mrs Roberts: Good morning.
Good morning, Mrs Roberts. Whats the matter?
Mrs Roberts: I feel terrible. Ive got a pain in my stomach and I cant eat. I tried taking some
indigestion tablets, but they didnt help.
Have you been vomiting?
Mrs Roberts: No, I havent.
Its not food poisoning then. Please lie down over here. Does it hurt when I do that?
Mrs Roberts: Oh yes! It hurts a lot.
I think its appendicitis. You will have to go to hospital, I am afraid.
Mrs Roberts: To hospital? Is that necessary?
Yes, but there is nothing to worry about.
Mrs Roberts: Nothing to worry about? I am scared out of my wits.
Calm down, please. The sooner you have an operation, the better. I can assure you that
youll recover completely in a weeks time. Now Ill come Now Ill call an
Dialogue 3:
Mr Brown:
Mr Brown:

Good morning.
Good morning. Whats wrong, Mr Brown? I see that something is troubling you.
Well, recently Ive been suffering from palpitation. Im feeling depressed and I cant
Please undress to the waist.
(the doctor examines the patient)
Mr Brown:
Is it a heart condition?
No, I dont think so. You seem to be generally run down.
Mr Brown:
What do you advise?
You need a rest. Stay away from work for a few days and dont overdo things.
Besides, you should do exercises and go for long walks.
Mr Brown:
Thank you, doctor. Will you prescribe any tranquillizer?
Thats not necessary.

Vocabulary A:
office, surgery (bryt.) gabinet
awful okropnie
Whats the trouble? Co Ci dolega?
sore throat bl garda
runny nose katar
chest klatka piersiowa
to hurt bole
to look feverish wyglda na
to take ones temperature zmierzy
to breathe deeplu oddycha gboko
to cough kaszle
flu grypa
there is a lot of it about wszystko na to
to prescribe przepisa (na recept)
antibiotic antybiotyk
the chemists apteka
to be scared out of ones wits by
to calm down uspokoi si
the sooner... the better... im wczeniej, tym
to recover wyzdrowie
to call wezwa
an ambulance pogotowie
something is troubling you co Ci martwi
to suffer from cierpie na

teaspoon yeczka
medicine lekarstwo
take care of ones health zadba o czyje
a couple of days par dni
prescription recepta
the Whats the matter? Co si dzieje (Co pani
terrible strasznie
pain bl
stomach brzuch
indigestion tablets tabletki na niestrawno
food poisoning zatrucie pokarmowe
to lie down pooy si
appendicitis zapalenie wyrostka
palpitation palpitacja, koatanie serca
depressed w depresji
Please undress to the waist prosz rozebra
si do pasa
to examine bada
heart condition choroba serca
to be run down by wyczerpanym
rest odpoczynek
to overdo things przemcza si
to do exercises uprawia wiczenia
tranquilizer rodek uspakajajcy

Vocabulary B:
to fell ill with zachorowa na
to pick up some sort of infection podapa
jak infekcj
to catch a cold przezibi si
to go to a doctor i do lekarza
to call for a doctor wezwa lekarza
to register zarejestrowa si
to wait in the infirmary czeka w izbie
to examine a patient bada pacjenta
to cure leczy
to write a prescription wypisa recept
to get a doctors leave dosta zwolnienie
to dose dawkowa lekarstwa
to inject dawa zastrzyk
to take ones blood pressure mierzy
cinienie krwi
to apply first aid udziela pierwszej pomocy
to vaccinate szczepi

examination badanie
chcekup badanie kontrolne
blood test badanie krwi
urine test badanie moczu
treatment leczenie
therapy terapia
symptom objaw
bleeding krwawienie
chills (shivers) dreszcze
fever gorczka
nausea nudnoci
headache bl gowy
earache bl ucha
stomachache bl brzucha
cramp skurcz
ailment dolegliwo
cut skaleczenie
burn oparzenie
fracture zamanie

bite ugryzienie
sting ukszenie
rash wysypka
high / low blood pressure wysokie / niskie
cinienie krwi
allergy alergia
insomnia bezsenno
disease choroba
infectious disease choroba zakana
epidemic epidemia
angina angina
asthma astma
cancer rak
cold przezibienie
heart attack atak serca
influenza grypa
jaundice taczka

measles odra
mumps winka
pneumonia zapalenie puc
scarlet fever szkarlatyna
sunstroke poraenie soneczne
tuberculosis grulica
family doctor lekarz rodzinny
intern internista
cardiologist kardiolog
gynecologist ginekolog
laryngologist laryngolog
occulist okulista
psychiatrist psychiatra
nurse - pielgniarka

Parts of the body

head gowa
neck szyja
nape kark
arm rami
armpit pacha
hand rka
finger palec (u rki)
leg noga
knee kolano
thigh udo
hip biodro
calf ydka
toe palec (u nogi)
foot stopa
back plecy
breast pier
spine krgosup

bone ko
rib ebro
lungs puca
heart serce
stomach odek
liver wtroba
kidnay nerka
eye oko
ear ucho
cheek policzek
nose nos
mouth usta
lip warga
tongue jzyk
throat gardo
tonsils migdaki
vein - ya

Adapted from Repetytorium tematyczno-leksykalne by Magorzata Cielak, WAGROS

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