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Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment

Task 1
a) Give a brief overview of what is qualitative research (approx. 30-50 words)
Qualitative research is research used specifically to gain understandings of various aspects of a
certain investigation/subject; it is used primarily as a way to explore deeper into what the subject
at matter currently is about giving a broader understanding to the finer detail. An approximate
sample size would consist of a sparse amount.
b) Give two brief examples of qualitative research (approx. 100 words)
Firstly, one example of qualitative research can be anything as simple as just an interview. A
certain pupil that is related or linked to the study at hand will be asked a series of questions that to
which the answers will be either recorded or noted by the interviewer. Secondly, a different method
of qualitative research can be simply achieved by the act of observation; to attain a broader
knowledge of the subject at hand it may be that the subject is watched on a regular basis. This
helps the researcher become closer to the subject assisting them in formulating ideas as to why a
particular thing does what it does.
c) Give a brief overview of what quantitative research is (approx. 30-50 words)
Quantitative research depends on retrieving numerical data used to generate answers to certain
ideas/questions that relate back to the subject at matter. In general, it is the way of collecting data
through numbers that signify a certain outcome. By doing this various understanding of the
subject, especially opinions, are retrieved and overall, a much more precise answer may be
d) Give two brief examples of quantitative research (approx. 100 words)
One example of a quantitative research would be conducting a survey. Firstly, you would gather a
sample of a reasonable amount of people and provide them with a question which usually would be
companied by various options in which they would select. After the survey has been conducted the
results (numbers) of how many people picked which option are gathered. Another example of
quantitative research consists of using an online poll. This is ultimately a count of votes from a
particular question to denote the strongest and weakest percent of options selected and is
conducted on a device that has access to the internet.
e) Identify the key differences between the two forms of research (approx. 75-100
There are many differences between qualitative and quantitative research, for example: they both
are concluded in different ways, qualitative research provides understandings as to reasons why
whereas quantitative research provides statistics and has no real inside in to why the outcome is as
it is; the two terms are presented in different ways, qualitative research is usually printed as text
with full length sentences/paragraphs whereas quantitative research is presented with numerical
data; the data is usually collected with different procedures, with qualitative research multiple
questions are asked at an interview of some kind with a sparse sample size but with qualitative
research it may be that there is only one question asked in a survey with a lager sample size.
Resources - a), b), c), d)
Task 2
Scenario How might media producers for multinational companies, use these two
research techniques to help plan a new product?
McDonalds would preferably want to design a new burger as their product hence why they are a
fast food restaurant. To receive multiple purchases for this new burger they will need to find out
what attracts people to a certain type of burger. Firstly, McDonalds might want to commend an
interview with several regular fast food fanatics or a variety of age groups (this is qualitative
research); Questions should relate to flavour, appearance of Burger and price. Once the results are
concluded, the burger should be designed based of what the candidates have said. Additionally,
McDonalds could conduct a survey that is presented with every meal that asks a specific question
relating to a variety of aspects of the new burger. A few options should be denoted on the survey
that are selectable and then submitted at the till. Results should prioritise the options with the
most amount of votes that are added into the burger (quantitative research).
Sony is an electronic product company that may want to plan the creation of a new electronic
device. Firstly, they may want to explore into which device is most popular (TV, phone, music
player, etc). To achieve this, they could gather candidates for observation; a small group of
candidates could be placed in a room with a variety of electronic products and observed as to
which products are used the most (qualitative research). Lastly, Sony's website could be monitored
and a count could take place on the amount of searches for each device; the most searches for a
particular device should be the device that is put in for planning (quantitative research).

Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment


Task 3
In your own words, describe the seven categories outlined in the session, identify at
least one product which might be targeted at each audience category and show an
example of it to express how it has been used to target the chosen audience category.
Belongers are typically known for following the mainstream media; this category involves people
who are reluctant to disobey rules. Ultimately, they are extremely traditional people who like to do
things by the book and are unlikely to do things differently to however other people do things.
Belongers usually are that of middle class and have enough wealth to live an average life.
A product that this category might associate with is a typical car called "Ford Fiesta". This is due to
the fact it was one of the largest selling cars in 2013. This will attract an audience of the type titled
"belonger" due to the fact belongers are likely to follow other people and the kind of style they
have making it unlikely for them to buy a car that is abnormal or unique to the time they live in.
Moreover, the price of this car ranges from 9,000-10,000 which is considerably cheap in terms of
cars. Therefore, as the car is affordable, this would be a likely choice of car for belongers simply
due to the fact it had a good price range and a common siting to see it on the road driven by other
This is an advert for my chosen product for the type of
psychographics under the name of belongers. This will
be appealing towards them, firstly, because of the chosen
colour scheme. The colours are extremely plain and light
which results in a professional and normal look; the
colours denoted are solid and nothing unique. This will
attract belongers because there is no unusual look and
it looks typical to what a normal add would look like. In
addition, the images denote only the main features such
as the car itself and how to turn it off. This is appealing
towards this sort of audience because cars are
traditionally designed to relocate a person from one place
to the other which is all belongers need (simplicity)
without the need to express complicated features that are
not useful to what the car is built to do. The use of
language that is apparent is also a key prospect to
attractiveness towards the audience of belongers. The
term "new-world technology" is the reason for this due to
the fact its expressing new traditions that the whole world
may be exposed to which is exactly what belongers are
looking to achieve (to be up to date with the average
lifestyle). Lastly, the logo "ford" is a very common car to
be had in certain areas therefore it will attract belongers
Achievers take their own decisions based on what they want and typically like to be taken out of
there comfort zone in order to build up achievements. Additionally, achievers commonly are used
in advertising because they are very motivational in what they do as people may aspire to achieve
things; the actions achievers take can be quite extreme and exhilarating drawing more attention
declaring them better for advertising.
One product that might be of attraction towards the type of "achievers" may be some sort of
holiday. However, to satisfy the target audience it would have to be a destination that is perhaps a
fair distance away from the achievers settling location; the further the location, the more
extreme and thrilling the experience may be for the person who has purchased this holiday due to
the fact, being that they are miles from home, they are a vast distance away from safety.
Additionally, the destination will most likely be extreme such as a desert or a place with icy terrain;
a challenge will have to be present in order to attract the target audience otherwise no sense of
achievement will be felt by the target audience which is their nature to achieve. The destination
could consist of somewhere such as Nepal. Many peaks are available to voyage upwards giving the
customer a good sense of achievement and, as Nepal is not contained inside Europe, this makes
for a distant destination in terms of travel giving the audience a sense of freedom as well as
awareness resulting in more of a thrill.

Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment


This is an online advert that denotes a holiday destination in Nepal. I have selected this advert as,
in personal preference, it would appeal to the target audience of "achievers". Firstly, we can see
that the words "Mera Peak Expedition Climb" are denoted at the very top of the ad. Ultimately, this
would be of great attraction towards an audience of this type due to the fact that a challenge is
presented towards the audience for a climb isn't out of the ordinary and a person, such as a
belonger, wouldn't commit into something like this due to the fact that there is a safety risk. This
is accompanied by the words "highest peak in Nepal" which would be apparent to the target
audience as its a sign that another challenge is upcoming and they will feel the need to achieve it.
Secondly, the lodging time for the price associated with the package is an immense amount; allot
of time is spent over at this destination compared to an average holiday of about a week, this is
appealing in the way that its not a typical thing people would venture to do so the element of
sparse participation has been introduced as they may want to become one of the few has
experienced this holiday. The picture denotes a large landscape of mountain and snow which is a
very low populated destination for the tourism industry due to the risks that accompany the
holiday itself. Therefore, this will only aspire the type of an "achiever" for their urge to achieve is
immense. Lastly, overall layout of this advert is quite basic which may only satisfy that of a
belonger but however, the different fonts used present an unusual prospect which makes the
advert look unprofessional in which an achiever may not care for as they are more committed to
the actual product rather than the overall look whereas the look would affect a belonger.
Socially Conscious
The socially conscious are usually very aware of occurrences in the political side of things and are
not shy of expressing their opinions on certain events such as a news story or debate. Socially
Conscious people also have a very positive view on a situation and are not motivated by the
people around them but the individual themselves.
Given that they are self-associated, a product that socially conscious people may want to
purchase would be a mobile phone; a modern day phone, such as an iPhone, would be perfect for
these types of people purely because of the personalization tools and the overall notifications that
they would receive in terms of media. In contrast to a phone, an example of something that would
not be appealing towards this type of person would most likely be something like a car due to the
fact most cars are unsocial in many ways involving no ways to indeed express your opinion. It
would also not motivate them to pursue in what they aspire to achieve which would be to have
more awareness of social event occurrences. A phone can be purchased fairly cheap and
nowadays, especially in top brands such as an iPhone, the mobile device has become more social
allowing more communication between two distinct places. This would be appealing towards the
socially conscious as they can voice their opinion to as many people as they desire with a few
clicks and with some applications, updates on latest global and political events aren't hard to get a
hold off.
This advert denotes the new latest top brand phone:
the iPhone 7. From the picture, you can notice that
the phone is on and working containing multiple
apps already installed. This would appeal to the type
of "socially conscious" due to the fact that the
phone has upgraded features that may indeed help
to achieve faster output and more accessibility
throughout the phone. Socially conscious people
will be attracted to this feature as they want to be
able to do things their way without any noticeable
obstacles. As it may be of quicker speed, it may lead
them to realize that social networking is easier and
quicker meaning they can voice their options to
certain people more efficiently. The colour of the
advert is plain white which connotes that this mobile
phone is personalized to suit the customer as the
colour could represent that of a blank canvas in
which the customer adjusts to suit them. Lastly, the
phrase "Picture perfect" symbolises the phones
greatness to perform accurately for its user
appealing to the socially conscious in the way that

Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment

Aspirers are categorized as dreamers: people who hope of success and positive outcomes but
have not yet achieved it; they may not even know how to achieve what they desire. These people
are typically status-seekers meaning they aspire to have a positive status and a good reputation.
Seeking prosperity is also a huge part of their ambition.
Although "aspirers" may not be financially ready for this product, the product is something that
"aspirers" would hope in later life that they will be able to purchase: this product is no other than a
popular dream car known as a Ferrari. A Ferrari is an iconic sports vehicle that exceed in speed and
appearance but financially they are very expensive. "Aspirers" would see this car as something
they would like to purchase for future reference in terms of their social status for the reason if they
were to purchase this car, they would have achieved prosperity and have a very positive outlook
on the way others think about them. A product that they may want and aimed specifically at them
similar to this would be the top end fragrances/perfumes such as Hugo Boss and Gucci guilty.
These are both well-known fragrances that can be expensive to buy but would boost their social
status exceedingly if they were able to buy it as other surrounding people see it as fashionable.
This is an advert denoting the
fragrance of "Hugo Boss". The main
feature that would bring aspirers
to purchase this product, or at least
feel intrigued, would be the male in
the image. "Theo James" is the male
in this picture who is a well-known
actor which in turn has a very
positive social status which is what
aspirers desire. As this celebrity
uses this product, it will inspire
aspirers to buy it as well in hope
that they one day they might have
the same, if not a more, positive
social status. This outcome is also
evidenced by the woman in the
picture who seems attracted to the
fragrance user therefore will attract
aspirers as they would want the
same attention. The colours are very
formal as well, as well as the people
in the images, which connote that
Fragrance is expensive or for the wealthy. This is perfect for aspirers as if they seek prosperity,
they know what product will assist them in exposing their wealth in days to come. Lastly, the
phrase "the scent" is apparent which ultimately creates a sense that this is the most popular of its
kind and seen as a trend towards aspirers. As a result, aspirers will be appealed towards it in
hope that by using it it may boost the way people think of them.
Experientials are not reluctant to take risks and when they do they are quite unsure on what the
outcome might result as but still follow through with it anyway. These are often future orientated
people who try to shape their own future by the decisions or risks they decide on, this additionally
exposes them as good media coverage for advertisements as, much like achievers, they often go
the extra mile. They also have an eye for artistic nature and tend to be passionate about involving
themselves in different activities for the overall experience.
Attaining a product for this category has a variety of options as allot of advertising applies to them
but overall, for the reason "Experientials" have a fair amount of resources, they may attend an Ecofriendly holiday to perhaps somewhere such as the Galapagos islands just west of Ecuador. The risk
part of this holiday would be the fact that the Galapagos is its own island away from safety of huge
open lands. This will give introduce to them some risk factors which indeed they will take.
Additionally, the Galapagos has a very rare ecosystem which hold many endangered species so if
they were to partake in a holiday to this particular destination, they have to stay Eco-friendly
towards the environment during their visit. A very sparse amount of people is actually granted
permission to these islands as well so its a very rare opportunity that experientials may want to

Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment


An online advert of the Galapagos islands is denoted here and would be of great attraction towards
an audience of experientials. Firstly, extensively bright colours connote tradition and cultures
which might be something new and different in terms of art in industrial states so experientials
may want to pursue in something a bit out of the normal and meet their categories requirements of
being artistic. The main image denotes a unique and surreal looking bird which exposes another
artistic aspect towards the destination that they may be voyaging to as well as an eye into natures
ecosystems. Text below recites "great wildlife experience" which once more presents an Ecofriendly feel to the advert making experientials perhaps feel the need to join the sightings of
these exotic wildlife beings. The link at the bottom of the advert is apparent to draw in the target
audience such as "experientials" as it presents information about their destination if the viewer was
perhaps interested and showed some passion towards the subject. Lastly, the visit is priced at
3249 which is a huge amount to be paying for. This will also create a risk aspect towards the
audience as they would be paying out allot of money for something that they don't know what their
opinion of it will be creating anticipation. However, the price is there for a reason so they may be
convinced its worth the gamble to take that risk as allot of people would not be able to afford it;
rare opportunity to witness what the islands withhold.
"I-Am-Me's" involve multiple traits and purchase products that make the overall individual different
from others. They are often quite lively and have a vast range of emotions that the individual may
not know the reason behind so instead their own actions determine who they are. They commit to
what they want for the greater of themselves and are typically youthful people.
A product that outlines the category of "I-Am-Me's" could be something similar to that of an iPod.
IPods have less features than its upgraded device called an "iPhone" and are made mainly for
sound and entertainment. This can sort of relate to the overall category itself due to the fact "I-AmMe's" can be quite inexperienced and have differences that supposedly make the individual stand
out. IPods can evidence this by their extensive range of colours that you can purchase them in.
This makes the product personal allowing the user to have its own freedom to alter the device to
suit their needs. Alternatively, instead, "I-Am-Me's", are targeted with adverts that consists in
promoting concerts. This is due to the fact there are various types/genres of music so the I-AmMe has decisions to see what genre they like which reflects their personality in their own unique
way. "I-Am-Me's" may also idolize singers in this case to become similar, but off course not entirely.
of anidol
that is
This gives them the commitment they need to go
as far
a-like art
to their
to then
in fact aimed specifically at "I-Am-Me's" which is
their own look from that platform.
entirely down to the colours that are involved.
Although the poster lacks features, there is allot to
be said about the colours and imagery in this
image. Firstly, as we can denote many colours this
connotes that there are multiple colours to choose
from. This personizes the product which gives the
user more control over their style and how they
want to look and feel like for their own good. There
is also different coloured rings as well as shells for
the devices themselves which articulates the way in
which different traits make a person unique which is
exactly what a person of this sort is looking for. The
paint that is scattered across the image is a great
form of imagery which outlines what people think of
a certain personality. Overall, the paint is noticeable
which is what "I-Am-Me's" are looking to be so they
are noticed by others for their differences and by
purchasing this product they can do so which is why

Robert McElhoneBTEC Level 3 Extended National Diploma in Creative MediaAssignment

Explorers are one of the most financially stable of the seven category's and extremely creative in
the way that they are willing to try new products to reflect their differences; explorers are usually
the first in trying out new brands and products which they use to differentiate themselves before
anyone else. Consisting of mostly youngsters, explorers are usually very energetic and are out to
seek discovery (new things).
A product that may be aimed specifically at these individuals would perhaps consist of something
new to modern world such as a VR headset. VR headsets are actually gaming hardware that you
wear over your eyes and see into virtual reality. This is a relatively new product that is new to the
gaming industry. It is aimed at explorers due to the fact the products are in early development and
still have a long way to go so explorers may want to be the first to witness this new device to be
the first to decide whether it has a future or not in the gaming industry. Moreover, being that its
aimed at gamers, this will attract younger audiences, which are in fact mostly explorers, giving
them more integration within the modern world. The gear is also quite expensive which explorers
are supposedly meant to afford which makes itThis
by this
is an ad that
its ideaand
experience. The image is almost in first person as if
the user is about to put on the product itself. This
reflects how quick explorers hop into new brands
and gadgets before anyone else getting the first
glance at whats new and exciting for the future.
Space is an atmosphere that can be seen as the
background which relates to the idea that explorers
are youngsters or the planets could connote that this
new experience is going to be a huge hit exciting the
target audience. The colours are low-key making it
hard to make out some objects creating mystery for
the audience applying an element of discovery into

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