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Copyright 2016

I wrote this book to show that there is nothing impossible. Reading written in the book, you realize that some
things are simple, but once you use them, you realize what effect they may have on you. Impossible was a common
word for me, now I have no limits. I hope you destroy your made barriers.

What benefits there are to reading it: You will learn simple but useful things about how you can improve yourself
and how to improve short and long term memory, reaction, logical thinking, imagination and other cognitive functions.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Hidden Power of our brain
Chapter 2. Brain Training Methods
Chapter 3. Practical Methods
Chapter 4. Seek for Novelty
Chapter 5. Top 100 Activities for Mind Improvement
Chapter 6. Neurobic Tips
About The Author

From the experiences so far I can say that people who learn to
control inner experiences are able to raise the quality of life.
What if you could only use 10% of your fingers? It would be
extremely complicated, from lifting a pencil and to twist a button. You
probably will feel extremely frustrated and you will give up. People
normally use only 10% of the capacity of one of the most important
organs of the body: the brain. Yet not doing much trouble. The
remaining 90% remains generally not used, although available. But that
you may have heard.
In order to most effectively use your mind, the first step is the use
of both brain hemispheres equally. Naturally, the left hemisphere is
responsible for logical and coordinate the activities of the so-called
thinking of nearby, while the right hemisphere is centered on feelings,
imagination, mental imagery and intuition. Don Schuster psychology
professor at the University of Iowa states that: "When both hemispheres
are involved in the learning process, it becomes more easy."
The operating cycle of the cerebral hemispheres
International journal of otho-neuro-ophthalmology, Romanian
doctor N. Riga public for the first time in 1957, a study of alternating
periods of active brain hemispheres.
Neuroscientist David Shannahoff-Khalsa at the Salk Institute for
Biological Sciences has conducted studies analyzing EEG activity
comparing left and right cerebral hemispheres. He found a succession of
dominance of either hemisphere, in an undulating rhythm flow. The
average time of a complete cycle from the right hemisphere to the left

and back to right, as he discovered, is about 120 minutes.

According to his research, not only the cerebral hemispheres but
also more active parts of the body turned out to change dominance.
Thus, every 90-120 minutes, is performed in a cycle that is more
participatory, more forceful and sustained energy left half of the body
first, then will become active for a period identical right half of the body.
Cerebral synergy enhances creative possibilities
The most important practical aspect about brain hemisphere
dominance is to create a state of balance and harmony between these
hemispheres. It was found that during each cycle of change in the
dominant hemisphere there is a period in which brain activity is balanced
between both hemispheres. Our research suggests that this is the moment
of maximum creativity and efficiency. Two brains are better than one.
The two hemispheres are complementary and, when working together,
produce emergence of the phenomenon of synergy. Philosopher and
inventor Buckminster Fuler defines synergy: "The behavior of the whole
system, unpredictable the observed behaviors independently of any of
the components of the system." Whether we are in a peak period of the
wave of life ultradian (a daily cycle of rest-sleep ) or that pass through a
valley of deep rest and recovery, we are at our best when the two
hemispheres work together synergistically.

To live spiritual states, yogis did not wait for scientific confirmation.
This zero status, neutrality, vacuum or perfect equality is found in
yogic philosophy, being described as starting condition for the
achievement of high spiritual experiences. Moreover, these rhythms are
studied in a very secret form of yoga called Yoga Svara. It is clear that a
brain that works in the synchronicity of both hemispheres, harmony and
unity is a key to peak condition and the unusual human performance.
The same is true and can be understood even easier when it comes to
physical balance between the two sides, left and right, of the body. This

state of perfect physical-mental balance can really afford evolutionary

leaps beyond the boundaries that humanity believes today, wrongly, as
being insurmountable.
The holographic model of the brain
Even if the idea of using only 10% of capacity is substantiated by
studies of brain neurophysiology and gives great hope to those who aim
to optimize the human mind, we will go even deeper. Ultimately,
memorize 10 times better or be 10 times smarter, even if it meant a lot, a
limit would be still impassable. The human brain works like a computer:
there are output devices (information from our senses), coding systems
(cognitive categorizations of our perceptions and evaluations based on
previous experiences) and a central processing unit. There is also a
source of energy (motivation) which selects certain information for
processing and ignoring data considered irrelevant. Output devices
distributed data both conscious and subconscious to long-term memory
systems. If the information is encoded imperfect or if it is not very
important for the body, they tend to be forgotten or even erased by new
information. Even if the information is stored in the brain, it is almost
stranded if not properly connected to a gateway. For example, without
any outside help, try to remember who you had lunch three weeks ago.
For most people, this issue is not easy, although their memory is good.
Remember an exam in which you are stuck due to stress, difficulty
trying to fall asleep when your sleep cycle has been interrupted, or
impossible to read a text when you are tired. All these activities require
certain levels of brain activation to be carried out effectively.
"Interruptions" in normal brain function can affect cognitive processes,
emotions, attitudes, and thus affects our whole behavior. It thus becomes
imperative to acquiring the ability to cause brain at will state, that is
optimal for the action that we want to achieve, by controlling
What are brainwaves?

In essence, our brain is an information neurochemical processor

that release electrical signals. Typically, these waves can not be seized.
Except clairvoyants and telepaths, brain wave patterns are impossible to
detect without a special amplifier called EEG machine that captures and
records changes in voltage that give off our brains. They identified the
following categories of brainwaves, characteristic of certain activities and
inner states.
The first category is the beta waves of low amplitude and high
frequency of 30-14 cycles per second (Hz). These waves occur during
intense mental activity: calculations, linear logical analysis, etc.
The second category, are alpha waves, characterized by a higher
amplitude (13-9 Hz) are specific for reverie (daydreaming), deep
conscious relaxation and athletic activities.
The third pattern is the theta, more irregular pulse, between 8-4 Hz.
These waves are associated with imagining unconscious creativity with
state immediately preceding sleep.
The delta waves, pulsations are 3 to 1 Hz. In the limit of deep
relaxation, images and dreams disappear, and the body is able to enter
into a refreshing sleep. These waves were identified in EEG performed
on people who realized meditation.
Clearly, control of subjective mental states (characteristic of
different types of brain waves) is extremely useful in optimizing activities
requiring specific types of relaxation or concentration.
When learning takes place?
Scientists have found that learning and smart growth do not occur
in normal conditions, normal, typical, daily consciousness when the
brain produces beta waves. On the contrary, large fluctuations occur in
the brain when we are in a state of consciousness characteristic to
response to relaxation, in meditation, trance, mental opening in which
appear the free associations (conditions characterized by theta waves).
Such a state probably lived Archimedes while daydreaming in the

bathtub. In other words, we are more able to learn and improve our brain
patterns when we are in the state "unusual" conscience.
Contrary to the generally accepted theory that learning occurs
through practice and repetition, concludes that scientists have recently
accepted is that the learning process is conditioned by relaxed state of the
brain, characterized by theta waves. Educators, psychologists and other
scientists in the field of neuroscience explores now numerous techniques
that enhances the ability to teach both children and adults through the use
of images, creativity, meditation, autogenic training, breathing
rhythmically, singing, story, dance, music and relaxation.
Studies conducted in this regard have shown that these methods can
lead to dramatic increases in capacity for accumulation of information
and reminding them. Such techniques lead to changes in the structure
and brain chemistry and human behavior by increasing the amplitude of
the brain waves by changing their frequency.
I will describe below some of the most important studies that
provide documentation on the beneficial effects of brain fluctuation
Eu gen e Gendlin psychologist from the University of Chicago
created a mental technique which he called a "focus" ("focusing"), which
allows practitioners to reach new interiority that lead to spectacular and
beneficial behavioral changes. It is, in other words, a learning technique
that aims to achieve a "perception" of the problem through a series of
steps focalization that distracting from the external environment and
increases the ability to grasp the emotions. Thus, you get to a point where
one experiences a "change", an experience marked by a sudden release of
tension, a sense of deep physical relaxation, a sense or feeling that the
problem was finally understood clear.
We offer a very simple example: you leave home and you feel that
you forgot something. You "refocus" sought to identify the problem:

forgot open gas ? water running? iron into the outlet? In each case, you
know that's not the right answer because it does not feel any relief.
Finally, the correct answer is accompanied by a "change", a sense of
understanding, relieving tension and even feeling good physically. It is,
in other words, that "Aha!" Liberating.
Curious about what goes on in the brains of people who experience
this "change", the researcher Don Norman did a computer analysis of
over 8432 records EEG (electroencephalogram or EEG records for brain's
dominant frequency). He found that once the subjects also recorded a
"change", alpha and theta waves changes. In each case, the agreements
are preceded by periods of peak dominant alpha waves (10 cycles per
second) and its secondary waves (5 and 2.5 cycles). Periods opposite when the person is in focus looking answer, feeling "trapped" or
"blocked" - its alpha rhythm and secondary waves are collapsing. This
change indicates "reorganization at a higher level of integration" of the
brain and represents the transition from the conflicts to the clarity in
which dissipative structures of the brain is altered by fluctuations in
alpha and theta (peak) wich reach a higher level.
Creative thinking
In a study about learning, conducted at the University of Texas
chemistry professor Thomas Taylor monitored the EEGs of students in
the process he called "thought synthesizer", while they solve problems
using the information they had just accumulated synthesizing them up in
an original and creative way. "An EEG recorded during period when a
technical difficult concept suddenly became meaningful to the subject,
illustrates an abrupt change in brain wave patterns that occur in the theta
scale," says Taylor. In other words, if we will succeed to bring us to theta
brain state, we are able to move successfully through toughest exams.
Synchronizing brain
Scientists surveyed practitioners of meditation and have found that
these altered states of consciousness give a lucid depth and intense

mental clarity characterized by synchronizing waves from the two

hemispheres of the brain - which typically generates waves varying
amplitudes and frequencies.
The relationship between wave patterns of the two hemispheres is
particularly important in the development of our mental. There may be
two identical vibration patterns that are not synchronized; when the
maximum amplitude of a wave is the minimum amplitude of the other
wave. In such a case, the two frequencies cancel each other, and greatly
decreases the total amplitude. When the moments of maximum amplitude
of the two waves overlap, they are combined and the two waves will be
produced with a wavelength of twice higher than that at the beginning.
Thus the cerebral hemispheres operate synchronously and brainwave
amplitude of the entire cortex greatly increase. This causes severe power
fluctuations throughout the brain, in those moments possibility of a
potential mental reorganizations is in a higher order.
Dr. Lester Fehn, Director of the Research Institute of biofeedback in
Princeton, conducted numerous studies on the relationship between
brain-wave activity and human behavior. Following these studies, he
argues that the cerebral hemispheres synchronization is "Identification
with the experience causes an exceptional mental focus. There is a
tendency to feel the increasingly unified experience,you get the
experience itself. In addition, the power of awareness increases greatly,
so that may be included a lot more in the same time. There is a sensory
integration of the entire brain, is like you become less calculated and
more intuitive in acting. "Says dr. Fehn.
One of the attractions sessions, demonstrations of this sector is that
people can learn to focus attention through synchronization of both
hemispheres EEG activity using biofeedback equipment. Jean Millay
researcher in this field has shown that after an intense focus that
accompanies brain synchronization, subjects often have flashes of
intuition or creative impulses. Here's what he said: "Rather than measure
how students are smart, maybe we should teach them how to focus
attention, teaching them how to synchronize their brains. Clearly, people

that can learn to synchronize brain waves will increase enormously

mentally potential for learning and development. "
Another significant study in this direction was made by teachers in
public schools in Tacoma. These teachers under the leadership of
psychologist Devon Edrington, used a device called "Henri-Sync" which
uses sound waves phase or designated specific frequencies to create
synchronization of brain waves. They found that students who studied
and took the test while recording functional brain synchronization
results were significantly better than students who were taught the same
material by the same teachers without the benefits of hemispheric
synchronization records.
Extra learning
A number of deep relaxation techniques combining with the flow of
information to obtain a rapid learning has aroused considerable interest
in recent years, between this enrolling and "suggestopedia" of Georgi
Lozanov a Bulgarian psychiatrist. Hundreds of schools and universities
across the globe have adopted the method of Lozanov for rapid learning
and many investigations have confirmed that this technique can cause
staggering increases in capacity to absorb, process, store, manipulate and
recall information. Lozanov and other researchers have found, for
example, that using this technique, students can easily learn new 500
words per day (selected groups even went up to 3,000 new words a day)
in just a few hours of learning. In most language courses, 100 new words
a day is considered an excellent result, and at these courses students
quickly forget many of the new words. Lozanov students, on the other
hand, had a retention rate of 88% after six months. Reports of such
capabilities of learning came from institutes all over the world and there
is no doubt about the fact that this method enhances brain function.
Lozanov's essential elements are deep relaxation technique
combined with brain rhythms synchronization. After a deep relaxation of
the whole body, begins hearing a loud music rhythm, but quiet, like the
music of composers of the Baroque (eg: Vivaldi, Telemann, Handel, and

Bach), which has a rate of about 60 beats /minute. This rhythm

synchronize and stabilize the heart and breathing. Psychologists have
found that simply listening to this music not only cause a slowdown in
the rate of heartbeat and breathing, but also lowers blood pressure; and
brain waves become dominant alpha frequency, low amplitude and
lowered. To amplify the body-brain synchronization, subjects were
instructed to breathe rhythmically. Then the learning material is presented
by an instructor in a synchronized rhythm with their breathing.
Activation of brain mechanisms operating in Lozanov's techniques,
as well as in other ways of learning are based on the idea of Prigogine
extreme power fluctuations that lead to a new order system, more
coherent, intrinsically interconnected. Synchronizing brain-body produce
energy fluctuations of the brain, much like how thousands of people
marching on a bridge can cause vibration and breakage entry into that
attic: the various elements of the brain are destabilized able to leave old
patterns and programs, and are open to receive new information and
reorganized in a new way. In this state of "training" produced by the
body-brain synchronization can be assimilated large quantities of
Dawn learning
The expert in biofeedback, Thomas Budzynski of the University of
Colorado Medical Center has done extensive research on the effects of
suggestion and learning when the brain is in the state theta (theta waves
3-7 cycles / s have greater amplitude and lower frequency than alpha
waves, indicating the existence of greater energy fluctuations in the
brain). In general, our brain produces alpha waves predominant only in
th o s e periods of time between waking and dream. Butzynski has
developed a biofeedback equipment that charge when the user entered
the theta state and runs only when the material had to be learned.
Butzynski says about his method: "We advantage by that state between
sleeping and waking that has these properties of uncritical acceptance of
verbal material, or almost any material it can process. In such conscience

'modified' states a lot of things are done very quickly. "

As in Gendlin's focusing technique, the brain, viewed as a
dissipative structure, has a huge capacity to reorganize almost instantly.
Perfect memory
Many scientists believe that much of the information they see, hear
or perceive (including phenomena are unconsciously processed by our
brain and never enter our sphere conscious) are permanently stored in
the brain, ready to be recalled instantly. There have always been people
who have shown incredible power of memory, being able, for example,
memorize long lists of meaningless words, and then to remember
perfectly 50 years later.
In a series of studies, Dr. Wilder Penfield Canadian researcher from
McGill University, stimulated various subjects brain by weak electric
current. Since the brain itself has no pain receptors, Penfield was able to
stimulate different brain areas while the subject was conscious and were
asked what feelings or reactions are evoked. They described a variety of
stunning perceptions and instant evocation of past events as it was when
then lived. When the electrode was moved slowly they evoked totally
different experience. Penfield said: "Each subject recounted records
verbatim the conversations long forgotten, songs, jokes, childhood
birthday parties - things that have been said once, only once in their
whole life - all perfectly recorded." He concluded that every experience is
recorded permanently in the brain.
Dr. Lozanov agrees, arguing that his techniques would not trigger an
abnormal "supra memory", but simply facilitates memory: we all have
stored somewhere in the brain almost everything we've ever experienced
or learned, the only problem being to recover this material. "In specific
conditions, the human being remembers a tremendous amount of
information, the number of buttons on a suit, step ladders, mesh of a
window, the steps to the bus stop. These 'perceptions unknown "shows
that the subconscious has an amazing power."

There is a secret of a genius mind?

What is a genius in addition to an ordinary person? Are geniuses so
different from us? Each of us can learn to train his mind to achieve
outstanding performance. Each of us can learn to overcome his
inhibitions and awaken numerous hidden secrets in his subconscious
exceptional capabilities, capabilities that are based on the development of
certain abilities: memory, insight, IQ, ability to assimilate.
Apparent contradictions
Rarely brilliant beings are recognized and stated so young. Many are
even labeled as "difficult", "slow" or "backward". Renowned
mathematician Poincare in childhood results obtained so poor Binet test
(measuring intelligence) that was described as "moron". Thomas Edison,
whose 1093 invention have established a unique record in the world and
changed the life of mankind, was a student extraordinarily weak. During
childhood, Albert Einstein was considered by parents as a child with
disabilities, because dyslexia disease that cause great difficulties in
writing and reading. Later, Einstein was expelled from the school, and
failed at college entrance exam. When, finally, he got his degree, he failed
to obtain any recommendation from his teachers. Forced to accept, to 25
years, a job in an office Einstein seemed destined to live a mediocre life.
But in the 26th year of his life, Einstein did something nobody
expected. He published his theory of relativity, which contained the
famous formula E = mc2, in the summer of 1905. 12th years later he win
a Nobel Prize and become an international celebrity. Even today, 45 years
after his death, his eyes bright, thick mustache and hair is a silver
standard image of "genius", synonymous with superhuman intelligence.
Pathologist Dr. Thomas Harvey was on duty at Princeton Hospital
when Einstein died in 1955. He did the autopsy on Einstein and without
asking the family, decided to keep his brain. For 40 years, Harvey studied
thoroughly each winding of the brain under a microscope, and gave part
of it to other researchers. His goal? To discover the secret of Einstein's

Harvey did not find any evidence to show that there is a difference
between a normal brain and that of Einstein, but one of his colleagues
finally succeeded. After examining several sections of the brain, in the
80s, Marian Diamond, a researcher in neurology at the University of
California at Berkeley, made a startling discovery that would
revolutionize the concept of learning and genius.
The brain grows by learning!
Most people believe that geniuses are born so and do not become
so . But Diamond has dedicated his career to creating geniuses in the
laboratory. In an already famous experiment, Diamond has placed a
group of rats in an very stimulating environment, equipped with swings,
ladders, wheels, lights and all kinds of toys. Another group of rats was
caged in empty hutch. Those who lived in environments with a large
number of stimuli not only survived to the surprising age of 3 years
(equivalent to 90 human years), but their brains increased, developing
new connections between nerve cells in the form of dendrites and axons
(spindle structures that transmit electrical signals from one nerve cell to
another). The rats that lived in empty cages do not developed greatly and
died quickly. Their brains had only some neural connections.
In 1911, Dr. Santiago Ramn y Cajal, the father of neuroanatomy,
found that the number of interconnections between neurons (synapses) is
a sign of genius and that they are more important in determining brain
power than the neurons themselves. Dr. Diamond experiment has
shown that - at least in rats - the physical mechanism of genius can be
created through mental exercise.
Does this principle apply to people? Diamond tried to find it. She
obtained a portion of Einstein's brain and examined. As expected, she
discovered a large number of glial cells in the left parietal lobe, a kind of
neurological formation that she described it as "an area of association for
other areas of associates of the brain." The glial cells acts as a binder that
holds nerve cells in place and helps in transmitting electrochemical
signals between neurons. Diamond had expected such a discovery,

because she observed high levels of glial cells in rats. Their presence
suggested that Einstein's brain had a similar development process.
Unlike neurons - which does not recover and whose number can
not grow in life - glial cells, axons, dendrites can multiply throughout
life, depending on how we use our brains. Marian Diamond's discovery
suggests that, as we learn more, the more connections occur. Mutual
situation applies: when we stop train our minds, these connections
weaken and disappear with time.
The cortex is the seat of so-called "superior functions". These
functions include the learning of any type, memory and remembering
sequences of events that have occurred in the past, mastery development
programs of voluntary muscle action; understanding speech; creativity
and appreciation of all forms of art, and of course, all the sensations of
conscious perception.

The key to brain longevity

Studies of American researchers show that in an rich environment
in changings, stimulations and complexity, growth and enriching the
quality of the cerebral cortex may continue during adulthood. Thus, it
can be assumed that being the subject of appropriate experience,
intelligence, creativity and brain size, will continue to grow, even in old
It is also significant that the unique part of the brain that is affected
by enriched environment is cortex, which increases not only in absolute
size, but also in relative proportion to the rest of the brain. While the rats
have a low ratio cortex / subcortex, in humans 83% of the total weight of
the human brain is located the cerebral cortex. Thus, it is evident that the
effects of enriched environment (compared to the lack of stimulation) on
the human brain could have profound effects on people more than those
seen in animal experiments. As long as human life is strongly influenced
by the higher brain functions, improvement of mental abilities and the

substantial cortical increase has a huge impact on consciousness and

human evolution.
When reporting the results of this research to the human brain,
which is more developed and more powerful than the animal one, it is
obvious that people who are exposed to the enriched environment ( those
whose brains are stimulated and subject to suitable changes) will
experience shape changes, size and structure of the cortex. These changes
will result in improvement of cortical functions or increase in
intelligence, creativity, memory, etc. Even brief exposure to stimulation
can produce these changes, in other words, even short periods of intense
brain stimulation may increase the complexity of the brain in people of
all ages.
The implications are clear: it is likely to become ourselves geniuses
and help others to become so, using mental stimulating exercises or
devices designed specifically for this purpose (such as, for example,
Mind Synergy, Brain Machine), designed by scientists to expose the
human cortex to stimuli and experiences, challenging, offering the
possibility to train the brain itself through self-transformation and selflearning.



Human is potentially perfect being, but he does not fully utilized his
possibilities as do other living beings on this planet, each on its level. I'm
wondering why? Because human does not know how to "connect" the
source of energy like other creatures or he does not want? Whatever is
the reason for neglect brain capacity, we must know that unless we use it,
we lose it, is known that ordinary people lose more than 100,000 nerve
cells daily to their non-use or misuse.
We can choose to use the full potential of the brain and thereby
greatly improve our quality of life. Why suffer memory loss when we
can become true magicians? Why turn back before a simple problem, we
can be full of creative geniuses? Instead of being insensitive to the
feelings, we can be more vivid, truly aware of the friendly sensory
environment. Instead of being "locked in" unfortunate emotional
situations throughout life, we can learn to live in harmony with all beings
around us!
In life, things are as difficult as we think they are. Whatever talents
we were born, the choices we make determine the events that will follow.
The more we use our body and mind to develop our inner, the more we
will become more able to distinguish what is real and what is unreal.
Also, continuous transformation and spiritual development help us to
accede to more elevated states of consciousness.
I noticed that in terms of time management and personal
effectiveness, one of the first obstacles that frequently appear in front of
us is that we fail to stay focused. Shall we get something, and after a few
minutes, our attention is flying in other directions. We notice that we are
bombarded daily by messages and communication shootings of several
parts: online radio, TV, phone, internet, etc. In the online world appear
the temptation when you work to have open Facebook, Yahoo
Messenger, Skype, plus some tabs open in the browser Internet and
other. In fact, there's a temptation. But it has become a habit. Following

our attention is divided into several parts simultaneously, and the ability
to remain focused on what we do when that is tested. Attention is an
capability that can be trained and developed. Like any other skill. There
are two aspects which we must speak about: our ability to stay focused
and how to strengthen it, the second is how to leave less influenced by
factors that distract us. There are numerous techniques about how to
work concentrated. I chose two that are among the easiest to use. Both
are based on the idea of working on one task for a certain period of time
and then we pause and brain relaxes. We will take them in turn:
Pomodoro Technique - devised by Francesco Cirillo in 80s - is based on
concentrating the effort on a task for 25 minutes. Extremely simple, it is
especially useful if you're not used to working focused on one task. What
you have to do, in short: you focus your attention 25 minutes on a single
charge. Then take five minutes break. It follows the cycle. You can use a
manual timer or a program (such as Egg Timer, Focus Booster, Tomato
Timer). Your attention must stay focused on what you want to do, not
elapsed time. And after four Pomodoro periods (25 + 5) add a further
break of 15-30 minutes. 60-60-30 Technology derived from the works of
Peter Drucker, the technique 60-60-30 is similar to Pomodoro, except
that the focus now gets double time: for 50 minutes you must stay
focused. Then take 10 minutes break. It follows other concentration 50
minutes followed by 10 minute break. And then one session of 30
minutes of break. Then lend yourselves to more complicated tasks where
you need to wait a long period with attention towards one thing. The
effort is bigger now. This is why after two working sessions (those 50
minutes), take 30 minutes break - eat, move, drink water, recharge
yourself etc. Break completely in touch with what you were doing
before. You now know how to concentrate on work and you can train
the ability to remain focused on what you want to achieve. Use in your
daily activity the Pomodoro or 60-60-30 system. Or, if both are difficult,
try another easy system. For instance concentrated work 10 minutes, then
two minutes pause. Adapt technique to your current level of
concentration of attention. Additionally, here are some general tips:
Work on one task. Do one thing at a time. So far as possible. I know

that often it is not so simple. If possible, form the habit of doing

several things at once.
Remove as much of what distract your "training" concentration and
helps you become more efficient. In parallel you need to remove
and what prevents you from staying focused. That's the less
enjoyable efficiency on a personal level. Because we're rarely want
t o remove things we love about. Some of the things that distract
usual attention is Facebook opened alongside your work (especially
chat on Facebook), Yahoo Messenger, Skype, email window open
or notifications of new messages, Any notifications on computer or
phone. Sure, you do not want to e isolated, but you can define the
hours between which you will avoid talking on the phone. For
example you can set it between 9:12 avoid talking on the phone.
Then just work, study etc. You will talk later.
Break means not work. Do not work when you have a break even
on something important. Preferably to change the concentration: if
you were mentally focused, now you can do something with
emotional significance for you. Pause means pause. Point!
The ability to stay focused is a muscle. It can be trained. Aim at
personal efficiency because not all become robots or Zen monks.
But let's see where we could do our job better, faster, more relaxed.
And with less effort. The ability to focus attention on something is
like a muscle. You want to be stronger then go to the gym. Do you
use that muscle to start with small weights, and then growing.
Similarly, focus on small tasks (say a few minutes). You keep your
attention as much on them. I myself, at first could not do one thing
for more than 15 minutes. Then you'll be able to grow those times
until you can stay focused for an hour on a single charge.
Balance work - personal life-personal efficiency. The goal is not just

to have success. Sure, it might initially bring satisfaction. The

problem is that if we continuously work for success, this will have
it costs. Usually the consequences will be seen in family and
personal life. Unlikely to end the life you'll wish to spend more
time at work and less time with loved ones. Keep the balance that
you find between work, personal life, family, entertainment and any
other concerns you have. And perhaps the most important aspect
that needs to pay attention is that when you work you must work.
When you learn you must learn. When you have fun you must have
f u n . And when you dream you must dream. Which of these
techniques you will use and what results you will achieve depends
only from you? What do you think are suitable to use from now on?

Many people are so caught up in their daily routines and stereotyped
behaviors that may not even notice the chances and opportunities that
may arise around them. To begin the process of complete brain
stimulation, we suggest you take some time for s brain training methods.
You may note daily observations in a journal.

Wake up and smell vanilla. To change the olfactory association

with that you became commonly in morning - smell of tea or coffee
- wake up smelling something else - vanilla, citrus, mint or
rosemary. Keep an extract of your favorite flavor in a sealed
container for a week on the bedside table and open it as soon as you
wake up, and then as you get ready to begin a new day. The
repeated and constant association with other flavors in your
morning routine, activate your neural pathways.

Take a shower with closed eyes. Locate the taps and adjusts
temperature and flow with closed eyes (make sure you have a good
stability before.) The shower, find necessary products and then
wash up everything with your eyes closed. You will feel most likely
a variety of textures of your body that you do not realize just
watching you.

Brushing ROULETTE. Wash your teeth with the hand you do not
usually use. You can substitute the hand for any activity in the
morning - to your hair, to shave, to makeup, remote control button.
This exercise requires the use of other parts of the brain than

normally used. Therefore, all these circuits, connections and areas

of the brain involved in using dominant hand are inactive, while
their counterparts on the other side of the brain are suddenly trained
to drive a set of behaviors that usually do not participate. Research
has shown that this type of exercise can lead to a rapid and
substantial expansion circuits in the cortex controlling parties and
processes tactile information.

Create a symphony of the senses in the bathroom. At the end of the

day, you want to calm down, try something relaxing and neurobics,
a warm bath. Use a variety of stimuli - soaps and aromatic oils,
sponges, scrubs, candles, champagne or tea, music, fluffy towels
and creams. Indulge yourself in a cascade of flavors, textures and
lights to create links between new and old associations. Certain
scents evokes a certain status (alert, calm, etc.) for most of us.
When you take a neurobic bath , simply by associating a song with a
certain flavor or relaxing activity, you
form an anti-stress
mechanism that will be activated whenever we feel aromatic odor
used or listen to song.

Hearing pleasure. Read aloud together with your partner. Alternate

roles. It may be a slow way to browse a book, but is a good way to
spend quality time together and gives you the opportunity to discuss
interesting topics. When we read aloud or listen to someone reading
you use all other circuits than those we use reading as usual. One
of the first demonstrations of brain imaging clearly showed three
distinct when the same word was read, speak or hear. For example,
to listen to words activates two distinct areas, the left and right
hemispheres of the cortex, while the spoken words activates the
motor cortex on both sides of the brain and another part of the brain
called the cerebellum. When we look at words activate one area of
the cortex in the left hemisphere. The brain, although aging, has an
amazing capacity to regenerate, adapt and change patterns of

connection. Just as cross helps you maintain your physical form,

neurobic helps you gain strength and mental flexibility. Exercise
program involves stimulating the brain with non-routine or
unexpected experiences using various combinations of the physical
senses - vision, smell, touch, taste, hearing. It stimulates neural
activity patterns that create more connections between different
brain areas and causes nerve cells to produce nutrients, called
neurotrophins, which can dramatically increase the size and
complexity of dendrites in nerve cells.

Use your body in ways you have not done it so far. For example,
comb yourself, brush your teeth, stir the food or do other simple
activities with the other hand than the one that you usually use.
Close your eyes and "feel" the road that you have to go through a
room. Become aware of sounds and smells around you. Also, use
your foot to open a door or to pick up something from the floor, or
read a page from a book that you hold opposite.

When you tend to criticize someone, tell them a compliment!

Cancel your prejudices about he or she for a moment, look at
him/her just like to a person who has only other points of view than

Take a quick look but careful in the refrigerator, then close the
door and list the foods you've seen. Do the same with your room, a
picture or with the image that you see from the window.

For 5 minutes a day, put yourself in someone else's shoes and see
some action or transformation from his/her perspective, try to feel.
Eliminate preconceived opinions about the person. Imagine that you
are an actor who interprets a role, and aim to have the same
behavior, same habits, moods and feelings, try to predict them.

Breathe 10 minutes a day consciously, directing the energy of

breath to the head.

At a fixed hour, remember what you did in the last 60 minutes.

This exercise, which takes only a few seconds can help you become
more careful. At the end of the day, also do a quick summary of the
events of the day. Memory gaps show moments in which you were
unaware of the actions they have taken. A more advanced exercise
is to remember the day starting in reverse, from the present moment
by moment when we woke up.

To develop flexibility and adaptability to change, do something

different every day. For example, buy food from another shop,
choose another way to return home, prepare a cake without a
special occasion, practice a new sport, meet a neighbor. Achieving
the same as everyday actions lead to a real "death" of the brain.
Fostering diversity is a key to brain development.

Use video games. One of the most beautiful games to train your
mind is Lumosity. Developed by a group of researchers from
Stanford University, it seems to be enough playing 10 minutes to
feel your brain clear. Two other games deemed useful to keep an
open mind are "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day" for
Nintendo DS and "Brain Challenge" for Apple iPods. It is believed
that these games require all parts of the brain and are an effective
way of practice.

Calculate. One of the most effective mental exercise to keep your

brain trained is the rapid mental calculation. Computers have
atrophied this ability, many of us are in the stage of becoming
entrapped in a simple multiplication without a computational tool
that can help us. Daily basic arithmetic exercises, puzzles, crossword

or sudoku require brain, improving its performance.

Use downtime. It has been shown to maintain the smooth

functioning of the brain are enough 10 minutes a day dedicated to
his involvement. Thus, the time when we waiting to pay at the
supermarket, waiting for the subway or bus, or in any of those
moments considered "downtime" try a session of "mind training". If
you have an iPhone you can use Brain Challenge, an application
that offers dozens of exercises that will help you to develop various
mental abilities. Or you can do various mental calculations.

Study in different places. Always we were learned to study

isolated in our room not to be bothered. Nothing wrong it says
psychologist Robert A. Bjork, of the University of California, which
concluded that a person who alternate study rooms, is likely to hold
more information than one that always learn in the same room. But
"when the outside context is varied, the information is enriched,
which slows oblivion. Thus, if, instead of learning always in the
same room, someone alternate rooms for study, is likely to hold
more information, think psychologists. Moreover, when you say
stop to routine activity that is the gift for keeping your brain young
for longer.

Use mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a form of

adapted from the Buddhist consciousness meditation. Mindfulness
has been described as the state of "the situation you're in now,"
accepting things as they are. It seems that this type of meditation can
bring many benefits, is an amazing tool for stress management.
When the brain is overworked and creative resources are depleted
due to stress through this type of meditation you can unlock your

Do not stress. A study conducted on a sample of 1,000 respondents

aged over 65 years has revealed that the hippocampus, the area
responsible for absorption of new information is impaired by stress.
Specifically, high levels of stress lead to decreasing in function of
this area. So to have a clear mind for a long time is vital to relieve
stress or to keep him under control.

Read. Crossword, crossword, reading and other language activities

will train your brain to recognize, remember and understand words.
At the same time, they will test your fluency, grammatical skills and
vocabulary. Therefore, if you want to keep your brain in shape as
much read and use every moment to develop these skills.

Change the clock from one hand on the other. If you're like me, it
means you use your clock on the left hand. When you want to see
what time it is, your brain does not make any effort to "run" this
task. It's just a reflex ... and everything we do not reflexively go
through consciously. So we are when we driving. At first, we
thought of everything. I must raise my left foot slightly and start to
push with the right foot pedal, you have to look in the mirror to see
if it's open, have to change speed...After you take driver's license
and someone speaks to us in the car, like all of us you say, please
shut up, because now I lead. After a while, it becomes a reflex and
you process not consciously this stuff. Therefore, I recommend
you regularly change the clock on a hand on the other. This way
you bind your brain to think before they process. You can make
these changes at the beginning of each month. Ambidextrous-This is
the ability to use both hands as easily in various activities, and even
both feet. The Greeks sought to encourage and develop this
capability through logical reason that the sport was more
advantageous to be used with both hands. Left-handed people and
those who use both hands (which are ambidextrous) shows an
increase of 11% of the corpus callosum (nervous party joining the
two cerebral hemispheres) than right-handers. The study on

Einstein's brain revealed a much richer network of blood capillaries

in the brain cortex than usual, and a greater number of glial cells
( w h ich are designed to promote nerve information transport
through neurons). It is obvious that the more we use and we train
the brain, it increases in size.
Here are some examples:
- Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci could paint with both hands
- Edwin Henry Landseer (1802-1873) could paint with both hands
simultaneously - a horse's head with one hand and with the other the head of a deer. He learned to paint and engrave Queen Victoria
(who was clumsy).
- Richard Fleming, Nicola Tesla and Einstein Albert were also
- The 20th president of the United States, James Garfield, in
addition to being able to write equally well with both hands, could
simultaneously write Greek with his left hand and Latin with his
right hand!

Go on different roads every day. Train your brain by another

simple exercise but useful: go on different routes every day. If you
go the same way every day, your brain is already on "autopilot".
Therefore, it happens to get in the office and the child still is in the
car ... because you forgot to pass on to kindergarten. Force your
brain to think ... to work. If you are part of world sales, this strategy
may be useful for your results. Going separate ways every day,
you'll see new prospects. So it's an exercise with many benefits.

Do not use the GPS. Most of what we have in our lives were
created in order to make life easier. But do not forget that these
things affect our brain. Look on a map, read the street names on
buildings, request information ... do yourself. At least occasionally.

Learn something different every day. Aim to learn something new

every day. You can do it by reading or using Wikipedia or Google
for this. Search for a word, a concept, a company, a name or
country and learn something new every day. In this way, you not
only train your brain, but you give him food. Your brain looks
very much like a car. Without food is not working. But take care
with what food you give. The result will be the same whether you
feed him with 'premium diesel' or water.

Make exercise. Gymnastics of mind do not exclude Gymnastics of

muscles. There is no secret that exercise helps not only the body but
also the mind. Department of Movement Sciences of the University
of Georgia concluded that even a 20-minute exercise can help the
human brain. Exercise raises the heart rate and thus pumping more
oxygen into the brain. Meanwhile, the body releases hormones
during exercise, which contributes to our relaxation, and learning
and better transmission of signals within the nervous system.

Hydrate yourself in abundance. The brain is 90% water, so drink

plenty! The optimal daily dose of water is less than 5% of your
body weight. When you feel thirst, your brain already not
functioning optimally (tens of minutes). Conscious perceive thirst is
felt much later than the brain at the cellular level. So drink before
you feel thirst.

Give up TV.TV has already been demonstrated scientifically that

foolish us. It is a way of communication through which messages
enter your brain without effort ... not to say that often this message

is not appropriate. As a small aside, I agree that some issues can be

extremely educational and may contribute to brain development
(National Geographic, Discovery, etc ...).

Give up alcohol. And on this topic, there are many studies showing
that alcohol slows down brain functions. Even those who say that "a
glass of wine a day is recommended," I suggest to drink water
instead of wine.

Learn a new language. Perhaps the best way to train your brain is
to learn a new language. Statistics shows that a person who learn
two or three languages can easily learn as well six or seven
languages. Did you know, for example, you can learn a language in
just a few weeks? Lozanov method is fantastic in this regard.

Play for brain training. Last but not least, you can train your brain
well while you relax. I suggest you play those games that challenge
you to find the differences or the memory. I remember in school we
had a game or contest that we play during breaks. The game was
tied calculations. There were a referee and two players. The referee
starts the game with one player and said: "how much is 2 + 2?" The
player replied "4", the referee asked again: "but 4 + 4?" And came
the answer: "8", "but 8 + 8? " and so on. The contest was won by
the player who reached furthest in the calculations. Now I realize
how good this game was to develop the brain and at the same time
to practice math.

Read a good book. Reading stimulates the imagination. Your brain

can not stop to draw mental pictures as you read, so bear with you a
book and read a few pages whenever you find a little time.

Rest enough. Lack of sleep can affect your ability to accumulate

information. Although late nights learning is not benefic, in reality

they bring you more harm. To perform, the brain needs rest. Learn
during the day and sleep at night allow the gathered information to
impress in the memory. Handcrafts are much clearer and brighter
after a night of sleep.

Learn continuously. Do I never stop being curious. Search for new

experiences, new skills and new, knowledge. A famous study
showed that certain brain areas of London cabbie are more
developed than those of ordinary citizens. And this is due to their
need to know various streets to get there. Make use of this
technique to improve your brain function!

Get out of the routine. Change the way to work or if you're righthanded, try writing with the left. These activities are beneficial to
the brain, involves parts that you do not use that much. Challenge
yourself to get out of the routine and your brain will respond

Work with numbers. Leave aside the computer and do calculations

in mind. Most of us have become lazy mentally. We rely on gadgets
to think for us. Bring your brain back into shape by working with
numbers and memorizing them.

Recalls old memories. Get all old photo albums and browse them.
View each photo in hand and remember when it was made, in what
context and other details. You will remember things you thought
you've forgotten, but which were embedded in long-term memory.
If you have other ways to stimulate your memory like old letters or
movies from childhood, then you use them.

Memorize a song. Many of us have old songs stored in memory.

Why not exercise our memory by learning some new skills? It may

be difficult at first, but if you keep cool, you'll see that it will
become an automatism, and this can only be beneficial for the brain.

Go through the house blindfolded. It sounds strange activity, but

the brain copes with it. Once you try a few times, you'll find this
activity challenging. In this way you practice memory, motor skills
and the ability to rationalize.
Now it's your turn



Scientists believe that intelligence comes from two sources. On the one
hand is crystallized intelligence, designating all stored information and
the knowledge of "how to" (the kind of information that needs to go on
the bike) and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence increases as we
age, while fluid intelligence peaks in early youth, and then start to fall
gradually over the years. Therefore, it is imperative to continually train
our fluid intelligence.
Now, you need to understand as long-term memory is essential for
crystallization, working memory is required for fluid intelligence.
Working memory is more than the ability to remember a phone number
long enough to fit it, gives us the ability to manipulate the information we
h o ld . Also, working memory is what enables us to identify and
understand an analogy or a metaphor.
In the past three decades, scientists began to understand even better
how working memory operates. Following their successes, scientists
have succeeded in developing a variety of tests to measure it and
understand its relation to intelligence work.
Then, in 2008, they published a very interesting study entitled
''Improving Fluid Intelligence and revolutionary on Working Memory''
conducted by Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides and Perrig. Then, for the first
time, scientists have shown that people might have control over their
intelligence, with the ability to develop through training.
Jaeggi study was highly influential. Since its publication and other
research showed similar results not only among preschool children but
also of elementary school children, students, and seniors. Training to
improve intelligence generally takes 15-25 minutes per day, five days a
week and research results indicate that satisfactory results are observed
even after only 4 weeks of practice.
Therefore, studies in recent years have shown that not only we can
develop fluid intelligence, but all people can do this at any age. In

addition, according to experts, how more we train fluid intelligence, the

more we win. So if things are so good, why we do not work and
develop fluid intelligence?
In an article from Scientific American, psychologist Andrea Kuszewski
explains how to we use five strategies that can easily be applied in
everyday life and contribute significantly to cognitive development.
Made independently, each of the five strategies are paying off, but if
you manage to observe all five, then you will benefit from faster growth
and significant fluid intelligence.
So, here are five strategies, how to apply them and the scientific
evidence proving their effectiveness:
1. Find novelty
It is no coincidence that geniuses like Einstein were specialized in
multiple disciplines. Geniuses always looking for novelty, innovative
activities that can always learn from them. And they need this to find
useful information.
Of the five traits indicated the psychological model "Big Five"
(openness, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeability, and emotional
stability), only one is correlated with IQ, this is openness to new
experiences. Thus, people who have a high level of openness are in a
continuous search for information and new activities.
When looking for novelty, several things occur. First, with each
new experience you create new synaptic connections. During learning,
the connections are built one on top of another, this increase the activity
and creates more neuronal connections that in turn form other
Novelty also increases the production of dopamine which not only
leads to a development of motivation, but also stimulate neurogenesis (
the formation of new neurons) that prepare the brain for learning. All
you have to do is to want to find out new information.
Thus, excellent learning conditions are determined by the new

activities that trigger the growth of dopamine. In turn, this increase leads
to a stronger motivational state, which leads us to be more determined in
what we do and that stimulates the birth of new neurons and
development of synaptic plasticity ( neural connections or learning).
As a continuation of Jaeggi study, scientists in Sweden found that after
14 hours the working memory was trained for 5 weeks, potential
connection D1 dopamine in prefrontal and parietal areas of the brain
increases. The dopamine receptor, D1 type is associated with neuronal
development. This increase the plasticity, which allows a better
connection of the receiver, it is beneficial to maximize the cognitive
So in trying to develop your cognitive ability is always necessary to
seek for novelty, experiences that expand your horizons, read a book
about an unknown to you, learn to play an instrument, attend a new
specialization, etc.
2. Challenge yourself
There is a lot written about the games that you can "train your
brain" and "make you smarter," those memory games such as Sudoku.
However, these games do not help us as we think or how we hoped. But
still, they serve a quite good purpose. Secret in getting the benefit from
these games is that when we start to do well in their resolve we must
move on other new games and become experts in other fields. Have you
figured out how to solve a Sudoku? Very good! Then it is time to look
for another game that challenge you and ask you for interest.
There are several studies that support this. For example, several
years ago, scientist Richard Haier wanted to know if we can increase
cognitive abilities through intense training sessions conducted over
several weeks and consisting of new activities. The study used the game:
Tetris and therefore the study participants were individuals who never
had played this kind of game. The study results showed that after
participants have trained few weeks with this game, they have increased
cortical thickness and activity in this area, as seen when measured

glucose levels in the brain. Basically, the brain used more energy during
their training period.
However, after the participants have become experts in Tetris, and
after they have developed cognitive abilities as a result of exercise,
scientists have noted a decline in both the thickness of cortical and
glucose level used during other tasks . Even if participants remained as
good in solving game, brain scans have shown that over time record
brain activity is lower during the game. In other words, the participants
do not make great efforts to perform well, which is why cognitive energy
and glucose were used elsewhere for other functions or tasks.
Therefore, to determine your brain to make new connections and
for them to remain active you should always find new activities to
challenge yourself.
3. Think creatively
On the first point saying that new and creative activities, such as
playing an instrument did not help to develop our intelligence. Here,
instead, we are talking about creative cognition.
Despite popular belief, creative thinking does not mean that only
think with the right brain. This process involves both sides of the brain,
n o t only the right. Creative cognition involves divergent thinking (a
wide range of subjects), create associations between ideas and generation
of new original opinions. To do this properly, we need both hemispheres
of the brain to cooperate.
Many years ago, Dr. Robert Sternberg, dean of Tufts University
founded the center PACE (Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and
Expertise) in Boston in order to understand not only the concept of
fundamental intelligence, but also how our intelligence can develop
through learning at school.
Involved in research The Rainbow Project, he not only created
innovative methods of creative teaching in schools, but also generated
assessment procedures which tested students in a way that would cause

them to find solutions in a creative way, analytical and practical and not
feel the need to memorize possible answers .
What were tests of Sternberg? A creative test, for example, consist
of urging students to give a little explanation of animation. For a practical
matter, however they have to find solutions to imaginable situations . For
example, students had to answer the question: "What would you do if
you are at a party where you do not know anyone?".
These tests, wanted to help students to think creatively and
practically at the same time and wish to learn more information about a
particular topic, learn having fun and to transfer and use information
gained in other academic fields .
At the end of the study it was observed that students in the group
that underwent tests (those who were taught using creative methods)
received higher grades in school, compared with those in the control
group (who received traditional tasks). Subsequently, the first group
received traditional test and solve it, and the results indicated that this
time they have fared better than those in the second group. That means
that they were able to transfer the knowledge gained through creative
methods and obtain higher marks in cognitive tests different from what
they were accustomed.
4. Choose the hard way
Efficiency is not our friend when we try to get smart. Unfortunately,
however, many things in life are centered around efficiency, trying to do
more things in less time.
Technology helps us to be very effective and makes our life much
easier. From a pocket computer to the GPS that helps us to get to
appointments on time, even technology makes our lives more funny and
easier. But on the other hand, it can affect cognitive abilities and affect us
in the long term.
The brain, like the body needs exercise. If we stop using the ability
to solve problems or cognitive problems, spatial or logical ones, we will

not only improve our brain, but we will decline. It is true that technology
is useful, but if we rely only on her, our cognitive skills will be
increasingly weaker.
GPS software translation or the verification types are amazing and
helpful, but if we rely only on them we risk with our orientation skills to
become increasingly worse.
There are times when it is absolutely necessary to use the
technology, but equally there are situations in which we are pressed for
time and it would be better to refuse "shortcuts" and use our brains.
5. Networking.
The best part is that if you still reading this you belong to the people
who already take into account the firsts point above.
Through networking, either by social media, either through face-toface interactions, we are exposed to situations that make four points
above to be easy. Exposing us to people, ideas and new environments we
have more opportunities for cognitive development.
Sharing information makes us see things from other perspectives or to
think about things in a way that we could not have imagined it. Learning
in itself requires that we must expose ourselves to things and new
situations, and networking helps us to do this more easily.
So if you want to develop new ideas, find out things that you do
not know or hear opinions different from yours, networking is the

We divided all the means by which we can improve mental abilities
in several categories:
Entering the environment is done with all the senses, for the person
to become a good listener and to see all the details and beauty of nature.
1. Listen - becoming a good listener you've be able to identify all the
subtleties that define one's personality or contribute to solving a
problem. The person will become more conscious living
environment and the natural evolutionary tendencies.
2. Pause - to prevent depletion is recommended to leave a few hours
early from work or to take a few days off to relax and get back to
inner peace.
3. Guided Visualization - this medication guided technique helps the
mind to make connections between feelings and experiences that
apparently have nothing to do.
4. Clean air - air fresheners improves mood and concentration of the

Internet - internet browsing involves a person mentally and

physically as accessing a growing number of online pages.

6. Walks knowledge - know your neighborhood in new ways, so go

for a walk and try to notice the smells, the noises, the existing text
block walls etc.
7. Identification "rush hour" of the brain - studies in older people

show that they think better in the morning, while young people
focus better in the afternoon.
8. natural fragrance - natural fragrances such as sandalwood, increase
blood flow to the brain.
9. Connect the new memories / experiences from events, feelings
or oldest memories - the connections between the new memories
and things that the brain already known help to stimulate
permanent memory.
Listen to classical music - according to studies, people
who listen to classical music often make complex connections
much faster.
Avoiding neurotoxins - pollutants, food additives and
other chemicals slow down neuronal activity.
Stress Tips - stress affects short-term memory, which is
why we must apply throughout the tricks that help relieve stress.
The observation - at the end of the day, the person must
pass in the journal what he observed in the day(a colleague's new
fragrance, color of his friend shirt etc.) - little things that stimulate
Mental exercises
In fact, these exercises are tricks that help maintain healthy mind.

Drawing - stimulates brain function in the right

Journal - Leonardo da Vinci technique used to help run in
your own subconscious, helping you to know yourself better.
Inner voice - this exercise helps improve intuition. Thus,
who for the same problem identify three solutions after a careful
evaluation of them is put into practice the best solution, chosen
course through intuition.

Play "this or that" - the success of this game is called
intuition. Thus, you must identify mountains, cities, countries etc.
having in front of a simple photo and a question "is city or
country?" or "is mountain or beach?", depending on how the game
Massage - this exercise stimulates brain activity, implicitly
memory, attention, concentration etc.
Aerobics - contribute to the proper oxygenation of the
blood and increases blood flow in the brain, leading to a neurons
relaxation .
Play "red or green" - is a test that relies on spontaneity
and intuition. The color red is associated with no / false / stop and
green yes / true / pass, then get a question that you must answer in
red or green.
Dancing - contribute to improving fitness by offering new
challenges to brain.

Puzzles - all the puzzle helps stimulate brain activity.

Neurobic - exercise achieved only through the senses,
such as: getting dressed in the dark.
Stories creation - think of a story that you will tell to your
friends in which will be an epic final, jokes and other details.
The general knowledge multiple choice test - helping to
improve the general culture by acquiring new information daily.
Sudoku - is one of the most challenging exercises to
stimulate the brain.
There are foods that help stimulate neural activity and their regular
consumption helps to better brain functioning.

Blueberries - due to the high content of antioxidants,
blueberries stimulate cell growth.
Red Cabbage - contains polyphenols that enhance
neuronal function and lower the risk of stroke and Alzheimer's
Cruciferous vegetables - this group of vegetables includes
cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. According to
studies, consumption of these vegetables prevent cognitive decline
by up to 40%.
Almonds - contains phenylalanine, which stimulates the
production of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Hazelnuts - contain protein, omega-3 fatty acids and helps
relieve depression and insomnia.
Salmon - contains omega-3 fatty acids that offer benefits to
the functioning of the brain.
Yogurt - contains tyrosine, which improves attention and
time of brain reactionary.
Green tea - stimulates the production of dopamine and
interneurons connections.
Asparagus - a cup of asparagus contains 70% of the RDA
of folic acid, one of the most important vitamins that stimulates
Strawberries - are rich in antioxidants that improve the
ability of cells to transmit messages to the brain.

Eggs - contain proteins that improve memory;

Thyme - according to studies, thyme improves neuronal
activity even in the elderly.
Tomatoes - offers valuable carotenoids b that helps brain
to keep young;

Without carb nutrition - foods rich in carbohydrates lead

to the onset of fatigue, especially if foods containing sugar.

Eating regularly - according to studies, the brains of
people suffering from anorexia is preoccupied with details and have
no improvement in creativity and impulsivity.
Caffeine - it helps maintain alertness and temporarily
prevents cognitive decline.
Sleep is important because it provides power for the realization of
daily activities and stimulate brain performance.
Waking up early in the morning - so wake up early to
have time to prepare in silence, without haste.

Nap - only 6 minutes of nap will freshen brain and memory

Deep sleep - sleep as needed. This leads to connections and
Compliance with the program sleep - a regular sleep
schedule helps you fall asleep faster and wake up more easily, and
of course, rest.
Get down early - according to studies, sleep before 24:00
is more relaxing and beneficial brain than the morning one.
Did you know that socializing, spending time with friends,
influences mood and brain activity? Here are some social activities with
impact on brain health.
Volunteering - reduces stress, make new friends and learn
new things;

Celebrations - in such situations the brain focuses on a

new type of details, and the person himself will enjoy social
Share experiences - the brain make new connections by
retelling stories of some friends.
Spending time with friends - relationships and social
activities improve cognitive function and reduces stress.
Join a discussion group - those groups meet social need
and help any person to see things from a new perspective.
Subscribe to classes with friends - scholar team improves
cognitive function of the brain by repeating group of the learned
Interacting with other people - not just to be sociable
acquaintances, your brain will only benefit when interacting with
other people, for example, can welcome both neighbors and

People who constantly learning something new shows have lower
risk for impaired memory, or other degenerative diseases.
Subscribe to new courses - explore new areas of the brain
will face new challenges, for example, practice critical thinking.
Memorize poems - memorize a poem every day and in
night tell it to another person;
Reading - Reading stimulates cognitive function and also
develop intuition.

Teach your favorite lyrics - stimulates memory.

The method of brainstorming - this method stimulates

creativity. The principle of this method is carrying quantity

generates quality.
The balance of knowledge - excessive analysis of the
subject leads to inhibition of creativity, so occasionally break is
Limitation of state in front of the TV - although there are
educational programs on television, according to studies man learn
better and faster if it is actively involved in an activity;
Write! - Even if you are not writers, stimulating creativity
indicated that every day bring some ideas to the paper.
Application - put into practice the new skills acquired,
because your brain must get used to new strategies and ways of
Election of reading - to put the brain in front of new
challenges are recommended journals about science or about trips to
the detriment novels.
Experiment as much as possible - even if you think it is a
foolish idea to solve the problem, experimenting helps maintain
Taking Notes - people who take notes easily remember by
combining information gleaned during the course of events and
topics of the subject itself.
Ask! - Ask questions whenever you do not understand
something, this activity will train in discussion and will help you
remember more easily the topics around which discussions were
Here are some habits that help improve brain activity.

Take a deep breath - this help the blood flow and the


Meditation - will help ease your other thoughts.

Use fingers - using fingers lead to brain stimulation, so we
recommend using the pen to write, instead of the computer, or
turning the pen between fingers.
Oral hygiene - poor oral health leads to the appearance of
cognitive decline.
List - design helps making connections lists and analysis
tasks but both visually and using memory.
Variety - Say no routine because the brain is not good;
Thus, diversity is the watchword and it requires choosing: food,
movies, places for leisure, etc.
Stop smoking - nicotine reduces the ability of brain
function by restricting the flow of blood reaching the brain.
Limit alcohol consumption - alcohol affects mental health
in the short term, and also the consumption of alcohol often leads to
long-term cognitive decline.
Confidence - intuition and the natural power of the brain
are stimulated only by trust in your own instincts.

Writing write facts, events, save your memories.

Journal - Keep a journal means providing new connections
to end of the day.
Translation - if you speak another language or simply
trying to learn another language, try to translate conversations,
scenes from TV or movies.
Stimulate brain activity by detecting brain limits.
"Using the other hand" scratch your left ear with your
right hand. So, force the brain to focus on an activity that usually is

done unintentionally.
Traveling - this means new challenges for the brain, new
experiences, pictures, sounds, etc.
Play Scrabble - this game causes the brain to make
multiple connections and find the most effective solutions for
certain challenges.
Recall Reminder - the remembrance of facts, important
details or conversations in the last few days, the brain is stimulated
and enhanced neuronal activity.
Way to work / school - rerouting means avoiding routines,
which contributes to increased neuronal activity.
Extra responsibilities - assuming additional responsibility
is a new challenge for the brain, so not all tasks assigned to
Save phone numbers - brain will be engaged in an intense
effort when trying to remember a phone number.
Rearranging the furniture in the house - it is amazing
how much the brain can get used to a certain environment, but if
everything is rearranged it will live a new experience with the entry
in each room.
Making random tasks - Avoid routine by performing
random tasks.
Interviewing - questions related to work or relationships
help refresh and stimulate learning information.
Involvement physical and mental the more brain
involved in physical activity when combined with mental activity,
and vice versa; for example: play with a pencil while reading.
Tests - solving tests in different areas help uncover
weaknesses and finding solutions for their improvement.

The new media - use new media to interact; for example, if

a person is used to talk on the phone with clients, may try to use
electronic mail to gain a new experience.
Save names - it goes on the same overriding principle that
memorizing phone numbers, so it is recommended that at every
party or social event trying to remember the names of all guests.

The brain, like other organs of the body needs vitamins to maintain
healthy and rich highest activity.
Vitamin E - a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the body
help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

B vitamins - prevents neuronal degeneration in the elderly.

A healthy lifestyle keeps the mind sharp at any age.
Maintaining health - high intake of saturated fat or Type 2
diabetes affects brain health.
Maintaining an optimal level of energy - exercise and
healthy diet ensure individuals fulfilling the necessary energy for
daily activities.
Heart Health - Physical activity are also useful for heart
health and maintaining brain health.
Remedies - to avoid the side effects caused by some natural
remedies to your doctor!
Protection during exercise-for example, if you ride your
b i k e is recommended the use of helmets, as each suffered
concussion increases the risk of dementia.

Neurobic exercises use the five senses in new ways to enhance the
natural function of the brain to form associations between different types
of information. Associations are the building blocks of memory and
underlie the way we learn. Just small changes in daily habits and you can
turn routine daily mental exercises to strengthen.
Lack of concentration or memory problems mean also poor health,
but we do not realize it. Maybe that's why you're tempted not to give
them too much importance. But the proper functioning of the brain is the
miracle that make every day better and helps you exactly when you need
it most.
In this book are gathered together all findings of researchers from
several foreign universities on what to do in one day to improve your
One Day Program
7.30. Put in your bowl cereal and yogurt for breakfast and a handful of
blueberries. They are rich in flavonoids, which helps to increase blood
flow to the brain and increase the concentration up to 20% per day. Then
drink a glass of apple juice. This defends from oxidation your brain cells,
the loss of memory is caused by the destruction of these cells.
8.30. Train your mind way to work. Complete a crossword puzzle,
choose a game for concentration and attention from your mobile phone.
If you do these exercises twice a day you can prevent memory loss.
10.00. You have all sorts of lapses, you feel that you have words on the
tip of the tongue, but you can't remember them? Do not go over time and

try to remember the word describing it by saying what other terms or

starting point that represent it.
11.00. Take a snack with milk. It increases memory, concentration and
ability to retain new things.
12.00. If you are struggling to remember PIN, choose a number that you
see on your keyboard.
13.00. Do not eat too much at lunch. Digestion will make you feel sleepy
and less alert in the afternoon. Researchers propose you a lunch rich in
vitamins B range, such as chicken, potatoes and bananas, which
improves your memory.
14.00. Scribble. Draw when you can, between brief tasks at work. We
refer here to the little scribbles on a piece of paper. Research has
established that those who constantly scribble have the capacity to recall
the various names of places by up to 29%.
14.30. Chew gum! Do you feel drowsy at noon? If you can, take a nap.
Specialists have determined that this habit increases tremendously ability
to retain and learning. If you can not afford sleeping, then chew gum.
This usually helps to oxygenate the brain and concentration.
15.00. Drink a cup of green tea, which is a good antioxidant. Chinese
researchers have determined that you can improve memory, fight against
heart disease and delay the onset of Alzheimer's.
17.30. Make time for some exercise, whether it is a short walk or drive to
the gym. The memory can be radically improved by aerobic exercise, and
this term is seen especially in older people. Dancing is also an inspired

18.00. You need a few things at the supermarket? Try an exercise of

memory and prepare your mental shopping list. First think about 5
products, then more and more.
18.30. At the end of the day, remember where you left certain items
such as glasses, calendar etc. It will help anyway to be more organized
and tidy.
19.00. Eat salmon dinner! Fish oil containing omega-3 and 6, which
plays an important role in brain development, memory increases up to
19.30. Do you not remember why you walked into the living room? Try
to go back to the time when you left the first place, to remember what
you needed in that last moment.
20.00. Drink red wine! Half a glass a day improves memory and
cognitive skills, say researchers at Oxford University. But do not be
tempted to drink more because the effect will be the opposite.
21.00. When you meet strangers at a party, for example, make an effort
to remember each name. Take a good look at each, repeating their names,
then use them in conversation.
22.30. Look less on TV and try to get more sleep. Sleep helps the brain
to recover and plays an essential role in increasing the capacity of
concentration and memory.


Andrew Costei has finished the medicine university in Europe...His first project named The Secret plans to attract
the reader's attention to our world unrevealed facts! He is also interested in social psychology and brain cognitive
functions. In his spare time, he writes a novel about the fantastic world of elves and orcs, that will soon appear on
Find out more at


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