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By: Aavisa and Shoffana

Our platform focuses on healthcare,
marriage & divorce, national defense, and
criminal law.

-We will raise the salaries of health
care professionals (physicians,
psychologists, physiotherapists, etc)
- We will build more hospitals and
fundraise cancer research facilities
- Lessen the prices of prescribed
medications and provide adequate

Marriage & Divorce

- Provide mental health counseling,
with minimum pay, for both
- Child(ren) have a choice in whom
they choose to reside with after a
specific amount of time
- Parents will be provided with a
choice in a specific amount of jobs
they can do to support their

National Defense
-We will put more money into funding
-We will support/assist army veterans
that suffer from mental trauma,
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder), physical injuries, etc
-Allow for soldiers to communicate
more with their family/friends while
overseas (ex. Through phone calls)

Criminal Law
-Enforce more school programs/
courses that are based around living a
safer life
-Help out mentally unstable, convicted
criminals by immediately getting them
mental health treatment.
-Try to apply a system that is just as
effective as the one already enforced,
but its less time consuming

Our Position
The following slide will now address where the Comet Political
Party falls under in the political spectrum.

We are left wing; we revere
political liberty, social
change, human equality,
and human rights.

Position of the Comet Political Party

Party Leader
The leader of the CPP
is Tobi Brown.

Tobi Brown
A 24 year old male
Education: University of Guelph and University
of Waterloo
Work Experience: Accounting, Finance,
Computer Science, Social Science, and Musical
Political Experience: Son of Albertas Premier
and elected as Edmontons mayor for 4
consecutive years

Campaign Poster
Here is the official poster
of the Comet Political Party.

Peace and Fairness

Among All

Participate in this years

election and vote for Tobi
Brown as your new prime

Campaign Speech
Lastly, Tobi Brown has a
speech addressing his new political party

A Good Today For A Better Tomorrow

Dear citizens,
It is my humble opportunity to announce that I will be running for Prime Minster of
Canada. I will not make this long, but I will make this honest. Having grown up my
entire life in this great country of ours, I know what you all need; change.
And that is what I will give you. I will change our present to ensure our future is
passed on safely into the hands of our children. I, we, will make a good today for a
better tomorrow.
But I cannot do that if you do not provide me the opportunity to. Lets give Canada
a better tomorrow.

Thank you

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