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Target Audience

Age: 15-35
Gender: Unisex
Soco- economic group: C2-(Skilled manual workers), D- (semiunskilled manual workers), E-(casual labourers pensioners and
Ethnicity: Mixed
Reasons: The target audience for our production are between the ages
of 15 and 35. We want our film to appeal to both genders, and a
varied age group. The lowest age of our film had to be 15 because
our film is a thriller, so there will be many violent scenes
throughout which may disturb a younger audience. However this allows
us to target an older audience (who enjoy thriller films) as the
main characters will be in their late teens and early twenties and
be more relatable to younger adult audience. They would most likely
have an interest in the general thriller and thriller genre. It is
more aimed at a mass audience because the plotline revolves around
crime (which many people watch television programmes about). I have
researched what kind of posters thriller films usually have so I can
make sure it is appealing to the audience and I have also done genre
research to make sure that I put in all the codes and conventions of
a thriller film.
The target audience is a niche group with a socio- economic group
ranging from C2-E because these are people who specifically love
thriller films and would have more time on their hands and money to
watch them. In the statistics below, it shows that the socioeconomic class that watches. Thriller films the most is C2 with 43%
which shows that middle classes people tend to look for a thrill and
a sense of excitement since they are still growing and developing
into mature people, the fact that they love the sense of danger and
excitement makes thriller the perfect genre for them. Teenagers tend
to see thriller movies in groups too because it can be seen as
social event where they can enjoy the sensation of fear together
with friends.
The idea of violence and horrid scenes wouldnt appear to a younger
audience and older people dont tend to watch thriller movies as
much. People in the social class of A/B tend to have less time on
them because of the types of jobs they have which require long
working hours. We chose to make the film unisex because thriller
films were more aimed at males than females because stereotypically
females enjoy films more on the comedy and romantic side whilst
males enjoy more violence, but over the years the percentage of
males and females watching thriller movies are almost equivalent.

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