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Maximum Time

: 30 Minutes

Test No

: 11(English)

Maximum Marks: 25

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any,
will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the
answer is 5), ie no error.
1. 1) He not only comes there/ 2) for swimming but/ 3) also for coaching/ 4) new
5) No error
2. 1) There appears to be / 2) very little liason / 3) among the two of the/ 4) various wings of
the party./ 5) No error
3. I) No king in that period/ 2) was so intensely involved/ 3) in the welfare of his/ 4) people
as King Ashoka./ 5) No error
4. 1) A more irrational world/ 2) to this one in which/ 3) we presently live/ 4) could hardly
be conceived./ 5) No error
5. 1) Glimpses to the/ 2) religious side of his/ 3) nature appear in majority of his plays./ 5)
No error
6. 1) Everyone of the survivors/ 2) of the ill-fated/ 3) aircraft have told/ 4) the same story./
5) No error
7. I) He hoped to finish / 2) the work in the last week/ 3) but in fact/ 4) he could not./
5) No error
8. 1) My neighbour along with/ 2) his children/ 3) are going to see/ 4) the Taj Mahal at
5) No error
9. I) His ability to / 2) talk to strangers/ 3) is one of his/ 4) stronger points./ 5) No error
10. I) Soon after their child/ 2) was born he/ 3) went of leaving/ 4) her in the lurch./ 5) No

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the
Right of entry to education, an ample teaching-learning environment, a suitable curriculum
and an empowered and all-encompassing faculty are four essential prerequisites of an education
system that seeks to enable social transformation. While educational reform since the 1980s was
strongly focused on the first two elements, the late 1990s brought the role of the curriculum into
national focus. The critical link that binds these four critical elements together the activity of the
faculty-continues to be cast aside by political ideologies of most hues, contemporary curriculum
reform efforts and the professional practices of the faculty.
Far-reaching educational initiatives of both the Left and the Right have recognised the
potential power of the faculty. In multiple experiments, they have used this dormant force to
build committed institutions and cadres of facilities dedicated to their particular causes. In many
instances, this has led to extreme politicisation of the college faculty. In others, it has led to the
education of a generation of students in half-truths underpinned by the personal beliefs,
sectarian concerns and folk pedagogy of faculties who have had little access themselves to
education and training in related areas.
Over the last decade or so, educational reform has included, apart from access, a focus on
developing alternative text materials and the training of faculty to handle these materials,
without directly engaging with the issue of curriculum revamp. At the turn of the 20th century, a
major national curriculum redesign was initiated following the change of political regime at the
centre. The subsequent development of college programme came under wide public scrutiny and
debate. Issues of equity, inclusion and exclusion, learner medley, religious identity and
communalism gained considerable importance in the curriculum debates that followed. For
instance, scholars argued that "00. the curriculum, while loud on rhetoric, fails to address the
quality of education that students of underprivileged and marginalised groups experience."
Several other critics described the revised curriculum as a retrogressive step in education that
sought to impose the religious agenda in the garb of national identity.

The subsequent change of national government in 2004 led to the curriculum review in 2005,
underlining a new political interest in the role of education in national development, its role in
social mobilisation and transformation directed specifically at questions of caste and gender
asymmetry and minority empowerment. Deeper than these politically driven initiatives,
however, the professional need for curriculum review emerges from the long ossification of a
national education system that continues to view faculty as "dispensers of information" and
students as "passive recipients" of an "education" sought to be "delivered" in four-walled
classrooms with little scope to develop critical thinking and understanding.
11.Prior to 1990, what was NOT the agenda of the educational reforms?
(A) An appropriate curriculum
(B) Well-managed admission process
1) Only (A)

2) Only (B)

3) Both (A) and (B)

4) Either (A) or (B)

5) None of these
12.Which of the following best describes the phrase "passive recipients" as used in the passage?
I) The users of the educational system
2) The political ideology of right and left parties
3) Well-framed curriculum guiding the teaching/learning process
4) Free access to education system
5) The faculty
13.To facilitate social transformation, which of the following has been identified by the author as
one of the factors?
I) A committed political ideology
2) Support of a well-framed curriculum
3) A strong administration system
4) Carefully planned education delivery
5) None of these
14.What hampers the critical thinking ability of college going students?
I) The emphasis on rote memorisation and recalling the facts of education based on real

2) Lack of political will to develop these abilities

3) Absence of focus while designing curriculum framework
4) Ignoring the active role of faculty and the student
5) Lack of proper tests of critical thinking ability
15.Which of the following best describes the meaning of the word underpinned as used in the
1) Advocated

2) Supported

4) Bolstered

5) Boosted

3) Prepared

16.Which of the following best describes the word ossification as used in the passage?
1) Hardening

2) Plasticity

4) Incorporation

3) Imbibition

5) Coalescing

17.Development of text books generated public debate on many issues except

(A) making the curriculum student-centred
(B) using teaching community as an agency to bring change 1) Only (A)
1) Only (A)

2) Only ( B)

3) Both (A) and (B)

4) Either (A0 or (B)

5) None of these
18.How did personal beliefs and folk pedagogy enter into educational system?
1) The college acted as an agent of local communities.
2) The faculties were not properly trained.
3) College faculties started acting as passive listeners.
4) The loopholes in the educational system allowed it to happen.
5) It was by design.
19.Which of the following is most opposite in meaning of the word medley as used in the
1) Amalgamate 2) United
4) Diffuse

3) Unity

5) Focusing

20.Revamping of the text material was the main focus in

1) early eighties
3) 21 st century

2) late nineties

4) evolving curriculum framework

5) training faculty
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will
be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the
answer is 5), ie 'No error'. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
21. Our country can contribute 1)/ to the mitigation of global warming2) / by protecting forests
3)/ and starting at afforestation programme 4)/. No error 5)
22. The task for ensuring employment1) / for the labour force has been2) /a persistent concern
throughout 3)/ India's post independence development 4)/. No error 5)
23. Psychologists have been documenting 1) / the emotional and physical 2)/effect of
3)/negative political advertisements 4)/No error 5)
24. India's efforts that are 1) / aimed at controlling 2) / infectious diseases is likely 3)/ to show
only partial success. 4)/No error 5)
25. The magazine industry1) / in India2) / has been going from 3)/ confusing times 4)/
No error 5)

1. I; 'Comes there not only'
2. 3; 'between the two
3. I; 'No king of'
4. 2; 'than this one'
5. I; 'Glimpses of'
6. 3; 'has told'
7. 2; 'the work last
8. 3; 'is going to see'
9. 4; 'strong points'
10. 3; went
17.5 Refer to the fourth sentence of third para

18.2 Refer to the last sentence of the second para.

19.4; 'Medley' means 'a mixture of different items'.
21.4; Substitute 'at' with 'an',
22.I; substitute 'for' with 'of',
24.3; Substitute 'is' with 'through',
25.3; Substitute 'from' with 'through',

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