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A Lab Report is a clear, detailed outline of your experiment in a specific format.

It is used to describe and analyze the procedures followed and data collected.

Part One

1 Choose a Title
This is the name of the experiment you are doing. It should be descriptive, yet concise.
It says what you did. Aim for ten words or less.

2 Introduction - Determine the purpose / problem

Explain the objectives of the lab experiment. Why are you doing it? What will be learned? What do you want to determine ?
It should be stated in one sentence. It can also be stated as a question.
Eg : The purpose of this experiment is to determine the boiling points of different substances using three different samples.
Eg : Does red and blue paint mix to make green paint?
This part may also be preceded by an Abstract paragraph containing background information, briefly summarizing how the experiment
was performed, the findings of the experiment, and the conclusions of the investigation.

3 Determine the Hypothesis

This is an educated guess of what you believe will be the outcome of the experiment. It is based on prior knowledge or experiments.
Your experiment will determine if it is supported or not supported.

The hypothesis should be stated in one sentence.

Use an "If this, then that, because of this" format for writing your hypothesis. Have "if this" be what you changed, "then this" be your
result of the change. "Because of this" is why the reaction occurs.
An example of a hypothesis is: If I throw a ball from a fifteenth story balcony, it will make a crack in the pavement .

4 Method - Explain your procedure

It should be a written description of what you did, not a set of instructions, with exact steps and exact measurements, precautions & variables.
The Controlled variables are the ones that don't change throughout the experiment.
The Independent variable is the one thing you will change. It should be outlined in the hypothesis.
The Dependent variable is the variable that is changed because of your manipulation of the independent variable in the experiment.

Be clear. Provide enough detail so that anyone can complete the experiment.

Dont over explain or add in irrelevant information.

The procedure and materials list can be combined into one paragraph.

4 Method list your materials

Include all of the materials used. Anyone should be able to repeat your experiment and verify your claims.
Materials should be listed in a complete sentence. Write them in the order that you used them.

Part Two
The Experiment

1 Perform the experiment

Complete all of the steps in Part 1 before performing the experiment.
Writing out the hypothesis, purpose, & introduction material helps you understand the the experiment results.

It will prevent you from changing your hypothesis based on the outcome of the experiment.

2 Record the Results

Record your observations in a clear, logical manner.
Organise data and categorise it so it is easy to read and understand.

Include data tables, graphs, or any notes made during the experiment here. Data tables should be labeled clearly,
and all units of measurement recorded.

3 Discussion of the results

Interpret the results by explaining them, analysing what they mean, and comparing them. If something
unexpected happened, speculate as to why that happened. Hypothesize what might happen if a variable in
the experiment was changed.

4 Conclusion - Accept / reject hypothesis

In the conclusion, explain if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
Use data from the experiment to support why you accept or reject it. Include list of References.
Are there multiple conclusions that can be reached from the data?
If so, make sure to say that. Explain what the other conclusions are.

4 Conclusion + References
Provide a list of sources of information which you have used. Give credit to all those involved.

5 Conclusion Clarify missing data

Identify any errors in your data, or data that is extreme and does not fit with the other data.
Discuss reasons why the data might be wrong.
State what you could do differently to improve the quality and preciseness of the experiment.

Review where the experiment is at

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